Development of imagination- a consciously chosen process during which a person pursues the goal of improving his imagination, namely making it brighter, deeper and more special.

What is imagination? Imagination is the ability for the unexpected or intended appearance of any images, ideas, and so on in the mind and thoughts.

What arises in thoughts during an imagination may differ from reality. Imagination– a world separate from reality; thoughts, ideas and objects that do not exist in nature can appear in the imagination. It is imagination that helps in the mind to solve problems that require a visual representation.

For example, how to insert a battery into a watch, mouse, calculator, how to close the lid of a saucepan, how to tighten a nut onto a bolt. These are all too simple and obvious examples. How about playing checkers or chess in your head, or assembling a clock mechanism from gears or a house from a construction set. There are many more examples of the use of imagination.

Imagination is divided into four types, each of which differs significantly from the others:

  1. Active imagination- person by at will draws, builds images in his head.
  2. Passive imagination- These are images that arise unexpectedly, regardless of a person’s desire.
  3. Productive imagination is the imagination in which reality is transformed creatively.
  4. Reproductive imagination is the imagination that restores reality as it is. There is a place for fantasy here, but memory and perception work more.

Development of creative imagination

Creative imagination is a type of imagination that is responsible for creating new thoughts, ideas, plots, objects that will be of value. This is how products of creative activity are created.

Creative imagination is the basis of professions related to art. For example:

    Writers. Where would we be without creative imagination. Do you want to write beautiful, big, interesting books with a great plot? Or maybe you need to support it? Then you should start developing your creative imagination.

    Artists. If you do not paint pictures of nature, people, still lifes, but create them yourself, from your head, then you will also need to develop your creative imagination. Then you will have a lot of ideas, a lot of different options for painting a certain moment of the picture.

    Musicians. They, like no one else, need creativity in their work, because composing good music is not easy, it is a decent load on the imagination, and not just imagination, but creative one.

Development of imagination in children

By about 5 years old, children have a good amount of experience, which provides an opportunity for the development of creativity and imagination. Children do not need tips from older people, because now the child himself is able to invent games, come up with heroes and even imaginary friends. Parents should not panic about the latter, because this is a common occurrence in young children. After a while, everything will disappear without leaving a trace.

The main thing is to pay more attention to the child, he needs it vitally. He learns, develops, absorbs everything like a sponge.

And if it suddenly turns out that your child has gone too far into such “reality,” then you need to work with him more, talk, communicate. As a last resort, involve a specialist in this matter who will help cope with the problem and bring the child out of a non-existent reality.

Development of imagination in small children happens during games. The child creates within himself the logic of the characters’ actions. So remember DO NOT interrupt your child let him finish his game or help him come to completion, do not violate the logic of imagination.

If a child runs up with a stick and asks to look at his “horse,” then there is no need to explain to him that it is just a stick. A child is not a fool and understands this himself, it’s just that his imagination is actively working and developing. You need to support him by saying something like: “Yes, you have a great horse! Look how beautiful and curly her mane is!”

This approach will only speed up the process of developing the child’s imagination. You don’t need to do anything special, you just need to set the direction by saying something abstract, for example: “What a beautiful mane!” And ask the child to describe the horse’s mane.

Development of a child's creative imagination

Childhood is the age of acquaintance with literature, books, films, music. It is important that the child reads bright and colorful books, with an interesting plot and interesting characters. I watched good and smart films and cartoons. Thanks to books, a child will be able to move into the world of fantasy, imagination, and find himself in a fairy-tale world. Books are a great helper for developing a child’s creative imagination. What the film shows, the child, like any other person, creates in his imagination.

You can practice with your child to develop creative imagination. Give your child heroes he knows about.

Ask him to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the essence of each of the heroes?
  2. What are their character traits?
  3. what are the strengths?
  4. what good are they doing?
  5. What is missing in the character and in general in each of the heroes?

And ask him to come up with a story with these characters. If it’s difficult, push it, start the story for your child.

Exercises to develop a child's imagination

    Exercise 1. Invite your child to trace his hands on paper with paint or a pencil. This will be the basis for their subsequent drawing. Let the child dream up and draw something. For example, a tree (forest) or a butterfly or flowers, an animal...

