Fragile blonde, ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant”, popular host of various shows, Yulia Kovalchuk, long ago and not so long ago married her stage colleague Alexei Chumakov. Relationship between two bright stars Russian show business have been going on for almost ten years, which is a serious period for the free morals of this world.

How it all began

Before Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk started living together, they had known each other for five years. At the same time, Yulia considered Alexey to be a representative of a non-traditional orientation.

Although Yulia has noted Alexey for herself since the time of the “People’s Artist” project, in which the singer participated at the dawn of his career. Julia always liked this type of man.

They began to communicate on the project “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season"in 2007. One day, Yulia unexpectedly opened up and admitted to a stranger at that time, a colleague on the project Alexey Chumakov, that she wanted to leave Blestyashchie. Quite unexpectedly for the girl, Alexey supported her: “You will succeed.”

After the project, he invited the singer to his concert, and she invited him to the presentation. After one of the events, Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk met at the after-party - and that’s it, chemistry arose!

Long road to the registry office

Despite the chemistry, the lovers did not formalize their relationship for a long time. At first, they completely hid their romance, but the world of show business is small, and they still had to show their cards.

In numerous interviews, Yulia noted that the stamp in the passport is not the main thing, it is not a guarantee of a happy life. family life and loyalty.

Alexey admitted that he sometimes noticed that Yulia was waiting for this step from him, but he himself was not ready.

He said that Yulia was a smart girl, and never even started talking about marriage.

Perhaps she immediately realized that Alexei could not be put under pressure. A man brought up in Eastern traditions (Alexey from Samarkand), he always believed that a man should make serious decisions himself.

Julia just waited patiently and waited.

This happened shortly after the couple purchased a house in Spain, on the Costa Brava. The young people began to spend several months a year together - the sea, the sun, and romance did their job, and Alexey proposed to Yulia.

They got married in 2013 in one of the Moscow registry offices. There were no witnesses, no guests, only the bride and groom. They signed and kissed. “Hey, you, husband!”, -, !Hey, you, wife!” We jumped out of the registry office; it was raining outside.

The wedding took place in Spain in an old Catalan mansion.

Julia's pregnancy and the birth of her daughter

In 2017, the public learned that stars Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk were expecting an addition to the family. The couple was in their own spirit - they hid this fact until the last. Julia actively performed, starred in a video, and recorded an album. And when the girl’s shape acquired very unambiguous shapes, the artists decided to interview Vadim Vernik.

Alexey said that his wife behaves “like a real man” during pregnancy, no whims and messages for cucumbers in the desert. Yulia said that Alexey is very supportive of her and always finds the right words to calm her down.

Publication from Singer, Tv Presenter, Actress(@juliakovalchuk) Oct 14, 2017 at 12:19 pm PDT

It soon became known that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk became parents: a girl was born to the couple in one of the Moscow clinics. The happy mother posted a photo of her little heels on Instagram, and Alexey congratulated his wife on the release of a new video clip for the song “The Sky in Your Eyes,” in which pregnant Julia starred.

Family life and trust

At the very beginning of the relationship, the lovers agreed that everything would be built only on trust. Alexey has a lot of fans, Julia has also always been the center of attention of men. When two such bright, attractive and popular people begin to live together, it is simply impossible to do otherwise than on trust.

They also had their own agreements. If neither he nor she is on tour, then they always spend the night together. For some time they lived outside the city, and the journey took about three hours. Despite this, the young always tried to get home.

One day, during intense filming in the “One on One” project, Alexey called and said that he was staying overnight in Moscow, at a hotel. Julia only doubted for a second, but then pulled herself together. The filming was indeed difficult; the makeup process alone took several hours.

Interesting notes:

Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk admit that trust is not easy for them beautiful words. Spouses practically do not give each other reasons for jealousy. Even scandal-hungry reporters are unable to catch them cheating.

Once on Instagram, Julia jokingly posted a photo against the backdrop of a tree, the branches looked like antlers. “My husband cheated on me. He says just once." Subscribers did not understand the humor, and began to discuss with all their might the unfaithful Alexei, and the unscrupulous homewreckers, and in general, “men-goats.” Julia noted that this was just a joke, but the fans could not be stopped.

The creativity of the star couple overlaps, but not in terms of music. Alexey says that Yulia has her own audience - young and reckless, like herself. Alexey has a more restrained, thoughtful audience. Therefore, the couple does not arrange joint concerts.

