Friends! To quickly find what you need lettering for tattoo use the key combination: CTRL+F

  • Believe in yourself - confide tibimet
  • Be faithful to those who are faithful to you - Fac fideli sis fidelis
  • Be who you really are - Esto quod es
  • Looking at the sky while standing on the ground - Pedes in terra ad sidera visus
  • Live to live. — Vive ut vivas
  • Life without freedom is nothing - Vita sine libertate nihil
  • To live is to fight - Vivere militare est
  • Live, take risks and never give up - Vivere, dimicāre, nunquam cēdĕre
  • For he will command his angels for you, to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 90:11) - Quia angelis suis mandabit de te ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis
  • It is known that Love blind-notum est amor em caecum essay
  • Either win or die. — AUT VINCERE, AUT MORI
  • Only a mother deserves love. — Solum mater digna amatu
  • Love is above everything. Amor omnia vincit
  • My angel is always with me - Angelus meus semper mecum est
  • My children are my life - liberi mei vita mihi sunt
  • My daughter is my life - Mea filia vita mea
  • My daughter is my love - Mea filia caritas mea
  • My son is my life - Meus filius vita mea
  • My family is my fortress - Familia mea fortitudo mea est
  • Never give up! —Nunquamcede
  • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - Oculum pro oculo dentem pro dente
  • The one who defeats himself wins - Vincit qui se vincit
  • Under the wing of an angel - Sub alis angeli
  • Know yourself - Temet nosce
  • While I breathe, I love and believe - dum spiro, amo atque credo
  • Truth is my light - Veritas lux mea
  • Forgive me, Lord, for my sins - Pater dimitte mihi quoniam peccavi
  • Farewell and love me - Vale et me ama
    • Born to be happy - Nata sum ut felix sim
    • Born to be happy – Natus sum ut felix sim
    • I'll make sure you remember me! - Faciam ut mei memineris
    • Family comes first - familia omnibus praestat
    • Words disappear, letters remain. -Verba volant, scripta manent
  • Thank you mom for my life - Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago
  • Thank you parents for life. — Gratias parentibus pro vita mea ago
  • You are forever in my heart - Semper in corde meo
  • I am not a follower, I am a leader -Non ducor duco
  • I will either find the road or make it myself. - Aut inveniam viam aut faciam


