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1 Scenario of the quest “Where you go, you will find!” for older children preschool age and their parents Goal: organizing an educational and fun walk for preschool children and their parents on the territory of the kindergarten. Objectives: To form a holistic understanding of living and inanimate nature. Teach preschoolers ways to understand the world around them. Develop the ability to analyze the content of questions and riddles and give a complete meaningful answer to them. Develop coherent speech and active dictionary. Strengthen the health of preschoolers, develop their intelligence and independent thinking in solving emerging problems. Create conditions for the establishment of friendly, friendly relationships between parents, children and teachers. Develop the ability to listen carefully to adults and peers, develop a sense of responsibility to your team. Improve your teamwork skills and follow the rules of the game. Preliminary work: with children: reading adventure books in kindergarten and at home; clarification of the names of trees, shrubs, flowers growing on the territory of the kindergarten; formation of ideas about animals of the Vladimir region; an exercise in guessing and composing riddles, drawing up a plan of a room, site and searching for “secrets”, guided by the drawing; with parents: preparing equipment for the game. Equipment: map consisting of 4 parts; signs; red and blue butterflies; paper roses; 2 small baskets; pine and spruce cones; cards with pictures of animals; scheme; paper and pencils; crayons; "treasure". Characters: Adults: Old gardener Baba Yaga Players: teacher, children and their parents Progress of the game: Preparation for the quest Participants of the quest go to the group’s walking area, approach a magic tree with three signs: blue “If you go to the right, you will find an ancient treasure!” , red “You go left gems you will find it!”, white “If you go straight to the beach, you won’t find miracles!” Here they are met by the Old Gardener (one of the parents).

2 Hello, friends! Why did you come to me? Players: We want to play in kindergarten and look for secrets. There are many secrets in our garden. I allow only the bravest and strongest to search for them. And those who are weak can just take a walk around the areas. Are any of you strong and brave, tanned by the sun? Are you ready to search for secrets and treasure? (As a rule, none of the children admits to being weak; everyone strives to actively participate in adventures.) Can you read? If not, no problem! Parents will help you read what secrets there are in our kindergarten. (The students, together with their parents, read what is written on the signs.) Guys, what will you look for? (children's answers) Now find the envelopes in this clearing. They tell you where to go and what to find. Be careful, there are clues in the clearing that will help you. (The clues are small blue and red paper butterflies that are attached to the grass in the place where the envelopes are hidden.) Old Forest Man: Well done! What's in your envelope? (Looks.) Yes, this is part of the map where the treasures are hidden! If you are careful, you will be able to find the treasure. You need to find three more parts of the map, fold them correctly, and then you will see the place where the treasures are hidden. Read the task and hurry to victory. I will be waiting for you at difficult stages of your route. Good luck! (Next, the children and their parents complete tasks and overcome obstacles on their own. The team is accompanied by a teacher.) Task 1. “Roses on a Birch” The envelope contains a fragment of K. I. Chukovsky’s poem “Joy.” The light birch trees are glad, glad, glad, And roses grow on them with joy. Players must guess that they need to find a birch tree with roses attached to it. Task 2. “Cones and acorns” There is a task in a basket hidden under a birch tree with roses. 1. Guess the coniferous tree species. Twigs prepared coniferous species(pine, larch, spruce, thuja). The team determines the type of coniferous tree by its branches and tells where this tree grows on the territory of the kindergarten. 2. Team game “Collect cones.”

