American engineer, inventor, industrialist Henry Ford was born in July 1863. He became the pride of the United States, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, the organizer of production and the designer of the conveyor complex.

Henry Ford's car was created as a work of art, there is nothing superfluous in it, its beauty is practical and functional. And this is not a luxury toy. This is a convenient, affordable gift that Henry Ford gave to the average American family. The biography of this inventor and designer is a worthy example for every person.


Henry Ford, whose biography acquires more and more fantastic details over time, is famous for the fact that he managed to create a flow in production. And the automobile business is also his idea, brought to life by him. And most importantly - management. Economically organized businesses need managers, and the twentieth century gave the world the creative businessman. The best businessman of the century, according to Fortune magazine!

He built the largest production facility that existed at that time, a real industry from which Ford earned his first billion (today this money is “worth” thirty-six billion). The principles of its management still have a huge impact on the entire structure of US society. Ford managed to sell fifteen and a half million Ford Ts, and the production conveyor necessary for production became more familiar than a bicycle on the street.

Opponent and Creator of Management

If Henry Ford had not been an opponent of management principles, his biography would not have been supplemented with the title of the best businessman. He had his own principles: he paid workers twice as much as other employers, and sold them cars at significant discounts. Thus he created a class still called "blue collar". He did not increase the demand for his products. No! He created the conditions for such demand.

This was very inconsistent with the principles of the current production policy. was created and formulated in an absentee dispute between Ford and theorists who could not defeat the famous automaker until a practical manager from General Motors appeared who completely defeated Henry Ford in a face-to-face dispute. So the successful Ford, whose biography is worthy of the pen of a Hollywood film screenwriter, as an entrepreneur, failed in 1927.

Only the product is important

By this time, Henry could no longer change his beliefs. He truly became a star, that is, he was absolutely confident that he was right. And new times came, the change of which he did not even notice. Successful production now required management, and a new quality of management; Henry Ford was unable to understand this in time. His quotes on this subject are remarkable: “Gymnastics is nonsense. Healthy people it is of no use, and is contraindicated for sick people." He had the same attitude towards management.

Ford was confident that if the product was good, it would certainly make a profit, and if it was bad, then the most wonderful management would not bring results. Ford despised the art of management, ran around the shops, looked into the office only occasionally, financial documents seemed nauseating to him, he hated bankers, and accepted only cash. For him, financiers were thieves, speculators, saboteurs and robbers, and shareholders were parasites. And Henry spoke so skillfully on this topic! To this day, grateful management uses them as an example of the loss of flair in business. In any case, even if he was not right, he was extremely honest with consumers.

Honest product

Henry Ford's statements on this matter are relevant for all times: “Only work creates value!” - he never tired of repeating. And so it was. Mass production at the plant did not begin until the model reached an ideal, absolutely universal, in Ford's opinion, state. Then everything is adjusted and the car is put into production. Managers look after the overall output, Ford looks after them, so that the departments work with each other in harmony, and then the profit itself flows freely to the enterprise.

The head of the enterprise decided all the most important issues himself. Henry Ford's theory was that the value of market strategy lies in its "penetration costs." Every year, production volume increases, costs are constantly reduced, car prices are regularly reduced - this is how a stable increase in profits is created, since demand also grows. Profits are necessarily returned to production. While Henry Ford's principles worked for commercial success, he was an individualistic entrepreneur - he did not pay shareholders at all.

Core values

This is the American dream: to be born like Henry Ford into a poor farming family, to become rich and famous. Compatriots may forget who their president is today, but Henry Ford's car will always be remembered. Ford served an idea, a single one, all his life, suffered absolute defeats, endured widespread ridicule, and struggled with sophisticated intrigues. But he achieved his goal: he created a car and earned billions.

Henry Ford's wife, Clara, was also alone for the rest of her life. She believed him unquestioningly and supported him selflessly in difficult moments. He was once asked how he would live his life if given a second opportunity. Henry Ford's statements were always worthy of memorization: "I would agree, but on one condition: I would marry Clara again."


In fact, Henry's life did not start out so easy. He was born on a farm in Michigan, where from an early age he was forced to help his father work in the fields. He sincerely hated this activity. He was attracted only by mechanisms. And the steam locomotive he saw at the age of twelve shook the boy’s soul to the very bottom. Thus began the story of Henry Ford.