    • There are minutes for which you can give months and years. التي يمكن ان تعطيها اشهر وسنوات
    • It's easy to be busy, but the hardest thing is to be productive. .
    • Eternal love - حب أبدي
    • Time does not heal, the person who is nearby heals... ...
    • A girl should not hear how loved she is, but feel......
    • If you love, love without deception. If you believe, then believe until the end. If you hate it, say it straight. And if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes. Well done!
    • If you think well of yourself, why do you need anyone else to think well of you? ان كنت تفكر حسنا في نفسك, لماذا اذا تحتاج ايضا من يفكر بك حسنا؟
    • If you leave and no one calls you back, then you are going in the right direction. Please contact us, please contact us ح
    • Live today, forget about tomorrow -
    • Remember: never be jealous of me. If I chose you, it means you are much more valuable than everyone else. ان كنت قد اخترتك, فهاذا يعني انك اغلى بكثير . من الاخرين
    • Happiness is born from your dreams...
    • Sometimes, a step back is just a running start.
    • When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are. Yes, no matter what, no matter what. عندما تسقط, انت تعرف, من . اصدقائك
    • When I see you, my heart beats faster. .حين اراك, قلبي يدق اسرع
    • Only those who have a beautiful upbringing are beautiful. .جميل فقط من لديه تربية جميلة
    • Beauty - جمال
    • Who wants to move the world, let him first move himself...
    • It's better to have a broken heart than not to have one at all... ...
    • The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. .
    • It is better to love yourself than to give your love to someone who does not need it. . . .
    • Love brings even the proudest man to his knees. .
    • Love is not a bird that can be kept in a cage - الجمال ليس عصفور في قفص
    • Love - حب
    • My family - أهلي or عائلتي
    • My thoughts are consumed by silence - الصمت يغرق في افكاري
    • You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel. In the future ه It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream! ! او في ايجاد حلم جديد
    • Don't trust anyone - لا تثق بأحد
    • One of the secrets to a strong relationship is to respect each other's hobbies. .احترام هوايات بعضنا البعض
    • He knows no fear
    • True love always brings light. .من الحب الحقيقي دائما ياتي النور
    • Sometimes it seems that in this world, you can’t trust anyone. In the future
    • Forgive and always love me - سامحني و حبني دائماً
    • Parents are the best we have, appreciate them, because only they will love and believe in you until the very end... ك ويثقون .بك حتى النهاية
    • Today people are much cheaper than their clothes. .
    • Family - أهل or عائلة
    • Family is heaven in a heartless world
    • Manage to love one so much that you can pass by a thousand best ones and not look back. تges root تlf واح قط قط قط قط بيث ال еق quite الاف اضل nds تراج الى الوراء
    • There are no weak people, we are all strong by nature. Our thoughts make us weak. Well, that's it. لكن افكارنا تجعلنا ضعفاء
    • Follow your path and let people say whatever they want! It shouldn't be boring or fun with a man. It should be warm, reliable and calm with him. مع الرجل لايجب ان يكون الملل او المتعة. معه يجب ان يكون الدفئ, الامان, . والهدوء
    • Suzanne — سوزانا
    • He who knows how to smile every day knows how to live. .
    • You can do anything, you just need desire. بامكانك ان تفعل كل شيء, ولكن يجب ان تكون الرغبة
    • Smart people give each other happiness, stupid people expect to be made happy. الاذكياء يهدون بعضهم البعض السعادة, اما الاغبياء ينظرون الاخرين حت ى يجعلوهم سعداء
    • The happiest people don't have the best of everything. But they make the best of what they have. لدى اسعد الناس ليس لديهم كل شيء جيد. لكنهم دائما ينتزعون .الافضل مما هو موجود
    • It's good when there are people who encourage you to become better.
    • If you want to do something well, do it yourself. If you want to do everything on time, start now. If you want to be happy, think about those to whom you have done good! تريد ان تفعل شيء ما جيد — افعل ذلك بنفسك. All right. تريد ان تكون سعيدا — فكر بمن فعلت معه خيرا
    • Appreciate the people who come in those moments when it’s not they who feel bad, but you. .
    • Appreciate a person not for his appearance, but for his attitude towards you! .
    • I will always love you— وسوف احبك الى الابد
    • I asked God for water, he gave me the sea. I asked God for grass, he gave me a field. I asked God for an angel, he gave me you. وَ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالَقْ عُشْباً فَوَهَبَنِي حَقْلاً. وَ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالَقْ مَلَكاً فَوَهَبَنِي أَنْتَ


  • The whole world is at my feet - il mondo intero è ai miei piedi
  • Live without regrets - Vivere senza rimpianti
  • Born to be happy -nata per essere felice
  • You are forever in my heart - Sei sempre nel mio cuore
  • I'll get everything I want - Otterrò tutto ciò che voglio
  • My children are my life - I miei figli sono la mia vita
  • My children are my joy - I miei figli sono la mia gioia


  • Nothing gold can stay (R.Frost)
  • In life, you need to learn to dance in the rain, and not wait for the storm to pass. — Life isn’t about waiting the storm to pass... It’s about learning to dance in the rain!
  • Everything that is done is all for the better - It’s all to the good
  • Live positively - Be positive
  • Love is above all - love is above all
  • Never give up! — Never give up/never back down
  • Guarding your heart
  • Show me your soul and I’ll show you my heart
  • Let the hearts of relatives beat forever/let the hearts of my parents beat forever
  • The path to life - Ride to life
  • I want my mom’s heart beat forever.
  • I will either find the road or make it myself. — I shall either find a way or make one.


  • The whole world at my feet - Le monde est à mes pieds ( Tout le monde à me pieds)
  • Dreams come true - Les rêves se réalisent
  • My angel is next to me. — Mon ange est apres de moi
  • My family is forever in my heart - Ma famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours
  • Forever in my heart - Pour toujours dans mon coeur
  • Born to be happy - Née pour être heureuse
  • Follow your dreams - suivez de vos rêves
  • Appreciate every moment -Appréciez chaque moment
  • What a woman wants, God wants - que femme veut dieu le veut