3 Question “What is the benefit of coniferous trees" It is necessary to collect a basket of cones for planting new trees on the territory of the kindergarten (two types of cones: pine and spruce). Appears Well done, guys! You did an excellent job. But there was also an envelope under the tree where you found the basket. (The envelope should be hidden when the children collect the cones.) Did you find it? Try to find it quickly and bring it to me. Let's see what task you still need to complete. (Children find and bring an envelope. The old gardener reads the assignment.) This is a game called “Cones.” Shall we play? Get into a tight circle, very close to each other, and let's choose a driver. Guys, who knows the counting rhyme, and do the parents know? Game “Cones” Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected and announces the rules of the game. Parents: One, two, three, four, five, We are going to play. Suddenly a magpie flew in and told you to lead! (Points to one of the children, and he stands in the center of the circle.) We will pass a cone behind our backs and say the words: Geese-swans flew, They threw cones. Everyone was throwing and shouting: “I have it!”, “I have it!” - And you, driver, guess who has the cone in his hand. After pronouncing the text, the participants in the game show their hands clenched into fists. The driver tries to guess which of them has a bump. You honestly earned the second part of the card (gives the second part of the card). Now find the clue in this clearing. It tells you where to go for the longest time. Who, both in summer and in winter, wears a prickly tar coat? In the autumn rain and drops He does not take off his fur coat Players: Spruce. In what nearest area of ​​the kindergarten does our spruce grow? (speech therapy) Participants in the game go to the territory of the speech therapy group.

4 Task 3. Presenter: Listen! (magical music sounds). Oh, what is this? Old man forester: This is a magic box! I wonder what was hidden in it? A soundtrack with the voices of birds and animals sounds. Woodpecker Bear Crow Squirrel Cuckoo Wolf Hummingbird Lion Children guess by the voices of birds and animals. The teacher shows their photographs. - Game “Find the odd one out”. Guys, do all these birds and animals live on the territory Vladimir region? Parents' story about animals and birds listed in the Red Book of the Vladimir Region. Great! I'll have to give you the third part of the map. I'll tell you where she is. Listen carefully: It grows in the yard... The bees extract honey from the golden flowers that bloom thickly in the branches. The best doctor treats colds and flu...(linden). Our linden tree stands next to the sandbox. It guards the third card. Now find the hint, it says where you should go next. Traffic diagram on the territory of the kindergarten. Your parents will provide you with great help in this task. Task 4. Environmental signs To get the fourth part of the map, we need to come up with and draw environmental signs ourselves on the topic “What not to do in the forest.” And in order to draw a sign, let’s listen to a poem about the rules of behavior in the forest, which Ira S. prepared for us. Forest rules If you come to the forest for a walk, Breathe fresh air, Run, jump and play, Just don’t forget that you can’t make noise in the forest: Even sing very loudly. The little animals will be scared

5 They will run away from the forest edge. Don't break oak branches. Never forget to remove trash from the grass. There is no need to pick flowers in vain! Don't shoot with a slingshot: You didn't come to kill! Let the butterflies fly, who are they bothering? Here you don’t need to catch everyone, stomp, clap, beat with a stick. You are just a guest in the forest. Here the owner is oak and elk. Take care of their peace, After all, they are not our enemies! Help the forest animals, prepare feeders for them. And then any animal, be it a weasel or a ferret, a forest hedgehog, River fish He will say: “You are my friend! Thank you!" (These tasks involve joint productive activity adults and children, therefore they are performed with the participation of parents.) Excellent! I'll have to give you the fourth part of the map. But where is she? Look around carefully. Maybe there's a hint? (Players look for the next clue and find a butterfly that sits on the neck plastic bottle, buried in the sand. They take the bottle out of the sand and pull out part of the map rolled into a tube.) Great job! We quickly found the map. Now put all the parts together, look around, guess where the treasure is kept. There are no clues here, you have to look on the map. Children follow the map to the place where the treasure is hidden. So you have found the place where the treasure is hidden! Baba Yaga appears: This is who is coming here, not letting grandma sleep! Who dared to approach my property without permission?

6 Hello, Grandma Yaga! Do not swear. It's me, the Old Gardener. And with me are my friends, the kids from kindergarten. Baba Yaga: What kind of guys are they? Let me take a closer look at you. Baba Yaga (approaches the children): Fathers, holy ones! Indeed, guys! How rosy, sweet and delicious everyone is. I haven’t eaten little ones for a long time! What are you saying, Granny? Baba Yaga: Ugh, you got it wrong, old one. I say it’s been a long time since I listened to the little ones. Well, my dears, answer. Why did you come to me? For the treasure? Do you know the saying: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty”? This means that the treasure needs to be earned. Baba Yaga invites the children to sing a song. Children sing the song “If you went on a journey with a friend.” Baba Yaga: I've made my grandmother happy, killer whales. How friendly you are! Get your treasure for this, because I “can’t handle such a harvest” alone! There are almost no teeth left! (The treasure consists of fruits, chocolate coins and a game of environmental theme). The teacher thanks the participants in the game. Reflection.

