Freud's Dream Book

Making love in a dream means dissatisfaction, an imminent change of partner, new experiences that you sorely miss in your life. Lately. If you dream that you are making love, such a dream indicates that in reality you experience a lack of communication with the opposite sex. Making love in a dream means wanting in reality intimate intimacy with a married person.

Why do you dream about making love?

Family dream book

To make love family man? A woman dreams that she is making love to her husband - a sign of her fidelity and respect for her husband. A man dreams that he is making love to his wife - to discord in the family, your family relationships may crack. If a man dreams that he is making love to a stranger, this is a positive dream for him. It promises joy, unexpected income, a strong relationship with his wife and the health of his children.

Why do you dream about making love?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Making love in a dream is the meaning of the dream. A girl making love to a man in a dream means disappointment in love.

A woman dreams of making love, on the contrary, to a strong relationship, passion and fidelity of a partner.

A man dreams of sex with unknown girl- to success. With a wife - to discord in the family. With a married woman - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Such a dream suggests that you will soon hear disapproving opinions of friends or acquaintances about your behavior, so try not to compromise yourself in any way - neither in words nor in actions. For family people, such a dream promises frequent quarrels and troubles in the home circle.

If you dreamed that you accidentally caught an unfamiliar couple making love, in real life Get ready for unusual and unexpected changes that will bring only good things. Promising acquaintances and profitable deals are quite possible, so try not to lose the opportunity to make new friends and useful acquaintances. If your presence in a dream does not go unnoticed, in reality you are in danger of being exposed. Someone will try to lead you to clean water, unless, of course, you managed to show yourself not at your best. Such a dream also portends minor troubles in business, problems in business sphere. Try to play fair, and then you won't have to risk your reputation.

Making love - If in your erotic dream familiar and close people appear, but not you yourself, this speaks of your lack of self-confidence, which is completely groundless and only harms you. It seems to you that everything is falling out of hand and nothing is working out, while others succeed in everything and everywhere. This is a figment of your imagination and, perhaps, a consequence of elementary laziness, which you do not want to start fighting. Look around and see that things are not really that bad, and that you are not that unhappy.

If you dreamed that you were making love with a stranger, the dream suggests that in real life you will encounter unforeseen circumstances that could negate all your plans and ideas. To prevent this from happening, play it safe in advance and take safety measures. Most often, such a dream is a kind of warning, thanks to which you will be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances and easily eliminate and prevent any difficulties in your path. To a greater extent this interpretation relates to the business sphere, but in general, this dream portends good luck and success. If you dreamed that you were making love with a person you know well, you will be able to achieve your intended goal without any complications and good luck will definitely smile on you.

Making love in a dream with your loved one - only joyful and pleasant events, exciting activities and holidays await you. Romantic interests and many temptations are possible, which should not be refused. In all matters you can safely count on success, try to do as much as possible, since during this period of time you have increased efficiency and have a desire to work.

Making love - If in a dream you enjoyed sex, and your partner was very pleasant to you, your immediate future should not cause you concern - it is cloudless and serene. The upcoming troubles are small, so you can easily cope with them, and not without the help of loved ones. It is possible that your hopes and dreams are not so vain, so success, happiness and prosperity await you. If sex in a dream was unpleasant to you, and your partner did not evoke any feelings other than disgust and pain, this means that minor disappointments await you. They may be caused by the behavior of some of your new acquaintances, about whom you had a better opinion. Probably something will bother you, you will worry about something and suffer in your soul.

Why do you dream about making love?

Women's dream book

Why dream of making love in a dream - passionately want to marry a person with whom you have not yet had intimacy. Dreaming of sex with your boss means a reprimand, a promotion, a long-awaited trip in which you will gain invaluable professional experience. Why dream of making love with a friend - a romantic trip that will take place on the initiative of the one who was the leader in the love relationship in your dream.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of making love in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

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    I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. I'm driving with a man and some boy in a luxury car, somewhere abroad. All around there is nature and a river or sea and beautiful houses. We stopped for something to eat and started making love. And then I swam in the sea or in the river.

    I dreamed of an evening, my late husband silently took me by the hand and led me to the car. I don’t remember what we were driving, but we ended up in some kind of residential area with multi-storey buildings. Someone was going to a meeting (I think it was a man), my husband took me to some destroyed houses, all the time I understood him by his look, what he wanted to say or do to me. Then he hugged me to him and everything happened as if in reality, I felt pleased to cuddle up to him, and when I woke up, I was in shock. When my husband was alive, he was sick for many years and we had nothing for a long time, but here I felt everything as if it were reality - what was it and what should I prepare for?

    I was a lowlife, everyone avoided me, and then I meet my first (which in reality) love (only in reality this love is unrequited).
    He likes me, we start dating secretly. He is always on his bike. CONSTANTLY. We see each other every day and every time I see him he smiled at me and I was embarrassed. We met late at night under some kind of streetlight... Then I lost my virginity to him ...Then I woke up...

    Hello! I dreamed that I had sex with my late husband. He also said that if my husband made a mistake, then I would be able to guide him, and he also dreamed that he didn’t have two fingers on his hand.

    I had a dream that I was making love to an ugly man (outwardly he was very ugly), but it didn’t bother me; we had such passion with him and I experienced such physical satisfaction, despite the fact that in reality I had my period and my stomach hurt like crazy. Me and we locked ourselves in the bathroom like a freak so that no one could notice us and did our dark deed with such passion that it was almost creepy.

