It is we who in prayer induce sleep, despondency, and fear in you in order to take you away from conversation with God! We can irritate you even with some hair or insect
- We have now taken over the whole world with three sins: fornication, wealth and drunkenness.
- Some people say: “What we deserve, we will get.” They say, but they don’t know, what kind of torment there is and that you won’t get out of there, no matter how much you cry. No one will hear
- But we especially act through TV. TV is your entire “shrine”
- We are the ones who cause quarrels between people.
- We write down every bad thought with which you agreed, sympathized with it, and put dots in the charter (that’s what they call their “dossier” on us - ed.). We record your every word. When you pray, we keep a watchful eye on you
- All faiths, except the Orthodox, are all in hell.
- I love women with gold earrings in their ears, high heels, short skirts or men's trousers
- I don’t like those who love the shrine
- Through repentance, sins in our charters are erased, but large ones are erased only through tearful repentance
- They are standing in the temple, but thinking about home! But I’m glad and I’m writing to the charter!
- Those who died without crosses are all with me in hell
- We have now completely intimidated believers with witchcraft, let them forget that everything is God’s will

- I especially don’t like old books (patristic books - ed.), they pierce me through and through. It's me who disgusts them
- I’m very afraid of those who do good deeds in secret, I teach them to flaunt everything
- He who prays for our enemies knocks us off our feet
- Spiritual books are the best alms for the dead. Don't tell anyone about this. Let them not know
- Wow, how glad I am that so many people have become possessed
- I love those who come up to receive communion without crosses, without reading prayer rule without forgiving the offenders
- I hate priests who save and lead to God
- What, do you think I can like those who, for God’s sake, drink only boiling water or brewed herbs, and not tea or coffee?
- Now they like to do good so that everyone knows about it. No one wants to receive a reward in heaven, just here on earth
- It’s very difficult for me to repent in detail
- Why did you come in?
“I ate, drank and did not baptize,” came the answer.
- Many repent, but do not lag behind!
- I hate it when a person courageously fights grief. The cats are scratching at his soul, but he doesn’t show it. I really don't like this fight.
- I am afraid of those of lower rank, but of higher spirit. A senior ranks, but I’m not afraid of those who are lower in spirit
“I don’t see any struggle with us in anyone.” As soon as you put in a sinful thought, it is immediately accepted and carried out.
- As soon as our prince gives us a task, we immediately go to carry it out, while you sway to the commandments of God...
- Now many are sent straight from lower ordeals to our hell for condemning others (especially priests and monks). And there are many gluttons: everyone loves to eat and drink more deliciously. They don’t even repent of it; they will come to the temple, sit on a bench and talk about worldly things. They have no thought to repent
- In many churches I feel at ease: where believers talk and behave as if they were at a bazaar. I’m standing on the second step with you, I can’t go any further. O.P. I’m standing on the street, I’m scared to even approach the porch. With some careless priests who, for example, drink and go to serve, I am on the edge of the altar
- I like that now many people don’t talk about God and the Mother of God at all, neither with priests, nor among themselves. One flesh, nothing spiritual, even in the temple they talk about worldly things
- We suggest that the Antichrist has already been born
- I would like all believers to say this: “There’s no time to pray... There’s no time to go to church, there’s a lot to do...” or: “My husband won’t let me in...” or: “The guests have arrived...” We tell you we'll find as many excuses as we want
- In my plan, the first point is: to go to church less often
- I don’t like books about the holy fathers. Everything in them is written against us. We teach day and night to condemn priests
- I take comfort in the fact that I will not suffer alone forever, but will bring with me a sea of ​​people
- I can’t stand it when priests at confession, explaining and asking, draw out sins
- Our priests are confusing the true priests, our monks are confusing the true monks, our believers are confusing the true believers
- I am very afraid of the ashes from the censer after the Liturgy from the Cherubim incense
- When Last Judgment it will be that everyone will get up, take their crosses from the graves and go to trial. And where do you think those who don’t have crosses will go?
- You insult at least one person so that he leaves upset! Then I will be happy
- A! Do you sin and repent? I would tear you all apart!
- Really like general confession! I would walk twenty-four hours a day! There is no need to say any sin and no need to feel shame.
- I encourage you to leave everything “for later.” Then you read the prayers, then the Gospel, then go to church, then do a good deed. If you have time.
- I hate all these copying and rewriting from divine books, especially patristic books.
- The prayer of detention really prevents me from carrying out my plans
“I am afraid of those who sympathize with the possessed, and those who are afraid of them because we are sitting in them, I like them.” And those who are afraid of sorcerers are very dear to me
- I hate those who read the Psalter, especially at night
- I don’t like people who are satisfied with any food. This is me teaching you to understand and be capricious
- I like it when they wear rosaries for show and move their lips, demonstrating that they are praying. And also - when they say or show what they sacrificed
- I especially don’t like the twelfth chapter of the Gospel of Luke!
- You, sleek, combed, shaved, dressed up - all mine! I love those who are busy with the world, and not with the salvation of the soul
- Smokers not only have my smoke, but also fire!
- We inspire this evening rule leave! What do you think, if a person falls asleep without praying and dies in his sleep, where will his soul go? To heaven or what?
- They confess their sins, but do not escape from the reasons
- I would kiss your hands and feet if you were photographed with Catholics, or Lutherans, or schismatics!
- I love my monks. My monks eat meat and drink wine
- I especially hate saints who achieved love and endured temptations and sorrows in life
- I can’t stand humility
- Can a person who died in front of the TV go through the ordeal? Well, if I had also read the newspaper, maybe I would have passed, but if I watched TV: clowns, sorcerers, shamelessness - I would never pass.
“You can’t drive me out with the efforts of a priest alone.” We must fast and pray ourselves: then I will fight... I didn’t want to say, but your pectoral Cross with the shrine forces me to say, take it off!
- As soon as you think: “She is a witch,” I write down the sin. A sorcerer cannot do anything without God's permission.

