Popular artist, priest, writer, philosopher Ivan Okhlobystin gave frank interview. The actor admitted that he was going to leave cinema because he was ashamed to be an artist at the age of 50, and noted that he was very lucky in life. However, in the near future the artist may lose his own home.


Meanwhile, Ivan Okhlobystin made a reservation that he was going to leave cinema not now, but only in three years. “I’ll bring the projects to the end - “Interns”, “Freud’s Method” - and leave. Otherwise, the people in Tushino, where I live, will look askance - 50 years, and still an artist. The main thing is that I solved all the economic problems, paid off the debts, and I myself remained a collective farmer.“,” Antenna quotes Ivan Okhlobystin.

The artist noted that when his children grow up, they will have economic responsibilities. “How could it be otherwise? In the sixth grade, I loaded newspapers at the Northern River Station to buy sneakers for myself. And the girls loaded them with us too. So should mine. Of course, if they study hard, we’ll see...” According to Okhlobystin, he and his family are modest in their needs, “no locks needed.”

“It’s more convenient for us to walk through the forest and change parking lots. And I don't see the problem that there will be less money. After all, my life hasn’t changed at all in the three years that I’ve been filming “Interns.” We just started answering some calls: “Yes.” Friends call, asking for a loan, a ride, and we help out, just as they once helped us, the hungry. I'm very lucky in life. The Lord gives good people", admitted the popular artist.

However, Okhlobystin never decided housing problem. He said: " The townhouse we live in is allocated under a social program. We feel good there and it doesn’t seem crowded. But in fact, when Savva (himself youngest child Okhlobystina) turns 18, this house will be taken away from us. Now my son is seven. Although the eldest, Anfisa, will then be 27 years old, and all the other children will also be old, so there is no need to worry. But if some kind of apartment turned up, why not. In general, I want a house, 300 kilometers from Moscow. There's nothing keeping me here."

In Russian cinema, a bright and controversial personality is Ivan Okhlobystin, whose fate led him to the acting path. The biography of this famous person arouses genuine interest among both fans and ill-wishers.

Parents and the beginning of life

The boy was born into an ordinary family, with the exception that his mother was a young student, and his father was the chief doctor of one of the clinics, who was in his sixties. The future was born famous actor July 22, 1966. The boy did not stand out in any way among his peers and school years I grew up as a completely ordinary child, but at that time the biography of Ivan Okhlobystin was just beginning to develop.

Students and military service

After High school prom Okhlobystin confidently told his parents that he wanted to become an actor and submitted documents for admission to VGIK. IN student years the future star of Russian cinema gained a reputation for being extraordinary thinking person, gained respect and popularity among fellow students and teaching staff. The biography of Ivan Okhlobystin began to be replenished with interesting facts.

The young man was not spared from serving in the army, where he was sent to rocket troops. After returning from the army, Ivan was reinstated at the institute and was able to completely immerse himself in his studies and community service. The biography of Ivan Okhlobystin contains data that he quickly achieved great success and was appointed to the post of secretary of the Union of Cinematographers.

First successes

The actor's film debut took place in the film "Leg", for which he received an award for best role. But Okhlobystin’s first successes were not limited to this. The young man was involved in writing scripts and directing. His first work on this path (the film “Freak”) received a nomination at the festival “ Golden Apple, golden leaf”, and his debut as a director (the film “Arbiter”) was awarded at the “Kinotavr”. The production received recognition in the “films for the elite” category. Subsequently, awards rained down on the young talent in abundance.

The biography of Ivan Okhlobystin tells that he was not spared success in the theater. Most of the productions with his participation were considered successful. Today, the actor is less often involved in the theater than in the cinema. Ivan Okhlobystin remains one of the most controversial and striking personalities in Russian cinema. The biography (family, children, roles, scripts, direction) of this person always attracts the attention of fans.

Family, love and bohemia

In 1992, the young man finished his studies at the institute and began to live a real bohemian life, which swirled him in its whirlpool. Together with his friends, Ivan Okhlobystin, whose biography continued to develop successfully, had fun and had fun, which did not prevent him from engaging in acting (“Giselle Mania,” “Comedians’ Shelter,” “Round Dance”).