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Goal: To summarize children’s knowledge about nature.
1. Clarify and systematize children’s ideas about seasonal changes in nature.
2. Consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.
1. Contribute to the development of the ability to apply one’s knowledge in practice and transfer it; independently analyze the results obtained;
2. Development verbally-logical thinking.
3. Develop ingenuity and memory.
1. Education careful attitude to nature.
2. To develop the skill of collective communication and activity.
Preliminary work: Conversation with children about the current time of year.
Clarifying knowledge about the signs and seasonal changes of the seasons. Proverbs and sayings, folk signs about the seasons.
Equipment: Audiobook by Astrid Lindgren “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, laptop, multimedia screen for a projector, projector, presentation, envelopes, mnemonic tables, cut mnemonic tables, cards depicting the seasons, cards depicting living and inanimate nature for each child, riddles , a sheet of white paper with a mushroom drawn in white wax crayon (for each child), jars for water, brushes, paints, pencils, album sheet with painted stencils of wintering and migratory birds,

Progress of the game:
Kids are playing. A picture of Carlson appears on the screen, and the children pay attention to it.
Educator: Guys, do you know this hero? (Children's answers).
Educator: Do you want to listen to the story about his tricks? (Children's answers).
Educator: Make yourself comfortable and we will begin.

(I play an audio recording of Astrid Lindgren’s fairy tale “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof” for the children).

At the words “It was an ordinary boy,” there is a knock on the door and “Baby” (a child from the preparatory group) enters the group.

Kid: Hello, Carlson sent me, he himself is sick and cannot fly. He hid a jar of jam in your group. Find her, please, and I will give the jam to Carlson.
Educator: Guys, let's help Carlson and find some jam? (Children's answers)
Educator: Baby, we will help, but we don’t know where to look?

Kid: But here is the map, Carlson gave it to you. (Gives the card to the children).

(Children unfold the map and see that everything is blurred by water).

Changes occur on the screen (excerpt from the film “Marya the Artisan”), the inscription appears:
“It was I, Auntie Bad Weather, who washed away the entire map with water, and if you want to find the jam and cure Carlson, you will have to work hard and complete all my tasks.”
Educator: Guys, won’t you be afraid of Auntie Bad Weather? (Children's answers). Then let's go in search of jam!

(A photograph of the group's book corner appears on the screen.)

(Children go to the book corner and find an envelope with task 1.

1st task “Seasons”
Arrange the cut mnemonic tables in accordance with the seasons.

After completing the task, a photograph of the group’s experimental corner appears on the screen.

2nd task “Living and inanimate nature”
Cut the cards and determine what is drawn. Place a card with an image of living nature in a green hoop, and a card with an image of inanimate nature in a red hoop.

After completing the task, a photo of the group’s music corner appears on the screen.

3rd task “Colors of Autumn”
The days have become shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?
ANSWER: In autumn

The forest is covered with a white blanket,
And the bear is sleeping in the den.
Snow like a white border.
Who was in charge? (winter)
In the summer, not afraid of the heat, the red balls ripened. They have matured as if by choice. What kind of vegetable? (Tomato)

He drilled the ground, left the root, came into the world himself, covered himself with a cap. (Mushroom)
Children find it difficult to answer.
Educator: The colors of autumn can help us find out the answer.
(I suggest painting a sheet of paper with autumn colors).

After completing the task, a photo of the group’s sports corner appears on the screen.

