A money spell on water helps to attract money and become rich, which is designed to attract money so that it is always in the house. Vanga shared the conspiracy during her lifetime, telling it to a woman so that she could get rid of poverty and feed her children.

The conspiracy helps to fulfill any desire, but most often it is customary to read it for money and wealth at a time when there is a lack of money and there is simply no place to get money from.

At home, pour a glass of holy water after reading the water spell for money :

Lord, my God, I, the servant of God (name), are before you.

You created the sun, the stars, man, and gave him shade for every day.

You created the sea, the earth, the house and gave a canopy, a figure, a shadow.

My shadow is in the water, and the water is in me!

I ask her, I give the order:

Fulfill my request, give me a lot of money in my house,

Get rid of lack of money.

From now and forever my house is a full cup.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Now you need to spray it in all corners of the house (apartment) and drink the charmed water. Very soon you will be able to see the consequences money conspiracy water, how he can quickly attract money and every day wealth will only increase, filling your wallet with new crisp bills. Don’t tell anyone that you yourself read Vanga’s water plot to attract big money.

© Copyright: Magician

  • Very good plot for wealth, attracting money, read which you need in church at Christmas. If you perform a money ritual, you will always have money and your family will live in complete prosperity without needing anything. Magicians call the Christmas spell a “money magnet for the year” with the help of which you can completely get rid of poverty and have a lot all year

  • Strong conspiracies for attracting money and wealth, designed to always have money in your wallet and wealth at home. Christmas conspiracies for money work all year long, whoever happened to read a strong money conspiracy on their own is poverty and poverty goes away and money becomes abundant. A conspiracy to attract big money needs to be read on a banknote, but not just any one,

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  • Conspiracies and rituals that attract wealth and money have always been used by magicians who know how to attract money and luck into their lives with a conspiracy. After reading a money plot, a person always had a lot of money. The only disadvantage of this ritual is that it needs to be redone every year, but the consequences of this money plot pay off completely and you get a year’s life

  • There is a very old and powerful conspiracy to increase profits for business growth. You need to read the money plot that attracts money and attracts rich buyers yourself. Immediately after the money ritual, you will feel how well all the goods will begin to sell out, and the profit from sales will grow rapidly, increasing trade turnover in the business. When everyone's gone

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  • If you read a conspiracy for quick money yourself, a person will always have money in his wallet. After reading the money plot, financial luck goes with the person. Look for a way to attract money, read the conspiracy after which you can always and everywhere find big money. How are the consequences of a money conspiracy a person will never be denied a bank and will always

  • How to attract big money to your home and get rich quickly, of course, read the money plot after which poverty will pass and wealth will come. An ancient money ritual will help to attract goodness and good luck into your home, and the money in your wallet will always be in the amount you need. Take the wallet in your hands and, opening it, say the text of the conspiracy: ... Recalculate the finances in the wallet, all up to

  • A money plot for your husband's wallet should be read by taking a church candle painted in green color and a banknote of any denomination. After the spell to attract money, the bill should be given to the husband so that he can buy bread, milk and eggs, so calculate the denomination of the bill; there should be one. Your husband must give you all the change from the purchase - this is very important!

  • Money conspiracies that really help and work quickly are ancient money conspiracies that bring wealth to your home. A conspiracy that increases finances in your wallet helps to attract wealth. Important at the time of money ritual The wallet should contain 5 rubles in one coin. After a money spell, this coin will be a talisman that will attract wealth into your wallet.

  • Money ritual attracting money from Vanga is done independently to attract money. A powerful conspiracy against poverty, poverty and lack of money helps you get rich, so that you always have money and never run out. The spell against poverty is read for the smallest paper bill in the house at midnight on the waning moon, and early in the morning this bill must be spent in the church by buying candles,

A love spell on water is considered one of the most powerful and effective rituals for love, so you should be careful when using it.

Love spell on water and its consequences, who did the reviews and how to understand that it is starting to take effect

It is most often accomplished by charging any non-alcoholic drink with a certain energy. Charging it is not difficult. To do this, you need to fill the container and place it on the windowsill under the moonlight. This action is performed on the full moon. Before you leave the drink overnight to charge, you must first mentally speak it. To do this, move your finger clockwise over the container seven times, while thinking about your dreams and your loved one. Then the dishes are placed on the window and left until the morning.