    Exercise 2. Give your child a choice of 3 colors that, in his opinion, are the most suitable friend for friend. And let him sketch the entire sheet. What does this drawing resemble?

    Exercise 3. Ask your child to drop paint in the middle of the sheet. Then have the sheet folded in half. After unfolding, various blots will remain on the sheet. Let the child use his imagination and say what each of them looks like, what it reminds of.

    Exercise 4. Give your child sheets with unfinished images and ask them to complete them.

The child’s imagination will play a big role; perhaps, instead of the expected answer, he will depict something unusual and suitable for the initial unfinished drawing.

This will be the result of his perfectly working imagination. It happens that a child needs help, so don’t be upset if it doesn’t work out right away. This is normal and means that you need to work with your child so that he can train himself, because he will have a ton of difficult and challenging tasks ahead. interesting tasks(mathematics, physics, geometry, life situations and so on.), solving which will require the use of imagination!

Development of imagination in preschool children

Child development preschool age divided into three stages.

    Stage 1- a huge amount of fiction and fantasy. Since during this period the basis is laid for the correct and complete development of the ability of imagination and representation. The stage lasts up to three years.

    Stage 2– joint work of fantasies with practice. The child is just learning to build a chain of actions, logic, in order to achieve a result during any task. The stage lasts up to five years.

    Stage 3– the child’s activity includes the ability to imagine, fantasize and create. Fantasies become more active and practically applicable.

Exercises to develop imagination in preschoolers

    Exercise 1. Ask your child to close his eyes and play classical music. Ask what the child imagined while listening to this music. In addition to classical music, you can use modern music; the more variety, the better.

    Exercise 2. This exercise is performed with several children. Play some music with or without words. Ask your child to dance to the music of something or someone. And the other children, watching the dance, must guess what the first child is trying to convey. This exercise develops the imagination of all children.

    Exercise 3. This exercise is great for developing creative thinking:

The game leader (an adult) tells the children: “going outside is good, because you can take a walk,” and the children’s goal is to continue the chain, for example: “going outside is good, because it’s good to take a walk.” It’s good to take a walk because it’s useful. It’s good to go for a walk because the weather outside is beautiful. Fine weather is good because the sun is shining. The sun is shining - it’s good because it’s clear. Clear - because there is no rain. There’s no rain because it’s warm.”

Games to develop imagination

Online games are not only easily accessible but also very useful. There is no need to prepare anything in advance, the main thing is that the child rests for about 20-30 minutes every 15-20 minutes, because during these very breaks new neural connections are built in the brain and the better they are built, the greater the progress will be!

It's like an athlete after good exercise or a race, you need to rest so that your muscles regain strength.

Complex sorting game

The game “complex sorting” is an excellent training for intelligence and attention. In the center of the screen there is a figure with its own color, and around there are 4 different figures, colored in four different colors. It is written how you need to compare the figure given in the center with those around: by color or shape. You need to think in time and not get lost. The game is against the clock, so hurry up to score greatest number points.

Game "Letters and numbers"

  1. Trains concentration
  2. Improves reaction speed
  3. Develops logic and intelligence

Immediately after the start, one letter and one number will be shown in one of the four windows, for example, “U6”. And under the letter with the number a question will appear, for example, “Is the number odd?” or “Is the letter a consonant?” You need to answer questions as quickly as possible.

Color matrix game

Also an excellent trainer for development of intelligence will become a “color matrix” game. A field of cells will open in front of you, each of which will be painted in one of two colors. And your goal will be to indicate which color is more on the field in this moment 1st or 2nd. The game, of course, is for a while and therefore you have to try. As the game progresses, the field will expand, that is. the game becomes more difficult.

Game "Simplification"

The game “Simplification” is a wonderful trainer, not only for mental calculation, but also for intelligence. You will come across examples both simple and complex. But not everything is so complicated in reality, you just need to figure out how to simplify, calculate or find the answer from the ones proposed. To do this, you will have to use your intelligence!

Visual search

  1. Develops voluntary attention
  2. Improves concentration
  3. Improves attention span

Figures will appear on the screen, among which you need to choose a unique one that is in no way similar to other figures. Some figures may differ in just one small detail, which you need to learn to quickly find. With each successful round the difficulty increases and more points are given :)

Game "Flank task"

The picture shows a flock of birds, and you will be required to indicate the direction of flight central birds. At first you may be confused, but then it will get better. Go!

