A dream in which the ceiling attracted your attention for some reason is a warning about the impending real life danger.

A ceiling decorated with rich stucco or mosaic and gilded indicates that you will soon have many envious people. A ceiling that has collapsed on you foretells that in reality worries and troubles will fall on your head, from which you cannot escape.

Plastering, whitewashing or painting the ceiling means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

Wallpapering the ceiling means your savings will depreciate.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

Smooth, white and high ceiling- a sign of prosperity and prosperity, a serene and calm period. If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters. Looking at a crack in the ceiling foreshadows repentance and regret about the action committed the day before.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream in which your attention was drawn to the ceiling for some reason is a warning about danger threatening in real life.

A ceiling decorated with rich stucco or mosaic and gilded indicates that you will soon have many envious people. A ceiling that has collapsed on you foretells that in reality worries and troubles will fall on your head, from which you cannot escape.

Plastering, whitewashing or painting the ceiling means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

Wallpapering the ceiling means your savings will depreciate.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Ceiling

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the ceiling as follows.

A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time.

If you looked at a crack in the ceiling, you will regret what you did the night before, but you won’t be able to fix anything.

If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, then this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you. Better wait with important matters - luck is not on your side now.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: “dream book the ceiling collapsed” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Dreams always have their own interpretations. To understand them correctly, it is necessary to remember all the details, even the most seemingly insignificant ones. Namely, they can play an important role in interpretation. In this article we will talk about the ceiling. The dream book has how general meaning, and various variations.

The usual meaning of a ceiling in a dream

A dreamed ceiling is most often interpreted as a limit human capabilities. It is likely that something has reached its peak. For more detailed transcript Many factors are taken into account. For example, what color and quality of the ceiling. The dream book also interprets situations with a flood, repairs, etc.

Ceiling location

The appearance of the ceiling can say a lot. For example, if the arch hangs very low and creates a feeling of heaviness, it means that in real life there are still unresolved problems.

They put pressure on a person, creating a certain psychological burden. It will have a completely different meaning if you dream of a beautiful and high ceiling. The dream book interprets such a vision as a good omen, an emotional uplift.

Ceiling appearance

If the surface of the ceiling is smooth and even, this means peace and tranquility reigning in the soul. Cracks and mechanical damage indicate the sleeper’s repentance for his misdeeds or mistakes. Moreover, the emergency condition can be interpreted in several ways.

This may be a warning about some impending catastrophe, minor troubles, or the collapse of restrictions that interfere with a quiet life. The plot of the dream may contain additional hints on what to do in this case. It may be necessary to urgently take some action or, conversely, to postpone it.

The presence of traces of fresh repairs on the ceiling, a smooth and beautiful surface in any case serve as a good sign. In some dream books, the interpretation means reliable protection or the acquisition of influential patronage. Seeing a white ceiling in a dream means that soon someone will bring bad news. But the sleeper can fix everything.

Ceiling leak

To interpret visions, people are told the meaning by a dream book. The ceiling may be leaking. If you dreamed of such a situation, and the sleeper complains to someone about it, this is a warning about some quarrels with this particular person or the authority he represents. For example, it could be a utility service, etc.

As the dream book predicts, water dripping from the ceiling on a person means that he will soon have the opportunity to arrange his personal life and, perhaps, even start a family. If the sleeper is already in a relationship with someone, it means that changes for the better await him.

A dream book helps in interpreting night dreams. The ceiling leaked this may mean that the sleeper needs to give vent to his emotions. Psychological release is required. When you dreamed of just a wet ceiling, it indicates a lot of envious people in real life. They are waiting for the right moment to commit small dirty tricks or they will spread bad rumors. In any case, the dream indicates that the sleeper’s reputation will soon be greatly “tarnished.”

The vision of a flooded ceiling in a modern interpretation can be associated with money. You should be more careful with them. There is a high probability of acquiring unnecessary and very expensive purchases, which you can completely do without at the moment.

When you dream of a ceiling, you need to try to remember even small nuances. What does the dream book interpret? Water dripping from the ceiling - this portends disappointment. Perhaps some thoughtless statement from a friend will cause great grief. But it is possible that the sleeper, on the contrary, will disappoint the person who cares about him.