Traditional spiritual healer VICTORIA.

Welcome to my site.

For 26 years people have been coming to me, each with their own problems. After the sessions they receive: healing of the most complex diseases, meet their other half, get married, husband, wife returns to the family, find a job, business gets better, childless people have children, fear and fear, especially in children, goes away, they stop drinking, smoking is removed from the negative energy (evil eye damage), housing, offices, cars are cleansed.
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If you are interested in what a demon is, Christianity, Slavic legends and demonology will answer all your questions. Find out what this representative looks like and what he is afraid of. evil spirits, as well as the opinion of the clergy about him.

In the article:

Who is a demon - Christianity and demonology

The demon in Christianity comes from fallen angels or is one of them. Damn, devil evil spirit, demon - these are all synonyms of this word, if we're talking about about Christian sources. Demonologists consider devils, demons and demons different representatives demonic hierarchy. The demon is weaker than the demon, but stronger and smarter than the devil. It is possible to expel him if you find out his name, but for a demon this is not a prerequisite.

According to the Bible, he became a victim of pride. He wished to become as powerful as God. The third part of the angels shared the views of Lucifer. For the sin of pride and envy, Lucifer and his followers among the angels were cast out of heaven. They became those whom we know under the definitions demons, demons and devils. Evil spirits have the same origin as angels, but they voluntarily made a choice towards evil. Repentance is also impossible for demons and demons, just as repentance is for a dead person.

According to the Christian concept, demons hate all of God's creations because they believe that they could have coped with the creation of the world much better than God. Man is also one of God's creatures, and his evil spirits hate him even more than the rest of his creations. Accordingly, the demon in Orthodoxy always tries to deceive, harm, and gain some benefit from a person. During the Inquisition, he was considered the culprit of epidemics and poor harvests.

Fortune telling, magic and the occult are considered sinful activities precisely because they were created by demons. The secrets of witchcraft were revealed to the first magicians of our world by representatives of evil spirits. Trusting demons and trying to use their knowledge and tips is extremely dangerous - they are capable of deception, and in cooperation with a person they seek benefits primarily for themselves. What is the benefit of the demon? This is introducing the pure soul of a person into sin, directing it against God’s will and, in fact, replenishing the army of evil spirits in the end or receiving another sinner’s soul in hell.

It is known that evil spirits can enter a person. Almost everyone knows about such a phenomenon as, or madness. There are reliable signs of a demon possessing a person, by which one can determine the essence of the problem, as well as rituals of expelling it. The problem of possession in Orthodoxy is addressed by clergy.