    Hello! I am very pleased that you were interested in my dream, but there was not one, but three, and they all scared me: I don’t remember the first one exactly. In the second, everything was fine at first: I came with huge bags of outfits. In one package there were oriental costumes (these are the ones used to dance oriental dances), and in the other there were elegant, but our, Russian things. I decided to try on ours first: the first dress was black with white stripes, when I put it on, I realized that it was my grandmother’s dress and it was too big for me, then I suddenly found myself in the pink one I wore to prom. And it seems like I’m about to have my second graduation (institute), which I already had in real life, and I’m racking my brains about what to do, because they’ve already seen me in this dress. And suddenly I find myself, unnoticed by myself, in another one, also pink, only of a different model, I lie down in bed in it, open my eyes and see horror: the wallpaper has moved away from the walls and ceiling, the wall and floors are torn up - white wallpaper spiders are frightening. I run to my mother and grandmother’s room, I wake them up in fear, my grandmother says: “don’t shout, otherwise tomorrow you will be ashamed of your behavior” and asks me to give her my hand. I give her my hand and wake up in fear. In my last dream he came to bed with me stranger guy(I don’t know if he is or not, but he seems to be like the guy I went to school with. He already died in real life about 3 years ago, this is my neighbor on the floor below). We didn’t have any mutual sympathy during our lives, and maybe it wasn’t him at all, who knows - I dreamed about the night, I didn’t consider it. I was scared to open my eyes in a dream, I just felt how he was making love to me, but then suddenly someone suddenly grabbed me by the hand and dragged me into the bathtub, I almost hit the door, then grabbed the bars in the bathroom, then me pulled towards the hall, I threw the bars and shouted: “Mom, help!” And I woke up. I think maybe it wasn’t him, since between stages in the same dream a young woman came to me and didn’t smile kindly.

    My loved one died five months ago. I dream about him almost every night. Today I dreamed that we had sex, as in reality, I felt it. They hugged tightly, lay on the bed, afraid to part.

    I dreamed that I was walking in some shabby, huge old house, and going down from the upper floors. On the first floor there were people, or rather souls, in shabby clothes, some on chains, some just floating translucently, some just lying on the floor and I walked past them, and suddenly I was met by my boyfriend, who died more than half a year ago. He jumps into my arms like a little one and starts kissing me. We kiss and then start making love, I ask if you can come here too, he replies that no one cares here.

    I am making love with my beloved man, with whom we have been separated for more than a month (married). we are lying on the bare ground, there is a wasteland all around, only one house nearby, a breath of a light breeze, he tells me that I will be his last breath, his dying cry, and on my feet at that time I saw pale blood, as if diluted with water .

    Made love to a deceased loved one. I felt his touch as if in reality. He decided to swim (I myself can’t swim), I understood that the reservoir was very shallow, but cold, the snow had not yet melted. I was so afraid of losing him again, I begged him not to do it. Fortunately, in his dream he swam across safely.

    hello Tatyana, I dreamed from Sunday to Monday that I was making love with my beloved, it seems that I came to his village to his house, he had his children at home and then we retired with him and there was love, but he sprayed me, well, you understand

    Today I dreamed that I got married, but he has been dead for 1.5 years, this man is my first love... as if we were living with some of his aunts and we had our wedding night, we made love all night and it was like this ok, I woke up covered in a cold sweat. I've never felt so good.

    Hello, I dreamed about my husband on June 21 (he would have turned 50 on June 21). I hug him, but for some reason I myself am trembling very strongly (with my whole body). And then we start making love and I feel VERY good with him

    Hello Tatiana! It’s not a pleasant dream, and the topic...
    I dreamed that I was making love to a now deceased person. During our lifetime we had friendly relations. Even. Without likes or dislikes. After everything, I supposedly get up to change the pad (in the dream I understand that I also have my period, I see blood ).And he’s waiting for me to continue. What’s more, I only remembered that he’s not alive when I woke up. I usually have dreams with the dead - I remember that they’re no longer alive even in my dreams

    Hello, a couple of days ago I dreamed of my deceased ex-boyfriend, in the dream everything was as if in reality, we were hugging and kissing. And tonight he came to me in a dream again, this time he was not as affectionate as the last. I saw him in my apartment with my current husband, in a dream I knew that he was dead, he said that he was released on earth to the person he loves for an hour and that in heaven they cannot make love, and that he is very “hungry” in this regard and attacked me, his eyes were kind of scary, please explain to me what this all means and what I need to do?

    in reality we didn’t see each other, but we’ve been communicating for 7 months. Because he’s serving a sentence. My dream is that I came to him, they let me in secretly. We met in the billiard room, a tear was running down his cheek, we made love
    sex. but all the time they were silent, stood in an embrace near the window and looked into the eyes for a long time, but never said a word. everything in the dream was wonderful. at the end there were tears, then I woke up. Yes, we saw each other in the photo. and to me It always seems like I’ll see him unexpectedly. What could it be?

    I dreamed that I was making love, kissing my ex-lover, and he had died a long time ago, the dream was very clear and we were walking somewhere, and making love in a room where we were not alone. He talked to me.

    hello! Today I had a dream where I was in a village, as if a truck drove up to the house, some people started stealing boards from the garden, some kind of iron and something else, then my ex-boyfriend, he has already died, he begins to calm me down, then kisses me and we make love. And from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that I was making love with my ex, but he was alive. We are enemies, he is the father of my eldest son.

    V New Year's Eve I dreamed of a long-time loved one who died a long time ago and from whom I have a child. In the dream, I found myself pregnant with a small belly when I told him that I couldn’t bear the child because... I’ve been around for quite some time now, he answered, “You can’t bear it, you can’t bear it.”

    I often have dreams of making love with ex-husband, then with an ex-boyfriend before marriage who was... And today with my uncle... And what does this mean... My uncle didn’t lag behind, we were with him in one room, then in another room...

    The dream occurred from Sunday to Monday. At first, the girls and I were preparing for someone’s wedding, and suddenly I saw my ex-boyfriend (who died, after me he started a family, has a daughter.)) in a suit with a glass in his hands. he smiled and turned around and went back. I wanted to follow him, but my friend led me in a completely different direction. I then woke up and fell asleep. and Sleep again. this time we slept with the same person, the feelings were the warmest, to the point that even in reality I received satisfaction. He didn't say a word, he just smiled. What could it be. I saw him twice during the night

    Hello! I am 44 years old, married. Third marriage. I divorced my first husband more than 20 years ago, he died about 4 years ago and after that I began to dream about him in different situations.. He has a son, he is 24 years old. Today’s dream scared me. I dreamed that I was making love to my deceased first husband, and he was walking around naked for a long time, showing his genitals. What is it for?