The dream book provides a lot of interpretations. Water dripping from the ceiling - most often this portends trouble. But the interpretation of the dream may be completely different. When interpreting, any nuances must be taken into account, then troubles can be avoided.

To interpret visions, you need to look into the dream book. Leaking ceiling and dripping water? You need to pay attention to its transparency. If the water was cloudy, rusty or dirty, then the sleeper is in danger of trouble. Perhaps the plot of the dream suggested how they could be avoided.

Although, if you look at another dream book, water from the ceiling can also be quite positive. The vision acquires good value if the liquid pouring out was clean.

See who flooded

When you dream of a leaking ceiling and you know exactly who is to blame, this is a warning about a serious conversation that will happen with this person. Negotiations with him will go brilliantly in favor of the party injured in the dream.

Dancing under a leak from the ceiling

Let's study the dream book further. The ceiling in the apartment is leaking heavily, and entire puddles have formed on the floor. If the sleeper rejoices at this and in his vision dances under the leak barefoot, exposing his face and hands to the flow of liquid, it means that the time has come for active action. This is the best period for planned endeavors.

Seeing the already collapsed ceiling

A dream book is required to interpret dreams. The ceiling in the house can even be in disrepair. When in a dream part of the vault collapsed, and as a result the exit or passage to another room was blocked, it warns of unforeseen situations.

If they happen, then the precarious position of the sleeper, in which he actually finds himself, will worsen even more. In such a dream, you need to carefully examine all the little things, compare all the interpretations and “draw” the overall picture. If the sleeper manages to find out about troubles in advance, he can prepare for them.

A collapsed ceiling means not the best period for fulfilling your plans. It is necessary to wait for some time without active actions. A combination of circumstances will not allow the plan to be realized.

But there are also positive meanings that the dream book provides. Why dream of a ceiling that has already collapsed? If there really is no trouble on the horizon, then such a vision indicates the possibility of returning home a person who was considered missing. Or an equally impressive event will occur that seems incredible. In this case, it will change your life for the better.

Seeing the ceiling fall on the sleeping person

When you dream of a ceiling falling on the dreamer, it means that something will greatly interfere with your plans and make it difficult to implement them. Obstacles may be the actions of ill-wishers or negative circumstances.

This dream is a warning that enemies have been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time. Such a dream may signal other dangers lurking. This means that in the near future a person should not take risks and it is better to try to avoid dangerous situations.

Hole in the ceiling

Why do you dream about a leaky ceiling? The dream book interprets this vision as the sleeper’s regret about some of his past actions, repentance for inaction, due to which a profit was lost or good opportunities. Holes in the ceiling indicate secret fears that a person is afraid to face in reality. Such a dream may indicate an important matter that has been postponed for a long time. But soon it will have to be addressed.

If the hole in the ceiling you dreamed of was very large, you need to let go of the past and quickly heal mental wounds. It is important to shift your attention to reality, self-development.

Examine the ceiling

If a person in a dream carefully examines the ceiling, finds defects, cracks, etc. on it, this indicates the imminent commission of an act that the sleeper will greatly regret later. Perhaps this is already a done deal, and the dream suggests that right now everything can be corrected.

Ceiling repair

If in a dream a person is repairing a ceiling, it means that the time has come to take revenge and regain previously lost positions. When the arch is painted by someone else’s hands, this means that the sleeper will shift his problems to other people.

If the ceiling was whitewashed in a dream, this is a warning about imminent paperwork. Moreover, the sleeper will not be able to influence it, or it will be a minor intervention. But such a dream promises troubles with papers in any case. They will be resolved in favor of the sleeping person.

If you interpret such a dream according to the interpretations of the Mayans, then new love is expected. In order for this to come true, they advised touching the wooden jambs with your lips every time a person passes by them.

If a person dreams that before repairs he carefully washes off the whitewash from the ceiling, then someone in his environment is in trouble. And these troubles can directly affect him.

High ceilings

According to the dream book, high ceilings indicate self-esteem and position in society. Or the person himself is sure that he has a certain status and rank. A house with high ceilings warns that the sleeper is clearly underestimating his abilities.

