July 25, 2018

Recently famous singer married model Alena Gavrilova. Previously, “Miss Mordovia” met with billionaire Rustam Tariko, who found an elegant way to break up with her. The girl was detained at the airport with a handful of diamonds.

Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova / photo: instagram.com

For the last two years, Emin Agalarov has been dating model Alena Gavrilova. Recently, the lovers held a party where many show business stars had fun. For the influential businessman and artist, this marriage was the second. Previously, he had been married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan for nine years. However, even the appearance of children did not strengthen their union, and they separated.

It turned out that Alena also had several novels. The girl was born in Saransk. Already in at a young age the beauty drove men crazy. There were rumors that because of her, the sons of Governor Nikolai Merkushkin could not find peace. They competed for a long time until their father sent the girl to a beauty contest in Moscow. 17-year-old “Miss Mordovia” could not win the competition and become “Miss Russia 2004”, but one of the sponsors, tycoon Rustam Tariko, became interested in her. Then he was just about to divorce Tatyana Osipova, who gave him two daughters. In 2007, Alena gave birth to the billionaire’s son, Rustam. The lover spoiled the model and spared no money on her, but then he became interested in another beauty - “Miss Russia 2009” Sofia Rudyeva. He found an unusual way to break up with Gavrilova.

Rustam Tariko / photo: globallook.com

more on the topic

Emin Agalarov reunited with his ex-wife for the sake of his adopted daughterThe famous singer divorced his wife Leyla Aliyeva some time ago. However, the other day Emin Agalarov celebrated the birthday of his adopted daughter Leila Amina with her. He published a video from the luxurious holiday.

Eight years ago, the girl was detained at the capital’s airport. Undeclared jewelry was found in her purse - four boxes of diamonds. Alena didn’t know how the jewelry got into her purse. The girl was very nervous, but a criminal case was avoided. Tariko saved her by explaining to law enforcement that the diamonds were his parting gift. The model had to play along with him, because otherwise she would have ended up in a pre-trial detention center. So the billionaire paid off his companion. Now she is happy with Emin. According to some reports, she is already expecting a child from him, reports

Rustam Tariko, Russian billionaire #47 and owner of Russian Standard, severely punished his common-law wife - he sued her two daughters and, moreover, forced her to pay 30% of her earnings as alimony. Initially, Tatyana’s common-law wife wanted to cut 245,000 rubles a month from the businessman, but the father filed a counterclaim and won the case - a man with 1.5 billion dollars has every chance of providing his children with a better upbringing and education than a woman with an uncertain income (they say 22 thousand rubles per month). It is clear that the rich man does not need the awarded alimony and that these deductions do not look cool or gentlemanly, however, apparently, we are talking about some form of punishment for the inability to build a good relationship outside of cohabitation. Revenge? Well, that means there were reasons for this - there is no desire to delve into the details.

Of course, women will now have a great temptation to remember the army of alimony defaulters and those assholes who simply do not want to see their child, take care of him and generally know him. But now we will narrow the topic and discuss the situation with those broken families where the father sincerely wants to take care of his daughter or son, where the father remains a man and does not turn into cattle.

I have repeatedly heard about how the ex-wives of financially capable men make their children virtually hostages, how they do not allow visits, how they spend alimony on themselves and not on the child. If you look at the same situation with Tariko’s daughters, it’s hard to believe that 245 grand a month would go entirely to two 6-year-old girls - with that kind of money, the ex-wife could afford not to think about anything at all for the next 12 years. In this case, the mother’s appetites were severely cut off, but the number of men who support ex-wives is enormous. Even a certain technology is being built when a woman puts herself under successful person, milks him, gives birth to a child, after which the relationship “by itself” deteriorates, and the free rich madam happily counts the bills. Finding yourself in your 20s with a guaranteed “salary” of several thousand dollars for the next decade and a half—isn’t this the rose-colored dream of 21st-century predators?

I don’t want to ignite an eternal squabble in which, as a rule, women who are not paid alimony at all, and men whose ex-wives buy “rings and bracelets” with alimony will quarrel among themselves - these people will never understand each other’s share, they are in completely different camps. But let's raise main question: Is alimony a payment only to the child or also to his mother?

