Apple pastille is better than any candy! How to prepare apple marshmallow at home and dishes with it

Pastila is a delicacy from childhood.

Previously, a homemade product was valued for its availability.

Now the main trump card of marshmallows is naturalness.

There is nothing harmful, chemical or dangerous in it.

Let's cook healthy dessert yourself?

Apple marshmallow - general principles preparations

Any fruit is suitable for marshmallows: small, large, overripe, broken. Wormy spots and damage can always be cut off. The apples are steamed, baked or stewed until soft, then chopped. Sometimes it is more convenient to chop the fruit first and then boil it. Then the puree is spread into a thin layer and dried. Use the oven or place the treat in the sun.

In addition to thin marshmallows, there is a lush dessert made with agar-agar. Sometimes it is replaced with gelatin. The recipe also includes egg white, which gives it a special structure and airiness. This pastille does not need to be dried; it is left for several hours to harden.
Classic apple pastille without sugar

The recipe for the simplest marshmallow, which has been prepared for many years. No sugar is even added to it, which makes the treat even healthier and more natural. For the preparation you will only need apples in any quantity.


1. Cut the washed apples into pieces with skins. We immediately discard the cores with seed pods.

2. Place the fruit in a cauldron or pan with thick walls. If the apples are not very juicy, then you can pour in a couple of glasses of water; it will boil away later anyway.

3. Turn on the heat, cover and simmer until the skins are soft. Depending on the variety of apples, this will take from 1.5 to 4 hours.

4. Cool the apple mass and grind it into puree. We do this with a blender. You can twist it through a meat grinder.

5. Take a sheet of parchment, place it on a baking sheet and spread the puree. If you are in doubt whether the paper will come off, you can lubricate it with a drop of oil. The maximum layer thickness is 7 millimeters, but it is better to make it thinner.

6. Put the marshmallow in the oven. We keep the temperature to a minimum; it should not rise above 100 degrees.

7. Or take it out into the sun and dry until ready.

8. Then turn the sheet over with the parchment facing up and sprinkle with water. The paper will come off easily. Roll the pastille into tubes.

Apple marshmallow at home with protein

Very gentle option apple marshmallow at home, which turns out lush and soft. You will need any applesauce, it is better to prepare it yourself. Moreover, this is done very simply. The fruits are steamed and crushed in any way.


0.5 kg puree;

1 raw protein;

0.17 kg sugar;

A little powder.


1. Place the puree in a bowl, add granulated sugar and stir. If you prepared the apples yourself, then it is better to pour sand into the warm mass, then cool.

2. In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff foam.

3. Combine the egg white with the apple mixture and beat together for a few more minutes.

4. Transfer the tasty mixture onto a baking sheet, which must be covered with parchment.

5. Using a spatula, level the layer, which should be about three centimeters.

6. Place in an oven preheated to 70 degrees and bake for about five hours.

7. Cool the pastila and cut it into small pieces with a knife. To prevent the blade from sticking, you can wet it in cold water.

8. Roll the treat in powder and it’s ready!

T thin apple pastille with sugar

A recipe for sweet thin apple marshmallow at home, which is prepared using a slightly different technology.


1 kg apples;

0.1 kg sugar;

50 ml water.


1. Take apples and cut them into pieces. The weight is coming pure product without tails and seed pods with cores.

2. Twist through a meat grinder along with the skins.

3. Place on the stove, pour in water and add granulated sugar. Let the mixture boil.

4. Turn the heat below medium and cook the mixture for about half an hour. Do not go far and stir regularly, the puree may burn.

5. Cool the mass.

6. Cover the baking sheet with oiled parchment, spread a thin layer of apples about 4 millimeters. It is convenient to do this with a flat spatula.

7. Dry in any way until ready.

Apple marshmallow at home with agar-agar

Recipe for lush and soft apple pastille, reminiscent of marshmallow. It is often sold in stores, and few people know that the delicacy is very easy to prepare yourself. You will need agar-agar, which you can buy in the baking aisle.


4 apples;

0.4 kg sugar;

60 ml water;

4 grams agar;

1 protein;

Vanilla, powder.