In order for the love spell to be successful, you need to make sure that no one touches the charmed drink. The next day, your lover should be invited to visit and treated to the prepared drink. Within a few days the love spell will take effect and will not go unnoticed. Before performing it, you need to think carefully about whether it is necessary or not, since the ritual unmistakably binds a person to the one who performs it.

Conspiracies and prayers for losing weight on water

One of the most effective spells for weight loss is based on water. Its only inconvenience is its duration: it must be done for seven days. A similar ritual should be performed on the waning moon on a cloudless night. Before you begin, you need to prepare the necessary items: a crystal vase, blue woolen thread, matches and clean water.

On the chosen night, you need to go outside and gaze intently at the moon until it begins to “blur.” After this, you need to stand with your back to the moon and say the words of the conspiracy seven times:

As the beautiful Moon decreases, so I will decrease in volume. In just a moment my weight will melt, in that moment my fullness will go away. As the moon becomes a thin month, so I will lose all weight. Amen".
After this, you need to return to the house and pour water into the vase. You also need to throw three burnt matches there. You need to loosely tie the thread around the middle and index fingers of your left hand in a figure eight. You need to repeat the ritual every evening for a week. The thread can be removed from your hand only after the allotted time has passed. It must be burned at the end and the ashes scattered to the wind.

Prayers for water in baptism, Ulyana mother Tatyana

In order to remove the evil eye, damage or slander, you can use an effective water ritual, which is carried out in Epiphany evening. To do this, you need to use drunk water (water that no one has ever drunk - running water, spring water, or water from a bucket that no one has drunk from yet).

When going for water, you need to read the prayer: “Hello, water is Tatyana, land is Ulyana, and the key is Ivan. Give me holy water for any trouble.” Three burnt matches are thrown into the water, mentally asking for healing.

Prayers for water for love, health, removal of damage, good study of the child

To ensure that nothing prevents the child from concentrating on his studies and achieving good results in this complex but important process, many parents resort to the help of Higher powers. One of the popular and effective methods is a prayer for water. To do this, you need to take clean, undrinked water into a shallow saucer and, waiting for the sun to set, say the following words to the water:

“Let (name) have no problems with learning, understanding and realizing new things. Let success walk nearby, and let any adversity go away with someone else’s glance.” In this water you need to rinse a pin or hairpin, which the child will then need to always carry with him.

A plot to sell a house and land, property, animal, apartment, read with holy water

It’s not uncommon for people to find themselves in a situation where they need to sell something quickly and profitably. In such cases, many enlist magical support. There are conspiracies that are universal in their range of use. They can help you negotiate a good deal when selling any type of property. One of the most effective rituals is the spell of holy water. To do this, you need to fill a clean bowl to the top with water and go with it to the nearest intersection. In the center of the road intersection, the bowl is placed on the ground and the plot is read three times:

“May luck and success come to my aid. Let all evil thoughts pass by, and let sharp tongues not reach me. I’m going to the right thing, selling (something). I call on all the bright forces, I gather all the help with me.” The water is taken back home and placed on the windowsill overnight. In the morning, they wash the item for sale with enchanted water and, with pure thoughts, enter into a deal.

Epiphany water spells for wealth, read on the full moon

Conspiracies committed on Epiphany holidays are considered the most effective. These days, water can be used to spell anything, including wealth. To do this you need to dial in the evening Epiphany water from an open source and read the conspiracy: “I, the servant of God (name), take clean water and leave on the holy night. Heavenly guardian angels, you will protect me, illuminate my soul, protect me from adversity, wash me with holy water. Amen!"

In the morning, you need to sprinkle the house with this water and lightly wash the faces of all family members. Use the remaining water to wash your face before important events.

Read the bath water spell for women's diseases for yourself

By speaking water correctly, you can get rid of many female diseases. To carry out the ritual, you need to collect clean spring water and place it on the windowsill during the full moon. The water must be positioned so that moonlight falls on it. The next day, after the water has been charged with the necessary energy, it needs to be taken to the bathroom. There, standing in front of the mirror, the following plot is read: “ Clean water I wash my face and get rid of women’s diseases. Water flows easily and carries everything far away with it.” The charmed water is added to a previously prepared bath, washed thoroughly and the water released. The conspiracy works flawlessly!