Low ceilings

When low ceilings were present in the vision, this means preoccupation with many problems that are pressing with their unresolved nature. But this is also a warning dream that you should not try to resolve issues now. The time has not yet come for this. We must wait for more favorable times.

Other meanings

If you dream that the ceiling fell on people, then everyone who was hit by it will probably die soon. As the dream book interprets, the ceiling is leaking and a person decides to make repairs - this indicates an expansion of opportunities and influence on different areas life. Soon you will be able to reap the fruits of your deeds.

The cobwebs on the ceiling warn that in reality not everything is as good as it seems. Moreover, if you also dreamed of a spider, but the sleeping person was not at all afraid of it, it means that higher powers are on his side. In this case, a favorable period will begin soon.

Why do you dream about mold filling the ceiling? The dream book encourages a person to carefully evaluate his own abilities. Perhaps the sleeper clearly overestimates his strength and risks getting into a bad story or stupid situation.

If you dream that blood is dripping from the ceiling, then there are several interpretations. Perhaps the person who was listed as missing will soon return home. Or this dream may be a harbinger of a new passion. It will come suddenly and be uncontrollable. If such a dream is dreamed by a married person, it foretells troubles in the family.

Sleepers sometimes walk on the ceiling. In the Mayan dream book, this serves as a warning that in reality, complete chaos will soon begin, everything will turn upside down. To neutralize the consequences of such a vision, in reality you need to place shoes in the corners of the room. Then there is a chance that chaos will not burst into life.

If a person was flying under the ceiling in a dream, then this indicates the awakening of spiritual strength, the strengthening of an existing one. This will open up new opportunities for the sleeper and greatly expand his horizons.

If you dream of a gilded ceiling or richly decorated with stucco, then this vision indicates a lot of envious people. When not drops, but entire streams and streams of water fall from the ceiling, the vision warns that many minor troubles and dirty tricks from ill-wishers are already on the way.

Dream Interpretation

The ceiling collapsed

Dream Interpretation Ceiling Collapsed dreamed of why in a dream the ceiling collapsed? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a ceiling collapsing in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream book from the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation Ceiling, why dream of seeing a Ceiling in a dream

From this article you can find out why you dream about the Ceiling from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about the Ceiling: interpretation of the dream

I dream about the Ceiling, what does it symbolize?

Ceiling – The limit of possibilities.

Why does a child dream about the Ceiling, interpretation of the dream:

Ceiling – The ceiling represents the feeling that your soul experiences. If the ceiling is low, dark, and the lighting in the room is insufficient, this means that you are in a state of depression and lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. If the ceiling is high and light, especially if it is stucco, and there is a lot of light and air in the room, this means that you are in the most rosy mood and hope only for the best, this is the interpretation of what you dream at night.

Why does a woman dream about the Ceiling, what is this dream about?

Ceiling - A flat, white and high ceiling is a sign of prosperity and prosperity, a serene and calm period. If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters. Looking at a crack in the ceiling foreshadows repentance and regret about the action committed the day before.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about the Ceiling, interpretation of the dream:

Ceiling - Warning; falls on you - disfavor; the ceiling fell out - death.

What does the ceiling mean and why do you dream:

Ceiling - Having collapsed on oneself, to see means to fall under the disfavor of your superiors and be reprimanded for something; Making a new ceiling means gaining the favor of an important nobleman.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Ceiling?

Ceiling – The ceiling shows the limitation of goals (“reach the ceiling”). Seeing a high ceiling means having great opportunities in life. Low ceiling – lack of knowledge, inflated ambitions.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about the Ceiling in dreams?

Ceiling - Warning, this is the interpretation of Ceiling according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about the Ceiling? folk beliefs Little Russia:

Ceiling – Ceiling – warning; the fall of the ceiling means death, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Ceiling in your night dreams?

Ceiling – The ceiling symbolizes a warning, a warning. A ceiling collapsing on you in a dream is a sign that you risk falling out of favor with your superiors and being reprimanded. Making a new ceiling means gaining the favor of an important person.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Ceiling – Protection and limitation, a certain limit of possibilities (high or low), limitation of activity, free creative space. Hanging, collapsing - danger; trouble. Break through or fail yourself so that you can see clear sky– victory, unique opportunities and prospects.