Meanwhile, they starred in the film “I’ll Get Married Urgently,” where they played the main roles. The script was written for them, but the couple made a requirement - a separate dressing room. Because you can’t be together 24 hours a day. Especially spouses. Perhaps this is the secret of the couple's longevity.

On the Internet, fans of Yulia Kovalchuk often raise the question - what did the star name her daughter? This question is exciting for many of her fans, since the birth of a child became known last year, but Alexey Chumakov and his wife for a long time They didn’t say what name they would give to the first-born. The addition to the star family was long-awaited for the young couple. According to the couple, for a long time they had to listen to criticism that they still do not have children, but they always had their own opinion on this issue. This approach is correct, since the birth of a child is a personal matter for the family, and the opinion of fans should not be taken into account here.

Yulia Kovalchuk finally revealed her daughter's name

The date of birth of daughter Kovalchuk is October 12, 2017. Just recently it became known what the child’s name would be. The baby was named Amelia.

The singer did not disclose the details of her personal life, and hid her pregnancy as long as time allowed. Fans were also not told when she would give birth. Only from photographs on Instagram could one find out any details from the star’s life.

Many of her subscribers thought that Yulia Kovalchuk had a daughter, and they were right. They argued their assumptions by the fact that during pregnancy the singer’s face changed a little, and Julia herself became more feminine.

Until the christening took place, Alexey and Yulia said that they would not name the child and would not show her face. However, in the TV show “Secret to a Million,” the young father told who the child is more like.

Photos of her three-month-old daughter Yulia can be found on Instagram. However, the child's face is not in the photographs. Despite this, the pictures turned out to be quite touching. The caption to the photo contains words of gratitude medical workers and a husband who was at the birth and supported his wife.

Biography and creativity

Julia was born on November 12, 1982. Her homeland is the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. Mother worked as a teacher at a technical school, father - chief designer. WITH early age I was fond of gymnastics and choreography. When she was 17 years old, she prepared performances in her group “Elite”.

Having successfully completed school, Kovalchuk decided to get higher education at the University of Culture in Moscow.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Kovalchuk joined the group “Brilliant” in place of a departed participant. For more than six years, the singer created three discs in this group, and in total she performed more than forty compositions and filmed nine videos for the songs.

Since 2008, Kovalchuk began performing solo.

Personal life

For a long time, the singer’s fans have been watching the relationship between her and Alexei; many are interested in the question of why, after dating for so long, they did not have a child. The couple has not separated for ten years; they have been married since 2013. This couple can be called exemplary in terms of mutual understanding of the partner. There were rumors about their family, false information appeared that they were breaking up, however, this information was unconfirmed and incorrect.

Expecting a child changed their lives, rather... better side– the spouses spent more time together, attended various events together, they made plans. Both parents are ready to pay attention to the baby.


The singer does not like to talk about her personal life, but she is always ready to share with fans about the peculiarities of her work. In her opinion, family life should be known to her and her husband, but not to strangers. Most likely, that's why interesting position the star was not known for a long time.

But after some time, news appeared that Julia was pregnant - this was shortly before the time of birth. From the very beginning, the singer hid her condition and was confident that the pregnancy would be happy for her and there would be no complications. Her health was excellent, she worked on stage until it was too late.

Despite the fact that she was 34 years old at the time of pregnancy, she was not afraid that this age is widely considered late. She was confident in her abilities, and besides this, her husband supported her.

While waiting for the baby, the singer worked and vacationed abroad. She was frequently examined by doctors, who confirmed that she was stable and good condition. The young mother took vitamins and took care of her health.

According to Chumakov, the couple were preparing for childbirth. Throughout her pregnancy, Julia led an active lifestyle, did yoga, and the entire pregnancy was relatively easy. The husband was present at the birth.

April 11, 2018

Six months ago, singer Yulia Kovalchuk became a mother for the first time: she gave birth to a daughter, whose name she hid until recently.

Yulia Kovalchuk/Photo: globallook

Today is a holiday in the family of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov: their daughter turns six months old. The artist was actively preparing for this day and even bought it for the baby.

Let us remind you that the daughter and Alexei Chumakov in October last year. The singer hid her pregnancy for all nine months and only shortly before giving birth confirmed her situation. Let us note that for the entire six months since the birth of their daughter, the happy parents hid the name of their heiress and did not want to show her photographs. And if Julia hasn’t published pictures of the baby yet, she still decided to name her daughter.

Kovalchuk and Chumakov gave their daughter a rare and beautiful name- Amelia. In a recent interview, Julia explained why she chose this name for the baby.