4th task “In the world of birds”
Only wintering birds need to be shaded and listed.
After completing the task, a photograph of a shelf with toys appears on the screen.
5th task “Make up a story”
Children must use a mnemonic table to come up with a story about autumn.

After completing the task, the following message appears on the screen:
“I see that you are smart guys, I give you the jam and for your courage I want to treat you with the gifts of nature. Auntie Bad Weather.”
The last clue “Privacy Corner” is displayed. The children go and find a basket containing a jar of jam and a treat from Auntie Bad Weather.
Educator: Well done, you worked hard, found the jam, Baby, bring it to Carlson quickly. Let him be treated.
Kid: Goodbye, guys. (leaves).
Children get a treat.
The picture “The kid treats Carlson with jam” appears on the screen.

Quest for preschoolers at home, or searching for a hidden surprise in pictures for children 4, 5, 6 years old who do not know how to read and write - a ready-made original set of colorfully designed tasks and hints, with the help of which you can organize a quest for preschoolers at home (in an apartment or cottage) or in an interesting way play up the presentation of a gift to a child on his birthday. Give your kids a fun adventure!

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to choose the ones that are most suitable for your needs. keywords, print it out and immediately before starting the game, arrange it in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • Universal places in an apartment or cottage where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • Colorful high-quality design of the kit.
  • Interesting and varied tasks.
  • Suitable for printing on a black and white printer, since colors do not play a role in solving problems.
  • The set is intended for children 4,5,6 years old who do not yet know how to read and write.

Team quest game

With the help of the “Quest for preschoolers at home” kit, you can organize a team quest for several children and turn an exciting adventure into a real holiday for all.

Attention: This quest involves playing a game for only one team. If you want to have a competition for two teams, please take a look at analogue of this kit

Set design

"Footprints"(A4 sheet format). Traces can be used at the initial stage, for example, to find a postcard with the first clue. The organizer cuts them into the right amount and paves the way. Traces can also be used to give hints to players; they will help them find the right one among identical objects (for example, the right book).

Special postcard to start the quest game, it is stable and takes only a few minutes to cook (details included), in the middle is the first hint; Postcard format - A4. When finished it looks like this:

completing assignments

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. 7 differences + Puzzle. An original, exciting task consisting of two stages (details included). Places in the room that need to be used: carpet, table, flower (or house plant), pillow, sofa, floor lamp (lamp), window.Puzzle (refrigerator or kitchen drawer).
  2. Artist's mistake (umbrella). A fun hint, a task for quick thinking.
  3. Toys (bear cub,machine,ball). Attention task: you need to find which toy is missing in one of the pictures.
  4. Extra item (book). An interesting logic task.
  5. Unpaired item(pot). A fun challenge to test your wits.
  6. Tangled wires(washing machine). You need to follow the tangled wires to find the device plugged into the outlet.
  7. Ladybug (leading). Another fun mindfulness task.
  8. Puzzles (vacuum cleaner,aquarium,TV,closet). Funny children's riddles in poetic form.

Photo report of conducting a quest game using this kit:

Photo report of a quest game in kindergarten for older preschoolers


Game for children “Funny Daisy” (interesting invariant of the game “Fanta”) - ready-made cards for making “Chamomile” (pdf file)