Game "Super Memory"

  1. Trains visual memory
  2. Increases memory capacity
  3. Improves memory accuracy

With each move, one new picture appears on the screen. You need to quickly find it and click on it to score as many points as possible in 1.5 minutes. The first 5-7 moves are very easy, and then it becomes noticeably more interesting and difficult.

Tools for developing imagination

Life experience- this is the main means of developing imagination. Chat with by different people, take part in all sorts of competitions, events, find your hobby, but don’t limit yourself to just one!

Reading- one of the best means development of imagination. Reading opens up a world of imagination and interesting stories. The cooler the plot, the more exciting the book, the brighter than description– so much the better for your thinking and imagination. And before we even had time to read to the end, you can imagine what will happen next. And then you compare as you read how well the future events in the work were presented. If you make a mistake, it’s not bad, because it’s almost impossible to guess the plot completely, but the experience that you get when imagining is priceless.

Fantastic– the best genre for developing imagination and creativity. Because science fiction is a brighter genre than others.

Sign up for our development course speed reading. In this course, we will not only speed up reading speed and develop memorization memory, but also perform special exercises to synchronize the hemispheres of the brain and train the imagination to achieve maximum results! The course will even touch on the topic of nutrition and lifestyle. Sign up for the course

Development of thinking and imagination

Thinking and imagination are closely related to each other. Imagination can be considered thinking, only this thinking is higher than reality, it takes you to another world, the world of fantasy. Thinking is a tool that every person has when solving various problems in life.

Thinking can be developed, its speed, depth, freedom, awareness can be changed. Also, thinking can become more accurate, detailed and positive.

How to develop thinking?

    Take notes and drawings. Get into the habit of expressing your thoughts in writing or drawings. Some people, when explaining or telling something, not only speak, but also draw, that is, they give you a picture and clarify the situation.

    Tell me your thoughts. It will be useful to express your thoughts to others who will be really interested in it. By telling this to someone you can get feedback. Another plus is that the more you tell your thoughts, the more clear they will be for you (if there were any points that were not clear).

    Discuss. Discussion of thoughts is quite effective thing. The main thing is that the discussion does not turn into a quarrel. If you suddenly do not agree with your interlocutor’s thesis, then make up your own, but do not start a heated argument, but have a calm conversation.

    Watch your speech. Thinking and speech are closely related to each other. Therefore, in order to contribute to the development of thinking, it is worth constructing your speech correctly. Advice: exclude the words “problems”, “horror”, “difficult”, include “interesting”, “goal”.

Why are speech and thinking closely related? Thinking is fleeting and difficult to remember, but speech is a different story. Speech is remembered and easier to follow.

Want to improve your thinking? Pay attention to your speech.

    Pay attention to other people's speech. It’s easier to monitor someone else’s speech than your own. Because someone else’s speech is something new and all the shortcomings and failures in logic can be heard in it. Studying the mistakes of other people's speech will help you find mistakes in your own speech.

    Improve your skills in working with texts. Analyzing a text can be compared to listening to someone else's speech. In both cases, you look for mistakes, roughness and take notes. Improved thinking depends on word processing skills.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump up your brain and improve your intelligence, memory, thinking, and concentration:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson helpful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception intensifies many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as when fast reading they are extremely important
  3. Read a book a day and finish your work faster

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Bottom line

In this article we learned what imagination is, how to develop it for adults and children, what exercises to use, and so on. And also how imagination can be used for practical purposes.

After the lateral break was made, we had many mostly illogical (lateral) judgments. Now we have to take a step aimed at eliminating the resulting pattern gap. The upcoming stage is associated with work on the development of creative imagination to search and create full-fledged creative ideas from the metamorphoses obtained in the previous stages. In other words, in this class you will learn how to learn how to most effectively repair a lateral tear. This lesson describes the methods, principles and features of developing creative imagination, and also contains useful techniques, exercises and games.

What is creative imagination

Creative imagination- this is a type of imagination during which a person independently creates new images and ideas that are of a certain value. These ideas can be embodied in specific products of creative activity.