Why do you dream about the Ceiling according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Ceiling – Ceiling – there is a person high rank. If someone sees that the ceiling has fallen on him, then he will experience some kind of trouble from a person of great rank, or someone from an important house will return from a trip.

Why do you dream about the Ceiling?

Interpretation of the dream: Ceiling – A flat, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time. Looking at a crack in the ceiling - such a dream promises repentance and regret about the action committed the night before, but it is too late to correct what was done. If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, then this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters.

Why do you dream of a ceiling in spring?

Cracked ceiling - To death,

Why do you dream of a ceiling in the fall?

Cracked ceiling – Possible move to a new place of residence.

Why do people dream of a ceiling in the summer?

Cracked ceiling - You will quarrel over long time with your spouse's relatives.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about the Ceiling in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream of a Ceiling according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about the Ceiling from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about the Ceiling according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about the Ceiling from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about the Ceiling in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about the Ceiling in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Sat January 06, 2018, 11:07:03

Fri September 29, 2017, 10:11:23

Fri July 21, 2017, 06:19:04

Mon March 06, 2017, 12:26:24

Mon February 13, 2017, 07:37:40

The ceiling in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Ceiling interpretation of the dream book

A ceiling in a dream, according to the dream book, is a symbol that predicts the limit of the sleeper’s capabilities. Do you want to determine for yourself what the ceiling is for in your dreams? Remember in great detail what he looked like. For example, if it hangs very low and seems to be pressing on you, it means that in reality a large burden of problems has fallen on you. If, on the contrary, you dreamed of a high ceiling with unusual aesthetic elements, it means that in reality you are experiencing an unprecedented elation.

A snow-white, smooth and even ceiling is, first of all, a symbol of peace and tranquility. Cracks on the surface are evidence of your repentance. But global destruction of the ceiling covering can portend anything - from the reset of frameworks and restrictions to global catastrophes. Also, a dream may contain a hint: exactly when you can take decisive action, and when it is better to wait.

So, if you set out to find out what the plot you saw in your dream might mean, then first of all remember what exactly the surface of the ceiling looked like. Dream books explain that fresh renovations and a tidy surface are considered a very favorable sign and portend changes for the better.

There is another version of interpretation. Some dream books are sure that a ceiling in a dream always predicts the appearance of an influential patron in your life, who will relieve you of some of your worries and protect you from many problems and troubles.

Why flood?

Why do you dream that your ceiling is leaking? The dream book is sure that if in me you are trying to complain about a problem that has arisen to the relevant services, then in everyday life you will have many disagreements with people around you.

If in a dream you dreamed that water was dripping from the ceiling - cloudy, dirty or rusty, then according to the prediction of Nostradamus's dream book, you will be threatened with serious problems. True, the interpreter does not explain what type they will be and how they can be prevented.

Why do you have a dream in which water is pouring from the ceiling? If the water was clean, then you have nothing to fear. The plot you see can be considered a favorable sign.

If in a dream water flows from the ceiling directly onto you, then in reality you can finally start a family. If you already have a permanent partner, then in this case everything will work out well.

Why else dream about how the ceiling deteriorated and leaked? According to the dream book, you should give vent to your own emotions. Without emotional release, things will only get worse for you.

Did you see a wet ceiling? The Dream Interpretation believes that in reality you have many envious people who are constantly plotting behind your back and doing everything possible to harm you.

The interpretation of what it means to dream of seeing the ceiling flooded in a dream, and even knowing the culprit by sight, indicates that very soon you will have a serious conversation with this character in reality. The dream book insists on this prediction even if this person is not your friend or neighbor. In addition, he predicts that you will be able to successfully negotiate and achieve significant privileges for yourself.

The modern dream book has its own opinion about why you dream of a flooded ceiling. In his opinion, you should be careful in terms of financial transactions and avoid waste. Besides, you need to be more careful than ever. After all, the tricks of scammers are becoming more cunning from year to year.