At the peak of his career, the young man meets actress Oksana Arbuzova, who later becomes his wife. This was the end of his wild life. The wife had a positive influence on the man, he began to drink alcohol less often, completely immersed himself in creativity and began to turn his gaze towards Orthodoxy. Today, the couple has six children, including four girls and two boys. Ivan Okhlobystin does not think of limiting himself in this regard. So it is quite possible that the married couple will have new offspring.

Successful works and awards

Okhlobystin's cinematic activities brought him 17 awards for successful directorial work, 9 awards for acting roles, 21 awards for writing scripts. The actor’s latest works in cinema are the films “Down House”, “DMB”, “Garbage Man”. In addition, Ivan received a special award - a personalized watch, which was presented to him by the President of Russia in 2001. He received this honor due to the fact that he filmed the Easter service in 1999 in Belgrade during the bombing by the United States. Ivan Okhlobystin’s wife (the actor’s biography fully confirms this) was very worried about her husband at that time.

The film “Down House” caused the greatest resonance among the actor’s works. The film was directed according to a script written by him himself. Ivan took Dostoevsky’s well-known novel “The Idiot” as a basis. The characters, as conceived by the screenwriter, transformed into modern degenerates, drug addicts, cynics, having undergone amazing metamorphoses. Okhlobystin himself played the role of Rogozhin.

After viewers and critics saw the picture, the creators received a large number of accusations. The director and screenwriter were scolded for shamelessly mocking Dostoevsky’s work, they even held a trial in which attacks were made on perverting the work of a classic, promoting a harmful lifestyle, and corrupting young people.

Actor Ivan Okhlobystin (whose biography always attracts attention) responded to all criticism by saying that the writer himself decided to end his novel with a scene that seemed wild in his time. He explained that they did the same thing, but with a modern twist. However, years later, the actor said that he regretted creating this picture, calling this work creative suicide.

Leaving cinema and Orthodoxy

At a certain point in his life, Ivan Okhlobystin (biography, photos are presented in this article) decided to try his hand at politics. He was a member of the Kedr party, which tried to revive the institution of monarchy in our country. Somewhat later, the actor admitted that this step was a serious mistake on his part and it is impossible to count on honest politics in Russia.

Your commitment to Orthodox faith the actor made it public in 1998, thanks to his participation in the “Canon” program, where he became the host. In fact, the man’s path to religion was purposeful, conscious and progressive. In all important matters, he was guided by the recommendations of his priest and received the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch.

Doubts about Okhlobystin’s seriousness were completely dispelled at the end of 2001, when he presented his short film about Prince Daniel to the public. This was the first painting from the “Lives of the Saints” series. After this, viewers were able to see films about St. Basil and Dmitry Ushakov. However, his idea was not fully realized; the project was quickly scrapped. Also, the series of programs about large families did not receive the attention of the authorities; it was simply called “socialism.” Ivan Okhlobystin, whose biography (children, family, work) is presented in this article, does not lose hope of bringing this project to life.

The actor devoted all subsequent years to worship as Father John. Until 2005, he was a clergyman in the Temple of St. Nicholas, and then moved to the Church of Sophia of the Wisdom of God.

Return to the profession

Ivan always admitted that he felt special comfort and grace while in church. However, the moment came when he had to return to his previous path, since a large family needed to be fed. At that time, the priest lived in a modest apartment (48 m² of usable space for eight people), and when he turned to the mayor of the capital with a request to improve conditions, he was refused.

For some time, Ivan earned money by writing scripts, and in 2007, M. Khleborodov’s film “Paragraph 78” was released. In the same year, the actor starred in the historical film “Conspiracy,” playing the role of Grigory Rasputin. Before filming, he received permission from the Moscow Patriarchate. A precedent was noted in world cinema - main role The acting priest played in the film.

What today?