“I dreamed of this name when she was still a very, very tiny dot in my stomach. And the gender was not yet known. I woke up and told Lesha: “Listen, honey, I saw her. It's a girl. Her name is Amelia." And he agreed: “Okay, let it be Amelia.” So then we didn’t have a question of choosing a name at all. A male names We didn't even think about it. We subconsciously felt that it would be a girl from the very beginning. I remember when they told us the gender of the baby during the ultrasound, we just looked at each other and smiled, because we were already sure of it,” Kovalchuk said in an interview with

Alexey Chumakov and are one of the most private couples in domestic show business. They hid their wedding from journalists and the public, and later the birth of their daughter Amelia. The musicians became parents on October 12, 2017 and still hardly talk about their baby or show her face on social networks.

Instagram @ alexchumakoff/@juliakovalchuk

Instagram @ juliakovalchuk

However, the time has come to lift the veil of secrecy: the star couple came to the TV show “Andrey Malakhov. Live” and talked about her life, including her long-awaited daughter.

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Alexei And Julia for the first time invited Andrey Malakhov and journalists in their Vacation home in the village of “Princely Lake” in New Riga and said that they built it for themselves, and when they found out that they were having a child, they changed a lot to make it 54 sq. m. meters of space just for the baby.



Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Baby Amelia's nursery. Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Julia also said that her parents are Svetlana Vasilievna And Oleg Alexandrovich-they live next door to them and help a lot with their daughter. According to the star mom, for the first time after the birth of the baby, she was without a nanny and “turned into a zombie” from lack of sleep.

Instagram @ juliakovalchuk

The singer is very close to her parents and this summer they spent their whole family vacation in Spain and celebrated their wedding anniversary there - 46 years together.

The singer also admitted that rare name Amelia, which was the name of her daughter, Yulia dreamed about in a dream.

I really dreamed about her... when she was still a tiny dot in my stomach... is it possible to find an explanation for such divine dreams... we just knew even then that our baby would be called Amelia, although the gender was not yet known, - Julia said on her blog.

The star dad noted that half of the name of his mother Lilia is encrypted in his daughter’s name. He likes to think that this is how the connection with the one he loves very much is maintained, but who has already left. Moreover, at home the young parents call the baby exactly Leah.

The other day Alexey and Yulia celebrated their “wooden” wedding - 5 years of marriage.

I have loved you for 5 years in an official marriage, almost 11 years in an unofficial one, and as if all my life without time and space... - Julia wrote on her personal blog.

Photo from the couple’s personal archive/7Days

Instagram @ juliakovalchuk

Besides, famous parents They said that they had already baptized their daughter. Godparents become Evgeniya Koroleva, close friend of Yulia, and family friend, popular singer Soso Pavliashvili.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife Irina Patlakh Pavliashvili Instagram @ ira_patlakh_pavliashvili

It is a great honor for me to become godfather for the little angel Amelia, the daughter of my dear people Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov. God bless all my godchildren and goddaughters,” the musician wrote on his personal blog.

Amelia's christening cake. Youtube

We congratulate the couple on their wedding anniversary and the christening of their daughter!

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov carefully hid the singer’s pregnancy. For greater secrecy, when Julia’s rounded belly became difficult to hide, the couple flew to Spain, where they have their own apartment. However, shortly before the birth of the child, the couple nevertheless announced that they were having a baby - Kovalchuk and Chumakov starred in an exclusive photo shoot for a popular weekly magazine.


The artists became parents on October 12, 2017. “The 12th is our family number. I myself was born on November 12, Lesha – on March 12. I remember how during pregnancy I told my doctor that I really wanted to give birth on the 12th, to which she replied: “Yulechka, everything is fine.” hands of God. But keep this information in your head, and it may very well be that everything will be exactly the way you want." And so it happened!" – Yulia Kovalchuk said in a fresh interview.

Only six months after the birth of her daughter, the singer revealed her name - Amelia. “I dreamed of this name when she was still a very, very tiny dot in my stomach. And the gender was not yet known. I woke up and told Lesha: “Listen, honey, I saw her. It's a girl. Her name is Amelia." And he agreed: "Okay, let it be Amelia." So then we didn’t have a question of choosing a name at all. And we didn’t even think about male names. We subconsciously felt that it would be a girl from the very beginning. I remember when they told us the gender of the baby during the ultrasound, we just looked at each other and smiled, because we were already sure of it,” Yulia Kovalchuk is quoted as saying