Every day until late in the evening, Henry struggled with the construction of a moving mechanism. He stopped looking like an ordinary boy: his pockets are full of nuts, instead of toys there are tools. His parents gave him the first watch in his life, which he took apart on the same day and reassembled as it was. From the age of fifteen he ran around the neighboring farms and repaired all sorts of mechanisms for everyone, and thus he did not finish school. Subsequently, Henry Ford's statements on this matter did not change his ideological outlook. He said that books do not teach anything practical, and for a technician the most important thing is the mechanism from which he, like a writer from books, will draw all the ideas and be able to apply them.

Steam locomobiles

Henry knew no rest in his work: he completely broke away from his farming roots, worked in a mechanical workshop, and at night he repaired watches, working part-time for a jeweler. Since he already had an idea, and only a self-propelled carriage captivated all his dreams, at the age of sixteen he got a job at the Westinghouse Company as an expert in the assembly and repair of locomotives. These multi-ton monsters of automobile manufacturing did 12 miles per hour and were most often used as a tractor. Locomotives were so expensive that not every farmer could purchase such a car.

Henry Ford's first company, although not his brainchild, gave him the opportunity to grow in his profession, acquire ideas and try to implement them. The first attempt was to create a lightweight steam cart for plowing. Henry remembered his father, that his purely paternal dream of a son-assistant had collapsed, and his conscience, of course, worried him. That’s why he wanted to quickly alleviate the harsh lot of farmers, to shift the main labor from his father’s shoulders to the iron horse.

New engine design

A tractor is not a mass product. People want a car that can be driven on the road, not a tool for field work. However, the cart assembled by Henry was dangerous: it is more convenient to sit on a bomb than on a boiler under high pressure. Young Ford studied boilers of all designs and realized that they were not the future, that a light crew with a steam engine was impossible. Hearing about gas engines, Ford was filled with new hopes.

Smart people listened to him with interest, but they absolutely did not believe in Henry Ford’s success in this matter. He did not meet a single educated person he knew who would understand that the internal combustion engine is the future of humanity. From that moment on, he neglected all the advice of the “wise men”. This engine was designed by Henry Ford in 1887. To do this, he had to disassemble Philippe Lebon's gas engine and understand what was what, then return to the farm to experiment there.

Engineer and mechanic

The father was delighted to see his son return and gave him a plot of forest so that he would just stop poking around with the pieces of iron. Henry Ford, slightly slyly, agreed, built a house, a sawmill, a workshop and married Clara. Naturally, I spent everything free time in the workshop, read books on mechanics, designed.

Since it was impossible to get ahead on the farm alone, he moved to Detroit, where he was offered a $45 salary with an electric company. Clara always supported her husband in all his endeavors.

He did not find any sympathy from his new colleagues regarding his tossing, since they were sure that electricity was absolutely the entire future of the planet, but the “father of electricity” himself was interested, treated with understanding and wished him good luck. Henry Ford was incredibly inspired.

America's first driver

When in 1893 Henry Ford rode around Detroit on his internal combustion engine, which he called an ATV, the horses shied away, passers-by were surprised by the loud rumble, surrounded him, and asked questions. There were no traffic rules yet, so we had to get permission from the police. So he became the first officially approved driver in America.

After driving for three years, Henry sold the first brainchild for two hundred dollars and used it to create a new model of a lighter car. For some reason, he then believed that heavy cars were not needed. Oh, if he now looked at the brainchild of his company - the Ford Expedition, then he would definitely change his mind. However, at that time he believed that the mass product was easy and accessible.

By that time, he had been made the first engineer at the electric company and was paid $125 a month, but his experience in the automotive industry aroused indignation among management. It believed only in electricity. On gas - no. The company offered Henry Ford an even higher position, but just let him give up this nonsense and get down to real business. Ford thought and chose his dream.

Racing car

Companions were quickly found who invested money in the newly created Detroit Automobile Company to produce racing cars. Henry Ford could not defend the idea of ​​mass production. The partners needed money; they simply did not see any other use for the car. Is it true, big money this enterprise did not bring any benefit to anyone. In 1902, he left the company so as never to be in a dependent position again. "All by myself!" - Henry Ford said to himself. Achievements were on the way.

