The Brazilian wandering spider lives in South and Central America. This large hairy spider is considered the most poisonous spider in the whole world. Brazilian wandering spiders sometimes wander into populated areas and are caught among cargo of tropical fruits, so it is useful to know them appearance and habits, especially if you find yourself in their habitat. If bitten by this spider, immediate medical attention is required. However, don't panic! Brazilian wandering spider bites are almost always treatable.


Appearance and habits of the Brazilian wandering spider

    The length of the spider including its legs is approximately 15 centimeters. An adult Brazilian wandering spider has a body about 5 centimeters long. At a glance, it is easier to determine the total length, that is, the distance from the end of the hind legs to the end of the front legs, which reaches about 15 centimeters. Be careful if you come across such a large spider.

    The spider will most likely be brown and hairy. Although the color of Brazilian wandering spiders varies, most are dirty brown in color and some have a black spot on their abdomen. The body of all Brazilian wandering spiders is covered with hair.

    Brazilian wandering spiders move quickly. They got their name due to the fact that they move quickly along the ground. tropical forest. Spiders are capable of attacking their victims with lightning speed, so be careful if you come across a fast-moving spider in the range of the Brazilian wandering spider.

    If the spider shows its red jaws, back away slowly. When the Brazilian wandering spider is frightened, it rises up on its hind legs. In this fearsome pose, some species of the Brazilian wandering spider display red hairs around their fangs. Such a defensive stance indicates that the spider is angry, in which case you should retreat carefully and slowly.

    Don't hesitate trying to get a better look at the spider. If you are traveling in South and Central America or live where Brazilian wandering spiders are found, do not hesitate if you notice large spider. If in any doubt, do not try to make sure that it is a Brazilian wandering spider, but slowly move away to avoid angering the animal.

    • Don't try to catch the spider. If you suspect a Brazilian wandering spider has wandered into your home or utility room, call wildlife control and leave the building until experts arrive.
  1. Be careful in dark places. The Brazilian wandering spider is nocturnal and skillfully hides in the forest floor. tropical jungle. This “wandering” lifestyle sometimes leads to the fact that the spider wanders into populated areas, where it tries to hide from sunlight in secluded places, for example:

    • in dark closets, closets, etc.;
    • under sheds and in garages;
    • in cars;
    • in unused clothing, shoes, gloves;
    • in kitchen cabinets;
    • in boxes and crates in the attic or garage;
    • in firewood.
  2. Be careful when opening fruit packages. This spider is also called a banana spider, as it loves to crawl into bananas and may end up in a package with these fruits. Although it is quite rare, be careful when unpacking fruits shipped from regions where the Brazilian wandering spider is found.

Preventing Bites

    Wear protective gloves when working in dark areas or carrying firewood. If you live in the range of the Brazilian wandering spider, wear long sleeves, a hat and gloves, and tuck your pants legs into your socks when working in the garage or near firewood. It is advisable to use protective clothing also when working in the attic, utility room and basement.

    If you haven't worn gloves, clothing or shoes in a while, shake them before use. The Brazilian wandering spider can hide in the folds of clothing and also crawl into cozy places such as gloves or boots. Shake clothing and shoes lightly before putting them on. However, don't shy away from them too much, or the hidden spider may become angry or scared.

    • Don't panic if a spider falls out of your clothes or shoes. Slowly step aside and leave the room.
  1. Check them before entering dark areas such as closets. Turn on the light. If there is no light in the room, take a flashlight with you and look in corners and cluttered areas.

    Install mosquito nets and doors that close tightly to prevent spiders from entering your home. The best way The key to avoiding being bitten in your own home is to keep spiders out of it! Check all mosquito nets and doors for any cracks or holes that could allow spiders to enter your home. Replace any broken or loose screens and doors.

    • To prevent uninvited guests from getting into your home, you can also spray insect and spider repellent around doors and windows.
  2. Do not keep firewood near the house. Spiders love to hide among firewood, so don't keep them close to your home. Keep firewood and dead branches in the yard and handle them carefully.