1. Combine agar-agar with the recipe water and leave to dissolve.

2. Remove the cores of the apples, cut the fruit in half, and bake in the oven until soft. But you can also use a microwave oven. The apples will be ready in just five minutes.

3. Remove the pulp from the apples and discard the skins.

4. Add 250 grams of sugar to the apples and add a pinch of vanilla for flavor. Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth.

5. Add the remaining sand to the agar-agar, put it on the fire and cook the syrup. Boil for a minute.

6. Add egg white to the cooled puree and beat until maximum speed mixer until light and fluffy.

7. Add hot syrup, stir with a mixer for another minute.

8. Take any shape and cover the inside with cling film.

9. Pour the apple mixture and leave to harden at room temperature for three hours.

10. The finished marshmallow is cut and rolled in powder.

Spicy apple and plum pastille with cinnamon

To prepare this apple marshmallow at home, you will also need plums. We take equal quantities of fruit. But if there is more or less of something, then it’s not scary.


1 kg apples;

1 kg plums;

0.15 kg sugar;

1 tsp cinnamon;

Oil, parchment.


1. Cut the apples in large pieces, throw it into the pan. We discard the cores.

2. Divide the plums in half and remove the pits. Let's go to the apples.

3. Pour in a glass of water and steam until soft under the lid. Stir occasionally.

4. Cool, rub through a large sieve.

5. Add sugar and cinnamon, stir the puree.

6. Spread it on oiled paper in a layer of about five millimeters.

7. Leave to dry in the sun or put in the oven.

8. Remove the finished pastille from the paper, roll it into tubes, and cut it into pieces.

Homemade apple marshmallow with gelatin

Another option for soft and white apple marshmallows at home. This recipe is for those who were unable to find agar-agar. This pastille tastes very similar to chewing marshmallow marshmallows.


0.4 kg sugar;

0.5 kg apples;

60 ml water;

20 grams of gelatin;

1 raw protein;


1. Cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the middle, put them on a plate for microwave oven and bake at maximum power for no more than 6 minutes.

2. Cool, remove the soft pulp.

3. Combine gelatin with water and let it swell for half an hour.

4. Add 250 grams of prescription sugar to the applesauce.

5. Place the rest of the sugar in the gelatin and heat it in a water bath until all the grains are dissolved. Do not let the syrup boil under any circumstances.

6. Beat the whites and combine with applesauce.

7. Immerse the mixer and beat together for about five minutes.

8. Add gelatin in a thin stream, stir with applesauce at low speed. You can throw in a little vanilla.

9. Pour the marshmallow into a mold lined with film and leave to harden in the refrigerator. This will take about five hours.

10. Take out the finished treat, remove the film, cut into pieces and roll in powder. Gelatin marshmallows should be stored in the refrigerator.

Delicate salad with apple pastille and bananas

For the salad you will need an air pastille on agar-agar or gelatin. Low-fat sour cream is used as a dressing.


100 grams of marshmallow;

2 bananas;

2 tablespoons of nuts;

100 ml sour cream;

Powder to taste, vanilla.


1. Peel the bananas and cut them into cubes.

2. Peel the kiwi, cut it a little smaller and add it to the bananas.

3. Cut the apple marshmallow into cubes. To prevent the treat from sticking, wet the knife. You can dip each cube in powder. Transfer to fruit.

5. Roast the nuts and chop them. You can use poppy.

6. Sprinkle the salad with nuts and you can serve. The same salad can be assembled in layers, it will look more interesting.

Homemade apple pastille roll

Recipe for an oriental marshmallow roll, for the filling you will need boiled condensed milk. You can buy a jar in a store or cook it yourself. Condensed milk should be thick.


150 grams of walnuts;

1 sheet of marshmallow;

1 can of condensed milk.


1. Sort out the nuts, put them in a frying pan and fry. Cool, chop into small pieces.

2. Lay out a sheet of marshmallow on the table. The larger it is, the thinner the roll will be.

3. Open the condensed milk and knead until smooth.

4. Lubricate the marshmallow with condensed milk, leaving 2 centimeters on the opposite edge untouched.

5. Sprinkle the condensed layer on top with nuts.

6. Take the nearest edge and roll it into a tight roll.

7. Place in the refrigerator for two hours.

8. Take out the roll and cut it into transverse pieces with a sharp knife. Any size.

9. Place on a dish and serve with tea.

Sweet rolls with cottage cheese and apple pastille

An amazing recipe for sweet rolls made from thin marshmallows. Curd filling with gelatin. If the cottage cheese is weak in consistency, then use less milk.