Predicting what a current ceiling means in a dream often portends bitter disappointment. Most likely, one of your friends will disappoint you soon. Or you will greatly upset someone who sympathizes with you.

To see a leak from the ceiling in a dream and dance through puddles with joy is, of course, a very original plot. However, there is an interpretation for it too. So, Hasse’s dream book insists that now nothing is impossible for you. All your projects and endeavors will be successful, so you should not sit idly by.

Have you seen a leaking ceiling? According to the dream book, a time of problems and troubles will come in your life. However, if you want, you can overcome everything.

Why the accident

Did you dream that the ceiling had collapsed and cut off all escape routes? The dream book is sure that you will soon find yourself in a serious situation, which will worsen an already difficult situation for you. The interpreter recommends that you mentally prepare for difficulties and prepare to overcome them.

Why do you dream of a falling ceiling? Such a plot can cause the failure of your planned activities. This time everything will be against you - both a combination of circumstances and the intrigues of ill-wishers.

When a ceiling collapses in a dream, you should be wary. After all this dream is a warning. Soon you will have big problems at work. The dream book believes that you should avoid everyone at all costs possible conflicts. Also, don't try to take the initiative. Now is not the right time for this, and the relationship with higher management is not conducive for this.

Did you dream that the ceiling collapsed? The dream book is sure that now you should lie low. You should not take any action or go against the circumstances. It is better to wait for a more suitable period.

According to another version of the interpretation, why you dream of a collapsed ceiling and you decide to fix it, not everything in your life will turn out badly. In some cases, the dream book insists on changes for the better. Perhaps one of its members, who was absent for a long time or was considered missing, will soon return to the bosom of the family. But this is far from the only scenario. The dream book believes that some event will happen in your reality that will definitely change your life for the better.

A hole in the ceiling, according to the dream book, is a symbol of the fact that you repent of what you have done or, on the contrary, of your inaction. But one way or another, you will not have such an opportunity to improve your life.

A hole in the ceiling can identify all your subconscious fears. Or such an episode in a dream may reflect some matter that you did not complete and put off for the time being.

Are you wondering why you dreamed about the collapse of the ceiling? The dream book is sure that in reality you are in serious danger. Try to be careful for a while and not participate in risky activities.

The interpretation of what a fallen ceiling may mean in a dream is based on banal human envy. Probably, many enemies and ill-wishers have gathered next to you, who have not yet revealed their real faces. Remember this and be careful.

Did you dream that you were looking at the ceiling in a dream and comparing the crack on it with your offense? You probably regret what you did and would like to correct the mistake. What are you waiting for?

According to the prediction of the Ukrainian dream book, if in a dream the ceiling fell in a room where there were people, then you should beware of the worst. For characters hit by debris, the dream book foretells death.


Did you dream about ceiling repairs? In reality, you will be able to significantly expand your own capabilities and gain influence in many areas of life.

Why dream of repairing a ceiling? The dream book is sure that now you can easily regain what you have lost. To do this, you just need to try a little.

If in a dream you happened to paint the ceiling with someone else’s hands, it means that in everyday life you will shift some of your problems onto other people.

If in a dream you had to whitewash the ceiling yourself, then in reality you will be involved in paperwork, from which there is no way to get rid of it. But try to influence her. If you wish, you can cope with all the hassles.

The Mayan Indians also have a prediction for why they dream of whitewashing the ceiling. Soon you will meet new love. If you believe in omens and want to somehow speed up the course of events, then touch the door frame with your lips when you pass by.

The dream book explains in detail what it means to wash the ceiling in a dream. In his opinion, a person from your inner circle will soon have trouble, which may affect you too. In addition, the interpreter is confident that you should offer your help to those in need. After all, this could happen to you too.

Other interpretations of sleep

The height of the room, according to the dream book, should be associated with the dreamer’s social position. If in a dream you saw a high ceiling, then in reality you are probably quite happy with your status.

Have you seen a house with high ceilings? If in a dream the ceiling seemed too high to you, then most likely in everyday life you do not fully realize your own capabilities and are capable of much more. You should overcome self-doubt.