Read conspiracies against damage and the evil eye on water

To cleanse yourself of someone else’s conspiracy or damage, you can turn to the water spell for help. To do this, you need to take a glass of holy water and prepare nine church candles and a white thread. The candles are placed in the center of the table in a circle, connecting them together with a thread. Place water in the center of the formed circle and light the candles.

The conspiracy is read further: “As fire illuminates water, so it will sanctify my soul, as it warms water, so it will warm my body. The water is cleared of dirt, and I am cleansed of evil thoughts. As the water flows away, so will the troubles go away. Amen!". The candles are extinguished in a glass of water and placed in a white scarf. The water should be poured into a place where people do not walk, and the candles should be burned out in the next nine days.

Water spell for a man's love read white magic

In order to bewitch your loved one forever, you need to give him the enchanted water to drink. Water must be taken from a clean spring or underground source. You need to collect it in a transparent container. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon, when the moon has the most powerful energy charge.

To perform the ceremony, you need to go out onto an open piece of land so that the moonlight is reflected in the water. Having placed the container with water on the ground, you need to say the words three times: “As the servant of God (name) loves the servant of God (name), so he will love in return.” The next day you need to give your loved one this water in its pure form.

Read a spell for good trade with holy water to quickly sell goods, remove the leakage of money

If you notice that your trading has gone poorly, you are unable to sell a product, or there is an obvious leak of money, then you should use a spell for successful trading. To do this, in all honesty, you need to read the prayer: “Saint Michael, pleaser of all merchants! I turn to You for help, I need Your blessing. Save me and protect me, servant of God (name). Bless me for a successful business. With Your blessing I will go and begin my work. Amen!". You need to sprinkle the enchanted water on the goods prepared for sale.

Spell for good luck and money read on water

Our ancestors also ancient Rus' enjoyed powerful conspiracy for money and luck. The ceremony must be carried out independently at home. To do this, you need to take a white saucer without drawings. You need to put a copper coin on it, sprinkle it with wheat and cover it with a green scarf. Every three days this saucer needs to be thoroughly watered with holy water, without touching the scarf and saying the words:

“I water the wheat with the holy water of the nurse, and bread and money sprout, prosperity does not leave my house and my Angel helps me in all matters. Amen!". When the grains sprout, they need to be planted in a clay pot and placed in the bedroom, and the coins should be placed in the wallets of all family members. You can't waste them! After a year, the ritual must be repeated.

Read conspiracies against fear for children against water and hysteria

For the ceremony you need to bring a candle and holy water from the church. You need to wash your face with water and sprinkle all the corners of the house. Then you need to light a candle in front of the icon of the Lord and read the prayer three times: “Lord our God, Christ Almighty! You create miracles with your words. Help your slave (name) get rid of fears, don’t let her fall into hysterics, protect her from fear. Amen!". The candle should be allowed to burn out, and its remains should be hidden far away, wrapped in a white scarf.

Conspiracy to fulfill a desire to read on the water

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness, read on water and against toothache

A similar conspiracy is made at sunset. To perform it, you need to prepare a photo of a person suffering from alcoholism, three church candles and holy water. Candles are hardly displayed. Immediately after they are set on fire, I post a photo in front of them sprinkled with holy water. Then they read the plot itself.

“Lord, help me to remove dependence on the accursed serpent from the servant of God (name). Bless him and protect him from the sinful path. Forgive him all his sinful deeds. Protect him on the righteous path. Amen!". The prayer must be repeated three times, and then the photo must be hidden until the person gets rid of the addiction. A conspiracy read on drinking water: “Clean water, help me get rid of toothache!” they read the plot nine times, and then drink the water.

Water is considered the most common substance on the planet, but few people are familiar with its magical properties.

In the circles of healers, magicians and psychics, a water spell is widely popular, which can lead to healing, attract good luck, give love and achieve other goals. However, it is very important that the water is endowed with positive energy, since bad energy will not bring the desired result. Not at all, it can harm a person.

Magical rituals performed with the help of water can pursue a variety of purposes, since this substance is an extraordinary keeper of information. Through magic, water can be enriched with a wide variety of energies, given any structure and directed its power to perform a specific task.