Yesterday we discussed this topic on the air, and a 23-year-old girl, Tanya, who doesn’t have children yet, called, and she very actively defended the most convenient side, for obvious reasons, for any woman - they say, alimony is money like for a child, and so on the mother herself. Motivation? Nine months and childbirth are so difficult that the father who dropped the seed now owes her for life, until the end of his days. Moreover, even despite the fact that most divorces still happen a few years after the birth of a baby, that is, all the suffering was atoned for with care, attention and very, very considerable expenses. However, women usually try not to take such expenses seriously - just like those men who believe that childbirth is a trivial event in the series of throwing up.

Tanya commented on Tariko’s divorce, noting that 245 thousand a month is completely normal, almost ordinary alimony, which will only just be enough. The program included an amount of 37 thousand, which one of the listeners gave ex-wife for her son, but for 1.5 years now this woman has not allowed the child to see his father. After the broadcast, Tanya wrote to me on a social network, where she continued to introduce her point of view: “... Sergey, I think I was right! 40,000 is just pennies. Uniform - 10,000, notebooks, expenses for teachers, food, sport sections, even at home, to buy washing powder is about 1000 rubles. Moreover, cleaners and security guards at schools are paid 500 rubles per month. You also need to somehow refuel the car. I can roughly outline the money that is spent on children, but is this worthy of men? His ex-family must live and since he took responsibility he must bear it. There are a lot of women who quit their jobs for the sake of their family and for some reason men don’t appreciate this at all. Although most men tell their wives, when a child appears, that she does not need to work, but to work for the family.. Well, am I really wrong?.."

I was especially amused by the phrase “and you also need to refuel the car” - this is the real standard of living in the capital, for which Moscow is rightly hated in the regions! But if we return to the listener’s remark, then first of all, I would like to give a different assessment of the desire of husbands to “kick” their spouses to work: the overwhelming number of women go crazy, really go crazy from the confined space of the apartment, therefore labor collective is an outlet for young mothers. Our women have lost the psychological talent of being just the mistress of the house, as it was before the revolution - today a woman is given communication, gossip, women's gossip, intrigue, and without them a lady feels superfluous in this world. It’s rare to find someone who sits at home with pleasure, and is not affected by it, and raises children, and understands and helps her husband, and looks so that you want to climb on her from the doorway. Rarely!..

So, main point: Is alimony money that is addressed to both the child and the mother? Answering my own question, I will say this: as long as the child - according to the law - provides for the mother maternity leave, while she is forced to sit at home, abandoning her work, alimony should feed both the baby and the mother. But if, as in the case of Rustam Tariko, we have 6-year-old girls who can not only wipe their asses, but also have fun on their own, the maintenance of the mother remains a big question. I don’t understand European legislation, according to which a divorced man loses half of his fortune in favor of his wife - this is real sexual inequality, which actually cultivates a galaxy of lonely egoists who are simply afraid to get involved with women on whose side there is a cruel law.

The story of the mother of two children Tatyana Osipova, the former common-law wife of the “vodka king”, owner of the Russian Standard Bank, billionaire Rustam Tariko (who is among the leading oligarchs, according to Forbes magazine), blew up the public. Tatyana wanted to sue the father of her six-year-old twin daughters for alimony, but the court made a decision that made even the cynics shudder. Our most humane court in the world satisfied the billionaire's counterclaim, obliging the MOTHER of two children to pay alimony to him! And at this time Tariko took away ex-wife children and hid them in Italy.

Today, even in the legal community, there is excitement - lawyers are talking about the “strange” decision of the court, which did not take into account that Tatyana has her own home - an apartment of 45 square meters. m and a permanent job as an accountant, which means she can raise and support her daughters. Tanya is from a decent family and is not deprived of parental rights, and therefore the actions of her ex-husband, who decided that Tanya would not raise their girls and placed them in the care of nannies, are simply surprising!

This decision of the Solntsevo court will be appealed unequivocally, independent lawyer Valery Angelov told KP. - It is impossible to bribe all the courts!