  • My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I will follow you - Angel mio, estate conmigo, tu ve delante de mi y yo te seguire
  • Without pain there is no glory - Sin dolor no hay gloria
  • All the best in me is yours. — Todos el mejor en me tuyos es.
  • Even the one who is far away is nearby if he is in your heart. — Hasta el que está lejos se acerca si le tienes en tu corazón.
  • Life is love, enjoy it! — La vida es amor, gozala
  • Life is a game - play beautifully - la vida es un juego juegalo
  • Mom, you are forever in my heart. — Mamá, estas siempre en mi corazón
  • Never give up, no matter what - Jamás te rindas, pase lo que pase
  • Under the wing of an angel - Bajo el ala de un angel
  • Born to be happy - Nacido para ser feliz
  • Happy life - Una vida feliz
  • You are forever in my heart - Siempre estas en mi corazon
  • Follow your dreams - Siga tu sueño
  • Thanks to my parents for life - Gracias a los padres por la vida
  • Value every moment. - Aprecie cada momento


  • All the best in me is yours. — Alles Beste in mir deines ist.

Translation of any texts from English into Russian in Orenburg. Translation of tattoos into Latin, Spanish. Technical, legal, medical documents. Written and oral translation.

The new review collected several more tattoos that can safely be considered a real work of art. Even those who don’t really like drawings on the human body will definitely like them. Enjoy watching and good mood.

1. Lotus flower

A miniature black and white tattoo of a lotus flower in the hand, denoting femininity, fertility, love, passion and purity of heart.

2. "Family"

The word “family” enclosed in an infinity sign is a universal tattoo that will suit people who put family above all else.

3. "Dad"

Tattoo in memory of the departed dad.

4. Pine

Nature inspired tattoo. Images of pine or spruce on the body mean eternal life, hope, fertility.

5. Rings

Finger tattoos in the form of wedding rings are a great way for lovers to cement their relationship.

6. Fox

A tiny fox tattoo done in a graphic style. The image of a fox is common and universal among young people. Tattoos depicting this animal mean beauty, dexterity, confidence and cunning.

7. Keyhole and key

Original, and most importantly discreet tattoos in the form of a keyhole on the neck and a key on the finger are a great idea for an unconventional, slightly reserved person.

8. Flower

A charming tattoo of a flower, made in the popular watercolor technique, symbolizing beauty and tenderness.

9. "Believe"

A tiny image of a bird and an inscription on the wrist, denoting faith and hope.

10. Mountains

A tattoo depicting mountain peaks is a symbol of masculinity and strength.

11. "Oh yes I can"

A tiny inscription on the hand can have both humorous and serious meaning.

12. Bicycle

A tattoo with the image of a bicycle will appeal to fans of this type of transport. This pattern is universal and suitable for both women and men.

13. Mirror of Venus

A tiny tattoo of the mirror of Venus on a man's foot, apparently indicating the sexual preferences of its wearer.

14. Balloons

A colorful tattoo depicting a bunch of balloons, made using watercolor technique, is suitable for light and cheerful people.

15. Balloon

A small and rather rare tattoo with an image of a hot air balloon is a sign of a risky nature, capable of thinking broadly.

16. Compass

An original interpretation of a tattoo depicting a compass, symbolizing balance, certainty, firmness of views and beliefs.

17. Camera

Small cactus tattoo.

A miniature and funny image of a cactus will certainly appeal to people with a sense of humor and those with a prickly character.

20. Moon

A small but quite realistic tattoo of the moon. Tattoos depicting the moon have many interpretations and meanings: a connection with mystical forces, mystery, a symbol of the feminine principle, and many others.

Mom tattoo on hand old school

A tattoo dedicated to a mother expresses the love of a child. A word or image is applied as a tribute to memory or as a manifestation of warm feelings. A mom tattoo can be addressed not only to a specific person.

It denotes love for one's homeland, community, or one's child. In the practice of tattooing, women apply a symbol as an expression of joy in honor of acquiring the state of motherhood.

Lettering tattoo

According to statistics, 80% of mom tattoos are addressed to the woman who gave life to the owner of the tattoo. The drawing tells everyone around that the owner of the image has a deep sense of gratitude to his mother.

The tattoo can be dedicated to a woman who left the world as a sign of sadness. In this version, the tattoo is complemented by an extinguished candle or similar symbols.

The remaining 20% ​​of tattoos express gratitude to the person and environment that provided him with maternal care.

Interpretation of mom tattoo:

  • family;
  • community;
  • Homeland;
  • the city in which the person grew up.

The tattoo shows that for a person, a connection to a community or place is deeply personal. Some women, having become mothers, apply tattoos to their bodies as a sign of joy from their new condition.