Water is a very malleable material, so you should work with it carefully.

Melt and holy water are recommended to be used in positive rituals. Using tap or bottle water requires an additional cleansing ritual. Untreated tap water is endowed with negative energy, so its use will cause serious consequences.

Read the words correctly and cast a love spell on your loved one!

Magical rituals using water are most common among magicians. With their help you can perform cherished wish and attract good luck, attract love, cure the sick and much more. However, for the plot to work, it must be executed correctly. Improper execution of the ritual can lead to disaster.

First of all, a person must believe in magic and be able to impart power to spoken words. The ritual can only be performed in a concentrated state. As mentioned above, it is recommended to use holy or spring water in rituals; it is also possible to use melt water. If only tap water is available, then it is subject to preliminary 7-day purification.

To do this, a vessel with liquid is spoken with a special prayer and left for 7 days in a dark place.

All spells based on water should be read by heart. Especially if they are strong. Some texts are very short, and some are quite long, but this should not stop you - they must be learned. It is permissible to read a prayer over water only in a quiet and peaceful environment; there should be no noise or other distractions.

It is recommended to read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper, so that the reading is more like singing. Each word is pronounced clearly and intelligibly, but at the same time quietly and in a sing-song voice. You should keep your lips close to the liquid, then it will be able to respond to breathing and absorb energy. It is unacceptable for anyone to know about the ceremony, so you should choose a place for the ceremony with the expectation that it will be deserted and calm.

Water will heal and remove damage

A popular magical ritual of an Altai healer will allow you to get rid of all ailments at once. So, one conspiracy allows you to simultaneously get rid of the evil eye, failure, illness and other negative aspects. It is recommended to read the plot at dawn on the day of the waning moon. For the ceremony, spring or melt water is used. A spell is cast over her three times.

Conspiracy “From the evil eye and damage”

I cleanse you from negativity, cleanse you from bad thoughts, from damage and the evil eye, from a heavy burden!” From all ailments: “Spring water, clean water, get rid of me, God’s servant (name), from illnesses, from damage and protect from the evil eye. I will take your strength for myself, I will take your purity for myself. Amen!"

The charmed liquid should be taken daily for several months, one tablespoon per day.

The following ritual can help make your most cherished desire come true. Having collected spring water in a glass and spoken to it, the liquid must be consumed in small sips.

Conspiracy “To make a wish come true”

“Water, water, you are my sister, you let me wash, you let me drink. Give me, servant of God (name), some water, three drops for good luck, five drops for luck and sea for good luck. I close my words with the key, I wash the key in water. Just as the water is pure, my thoughts are pure and my desires are clear. As it is said, it will come true. Amen."

It is important that at the moment of committing a conspiracy, a person’s thoughts are concentrated on desire, and it must be pure and kind. Evil intentions will not be fulfilled, but will bring disaster to the performer.

No less popular among the people is a conspiracy that allows you to attract good luck in deciding financial issues. To do this, you will need to light several candles, fill a container with holy water, and lean close to it and whisper the words of prayer.

Conspiracy “To attract money”

“Just as water is holy, as pure as a tear and healing, so it is miraculous in wealth. I charge water for money, for deals, for earnings. Just as water flows into the belly, so wealth accumulates drop by drop. Money to money, action to words. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Water magic attracts good luck, fulfills wishes, bestows love and eliminates illnesses.

Young girls are in great demand for a ritual aimed at attracting the guy they like. Of course, every girl has a desire to find love and attract the attention of her chosen one. An appropriate conspiracy will help in this matter.

So, the ritual must be performed on the waxing moon at midnight. You will need to light one church candle and read a prayer over a jug of water. The words should be said three times, while candle wax should be dripped into the vessel three times.

Conspiracy “To attract a guy”

“For love, for longing, for tenderness. I need to speak to the water so that the servant of God (name) does not see his life without the servant of God (name). So that they could be happy to be together, keep love, be faithful. Let him not seek happiness without her, let him know no peace. Amen!"

Subsequently, the water should be used in baked goods, which will be fed to the chosen one. Thus, the desire to attract attention will be fulfilled.

Will there be a reckoning?

Any conspiracy has consequences. The only difference is that the simplest and most harmless rituals will result in minor losses for the performer. So, some time after performing the ritual, a person may get what he wants, but in return, he may lose a small or large amount of money, catch a cold, or incur anger from loved ones.