Tatyana Osipova, who today fights for children, trusted only Komsomolskaya Pravda with her personal story.

“Rustam has been wooing me for eight years”

Tatyana, as I understand it, you ended up with a “Tale of Cinderella” - a billionaire picked you up, an ordinary girl, practically on the street and made you a rich queen?

Not true. This is not about me at all! - Tanya is indignant. - I come from a decent Moscow family, not poor. I’m not at all a hunter of oligarchs, I don’t go to nightclubs or social events in order to “pick up” a rich Pinocchio, no! And Rustam Tariko, when we met him by chance almost 16 years ago, was not a billionaire. He was an ordinary businessman, and it seemed quite modest. And I was not at all interested in his income or himself. We just met at a mutual friend's birthday party. Rustam’s eyes immediately lit up when he saw me. He asked for a phone number, but I didn’t give it. However, they later told me that he asked all our friends about me and said that he liked me. And years later he told me that his heart skipped a beat - this was the girl of his life, his destiny. He then set the goal of conquering me and went towards it for eight years! He's a man who gets things done, that's for sure. But with me, frankly speaking, it was not easy for him, and he endured, and waited, and hoped. And at that time I was in love with another person, I married him. My ex-husband - wonderful person. You know, now that I feel very bad, when I find myself in difficult situation, he is the one who supports me! I lived happily married to him for five years. And then, probably, as happens in any family, we began to cool off and began to quarrel. And here Rustam Tariko appeared on my horizon again. He is, of course, a very charismatic man, charming, interesting, erudite. Women will probably understand me - your husband doesn’t pay attention to you, doesn’t notice you, and you feel abandoned and unnecessary, and then a bright, prominent man appears, ready to stand on his knees for days, talk about love and admit that he’s only been dreaming for eight years about you, only he needs you, only with you he dreams of a family! This would probably flatter any woman’s pride. But I still held the line for a long time. She refused Rustam. And he was relentless. He entangled me like a web with his love, care, in beautiful words. When we started dating, he took me to a restaurant, led me to one place and said: “This is exactly where you stood, I approached you, asked for your phone, you looked down at me and said “no.” He brought me to the place where I once refused him, and asked: “Now say yes!” In general, at some point I relaxed and believed him. And... I gave in to my emotions and fell in love. My husband and I no longer lived together. Although I remained in our country house and my husband helped me financially. Rustam simply pulled me out of this house, and I moved in with him.

I emphasize that at that time Tariko was not a billionaire, just an average businessman, but very generous, courteous, and caring. There was no sign of Forbes, no billions, but there was love in which I believed.

Was he already working at Russian Standard?

Yes, “Russian Standard” already existed. I saw that he wealthy man. But we lived with him in a small house, in which there was one kitchen with a living room, one room, and on the second floor there was a bedroom, an office and a bathroom. No trappings of a luxurious life. And Rustam was different. I built a relationship with a completely different person, not the one he is now...

He and I lived together for a year. I officially divorced my husband when I was already pregnant with Rustam’s child. Rustam didn’t want me to work, he wanted me to take care of the house and him. I also wanted to devote myself to my family. Rustam and I dreamed of having children, creating real family. Rustam was happy when I became pregnant. Who would have thought that in just a few months everything would change...

“He couldn’t curb his falling in love”

Pregnant, I was sitting alone, and Rustam was not there. They told me that they saw him in nightclubs. He himself did not hide the fact that he was running after girls. I wanted to leave him. I packed my things, he came to his senses and began to persuade me not to take rash steps - he promised to improve. For a while, he again surrounded me with care, but not for long... In his Moscow apartment, I once found a strange woman in our bed... But I was already at later pregnancy, I decided to endure it.

Did he meet you from the maternity hospital?

Yes. Only he was very late, he arrived after closing. We sat with the children, my parents, waiting for him to come and pick him up.

Was he very busy?