  • 56 “petals” with fun tasks (all task options are given below)
  • heart with a funny face
  1. Draw a bee collecting nectar from a flower
  2. Depict the gait of a person moving on a slippery road
  3. Hide behind the back of a chair and shout loudly 3 times: “I’m completely fine!”
  4. Sit down several times, holding your ears with your hands
  5. Depict the movements and sounds of a playful kitten
  6. Depict a boiling kettle with pantomime and sounds
  7. Hold your nose with your hand and say the phrase: “I have the most pleasant voice in the world!”
  8. Stroking yourself on the head and stomach at the same time, but in different directions
  9. Looking in the mirror and not laughing, say the phrase 5 times: “What beautiful eyes I have!”
  10. Portray an athlete so that others can guess the sport
  11. For two minutes, be a “mirror” of another player and repeat exactly all his actions
  12. You're lucky - the whole company takes the rap for you: everyone comes up to you and says nice words
  13. Talk about elephants for 1 minute
  14. Remember 10 words starting with the letter “B”
  15. Wave your arms, spin around and at the same time shout out: “I am a butterfly!”
  16. Blindfolded, determine by touch what object the presenter put in his hand
  17. Draw a dancing robot
  18. Approach any of the players, make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”
  19. Explain how to make scrambled eggs without saying a word
  20. Come up with something for each of those present sweet Nothing(for example, “chick”, “cat”...)
  21. Sit on a balloon so that it bursts
  22. Say the phrase: “I love to dance” in different intonations (joyful, sad, indifferent, surprised)
  23. Walk on all fours around the room, squealing: “I’m the only lunar rover, peep, pip...”
  24. Ask someone for food, pretending to be a cheerful mongrel.
  25. Stand on a chair and tell about your life in three sentences
  26. Sing any song with 3 matches held in your teeth
  27. Choose any two players and perform an Aboriginal dance together with them
  28. Bow to 5 players different ways without repeating
  29. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  30. Draw your portrait with your left hand
  31. Draw a portrait of any player with eyes closed
  32. Tell everyone: “I have Bad mood! and sit for 1 minute with an angry expression on your face (other players should try to cheer you up)
  33. Place nuts or caramels behind your cheeks and say a tongue twister: “Mom washed Mila with soap. Mila didn't like soap."
  34. Play the pan pretending to be an African
  35. Within three minutes, quickly answer questions from other players, but you cannot say “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”
  36. Portray a capricious child who demands his parents buy him a toy
  37. Take water into your mouth and try to hold it for one minute (other players should make you laugh)
  38. Draw a sculpture and stand for several minutes without moving. Other players can approach and change the pose of the “sculpture”.
  39. Make at least one player laugh
  40. Eat a piece of lemon and not wince
  41. Pantomime an octopus
  42. Draw a scary monster
  43. Walk through the room like it's a minefield
  44. Try to bite your elbow
  45. Call your parents and crow into the phone 3 times
  46. Portray a fairy-tale hero so that other players can guess
  47. Use pantomime to portray an annoying fly
  48. Praise yourself in a humorous manner - explain to other players why they should be friends with you
  49. For several minutes, pretend to be an alien and try to talk to other players in the “alien” language
  50. Show with pantomime how a chicken hatches from an egg and how it takes its first steps
  51. Eat any fruit without helping yourself with your hands
  52. Talk like a robot for three minutes, asking questions to other participants in the game
  53. Praise your neighbors (players on the left and right)
  54. Draw 2 objects starting with the letter “O” for other players to guess
  55. Sing any song while holding your nose with your hand
  56. Organize an “animal choir”: select several players and sing a well-known song together, replacing all the words in it with the sounds “woof-woof”, “oink-oink”, “car-car”. “kva-kva”, “quack-quack”, etc.)
  • postcard to start the quest
  • detailed recommendations for preparing and conducting the quest
  • "footprints"
  • assignments and answers
  • gift - game “Merry Daisy”

Attention! The kit is offered in in electronic format- you will need to print everything you need on a printer yourself (the sheet format when printing is A4, the postcard and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Set format: tasks and answers - 25 pages, instructions - 5 pages ( pdf files), postcard to start the quest (jpg file)

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Currently a popular entertainment for children of different ages becomes a quest game. Today, this form of organizing events is often used in kindergartens, schools, holiday camps, and companies specializing in organizing holidays. What is the secret to the success of this form of leisure? In our material we will talk about what children's quests are and share ideas for holding such an event for preschool children.



Quest game for preschool children

Currently, quest games are becoming a popular entertainment for children of all ages. Today, this form of organizing events is often used in kindergartens, schools, holiday camps, and companies specializing in organizing holidays. What is the secret to the success of this form of leisure? In our material we will talk about what children's quests are and share ideas for holding such an event for preschool children.

What is a quest?

The word "Quest" is translated from in English as "search". In a general sense, this concept denotes any plot that involves achieving a goal by overcoming any obstacles.