Marshmallow leaf;

300 grams of cottage cheese;

Sugar to taste;

1 banana;

70 ml milk;

1.5 tsp. gelatin.


1. Pour gelatin with milk and leave to swell according to the time indicated on the package.

2. Heat the milk with gelatin until liquid.

3. Beat cottage cheese with sugar to your taste, add melted gelatin. Stir the cream.

4. Spread a sheet of marshmallow and grease with curd cream.

5. Cut the banana into long strips and place them in a row at the nearest edge.

6. Roll up the roll.

7. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours until hardened.

8. Cut the sweet rolls into 2-centimeter pieces and place them beautifully on a plate. Serve with condensed milk, jam, whipped cream.

Apple marshmallow - useful tips and tricks

If thin marshmallows are prepared for long-term storage, then the sheets must be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, mold may appear in them.

If the marshmallow is dried in the oven. Then the door must be opened slightly. Otherwise, the moisture will not come out, and the process will take a long time.

The marshmallow turns out more tender if you rub the fruit through a sieve and discard the skins. But it hardens faster if you prepare the delicacy with the peel.

If the marshmallow is dried in natural conditions, then you can spread the prepared mass onto sheets of cellophane. The layers are easily removed from them.

Now many parents want to protect their children from sugar. And it is present in almost all purchased sweet products.

Therefore, I suggest making apple marshmallow at home. Moreover, the recipes are very simple, and the food is very tasty. It is useful for everyone, because vitamins are not destroyed during drying and you receive them in concentrated form. And in addition there are microelements and fiber. The most important thing is that it can be prepared for future use for the winter. In the Middle Ages it was called sweet preserves.

And such a treat with a light heart can be given to children instead of candy.

It is prepared not only from apples, but also from fruits and berries. I know that some people even love vegetable option this yummy. But I haven’t tried it, so I won’t talk about it.

I’ll show you not only options with Antonovka, but we’ll dilute it with other fruits. If you only have these fruits on hand, then calmly omit the other ingredients and cook only from them. In general, there are two main methods of preparation: without boiling the fruits and with baking them in the oven for softness.

They say that marshmallows without heat treatment are healthier. However, baked apples are also rich in microelements, even more so than raw ones. Just don't cook them at too high a temperature.

Now let’s talk about the main points that you should not do if you want to get at least some benefit from the product:

  1. One of the basic rules is not to dry fruit mass at temperatures above 55 - 60 degrees. This is how vitamin C begins to break down.
  2. During drying, the concentration of fruit sugar increases, so it is important not to overdo it.
  3. Under no circumstances should honey be added before drying. It can be added to an already finished product, nothing else.

To get a good elastic marshmallow, you will need an oven or electric dryer. Previously, there were none, so the berry mass was placed in a sunny place and simmered for a long time until all the moisture evaporated.

Dryers are different. It is better to choose the one whose instructions say “for marshmallows.” This means that the kit will include a special tray. We always set the temperature to 40 degrees, this is important to get a healthy treat.

You will also need a blender. Because with its help it is easiest to achieve a uniform consistency of fruit.


  • 2 kg apples.

We most often take garden fruits - they are very aromatic and have a sweet and sour taste. If you bought them in a store, I advise you to soak them in a soda solution so that the pesticides come out. Take 1 tbsp per liter of water. soda

It will be even better if you cut off the skin from them. After all, it is it that is treated with wax and other chemicals to better storage. In our refrigerator, such an apple did not spoil for almost three months. Then it was somehow scary to eat it, to be honest.

We wash the apples and remove the peel and seeds. We cut out all dents and damage.

We pass them through a meat grinder or food processor. It’s better to immediately grind until smooth in a blender.

Wipe the dryer with olive oil or sunflower oil. You only need a couple of drops so that the finished mass can be easily removed from the pan.