Also close to creative imagination and useful in the process of creative thinking is reconstructive imagination. Recreating Imagination this is the creation of images of objects that were not previously perceived by a person in a complete form, although he was already familiar with similar objects or with their separate elements. In this case, the knowledge that a person already has about these objects is used, which determines the predominantly reproductive nature of the created images. At the same time, these images are distinguished from memory representations by a great diversity, flexibility and dynamism of elements. Simply put, the reconstructive imagination, unlike the creative one, is more consciously based on previous experience.

Features of imagination creative process is that it is the imagination that is difficult to control when creating something new. If at the previous stages it was possible to describe an almost exact algorithm of actions, then the last stage should rely specifically on a person’s ability for creative imagination and associative thinking, you can read about the latter in a special lesson on memory development.

Ability to find solutions to problems

Before moving on to tools for developing productive imagination, it is important to note that everyone has the ability to imagine creatively. The human mind has an important property, which is the presence of an incentive to eliminate logical contradictions.

For example, many smokers, knowing about the serious harm of smoking, always know how to explain to themselves and the people around them the reason why they do not give up this harmful habit. It turns out that smokers are faced with an internal contradiction “smoking is good - smoking is bad”, which in psychology is called cognitive dissonance (). This contradiction causes psychological discomfort, and people are forced to invent everything. possible ways eliminate this contradiction, some of which reflect high Creative skills person: smoking can be harmful, but it is pleasant; smoking helps creativity, puts you in the right mood, helps train breathing, reduces weight, etc. Almost every smoker has his own excuse, which was caused by a logical contradiction.

It turns out that a person is initially programmed to fight contradictions and look for a way out of existing situations. difficult situations. In the previous lesson, we had many modified judgments regarding the object in the selected focus. At the stage of breaking the pattern, we violated logic and came to dissonance, which will have to be corrected with the help of our imagination, life experience and natural predisposition to a certain type of thinking. Moreover, the ability of people to effectively search for solutions to logical contradictions is stronger, the more experience a person has, ideas about various models of behavior and other knowledge about the world around him.

To understand how this mechanism works for you personally, and also to train your imagination, we suggest you complete an exercise called “Jumbled Letters in Words”

Exercise "Jumbled letters in words"

This exercise does a great job of showing that our brains can find and understand the meaning of words, even if they are deliberately trying to confuse it. This happens because we do not read letters and syllables, but words as a whole, and in addition, we understand the meaning of words thanks to neighboring words and phrases that our brain has encountered before.

Tools for developing imagination

One of the main ways to develop imagination is to gain multifaceted life experiences. The more we communicate with different people, we participate in various events, do different things, the more sensory, emotional and intellectual experience we get. As a result, all this experience is involved in eliminating logical dissonances that arise during lateral thinking. Naturally, there are no universal recommendations for gaining life experience, but you can pay attention to such things as expanding your models of the world and reading.

Expanding the number of world models. The term "world model", as well as framing, which was discussed in the second lesson, is popular in neuro-linguistic programming to describe different approaches people to interpret reality.

The diversity of models of the world comes from the fact that reality is perceived by people differently, and no one is able to be an objective interpreter of reality. To understand the essence of the process of creating something new, you need to realize that all the ideas we express are perceived differently by each person. For example, some pieces of music that you like may cause negative attitudes in other people. The problem of interpreting music shows well the difference in people's ideas: what seems beautiful, original or even brilliant to some, may not seem so to others at all.

To develop creative thinking, you need to use the representative features of various models of the world. In other words, the more we communicate with different people and try to understand them, the better our creative thinking will be.

Reading. Reading books and other sources of information, including using speed reading techniques, is very effective method to develop creative imagination. While reading, active visualization of what you are reading occurs. Since you do not receive any additional information other than the letters that make up words and sentences, you inadvertently have to imagine a picture of what is happening. It is especially useful for the development of creativity to read science fiction, adventure, detective stories and, of course, poetry.

However, the effect of reading books on the ability to think creatively is not entirely clear. For example, Schopenhauer in his work “Parergaund Paralipomena” noted that excessive reading is not only useless, since the reader in the process of reading receives someone else’s thoughts ready-made and assimilates them worse than if he came to them on his own, but is also harmful to the mind, since weakens him and teaches him to look for ideas in external sources, and not from his own head. We can only add to this that although reading expands our models of the world, the habit of looking for truth in books impairs the ability to find a creative solution.