Treatment of a bite

    Contact emergency medical services immediately. If you suspect you have been bitten by a Brazilian wandering spider, call urgent care right away. medical care. Report what happened and ask a friend or family member to take you to the emergency room as quickly as possible.

Belongs to the runner family Ctenidae. Reads 8 types. The natural range covers South and Central America. As pet found throughout the world. In 2010, it was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous.

Description of appearance

The Brazilian wandering spider grows to a size of 15 cm, which is equal to the size of an adult's hand. Ranked with. The color is varied - gray, brown, black, red, brown. The body is divided into the abdomen and cephalothorax, connected by a thin bridge. Long powerful 8 pieces. Well visible mandibles. The photo is located below.

The entire body is covered with small, dense hairs. Legs serve as instruments of movement and are organs of smell and touch. On the head, providing a broad outlook.

On a note!

The wandering spider sees in different directions, but does not have good vision. Perceives silhouettes, shadows, and responds well to movement.


The Brazilian runner spider got its name because of its vital functions and certain qualities. The animal moves quickly and jumps well. Lives in trees, most of them bananas. The bur does not stand; it constantly moves from one place to another in search of food.

On a note!

The Brazilian spider forms powerful trapping webs. The diameter of the largest reaches 2 m. The threads are so strong that they freely hold birds, lizards, snakes, and small rodents. Fishermen put them in several layers and use them to catch fish.

The Brazilian wandering spider often crawls into residential buildings in search of food. Hides in cabinets with dishes, things, shoes, in the corners of rooms. Since in such conditions it does not spin a web, it does not reveal its presence in any way.


The main diet is insects, snails, small caterpillars. Often the victims are small birds, rodents, lizards, and snakes. The soldier spider lies in wait for its victim in a shelter. When she sees her, she takes a characteristic pose - she rises on her hind limbs, lifts her front limbs up, pulls her middle ones forward, and spreads them to the side. He waits for the right moment and rushes to attack.


The runner spider injects venom and saliva. The first substance paralyzes the victim, the second turns the insides into a liquid mass, which the predator then drinks. Insects die almost immediately, frogs, rodents, snakes after 15 minutes. Hunts brazilian spider a soldier at night, during the day he hides away from sunlight under stones, in crevices, and tree leaves.


Runners lead a solitary lifestyle and gather in pairs at the time of mating. The male appeases the female with food. Such manipulation is necessary so that the spider does not simply eat it. After fertilization, the “suitor” must immediately hide, since the hungry female may begin her hunt.

After some time, the wandering spider lays eggs in a cocoon formed from a web or on bananas. The cubs are born after 20 days, crawl into different sides. Up to a hundred small spiders are born at one time. An adult lives on average 3 years.

Danger to humans

The British wandering spider is one of its huge family. Toxic substance disrupts operation nervous system, causes spasms. Possible consequences bite:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • temperature change;
  • arrhythmia;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.

Redness, swelling, pain, and burning appear at the site.

The situation is especially dangerous for young children, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and people with allergies. The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider can kill a child in 15 minutes and an adult in half an hour. Alarming symptoms develop within 20 minutes after a predator attack. However, with the provision of qualified assistance, the condition returns to normal. Call ambulance should be taken immediately if breathing difficulties occur.

Poison in high concentration leads to muscle failure, heart function is disrupted, and breathing becomes difficult. Death occurs as a result of suffocation. There is an effective antidote - Phoneutria. When it is administered, nothing threatens a person’s life.

Benefits of the Brazilian wandering spider

The animal is kept as a pet all over the world. Attracts an unusual appearance, large size. In artificially created conditions, the runner lives up to 3 years, reproduces, and feeds on insects.

The poison contains a powerful neurotoxin PhTx3, which is used in medicine in strictly dosed concentrations. The substance has a beneficial effect on male potency. Effective medicines are made from the poison.

And again today we turn to our favorite Guinness Book of Records. Open the section about insects and find “The most poisonous spiders in the world.” The top spot among them is shared by the Black Widow and the Brazilian wandering spider. Let's talk about the latter.