    Hello Tatyana, my husband died 1.5 years ago. In a dream, I came to see him in the hospital, they told me which ward he was in, I went to look for her and I couldn’t find her, the hospital was a complete labyrinth, I walked for a very long time until I found him, I hugged him and started kissing him. his head in the place where they operated said how much I miss him, he had a lost look, he answered my question how he did well. The continuation of the dream was in the morning I also hugged his head and kissed the wound when we almost made love, he asked to turn off the light, but there was no light in the house, the alarm clock rang and I woke up

    Hello Tatiana! Today I had a dream: it was as if my classmate had died (but in fact he was alive). I went to the funeral with the rest of my classmates. But his last wish before he died was to bury him after he spent the night with me.
    In the dream he was dead, but he communicated with me as if he were alive. Tried to do everything and please me on the last night.
    Woke up in tears.

    Hello) I now live in a completely different city. And where was I born? in a dream... and then we made love... sex was my initiative. Well, I really wanted it... but it hurt me physically...

    I stayed in the room with this man and he came close and began to kiss me tenderly, I understand that I need to leave, refuse, but I don’t do anything, and then everything was very gentle, which men rarely do in reality, and then I woke up

    Good afternoon. Please help me. In a dream, we met my friend at our school. I was very happy about our meeting. We had sex with him on a bench under a blanket. There were people there, but no one noticed us. Then we got up. I started getting dressed. And he disappeared. I didn’t see him. Then, after getting dressed, I turned around the corner. He stood there, dressed, alone. I called him. He didn’t want to go at first, but then he so modestly followed me. Then I see that we are not on the street and he went to accompany me. We walked a little and when he saw my daughter he stopped to talk to her. I had to go and I asked him whether he would come with me or not. He refused.said that he would go to his place and that we would meet again soon.see again. I ran across the road, and he looked after me. He had a sad look all this time. He was upset about something. His gaze was dull and anxious. He felt lonely. And he was there alone in the whole world. I was very worried about his condition and I wanted to take him with me. So that he would not be left alone and so that he would be next to me. But he promised to come to me again

    I dreamed that it was night, an old hut, and next to it there was a wooden table with benches. I was sitting at this table and many ugly men and boys came around the table and they all started having sex, either with each other or with me, and I came many times from pleasure. I woke up feeling all excited and wet.

    Hello. I saw in a dream an old house grandmothers in the village (grandmother died 3 years ago). I'm in it with my son. I want to leave, I’m packing my things. a car is waiting outside. There are some people inside, both familiar and unfamiliar. I’ve been looking for mine among my relatives’ belongings for a long time. Finally I go out and see how in the hall, on deceased grandmother A man is lying down and actively making love to her, his head is under the blanket, I can’t see it, but my grandmother said something I don’t remember, so I saw a man’s head on the side, a stranger. that's the whole dream

    I made love with a person I don’t love, and as a result of sex I received satisfaction. (Or rather, it was that person who wanted me, but I refused him, then not of my own free will, but gave in, but at the same time I had feelings for someone else.)

    I had a dream that I and several members of my family were captured for a ransom. We were held captive by 3 people, for one of them in a dream I had a great feeling of love. I felt that he had the same feelings for me and that if I confessed my feelings to him, he would do everything so that I and my family members would be free. He and I went into the large room of the apartment where my relatives and I were. He locked the door well so that no one could enter. Then he sat down on the sofa, and I sat next to him. I stroked his hair, his face and confessed to him that I loved him very much and that I felt bad that I was hiding it. He listened to me and tears flowed from his shame, hot right down his face. I wiped away these tears. Afterwards we made love. I felt absolutely happy.

The article on the topic: “dream book love making love in a dream” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Love to engage

Dream Interpretation Love to engage dreamed of why you dream about love in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see love in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

I dreamed that I was making love: interpretation from dream books

It turns out that having sex has a positive effect on brain activity, memory development, maintenance general health body and well-being in social life. Making love in a dream, why such a plot is dreamed of, we find out in proven dream books.

The best cure for love at first sight is second sight

The regularity of our intimate life directly related to a person’s emotional background. We become less irritable, satisfied with ourselves and loved ones, we are not drawn to quarrels and showdowns, this state of satisfaction is an indicator of happiness.

For the dreamer, such scenarios in a dream predict the same effect in reality. If making love was more than pleasant for you, you woke up with a smile on your face, then the prospect of a bright and favorable future is just around the corner. These changes may affect the sphere of relationships with people: work colleagues or household members.

For women, such dreams promise a happy marriage, the happiness of motherhood, and care for future offspring. Men after such visions can receive a long-awaited promotion, an increase in wages or the implementation of promising business ideas.

According to Feng Shui, the reunification of the feminine and masculine principles into one whole personifies harmony, happiness, creative power and a sea of ​​positivity. For a sleeper, seeing love in a dream means being imbued with good energy, which will help overcome difficulties and confront a series of problems and adversities.

A feeling of dissatisfaction and weakness after such a dream is a harbinger of quarrels and discord. family relations, failures, job instability, mood swings and apathy. You can avoid this by not interfering in conflicts, disputes, and not nitpicking over trifles. A change of environment and your low work activity at this time will have a beneficial effect.

Love or passion, what do women choose?

A positive interpretation predicts a dream where a woman has sex of her own free will and with pleasure. This means that real life is full of joyful moments, interesting meetings, successful endeavors, and general sympathy for your personality. You are full of optimism and energy.

The young woman especially dreamed of a passionate embrace with a stranger - expect a promising romantic date. An unexpected turn of events will force you to change a lot in your life. It is very likely to enter into a marriage that will be happy and long.

If you dreamed of sex with someone you like in reality, in reality you are trying to bring closer the moment of close acquaintance, serious relationship and marriage with someone who is not even your friend yet. Don't run ahead of the locomotive, but rather sit back and enjoy the views from the window.

For a married lady to see herself in bed with her husband - to warm family evenings, delicious dinners and heart-to-heart conversations. Such stories only confirm the correctness of your choice of partner, the strength and inviolability of your relationship.

How sex in a dream affects a man's mood

For a married man, being intimate with his wife in a dream foreshadows quarrels and scandals in reality. There will be compelling reasons for the breakdown of relationships, and the matter may end in divorce and division of property.

Dreaming of sex with an unfamiliar girl - to success in business, career growth, the embodiment of your ideas that once seemed like a dream.