Obsession is not for the faint of heart. People whose bodies are in the power of the devil blaspheme, writhe in convulsions, or, on the contrary, suffer from temporary paralysis. Their voices change beyond recognition, as does their behavior. In this case, demons pursue certain goals that can only be found out if you come into contact with them. As a rule, they consist of attempts to change the world created by God in their own way and to bend as many of God's creations as possible towards darkness.

Every person is possessed by a demon to some extent. However, exorcism rituals are required only in the most severe cases. For the rest, only humility, willpower and faith in the Lord, as well as prayer and fasting, will help. Demons come only to places where everything is prepared for these “guests.” They love sinners, depraved people who use tobacco and alcohol, and also do not fast and do not go to church.

It is known that demons and demons know very well Holy Scripture. It is generally accepted that they know the future, but the evil one always seeks to deceive a person, so it is dangerous to believe his prophecies. Demons are capable of telepathy and mind reading - they know all your secrets, which they willingly tell about during exorcism sessions. There are many varieties - prodigal, midday, luck and others.

By deceiving and seducing people, evil spirits can take on completely different forms. These are not only people - acquaintances and not. Evil spirits can even appear in the guise of an angel, which he once was. In addition, the evil one can take the form Mother of God, Jesus Christ and even the cross. That is, the demon easily takes on the appearance of what he fears like fire. True appearance This representative of evil spirits is humanoid, but with a snout instead of a nose, hooves, horns and a tail. Outwardly, the demon is very similar to the devil, but larger.

Like most representatives of the spirit world, he can be ethereal, passing through closed doors and hiding from view. Particularly sensitive people often feel the presence of evil spirits nearby.

Do demons exist - should we believe in the existence of the forces of darkness?

Many people doubt whether demons exist, or whether they are just an invention of occultists and clergy, needed to intimidate people for selfish purposes. Famous real cases obsessions can make even the most inveterate atheist stop doubting the existence of evil spirits.

There is a lot of evidence of the phenomenon of evil spirits. Interestingly, there is a hypothesis that the hallucinations that alcoholics and drug addicts see are a consequence of an increase in a person’s ability to see the lower worlds. It is in them that evil spirits dwell. Smokers, alcoholics, those who do not fast, and debauchees are people who always have demons around them.

The clergy are sure that disbelief in God and existence dark forces- the main reason for the latter’s unprecedented power. You can't be afraid of something you don't even believe in. Demons and demons openly take advantage of people's unbelief and materialism. Among the things you need to know about demons is that they are not able to resist God, but man is weak and subject to the influence of the forces of darkness.

What are demons afraid of and how to drive them away

Still from the film “Viy”, 1967

The best defense against demons is prayer. They are afraid of sacred words and immediately run away as soon as they hear prayers. Absolutely any texts are suitable, for example, “Our Father” or a prayer to the guardian angel. You can pray in your own words - the main thing here is not the text, but its meaning, as well as the strength of faith of the person praying.

If we talk about what demons are afraid of, then you should know that they cannot enter a consecrated room where godly deeds are performed. If you are a believer who pays enough attention to the spiritual side of life, you are unlikely to have to suffer from the machinations evil forces. Demons and devils live where there is room for them. They love sinners, and in our difficult times there are not so few of them. The unbaptized are at particular risk and should be baptized as quickly as possible.

Fighting demons will be difficult if you don't wear pectoral cross. This is your personal amulet against evil forces, never take it off. Body icons and amulet are also suitable as amulet for Orthodox man who is overcome by evil spirits.

How to fight demons if you cannot call yourself a righteous person and do not plan to renounce magic and witchcraft? There are powerful witchcraft rituals, which protect against evil spirits no worse than Christian symbols. One of them will require a new padlock. It is supposed to be fumigated with the smoke of wormwood - an anti-demonic plant that all evil spirits are afraid of. You can sprinkle the castle with holy water if this is acceptable for you. Sorcerers, if their goal is protection from demons, often replace holy water with wormwood smoke.

Stand on the threshold of the house, holding the lock and key in your hands, with your back to the house itself, facing the exit from it. Turn the key in the lock, opening it, and say the conspiracy from demons:

I, servant of God (name), close my house from east to west, from north to south with seventy-seven iron locks, seventy-seven gold locks and seventy-seven silver locks. I, servant of God (name), protect my home and its household (names) from all illnesses of body and soul, from all the machinations of devils and enraged people who want to do me harm, but now cannot. Save and preserve my home, Lord. My words are on my lips, my tongue is locked, forever and ever. Amen.