He is a very busy man, he has a huge business that requires a lot of attention, a lot of time... But when my daughters were born, I was happy and just spent days working on them. During this period, Rustam suffered from a very serious illness, he had a strict regime, diet, and spent a lot of time at home. A second wind opened up in our relationship; everything was fine with us until September 2004. And then the same thing started happening. The regime ended, the diet ended, alcohol and nightclubs began again. Didn't come home to spend the night. At the same time, he completely controlled me. We had a housekeeper who reported to him what I was doing. My calls were checked, he always knew what I was doing. I dreamed of a wonderful, good family like my parents had, but what did I get? Tight control and brutal pressure!

You see, he grew up without a father, he was raised by one mother, and he simply did not see an example of a full-fledged happy family. He is a Muslim. In his understanding, a woman should always be in complete submission. And I am a completely full-fledged person and could declare my rights and argue. He was angry at my disobedience. And still, for the sake of my daughters, I was ready to endure bullying. He isolated me from my friends and said that he didn’t like them. And my meetings with friends stopped. He put me in the house, simply placing me in some kind of vacuum. But even this I endured. Because I love my daughters and devoted all my time to them. But if only he could at least tame his love of love!

“I refused to go to America”

Rustam and I traveled a lot around different countries- he has a business. I was just going crazy: we were just settling down, getting used to our new housing, and we had to pack our bags again. Over the years, I have simply become a real packer!

And then Rustam said that I should come to America with the children. But I wanted the children to study in Moscow. For the first time in my life, I bucked and told him firmly: “No!” This happened a year ago. Rustam was furious. I stayed with the children in our house near Moscow, which he rents, but in which we feel good! I needed to be in Moscow to work. I had a comfortable job where I didn’t have to sit every day, the main thing was to prepare and submit reports by the end of the month. These conditions suited me very well. Rustam's lawyer told you that I am unemployed. It's not true, I'm working!

So you refused to go to America to work?

Certainly. I need to live on something. I had my own funds, savings in the bank, which were before the start of our relationship with Rustam. During this time, while I was not working, I had to live on this money. But I can’t live like this forever. Whatever savings I have, no matter how thrifty I am, if they are not replenished, they end. Rustam stopped giving me money so that I would be more accommodating and agree to his terms.

Under what conditions?

So that it is written everywhere that the children live with him, only he makes all decisions. For this I was allowed to communicate with children. He offered me a million dollars for this. It was not possible to pay me, he apparently paid someone else... Judging by the decision the court made...

How are my daughters doing in Italy now without me?! - Tanya can’t hold back her tears. - They are mother’s, tame children, caressed by mother. They didn’t fall asleep without my fairy tales; I made them up for them myself. Yes, we had nannies and teachers. But this does not diminish my role. And one day dad took them for the weekend and took them away, and the children don’t see me anymore! (Cries.)

Was the father involved in the children's lives?

He participated, helped, he found schools, when a nanny was hired, both he and I conducted the interview. But I took care of the children every day, they lived with me!

What are they interested in, what do your daughters like?

They are normal children, they love to play and draw. They love animals very much. But, unfortunately, Rustam did not allow anyone to start. They constantly asked for either a cat or a dog. They asked for a dog, he said “yes”, they went to him for the weekend, where he gave them four plush dogs. And they dreamed so much about their own, alive!

What did you affectionately call them?

We have Anya, Anechka, Anyusha. Our Eva is Evunya. We had our own traditions, our own language! I told them some funny children's jokes. We had our own life, which was solid and well-established. Rustam is a man of mood. For example, he didn’t like the nanny’s hairstyle, so he changed the nanny. During this time, we changed 19 nannies. Of these 19, there were probably grounds to fire 4. For children, the only thing that was constant in this life, stable, who was there every time was ME! And the father has his own life, a new family.

You didn’t want to register your marriage with Rustam, or did he?

This is probably his thing. He decided that he would never marry. This is such protection that if there is a divorce, it will be necessary to share. He is afraid for his money.

Usually a man humiliates a woman when he is in the complete power of his mother - a kind of “mama’s boy”?

No, he has a wonderful mother, we have a very good relationship! In September, when the conflict began, he forbade us to communicate and changed our phones. I wanted to call her to find her, but he changed HER phone number too. There were always relatives next to her, but he even removed these relatives.

