In a dream you can appear in any form and in any mood. It is important that the dream does not dictate your reality.

Why do you dream about your stomach? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about your stomach - basic interpretation

The belly is a symbol of the most important internal organs. If you dream about your belly being beautiful and smooth, everything in your life will be calm and measured. But, if you see your stomach large and painful in a dream, this is the time to think about it.

For full interpretation it is better to take into account all its details:

Whose belly did you dream about?

What happened to the stomach in a dream;

Was he sick?

Have you had surgery on your stomach or not?

What feelings and experiences accompanied your dream.

If you dream of a huge, red belly, but it is not yours, but of a person unknown to you, in reality you will observe the strange behavior of a person unfamiliar to you. It will seem to you that his oddities are unreasonable. But, in fact, it's time for you to take care of your image. You can look at other people the same way you look at yourself, you can look in them for some similarity with yourself and your needs in life. But it's not right. Try to have your own opinion about everything that happens in your life.

If you dream that your stomach is twisted and severe pain you are immobilized - some unforeseen situations will not allow you to actively advance in life. You will get lost and disappear more and more often. You will constantly find reasons to evade responsibility. But your friends and loved ones will also begin to add fuel to the fire. They will begin to make exorbitant claims against you, which will be very difficult for you to cope with. Try to forgive them and not focus on their subjectivity.

In fact, they want to help you make an important decision. Don't put off this opportunity for later. Listen to criticism and find the positive in it. Find in it those tips that will help you move forward in life.

If you have a dream in which you are supposed to have surgery on your stomach, but you are very afraid, in reality you will be afraid that some truth will be revealed and you will have to answer for it. Try not to panic. If you really have something to hide, now is the time to think about how to present this news correctly.

If in a dream you are about to have surgery on your stomach, and you are not afraid of it, on the contrary, you are trying to speed up the process - you are ready for global changes and don’t think it’s something scary. After all, in fact, you are almost ready for new grandiose achievements.

A dream in which you are being operated on promises you a change in your life position and life values. You will be able to reconsider your priorities and build your life differently. What will this depend on? You will indulge in dreams more and more, but you will need to look at things pragmatically and balancedly, call them by their proper names.

Such a dream may foretell changes at work that you will not be prepared for. Try not to force things and devote more time to your direct job responsibilities. Otherwise, someone else will decide to take them over.

If you see a dream in which someone slaps you on the stomach, you should not get your hopes up. This does not mean at all that you will make a pleasant friend or a new useful acquaintance. Most likely, you will be immersed in your own thoughts and speculations. They may tell you how to act in a given situation, but the decision is still yours to make.

If you dream that someone is vomiting violently and you cannot understand the reason for this. But then it becomes known that the cause of everything is pain in the stomach - try not to panic. You may find yourself in a difficult situation, conflict situation, from which it will be almost impossible to get out. Then try to weigh the pros and cons and not fall flat on your face. Just be prepared for the fact that your conflict will drag on for a long time and you will be filled with negative emotions because of this problem.

To anticipate all the unfavorable aspects of a given situation in advance, try to think through all your actions down to the smallest detail. Be vigilant and don't let anyone manipulate you. If this doesn’t work out for you, come to terms with temporary difficulties.

If you dream that your stomach has become toned, beautiful and even young, get ready for very pleasant changes in your life. You may receive lucrative offers; they may relate to both work and personal life.

If in a dream you see someone constantly trying to set you up, trying to push you in the stomach, you should expect a trick from the person himself. loved one. Perhaps you didn’t share something, and now is the time to figure out whether you both need to work together, or whether you will each do your own thing without interfering with the other.

If you dream of a tattoo on your stomach, be prepared for significant events in life. Perhaps you will meet someone you really need and useful person. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will soon meet true love, which has not been in your life for a long time.

Also, such a dream may portend you important acquaintances that will develop into something more, something significant. Get ready for pleasant surprises, get ready for pleasant and long-awaited changes in your personal life.

Why do you dream about your belly according to Freud’s dream book?

Why do you dream about your belly if you are pregnant in a dream? Such a dream means that in reality you may be in interesting position. But such a dream can also portend you new projects that you have been counting on for a long time. You may soon meet a person with whom you will build a strong and lasting family. Try to be open to new acquaintances and endeavors.