And spread the mixture evenly. It is better to make the thickness no more than a centimeter, but not less than 0.5 cm. Because in the process of evaporation of moisture, the layer will become thinner.

We put the trays in place, close the lid and set the temperature to 40 degrees.

Turn on the dryer and time it for about 10-12 hours.

As soon as the mass stops sticking to your hands, you can take out our elastic layer and roll it up for storage.

Often the marshmallow is cut into long strips and lined with papyrus paper. And together they roll it into a roll. In this form, it can be easily stored for a year at room temperature. However, it is usually eaten in one fell swoop.

How to cook apple marshmallow in a slow cooker without sugar

Now consider baking fruit. We know that such apples have a lot of fiber and healthy fibers. We will use a slow cooker for this purpose. Nothing burns in it and it consumes less electricity than turning on the entire oven.

We will need 3 kg of apples.

We peel our fruits from the center and cut them into pieces.

Place in the multicooker bowl and turn on the simmer mode for 2 hours.

Pass the finished soft aromatic apples through a sieve. To obtain a homogeneous consistency without pieces. This step can also be done with a blender.

Place the resulting puree into the bowl and leave the lid open. Turn on the baking mode for 30 minutes.

Stir constantly so that excess moisture is removed and our delicacy dries faster.

Place the mixture on baking paper, spreading the mixture into a thin layer.

And put it in the oven for 4 hours at 60 degrees. In the oven, marshmallows are dried only with the door open so that moisture can escape.

Pastila "Belevskaya" from apples and protein

Do you want to know the royal pastila recipe? It turns out flaky, like a cake. By adding protein, the mass increases in volume and becomes very tender in taste.


  • zblocks - 1.5 kg,
  • sugar - 0.2 kg,
  • 1 cold egg white
  • powdered sugar for rubbing.

We clean the fruits, remove the center and seeds.

We cut them into pieces and put them in the oven for about forty minutes at 180 degrees.

They are baked and come out like puree. We grind them through a sieve.

Pour half the measured sugar into this puree and mix it with a mixer. Beat the mixture until it turns white.

Now prepare the protein cream. Remember, in order for it to turn out successful and airy, we need to take a cold egg.

And separate the protein into which we pour sugar. Beat with a mixer until stable peaks are obtained. This means that when you turn the bowl over, the white foam will remain in the same place and will not fall out onto the table.

Add some of the cream to the puree and mix.

Distribute the fruit mixture on parchment paper 1 cm thick. And place the baking sheet in the oven at 100 degrees for 2 hours with the door open. In order for the layer to move away from the parchment more easily, it is better to coat it with oil.

Then we separate the finished marshmallow from the paper and cut it into 4 equal parts. Spread each piece with cream and place in layers on top of each other.

And put it in the oven to dry for another hour.

We take out our delicacy, cool it and rub the top and sides with powdered sugar. This will make them less sticky. That's all, you can serve this royal dish for tea.

A simple and delicious recipe with bananas in the oven

Bananas add smoothness and elasticity to this dish. Because in the oven the structure of the marshmallow is slightly worse than in the dryer. Add nuts to taste, you can do without them.


  • 1 kg apples,
  • 1 kg bananas,
  • 1 tbsp. cinnamon,
  • 3 tbsp. crushed roasted peanuts.

We cut off the peel and core from the apples and cut the pulp into slices.

Remove the peel from the bananas.

Sprinkle the mixture with cinnamon and blend the fruit with a blender.

At this stage add nuts. They can be anything, for us it’s peanuts.

Place the mixture on a baking sheet lined with a silicone mat. The marshmallow comes off very easily.

Spread the layer evenly over the baking sheet. Then put it in the oven at 60 degrees.

When closing the door, place a pencil so that there is a gap through which moisture will evaporate.
Leave for about 12 hours.

The finished layer does not stick to your hands and is easily separated from the silicone mat.

It is better to store it rolled up in parchment paper so that it does not stick together.

Homemade marshmallow with agar-agar

Another holiday recipe with a gelling agent. This marshmallow does not dry, but hardens. Here it is important to bring the agar to the desired condition.