Ford never considered speed to be an advantage of a car, but since public attention could only be attracted by victory, he still had to prepare two cars designed to go fast. “It is impossible to give a more unreliable guarantee!” he said to himself, “You can fall from Niagara Falls with a large percentage of luck.”

But the cars were ready to race. The only thing missing was the driver. A thrill-seeking cyclist named Oldfield agreed to ride the breeze. But he never sat behind the wheel of a car. There was a week left before the race. The cyclist did not disappoint. Moreover, he never looked around, did not turn around and did not slow down on turns: just as he “slammed” the pedal to the metal at the start, he did not slow down until the finish. The Ford car arrived first. Investors became interested, and a week later the company was founded, Ford's main brainchild - Ford Motor.

A car for everyone

Henry Ford organized his own enterprise already own plan. The priority was a product that was reliable, easy to use, cheap, lightweight, and mass-produced. Ford did not want to work for the rich, but wanted to make all his compatriots happy. No luxury, the simplest and most functional decoration. And the prestige of the brand didn’t matter either. Even beautiful names his models did not, he named each new one with the next letter of the alphabet.

Ford followed three basic financial principles: he did not take other people's capital, he bought everything exclusively for cash, and all profits necessarily went into production. Dividends are awarded only to those who participate in the creation of the product. Ford directed all his thoughts and efforts towards creating a universal car. It became a model with the letter "T". The previous ones also sold quite well, but, compared to "T", they seemed simply experimental. Now an advertisement could quite rightly say: “Every child can drive a Ford!”

Perfect Creation

In 1909, Henry Ford announced that he would now only produce the Model T with the same chassis. And, as always, he made this statement witty: - “Everyone can buy a Ford-T in absolutely any color, but on the condition that any color is black.”

To understand the scale of the event that the head of the company started, and started with absolute faith in success, you need to imagine that a certain person created a company to provide each of us with cheap and comfortable airplanes. This was the attitude towards buying a car in those days.

The car had to be quite roomy so that the whole family could sit comfortably. Henry Ford was also concerned about choosing the best material. The design should be as simple as possible in today's technology, he believed. And he always had first-class workers.

Ford said that the price of the car would be so low that any working person could buy one. Here, with these very words, many stopped believing him. Can Factory! - opponents shouted to him. And the Model T was called the “Tin Lizzie.” It would seem that it makes no difference what the dogs bark about. All the same, the caravan is moving on. But to sell a lot, low prices will not help. We need to convince you of the quality.

Taking care of the buyer

At the origins of the automobile industry, selling a car was considered a profitable operation - and nothing more. Sold - forgotten. Further fate no one was interested in cars. When repairing, spare parts were prohibitively expensive, since the owner had nowhere to go - he would buy it as cute as he could. Ford sold spare parts extremely cheaply and took care of the repair of cars from its plant.

The competitors got excited. Intrigues, gossip, even patent trials began. Ford did not hesitate to print in the newspapers that every car buyer could demand a bond of twelve million dollars from Ford Motor, guaranteeing the receipt of this money in case of unpleasant accidents. And he asked not to buy cars of obviously low quality at high prices from enemies of the Ford Motor Company. And it worked! In 1927, fifteen million units left the factory gates, which had not changed in nineteen years. Just as Henry Ford did not change his principles. His biography did not end there. Before his death in 1947, he managed to do a lot: create best cars, write a few most interesting books and realize the American dream.

When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind! That's what Henry Ford said. And I followed this rule all my life.

Henry Ford has become a kind of symbol of the American successful businessman. All over the world he is known as the “father” of the most famous car brand. But besides this, he is also a writer, the author of many innovations in the field of manufacturing parts, as well as labor law.

Henry Ford was born into a family of Irish immigrants. His grandfather at one time left this country and moved to America at his own risk. His son (Henry Ford's father) became a farmer, and if it weren't for his passion for cars, who knows: Henry Ford might also have become just another man who works the land.

Childhood and youth

On his twelfth birthday, little Henry received a watch from his parents. And he didn’t calm down until he sorted them out. And then I put it back together. The mechanism was like new. This gave the boy the idea that the mechanism itself was worth nothing if he did not have a mechanic with golden hands. Therefore, it is not surprising that he soon figured out the mechanism of watches and received his first money precisely thanks to this skill: he traveled all around in search of broken mechanisms and easily repaired them.