When I arrived at the villa with my children in Italy, I stayed there for three days. I was forbidden to talk to my mother at this time, and she was forbidden to talk to me. Here we are sitting at the table: she, me, the children and two nannies. And only children talk. His mother and I are sitting opposite each other and... crying (holds back tears). She can't talk to me, and I can't talk to her!

Could he have shown any harshness? What is his character?

He always speaks very quietly, he does not shout, does not raise his hand. He only hit me once, a long time ago. And he was very drunk. The next morning I didn’t remember. If he doesn't like something, he simply begins to behave harshly. His actions are very harsh. But then he realizes that he was wrong and pretends that nothing happened.

“We will sit down with Rustam at the negotiating table!”

...In fact, when we talked with Tanya, she told me a lot of unpleasant things about Tariko. This interview, in which the billionaire did not look at all rosy, was being prepared for publication when Tanya called: “I don’t want to throw mud at him! Still, he is a person close to me. He is the father of my children. I simply CANNOT fight him. And I CANNOT put children at risk. What if they read this later? I know that you wanted to write about him everything that I told you about. But... probably not necessary! He's a good person at heart. It seems he has come to his senses. He called and said that he understood that children need a MOM. I think we can come to an agreement with him. I don't want wars. I don't want to hurt the children. Thank you for raising this topic. They told me about my pain for the children. Now I'm flying to Italy. We will sit down with Rustam at the negotiating table! The main thing is children, their happiness, health, well-being.”


When the issue was being signed for printing, Tanya called and said that she had flown to Italy. Rustam returned the children to her, and she will fly to Moscow with them. The spouses are conducting peaceful negotiations and want neither side to be harmed. Both came to the decision that they would no longer let the press in on their personal affairs...

“Miss Mordovia 2004” Alena Gavrilova grabbed the singer Emin Agalarov.

Alena Gavrilova new lover! The chosen one of “Miss Mordovia 2004” was again an eastern man - 37-year-old singer and heir to a billion-dollar fortune Emin Agalarov. Until 2015, he was married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva, and then declared that his heart was free. On April 20, the sultry handsome man appeared at a charity evening together with Gavrilova. The lovers waltzed and posed for photographers. According to rumors, they have been dating for three years. However, Gavrilova’s relatives claim that 29-year-old Alena still lives with businessman Rustam Tariko, and only takes pictures with Agalarov. IRINA KUZNETSOVA found out the details.

Emin and Alena “officially” appeared together at a charity evening for the Mikhail Rudyak Foundation. Before this, their photos appeared on social networks from time to time. For some reason, they loved to be photographed in the company of singer Grigory Leps. But Gavrilova’s relatives maintained until recently that the girl still lives with Rustam Tariko

The main social news of last week was the appearance of Emin Agalarov with a new companion. “Cry, girls! The heart of the most eligible groom Russian show business busy! - something like this trumpeted the glamorous gloss. And there is something to be sad about. A charming, handsome man, a ladies' man, heir to a billion-dollar fortune, and a popular singer has found his chosen one. In his interviews, the oriental man said that he was not ready for a new relationship and was only passionate about music. But at the charity evening of the Mikhail Rudyak Foundation, Agalarov appeared on the arm of common-law wife Rustam Tariko Alena Gavrilova. By the way, it is in no way inferior to the vodka king. Also loves beauty pageants. If Tariko was the main sponsor of the Miss Russia project, then father and son Agalarovs stepped even higher. They organized the Miss Universe international competition in Moscow, spending $20 million on its organization. After the competition, Emin filmed the finalists in his video. Tatler magazine was one of the first to report on Gavrilova’s affair with Agalarov. True, the skeptical public whispered that this relationship would not last long. A flock of long-legged beauties always hover around Agalarov, and the singer is flighty and easily carried away. But “Miss Mordovia 2004” is no stranger to competition and becomes a winner not only on the podium, but also in her personal life...
Alena Gavrilova won the title “Miss Mordovia” in 2004. True, she came second in the competition. But the winner refused the crown and Gavrilova had to be sent to Miss Russia. There she became fourth, but grabbed a much more valuable prize - the attention of the main sponsor Rustam Tariko. After the competition, the girl moved to Moscow and began building a modeling career and personal life. At that time, Tariko left his girlfriend Tatyana Osipova, who was pregnant with twins. Nowadays, hardly anyone will remember the modeling successes of our countrywoman. But this is nothing compared to the status of Rustam Tariko’s cohabitant, who opened her gates to the world of the rich and famous. And the birth of a common child only strengthened Gavrilova’s position. She devoted herself entirely to her family. By the way, Mr. Tariko was generous and caring towards the new lady of his heart. In 2008, at the charity “Love Ball” organized by Natalia Vodianova in Moscow, Rustam Tariko bought the right to name a pink orchid discovered in Madagascar after his beloved for 320 thousand dollars. One day, because of their love for luxury, a businessman and his chosen one got into an ugly story. In 2010, they were detained at Sheremetyevo airport. Having “enlightened” Gavrilova’s purse, the customs officers asked to open it. There were four large jewelry cases there. They contained necklaces, pendants with diamonds, and a huge heart-shaped pendant studded with large stones. The spouses did not include these values ​​in the declaration. But no criminal case was initiated.