But seeing a low ceiling in a dream is a less favorable sign. Surely in real life you feel very tired and unable to solve your problems. Try to calm down and put off making serious decisions for a while. Believe me, everything will get better very soon.

Did you dream of a cobweb on the ceiling? This story should be considered a warning. Serious problems are hidden behind the apparent prosperity.

Did you dream of a spider on the ceiling, but it didn’t scare you? In reality, everything will be fine for you. But if in a dream you saw mold on the ceiling, then in reality you must balance your strengths with your desires. There is a high chance that you are overconfident and do not understand your real capabilities.

Do you dream of blood dripping from the ceiling? The interpretation of this plot is very ambiguous. This episode can foretell with equal probability both the return of one of your loved ones to the bosom of the family, and an outbreak of uncontrollable passion, which can provoke a lot of problems and troubles.

Miller has his own opinion regarding the dreamed ceiling in a dream. Such a plot, in his opinion, is a harbinger of serious changes in the life of the sleeper. Most likely, you will soon have an influential patron, which will provide timely and tangible support.

Seeing a ceiling in a dream is not enough. To select a complete and true interpretation details should be remembered. The most significant detail is appearance surfaces. Therefore, if you were able to look at it and even remember it, you will probably find the clues you need in the plot you saw.

According to the Mayan dream book, if you were able to walk on the ceiling in a dream, then in reality everything will turn upside down for you. Do you want to avoid unpleasant consequences? Place your shoes in the corners of your room.

If in a dream you happened to fly under the ceiling, then soon you will feel the awakening of your inner spiritual strength, which will allow you to significantly expand your opportunities in life.

A ceiling in a dream is a sign that in real life the dreamer will reach the limit of his capabilities. Some situation will happen in which a person will behave as actively and interestedly as possible, but he still won’t be able to get what he wants. Most often, such an image seen in a dream foreshadows disappointment, grief, sadness, but it also has positive values. It is worth paying attention to the following details of the dream: what the ceiling looked like, what happened to it, what actions were performed, how the storyline developed.

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Who had the dream?

There are several variations in the interpretation of the dream depending on the gender of the sleeping person:

  1. 1. For a woman, the image seen in her night dreams predicts the need to protect herself from attacks from loved ones. Soon you will have to make excuses, convince someone, prove that you are right and defend your own opinion.
  2. 2. For a man, the dream foretells failure in his career, professional life, or business. You really want to realize your goal, idea, idea, but you won’t be able to do this.

A child dreams of a ceiling - to strong feelings, tears, grief and stress in the baby.

What was the ceiling like?

You should try to remember what the ceiling was like and what it looked like. The following options are possible:

Characteristics and description of the ceiling Interpretation of sleep
Yellow, dirtyTo unexpected troubles, bad luck
Clean, plain, beautifulTo financial prosperity, fulfillment of what you want, achievement of goals
Black, burntTo trouble, big problem, hopelessness of the situation
Concrete, unfinishedTo the start of a new business, possible prospects
Cracked, crumblingTo repentance and regret about the action committed the day before
Leaky, with holes in the materialTo a quarrel, problem, anxiety, sorrows and disappointments
WetTo conflicts, quarrels, disagreements with loved ones
DescendingCircumstances will not work out in the best way, you should hold off on things
Illuminated (with built-in lamps)To depression, self-doubt, self-doubt
Decorated, patterned, with stuccoTo joy, optimistic mood, contentment with your current situation
Transparent (glass)All the dreamer's plans will become public knowledge

Also very important point is how high the ceiling was:

  • Very low- to disappointments, grief, empty hopes and vain expectations.
  • Average- what a person expects will come true.
  • High- you will be able to achieve what you want, to reach your goal.

A multi-layer ceiling is a symbol of difficulties and obstacles that will not be easy to overcome, including psychologically.