Today, the actor is actively involved in the filming process. He is no longer a clergyman, since combining such activities and acting is impossible. In March 2010, the series “Interns” was released, where Okhlobystin successfully played the role of the cynical misanthrope Doctor Bykov. The hit turned out to be one hundred percent, although the role was not written for the actor himself.

Okhlobystin himself explains that he often rearranges the character’s lines to suit himself, but in this series he didn’t have to change anything. He noted that although the writers write funny, these jokes are not on the verge of a foul. It’s nice that viewers see real people, funny dynamic situations, real relationships. The humor in the series never degenerates into vulgarity and humiliation.

Many critics saw similarities in “Interns” with the TV series “House.” But the actor has similar comparisons I have my own point of view: “Dr. Bykov is not Dr. House. Our work is more humorous and pedagogical, rather than detective work.” In any case, all viewers, without exception, note that the sitcom turned out to be truly funny and entertaining.

After filming “Interns,” the actor took part in the films “The Hindu,” “House of the Sun,” and “Generation P.”


Okhlobystin Ivan Ivanovich, whose biography will take an ornate turn more than once, is a successful screenwriter, director, actor, playwright and journalist. Today he is the creative director of the Euroset chain of salons. All fans of this wonderful person They are expecting fresh works and achievements from him, hoping that the actor will continue his creative path.

“I’m happy at the dacha. There's silence there! For a father with many children, this is a luxury. I transform there: I walk around in a front-line padded jacket on my naked body, in cotton pants and boots. In winter, I wear an immodest fur coat, like a Puerto Rican pimp,” says.

I recently built a memorial dedicated to the feat of the summer residents of the 1970s. He built a hill of stones on his father-in-law’s and mother-in-law’s summer cottage, welded an old cart with wheels on top, and built a flower bed inside it. Oksanka’s parents went to their dacha with this cart for ten years. They lived in a trailer and planted vegetables on the ground. Then they built “Uncle Pumpkin’s three-brick hut.” They are modest people... I started going to this house many years ago when I was getting married. Of course, there are no conditions at the dacha. But out of love, naivety and idealism, we liked it all. A year after my marriage, I was put on the grill. I became a super expert at soaking and grilling kebabs. Every day we had some people visiting us: astronauts, criminals, cops, rock and rollers, journalists, artists. Everyone was somehow accommodated and turned into one company.

“I am now a fan of Russian stoves - they heat and cook in them wonderfully. By the way, it was Oksanka who came up with the idea that there should definitely be such a stove in the house.” Photo: Philip Goncharov

Time passed, the family grew, the dacha fell into disrepair. It is impossible to save in a large family. All the time, as a military quartermaster, I had to make infusions - from kopeks to rubles. It didn't bother us, and we even liked it. We thought that we were living very elegantly. It all resembled something gypsy camp, Indian. Children are not spoiled. Oksanka and I have fun. At the same time, when I received another fee for something, I hung out with Oksanka. Because if you don’t pay enough attention to a woman, she will start paying attention to you, and then kirdyk. Once we flew to Venice - and didn’t skimp. I didn’t want my swan to think about money. We brought masks and Savva from there. Savva is eleven years old. Our youngest is a Venetian... And then the Interns came, and I more or less systematized my earnings. He paid off his debts and helped his loved ones in any way he could. And then I thought that, while there is a financial opportunity, I need to rebuild the dacha for my father-in-law and mother-in-law so that they can get high in a beautiful house. We started looking at who was building what. And I chose construction company"Architect".

“The main thing in design is natural wood. The furniture is massive, so that in three hundred years my great-great-great-grandchildren would play around on it.” Photo: Philip Goncharov

Ivan Okhlobystin is a rather creative and versatile personality - screenwriter, actor, TV presenter, film director, writer, journalist and playwright. He was a clergyman, but was temporarily removed from ministry at his own request.

Born in 1966 in the Tula region in the Polenovo holiday home, where his father worked as head. doctor. When Ivan was born, his father was 62 years old, and his student mother was only 19.