In a game of this genre, there is always a task in which you need to find something - an object, a hint, a message, so that you can move on. The player’s task is to think carefully in order to solve the proposed problem, as well as show ingenuity and skills to cope with the task, and then move on.

IN Lately quests in the form of team games have gained great popularity. They are held not only among children, but also among adults. During such a game, participants have the opportunity to communicate, learn a lot of new and interesting things, and realize the craving for adventure and mysteries inherent in every person. Teams follow a given route, perform tasks that require intelligence, erudition, endurance and the ability to think outside the box.

If we talk about quests as a form of organizing children's events, then this team game, which includes various competitive tasks and has a specific plot. Children's quests are distinguished by the presence of tasks that affect the most different areas knowledge and skills - these can be both physical competitions (for example, relay races) and intellectual quizzes. In addition, the script of such a game allows the use of complex decorations, musical accompaniment, and the involvement of animators.

What problems are solved in the quest game?

The main advantage of the quest is that this form of organizing leisure time unobtrusively, in a playful, entertaining way contributes to the activation of cognitive and thought processes participants. With the help of such a game you can achieve educational goals: implement project and play activity, introduce new information, consolidate existing knowledge, and practice children’s skills.

In addition, competitive activity teaches children to interact in a group of peers, increases the atmosphere of cohesion and friendship, and develops independence, activity and initiative.

Thus, children's quests help to achieve the following tasks:

  • educational (participants learn new knowledge and consolidate existing knowledge);
  • developing (during the game there is an increase in educational motivation, development creativity and individual positive psychological qualities, the formation of research skills, self-realization of children);
  • educational (skills of interaction with peers, tolerance, mutual assistance and others are formed).

Principles of organizing quests

In order to effectively organize children's quests, you should adhere to certain principles and conditions:

  • all games and tasks must be safe (children should not be asked to jump over a fire or climb a tree);
  • the tasks assigned to children must correspond to the age of the participants and their individual characteristics;
  • under no circumstances should the dignity of a child be violated in any way;
  • needs to be implemented into the content of the script different types activities, since children of this age, according to their psychological and age characteristics, cannot perform monotonous tasks;
  • tasks must be thought out in such a way that they are consistent and logically interconnected;
  • if necessary, the game can be emotionally colored with the help of scenery, music, costumes, and equipment;
  • preschoolers must clearly understand the goal of the game they are striving for (for example, find a treasure or save a good character from an evil one);
  • you should consider time intervals during which children will be able to complete the task, but will not lose interest in it;
  • The role of the teacher in the game is to guide children, “push” correct solution, but children must make their own final conclusions.

Quest tasks

Quests for preschoolers in kindergarten should not only perform an entertaining function, but also implement educational objectives. Therefore, tasks must correspond to the chosen topic and in their content correspond to the level of knowledge and skills of the children. To do this, the teacher should clearly define the purpose of the upcoming game and take into account the technical capabilities of organizing the event. Tasks for a children's quest can be very diverse: riddles; puzzles; games “Find the differences”, “What’s extra?”; puzzles; creative tasks; sand games; labyrinths; sports relay races

Quest ideas for preschoolers

Preschool children take part in quests with great pleasure. For such kids, games based on a fairy tale plot are suitable. For example, you can create a quest script for children in the younger group of kindergarten based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”. This fairy-tale character unexpectedly comes to visit the kids and asks the kids for help - he is lost in the forest, and he needs to find his way home to his grandparents. Children, together with Kolobok, go on a journey, where various obstacles await them in the form of sports and intellectual tasks. You can introduce other characters into the script: Wolf, Bear, Fox. For preschoolers of the middle and older groups, it is better to choose characters from popular cartoons - meeting your favorite character will increase educational interest, activate cognitive processes and simply leave an unforgettable positive impression on the kids.

Thus, it is more effective for preschoolers to organize story-based, colorful children's quests. Scenarios are developed taking into account the goals set, the number of participants and many other factors.