  • 7 g agar-agar,
  • 1 protein,
  • 150 g cold water,
  • sugar - 0.5 kg,
  • applesauce - 0.7 kg.

Pour agar-agar into water and wait 40 minutes for it to swell. We put it on the fire and pour 300 g of sugar into it. But this should be done only after the agar-agar has dissolved.

Cook the boiling mixture over medium heat for 1-2 minutes.

Beat the cold apple mixture until pale. Then pour cold protein over it. There should be an increase in volume and the formation of a light fluffy mass.

And gradually add sugar.

We achieve complete dissolution of the crystals in the mass.

And then, continuing to beat, pour in the agar-agar mixture, continue to work with the mixer for another 1 minute.

Then we cover the baking sheet with greased baking paper and pour out our mixture. Approximately 2 cm thick.
And put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, during which time our mixture will harden.

Then leave it on the table at room temperature for 6-10 hours to dry the mass.

And all that remains is to wipe the top with powdered sugar.

Diet treat with gelatin

For adherents proper nutrition I also recommend this recipe. Here we will take a ready-made baby puree. But you need to choose something that doesn’t have added sugar. One jar will cost you up to 30 rubles, and you will save a lot of time.

Of course, you can make this puree manually, but this is not an option. a quick fix. I think the recipe is very successful and I recommend it to you.


  • 180 - 200 g baby applesauce without sugar,
  • 2 egg whites,
  • 1 tbsp. sorbitol for whipping,
  • 2 tbsp gelatin (20 g),
  • nuts, dried fruits and sweetener as desired.

Pour gelatin over applesauce. Leave for 20 minutes until swelling.

Combine cold whites with sorbitol and beat until stable peaks appear. Remember that at first turn on the mixer speed slowly, gradually bringing it to maximum.

Place the gelatin in the microwave until it boils. But don’t boil it, otherwise it will lose its properties. You can do this procedure in a water bath.

And pour the hot apple mixture into the egg whites, continuing to beat with the mixer.

Pour the mixture onto a silicone mat and place it in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

Then cut into pieces and serve with tea.

Cooking from apples and plums without cooking in a fruit dryer

It’s also delicious combining apples and plums. It turns out to be a doubly healthy treat. Moreover, you don’t need a lot of ingredients.


  • 3 apples,
  • 6 small plums.

First of all, wash the fruits and remove the pits from the plums. Transfer them to a blender bowl.
Cut the core out of the fruit and cut into pieces.

Place all the fruits in the chopper bowl and grind into puree.

Take the dryer tray and line it with baking paper.

We put it on it fruit puree and distribute in an even layer from 1 to 0.5 cm, but not less.
We install the trays, close the lid and turn on the dryer at 40-48 degrees.

After 10-12 hours, take out the marshmallow, separate it from the paper and roll it into a roll.

Bon appetit.

Video recipe for making marshmallows from apples and pears at home

And, of course, I will definitely include a video recipe. After all, it is better to see and hear once than to read a hundred times. I offer you a fruit platter of apples, pears and grapes.

So, modern assistants still allow us to cook healthy dishes. Still, it’s time to stop eating artificial foods and sweets. And please the body with “live” food. I will be very glad if you use my recipes and switch to proper nutrition.

2 years ago


The fresh apple harvest season will begin very soon. It's time to stock up on recipes on how to prepare delicious benefits from apples. I think no one will remain indifferent to apple marshmallow. Probably few people cook pastila now. But in vain! It is not only very tasty, but also healthy, especially for children. An excellent replacement for store-bought sweets. I highly recommend stocking up for the winter. For anyone who wants to try it, I’ll tell you in detail how to make apple marshmallow at home.


  • apples
  • sugar (optional)

Apple pastille in the oven

Pastila can be made from any apples, even fallen ones, if you grow apple trees yourself. The quantity depends on what kind of container you will use for boiling apples. I have a 5-liter saucepan, so I cook as many apples in it as there are. I’ll say right away that enamel pans are not suitable for this. The apples in them burn when heated for a long time.

Remove the seeds from the apples and cut them into small pieces or slices. If the skin of the apples is hard and dense, then you can peel the apples.