He studied at VGIK in parallel with many cinema stars, such as Bondarchuk, Litvinova and others. Few people know, but the beginning of his career is considered to be 1991 in the film “Leg”, followed by a successful script for the film “Freak” with a nomination for “Green Apple, Golden Leaf” and directorial work in the film “Arbiter”, which received “Kinotavr”. also in track record many other equally significant works in cinema and theater.

In 2001, he decides to devote himself to serving God, but a few years later he returns to cinema and social activities, explaining his actions by lack of money. IN Lately He starred a lot in comedies and TV series. Known to the general public from the television series “Interns”, he is the creative director of the company “Baon”.

Personal life

In 1995, he married Oksana Okhlobystina (nee Arbuzova), a fairly successful actress in her youth. The couple has six children: two boys and four girls.

For three years he was fond of karate and knife fighting, is a member of the Aikido Association, has one of the categories in chess, and is also interested in creating jewelry. But he considers hunting and fishing to be his main passion.

Dacha of Ivan Okhlobystin

Several years ago, Ivan began construction of a new country house. The dacha has been in the possession of the Okhlobystins for quite some time; Oksana’s parents went to see it, and then their children and grandchildren. Since the actor is a busy man and believes that everyone should mind their own business, he did not get involved in construction, but hired professionals.

From the proposed options, I chose one of the popular projects of a country mansion. The only thing that was changed in the project was the veranda. And also my wife insisted on installing a real Russian stove, which is not only convenient for heating the whole house, but also for cooking.

A lot of natural materials were used in the design of the cottage: wood, stone, brick, and also a lot of skins brought by the owner from the north. The cottage was built with the possibility of living in it all year round. On the ground floor there are adult bedrooms and a spacious living room, and on the second floor there are four children's bedrooms and a bathroom.

There is a small summer house on the site, which houses a fitness machine and supplies in case of an unexpected trip to the dacha.

Apartment of Ivan Okhlobystin

More than five years ago, the screenwriter, together with big family I lived in my wife’s two-room apartment in Tushino, but there was a catastrophic lack of space and they applied for social housing. In 2012, the family received a large mansion in the village of Troitse-Lykovo. There is a large forest around the village and the Church of the Assumption is located nearby. Holy Mother of God and Stroginskoye Reservoir.

This housing is municipal, which means that it does not belong to the family, and you will need to leave the house after you come of age. youngest child or, as an option, have another baby.

After a two-room apartment, this house seemed simply huge to the family. The spacious living room with a fireplace accommodates not only the whole family, but also guests. There is a long table in it, at which the whole Okhlobystin family gathers every evening.

On the ground floor there is a kitchen - a very important room for the housewife, since this is where she has to spend most of her time, cooking for the whole family.

On the top floor there are bedrooms for children and owners. Everything here is simple and as convenient as possible. The older children have separate rooms, while the younger ones live in combined rooms.

There is an impressive collection of guns in a separate room. Okhlobystin is a supporter of the legalization of short-barreled weapons and is a member of the Union of Hunters and Fishermen of Russia.

According to CIAN, two-level housing in Troitse-Lykovo costs 30 million rubles and more.

Until recently, the former priest, now an actor, with his wife and six children huddled in a modest 2-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow. Now with a celebrity big house, but not everything is so simple in this story.

The two-bedroom apartment was given to the actor’s wife Oksana Okhlobystina, nee Arbuzova, from her grandmother.

“The children almost take turns sleeping - we can’t fit in,” complained the head of a large family.

Ivan Okhlobystin was thinking hard about how to save money to expand his living space - no matter what, even stellar earnings can’t keep up with rising real estate prices in Moscow!

And the actor was lucky. According to the federal social program, his large family allocated a house in an elite village near Moscow.

“The kids were so happy when they moved!” - the happy father shared after the housewarming.

However, according to the law, the mansion belongs to the state and the family does not become the property. The Okhlobystins will be able to live there only until their youngest child comes of age. Now the youngest, Savva, is 5 years old. After 13 years, the house will have to be vacated.

However, there are also options - to give birth to several more children.

And while they are growing, maybe a miracle will happen - real estate prices in Moscow will collapse, and the Okhlobystins will manage to buy their own big house?