If in a dream you rub your stomach, but it still hurts, do not expect leniency. If you just recently had a quarrel with someone, the long-awaited reconciliation will not come now. Now there will come a period of real showdown, when each of you will have to defend your territory. But do you need it? Or would you rather stay in the shadows and not actively prove anything to anyone? If this is really the case, try to figure it out so that no one gets hurt after such a conversation.

If you dream that you are pregnant and your belly is growing very quickly, your relationship will develop very rapidly. You won't even have time to notice how they will reach their peak.

If a pregnant woman dreams that her stomach hurts, it’s time to monitor her health. You may need specialist advice. If you already know about your ailments, do not put off going to the doctor until later.

Why do you dream about your stomach according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that you dream about your belly when you need to let go of all the difficulties and start new round in life. If you sleep on your stomach in a dream, it means that you will be disturbed by some information that you would really like to know in full. If you sleep on your side in a dream and stroke your stomach, such a dream foretells you a rather profitable acquaintance or deal.

If you see in a dream how someone hits you in the stomach, you can be prepared for a moral onslaught. Someone will begin to put pressure on you and demand the almost impossible. If you see a dream in which someone is tapping on your stomach and talking to him, get ready for a long conversation with your superiors. It will be very unpleasant and will only lead to a worsening of the situation. If you have already had conflicts at work, prepare for them to get worse. And this may provoke your resignation from your position.

Why do you dream about your stomach according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that abdominal pain on the left side in a dream promises you betrayal from a loved one. If you have pain with right side stomach - someone will actively try to insult you, but you will fight back such a person. You will be indignant and upset over trifles.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that you dream of lichen on your stomach when it’s time for you to take a closer look at your close circle. Perhaps, indeed, you are not valued, but only used. It's not scary. It's quite nice if you can ask for a favor later. But how long will this all last and will you survive? Perhaps it is better not to develop this communication initially and not to force events? Everything should come when the time is right. When you really need support and important advice from your superiors.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing the stomach burnt - fleeting anxieties; very fat belly - big profits; sunken belly - excitement.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing your belly is a problem gastrointestinal tract.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Summer dream book

Seeing a sunken stomach in a mirror in a dream, although in reality this is not the case at all, means some kind of injury.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Autumn dream book

Seeing a retracted stomach in a dream means emaciation.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a bare stomach in a dream foretells fleeting anxieties. An overly fat belly indicates the possibility of making a big profit. A thin, inverted stomach means a lack of time, a lot of things to do and constant worry. Seeing a belly button on your stomach in a dream portends a new life venture or love story. Pain in the navel - to losses associated with parents or homeland.

Seeing your stomach beautiful, flat and tanned in a dream - such a dream promises you the fulfillment of your plans, for which, however, you will need to mobilize all your strength and set yourself up for serious work. Seeing your belly ugly swollen, like a pregnant woman’s, predicts an unhappy set of circumstances throughout the coming day.

If in a dream your stomach seems saggy or incredibly thin, then in reality you will be bitterly disappointed about a disagreement with friends who will avoid close communication with you.

Seeing your stomach, on which disgusting insects crawl, means humiliating and thankless work awaits you in reality.

If you see your stomach cut open and blood flowing from it, this portends sad events and illness of loved ones.

Seeing your stomach and other insides in a ripped open stomach means poor health, while feeling unbearable pain means well-being in all matters and love.

Indigestion in a dream warns against making any kind of travel or trips in the near future.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Belly - Seeing - bare - fleeting worries - very fat - big profits - sunken - excitement

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Esoteric dream book

Your belly, unusually large, means difficulties in achieving your goal.

A person with a huge belly - someone is deliberately obstructing you.

Other things related to the stomach are obstacles, difficulties.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Fat belly - profit; sunken - excitement, anxiety.

Abdominal pain - to health, well-being;

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Modern dream book

Seeing your belly in a dream predicts that in reality great prospects await you, but you must moderate your ardor and get to work with renewed energy, since entertainment and tranquility will bring you harm.

Seeing your stomach wrinkled foretells that you will be haunted by the slander of hypocritical friends.

If you saw your swollen belly in a dream - real life You will have troubles, but you will successfully overcome them and be satisfied with the fruits of your labor.