Now hang the lock on the doorknob or any other protruding structure, but only near front door. Lock the lock with the key. The key must be hidden securely; it is better to carry it with you. When the lock rusts, a new protection should be installed - rust is a sign of depletion of the protective barrier or the influence of evil forces on it.

Holy Fathers about demons - what every person should know

Archbishop Anthony

Holy Fathers of the Church it is customary to call those who lived in different times outstanding church figures who left a great mark on the development of Orthodoxy. They have a reputation for being people who have been touched by the Holy Spirit. It is believed that during their lifetime they knew many secrets, and among the Orthodox community it is customary to seek the truth in the records and quotations of the holy fathers.

The Holy Fathers spoke a lot about demons; the topic of evil spirits and its influence on people has occupied great minds for many centuries. Quotes from the holy fathers about demons touch on many aspects related to this issue. For example, Archbishop Anthony pointed out the importance of Divine grace, without which the fight against demons is impossible:

The cunning of the devil surpasses the human mind in its sophistication, and therefore it is impossible and useless for a person to fight with his own strength the devil, who acts in the heart through passions. It is impossible until a person receives from God the power and strength to attack the power of the enemy. But for this you need to go through a comprehensive test, gain experience in fighting and defeating the devil through temptations allowed by the grace of God.

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov described the ways in which a demon can destroy a person:

For example, whoever loves to drink, the demons force him to drink more and more, they try to drive him to binge drinking, fights, murder and suicide, and thereby destroy him forever. Demons teach some to theft, others very subtly lead to arrogance, vanity, pride, and, finally, to spiritual delusion and so they try to destroy. And in many other ways they seek the eternal destruction of man.

Hegumen Nikon repeatedly described the power that demons receive after the death of a sinful person.

A Christian who doubts his faith risks becoming a haven for evil spirits. While some work on themselves and successfully resist the wiles of demons, people who are weaker in spirit follow the lead of their base desires. For some, it is enough just to get bogged down in the everyday hustle and bustle to take one step closer to spiritual corruption. Obsessed with passions, such a person will slowly but surely destroy himself and his life. Therefore, it is important that every believer realizes his weakness in the face of worldly temptations and fights temptations, says Konstantin Varsegov, rector-archpriest of the parish of the Church of John the Baptist.

How to fight demons?

Dark forces fear the sign of the cross as if they were on fire. Cross yourself more often, confess and take communion, since all this is aimed at strengthening your faith. And before those who unconditionally trust in God and are devoted to him with all their being, even the most powerful dark entities are powerless.

Also seek salvation in asceticism. All life's trials must be overcome with dignity, without giving yourself concessions. Anyone who treats himself condescendingly is vulnerable and leads himself in the wrong direction. We must always remember that patience and humility are virtues that arm a person against the forces of evil.

Finally, prayer has great power. One of the most powerful canonical texts is the prayer to the Holy Cross. For example, the priest Dorotheos calls her “lightning that burns out the demonic regiments.” If you are attacked by unreasonable fear, overcome by a feeling of panic or anxiety, quickly read sacred words and your health will immediately improve. You can also turn to Jesus Christ when you feel that evil thoughts have taken possession of you, and you are ready to cross the forbidden line.

Prayer to the Honest Cross

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of those who love God and are signified sign of the cross, and in joy saying: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

If you have already sinned and intend to get rid of the influence of the evil one, who time after time pushes you to commit evil, be sure to confess and take communion. Overcoming someone who has already taken over the mind is only possible with an integrated approach. In addition to regular church attendance, you need to read more often Holy Bible and daily recite Psalm 90, considered one of the strong Orthodox prayers, driving away every demon.

Psalm 90 (Living Help Prayer)

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God.
Says the Lord: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.
For Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words,
His blanket will cover you, and under His wing you will hope: His truth will surround you with weapons.
Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days,
from things moving in the darkness, from the cloak, and the midday demon.
Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come near you:
Look before your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners.
For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge.
No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body:
as His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways.
They will lift you up in their arms, and one day they will dash your foot against a stone:
tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent.
For I have trusted, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow,
I will destroy him and glorify him, I will fill him with long days,
and I will show him My salvation.