The second significant day was when Henry saw the locomobile. His childhood imagination was shocked by a car that moved faster than a team.

When he was 13 years old, his mother died, and four years later Henry Ford himself ran away from his parents' house - he was terribly reluctant to do the same thing as his father: run a household.

Therefore, Henry goes to Detroit, the future capital of the automotive industry. There he gets a job at Westinghouse as a mechanic. The company manufactures locomotives, so it is not surprising that Henry himself will soon design his first model. He sold it to a farmer he knew for almost nothing - he did not calculate the effort and time spent.

And then the future business tycoon returns home. The father promised that he would give his irrepressible dreamer son a plot of land if he would get rid of strange ideas about cars from his head. Henry agrees and... deceives his father. The resulting land gives him the opportunity to marry the girl he loves and have a place where no one will stop him from working on his own “car”.

Wife and muse: is it difficult to live with a genius?

Henry Ford captivated his future wife Clara Bryant with her ability to dance beautifully and make watches from a pile of scrap. And although the girl’s parents were against the wedding, the quickly built house reassured them.

For many years, Clara supported her husband in his quest to make a self-propelled carriage. She patiently supplied spare parts in the garage at night, often catching a cold from such “romantic” evenings. But she believed in Henry Ford like no one else.

Therefore, it is not surprising when an already successful and wealthy businessman was asked what he would like to be in next life, he repeated the same thing: “I don’t care if I can marry Clara again.”

The first steps and the birth of a giant company

In 1899, Ford became a co-owner of the Detroit Automobile Company, but due to frequent disagreements, he decided to leave after three years. And already in 1903 his Ford Motor Company appeared. The start of the business started with a scandal: in 1979, the author of the first car patented his project, but never implemented it. But he sued all the manufacturers, demanding that they buy licenses from him. Ford refused. Then they threatened him that they would drag all his clients to court. But Ford rose to the occasion here too: he promised to personally pay his customers for lawyers if they were to have claims against them. And although Ford lost the court, he won more: respect and reputation as a person who puts the rights of customers above his own.

In 1908, Ford Motor Company released the revolutionary Model T, which brought the company success.

From war to war: Ford, tanks and the Jewish question

Although Ford was an avid pacifist, during World War I his factories changed their skills: they produced tanks and prototype submarines, helmets and even gas masks. After the end of the war, Ford founded the newspaper The Dearborn Independent, which, starting in May 1922, published many anti-Semitic materials. He did not hide his negative attitude towards Jews, and the apotheosis of this was the book “The International Jew,” which included many articles from the newspaper.

It even got to the point that the future Fuhrer Adolf Hitler began to quote him. In his book Mein Kampf, he often referred to the thoughts of Henry Ford.

But after public condemnation and a significant decline in sales, Ford publicly apologized and retracted his words, and all publications of International Jewry were withdrawn from sale and destroyed. Before the outbreak of World War II, he again repeated his apologies for his old words about the Jews. But during the war, its factories in Europe still collaborated with Nazi Germany.

New ideas and the last years of life

In 1925, Ford founded his own airline, Ford Airways, and began producing airliners in the same year. The most successful model was the Ford Trimotor, which was nicknamed the “iron goose”. It remained on the market until 1989.

Until the 1930s, Henry Ford personally led the company, but due to disagreements with partners, he transferred this position to his only son Edsel. But he died in 1943, so Ford headed the Ford Motor Company for another two years. Afterwards he handed over all the affairs to his grandson

  • Every year, prices for Ford cars did not increase, but decreased. Ford felt it was unwise to pass on new costs to customers, so it looked for ways to make production more efficient.
  • Henry Ford's factories gladly hired people with disabilities, even completely blind people. The company’s specialists analyzed what kind of work one-armed and even legless people could do, and first of all they hired them for such positions, and not completely healthy people.
  • But women were reluctantly hired to work at Ford factories. Only if she is the only breadwinner in the family. But as soon as she got married, she was immediately fired. Henry Ford believed that it was the husband's job to bring money into the house, and the woman should raise children.
  • Henry Ford is the inventor of assembly line production. In his factories, everything was precisely calculated: how much space is needed for each worker, and how many seconds they spend on this or that function. Neither time nor space was to be wasted. Ford believed that the first thing this would affect was the price of the car, and therefore the wallet of its customers.