To dream that blood is oozing from your stomach is a sign of misfortune or tragedy in your family.

A dream in which a child’s stomach hurts portends that in reality you will be haunted by infectious diseases.

If you dream that your stomach hurts, your planned enterprise may fail.

Seeing your belly without a navel in a dream means a shock from which you will not be able to recover for a long time. For a woman, this dream may foretell a serious illness or death of a spouse.

If in a dream you see a person with a very large belly, you will have troubles around the house related to children.

If a pregnant woman sees herself in a dream without a belly, this portends her a normal pregnancy and a successful birth.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Eastern dream book

A dream in which you see your belly promises you great prospects. However, efforts should be made to achieve results and not leave things to chance.

If your stomach looks wrinkled, beware of slander.

If your stomach looks swollen, trouble awaits you, but you can cope with it.

Seeing blood oozing from your stomach is a sign of misfortune or tragedy in the family.

If you dreamed that your child’s tummy hurts, beware of infectious diseases.

If your stomach hurts, this may mean that you will not be able to fulfill your plans.

If you dreamed of a belly without a navel, expect a shock from which it will be difficult to recover. For a woman, such a dream can portend a serious illness or even the death of her husband.

Seeing a person with a very large belly in a dream means troubles around the house related to children. For a pregnant woman to see herself without a belly in a dream means a normal pregnancy and a successful birth.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Belly - You see your stomach in a dream - your plans are destined to come true; if your plans have not come true so far, blame only yourself for it; you did not use all your strengths and capabilities; you are capable of more. You dream of a fat belly - expect profits. You dream of a sunken stomach - a troubled period in life awaits you; you will be deceived or slandered - in any case you will have to worry. You see a swollen belly in a thin person - difficulties will be temporary; another interpretation of the dream: everyone will consider you a rich man, but you only have coppers in your wallet. You seem to have a stomach ache, or you are wounded in the stomach - a misfortune may occur in the family; you lack the strength to successfully face difficulties. It’s like you have a belly without a navel - some news will shock you so much that you won’t be able to recover soon. A pregnant woman sees herself in a dream without a belly - good dream; This woman’s pregnancy will proceed without complications, and the birth will occur on time.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See naked and big belly for a man - wealth, profit.

The woman has children.

To gain weight, to have a paunch - all the good things: merits, income, etc.

Having a very large belly means indigestion, illness, annoyance, a lot of worries / sometimes unexpected profits.

Seeing your belly grow before your eyes is an honor for a man, but heavy thoughts for a woman.

Stroking your belly means everything is good.

Losing weight is a big expense.

Having a thin belly means everything bad: lack, poverty, dissatisfaction, being unloved, experiencing the ill will of people.

Having a cut stomach means property losses.

They put something in your cut stomach - the return of prosperity, unexpected wealth.

The stomach hurts in a dream - an accident/trouble due to impermanence.

Seeing heaviness in your stomach means stomach disease.

To have a fantastically huge, incredible belly - to plunge into sensual life, to wallow in it.

To have a transparent belly means that household secrets will become the subject of gossip; you are overly concentrating your attention on money.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The belly is a symbol of life; material well-being, prosperity or poverty (in appearance); concentration of instincts (hunger, sex, aggression, survival); sensuality (laziness, gluttony, sexual pleasure).

Big, fat - enrichment, a well-fed life, good authority.

Skinny, thin - loss of money, reputation; deterioration of health.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Belly - big ones await you monetary prospects. Imagine stroking your belly, the skin on it is soft, tender, healthy.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Belly - Attention! Very typical and most characteristic black magician and obvious demonic influences - periodic sensations of pressure, pain, overexertion and cramps in the stomach both in sleep and upon awakening. Sometimes the cause of demonic transformation is serious training in martial arts. In the author's collection there is even one wonderful dream told by a karateka. He reported that one night his stomach was severely twisted by a painful cramp. And he, not knowing what to do in this case, gave himself a abdominal massage, after which he fell asleep with great difficulty. But when he woke up in the morning, he was very surprised to discover that some unknown force (without his participation) had tightly bandaged his stomach with a sheet, leaving hard knots in different places of his body. He himself - he swears - could not do this. After this incident, the karateka’s family began to treat him with caution, because such a pronounced demonic influence on him was obvious.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