Watching someone make love in a dream only confirms your immaturity, inactivity and lack of self-confidence. Your life principle– go with the flow, contemplating the success and achievements of others.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Making love in a dream expresses your real desire to change your partner or add variety to the one with whom you are in an intimate relationship. Your dissatisfaction with sex affects your mood and general state of activity.

This manifests itself in apathy, indifference and coldness towards the one who shares the bed with you. It will not be possible to radically change something unless there is a mutual desire to do so. Sometimes it’s easier to break up than to try to regain your former passion.

Having sex in a strange place unusual place indicates that your relationship lacks intensity and intrigue. The classic, vanilla way of giving pleasure to yourself and your partner is alien to you. The passion for experimentation can distract you from your true feelings and bring heartache second half.

Changing partners in a dream hints that you lack banal communication in close relationships. Imaginary passion, haste and simply not perceiving your partner as a person pushes your passion away from emotional conversations with you.

A girl dreams of being hugged and kissed by her ex-boyfriend - this indicates that you are constantly comparing potential lovers, trying on stereotypes of past relationships. This will prevent you from finding the right candidate for a long time until you change your illusory approach and look at men with different eyes.

Sex with a stranger has a positive interpretation for a shy and insecure girl. Finally, you will begin to perceive yourself as you are, appreciating your attractiveness and sufficient sexuality. By changing the way you perceive your body, you will feel confident and begin to attract a lot of fans.

Love for an ex in a dream is a manifestation of real feelings for someone with whom you broke up a long time ago. Perhaps the reason for the quarrel was quite stupid, there was an understatement and hope for a truce. But no one is trying to take the first step. Most likely, fate has prepared a chance meeting for you, and the outcome of your future relationship depends only on you.


The interpreter believed that intercourse with former partners in a dream speaks of casting black spells and conspiracies. Men who often dream of making love with ex-girlfriend, it’s worth wondering if there’s a love spell on it. Unreasonable torment, surging memories and unreasonable regrets about parting are a clear sign of artificially created feelings that are not controlled by your consciousness.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Having sex against your will in a dream indicates real obstacles in various areas of life. For business people, this can mean a turning point in their career, barriers to personal growth and professionalism.

For those planning a business trip or a long trip, this is a harbinger of random troubles or force majeure circumstances. For women, such a dream hints at their weakness and spinelessness under the pressure of a person who has influence. Married women- this may hint at the uncontrollability and disobedience of children whom they have greatly spoiled.

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Making love according to the dream book

A dream in which you made love, according to psychologists, speaks of an internal need for attention from the stronger sex. Several dream books give a description of why such a plot is dreamed of. A young woman who sees herself in a man’s arms in a dream will soon face disappointment in her chosen one in reality.

For a man, such a piquant plot promises well-being in real life. But there is one subtle point here: things will go well only if his sexual partner in his dreams was an unfamiliar woman. If the dreamer made love to his wife, then a quick divorce is likely. Watch from the side as a certain couple merges in a passionate embrace towards success.

Various interpretations of dreams involving lovemaking

The noble dream book of N. Grishina says that making love in a dream means disappointment. The same interpreter explains why such a plot is dreamed of, depending on the personality of the partner. If a woman saw the plot, then her life will be filled with significant and joyful events. Coitus with a brother predicts receiving help from relatives in real life.

In a dream, a girl makes love with a woman, according to N. Grishina’s dream book, to participate in some mysterious business. If a girl dreams that she has become a victim of violence, then in reality she will be able to achieve her goal. A sexual relationship with one’s own father promises special treatment from fortune. For some time after such a dream, you will be lucky in all matters.

A representative of the stronger sex in a dream has a sexual relationship with beautiful woman also to great success and luck. If in place of the partner there was a legal spouse, then in reality it will not be possible to avoid a big quarrel with her. Sex with a married woman will make all your desires come true.

According to the same dream book, making love with a guy you know means successful completion of the business you have started. The interpreter also explains why you dream of making love with a prostitute. Expect happiness in reality, which will ultimately be destroyed by a serious illness. Sleep with sister to a powerful influx vitality. If your partner had an unmarried daughter, then in real life you can prepare for her wedding.

To have a sexual relationship with any animal in a dream means wealth. Making love with a deceased person, according to the dream book, means acquiring quite valuable property. See as a partner my own mother- a bad sign. Probably, in reality you will not follow the right path, which will negatively affect your entire life.

Why dream of making love according to the modern dream book

Seeing yourself having sex in the air in a dream means the onset of an ambiguous life period. Some uncertainty will worry you a lot, but your own hard work and optimism will help you overcome this difficult time. According to the dream book, making love with your loved one in front of the mirror symbolizes the desire to receive approval for your actions. If during such sexual intercourse you feel that you cannot achieve orgasm, you should think about your own self-esteem. It is quite possible that it is overestimated.

Modern dream book explains why you dream of virtual sex in a dream. It turns out that he is a symbol of a false understanding of the current situation. The dreamer may be mistaken about the attitude of the people around him and about his own appearance, and abilities as a lover.

According to the dream book, making love with your husband leads to complete harmony in family relationships. All misunderstandings will disappear and you will enjoy good attitude from the spouse's side. Take advantage of the right moment and discuss with your husband everything that has already worried you. long time questions. This time is perfect for such a difficult conversation.

Sexual intercourse in plain sight public place symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to put his thoughts and relationships on public display. Most likely, this desire is caused by the need to receive wise advice. According to the dream book, making love to a young and very seductive girl in a dream means success with the opposite sex. If you are still single, then don’t worry, a fateful meeting will take place very soon.

The modern dream book says that making love with a man while wearing clothes means that an obstacle will appear in real life. There may also be futile attempts to complete the work started. Have sexual intercourse with someone in a dream famous people, to attempts to join the fame and popularity of another person. For a young man, this plot promises successful career advancement.

Work out with ex-love according to the dream book, it means the presence of longing for a departed relationship. You probably want to return former feelings back, but this will no longer be possible. Go forward. When you meet another person, you will forget about your past happiness. The dream book also explains why the lady dreams that she is having sex underwater. A similar plot speaks of the dreamer’s desire for motherhood.

Having sexual intercourse with a monster in a dream speaks of your reluctance to obey your superiors. Sex with a representative of the black race, accompanied by positive emotions, indicates an inability to think about the consequences and about the future. If in a dream such a connection caused you suffering, then now you are going through a period of mental tossing.