Titles, awards and prizes:

In 1928, Ford was awarded the Elliot Cresson Medal by the Benjamin Franklin Institute for his revolutionary achievements in the automobile industry and industrial leadership.

Henry Ford - inventor, founder of the Ford Motor Company automobile concern, modernizer of conveyor production. A talented and successful leader, the first to raise the minimum wage for workers, reducing the working day to eight hours and the week to five days.

On July 30, 1863, Henry's first child was born into the family of farmer William Ford. Since childhood, he showed no interest in his father's work. He saw that the effort expended on certain operations was sometimes not justified, and the introduction of mechanisms would make the work of his loved ones easier.

Henry received his education at a primary church school, but never felt remorse for writing with errors. His developed, lively mind more than compensated for this deficiency.

At the age of twelve, the boy became obsessed with the idea of ​​​​creating a self-propelled moving mechanism after he saw a locomobile “rushing” at a speed of six kilometers per hour. And although his relatives condemned his hobby, young Ford entered the workshop as an apprentice mechanic.

Returning home four years later, he does not give up his ideas and continues to work on his inventions. Already in 1887, Henry proposed to the farmer's daughter Clara Bryant, with whom he then lived happily all his life. This woman always supported and inspired the inventor, even at those moments in history when everyone else considered his ideas crazy. In 1991, Henry and Clara Ford had a son, whom they named Edsed.

Foundation of the company

The gasoline thresher was the first invention after which Ford began to be taken seriously. Thomas Edison acquires a patent from him and offers him the position of chief engineer at his enterprise. But even this prestigious position does not distract Henry from the idea of ​​​​producing a car that would be available to almost all residents of the country.

Soon the company management strongly advises young specialist stop thinking about “extraneous things.” Then Ford quit and in 1899 became one of the co-owners of the Detroit Automobile Company. However, after three years he left it, not finding support for his idea among his colleagues.

Soon Ford independently released its first Fordmobile, which did not interest anyone. But a brilliant marketing move soon saves the day. Henry gets behind the wheel of his own car and participates in nationwide races, achieving success. The first place was best advertising, and orders poured in from all sides.

In 1903, thanks to investors, the famous inventor opened his own company called the Ford Motor Company, with the help of which he realized his dream and created a public car.

In 1908, the Ford T was born, distinguished by its reliability, convenience and affordable price of only $850. Competitors are fading into the shadows, and Ford's products are firmly entrenched in leading positions.

Major innovative transformations

Henry Ford can be called a revolutionary in the changes introduced in his production. The main achievements that led to success include:

  1. Conveyor production. The conveyor is not one of Ford's inventions; he only improved it and used it in assembling complex mechanisms. But it opened huge prospects increasing labor productivity and speeding up the entire process of producing machines.
  2. Raising the minimum wages workers up to five dollars a day. This attracted many employees to his company, who subsequently valued their jobs. Moreover, they, gradually accumulating the required amount, could purchase cars from their company.
  3. Introduction of an eight-hour shift. Thanks to this innovation, the enterprise began to operate in three shifts, thereby creating new jobs.
  4. Ford was the first to legalize the six-day working week, giving employees the opportunity to rest peacefully on their day off.
  5. Payment of vacation pay. Previously, vacation at enterprises was not paid, and often not even provided.

Company difficulties and ways out of them

Ford will soon buy back from investors controlling interest shares from
your company and becomes its full owner. In addition, it acquires mines, mines and factories for the production of materials for the production of automobiles.

But competitors are not willing to give up so easily, and in 1927 the company is on the verge of collapse. But even such severe tests were unable to break Ford’s will. In the same year, the world saw the improved Ford A model, which was a dizzying success among consumers, as it was superior to its competitors in terms of quality characteristics and spectacular appearance.

Henry Ford died in his homeland not far from Detroit at the age of 83. He survived the death of his only son and left his empire to his grandson Henry Ford II. His life was a vivid example of how the power of the human spirit and mind is capable of making the most fantastic and daring dreams come true if you really believe in them with all your heart.