A flowering tree grows from the belly or having a very large belly means respect, wealth.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Big dream book

Belly - Fat - profit; sunken - excitement, anxiety.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

British dream book

Belly - The belly is associated with food and digestion, as well as tolerance, satisfaction, but also illness. In real life: Do you have trouble digesting certain people or events? Or do you have real physical digestive problems? If this worries you so much that it is reflected in your dreams, then it is probably worth taking some action in real life.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Ancient Russian dream book

Belly - See stomach.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does the Belly mean in a dream - see also Belly in the Body section. 1. Seeing someone's stomach in a dream means that you need to pay attention to that person's emotions. 2. If our own stomach is swollen in a dream, we may be in a psychological state where we need release either through venting anger or through frank conversation. 3. Since it is contained in the stomach solar plexus, he is spiritual center, which carries vitality, but can also be the focus of appetite.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Belly – The belly indicates the vulnerability of your position. In particular, a bare stomach means failure in love. Fat big belly - you should be patient and then you you will succeed. A thin belly warns of hungry times.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does the Belly mean in a dream - fat - excesses, sunken - deprivation, bare - fleeting anxieties.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does the Belly mean in a dream - the ability to cope with life's difficulties. A shot in the stomach is a painful relationship.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you dreamed about your belly (you examine it, measure it, stroke it, etc.), then now is a favorable time to implement your plans. To prevent your luck from leaving you, tie your hair with a red ribbon (for a man you can do it at night).

Bad meaning If you dreamed about someone else's stomach, you will experience digestive problems - nausea, heartburn, indigestion. To avoid this, eat 0.5 teaspoon of sesame seeds before bed.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream book of catchphrases

THE BElly – the “navel of the earth” – is the main thing; conceit. The expression is also used as a condemnation. “Ask for life” (life); “the belly is life” (what is the belly, so is life). “To tear the navel”, “the navel is untied” - overexertion. “Cut the umbilical cord” - gain autonomy, independence., Independence

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Old Russian dream book

thick - profit; sunken - excitement, anxiety.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Idiomatic dream book

“The navel of the earth” is the main thing; conceit; “ask for life” - life; “the belly is life” - as the belly is, so is life; “tear the navel”, “the navel is untied” - overexertion; “cut the umbilical cord” - gain autonomy, independence, independence.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dream interpretation horoscope

If your stomach hurts in a dream, this means for you that the solution to the problem is somewhere very close.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, the belly is a symbol of great opportunities, which you will not be able to take advantage of without effort and effort.

If it is not covered by anything, disappointments await you in your personal life.

If he is well-fed and impressive, in order to achieve what he wants, you need to show enviable endurance and perseverance.

A dream in which there is no navel on your stomach - something very terrible will happen, and you will worry about it for a very long time.

If it hurts, your plans are not destined to come true, it bleeds

Running your hand over it means well-being.

A woman who is pregnant dreams that she has slim stomach - good sign, pregnancy and childbirth will be easy.

If it is cut, you will suffer material losses.

A pumped up, athletic belly with an excellent tan - you will have to work hard, but you will achieve everything you want.

There is bleeding from the stomach - extremely unpleasant event will happen any day now. It will require concentration and great willpower from you.

A bullet in the stomach means obstacles and annoying obstacles on the way to realizing your plans.

To see hair on your stomach in a dream - try not to be rude or speak badly about anyone.

Stomach hurts - for those who are unwell, such a dream promises improved well-being.

A dream in which you see a big belly - you will not be able to defend your point of view, you will not be able to justify your choice or give compelling arguments.

Bare belly

Why do you dream about your stomach?

American dream book

The belly often symbolizes the second chakra, which is called the hara or tanden. This energy center, located in the area below the navel, is associated with sensations and emotions.

Why do you dream about your stomach?

Dreaming about your belly encourages you to think about your life and well-being.

Seeing a stomach with wounds in a dream means losses and losses.

If you dream that your belly has become larger and fuller than usual, then your condition will increase in proportion to the size of your belly in the dream.

And vice versa: if you see that your stomach has retracted and fallen, then such a dream predicts that you will lose your fortune as a result of some accident.

If you dream that your stomach is swollen but empty inside, then your wealth will melt away like smoke.