For creative thinking, it is important to be able to find connections between already acquired experience and what we are contemplating at the moment, in other words, to build associations. The exercises below are aimed at developing imagination and associative thinking.

Exercise 1. Rotating shapes

This exercise is aimed at training the imagination. Its use in the development of imagination was proposed in the 1980s by the famous psychologist Roger Shepard. In each task, you will be shown 2 figures: some are obtained by reflecting each other, others by rotation, and others are simply similar and are not rotation and reflection of each other.

Exercise 2. Solving doodles

Exercise 3. Letter (test)

Within a minute, try to name as many things as possible that are now in the room with you and begin with the letter: “K.” The letter “P”... And the letter “B”?

Count how much you got. If you try, you can name more than 50 things, or even more than 100. To improve this exercise, think about what groups of surrounding objects you forgot to include. For example, starting with the letter “B” you can name:

  • things, hanger, (items),
  • screws, introduction in the book on the shelf, (details of objects),
  • tungsten lamp filaments, felt, cotton wool, viscose, etc. (materials),
  • pile on the carpet, wax on the parquet (coating),
  • hair, eyelids, freckles, temples, etc. (body),
  • imagination, delight, excitement, the ability to come up with something else (mental concepts),
  • air, breeze, variants of words, yourself, everyone else (also with “v”).

Think what else can be called? Practice with other letters: “p”, “k”, “s” - easier, “d”, “a”, “t” - more difficult.

Exercise 4. Come up with a title and description

Try to come up with a title or caption for the picture, describe what is happening in it:

As you may have guessed, this is a painting by Pablo Picasso. It's called Night Fishing in Antibes. To develop your creative imagination, try to more often describe interesting things around you: paintings, photographs, music, food and much more. Try to go to museums more often and look carefully at the exhibits. The mystery of Malevich’s “Black Square,” for example, is that if you have imagination and a creative perception of the world, you can see a lot for yourself in this picture. If you don't bother with your creativity, then you will only see geometric figure black, does not represent anything. The black square is a mirror of your imagination.

There is another modification to this exercise: while traveling on public transport, try to come up with a name, biography or other details for strangers who travel with you based only on their appearance. If you are traveling with a friend, share yours with him, and then invite him to do the same, compare your stories.

Games to develop imagination

Imagination is key last element our framework for creative thinking. The better developed the imagination, the broader a person’s worldview, the faster he is able to find the necessary associations in his head, the more creative his ideas.

Our imagination is constantly developing; the more we explore the world, the better our imagination is developed. However, just contemplating the world is not enough. It is important to think about what we see, to analyze what is happening.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time and the options are mixed.

A good imagination is one of the best tools in the world for achieving success! The most successful people tend to be creative personalities and imagination plays an important role in their lives. By imagining something, a person learns to do it faster. Do you also want to develop your imagination? Then just skip to step one!


Part 1

Developing our imagination

    Dream. Daydreaming is a process that helps to build various logical connections and remember information without taking a lot of time. Daydreaming is far from a meaningless activity. In fact, it promotes a state of high concentration and engagement. While you are dreaming, a completely brilliant idea may suddenly come to your mind!

    • Try not to be distracted by the computer/video games/Internet/cinema, etc. If you are constantly distracted by various little things, your brain will not be able to concentrate and perceive information.
    • The best times to daydream are in the morning (right before you get out of bed) and at night (before you fall asleep). A regular walk without headphones with music and other distractions is also suitable for daydreaming.
  1. Look for new experiences. Be open, don't be afraid to try new things. A new experience can bring a lot of emotions and become food for thought and fantasy. For example, while attending a cooking class, you already begin to dream about how you will spend your vacation visiting different cafes and eating different delicacies. New experiences always open up new possibilities and develop imagination.

    • Of course, you shouldn’t go to the other side of the world to do something and gain experience. Just the opposite! Take a closer look at your surroundings. You can always go to different lectures and clubs. Try to find a new hobby, take up gardening, or simply walk around places in your city that you have not yet visited.
  2. Watch people. In a cafe, subway, or on a park bench, watch people passing by. Make up stories and stories about these people, think about what could happen to them in life, use your imagination, empathize with them or be sincerely happy. Perhaps, by observing people, you will suddenly find the answer to a question that has long interested you.