Why do you dream about sex with your sister?

I want me to see in a dream how I have sex.

I dreamed about my husband, he had sex with a young girl.

I was raped by my master.

I had sex with my ex-girlfriend in the toilet in a dream, and some woman caught us.

Why do you dream about sex with your girlfriend’s mother?

In a dream I made love with a Hindu. I did not receive satisfaction. I wonder what this dream is for.

Dream Interpretation: making love in a dream

Making love in a dream means that in reality the owner of such a dream will soon hear disapproving words about his behavior from acquaintances or friends. Therefore, you should try not to compromise your personality – neither with actions nor words. For family people, such a dream is fraught with frequent quarrels, as well as troubles at home.

Making love in a dream with a stranger means that soon unforeseen circumstances will arise in real life, because of which all ideas and plans will come to naught. If a person dreamed that he accidentally caught some unfamiliar couple doing this process, but they did not notice him, then unexpected pleasant changes will soon come to life. Perhaps these will be profitable deals or promising acquaintances. If the couple notices the presence of a stranger, in reality he is in some danger, in particular, of being exposed. Perhaps competitors will try to bring it to light. This dream also promises minor troubles in the business sphere. Making love in a dream with a well-known and even close person means that very soon the desired goal will be achieved. If the participant in the dream enjoyed sexual contact, it means that in the near future everything will be fine - no failures, everything is quiet and calm. When everything is the other way around - sex was unpleasant and without feelings, then soon the person will experience some disappointments. Perhaps they will be caused by the bad behavior of acquaintances or comrades about whom there was a good opinion. Dream: making love with your husband

This means that the woman will soon experience success and happiness, as well as sexual satisfaction and emotional health. If she did not experience pleasure, then, on the contrary, there will be problems sexually, as well as difficulties and troubles in everyday life. Although in general making love in a dream is a favorable sign that indicates inner harmony and emotional balance. But, nevertheless, a dream in which such an activity did not bring satisfaction is worth analyzing. Perhaps there really are some problems brewing in real relationships.

If you dreamed of a connection with a stranger, then this means unexpected ideas and plans. Men who see themselves in bed with an unfamiliar girl in a dream should expect a new passion on the horizon or new business projects and plans.

Sex with an ex-boyfriend or husband is a harbinger of nostalgia and longing, or an unexpected meeting with a person from the past. Psychologists consider such a dream as evidence that the body sometimes wants to remember the touch of a person who was once very close. Perhaps this is longing on a subconscious level or a comparison with the current partner.

Having sex with a brother or father in a dream, showing love (not related) - such a vision indicates a woman’s emotional attachment to someone close to her. Don’t be scared - this is a normal dream, although it is an abnormal phenomenon in life. This simply speaks of a strong attachment to him, that’s all.

And lastly: if a person has a partner in life, but in a dream he saw himself with a different person, this means a strong sexual interest in others and a lack of variety.

Making love interpretation of the dream book

During sleep we see different dreams. They do not prevent us from getting proper rest, and, nevertheless, contribute to many questions that arise in the morning. Stormy emotions, a surge of feelings and frantic pleasure in real life, we most often experience when merging with a partner.

But how can you find out why you dream about sex while your body is resting? The dream book will help us cope with the thoughts that have arisen in our heads and completely unravel the dream. It is thanks to him that the interpretation of dreams becomes simple and accessible to everyone.

Making love in a dream

A dream in which you indulged in sexual pleasures suggests that you subconsciously want to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. However, there are still many interesting unexpected interpretations, regarding why you dream of making love.

For example, if a young woman found herself in the arms of a man in a dream, then in reality she will have to be bitterly disappointed in her gentleman. If a man is hugged by an ardent lady, then the dream book promises him prosperity. True, there is one small but important clarification. Things will go well for a gentleman only if his partner in the dream was a stranger.

But if he passionately squeezed his wife in his arms, then this threatens to aggravate relations in the family, and even divorce. If you watched from the outside in a dream how a couple in love hugged, then don’t worry - success in any endeavor is guaranteed.

Intimacy reflects emotionally missing sensations in reality. If you dreamed of having sex in a dream and you received due pleasure - the dream book indicates that your real relationship is in complete harmony and order. If sex in a dream did not bring pleasure, then behave with extreme caution. You may have moral and ethical problems.

For women, an intimate dream brings many impressions into life, from unexpected and pleasant moments. If a man had pleasure in a dream, then he certainly becomes interested in why he dreams of making love, although the answer is quite simple. The dream book shows clear rivalry with the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about sex with your ex?

The interpretation of the dream book, why you dream of sex with your ex, shows you that you have not yet completely cooled down to your past partner. In reality you miss him, and in your subconscious you compare him with your new lover. Why dream of making love in a dream with your own husband, then in reality pleasant experiences and a great gift await you.

If you see people you know and are close to you in a dream, but not yourself, the dream book warns that your current partner is not entirely suitable for creating a happy family.

Dream Interpretation sex without love

Why do you dream of having sex with a stranger - for a man, for a woman it means a quarrel with someone. Even if you were not a participant in such an action, but accidentally caught an unfamiliar couple, then be prepared for unexpected changes that will not bring you anything good.

If, due to chance, you went unnoticed, then you may be in danger. Strangers they will want to trip you up, and if you don’t have time to react in time, then there will be an opportunity to show yourself not with the best side. A dream in which people have sex is like a small nuisance. Therefore, the dream book advises to play only fair games, so that you don’t have to once again to risk.

Unusual, curious interpretations

The noble dream book, authored by N. Grishina, suggests that making love in a dream means disappointment. But a lot depends on who acted as the partner in the dream. If it was a woman's dream, then there is no reason to worry. On the contrary, in the coming period the dreamer will experience, albeit small, joys. If it was sex with a brother, then the dream book suggests that relatives will not come to the rescue at the right time.

N. Grishina explains why the girl dreams that she made love to a woman. It turns out that this predicts participation in some event shrouded in secrecy. If a young lady dreamed that she had become a victim of a rapist, then in reality she would be able to complete all the assigned tasks.

An even stranger vision of intercourse with the father predicts good luck. Over the course of several weeks, the dreamer will become Fortune's favorite.