The more your belly swells, the poorer you will become.

If you dream that your stomach is grumbling from hunger, then you will have to work hard to have a condition corresponding to the size of your stomach.

Abdominal pain is a sign of trouble.

According to other versions, such a dream foreshadows health and increased prosperity, which will correspond to the strength of the pain that you feel in the dream.

To see your stomach ripped open and with your insides turned out in a dream means that shame, ruin and the imminent death of you or your loved ones await you.

Seeing a naked belly in a dream is a sign of loss and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too gullible.

See interpretation: yes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Belly

Attention! A very typical and most characteristic feature of a black magician and obvious demonic influences is periodic sensations of pressure, pain, overexertion and cramps in the stomach, both during sleep and upon awakening. Sometimes the cause of demonic transformation is serious training in martial arts. In the author's collection there is even one wonderful dream told by a karateka. He reported that one night his stomach was severely twisted by a painful cramp. And he, not knowing what to do in this case, gave himself a abdominal massage, after which he fell asleep with great difficulty. But when he woke up in the morning, he was very surprised to discover that some unknown force (without his participation) had tightly bandaged his stomach with a sheet, leaving hard knots in different places of his body. He himself swears there was no way he could do this. After this incident, the karateka’s family began to treat him with caution, because such a pronounced demonic influence on him was obvious.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is impossible to list all the existing symbols and their meanings that we encounter in dreams.

Everything, absolutely everything that is remembered from dreams has its own unique interpretation, and there is no vision that does not mean anything at all. Things, phenomena, people - women, men or children, nature and, in particular, ourselves, or parts of our body - all these are large, important signs.

If you dreamed of a part of your own body, you paid attention to it and remembered the dream, be sure to read the interpretation, because such things don’t just happen in dreams.

The stomach is a sacred part of the body, the concentration of the Manipura chakra among Hindus, the center that is responsible for strength, endurance, grip, the ability to fight and survive, the ability to make a living and build business areas. If you dreamed about your stomach, this clearly and indisputably has important, higher powers are hinting at something to you.

Of course, it also makes a difference why a pregnant woman or just a woman dreams of a man’s belly, his own or someone else’s, normal or something different, big, fat or skinny, hairy or smooth, if it hurts, itches, stroke it or anything else. There are many options, and each such vision, from the simple and familiar to the strangest, has meaning.

Before you understand what your dream means, remember its details. The dream book offers the following:

  • Seeing your own stomach in a dream.
  • He turned out to be naked.
  • In a dream, your belly is big and fat.
  • He is growing before our eyes, becoming prohibitively large.
  • Seeing someone else's fat belly.
  • A pregnant woman dreams.
  • See a man's belly.
  • Stroking him in a dream.
  • Thin, sunken tummy.
  • Feel the heaviness in it.
  • He was hairy in the dream.
  • Stomach hurts in dreams.

What exactly each option means, we learn from the dream book.

What does fate have in store for us?

It is curious that the word “belly” itself in some languages ​​means the word “ life", and is often associated with human life. In a word, this is a very important part of our body, in which great strength and energy are concentrated. So it’s worth knowing why you dream about your stomach, because such a dream is not an accident.

1. If you just dreamed about your tummy, and there was nothing special or abnormal about it in the dream, this indicates that the right moment is coming in your life to actively implement your most daring plans.

It's time to bring everything you plan to life! You have accumulated enough experience and strength to take the first bold step. If you stand still and do not dare to start implementing plans, the moment will be missed and energy will be wasted. Take action!

2. If he was naked and unprotected, this is a hint of your real vulnerability. You feel and consider yourself weaker than others around you. Of course, becoming stronger is not so easy, you need to work at it for a long time. It's time to start, the higher powers are hinting at this to you: train your character, get rid of fears in order to be ahead and achieve your goal.

3. If your stomach was big and fat in a dream, this is a good sign. You will receive recognition, there will be excellent achievements, they will pay off, you will have everything that you really deserve. You will be recognized, appreciated and respected, and your strength will be recognized by the people around you.

4. If it grew right before your eyes and became excessively large, that’s also good. You are now gaining new knowledge and very valuable experience; you now have all the opportunities for your growth. Grab them, develop new skills, become stronger and more successful, now is the time perfect time for this!