Tattoo lettering about family

The tattoo emphasizes that a community or real family helped a person find support in life. In this context, a tattoo with an inscription about mom is decorated with ribbons or vignettes.

Family-related tattoos are most often written in Latin letters or Gothic script.

Tattoos dedicated to mothers are decorated with:

  • flowers, often roses;
  • image of a heart;
  • ribbons;
  • a pair of pigeons;
  • swallows, etc.

The peculiarity of the inscription about parents is paired elements and symmetrical patterns. It symbolizes integrity, harmony and well-being.

Tattoos dedicated to one’s own mother are more sentimental. They are supplemented with numbers, most often this is the date of birth of a son or daughter. After all, a birthday is an event that is shared by two people - a mother and her child.

Heart and mom tattoo

A heart tattoo and an inscription are always associated with one’s own mother. The symbol denotes the fact of birth, deep feelings for a person. The symbol represents the lifelong bond between mother and child.

For the bearer of an image of a heart with the word “mom” inscribed, the tattoo is sacred. It establishes a subtle connection between two hearts. Shows that even after leaving the womb these bonds are not broken.

Some tattoo artists are of the opinion that love for parents should be carried in the soul, and not on the skin. However, for a person who has a tattoo with his mother’s name, the drawing also becomes a support. Especially when birth mother leaves this world.

Flowers and mom tattoo

The image of a mother for a child is associated with everything beautiful that is in the world. She is the personification of nature and the forces that give life. That is why many people prefer to decorate tattoos dedicated to their mother with frames of flowers.

The number of elements in the figure also has a semantic meaning. One rose with an inscription signifies burning love for the woman who gave life. The bearer will actively defend the interests of his mother and defend her good name.

A lush bouquet of flowers for women symbolizes the joy of realizing motherhood. A frame made of forget-me-nots or violets in delicate shades personifies tender feelings. Openwork floral frames emphasize the caring attitude towards your mother.

Mom and dad tattoo

Paired designs are not uncommon in tattoo practice. Caring children put the word "dad" or "father" and "mom" or "mother" on their hands. The application site can be the wide part of the forearm, palm or hand. Putting them together produces a cohesive picture.

  • Mom, dad and infinity tattoo on chest

  • Forearm tattoo

  • Tattoo on thigh

  • Tattoo on arm

  • Tattoo on arm

  • Tattoo on chest
  • Mom tattoo on hand old school

  • Tattoo “I love my mom”

  • Tattoo: “My mother is my angel”

  • "I love my mom" tattoo
  • roses The composition looks harmonious and demonstrates the integrity of the family.

    Ideas for family tattoos

    A tattoo sketch for mom is done not only with text. Choosing a symbol that represents their close connection will help you create an original tattoo for mother and daughter.

    For creating original tattoo you can draw a silhouette of a woman holding a child in her arms. Many sons, in honor of their mother, beat her name inscribed in the infinity symbol.

    If the tattoo is in memory of the mother, the execution of the design depends on the emotions of the wearer. The deep grief is emphasized by the cross. An angel hugging a child is also considered a good idea for such works.

    Video - tattoo with the inscription mom and dad, photo gallery

Lettering about family values. Family is the most difficult concept to explain. This is not something you can learn in school. But if you do not understand its meaning or meaning, then a person has really not learned anything. Muhammad Ali. Your dynasty is the best team you could ever ask for.

The happiest memories of my life were the few moments I spent at home, among my family. Thomas Jefferson
Family is one of nature's masterpieces. Santayana
Family is a compass that leads us on the right course. She is our inspiration to reach greater heights. Our consolation when we sometimes stumble and make mistakes.
Family is like a tie, reminding us of yesterday's banquet evening, providing confidence, support for today and giving hope for tomorrow. Billy Owens
If a family were compared to a fruit, it would be an orange. Where all the slices are fastened together into one whole, but each one is easily separated. The situation is similar with people: all relatives live their own lives, even in different places, but, collectively, this is one big family. Letty Cotten Pogrebin
Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at the people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future. Gail Lumet
A happy marriage can be measured by the number of scars each partner carries on their tongues, earned through years of holding back angry words.
Family life should be an adventure, not disciplinary measure, where everything is constantly assessed for the execution of the sentence.
A family is like a forest. Being far away from it, it appears before you as a solid mass. When you are inside, you see that each tree has its place.
Always remember that the greatest gift you will ever own is not sold in stores or under the tree. He is in the hearts of your household, who are your true friends.
Call it clan, tribe, clan or dynasty: whatever you call it, they are something we all desperately need. Jane Howard
If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, make it dance. George Bernard Shaw
Married couples living together day after day is a miracle that the Vatican overlooks. Bill Cosby