The dream book also guarantees luck to a male dreamer who slept and saw that he had entered into an intimate relationship with a beautiful lady. But if he made love in a dream with his legal wife, then, alas, it is with her that he will have a deep misunderstanding and the relationship will go wrong.

Why dream that you are the lover of a married woman? This is a vision with good meaning, promising the fulfillment of desires. The dream book prophesies to those who indulged in carnal pleasures with a young man the successful completion of a started project or business.

Why dream that you have had sexual intercourse with a professional priestess of love? Not everything is clear here. At first, the waking person will feel that he is happy and enjoying life, but then he will feel unwell. And doctors can diagnose a serious illness.

A powerful influx of energy will be felt by those who slept with their sister in a dream. Moreover, dear. Was your partner a daughter who is not yet married? This means that soon the matchmakers will come to the house, and the sleeper will begin preparations for her wedding.

The dream book promises wealth to those who, while asleep, have sexual contact with an animal. An even stranger connection with a deceased foreshadows the acquisition of valuable property.

It’s bad if your partner is your own mother. This is a sign of wrong behavior and decisions. All this will have an extremely negative impact on your future fate.

Interpretations of the Modern Dream Book

Life will throw up a lot of surprises and make you worry, which is what the Modern Dream Book means when you dream of sex in the air. For example, on an airplane. Ambiguous situations in which you will find yourself in reality will be a reason for worry, but if you have enough confidence and optimism, you will overcome all troubles.

The interpretation of the vision that you are having sex with your loved one and watching the process in the mirror indicates that you desperately need approval from others. What does it mean if intercourse does not bring you satisfaction - you failed to achieve orgasm? In this case, the dream book recommends that the sleeper engage in criticism of his own person. One should think: is self-esteem too high?

Why dream of making love virtually? The modern dream book warns against misconceptions. The dreamer incorrectly perceives the attitude of others and experiences complexes about appearance. Something confuses him in his relationship with his real partner.

An excellent omen if you sleep with your legal spouse in a dream. She predicts harmony in the family, mutual care, love. After such a vision, you can openly talk with your husband about the problems that have accumulated, and rest assured, he will understand you correctly, and any misunderstandings will disappear.

Probably, few people would actually think of throwing themselves into the abyss of passion in front of strangers, in a public place. This is possible in a dream. But because the dreamer subconsciously strives to make his thoughts and plans public. He needs this - he needs assessment, advice from a more experienced, wiser character.

An unprecedented excitement from the opposite sex is predicted by the dream book for those who, in a nightly phantasmagoria, indulged in sinful passions with a young beauty. If the sleeper is still alone and only dreams of mutual feeling, then in the near future he will meet his love.

All kinds of obstacles and obstacles await the one who, in a dream, without hesitation, and without even undressing, has sexual intercourse with a man. Unfortunately, the dream book predicts that the dreamer will not be able to complete previously started tasks.

Sex with a public, popular person characterizes the sleeping person as an extremely ambitious person, ready to do anything just to become famous. She does not disdain the opportunity to simply cling to the glory of another person. But if you dreamed something like this young man, then he will get a chance to climb high on the career ladder.

Exes and Horribles

It is not difficult to guess what a dream means about passion with ex-lover. This is a longing for the past, for what we experienced together. Even if you want to return your old feelings, it is impossible. Live in the present, the future. You will certainly meet a person who will help you forget about your past romance.

A woman who dreams of making love underwater is ready and wants to become a mother in real life.

How is intimacy with a monster in a dream interpreted? This is a reflection of the confrontation with management.

Successful sex with a dark-skinned person is dreamed of by someone who is impulsive, does not bother thinking about the consequences of his own actions, and does not think about tomorrow. But if intercourse with a representative of the African race was painful, then the person sleeping in reality very bitterly regrets something, or worries about something, experiencing mental anguish.

If in a dream after lovemaking you felt that you were in a position, then see the interpretation on the page of what dreams of pregnancy mean.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look into moon calendar- what is the phase of the moon today and what is the lunar day.

By comparing the data on lunar day and by the day of the week one can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday (2018-01-14)

Hello! Why do you dream about making love in a dream? The meaning of the dream. A girl making love to a man in a dream means disappointment in love.

Not always. The interpretation of the dream may also depend on the day of the week when the dream occurred.

Today is Tuesday and I had a dream that I made love with one guy.

Why have a dream in which people have sex many times?

Hello! Today I dreamed about how I make love, what is it, how do I know if the dream will come true, I had a dream yesterday morning about 6 o’clock

I dreamed that I was washing in the bath and he (I don’t know who) was hiding under it and I noticed him, then we started kissing and had rough sex. I don’t know this person! And I’m 15. Why am I dreaming about this!!

I dreamed that I had sex with a stranger, then another one came and we wanted a threesome. I'm 13... Why is this? And it was in an unfamiliar place...

Katya, puberty is coming...

Hello, today I dreamed that I made love with a man whom I once exchanged (Andrey)! But it wasn’t just sex, because it happened in the educational institution where I study! When it all started with him, I remember that I was simply amazed by the size, you understand what I mean! Then, as soon as he started to enter me, a lot of blood started pouring out! It was creepy! And I ran to the toilet, did all the work there, and somehow I ended up in another city, but I knew that I urgently needed to go back because he was waiting for me! And it was night! I don’t remember how I returned, but when I went to see him, he was awake and waiting for me, the morning suddenly began and everyone woke up! Somehow my ex (Ruslan) ended up there, with whom I exchanged him! But I don’t feel anything towards him, he was with his girlfriend!

Andrey told me “let’s do it so that no one hears”, I agreed! Then everything went perfectly, it was the best sex!

I woke up with a desire to feel it in myself!

Hello! I had a terrible dream today. I had sex with a man. Despite the fact that the man is familiar. Tell me what this is for? Thank you.

a little nonsense, but only Allah knows what will happen to a person! For example, Dream Interpretation sex without love “indicates a quarrel with someone” Quarrels may not go astray

I had a dream for two days in a row that I had sex with girls I didn’t know. What is what?

Really awesome! We're looking forward to it and we'll rock it.

Hello, I dreamed about Wednesday, November 30th at night, how I had sex with a stranger in the bathtub 3 times, why did I dream about it?