5. Seeing someone else’s fat belly in a dream is a sign that you have too much foreign influence over you. Value yourself and know your worth.

6. It’s very interesting why a pregnant girl or woman dreams about her belly. This dream should not scare you! Moreover, almost all expectant mothers dream of such things. This only means that your birth will go very well, and that you are mentally prepared for it.

This dream also hints at your close harmonious bond with your baby. So don't be afraid of anything, happy and healthy motherhood awaits you!

7. As the dream book says, a man’s belly, hairy or not, no matter what size, is a symbol of wealth. You can expect a significant contribution to your personal budget, life is getting better.

8. What's the point of stroking him? Don’t be surprised if in a dream you had to stroke, caress, or simply touch a belly, your own or someone else’s. Such an action as stroking him speaks of all good things - oh correct plans, that you are on the right path, and there will certainly be something waiting for you on it great luck. You are up to something right, don’t deviate from the path, you will achieve a lot!

9. As the dream book says, a thin and sunken stomach in a dream is a sign of weakness and lack of self-confidence. You lack energy to achieve your goals, you are lazy and do little to achieve what you want. Pull yourself together, pull yourself together, make an effort - no one can do this except you. Take action!

10. If it doesn’t hurt, but in your dreams you feel heaviness in it, as if you’ve eaten too much, this indicates that in reality you are setting yourself too big, impossible tasks. Of course, setting goals is important, but be smarter, set realistic goals, achieve them, follow through, and then set new goals.

11. Did your hairy belly scare or surprise you? This is not in vain, because hair on this part of the body in dreams is a warning. And if you saw a hairy belly in a dream, this may indicate that you are planning something bad and wrong.

12. If it hurts in a dream, this is a symbol of the fact that you are not finishing things. It also hurts in dreams of deception, lies, and insincerity.

Whatever happens or appears in your dreams, even if it was not very aesthetically pleasing or pleasant, or was simply strange, do not be alarmed and remember that all these are just symbols. You should think about the meaning of the visions, analyze why you dream about it, what you should change in your life, or, on the contrary, make sure that you are on the right path.

Believe in the best and remember that fate is only in your hands!
Author: Vasilina Serova

In the dream book, the stomach symbolizes life. Appearance dream of belly indicates poverty or wealth.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A well-fed life and enrichment await you if you dreamed of a big fat belly. Otherwise, you will face losses and health problems.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

A sick person strokes his stomach in a dream - to recovery.

A healthy person will have a similar dream about illness.

To dream of rash actions, troubles in the house, illness, to see that your stomach hurts.

A cut and skinny belly dreams of anxiety, poverty and getting rid of annoying troubles.

The belly, although large, is empty - which means you are in danger of poverty.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

A pregnant woman saw a baby in her stomach in a dream - a good dream. The child is healthy and the birth will go well.

If a woman who is not pregnant has such a dream, it means that she will soon become pregnant.

Elderly women dream of having a baby in their belly as a sign of health difficulties. Get a medical examination to avoid unnecessary problems.

If a woman is not going to give birth to a child soon, but she had a dream with a child in her stomach, then it symbolizes her plans, hopes and expectations.

Esoteric dream book

There will be difficulties in moving towards the goals that you have set for yourself if you dreamed that you had a very big belly.

Seeing a stranger with a huge belly is a warning that someone is deliberately blocking your wave.

Dream book of the 21st century

To lose property, you dream that your stomach is cut. In a dream, you will put something on your stomach for wealth.

Fat belly - in a material sense, the situation will improve. A skinny belly warns that losses and monetary losses are coming.


The stomach in a dream is the center of energy and strength necessary to achieve your goals. Control your emotions, cast aside doubts, gain strength and be able to successfully solve all the tasks facing you.

Good luck awaits you if you dreamed that your mother was stroking your tummy.

In a dream, your stomach hurts - do not try to benefit at someone else’s expense. Your actions must be worthy, every step deliberate. This will help you get excellent results along the way to your goal.

A hole in the stomach is a sign of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A wound in the abdomen indicates problems in personal relationships. Try not to conflict so that a final break does not occur.

If your stomach hurts near your navel in a dream, be more attentive to your significant other. This approach will help avoid a brewing conflict.