  3. Make art. It doesn't matter what type of art you decide to pursue. The main thing is that you should try to express yourself in it. Don't follow templates and stereotypes, do what you like best. For example, if you are drawing, then draw the sun not yellow, as we are used to seeing it in pictures, but green. Use your imagination to make your drawings unique.

    • You can try any other type of art, for example, writing poetry, sculpting with clay. Remember that you don't have to be a master at this. The point is to develop your imagination, not to become a world-class artist or sculptor.
  4. Spend as little time as possible on the media. Movies, TV shows, Internet, computer games- all this is very fun and interesting, but don’t get carried away, otherwise your creative potential will begin to noticeably decrease.

    • Nowadays, people, especially children, are turning into consumers rather than creators. They do not create anything, but only follow already invented patterns.
    • You should control yourself. For example, when you are bored, try not to turn on the computer or TV. Use this free time in order to sit in silence and calmly think and dream about something.

    Part 2

    Use your imagination
    1. Look for creative solutions! Once you have become a habit of using your imagination, it will not be difficult for you to come up with creative ways way out of any situation. This means that a good imagination will help you go beyond limits and come up with new ways to solve any problem.

      • One of the problems that most people often face is limitation. In the sense that a person who has a less developed imagination will be able to come up with fewer decisions this issue, focusing your attention only on the proposed subject (situation) and not going beyond the scope. In one experiment, people were given the following task: they had to touch two opposite walls with a rope hanging from the ceiling. The only additional item in the room is pliers. Most subjects could not find a solution, which was to tie the pliers to the rope (i.e., use the pliers as a weight) and why swing it by touching opposite walls.
      • Practice making up your mind unusual solutions, walking around your house. When you come across some obstacles, think about how you can get around them, come up with something non-standard. Take a closer look at different objects and try to imagine what you can do with them and where you can use them. Every thing has a set of functions that it performs, but that doesn't mean it can't be used for something else!
    2. Don't be afraid of failure and failure. Sometimes your imagination cannot help you, sometimes you simply cannot use it due to fatigue or inability. But there are a couple of tricks that will help spark your imagination so that you can use it at any time.

      • Ask yourself how you would solve this problem if there were no bad solutions. Think about what you could do if you knew there would be no consequences.
      • Think about what your first step would be if you could use any resources, sources, or items to solve the problem.
      • What would you do if you could ask anyone in the world for advice?
      • By answering these questions, you clear your mind of any possibility of failure, which in turn opens you up to any possible solution to the problem. Of course, everything won’t work out right away, and you won’t be able to find a creative approach to every situation, but by following these tips, you will significantly improve your imagination.
    3. Visualize! Use your imagination to imagine different situations that might happen in your life. For example, you might imagine yourself winning a competition and receiving a reward when you are just training to compete in the competition.

Which of us, serious adults, has never fantasized? No one. We all dreamed as children. Even if now all these processes have been pushed far, far away, in childhood everyone came up with some incredible space trip, prince charming on a unicorn or controlling a time machine. For us little ones, fantasies were very important; thanks to them, everyone had some kind of cherished secret dream that they strived for. Aspirations have changed, but have adults become happier? Hardly. Why not have a little imagination for serious adults?

What is fantasy?

In psychology, fantasy is usually understood as the activity of the psyche associated with imaginary, unrealistic ideas. This, one might say, is an improvisation of our brain. It’s worth mentioning right away that the concepts of fantasy, although very close in meaning, are not one and the same. If the imagination operates with something or someone real, then fantasy is based on unreal, completely fictitious ideas. For example, imagining yourself in front of the Statue of Liberty is imagination, even if you have never been near it. But imagining yourself flying on a beaked wing to the Statue of Liberty is already a fantasy.

Many people think that fantasy, like imagination, needs to be developed only by children in order to adequately adapt to the surrounding reality. But it is not so. Any unrealistic dream moves a person and allows him to create something new. It was only thanks to imagination that inventors showed the world the light bulb, television, cars and all other achievements of human thought. It is only thanks to her that we have music, literature, cinema, photography, etc. Everything created by the hands and thoughts of man was once just someone’s seemingly unrealizable fantasy.

How to develop imagination?