He owes his leading position to his aggressive behavior and the powerful neurotoxins contained in his venom. U healthy person the bite of a Brazilian spider causes severe allergic reaction, but if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, terrible consequences can be avoided. But for children and people with weakened immune systems, its poison is deadly. The bite is accompanied by severe pain and causes symptoms of intoxication and paralysis of the respiratory muscles. The person is simply suffocating. Death can occur within 2-6 hours.

Here is one sad example. This happened in an ordinary Brazilian family with small children. The inquisitive brother and sister climbed into the attic, and there, among the boxes, the Brazilian wandering spider found a temporary home. The children found an unusual “little animal” and decided to play. Then the spider, without hesitation, grabbed the 3-year-old girl’s hand. When the brother tried to throw it away, the spider bit the boy. He was saved, but the girl did not live to see the doctors arrive.

Maybe everything would have worked out well if the children had not bothered the spider. He doesn't attack people first. Only in cases of self-defense. But the problem lies in the fact that the Brazilian spider loves to live in people's houses, in particular in closets and boxes with things. Therefore, people need to be extremely careful.

Now let's talk about where the spider got its name - the Brazilian wandering spider. With the first word everything is clear - according to the place of residence. He was credited with wandering because he never sits still. In addition, he does not weave webs, like all eight-legged relatives.

Interesting fact: the Brazilian wandering spider loves to eat bananas. For which it received another name - banana spider. But still, its main menu consists of smaller relatives, insects, lizards and even birds!

But, despite its terrible reputation, this spider can benefit humanity, in particular its stronger half. The fact is that its venom contains the Tx2-6 toxin, which contributes to a prolonged and painful erection. In addition, some victims of the spider claimed that after its bite the quality of their sex life significantly improved. Experiments on animals confirmed the assumption of scientists that the use of this toxin in medicine can help in the treatment of impotence. Well, at least this spider is of some use.

For a long time the palm among dangerous poisonous spiders held by the "black widow". But she had to share the championship with the dangerous Brazilian wandering spider. Soldier spider, runner spider, banana spider - these are the names of the formidable arthropod killer all over the world.

Noted in the Guinness Book of Records for its toxicity. Eighty-five percent of bites are fatal. Fortunately, this species is distributed in a limited area.

Brazilian wandering spider

There are two types:

  • jumping - moving with sharp jumps;
  • running.

Appearance and habitat

Arthropods do not weave webs. It got its name because of its constant movements. As a result, its color changes. Most often it has a sand color, reddish-brown, brownish-brown.

Cephalothorax comparatively small size. The abdomen is large. Long, thick and hairy limbs.

It reaches up to 15 centimeters in size, which is equal to the palm of an adult.

Central and South America, its tropical forest part, are the most suitable for habitat. Often sighting a spider soldier in houses. Climbs into closets, hides in shoe boxes or clothing bags. Crawls into things scattered on the floor and secluded places indoors (closets, basements, utility rooms, garages).

Almost all the time he wanders, moving from one place to another. Loves dark time days. During this period he feels better. At night it actively hunts. During the day, it tries to stay in the shade, hides under logs, crawls under stones, and looks for secluded places where the direct, scorching rays of the sun do not penetrate.

Reproduction and nutrition

Spiders are dioecious. To attract the attention of the female, the male performs a certain dance. Female color a little brighter than that of the male. The male is much larger than the female and has an extra pair of limbs, which he uses during copulation.

The banana spider got its name because of its addiction to bananas. They are often found in packages containing this fruit.

The diet consists of:

  • insects;
  • small individuals of their own species;
  • lizards;
  • frogs;
  • small rodents;
  • affects small birds that accidentally fly into the area of ​​its accessibility.

Deadly poison

Due to its external unattractiveness and love of playing hide and seek, encounters with this arthropod are always unexpected and end sadly for the finder. In a person's home comes in search of peace and quiet. An unexpectedly discovered spider leaves no choice. The state of the soldier spider is always aimed at hunting. The spider is aggressive, but attacks a victim larger than itself only when danger approaches. He instantly takes a fighting stance, raising his front paws towards the victim. Runs quite fast for a spider and can also jump a fair distance.

Its powerful poison causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles, resulting in suffocation and death. From the moment of the bite to death, it takes from 2 to 6 hours.

A person who has been bitten must immediately be shown to a doctor.