Rustam Tariko noticed Alena at the Miss Russia 2005 competition and for a long time provided for her luxurious life. In 2007, a native of Saransk gave birth to his son Rustam

Tariko also disgraced himself when he shared children with Alena’s predecessor Tatyana Osipova. When she asked for a tidy sum to support her twin daughters, he went to court to keep the children for himself. The servants of Themis satisfied the businessman’s demand, and his former passion was ordered to pay alimony. After some time, the parents reconciled, and the girls returned to their mother. Information about Gavrilova’s breakup with the vodka king first appeared three years ago. This has been reported on various online forums. The reason, according to informed users, was Miss Russia 2009, participant in the scandalous erotic photo shoot Sofya Rudyeva. It should be noted that even after breaking up, Gavrilova was able to maintain a good relationship with her ex-roommate. Tariko left his joint child to Alena and helped her with money...

Rumors about a romance between Gavrilova and Emin Agalarov appeared even before his divorce from the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva. The couple tied the knot in 2006, and two years later their twin boys, Ali and Mikail, were born. In 2015, the couple announced their divorce, assuring that they remained friends. Gavrilova was often seen in the company of a sultry Azerbaijani. But he made no official statements. In addition, the image of a bachelor was beneficial to Emin before the release of the new album. About changes in the personal life of “Miss Mordovia 2004” corr. "S" became known several months ago. Journalists asked Gavrilova’s mother, who previously willingly shared her daughter’s successes with the press, to comment. But this time I was furious at the journalist’s call. The woman was very offended that she received a call on the eve of the big day. Orthodox holiday, and even with such a question. According to Irina Gavrilova, you can write about your daughter only with her consent. Then came the moralizing about digging into someone else's personal life. The woman advised the correspondent. “C” make a living in other ways. Then there was a story that Alena was friends with many celebrities and even brought the autograph of singer Alexander Serov. Gavrilova’s mother said that her daughter still lives with Tariko, and soon they will all go together to Alena’s mother-in-law’s anniversary. The next day, another “S” journalist received a call from the clinic where Gavrilova’s mother works as a doctor, and was recommended to never go there again for medical care, although she had nothing to do with publications about Alena... Joint photographs of Gavrilova and Agalarov regularly appeared in his in social networks. Alena and Emin appeared together visiting Grigory Leps. Then Alena’s friend appeared together in photographs. It is possible that the couple was photographed by Rustam Tariko himself and for this reason was not included in the frame?! Or maybe Gavrilova’s mother is simply not aware of the changes in her daughter’s personal life? In any case, one can only be happy for the native of Saransk. And it doesn’t matter at all what the name of her chosen one is - Emin or Rustam... In the photographs the girl looks blooming. This means that everything is fine in her life!

To get rid of Alena Gavrilova, billionaire Rustam Tariko planted a handful of diamonds in her purse

Faces, normal human faces, cannot be bought for any money. This thought came to my mind when I was lying on the field of the Agalarov Estate golf club near Moscow and watching the life of insects. Cute fussy insects scurried between the droplets of champagne sprinkled by me, but never drank to the newlyweds, although the wedding of the richest singer in Russia, 38-year-old Emin Agalarov, and 30-year-old “Miss Mordovia 2004” Alena Gavrilova took place just 20 meters from us.