Talented people always have a different way of thinking from others. Henry Ford, whose biography is known to everyone, was no exception. A great engineer, a talented boss, an inventor with vegetarian preferences.

Henry Ford: a short biography. Childhood

On a hot day on June 30, 1863, the future creator of the Ford company was born in Michigan. I studied at a regular school and had many friends. On his thirteenth birthday, his father gave him a wristwatch. The boy was so interested in the mechanism that, unable to bear it, he took them apart and later put them back together without difficulty. He repeated the procedure more than once. Friends, seeing the natural talent of the master with a meticulous approach to repairs, began to turn to the farmer’s son for help in repairing wall and wristwatch. At that time, there were not enough tools; we had to use improvised means in the form of a penknife or an old screwdriver with broken teeth.

Young Henry felt that farming was not his path. In July 1876, he and his father were in Detroit. A vehicle was moving slowly past him on the road, driven by steam engine. According to his own recollections, it was a locomobile.


Henry Ford leaves his father's farm at the age of 16. He was never able to find any benefit in agricultural work. Having moved to Detroit, he gets a job in Drydock's workshop as a mechanic's apprentice. All subsequent time he studied accounting and focused on studying steam engines, because from the first memorable meeting I knew what I wanted to change in this car. His parents never shared his passion for mechanics and were firmly committed to passing on his farming skills to his only heir. Having settled down as an apprentice machinist in Detroit after training, Henry worked part-time repairing watch mechanisms. Thus, this activity turned into a kind of hobby that Ford carried with him throughout his life.

Henry Ford: biography and personal life

Having met Clara Ale Bryant in 1888, Ford briefly forgets about his plans, marries the young beauty and returns to agriculture in order to feed your family. But a few years later he was invited by recommendation to the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1893, he was appointed to the position of chief engineer due to his technical literacy, responsibility and work discipline. But the thought of creating his own horseless carriage did not leave him.

Henry Ford said more than once that his best companion was his wife. Son Edsel - the only heir to Ford Motor in the future - will disappoint his active father with his indifference to automotive business. Close surroundings said that the early death of his son was not a great tragedy for the elderly Ford. But Clara, as a mother, took a long time to get out of depression. Henry Ford himself will never understand that his son repeated his fate as a farm boy who dreamed of racing in his own passenger car, and not trudge along on a harnessed mule.

First model

In 1896, he designed his first Ford Quadricycle. Then in the same year he personally meets with Thomas Edison and shows him his drawings of automotive technology. The leaders and founders of the Edison Company were inspired by Ford's drawings and gave the go-ahead for the construction of an improved model.

Many years later, Henry and Thomas will become best friends and neighbors who discussed not only issues of politics and society, but also innovative implementations in the auto industry.


Henry Ford, whose biography and achievements inspire great respect, never stopped halfway. After conducting numerous tests, in 1899 he already had a stake in a small automobile company. In 1903, at the age of 40, he founded the Ford Motor Company. The fledgling production was attacked by a major automobile syndicate. Litigation continued for about seven years, but Ford's company eventually won and was cleared of charges of plagiarism.

Launch of an industrial conveyor

Henry Ford, whose biography is described in the book “My Life, My Achievements,” took as the basis for his work the methodology developed for Samuel Colt. The production steps include separate assembly for each element.

Ford introduced standardization of the parts used, thereby reducing overall assembly time, and also reducing the number of skilled workers working on the belt. Now ordinary workers could control the assembly.

Each workshop was engaged in its own work, which was actively modernized. Having calculated how to combine the work of the entire assembly mechanism, Ford created a single line in his production, passing through most of the workshops. Additional lines were connected to the main conveyor for the timely supply of the necessary elements during assembly.

By polishing the assembly process with a single assembly line, Ford achieved an amazing result. Every 10 seconds, a ready-made car stood at the exit, running. Thus, the company managed to make a profit and reduce the final cost of the car, allowing the average resident to purchase an iron horse.

In the fall of 1908, the first model of the legendary engineer, the Model T, rolled off the assembly line. Ford employees affectionately called it “Tin Lizzie.” American farmers give this nickname to their workhorses, and the Irish, for example, give this name to naughty and wayward mares. The price of the car was a little more than $200 at that time. This model made it possible to occupy a niche in the market, reaching a circle of people with an average monthly income in the country.