Translation from Latin of phrases about family and parents with meaning for tattoos into Russian and English for lettering about family values:

Pace tua- With your consent - With your consent
Pace- with the World - By leave of
Pacta sunt servanda- Agreements must be respected. Cicero - Agreements are to be kept
Pactum serva- Keep the faith - Keep the faith
Pallida mors- Pale death. Horace - Pale Death
Palmam qui meruit ferat- Palm branch for someone worthy of a reward - Let him who has earned it bear the reward
Panem et circenses- Bread and circus shows. Juvenaly. Rome - Bread and circuses. Food and games to keep people happy
Par pare refero- An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - return like for like. The idea of ​​equal give and take. An action taken requires an equal response
Parens patriae par·ens pat·ri·ae- Holy Fathers of the Fatherland, Parents - Parent of the country
Pares cum paribus- Birds of a feather flock together. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Like attracts like - Like persons with like persons. Birds of a feather flock together
Pari passu- Foot in foot - With equal pace
Pars maior lacrimas ridet et intus alphabet- Keep your smiles and tears in your heart. Martial - You smile at your tears but have them in your heart
Particeps criminis- Accomplices in crime - Partner in crime
Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus- Mountains will be in labor, and an absurd mouse will be born
Parva leves capiunt animas- Little things seduce the souls of the frivolous. Publius Ovid - Small things occupy light minds (small things amuse small minds)
Parva scintilla saepe magnam flamam excitat- A spark will ignite a flame - The small sparkle often initiates a large flame
Passim- Everywhere - All through
Pater familias- Father of the family
Pater historiae- Founding Father - The father of history
Pater noster- Our Father
Pater patriae- Fatherland Fathers - Father of the country
Patria est communis omnium parens- The Motherland is our mother and father for all of us. Cicero- Our native land is the common parent of us all
Patris est filius- The son is just like his father - He is his father's son
Paucis verbis- “In one word” - In a few words
Paupertas omnium artium repertrix- Poverty is the mother of invention - Poverty inventor of all the arts necessity is the mother of invention
Pax et bonum!- Peace and salvation! - Peace and salvation!
Pax tecum- May peace be with you
Pax vobiscum- Peace be with you - May peace be with you Gospel
Pax- Peace - Peace
Peccatum tacituritatis- Sin of silence - Sin of silence
Peccavi- I have sinned - I have sinned
Pecunia non olet- Money doesn’t smell - Money has no smell
Pecuniate obediunt omnia- Money rules everything - All things obey money
Pede poena claudo- Lame-legged punishment. Retribution occurs slowly but surely. Horace. Punishment comes limping. Retribution comes slowly, but surely
Pendente lite- While something is pending - While a suit is pending
Penetralia mentis- Sanctuary of the Mind. Heart of hearts - The innermost recesses of the mind. Heart of hearts
Per accidens- By accident
Per angusta in Augusta- Through difficulties to great things
Per annum (p.a.)- Every year. Year after year. - Yearly
Per ardua ad astra- Through difficulties to the stars! - Through difficulties to the stars
Per aspera ad astra- Through hardship to the stars! - Through the thorns to the stars
Per capita- How many people, so many opinions - Per head
Per cent (per centum)- one hundred percent! -Per hundred
Per contra- On the contrary - On the contrary
Per diem- During the day - Per day; daily allowance
Per fas et nefas- Through trial and error - Through right or wrong
Per impossible- Through Impossibility - As is impossible a way to qualify a proposition that cannot ever be true
Per mensem- Within a month. Monthly
Per procurationem (per pro)- By authority - By delegation to
Per se- By itself - By or in itself
Per varios usus artem experientia fecit- Through observation and experience, practice brings skill. Master skill puts - Through different exercises practice has brought skill. Mark Manilius
Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim- Be patient and be strong, this pain will benefit you someday. Ovid - Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you
Periculum in mora- Delay is like death! There is danger in delay. Titus Livy
Perpetuo vincit qui utitur clementia- The one who is merciful always wins. Publius Syrus - He is forever victor who employs clemency
Perpetuum mobile- Perpetual motion
Persona (non)grata- Undesirable person - (un)welcome person
Pessimum genus inimicorum laudantes- Flatterers are the worst type of enemies
Pessimus inimicorum genus, laudantes- O flatterers, the worst kind of enemies. Seneca - The worst kind of enemies, those who can praise
Petitio principii- An assumption at the start
Rossibilitas principii et tunc proditio aut perfidia- First there is opportunity, and then betrayal - Trust and Betrayal, first there is a possibility
Philosophum non facit barba!- A beard does not define a philosopher. Plutarch - The beard does not define a philosopher
Pictor ignotus- Unknown Artist - Painter unknown
Pinxit- Drew, wrote (such and such an artist) - He/she painted it
Placebo- I will please you, I will please you. Medical expression for drugs with no curative effect that improve health only because they are believed to work - I will please. Medical expression for remedies with no medical effect, which improve one's medical condition only because one believes they do
Placet- Like - It pleases
Pleno iure- With full authority - With full authority
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate- Occam's principle of economy of thinking “Unnecessarily one should not assert much” - Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily
Plusque minusque- More or less - More or less
Poeta nascitur, non fit- Poets are not born, poets become - The poet is born, not made
Pone ubi sol non lucet!- Put it where the sun doesn't shine! - Put it where the sun don't shine!
Possunt quia posse videntur- They can because they think they can - They can because they think they can
Post bellum- After the war - After the war
Post coitem- After intercourse - After sexual intercourse
Post factum- After the fact, belatedly - After the fact
Post hoc ergo propter hoc- After this, therefore because of this
Post hoc- After this - After this
Post partum- After childbirth - After childbirth
Post proelia premia- After the battles come the rewards
Post scriptum (p.s.)- After what has been written
Post tenebras lux- After the darkness, light
Potest ex casa magnus vir exire- A great man can come from a hut. Seneca - A great man can come from a hut
Potius mori quam foedari- Better death than dishonor - Rather to die than to be dishonoured
Potius sero quam numquam- Better late than never. Titus Livius - It "s better late than never
Praemonitus, praemunitus- Forewarned is forearmed - Forewarned, forearmed
Praetio prudentia praestat- Prudence supplies a reward