Konstantin Varsegov,
rector-archpriest of the parish of the Church of John the Baptist

How God chooses parents for children: 2 points of view

We have long gotten used to the idea that relatives are not chosen. People to whom a child is born become his family, and the future of the new person depends only on them. Unfortunately, not everyone who dreams of children has the happiness of becoming parents. And those who do not plan to take responsibility have the opportunity to have offspring. Why is this happening? Who or what determines the birth of a child for a particular couple? Theologian Platon Severov examined these issues especially for from the point of view of religious and philosophical doctrines.

“The devil does not care so much about people sinning, as about not seeing sin and remaining sinners.”

St. John Chrysostom

I learned that demons have their own preferences, inclinations, and whims, just like people. Your own “tastes”. Of course, there is commonality, but there is also a lot of individuality, according to passions.

I couldn’t help but remember the ordeals described in patristic literature: indeed, demons are gathered into legions of sins.

Absolutely all demons hate confession. In the same way, they do not tolerate preaching that teaches correct Orthodox spiritual life.. This can even be seen from them, or rather, from the sick: if the sermon is lengthy - general, built on external beauties and has a lot of water in it, it does not touch demons. Moreover, they begin to show interest in her, thinking about how they can lead the preacher into conceit through praise. Some sick people's eyes then begin to shine in a specific way: the demon is interested and pondering. But short, simple, intelligible sermons teaching spirituality from the Holy Fathers, calling for repentance and explaining what sin is and how to avoid it, cause rage among demons. “Their” noise begins in the temple: sneezing, coughing, screaming, moaning...

“Stop it, I’m tired of it,” comes from all sides.

But teachings about humility and patience are especially disgusting to demons . Even simple, ingenuous descriptions of suffering for faith, for Christ are unbearable for them.

I remember there was a very good elder in our church - a simple, modest, quiet old woman. She had an unfeigned love for the temple, for the servants of the altar of Christ, for her neighbors, and was surprisingly modest and inconspicuous. She died quietly in a Christian manner, having been a little ill... I wrote notes with her name and, handing them out to those who were sick, asked them to pray for the repose of her soul. The demons showed enviable solidarity: they did not allow her name to be pronounced, they called her “a nasty, harmful old woman,” and one demon said: “I won’t pray for her - she was humble”. The patients did not know who they were remembering; the demons sitting within them knew for sure.

Demons don’t like the simplicity and modesty of a home, a cozy prayer corner, lamps near icons, shrines... And vice versa, soulless modern furniture, secular libraries in the house, especially collections of detective stories and science fiction, empty unnecessary pictures on the walls, collections of stamps, coins, matchboxes, cigarettes, beer cans and the like - all this pleases them. There are objects and things that especially attract demons to apartments and houses. These are posters with naked figures, books on yoga, occultism, astrology, dream books, masks, figurines of pagan gods. And, of course, TV. Arguments always flare up with patients about television; they do not want to part with it, and I think this is not just a matter of habit. TV is the enslavement of the soul and mind. Demons boast that they live in it and through it they successfully influence people. Horror films, erotica and action-packed fiction, rock concerts and all kinds of shows are especially harmful. Misbehavior of apartment dwellers, scandals, drunkenness, debauchery, fights, swearing, hiding stolen things is also an excellent breeding ground for the spirits of evil. A person cannot live in a house where this happens if he wants healing! Creating the right spiritual climate is the first necessity...



“It is during prayer that we induce sleep, despondency, and fear in you in order to take you away from conversation with God!” We can even irritate you with a hair or a bug.

“We have placed images of your saints in secular books, magazines, and newspapers!” And next to black magic conspiracies have been launched! So people put pots and the like on the saints of God, or even throw them into the restroom!

— We have now taken over the whole world with three sins: fornication, wealth And drunkenness .

- Some people say: “What we deserve is what we get”. They say, but they don’t know, what kind of torment there is and that you won’t get out of there, no matter how much you cry. None
will hear.

- But especially we act through TV . TV is your entire “shrine”.

- We are the ones who cause quarrels between people.

We write down every bad thought you agreed with
we sympathized with her and put her in the charter
(that’s what they call their “dossier” on us - ed.) points. We record your every word . When you pray, we keep a watchful eye on you.

“We take even the smallest things into account, we write everything in order to get through the ordeal.

- All faiths, except the Orthodox, are all in hell.

— I love women with gold earrings in their ears, high heels, short skirts or men's trousers.

“I don’t like those who love the shrine.” It is very difficult for me to repent in detail.