First symptoms:

  1. painful bite;
  2. dizziness;
  3. heaviness in breathing;
  4. increased blood pressure;
  5. nausea.

One of the victims of a Brazilian spider bite shared his impressions.

In 1998, a 23-year-old guy was sorting boxes of bananas. A Brazilian spider was hiding in one of them. Disturbed, he bit into his hand young man. As the guy describes his condition: “Bite looks like a pierced thorn, very deep. I immediately felt dizzy, my chest felt so tight that it was difficult to breathe. The pressure rose so much that the heart beat was beating in the chest.” He was not at a loss and immediately asked for help. A life was saved. He was discharged from the hospital the very next day.

IN modern medicine There is an antidote to the poison of this killer, it is also toxic and causes certain consequences for the body. For an adult, strong person, a bite causes a severe allergic reaction. Very scary for children, sick or elderly people.

For Russian residents, there is no danger of encountering the Brazilian monster; the climate saves them. But nowadays many Russians love to travel. Exotic places and tropical latitudes beckon. And they can meet him by visiting Brazil and South America. When arriving in such areas, you should always think about safety. Remember, the Brazilian spider loves to live in houses. You need to be especially careful when checking items and boxes in wardrobes. When meeting, do not make sudden movements or pick them up. Try to take it out of the room and check the wardrobe again for the presence of other Brazilian soldier spiders.

When going to travel to any country, study what insects you will encounter. Make up your own medicine card, what medications you can and cannot take. Consult your doctor regarding your health. Most unpleasant moments come from our ignorance of our body. Southern countries are a certain risk.

Scientists still found the benefits of poison for humans. Based on it, drugs are being developed to help to our stronger half gain masculine strength. The venom of this spider may be included in the Guinness Book of Records for the creation of drugs to enhance potency.

Runner, banana, wanderer... these are not just a bunch of words. This is the name of one of the most dangerous spiders in the world, which is capable of taking a person’s life in less than an hour. The Brazilian soldier spider is one of the most common names for a deadly poisonous spider that keeps residents of Central and South America. Recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous and poisonous of the spider family.

What death looks like and how it lives

The spider once ranked first in the world in terms of danger, but now the Brazilian soldier spider is on the throne. This is a very active and aggressive animal, which, unlike its relatives, does not weave webs, does not live in the same place for a long time, but loves to travel.

Its color also varies depending on its habitat, but, as a rule, it is the color of sandy soil, which allows for excellent camouflage. The area next to the chelicerae is colored red, this helps to first attract and then intimidate the enemy. The size of the spider can reach 15 centimeters, along with the span of its large legs.

IN daytime often sits under rocks and logs, waiting for nightfall when he feels more comfortable. Wandering all day long, the soldier spider sometimes wanders into people's homes and can hide in their clothes scattered on the floor, in shoes, climb into boxes or something similar. This spider loves to hide in banana boxes, which is why it is often called the “banana” spider; sometimes it can even snack on the bananas themselves.

If the spider encounters an enemy, it raises its front legs and places its body vertically, exposing its red “zone” next to the chelicerae.

What does a predator eat?

Sometimes, but very rarely, with bananas, while living in banana boxes, more often with various insects. But this spider has the reputation of an aggressive predator also because it can easily attack something small or even if they are larger than it.

Spider – soldier and man

Like most animals, even the most dangerous and aggressive ones, the Brazilian soldier spider will not be the first to rush into battle; it attacks and bites only in case of danger to life.

As noted earlier, due to its inconspicuous appearance and Great love“play hide and seek” in people’s houses and belongings, encounters with this spider are very frequent and sometimes end, alas, very sadly. According to various sources, a bite from a soldier spider is fatal in 85% of cases. Its venom is incredibly toxic, causing paralysis of all muscles, resulting in a person dying from suffocation. There is an antidote that is no less toxic than the poison itself.

Despite all the negative aspects, scientists have found that the venom of the Brazilian soldier spider can have a positive effect on sex life men. The toxin contained in the poison can cure impotence, and in this moment Scientists are studying how to combine the toxin with existing drugs in order to effectively and safely treat male ailments.