Prima face
- At first glance, offhand - At first sight; on the face of it
Primum mobile- Prime mover
Primum non nocere- The first rule is do no harm. Hippocratic Oath - The first thing is to do no harm
Primum viveri deinde philosophari- Life before you philosophize - Live before you philosophize
Primus inter pares- First among equals
Principiis obsta- Resist at the beginning. Ovid, "The Cure for Love" - ​​Resist the beginnings
Pro bono (pro bono publico)- For the good of the public, free of charge, without payment - For the good of the public
Pro di immortales!- Oh Gods! - Good Heavens!
Pro et contra- For and against
Pro format- Formally - As a matter of formality
Pro hac vice- Now or never! only for this occasion, this time - For this occaision
Pro memory- For memory - For a memorial
Pro nunc- Here and now - For now
Pro opportunitate- Act according to circumstances - As circumstances allow
Pro patria- For the homeland and fatherland - For one's country
Pro rata- To be in proportion to harmony - In proportion to the value
Pro re nata (prn)- As needed - For an occasion as it arises
Pro se- On my own behalf - On one's own behalf
Pro tanto- According to your own - So far
Pro tempore (pro tem.)- Temporarily - For the time being
Probae esti in segetem sunt deteriorem datae fruges, tamen ipsae suaptae enitent- A good seed, planted even in poor soil, will bear rich fruit by its nature. Lucius Accius - A good seed, planted even in poor soil, will bear rich fruit by its own nature
Probatum est- Tested, verified - It has been proven
Probitas laudatur et alget- What is honor if there is nothing to eat - Honesty is praised and left in the cold
Promotor fidei- Devil's Advocate - Promoter of the faith
Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem laeseris- It is human nature to hate a person whom you have injured
Proxime accessit- Good guy - He/she came close
Proximo (prox.)- Future, next month - Of the next month
Proximus sum egomet mihi- Love your neighbor as you love yourself. I am the closest to myself. Every man for himself - I am closest to myself
Pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant- Boys will remain boys and will do boyish things - Children are children, (therefore) children do childish things
Pulvis et umbra sumus- We are dust and shadow. Horace - We are dust and shadow
Puri sermonis amator- Lover of choice vernacular- A lover of pure speech
Puris omnia pura- For the pure all things are pure - To the pure all things are pure