I put the apples in a saucepan and add water. For this amount of apples, start with 1 cup. I put it on the fire, cover it with a lid and bring it to a boil. Add sugar 5 tablespoons. This is to taste and optional.

Stir the apples periodically to ensure they heat evenly. If there is very little liquid or it has evaporated, then add water little by little so that the apples do not burn.

I cook until the apples turn into almost mush.

Then I puree the apple mixture with an immersion blender. At the same time, I do not remove the pan from minimal heat.

I boil the resulting puree further to get rid of excess liquid- the mass should thicken. I do this while constantly stirring the apple mixture over low heat so that it does not burn. Now be careful! When the applesauce boils, it gurgles violently and produces hot splatters. I remove the pan from the heat.

How to make apple marshmallow

I line the baking trays with baking paper. I note that it is better to take thick paper. I don’t know if simple tracing paper is suitable for this, because it is very thin and, I think, will have time to get wet while the marshmallow is being prepared. Spread the apple mixture all over the baking sheet. layer no more than 0.5 cm. From this number of apples I get 2 baking sheets.

Important details!

  1. I put the apple marshmallow to dry in the oven at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. I turn on the lower and upper heating of the oven.
  2. Dry with the oven door slightly open. To do this, you can insert a pencil between the door and the oven body. This is necessary so that wet steam can escape.
  3. I turn on the convection mode so that the heating is even. Especially if I place 2 baking sheets at the same time.
  4. Preparing apple marshmallows at this temperature takes about 3-4 hours. And this is the fastest way.
  5. BUT, in order to preserve more vitamins, it is better to dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. This will take longer, approximately 5-6 hours.
  6. How to check the readiness of marshmallows? Take out the baking sheet and touch the pastille with your hand. The finished pastille does not stick to your hand and should not be soft. If there are such areas, then you still need to dry the marshmallow for some time.
  7. Since everyone’s oven is different, you need to control the process accordingly. This really shouldn't scare you. During the cooking process, you will definitely feel everything yourself - what quantity, in what mode and what time is needed for cooking in your oven. Do it once, the second time will be much easier.

I cool the finished sheet of apple marshmallow a little and carefully remove it from the paper. This is done quite easily.

If there is a need to dry the marshmallow sheet on the other side, then I turn it upside down and lay it on new leaf paper and dry it in the oven again.

Homemade marshmallow apples are ready in the oven. Can be rolled and cut.

Keep chopped apple marshmallow can be stored in a closed, dry container. Rolls in a dry place.

Sweet option

You can grease a sheet of apple marshmallow with liquid honey, sprinkle with chopped nuts, roll and cut. This pastille is not for long-term storage.

P.S. Using the same principle - pureeing and drying - you can prepare marshmallows from various fruits and berries. No need to cook! Peel all fruits before pureeing.

Possible combinations:

  • pear, kiwi, banana
  • peaches, plums, apricots
  • raspberries, currants
  • strawberries, seedless grapes, etc.

Cook with pleasure and eat for health!

With love for you

Video used

2017 - 2018, . All rights reserved.

Pastila is an ideal option for deliciously preserving and preserving the bouquet of aromas of collected seasonal apples for for a long time. You certainly can't call her. On the contrary, you will get healthy food for children's snacks. It is liked not only by little children, but also by older children and adults. In addition, some pets eat this delicacy well.

After preparing the marshmallow this recipe at home, next year, as soon as you see fallen apples in the garden, you will certainly want to repeat your last year’s success. So…

There are several different methods for making marshmallows. In this case, the dish is prepared in the oven, which is present in every home. This method is great for making marshmallows from raspberries, peaches, plums and other berries and fruits that grow in your garden. You can experiment.

Required ingredients:

8 cups peeled, diced apples;

1 tbsp. cinnamon;

1 glass of water;

1/2 fresh lemon.

Making marshmallows at home

After peeling the apples and removing the core, cut the pulp into cubes. Choose those varieties of apples (according to acidity and sucrose content) that you like best in taste. This must be done so that the marshmallow has a pleasant taste and smell for you.

Note: You don’t have to throw away the skins, but dry them, chop them and then add them to black or - very tasty and healthy.