By introducing mass production at his plant, Ford was able to increase the daily wages of workers. All those who drink, gamble, have problems paying alimony, have a criminal record, or are on the wanted list could not get into the team. Later, the owner of the company changes his mind, changing his attitude towards people who have problems with family and the law, believing that this is not his concern. To keep order on assembly lines, Ford often resorted to crime bosses, appointing them as watchers at the sites. The method that destroys a good reputation worked flawlessly. There were no fights or altercations; the workers were engaged exclusively in matters within their responsibilities.

The next step was dividing the working day into three shifts, transferring production to round-the-clock operation. Henry Ford introduced the eight-hour workday. His biography tells that he thereby organized several hundred jobs that were so necessary for local residents.

A lot of interesting things happened in the life of such a person as Henry Ford. Biography, summary which cannot convey all the details, includes many interesting facts from his life. By the way, the inventor described his life in his works.

No one expected that the book that Henry Ford himself wrote (biography on English language), will sell out in such quantities. It will become a kind of automotive bible.

Henry Ford would become America's first registered chauffeur. Although at that moment the rules traffic didn't exist yet.

The first car Ford sold cost $200.

The great designer firmly believed in human reincarnation. Answering questions, Henry Ford, whose biography is set out in the book, will talk about the soldier he was in a past life.

At its famous factory in war time equipment was collected for the Germans who idolized Ford.

The first car was black. The shade was not chosen for love of color, it just dried faster.

The first model is one of the ten man-made objects that changed the world, according to Forbes magazine.

Coal in briquettes is another innovation invented by a bright and talented engineer.

Takeover of Ford Motor

In 1909, the brand with the Ford trademark had a record of registration in the patent office. The image has changed slightly over the years, as Henry Ford himself wrote. The biography in English talks about a triangle with outstretched wings, denoting lightness and the desire for speed. The colors - blue and orange - did not change until the end of the 20th century.

In 1919, Ford and his son bought out the remaining shares, and the company became completely owned by the family. Ford Jr. becomes head of production.

Ford Motor Company Crisis

While Henry Ford, whose biography had not yet been completed, was resting in retirement, his son was undergoing a crisis. Production was outdated, Model T was inferior to competitors in terms of technical specifications. It was decided to close all Ford factories to carry out restructuring and reconstruction of production facilities. However, at this time, General Motors took first place in the leadership race, which a little earlier took care of expanding the range of cars - for any budget and status.

The released Model A was a failure as a result, with low sales figures. Consumers wanted a faster engine and a more modern design. In 1932, Ford launched a monolithic eight-cylinder engine for the first time in history. Many years will pass before other companies implement their ideas for the safe launch of such an engine. Henry Ford himself did not remain aloof from the implementation of the project; his biography of that period indicates his indirect involvement in the grandiose breakthrough.

War time

The discoverer of briquette coal was always negatively inclined towards military action, so he openly declared his pacifist sentiments. Imagine the surprise of society when it became known about the start of military production at the Ford Motor base.

In 1942, production of cars for civilians was stopped due to martial law. A massive campaign started by Ford's son designed more than 50,000 military components in less than three years.

In 1943, Edsel Ford's only son died of cancer. This was the reason for the return of Henry Ford to the post of leader.

Last years

The first automobile tycoon, Henry Ford, met his old age with dignity. His biography and description of his life in his declining years confirm this.

Having transferred authority to his grandson, the brilliant engineer quietly retired and lived on his estate with his wife. He was awarded several honorary awards for his contribution to the automotive industry, and received a medal of the highest standard for his contribution to the development of society. Ford died in 1947 at the age of 83.

His grandson, after the death of the founder of the Ford Motor brand, continued the business and in a few years raised production to high level, capable of competing to this day.

Childhood with bolts and nuts in hands. Youth spent with with dirty hands, always smelling of fuel oil. Not every boy dreams of such a life, but not Henry Ford. Originality of thinking, peculiar analytical mentality, natural talent and golden hands made his person recognizable in every corner of the world. The biography of Henry Ford is a book that has become hope for many for their future. With faith in himself and the Vedic spiritual powers, he persistently built his ladder of fame. The Ford Motor company he created is today one of the leaders in the automotive industrial arena.