We have clarified general principles, according to which children's quests are organized. Scenarios for such events are drawn up taking into account various factors: the age of the participants, the assigned tasks and goals of the game, material and technical capabilities, location, as well as the individual inclinations and wishes of the children themselves. The main thing is that it is fun, educational and memorable for a long time!

High-quality organization of an event is an important component of a children's party. It becomes more difficult to interest children: active games and competitions were replaced by technological progress. Fortunately, parents have a wide range of personal assistants to choose from.

Surprise children with an explosive visualization or create an adventure that all children can take part in? If the second option is closer, then conducting quests for children is what you need.

Is the quest game available for preschoolers?

It is a mistake to think that this entertainment is only available for teenagers or adults. Any program is adapted to the required age. Even if the audience is of different ages, this is not a reason to refuse the quest. Experienced presenters will be able to hold everyone’s attention and no one will get bored on the sidelines. Don’t worry about the kids: the animator provides tasks in such a way that they are understood first of all by the youngest participants, but nevertheless, the older ones will take part with pleasure.

Where to organize?

One of the myths is that quests are held exclusively in nature or in large equipped rooms. With such surroundings, the atmosphere of an adventure holiday envelops you in mystery and unpredictability. This does not mean at all that it is impossible to organize a high-quality program at home or in kindergarten. Such activities for preschoolers are learning in the form of games, developing spatial thinking, logic, practicing teamwork, mutual assistance and helping friends. Not only that, it's interesting, fun and exciting.

How are quests carried out in kindergarten?

The event hosts arrive early and prepare the area for the game. It is advisable that children do not know about this. How will the program be structured?

1. Introductory part:

  • greeting and introducing participants;
  • light interactive and physical warm-up;
  • determining the theme and goals of the game;
  • formation of teams, their names and selection of captains;
  • familiarization with the rules and the game itself.

2. Quest part:

  • receiving the first task, fulfilling the game conditions and searching for an intermediate result;
  • sequential execution of subsequent tasks;
  • a short break in the form of a game part, dance exercises;
  • searching for final tasks, receiving prizes.

It is worth noting that experienced presenters do not work according to a set pattern. Working with children is always unpredictable, and if the animator notices that the script, honed over the years, does not work, he reserves the right to change the course of the game at his discretion to achieve the best possible perception and active participation.

There is no bad weather

What to do if a quest game in kindergarten has already been planned, but was let down weather Or is it not the season for playing in the yard? This is also not a problem. The tactics of the event are changing, but they are not becoming less interesting. If your kindergarten does not have the opportunity to play outside, and the management of the kindergarten cannot allocate a lot of space, then the quest can be carried out in a group. Of course, there will be less activity, but it will be much easier to interest children and focus their attention. It's these little things that usually make adults more upset. Remember that the holiday is organized for children: if they laugh and rejoice, then you did everything right.

How to choose a topic?

It all depends on how old the children are. When ordering a party, be sure to tell the organizers the age of the participants from youngest to oldest, even if you are not sure about the participation of children or any adult children. This applies to events for mixed age groups. The second factor is a reason for celebration. For a birthday, it is better to choose a theme that is close to the birthday person. Don’t worry that boys aren’t interested in princesses, and girls don’t like the pirate theme. Children under the age of 6 have similar hobbies and are not divided by gender. For example, if a girl watches cartoons exclusively about fairies, she will happily run with an inflatable sword after a mischievous pirate. The main thing is the right approach of the artists.

If the occasion is graduation, seasonal birthdays, etc., then opt for universal characters that everyone definitely likes and is familiar with. Quests for kindergarten are a conflict of interests of parents and tastes of children. There is no need to order an untested topic: it may cause controversy among the parent committee. Consult, find a compromise, make the best decision.

Quests for children in kindergarten are an adventure! Real-time game, prizes, friends, favorite characters and a fairy tale right next to you. So close that you can reach out with your hand and take a photo as a keepsake. Be original, trust the organization of a children's event only to professionals with good recommendations and extensive work experience.