Grocery retail is perhaps one of the few stable and sustainable sectors of the Russian economy. People always want to eat, even during a crisis. Therefore, they cannot do without food. The grocery store will not be left without customers, but it’s good organized business will allow you to get high profits.

Relevance of a business plan for opening a grocery store

Starting your own food sales business is a serious step that needs to be thought through and carefully planned. Therefore, it is necessary to open a grocery store that reflects financial, production, and strategic aspects.

When opening a grocery store, it is important to take into account your own resources and capabilities and have a good idea of ​​the activities of the future store. In addition, you need to take into account market conditions: how many buyers you will have, who they are, what their needs are, and how much money they have.

Finally, it is worth thinking about competitors who operate in your chosen territory. You should know where competing stores are located, what they offer customers, and what competitors' advantages and disadvantages are.

Enterprise registration

Having decided to open a grocery store, you should decide on the form of ownership of your business: will it be your store or.

Financial part of a grocery store business plan

In order to assess the profitability of a store, it is necessary to calculate the one-time costs of opening a grocery store from scratch, as well as fixed costs. Let's look at these indicators using the example of opening a small store in a building with an area of ​​50 square meters. m.

How much money do you need to open a grocery store?

So, in order to find out how much it costs to open a grocery store from scratch, you need to calculate the costs.

IN one-time costs expenses for the acquisition and renovation of premises, the purchase of commercial equipment, and the registration of an enterprise are included.

In our case:

  • store registration – 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​200 thousand rubles;
  • carrying out repair work– 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods – 250 thousand rubles.

Thus, opening a store will cost approximately 620 thousand rubles.

TO fixed costs include expenses for renting premises, remuneration of personnel, advertising costs, taxes, etc.

In our case:

  • wages for staff (for example, 3 people) – 60 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utility bills - 20 thousand rubles;
  • payment of rental payments - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods – 200 thousand rubles;
  • advertising events - 30 thousand rubles.

In other words, monthly expenses will be more than 350 thousand rubles.

How much profit can you expect from a grocery store?

If we take into account that the average check in such stores is 300 rubles, and the throughput will be approximately 100 customers/day, then the profit of a grocery store per month will be 900 thousand rubles.

Let's subtract from this amount fixed costs, indicated above, and we get net profit— 550 thousand rubles. Do not forget that taxes and unforeseen expenses will also need to be subtracted from this amount.

In general, if you calculate the payback of a grocery store, you can see that the project will pay off for up to 1 year.

Grocery store profitability

The profitability of core activities characterizes the economic effect of the incurred costs of the current period (distribution costs of trading activities). In trading organizations, this indicator characterizes the effectiveness of the costs incurred by the organization to support trading activities.

If in our case the markup is, say, 30%, then the profitability of the grocery store will be 15-20%.

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    The initial investment amount is 532 000 rubles

    Break-even point is reached on the fourth month of work.

    The payback period is from 14 months.

    Average net profit 46 000 rubles

    Return on sales 16 % .

    2. Description of the business, product or service

    In this business plan, we are considering a small grocery store with an area of ​​20-25 m2 in a residential area in a place with high foot traffic. It can be in a separate building or on the first floor of a multi-story building.

    The grocery industry is very competitive. As a rule, on weekends people shop in hypermarkets. However, due to the fact that people often need to buy certain products after work, and there is simply no time to go to supermarkets, the demand for convenience stores remains high.

    Before opening a store, you need to carefully consider the assortment, pricing policy, and make a forecast regarding future sales of specific product groups. In other words, you need to calculate in advance what will be in great demand among buyers. There is no universal algorithm for compiling an assortment - almost all entrepreneurs search for “their product” through trial and error, conducting a thorough analysis of incoming demand and sales.

    Here we present the most standard product range.

    • Meat and sausage products;
    • Vegetables and fruits;
    • Dairy products;
    • Grocery;
    • Confectionery;
    • Soft drinks;
    • Low alcohol products.

    Also, to maximize profits, you should add household essentials (matches, soap, household chemicals, etc.) and pet food.