Through repentance the sins on our charters are erased , but large ones are erased only through tearful repentance.

“When a person repents of his sins, then our networks are destroyed.

“I really like it when in confession they don’t name sins, but repent “in general”: in deed, in word, in thought...

It is very difficult for me to repent in detail .

- They are standing in the temple, but thinking about home! But I’m glad and I’m writing to the charter!

“I love it when priests reduce services and requirements and when they serve for the sake of fame, rewards and money.

I love those who, when being baptized, put up the cross somehow .

— I love when memorial services are held for non-believers.

- Those who died without crosses are all with me in hell.

- We have now completely intimidated believers with witchcraft, let them forget that everything is God’s will .

- IN Lately We especially intensify our efforts to create despondency . To murmur against God.

“We fill our heads with thoughts about the future, as long as we don’t think about God and our sins and repent.”

“We are the ones who inspire murmurs, even about the weather.”

— I especially don’t like old books. (patristic - ed.), they pierce me right through. It is I who disgust them.

I can't stand kindness and affection.

“I’m very afraid of those who do good deeds in secret; I teach them to show everything off.”

“Now they like to do good so that everyone knows about it.” No one wants to receive a reward in heaven, just here on earth.

“Whoever prays for our enemies knocks us off our feet.”

“I hate those who are patient in prayer.”

“I don’t like it when three people pray together.” Because God said: “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.”

— Spiritual books are the best alms for the dead. Don't tell anyone about this. Let them not know.

- Wow, how glad I am that so many people have become possessed.

“I love those who come up to receive communion without crosses, without reading the prayer rule, without forgiving the offenders.

- I hate priests who save and lead to God.

- What, do you think I can like those who, for God’s sake, drink only boiling water or brewed herbs, and not tea or coffee?

- Many repent, but do not lag behind!

“I hate it when a person courageously fights grief.” The cats are scratching at his soul, but he doesn’t show it. I really don't like this fight.

“I’m afraid of those of lower rank, but of higher spirit.” But those of higher rank, but those of lower spirit—I am not afraid of such people.

“I don’t notice any struggle with us in anyone.” As soon as you put in a sinful thought, it is immediately accepted and carried out.

“As soon as our prince gives us a task, we immediately go to carry it out, while you sway to the commandments of God...

- Now many are sent straight from the lowest ordeals to our hell for condemning others (especially priests and monks). AND There are a lot of gluttons: everyone loves to eat and drink better . They don’t even repent of it; they will come to the temple, sit on a bench and talk about worldly things. They have no thought to repent.

In many churches I feel at ease: where believers talk and behave as if they were at a market. I’m standing on the second step with you, I can’t go any further. I'm standing on the street, I'm scared
even approach the porch. Some careless priests who,
for example, they drink and go to serve, I’m also on the edge of the altar.

— I like that now many people don’t talk about God and Mother at all
God, neither with the priests, nor among themselves. One flesh, nothing spiritual, even in the temple they talk about worldly things.

I love those caught up in vanity, do they care about God?

“We are the ones who suggest that the Antichrist has already been born.”

“I would like all believers to say this: “There is no praying
time... There’s no time to go to church, there’s a lot to do..."
or: “My husband doesn’t
lets in...” or: “The guests have arrived...”
We give you as many excuses as you like
we'll find it.

— In my plan, the first point is: to go to church less often .

I don't like books about the holy fathers . Everything in them is written against us. We teach day and night to condemn priests.

— I love it when sacred books are interpreted in their own way, without turning to the holy fathers.

“I take comfort in the fact that I will not suffer alone forever, but will bring with me a sea of ​​people.”

“I can’t stand it when priests at confession, by explaining and asking, draw out sins.”

“Our priests are confusing the true priests, our monks are confusing the true monks, our believers are confusing the true believers.”

— I am very afraid of the ashes from the censer after the Liturgy from the Cherubim incense.

- When the Last Judgment comes, everyone will stand up, take their crosses from the graves and
will go to trial. And where do you think those who don’t have crosses will go?

- You offend at least one person so that he leaves upset! Then I will be happy.

- A! Do you sin and repent? I would tear you all apart!

— I really like the general confession! I would twenty four hours a day
walked! There is no need to say any sin and no need to feel shame.

I encourage you to leave everything “for later.” Then you read the prayers, then the Gospel, then go to church, then do a good deed. If you have time.