It happens that after attracting a guy, after a while the young man suddenly begins to hate the girl.

Love spells can lead to serious consequences. Rituals for love are the most powerful and belong to black magic. In this case, the performer and the victim will face punishment. Often the ritual has the opposite effect - the performer himself becomes bewitched and suffers from this state.

Video: Water conspiracies

The most unique and widespread substance on earth is water. And water spells are quite popular. After all, not every one of us knows how much this liquid can influence human destiny.

Correctly enchanted water can bring good luck and luck, heal from illnesses, damage or the evil eye, impart beauty, attract love and influence a loved one. But water with bad energy can do quite a lot of harm.

Features of rituals

Water spell - very common and popular magic ritual, with which you can achieve various goals: from love spells to damage.

This substance is considered a kind of powerful storer and carrier of information. And with the help of correctly read words, it is given the necessary structure, which is what knowledgeable people use.

In order for the spell to be effective, regardless of the purpose of the ritual, you should cast a spell on water correctly:

By following these rules, you will be able to make an effective and efficient ritual. In addition, since water is a very sensitive substance, any doubts you have about the effectiveness of the ritual and its potential can negatively affect the entire ritual.

Therefore, perform the ritual only when you can trust magic to take part in your destiny, and do not doubt the power of the magical influence.

Attract your lover

Among representatives of the fair half of humanity, love rituals are especially popular, which allow you to fall in love and bind your loved one to you. You can perform such a ritual using water.

Depending on your relationship, you can choose a suitable ritual. If you see each other quite often and communicate closely, then one ritual will do, but if your acquaintance is casual, then it is best to do the ritual at a distance.

If you see your beloved man quite often or live under the same roof, then the following ritual is suitable, for which you will need, in addition to water, one church candle.

At midnight during the growing month, light a candle and read the words on the vessel with liquid:

“For love, for longing, for tenderness
I need to speak to the water,
So that the servant of God (name) does not see his life without the servant of God (name).
So that they could be happy to be together, keep love, be faithful.
Let him not seek happiness without her, let him know no peace.

The words of the prayer must be repeated three times and drops of candle wax three times into a vessel with liquid. Now the water is charmed and you should bake or prepare something from it and feed it to your loved one.

I bring to your attention a unique collection of powerful spells for holy water absolutely free.
You can easily charm holy water for money, weight loss, your cherished desire and beauty, and also give the “clear liquid” good health.
By the way, I would like to say that the most strong conspiracies cannot do without involving holy water in the occult ritual.
Despite the fact that it itself is healing, we have the opportunity to charge it with our desires, asking for help from the element of water.

Dear readers, our task is to learn to use for good what nature has endowed us with.

Holy water money spell

With candles lit, whisper a magical spell into the holy water, clearly imagining what you want to receive.

As holy water is, as pure as a tear and healing, it is also miraculous in wealth. I charge water for money, for deals, for earnings. Just as water flows into the belly, so wealth accumulates drop by drop. Money to money, action to words. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Powerful spell of holy water for weight loss

As soon as I pour water into myself, I will immediately drive away the fat from myself. I will melt excess weight from the legs and arms, from the sides and neck. I will lose weight, become younger, and become slimmer. The water will be healing in its essential help and praise. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Water spell for desire

I charge the water with desire and dreams. I invite good luck into it. Let your dream come true and your wish come true. I’ll drink, I’ll drink some water, and the desire will come true. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Holy water spell for beauty

I whisper, I whisper, I get things done. I charge the water with the sweetness of beauty and drink it in sips. Your cheeks will be rosy, your face will be blooming, and your beauty will be youthful. Voditsa, voditsa, let me wash myself with beauty. Amen! Amen! Amen!

To attract the power of beauty, you should drink holy water and sprinkle your face with it. Soon you will feel how your skin becomes elastic and you will look beautiful and attractive.

Water spell for health

Holy water, Queen of all moisture. I charge you with health, I drink you sip by sip. I wash away illnesses and drive away illnesses. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Now you know that there are as many as 5 magical spells for holy water. All of them are extremely short and strong at the same time. By reading them as needed, you charge holy water to the chosen end result.

Be healthy, beautiful and attractive!