There are many ways to develop imagination. There is no need to be afraid to try different methods and exercises, since they certainly will not be superfluous, especially. They guarantee an interesting pastime for everyone who fantasizes. All methods are suitable for children and adults. However, parents should remember that the child should not be completely immersed in his fantasies, otherwise this will prevent him from contacting real people around him, and the child’s ideas should not border on delirium, although in this matter the categories are quite arbitrary.

Games as a way to develop imagination.

To develop imagination, exercises that provoke you to come up with something non-standard are useful.

For example, the exercise “Chair” (or “Bedside Table”, or “Stapler”, it’s not so important). Participants need to come up with as many uses as possible for the corresponding item, and applications such as “sit” or “rest” must be discarded immediately. But the options “make a cannon” or “drive away aliens” are quite suitable.

Another similar exercise is to come up with a way to create a particular item. For example, a chair can be folded from coins, molded from melted chocolates etc.

On paper you can draw identical or different squiggles, circles, triangles. The players must draw each of these figures to something complete.

Using verbal exercises.

There are a variety of such exercises. By the way, you can come up with them yourself.

  • Connecting parts of words. For example, we take the halves of the words “socket” and “TV” and get: “rosevizor”. And then this “rosevisor” needs to come up with a description, purpose and a short story. Such exercises are good because they do not cause any subconscious mental reactions - a completely new concept is obtained.
  • Verbalization of nouns. If you take two objects and make one of them an action, you can get various interesting phrases: “sofa phone” or “phone sofa”, “thread the carpet” or “carpet the thread”, etc. And that’s not all - then you need to describe all these strange-sounding actions.
  • A combination of the image of one object and the action of another. We take two objects, for example, a phone and a mug. We imagine the action of one and the other: we call on the phone, and drink from a mug. We connect the action with the image: “the phone drinks from a mug” or “the mug calls the phone.” Thanks to such absurd proposals, imagination develops, because then you need to come up with a whole story: who is the mug calling and why the phone suddenly became thirsty.

Creative activity.

Even if labor lessons in primary school finished long ago, drawing was never a favorite subject, and the process of writing poetry always ended before it really began, due to the always absent muse, sometimes you can do something creative. Together with your child or on your own, you need to take paints, brushes and start drawing. The hand itself will create something on a sheet of paper. If you end up with something mysterious or unreal, you can then come up with a story about the hero of the drawing. In the same way, you can sculpt, sew, write essays, songs or poems, play the guitar, choosing chords by ear.

Imaginary friend.

Almost all kids had an imaginary friend. It could be some kind of animal, a fairy-tale kind monster, an imaginary child or an adult. Together with him, the baby could come up with some games, act out situations, and make entire trips. Why don’t adults come up with someone with whom you can imagine the most unprecedented miracles without hesitation? So that this would also be useful in real life, you can endow your imaginary friend with qualities that the adult himself does not have, and consult with him on what to do in a given situation. This will be a more objective view of the situation from the outside, which in some cases helps a lot.

Coming up with stories.

To diversify your daily life, you can fill it with various interesting stories. Not only can you come up with the ending of books, having read only half, or new twists in a movie, stopping at the very interesting place, even what seems unpleasant in life will become enjoyable thanks to the development of imagination.

When going to work in the morning, you can look at the faces of passers-by, not forgetting to come up with an interesting destiny or profession for them. Only they really have to be interesting, for example, an ordinary old woman in a beret, who jostles in the subway, can become the owner of countless treasures buried somewhere on a desert island, and a sleeping guy in headphones actually works at night as a vampire exterminator. Another way to develop imagination can be to imagine the childhood or old age of random passers-by or fellow travelers. This is a very exciting activity that also works to improve communication skills.

If you learn to come up with such stories and biographies, you can imagine in your fantasies the evil boss as a cute toddler in childhood or in a funny hat. It will no longer be possible to treat him negatively, which means the relationship will improve. And boring work can be perceived as a quest or mission, so as not to lose motivation.

Fantasies and dreams are necessary for everyone so as not to become soulless robots, doing everything according to the same algorithm every day. And only imaginative representatives of society will be able to create many more objects of art and make discoveries in various fields.

Imagination is great gift nature, which can be used by every person, starting from the very young age. This is the ability of inner vision, which is associated with many aspects of our lives. This quality is intended to serve the benefit of a person and help him in real life to achieve what he could see inside himself, in his thoughts and dreams.