    Grocery store opening hours: 9:00 - 22:00 daily.

    3. Description of the sales market

    Customers come to the store near their home after work to buy necessary products for dinner. Children, young mothers, and pensioners also go to such retail outlets.

    Analyzing indicators of cash income per capita for last years, a positive trend can be noted: since 2009, the average per capita cash income of Russians has almost doubled. (Information obtained from the official website of the Federal Service state statistics RF)

    Cash income and expenses on average per capita in Russia for 2009-2016, rub.

    As incomes rise, consumer spending increases. Consequently, food costs increase. Consumers already prefer to buy higher quality products.

    Consumption of basic food products in the Russian Federation

    (per capita per year; kilograms)

    Meat and meat products in terms of meat

    including meat and meat products without category II by-products and raw fat

    Milk and dairy products expressed as milk

    Eggs and egg products - pieces

    Vegetable oil


    Vegetables and food melons

    Fruits and berries

    Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals and legumes)

    This table confirms the stability of demand for food products and also helps to navigate the store’s assortment. (Information obtained from the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation)

    4. Sales and marketing

    5. Production plan

    Let us outline the main stages of launching a grocery store.

    Registration with government agencies

    • We recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur.
    • The optimal code for registering a business will be OKVED code - 47.2 - “Services for retail trade of food products, tobacco products in specialized stores.”
    • After receiving the registration certificate, you need to draw up a rental agreement for the premises. You need to obtain permission from the fire department; for this, the room must comply with all the required standards: be no lower than the first floor, have an emergency exit, and a fire extinguisher. In order for the sanitary-epidemiological station to give the go-ahead for a grocery store to open, you must prepare:
    1. contract for sanitary treatment of premises;
    2. waste removal agreement;
    3. food waste disposal agreement;
    4. health records for all employees.
    • The store must be equipped with a consumer corner with copies of licenses for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products, certificates of quality and compliance with SES standards, and a certificate of registration legal entity, a book of reviews and suggestions.
    • It is planned to use UTII as a taxation system. We believe that this is the most favorable tax regime for a store, when the amount of tax does not depend on business income.

    Search for premises and repairs

    A building located no further than 100–150 meters from four high-rise buildings (home to about 1,500 people) is potentially profitable.

    The following requirements apply to the premises:

    • The premises can be either owned or rented;
    • Room area - from 20 m2 to 25 m2;
    • Availability of sewerage, water supply, utilities, powerful electrical networks for refrigeration equipment that meet the technical requirements of the equipment;

    Availability of access roads to the building.

    Supplier search

    Particular attention should be paid to finding suppliers. The best option is the delivery of products from large wholesale bases on a cyclical schedule, it can be carried out on our own. A promising option is to purchase agricultural goods directly from farms. Such a solution will save on the services of intermediaries and provide customers with fresh and high-quality products.

    6. Organizational structure

    As a rule, when opening one point, the owner of the grocery store himself becomes the manager and to minimize taxes wages does not accrue to himself.

    Key personnel:

    • 2 salesmen working in 2/2 shifts;
    • cleaning woman.

    Basic requirements for sellers:

    • activity;
    • high communication skills;
    • goodwill;
    • honesty;
    • discipline;
    • responsibility.

    Sellers are required to have medical records.

    Each salesperson has a salary portion of 12,000 rubles. and the bonus part, which is calculated as follows:

    Bonus part of salary - 5% of revenue

    The cleaning lady has a fixed salary - 10,000 rubles.

    The full calculation of the payroll with the bonus part and insurance premiums is presented in the financial model.

    7. Financial plan

    Investments in opening a grocery store look like this.