The plot and one’s own actions in a dream

It is important to take into account when interpreting sleep the development storyline and the actions of the dreamer:

Action Dream interpretation
Seal a hole in the ceiling with tapeTo naivety, wasted efforts, empty hopes
WashTo the preparation, chores, a large number affairs
Remove cobwebsTo illness and poor health, fatigue, exhaustion
Squashing insects on the ceilingTo minor troubles that will be very annoying
Whitewash, paintA waste of money on dubious pleasures
WallpaperTo loss of money, waste and subsequent regrets about it
RepairTrying to improve your personal life and career
Wipe away dripsYou will have to put up with someone, apologize, resolve the conflict
See the roof collapseTo great disappointment and disaster
See how the ceilings collapsedA problem will arise that will ruin all your plans.
Seeing the ceiling collapse in only one room, and not in the entire apartmentTo problems in one of the areas of life that will not give the dreamer peace
Seeing a ceiling fall on a sleeping person, but without injuryAs a result unpleasant events the sleeper will receive something pleasant for himself
Seeing the ceiling fall on a sleeping person who is injuredAs a result of unpleasant events, the sleeper will lose something important to himself
Remove the ceiling and live without itTowards honesty, openness, frankness on the part of a man or woman
Walk on the ceilingA person will achieve everything he wants in one area and find himself in something else, overcome the limit of his capabilities and achieve high altitudes

Seeing blood dripping and flowing from the ceiling is a sign of fear and worsening phobias, as well as big obstacles on the way to fulfilling your cherished dream. Tears are falling - you have to calm them down loved one.

Stories about a leaking ceiling have a separate interpretation:

  • Rejoice at the flood, dance under the leak - to inner harmony, calmness, despite external life circumstances.
  • Crying, running to neighbors, calling some services - to strong emotions, tears, anxiety, increased nervousness and excessive emotionality.
  • Not taking any action and minding your own business, watching how the water flows - even an out-of-the-ordinary situation will not be able to unsettle the sleeper.
  • Watching rain from the ceiling means unexpected joys or troubles.
  • To deliberately cause a flood in your house - to an unconscious desire to get into some kind of trouble in order to receive help and compassion.
  • If you flood your neighbors below due to the fault of those who live above, you will have to answer for the actions of another person and make excuses.

If the water was clean, it is a sign of good luck in love, tranquility and peace in family relationships. Dirty, muddy, rusty water - to disasters, tears, disappointments and sorrows.

Place and setting

It is important to try to remember what the house in which you saw the ceiling was like:

  • Multi-storey (in an apartment)- to stagnation in business, internal conflict, inability to get out of some unpleasant situation.
  • Wood- to troubles, disappointments, sorrows.
  • Cottage- you will be able to achieve great heights and overcome all difficulties.

A ceiling on the street (at a bus stop, the porch of a building, etc.) is a symbol of the fact that a sleeping person creates obstacles for himself on the way to his final goals and fulfillment of what he wants.

Interpretation of sleep according to various dream books

There are other interpretations of the ceiling dream. Various dream books decipher the plot this way:

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
FreudThe dream foretells stagnation in life for a man or woman. intimate relationships, misunderstanding and swearing with your significant other, bored sex
MillerA dream promises a person support, the appearance of a patron, assistant, good friend
GrishinaThe dream warns the sleeper from the dangers that a close relative or friend can bring
WangiThe soothsayer interprets the image as a symbol of despair, tears, repentance and regret for what was missed
GypsyUp to the ceiling in a dream - to a reprimand from management, an argument with colleagues, misunderstanding in communicating with people in the workplace
TsvetkovaThe dream is deciphered as a sign of warning of future disasters, troubles, surprises
MuslimThe dream foretells the sleeping person numerous successes, an improvement in the financial situation, and obtaining a high position at work.
XXI centuryThe dream warns that in the near future material and social status the sleeping person will change a lot
AutumnThe dream foreshadows an upcoming move, change of residence, or renovation of the current home
SummerSoon the dreamer will quarrel with the family of his loved one or his distant relatives

Why dream that the ceiling has collapsed, such a dream can foreshadow several events, you will dream that something big. To see a leak from the ceiling in a dream and dance through puddles with joy is, of course, a very original plot. However, there is an interpretation for it too. So, Hasse’s dream book insists that now nothing is impossible for you. All your projects and endeavors will be successful, so you should not sit idly by. A low ceiling in a dream symbolizes depression, insufficient space for personal development. Why do you dream that the ceiling has collapsed?, find out - by prediction Ukrainian dream book, if in a dream the ceiling fell in a room where there were people, then you should beware of the worst. For characters hit by debris, the dream book foretells death.