I dreamed that my mother and sister decided for me that I should already have sex with my boyfriend (by the way, I don’t actually have him, but in my dream I do), they already bought condoms, took out my bed, but I refused and said that too early (I’m 16), they even invited a psychologist, and we sat with the psychologist with my mother, sister and boyfriend, and she (the psychologist) talked about intimate life and that it is important.

What does it mean? This dream really confuses me.

I had a dream that I was making love with my loved one, on this moment He’s in the army and we haven’t seen each other for a month and maybe we’ll see him for another 4 months. He’s going on a voyage.

I dreamed of an acquaintance who tried to have sex but I refused him and kissed me?

I dreamed that my ex was having sex with someone else, in front of my eyes. Today is Wednesday, why is this?

Good morning! It’s now 4.26 in the morning and I woke up with fear, from the realization that I was transferring myself to hell to help a person. And the strangest thing is that I’m doing this for the sake of a boy I don’t know with whom I had physical contact in a dream. And I like him in real life life (but I cannot call myself a homosexual) The teleportation of the body was so noticeable that I immediately began to do everything to wake up.

Help me. What's happening?

I'm a girl. I dreamed that I had male organs and I was making love in the bathtub in the water with some unfamiliar girl, as if she was giving me pleasure. Then I don’t remember, at the end she stood up and blood was flowing down her legs.

I had a dream that I had sex with my friend’s ex-boyfriend and his friend (we are on friendly terms with my friend’s ex-boyfriend, there is no sympathy, and I only know his friend from stories). They came to our city for a day and we slept in the college where I study, and during this the building collapses. I died and rumors spread about me that I was a whore.

On the night of February 24-25, 2017, I had a dream in which a young man and I were having violent sex, seemingly in a car. Currently, this person and I have a strained relationship, it seems we haven’t broken up yet, but we don’t meet as often as before. What could this dream mean?

this dream suggests that you must completely surrender to him, then everything will be fine.

Hello, today is February 26th. I dreamed that I was having sex with strangers and I'm getting my period.

I also have dreams very often,

Where I make love with my boyfriend, well, now we’re separated, why would that be?

Tell me why you dream about sex in the bathroom with a person you don’t remember

Why do I dream that I asked a friend (whom I don’t like) to take my virginity?

Help! Every day I dream that I wake up as a man and my boyfriend as a woman! The appearance is normal... only THERE is the opposite. And every time we have sex! I am crazy? What's going on?

Who knows what the dream is about that we almost started having sex

Hello, I dreamed that we were at a prom there, I had sex with one partner and after a while with another... and then we went to a night movie at 02:02 at night, and on the way there we stopped and I moved to another car and there I had sex again...

Why do you dream about sex with a guy with whom you wanted to have a relationship, but never started? (I'm a guy myself)

I dreamed that my beloved and I were making love and we were very joyful. and we are engaged and not in the sense that I don’t feel the process but we are happy

Sex in a dream, if it also has an orgasm, means that your plans for the near future will not come true.

Today is Thursday and I had a dream that I had sex with a living dead man and at the same time I liked him so much that I asked again and again. I have a boyfriend and in my dream he was the same. Well, it turns out I cheated on him in a dream and everyone knew about it, but he didn’t, and when he came home, I tried to be closer, no one said anything and, in general, I wanted him too. And with that corpse, in short, he was some kind of monster and wanted to kill me in general, but I seduced him, they say, everyone is afraid of you, no one wants to understand, and I jumped on his neck, and then off we go... It’s a strange dream and incomprehensible, I rarely have dreams, but here it suddenly happened

I had a dream about me flirting, having very positive communication, and then fucking my father’s wife (stepmother). everything was really positive and cool! what could this mean? the dream was from Monday to Tuesday (from 20 to 21.11.2017)

It turns out that having sex has a positive effect on brain activity, memory development, maintaining overall body health and well-being in social life. Making love in a dream, why such a plot is dreamed of, we find out in proven dream books.

The regularity of our intimate life is directly related to a person’s emotional background. We become less irritable, satisfied with ourselves and loved ones, we are not drawn to quarrels and showdowns, this state of satisfaction is an indicator of happiness.

For the dreamer, such scenarios in a dream predict the same effect in reality. If making love was more than pleasant for you, you woke up with a smile on your face, then the prospect of a bright and favorable future is just around the corner. These changes may affect the sphere of relationships with people: work colleagues or household members.

For women, such dreams promise a happy marriage, the happiness of motherhood, and care for future offspring. After such visions, men can receive a long-awaited promotion, a salary increase, or the implementation of promising ideas in business.

According to Feng Shui, the reunification of the feminine and masculine principles into one whole personifies harmony, happiness, creative power and a sea of ​​positivity. For a sleeper, seeing love in a dream means being imbued with good energy, which will help overcome difficulties and confront a series of problems and adversities.

A feeling of dissatisfaction and weakness after such a dream is a harbinger of quarrels, discord in family relationships, failures, job instability, mood swings and apathy. You can avoid this by not interfering in conflicts, disputes, and not nitpicking over trifles. A change of environment and your low work activity at this time will have a beneficial effect.

Love or passion, what do women choose?

A positive interpretation predicts a dream where a woman has sex of her own free will and with pleasure. This means that real life is full of joyful moments, interesting meetings, successful endeavors, and general sympathy for your personality. You are full of optimism and energy.

The young woman especially dreamed of a passionate embrace with a stranger - expect a promising romantic date. An unexpected turn of events will force you to change a lot in your life. It is very likely to enter into a marriage that will be happy and long.

If you dreamed of sex with someone you like in reality, in reality you are trying to bring closer the moment of close acquaintance, serious relationship and marriage with someone who is not even your friend yet. Don't run ahead of the locomotive, but rather sit back and enjoy the views from the window.

For a married lady to see herself in bed with her husband - to warm family evenings, delicious dinners and heart-to-heart conversations. Such stories only confirm the correctness of your choice of partner, the strength and inviolability of your relationship.

How sex in a dream affects a man's mood

For a married man, being intimate with his wife in a dream foreshadows quarrels and scandals in reality. There will be compelling reasons for the breakdown of relationships, and the matter may end in divorce and division of property.