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    Business plan Creation of a retail enterprise

    Business plan

    Creation of a retail enterprise

    The essence of the project– registration as an individual entrepreneur to create a retail store selling an assortment of confectionery products, various types of tea, coffee, as well as stylish tableware for tea drinking, accessories made of glass and porcelain. The initiator of the project plans to locate the enterprise in the ... district of Moscow in a shopping center. The company will sell elite varieties of tea, an assortment of coffee, sweets and confectionery products from Russian manufacturers, and tableware. It is planned to purchase goods from large suppliers and manufacturers. Selected suppliers: tea trading house, NNN LLC, confectionery factories"Red October", "Udarnitsa". The trade name chosen for the “Tea and Coffee” store. Additional service Customers will have the opportunity to purchase coffee ground in their presence. The project initiator plans to create workplace for yourself and hire an employee from among the unemployed. Providing the enterprise with equipment at the initial stage of business development will allow creating two jobs for unemployed citizens registered with the Employment Center of the Moscow District, ensuring a stable income and tax deductions to the city budget.

    The selected products for sale - tea, coffee, packaged and packaged confectionery, teaware - are in high demand among the population, who purchase these goods both for their own use and as gifts. Tea is one of the traditional drinks in Russia. There are seasonal fluctuations in demand for tea and coffee with a noticeable increase in demand in the autumn-winter season and a slight decrease in the summer months due to the predominance of demand for chilled drinks. The place of sale of products was chosen shopping mall, located in ... district, opening hours from 10:00 to 22:00 hours. The choice of location for renting space is related to the behavioral characteristics of buyers of this product. Since the majority of buyers of elite varieties of tea and coffee belong to the category of the working population with stable income and are limited in time for purchases, the store’s opening hours, the pleasant interior of the place of purchase, the wide range and quality of goods are important to them. The presence in the product range of well-known manufacturers who have already earned the trust of customers will allow you to quickly attract customers and ensure stable revenue.

    The enterprise creation project plans to:

    1. Registration as an individual entrepreneur.

    2. Concluding a lease agreement for premises to open a store in ... Moscow district.

    3. Purchase of commercial equipment for the trading floor, acquisition cash register, registering it with the tax authorities.

    4. Organization of two workplaces - for the project initiator and the seller.

    5. Purchase of products and their sale.

    6. Attracting regular customers with a system of cumulative discounts, winning new customers (business cards, tastings).

    Thus, receiving a subsidy to open their own enterprise will allow the project initiator to create two jobs, enter the retail market with high-quality products that are in demand, attract customers, and provide revenue and tax deductions to the Moscow budget.

    The total amount of funds required to launch the project is RUB 349,340, including:

    The amount of own funds is 64,360 rubles.

    The amount of requested subsidy funds is RUB 284,980.

    The start of the project is planned from 01.10.10.

    Planned revenue and profit indicators for two years of project implementation:

    Revenue for the first year of the project (period from 10.2010 to 09.2011) – 1,078,000 rubles.

    Revenue for the second year of the project is RUB 1,581,000.

    Profit for the first year of the project (period from 10.2010 to 09.2011) – 2748 rubles.

    Profit for the second year of the project (period from 10.2011 to 09.2012) – 175,322 rubles.

    The payback period for investments will be 24 months from the start of the project. Return on sales – 11% (over a period of 24 months).

    Discount rate set in size 12 % . Justification for the chosen discount rate: the basic inflation forecast for 2010 is 10% (according to the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade). The project is characterized low risk due to the choice of a steadily growing industry and the experience of the project initiator in this retail segment. Therefore the risk premium is 2%.

    By the time the investment payback period is achieved (24 months), the project indicators will be:

    Net present value (NPV) – RUB 4,482.

    The project's internal rate of return (IRR) is 14.5%.

    Profitability index (PI) – 1.01.

    The jobs created within the project are two new jobs over the two years of the project for two unemployed citizens.

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    If you approach the question correctly, how to open outlet, over time you can develop your own big business. But to do this, you need to carefully select the assortment of goods, constantly study the moods and preferences of customers, and also resolve all possible organizational issues in a timely manner and with minimal losses.

    Registration of activities

    First of all, a business plan for a retail outlet should provide for the legal registration of your activities. Being an officially registered entrepreneur, it will be easier for you to interact with the market administration. You can register as an LLC or as an individual entrepreneur.

    The latter is more convenient, since the registration procedure is as simple as possible, takes the least time and costs only 800 rubles. state duties. To apply, you only need an application, identification code and passport. You will also be able to choose a simplified taxation system and maintain all your accounting records yourself.