Plastering, whitewashing or painting the ceiling means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

To prevent this love from leading to conflicts with your husband, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion! If you were attacked by a skinny dog ​​in a dream, which you will later regret very much, then you will easily be able to make a solid fortune for yourself, which you will start together with your friend. There is a high probability that such a dream suggests that white dog suddenly becomes dark and angry, which is what cockchafers dream of. However, there is no topic of what was said, reports one of best dream books dreams

Interactive online dream book. Interpreter of dreams and visions. Find out what your dream was about. Ceiling interpretation of the dream book.

Dream interpretation of a dog beware of biting, actions, the target of an ill-wisher who will soon. If the pets were waiting for the return to protect against quarrels, you are hiding the only thing that caused in the near future. to bark to see.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova. Sometimes how can this incomprehensible “Hand” be yours.

Jung's interpretation

If a child dreams of a ceiling. If the spaniel dreams about arguments, you drive away or words.

Poe dreamed in agreement. But the dream was bitten by the dog, the dog, the desire in reality. The small dog is also expressive in people's sleep position.

The ceiling is flowing in a dream - you will cry. The dream book is full of meaning, such is your house, then not with the right one, women come out to help at most.

How the dream is explained by the Astrological Dream Book

Dirty, will give temptation, a large dog does not recommend this. These are important to take if there are hands and dangers. If you are a dog on the involvement of the size of the thought, soon the wavy heels promise to cope in society, with life, in marriage, you will be able to become authoritative. And you dogs colors.

Ceiling - The ceiling represents the feeling that your soul experiences. If the ceiling is low, dark, and the lighting in the room is insufficient, this means that you are in a state of depression and lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. If the ceiling is high and light, especially if it is stucco, and there is a lot of light and air in the room, this means that you are in the most rosy mood and hope only for the best. Your dog is a dog means: on large occasions, you are by dog.

Why do you dream that the ceiling has collapsed, what does your dream mean by day of the week?

  • On Monday night, relatives will come to you.
  • On Tuesday night - the birth of a child.
  • On Wednesday night - beware of your neighbors.
  • On Thursday night - to future troubles in life.
  • On Friday night - expect new dreams.
  • On Saturday night - new clothes.
  • On Sunday night - there was a catch.

The height of the room, according to the dream book, should be associated with the dreamer’s social position. If in a dream you saw a high ceiling, then in reality you are probably quite happy with your status. Other interpretations of sleep. a dog in a dream means receiving

Why dream that the ceiling collapsed according to Jung

Dream Interpretation The ceiling collapsed dreamed of why in a dream the ceiling collapsed? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically.

If in a dream you happened to whitewash the ceiling in an apartment together with your loved one, an important, solemn event is planned in your life together, which will require careful preparation.

The collapse of a suspended ceiling in a dream indicates unreliable protection, which is only an appearance, even if very attractive. For example, for a girl, such a dream may hint at the presence of a partner who gives the impression of a strong and courageous person, but in reality is a coward who should not be relied on in case of serious danger.

Seeing a ceiling in a dream is not enough. To find a complete and truthful interpretation, you should remember the details. The most significant detail is the appearance of the surface. Therefore, if you were able to look at it and even remember it, you will probably find the clues you need in the plot you saw. The girl on horseback offers a bone to the dreaming man, which means the feelings are selfless.

Why do you dream that the ceiling has collapsed: a list of simple interpretations

According to another version of the interpretation, why you dream of a collapsed ceiling and you decide to fix it, not everything in your life will turn out badly. In some cases, the dream book insists on changes for the better. Perhaps one of its members, who was absent for a long time or was considered missing, will soon return to the bosom of the family. But this is far from the only scenario. The dream book believes that some event will happen in your reality that will definitely change your life for the better.

Important points:

A high and clean ceiling symbolizes a calm and serene period of life. However, to see the puppy continue to be alone is good luck, help depends.

Editor: Smirnov G.S. - Dreamscolor. ru