Bozena Rynska statements about the dead TU-154 282 article. Secular observer Bozena Rynska, commenting on the Tu-154 crash in the Black Sea near Sochi, which occurred on Sunday morning, expressed joy at the death of the NTV channel journalists.

Bozena Rynska statements about the dead TU-154

Secular commentator Bozena Rynska expressed joy at the death of journalists on board a Tu-154 that crashed in the Black Sea.

The journalist was upset only by the death of the musicians of Alexandrov’s ensemble, while for the death of the journalists of the NTV channel she said “thank you to God.”

“You get up, and here it is. The entire ensemble of Alexandrov... all! If only the entire board of NTV wouldn’t be there... Well, why musicians?! Why a wonderful ensemble? Thank you, of course, to God for the bonus in the form of the NTVoshek film crew, but why the rest?” - she writes.

Responding to outraged users in the comments, she stated that NTV employees are “not people” and wished them to “die in terrible agony.”

Bozhena Rynska, who mocked the Tu-154 crash, was fired from SNC. Chief Editor SNC magazine Natalia Arkhangelskaya reported on her Facebook page that secular columnist Bozena Rynska has not been an employee of the publication since December 1.

In addition, Arkhangelskaya emphasized that the publishing house does not approve of the blogger’s position on the plane crash.

“I would like to inform you that Bozena Rynska has not been working at SNC since December 1,” Arkhangelskaya wrote in a message. The agency writes that the editor-in-chief of SNC also noted that Rynska collaborated with the magazine as a freelancer, but “schedule and personal plans led us somewhat to the post (Rynska on Facebook - ed.).”

There are calls on the Internet to deprive Bozena Rynska of her citizenship. A petition has been created on the Internet on the website demanding that secular columnist Bozhena Rynska be deprived of Russian citizenship for her statements about journalists killed in a plane crash over the Black Sea.

The initiators of the collection of signatures are demanding that journalist Bozhena Rynska, who saw the tragedy with the death of NTV film crew employees as a reason for joy, be deprived not only of Russian citizenship, but also expelled from the country, leaving her without the opportunity to ever return to Russia.

Also, according to the petition published on the Internet, its authors call for bringing Rynska to criminal liability under Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (insult), however, it is worth noting that this article has become invalid since 2011.

On this moment liability for insult in Russia is provided for in Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Bozena Rynska about TU-154

Maria Zakharova called Bozhena Rynska a “cattle depot” for her statements about those killed in the Tu-154 crash. The statement of the scandalous blogger Bozena Rynskaya, who mocked those killed in the terrible plane crash that happened on December 25 in the Black Sea, outraged everyone normal people. Twitter even launched a campaign for BozhenuKOtvetu.

Commented on the words of the “secular observer” and official representative Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. True, without naming names.

“Guys, liberals, ban this cattle station that mocks blood. Otherwise, the liberal idea will have no future. And it should be!!! Because strength lies in the diversity of ideas and their healthy competition, based on freedom of choice. Liberal views should not be associated with carnage. Don’t get dirty in this dirt,” she wrote on Facebook.

“We are a country. Yes, we look at many things differently. But remember what Doctor Lisa said - you need to be able to negotiate. And we will agree. And it is impossible to come to an agreement with those who say “it’s good that they died.” Dead Souls are not negotiable,” summed up Zakharova.

Kuritsyna expressed regret that “only” a few employees of the TV channel became victims of the tragedy.

Bozena Rynska: “The entire Alexandrov ensemble. All! If only the entire board of NTV weren’t there... Well, why musicians?! Why a wonderful ensemble? Thank you, of course, to God for the bonus in the form of the NTVoshek film crew, but why the rest?”

“We don’t comment on diagnoses, this is for other specialists,” the TV channel reported.

However, most Facebook users condemned Rynski's statement. And the post soon disappeared for some unknown reason. After some time, the blogger wrote new post, in which she accused NTV of trying to drive her to suicide.

Rynski's new post also caused a negative reaction from users. In their opinion, those who rejoice in the death of people are not much different from criminals who kill without trial.

Tu-154 plane at 05:27 Moscow time, two minutes after takeoff. There were 92 people on board: crew members, military personnel, media representatives, as well as musicians from the Alexandrov Ensemble. Among them were representatives of three channels: NTV, First and Zvezda. According to preliminary data from the Ministry of Defense, there are “no survivors” of the plane crash.

Blogger and journalist Bozena Rynski's talk about those killed in the Russian Ministry of Defense produced the effect of a bomb exploding.

Rynsk about the crash of the Tu-154

Let's remember where it all started. On December 25, a Tu-154 plane belonging to the Ministry of Defense crashed over the waters of the Black Sea. Russian Federation. The plane was heading to Syria. The passengers on the plane were artists of the Alexandrov Choir, who were traveling to Syria to congratulate the Russian military on the New Year, employees of Channel One, as well as the Zvezda and NTV TV channels, and the head of the " Fair help» doctor Elizaveta Glinka, better known as Doctor Lisa. Bozena Rynska, known for her, to put it mildly, not always correct statements, “went through” this tragedy. The essence of her message on Instagram was that she regrets the death of the ensemble artists Alexandrov and Elizaveta Glinka, however, she is glad that the journalists died and would not mind if the entire dead board was filled with NTV employees.

Rynski's words about those killed in the Tu-154 crash

Of course, such statements outraged many. Even the press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, reacted to them, calling Rynski’s words “the ravings of a madman.” Well-known producer Maxim Fadeev even stated that it is necessary to add an article about “insult and mockery of Russian citizens” to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation has already become interested in Rynski's words. Department representative Alexander Kurennoy has already stated that Rynski’s statements will be given a fair legal assessment. Also appeared on the Internet