Well, you certainly won’t refuse dessert,” after catching my breath among God’s creatures, I crawled towards the blinding lights of the holiday to the wild howl Grigory Leps, who keeps promising to go and live in London, but continues to smoke the Russian sky.

A barrel-shaped body blocked my path Steven Seagal. Bright representative a breed of fat man, with a girl's ponytail instead of a hairstyle, shoved delicacies into himself with both hands at once. But at the same time, he did not for a moment step out of the role of an oriental sage and looked at everyone with such eyes, as if he alone had learned the meaning of life here.

“And I’ll tell you this,” I said, although I had absolutely no intention of speaking.

Standing proudly opposite the overseas glutton with a glass of red right hand and a glass of white in the left one, I drained both vessels in one gulp and repeated the operation twice.

Yes, it was not easy for me to compete on the international stage, but my asymmetrical answer produced the desired effect, and a piece of sushi with an eel got stuck in the throat of a representative of the American film industry, which was alien to us.

Can you stand? - sympathetically stuck her surgically shortened nose into my personal life Kristina Orbakaite.

Sitting down on a pulled-out chair, I finally took a look at the guests. Nothing special really. Solid representatives of show business. Approximately the same composition of this team comes to the opening of some glamorous cheburek or lace panties boutique.

Here, of course, the personality of the groom played a role. Emin Agalarov - the guy is undoubtedly charming and handsome, that’s basically all he deserves. The son of a brilliant businessman who made his fortune from scratch Arasa Agalarova could have become the president of Azerbaijan, but he became an ordinary singer. Mediocre both in terms of talent and level of project implementation. Well, judge for yourself: all our artists earn money mainly from corporate events, but Emin cannot afford it. Just imagine how he, the son of a billionaire, will sing for $10 thousand at the birthday party of some poor millionaire from Mukhosransk? This is nonsense!

Emin, of course, is listed as the nominal director and president of several of his father’s companies, but he failed miserably in the family’s main project.

In 2006, he was married to the sweet-as-baklava beloved daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva. Of course, it was rumored that the young people united their destinies at the request of their parents, but this is precisely what promised the most promising prospects for the union. The gorgeous beauty Leila gave birth to two sons to her husband, but after nine years of marriage a divorce followed.

It is necessary to give each other a chance for personal happiness. It can be for both of us only under the condition of absolute freedom,” Emin admitted then.

And then a middle-aged bride appeared on the blue horizon Alena Gavrilova. The life experience of this woman many times exceeded the height of the jelly banks, among which Emin, from birth, swam along the milk river with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Many mistakenly believe that Gavrilova is just a screen to cover up the singer’s intimate adventures. In fact, this is a stone wall, behind which Agalarov Sr. guessed to hide his son and family fortune. The bride in our case is head and shoulders taller than the groom, and this is not just obvious banal anthropometry, but a stubborn fact.

Gavrilova and Tariko. Image: © ITAR-TASS

Vodka Queen

Born in Saransk, Gavrilova, barely fledged, immediately found her Prometheus and pecked a piece of female happiness from his liver. I mean "vodka king" Rustam Tariko. But he, naturally, was not the first to pick a bouquet of pleasures in her clearing.

In Saransk they say that it was this beauty that caused a family quarrel between the two sons of the then governor Nikolai Merkushkin. Alexander and Alexey, as well as the whole of Saransk, supposedly still cannot forget the unpleasant episodes of rivalry for the favor of this young lady. Wise Nikolai Ivanovich provided her with the title “Miss Saransk” along with “Miss Mordovia” and sent the apple of discord to Moscow for All-Russian competition beauty. He did everything to prevent Alena from returning to her native Mordovia, which still became too small for her, like an old school dress.

As Miss Mordovia, 17-year-old Alena participated in the Miss Russia 2004 competition, where banker and alcohol magnate Rustam Tariko was one of the general sponsors. Although most beautiful girl country, another participant in the competition was recognized, Gavrilova grabbed the main prize.