Why is it worth developing your imagination?

As a rule, adults rarely think about developing their creativity and imagination. It just so happens that you are taught to be realistic, not to “have your head in the clouds”, not to build illusions and castles in the air. But by neglecting the development of imagination, we can deprive ourselves of many benefits. Let's look at some reasons why it's worth developing your imagination.

    Firstly, developed imagination promotes mental flexibility and makes a person’s thinking more productive. So, it would seem, just the ability to dream, but in fact it turns out that fantasy is closely related to the level of intelligence. That is, by developing your imagination, you become smarter!

    Secondly, imagination is not a useless function that is needed only for preschoolers to make their childhood more fun. No! Imagination helps us extract from the depths of our subconscious what we were unaware of. For years, our imagination accumulates the energy that is given to every person along with his dreams. At the moment when a person is completely ready to realize what his fantasy has drawn, the accumulated energy is released and gives a powerful push, which allows him to get closer to the goal faster. If you need strength for successful life, you have no right to neglect the development of your imagination.

    Thirdly, thanks to your imagination you can reach great heights in professional activity or in business. Modern world is developing at a crazy pace, and every year so many new things appear that creative ideas come in handy. Therefore, a person with a good imagination, capable of coming up with fresh ideas and solutions, will always have a good position and income.

    And of course, the power of imagination is your inner strength, which opens up many possibilities for you. Your imagination is where all your success begins. Everything that is created by man today was once born exactly there, in a small part of the brain, which generated and allowed man to see the finished result with his inner vision.

How can you develop your imagination?

Child psychologists now talk a lot about this topic. They are concerned that today's children do not have the same developed imagination as children from previous generations. Of course, everything is blamed on the effects of television and various gadgets. In fact, a TV, smartphone, computer, tablet are useful devices. But they can be harmful to a growing and developing brain.

Why? The reason is the way the information is presented! The simpler and clearer the information presented, the less the brain needs to strain. The imagination is practically not involved when watching a cartoon. But, if a child reads a book or listens to a fairy tale, the areas of the brain associated with creativity and fantasy are immediately activated, because the baby needs to activate inner vision in order to visualize the information received.

The same problem also affects adults. It’s not for nothing that you can often hear that TV makes people less inventive, less active and experience difficulties even in the simplest things. thought processes. Simply put, their brains become less flexible. Therefore, first of all, it is better to refuse or minimize receiving information from TV and computer screens. Yes, of course, it’s easier to watch a video rather than read a book, but if you care about your mind and consciousness, and strive to achieve heights in life, you need to sacrifice something. This is the only thing that can interfere with the harmonious development and activation of fantasy.

Let's consider another list of tips that, on the contrary, will contribute to the development of imagination.

    There is one simple thing and at the same time effective exercise for the development of parts of the brain responsible for creativity. The simplicity is that it can be practiced anywhere, anytime. The point is this. Try to simulate various life situations in your imagination. Scroll through the plot, improvise, draw the smallest details in your head. For example, imagine how in the evening you and a friend met in a cafe over a cup of tea. Try to hear this light music, smell it, and see the interior details.

    Another very popular way to develop imagination is reading books. The more often you allow yourself to enjoy a book, the more your brain is loaded, and specifically the part responsible for the power of imagination. The brain is like a muscle; the stronger and more often you strain it, the more productive it will work.

    Start writing your thoughts, impressions, emotions. Keep a diary, or just do it periodically when you have a free minute and inspiration. Every time you write down something you've experienced, or just your thoughts, you experience it in a new way and your imagination is used again.

    An effective and efficient way to develop fantasy is to communicate with people who have already managed to develop this quality well. Such people are full of energy and ideas; they have many plans and dreams that they would like to realize in their lives. No matter how strange it may sound, this energy is transmitted. Allow yourself to be “infected” by this, plunge into the atmosphere of creation and creativity, and be saturated with this energy.

    And of course, don’t forget about other creative activities and hobbies. Perhaps you have an old dream - to learn to draw or crochet. Make up your mind and start doing some creative activities that activate your brain, forcing your imagination to develop.

Remember that by reaching heights in the development of imagination, you can break through in many areas of life. Don't stop and don't let any circumstances get in your way, and then you will have great success!