Dreaming of sex with an unfamiliar girl means success in business, career growth, and the realization of your ideas that once seemed like a dream.

Watching someone make love in a dream only confirms your immaturity, inactivity and lack of self-confidence. Your life principle is to go with the flow, contemplating the success and achievements of others.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Making love in a dream expresses your real desire to change your partner or add variety to the one with whom you are in an intimate relationship. Your dissatisfaction with sex affects your mood and general state of activity.

This manifests itself in apathy, indifference and coldness towards the one who shares the bed with you. It will not be possible to radically change something unless there is a mutual desire to do so. Sometimes it’s easier to break up than to try to regain your former passion.

Having sex in a strange, unusual place suggests that your relationship lacks intensity and intrigue. The classic, vanilla way of giving pleasure to yourself and your partner is alien to you. A passion for experimentation can distract you from your true feelings and bring heartache to your other half.

Changing partners in a dream hints that you lack banal communication in close relationships. Imaginary passion, haste and simply not perceiving your partner as a person pushes your passion away from emotional conversations with you.

A girl dreams of being hugged and kissed by her ex-boyfriend - this indicates that you are constantly comparing potential lovers, trying on stereotypes of past relationships. This will prevent you from finding the right candidate for a long time until you change your illusory approach and look at men with different eyes.

Sex with a stranger has a positive interpretation for a shy and insecure girl. Finally, you will begin to perceive yourself as you are, appreciating your attractiveness and sufficient sexuality. By changing the way you perceive your body, you will feel confident and begin to attract a lot of fans.


Love for an ex in a dream is a manifestation of real feelings for someone with whom you broke up a long time ago. Perhaps the reason for the quarrel was quite stupid, there was an understatement and hope for a truce. But no one is trying to take the first step. Most likely, fate has prepared a chance meeting for you, and the outcome of your future relationship depends only on you.


The interpreter believed that intercourse with former partners in a dream speaks of casting black spells and conspiracies. Men who often dream of making love with their ex-girlfriend should think about whether there is a love spell on him. Unreasonable torment, surging memories and unreasonable regrets about parting are a clear sign of artificially created feelings that are not controlled by your consciousness.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Having sex against your will in a dream indicates real obstacles in various areas of life. For business people, this can mean a turning point in their career, barriers to personal growth and professionalism.

For those planning a business trip or a long trip, this is a harbinger of random troubles or force majeure circumstances. For women, such a dream hints at their weakness and spinelessness under the pressure of a person who has influence. For married women, this may hint at the uncontrollability and disobedience of children whom they have greatly spoiled.

According to psychologists, erotic dreams indicate a person’s dissatisfaction in real life, his desire to fill this emptiness with dreams. If you dream that you are making love, is it worth worrying about your real personal life - one of the questions raised in this article.

What if you dream about making love?

“If you make love in a dream, you should wait for your personal life to blossom in reality” - this stereotype is found in many dream books, but it practically does not correspond to reality. The fact is that a dream about sex can have a very multifaceted interpretation, and here everything depends on specific details.

For example, making love to your husband in a dream is a wonderful sign indicating the emotional closeness of the couple. Most likely, a man and a woman are extremely happy together, and their spiritual closeness cannot be doubted. If in the vision the husband is too rude to his wife, it means the woman is not entirely sincere with him in reality. Perhaps the lady has something to hide, and this big secret hangs over her with a burden of responsibility and fear of its disclosure.

If in a vision a person makes passionate love, it means he is not satisfied with his real relationship. Perhaps the existing relationship has reached a dead end, and the owner of the dream simply does not know how to end it. The burden of regular meetings with a partner will sooner or later lead to the fact that former lovers will hate each other, so you should break off the relationship as soon as possible. If sex in a dream, on the contrary, seems boring and uninteresting, then the person is basically not ready to build a serious relationship. It’s worth taking a little time out and thinking about something other than your personal life.

A vision in which a person is subjected to violence in a dream has a very bad interpretation. This vision means that someone will try to vilely deceive the dreamer, making him extremely unhappy. Such a vision predicts long-term mental suffering due to the fault of others.

Seeing sex with a stranger in a dream means new beginnings and plans. These very plans do not necessarily have to concern love relationship and may be solely career related. Most likely, a person will experience a short-term but serious flourishing in business. This opportunity should not be missed, because it often gives a chance to change your life for the better.

A vision in which a person makes love in his own home has an excellent interpretation. Usually this dream means that no difficulties will arise in family and everyday matters, and life will give a person a chance to be happy. If sex occurs in a strange, dark place that is unfamiliar to the owner of the vision, then in reality he will be tempted by the opportunity to commit a dishonest act. In such a situation, you should show foresight and calculate possible risks your adventures. This dream may also foreshadow the danger that awaits the main character of the vision.

If a person makes love with a former lover, it means that in real life he is experiencing a strong longing for the old days. Perhaps there was a recent meeting with a former lover, which inspired this vision on the person. Almost all dream books interpret it from a psychological point of view, noting the dreamer’s possible longing for past happy times.

What does it portend?

A vision in which a person becomes a participant in group sex has not the best interpretation. Usually this dream is a harbinger of financial adventures. Perhaps the owner of the vision will become a participant in some kind of deception, which in the future will hurt his reputation.

Feeling pain in a dream rather than pleasure from sex means a personal and mental crisis. Most likely, the person is on the verge of serious depression and it will be impossible to prevent it. The only thing the owner of the vision can do is to try to stoically endure the crisis approaching him.

If in a dream a person has sex with someone he knows, it means that in real life he experiences a strong attraction to this person. This attraction has so consumed the owner of the vision that he is literally unable to control himself.

Not the best interpretation has a dream in which the owner of the vision has sex with a person of the same sex. Usually such dreams speak of temptations surrounding a person. Unable to resist temptations, the owner of the vision will dive headlong into the pool of passion, which he will certainly regret later. In the coming weeks, it is worth keeping your emotions under control so that they do not cause serious emotional breakdowns and career problems for the dreamer.

Interpreting a dream about sex is difficult largely due to the diversity of visions and their meanings. Since there can be a lot of interpretations, a person needs to remember all the details of the vision that occurred, and only after that begin analysis, using several dream books at once.