Place the diced apples in a saucepan. Add water. Bring the contents to a boil. Continue to simmer the mixture over low heat until the apples are soft. This takes about ten minutes.

Squeeze lemon juice into the pan and sprinkle cinnamon over the apples. At this stage, you can prepare the apple marshmallow directly in the pan using an immersion blender. But you can use a different type of blender or puree the stewed apples in a food processor.

Then you need to taste the resulting puree. If it is a little sour, add sugar or honey. If it is very sweet, add a little more lemon juice.

So, you have something like an apple-cinnamon mousse, with an excellent taste and smell. Now the decision is yours - eat it all at once or continue preparing the marshmallow. If you've resisted the temptation to eat applesauce, then there's another step ahead.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the apple marshmallow mixture onto it in a thin layer.

Place the baking sheet in the oven, on the top shelf. Set the minimum possible temperature - about 60-75 degrees. The layer of apples should dry and stop sticking to your fingers when touched. This will take approximately four to eight hours, maybe longer. It all depends on the set temperature and the thickness of the fruit layer. After removing the baking sheet from the oven, you can leave the marshmallow to ripen for about twelve hours, and only then cut it.

Cut off the overhanging ends of the wax paper and form a long roll from the apple ply and wax paper.

Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut the roll into individual portions.

Tie each portion with a cute string. This will give a festive look to your pastille.

Store homemade marshmallows in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

When you're ready to treat your guests to a new treat and try it yourself, simply untie the string, separate the marshmallow from the wax paper, and serve it on a plate.

Such cute sweet gifts perfectly lift the mood at any holiday, and not only. You get the whole autumn bouquet of aromas collected in such a small brown roll.

You have the right to deviate a little from the recipe and add your favorite fruits or spices - you definitely won’t spoil the taste. And if you don’t like something, your four-legged friends will be happy to help you “cover up the tracks” of a failed experiment with homemade marshmallows.

Multi-colored or white, sweet or with a sour taste, this delicacy is considered an oriental sweet. Apple marshmallow - elastic cubes or slices, which we will learn how to cook today.
Recipe contents:

Of all the varieties of marshmallows, it is apple marshmallow that is considered the founder of this delicacy. Thanks to her, other types of this famous sweet appeared. Pastila is somewhat reminiscent of Turkish delight, but still belongs to Russian national desserts, which appeared in the 14th century.

In real Russian pastila, the main ingredient was sour Antonovka apples or wild apples. Thanks to the pectin they contained, it was easy to transform the fruit into a dense sweet mass, without even using sugar. Apple marshmallow was prepared in Russian ovens and matured for 2 days. Now, to prepare it, you need to spend significantly less time and labor on sweets.

In general terms, preparing marshmallows involves boiling or baking sour varieties of apples, which are then rubbed through a sieve and beaten with long wooden spoons until fluffy. Then the mass, saturated with small air bubbles, is spread on canvas and dried in the sun or in an oven. To make multi-colored marshmallow, add all kinds of berries to apples, such as raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, and currants. To give the marshmallow a sweet taste, they used honey, and later they began to add granulated sugar. And to get something pleasant white egg white was added to the mixture. Real marshmallows can be stored for up to two years. At the same time, it easily returns to its consistency. It is enough to put the dried slices in a room with high humidity and after a while they will return to their lushness and freshness.

Apple marshmallow - how to prepare?

  • Usually marshmallow is prepared from Antonovka, which grows in our latitude. But besides it, other varieties are also used: “Titovka”, “Skryzhapel” or “Gorskaya Zelenka”. These blocks small size, green in color and have a special density. Any fruit will do: small, large, broken, overripe, etc. Wormy and damaged areas are cut off.
  • Sheets of thin marshmallow must be thoroughly dried. Then it will be intended for long-term storage.
  • When drying in the oven, be sure to open the door slightly, otherwise the moisture will not come out and the drying process will take a long time.
  • When drying the marshmallow in natural conditions, in the sun, the mass can be spread on sheets of cellophane. Then it will be easy to remove the finished product from them.
  • The taste of pastila depends on the raw materials. If the apples are sweet, then the marshmallow will be sweet; add sugar to sour varieties if you like sweet foods.
  • You can grind the apples together with the skins; you won’t notice them at all in the finished dish.
  • If the cooked mass is liquid, then it can be thrown onto a sieve to drain Apple juice.
  • You can add any spices, nuts, seeds, sugar to the ground applesauce.
  • If you want to make a thick marshmallow, which you then plan to cut into pieces, then dry it in stages. Apply the first coat, dry and apply the next coat. Continue this procedure until the desired thickness of the product.
  • The finished pastille is well dried, does not stick to your hands and is elastic. If it breaks, it means it's overdried.
  • The product is stored in glass jars or cardboard boxes at room dry temperature.