Tariko at that time was on the verge of divorce with Tatyana Osipova, who gave him two twin daughters - Anna and Eva. There were rumors that he had cheated on his wife before, however the last straw It was Alena’s youthful charms that became the woman’s cup of patience.

I remember how in 2004 Tatyana cried, sitting in a rattan chair at the Villa Minerva, which Rustam bought on occasion from Veronica Lario, wife of the then Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi. He got “Minerva” with all the furniture, bed linen, spoons, forks and Berlusconi’s favorite piano, on which he played music during his thoughts. Osipova said goodbye to all this farming without even having time to enjoy it. It’s really a shame to the point of tears, especially since the golden years of Russian parties began in Sardinia, during which champagne corks flew all the way to Portofino.

In the constant frenzy of fun, no one noticed how in 2007 Alena gave Tariko a son, Rustam. Through years of social life, I could not remember who told me how, that same year, at the Sardinian Billionaire Imperia party, Gavrilova made an indelible impression when she tried to explain Alexandru Mamutu origin of the word "Mordovians". Like, it appeared after arriving in those parts PetraI. The Moksha and Erzya peoples then lived in dugouts and did not want to move into normal five-wall buildings. So the king ordered them to be starved with some kind of caustic rubbish so that they would come out. For this purpose, two barrels were delivered, on which were written “mortality 1” and “mortality 2.” The crap from the second barrel worked more effectively, which is why this name stuck. The girl passed off a stupid joke as historical fact, which, by the way, none of those present at the party understood.

Before breaking up with Emin, Leila couldn’t hold back her tears even in public (photo taken at the same golf club)

Tariko spoiled Gavrilova as best he could. In 2008, he showed off quite a bit by buying at a charity ball Natalia Vodianova for $320 thousand the right to name an orchid recently discovered in Madagascar Alena.

However, the fairy tale did not last long. A year later, the billionaire began an affair with an even younger beauty - Sofia Rudyeva, who received the title “Miss Russia 2009”.

Having already gone through a difficult divorce from Osipova and not wanting to get on his nerves again, Tariko developed a very elegant plan for parting with his annoying companion.

In 2010, Alena was detained at Sheremetyevo airport. The banker's companion's purse contained undeclared jewelry - four boxes of diamonds. She didn't know where the pebbles came from. A lot of nerves were spent, but everything worked out without initiating a criminal case. Tariko appeared at the most difficult moment in the relationship law enforcement and his girlfriend. He explained to all participants in the events that diamonds were a parting gift. Alena then had to choose from two evils: go to jail alone or be left alone, but with diamonds.

Dominant female

Living under the wing of a billionaire, Alena did not become a gallery owner or designer, like many kept women like her. After breaking up with him, she didn’t waste time on sucker’s ventures like running a fitness blog or cooking courses. The girl was doing the real thing - she was looking for a worthy man. And then she found it and even, as they say, got pregnant. Under the white dress of the bride, certain outlines were really visible.

Do you know where our young lovebirds met? - making the most touching face possible, I turned to the singer Dawn.

“You better come out into the air,” the woman made of steel and alloys took pity on me.

You need some kind of character. When a deputy Leonid Slutsky I touched a couple of journalists on the side, they immediately screamed about this misunderstanding to the whole world, but Zara endured it, remained silent.

By the way, Gavrilova is from the same breed of dominant females. I recently found myself at the zoo and listened to a lecture on this burning topic. Unlike an alpha male, such a female does not have a harem of males or promiscuity. She is interested not in quantity, but in quality: to choose the most optimal genotype that will be passed on to her children. Therefore, the dominant female chooses the male herself. This is not necessarily an alpha male, but he is her choice.

Then I remembered that I had promised to bring the insects a piece of cake, and, having drunk once again to the health of the young, I took the wrong step into the next morning.

...I woke up on the same golf course, wrapped in a tablecloth with festive table. In the middle of the virgin white canvas there was a beautiful wine stain. My faithful companion lay nearby - an empty bottle of Bordeaux. Still, it’s nice that I’m always the first, and sometimes even the only, for my brides.