“I hate all these copying and rewriting from divine books, especially patristic books.”

“I like it when a shrine is not valued and treated carelessly.”

“I rejoice when monuments are placed on graves, not crosses, when photographs of the dead are hung, and not icons.

“The prayer of detention really prevents me from carrying out my plans.

“I fear those who sympathize with the possessed, and those who fear them,
because we sit in them, I like them. AND Those who are afraid of sorcerers are very dear to me.

I hate those who read the Psalter , especially at night.

- I don’t like people who are satisfied with any food. This is me teaching you to understand and be capricious.

“I like it when they wear rosaries for show and move their lips, demonstrating that they are praying.” And also when they say or show what they sacrificed.

- Especially I don’t like chapter 12 from the Gospel of Luke !

- You, sleek, combed, shaved, dressed up - all mine! I love those who are busy with the world, and not with the salvation of the soul.

- Smokers not only have my smoke, but also fire!

- This we instill the evening rule to leave ! What do you think, if a person falls asleep without praying and dies in his sleep, where will his soul go? To heaven or what?

“They confess their sins, but don’t get away from the reasons.”

“I would kiss your hands and feet if you were photographed with Catholics, or Lutherans, or schismatics!”

— I love my monks. My monks eat meat and drink wine.

“I especially hate saints who achieved love and endured temptations and sorrows in life.”

“I can’t stand humility.”

- Can a person who died in front of the TV go through the ordeal?

- Well, if I had also read the newspaper, maybe I would have passed, but if I watched TV: clowns, sorcerers, shamelessness - I would never pass.

“The efforts of a priest alone will not drive me out.” We must fast and pray ourselves: then I will fight... I didn’t want to say, but your pectoral Cross with the shrine forces me to say, take it off!

- As soon as you think: "She's a witch", - I write down the sin. A sorcerer cannot do anything without God's permission.

Question: “Is it true that demons do not like the smell of incense, and if true, then why?”

Priest Igor Silchenkov answers:
- I think that it is not true that demons do not like the smell of incense, because the fallen spirits of evil in high heaven do not have organs of perception of the physical world. That is, they do not have a human sense of smell.
Demons do not like those spiritual gifts and spiritual works that we perform. And the main thing that demons do not like is humility. Because demons are proud, Satan is proud, he fell through pride. And so, when there is humility in the human soul, demons run away from a person. It is difficult for them to settle down with a person and force them to do their will. When a person humbles himself before God, before people, it is difficult for him to sow any kind of pride. Because demons enter mainly through the sin of pride into the human heart.
Demons also do not like prayer, communion, confession, repentance for their sins.
The Holy Fathers say that demons do not like reproof. Satan in the human soul operates secretly, in the dark. If a person reveals his sinful thoughts to his confessor and often confesses, then these satanic intrigues that he brings into the soul are exposed and Satan leaves. And the human soul feels relieved. All this together: frequent confession, frequent communion, revelation of thoughts, and all good deeds, alms and prayers and other spiritual works, must be done with humility. Because if we do all this and often receive communion and confession, give alms, pray often, but at the same time we are proud of all this, we consider ourselves spiritual or saints, righteous, then this is exactly what Satan loves very much. And this will be ruinous for us, because the more often we receive communion and confession, do good deeds, fast and pray, the more proud we will be of this and become like Satan. Exactly, these people who prayed a lot, fasted a lot, helped the temple a lot, but at the same time were very proud of all this, considering themselves saints, better than other people - they crucified the Lord Jesus Christ, the proud Pharisees. Therefore, we must not be like the Pharisees, not like the proud Satan, who saw that he was beautiful and could sit in the place of God. We must humble ourselves before God and see our many sins. Considering yourself more sinful than all people, not being proud of anyone, not considering others worse than yourself - this is what demons really don’t like. They move away from such a person. Well, of course, demons do not like the fact that we perform divine services with love and reverence and honor shrines. When we commit incense in the Church, we thus show our love and reverence for church shrines. Demons just love disdain for shrines, when we do not behave reverently in the temple, do not observe prayerful silence. Let's try not to do this, but to do good deeds, while always humble ourselves before God, remember that pride is the very first and terrible sin. Let us humble ourselves and acquire humility from God. And let the demons leave us, and the holy angels come and help us acquire the love and grace of the Holy Spirit, salvation here and in eternity.