How to make apple marshmallow - a classic recipe

The classic recipe for the simplest marshmallow does not even involve adding sugar, which makes the delicacy more healthy and natural.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 46 kcal.
  • Number of servings - any
  • Cooking time - about 6 hours


  • Apples - any quantity

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Wash the apples and cut into pieces without removing the skin. Throw away the seed pods and cores.
  2. Place the fruits in a thick-bottomed saucepan. If the apples are not particularly juicy, then pour in a few glasses of water; it will boil away anyway. Cooked fruits will significantly decrease in volume, so place them in a heap in the pan.
  3. Turn on the stove, cover the pan and simmer until the skin is soft. Depending on the variety of apples used, this process will take 1.5-4 hours.
  4. Cool the finished apple mixture. Strain through cheesecloth. Drink the juice and grind the mixture into puree using a blender or fine sieve. You can also grind apples in a meat grinder.
  5. Line a baking sheet with a sheet of parchment and spread the puree no more than 7 mm thick. To be on the safe side, so that the pastille does not stick, you can grease the parchment with a thin layer of oil.
  6. Heat the oven to 100°C and place the marshmallow. Dry it until ready. On warm days, you can take the baking sheet out into the sun. The marshmallow will dry in about a day in good sun.
  7. Afterwards, turn the parchment sheet upside down and sprinkle a little water so that the paper can be easily removed.
  8. Roll the pastille into tubes and store in a dry place.

If you've only eaten store-bought marshmallows, you probably don't know its real taste. Homemade marshmallow dried in the sun is much more natural and healthier. And the recipe is very simple!


  • Apples - 2 kg
  • Honey - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Remove the stems and core from the apples. Place them in a blender and grind to a puree consistency.
  2. Add cinnamon and honey and mix well.
  3. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper or cling film.
  4. Place the applesauce on paper and spread it in a thin layer of about 1 cm over the entire surface. If the layer is thicker, the marshmallow will take a long time to dry.
  5. Dry the dessert on the top of the oven with the door open. minimum temperature no more than 100°C.

Big apple harvest? Don't know where to use the abundance of apples? Prepare long-forgotten homemade marshmallows.


  • Apples - 20 pcs.
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Wash the apples, cut into 4-6 parts, remove cores and seeds, cut off the tails. Do not peel off the peel.
  2. Place the fruit on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cool the baked apples a little and chop them with a blender or crush them with a masher.
  4. Line a baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper and spread the resulting mass in a 5 mm layer.
  5. Heat the oven to 100°C and let the apples dry for 2.5 hours. Open the oven door slightly to allow the mixture to dry better.
  6. The finished marshmallow will be elastic, dry and brown in color. If it sticks to the crayfish, continue to dry it.
  7. Remove the yummy from the paper, it will come off easily, cut into strips, wrap in tubes, put in a glass jar, close with a lid and store the dessert for up to 2 years in a dry place.

The simplest, easiest and quick recipe Apple marshmallow is a sugar-free marshmallow. This delicacy is perfect as a sweet dessert for tea.


  • Apples - any quantity
  • Water - if required
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Peel the fruit, remove the seed box and cut into slices.
  2. Place apples in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add a little water so that the layer is about 1 cm.
  3. Place the apples on the stove to stew. If the variety is sweet and soft, then they will cook within an hour; harder and sour fruits will take up to 2-3 hours.
  4. When the fruit has broken down into a puree, remove the pan from the heat and cool.
  5. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve and rub through it. The puree should be brown.
  6. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and spread applesauce 3-5 mm thick,