    Product selection

    An important stage in starting this business is to decide on the product that you will actually sell. There are two ways - to make money on turnover or cost. In the first case, your product will be products, most often seasonal vegetables and fruits. They are sold at a small margin and generate income due to large sales volumes. In the second case, these are clothes and other things, the profit from which is obtained due to a high markup. In the latter case, it is necessary to expand the range with related products, which reduces risks. Their sales can account for up to 30% of the total turnover.

    However, in both cases you will have to face high competition in the market. Most often it is recommended to stop at selling household chemicals. The advice is based on the following considerations:

    • household chemicals have a long shelf life;
    • she is always in demand;
    • most units do not require certification;
    • implementation does not require the purchase of special equipment.

    Features of assortment formation

    But, even having decided on the direction of the business, you still need to find out what exactly the offered range should cover. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to find out this in advance. To find the exact answer to this question, you need to actively work at the point for about three months. Then you can say exactly who your buyer is and what his needs are.

    Therefore, first you need to purchase the most diverse product, but in small quantities. Having decided what exactly your customers need, you can increase the volume of purchases, reducing the amount of unpopular goods.

    To reduce the initial risks, you need to understand that exclusive and expensive items sell extremely slowly, and the point on the market is focused primarily on high turnover.

    Markup on goods

    The main income from a retail outlet on the market will come from mark-ups on products. It is different for all products. For example, for fruits, vegetables and food products it is 15-30% depending on the season. At the same time, for clothes and other things it is approximately 100-200%. Usually the highest markup is placed on linen. If we talk about small goods, then their selling price can increase by up to 300%.

    Accordingly, the profitability from points of different goods will be unequal. So, from selling vegetables you can earn about 6 thousand rubles per day, and for things - more than 20 thousand rubles. But even with a 25% markup, the investment pays off quite quickly.


    How to open a retail outlet on a market without suppliers of goods? Almost impossible. But this issue must be approached very carefully. On the one hand, the cheaper the product, the greater your revenue can be. But on the other hand, good product They won’t sell it cheap, and poor quality will undermine the credibility of your outlet. It is important to find the optimal balance in this matter.

    To increase the profitability of your trade, try to negotiate the most favorable terms with suppliers. For example, purchasing goods in installments or for sale. With long-term cooperation, you can raise the issue of discounts.

    Many suppliers are willing to deliver goods for free. Check this question as it will allow you to save on the driver and loader.

    Selecting a location

    A lot depends on the location of your point. You need to choose the most accessible place. Pay attention to what they sell at neighboring points. It is clear that it will not be possible to exclude competition, but it is advisable to choose in advance the place where similar products are least likely to be found. To increase the profitability of a business, it is worth opening several points in the market. This will help you test different locations and choose the best one.

    If the item is oversized or small, it can be stored in the garage or at home. In other cases, it makes sense to sign an agreement with the market administration for the use of local warehouses.

    In any case, the market administrator is the person with whom you should always have a good relationship. Then most organizational issues will be resolved quickly and painlessly.


    A significant portion of the success of your business depends on the seller, so you should not save on it. It is advisable that the seller has some experience. But it is equally important that he be courteous with customers, be able to find out what they need and sell the product beautifully. Please note that he must have a health certificate.

    You should not expect that you yourself will be able to sell goods and run a business at the same time. For a point to generate income, it must be open at least 8 hours a day. If you trade yourself, you will not have time to resolve ongoing issues and develop your business.

    Basic calculations

    It is difficult to outline more or less clear investment volumes. They depend on what specific product you decide to sell, how many points in the market you plan to open, etc. But if we talk about average indicators, when you rent 10 sq. m. m. If you have one seller and an accountant, then the expenses part will look something like this:

    • Renting a point per year will cost approximately 192 thousand rubles.
    • purchase of goods – 1 million rubles. in year;
    • salary – 190 thousand rubles. in year;
    • other expenses – 50 thousand rubles. in year.

    Total - approximately 1 million 232 thousand rubles. in year. But the amount may vary greatly depending on the region.