Human self-development- an integral part of our life, because Life is given to us for this reason, so that we achieve a new, higher quality standard of living. And self-development, self-improvement is the conscious management of the personality itself, the process personal growth, which should be organically integrated into our daily activities, it is one of the main components of our lives.

Human development is the most important process, which includes self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement. I think I will not be mistaken if I say that self-development, self-improvement is the fastest approach to your goals - the opportunity to make your dreams come true. Therefore, the site provides systematic information for improving health, body, mind, financial component, and spirituality. In this article, we will try to figure out what these rather vague concepts are?

So, the most frequent statements and questions regarding our topic:

3. Why do you need to engage in the notorious self-development and self-improvement?

There is no point in undermining the importance of these issues; they are very important, because... understanding the need for personal growth has a direct impact on our financial condition, social status, mental comfort and many other areas of life. But not all at once, but in order.

Let's try to briefly answer the above questions:

1. Self-development, self-improvement is the path of the weak!

There is an opinion that self-development, self-improvement is the path of the weak, and a strong, self-confident person is already good on his own, without any self-development. But let's take for example Alexander the Great, who wanted to conquer the whole world, which he successfully accomplished by conquering and subjugating more than half of the lands known at that time. Isn't it an example strong man? His teacher was the philosopher Aristotle, the greatest ancient thinker; he laid the foundation for Macedonian’s worldview life principles. The historian Plutarch wrote: “Alexander the Great admired Aristotle and loved his teacher, in his own words, no less than his own father. He repeated, “I owe my life to Philip my father, and to Aristotle I owe the fact that I live with dignity, as a man should.”

Without a doubt, the success of Macedonian largely depended on the foundations that were laid by Aristotle; here is the famous self-development for you - the lot of the weak. As we see, self-development is an opportunity to develop in all respects, to change yourself, your thoughts, your attitude towards everything and everyone, behavior, emotions, to become better, and as a result – to have better results compared to those you would have had without self-development, and whatever you do, your results will be better with self-development than without it. Therefore it is very important competitive advantage our modern world What we have is the opportunity to develop, to become smarter, stronger, more versatile than other people trying to achieve success.

2. Why do many who have taken the path of self-development and self-improvement become disappointed?

Most often, those who have taken the path of self-development and self-improvement are disappointed only because they have the wrong approach, and, moreover, a vague idea of ​​how a person should develop himself and improve himself.

On this moment There are many methods, theories, practices of self-development, self-improvement, so an unprepared person asks the question: “What books should I read for self-development?”, “Which self-improvement practice is the most effective?”, “How to save your time, which can be spent on studying inappropriate ones?” methods for him? Such problems are faced by people who decide to begin self-development, self-improvement of themselves as individuals. Which, by the way, is something new teachers don’t hesitate to take advantage of. of different stripes, titles, rushing to help, of course, do not provide the information of interest for free and do not always care about its usefulness and adaptability to a particular person! EVERY PERSON IS UNIQUE!

So, the first question for a person who decides to engage in self-development is: where to start? You can start by reading relevant literature. How to choose books on self-development, self-improvement and not make a mistake with your choice? If the author of a book claims that he has developed a “universal, unparalleled” method of human development that is suitable for everyone, then put that book back and never pick it up again. Statements of this kind are a desire to impose one’s vision of solving a problem. But all people are different, so there is no panacea, no universal pill for everyone - drink and be healthy.

In a word, a person who decides to engage in self-development and self-improvement gets lost in a sea of ​​information, an abundance of teachings, methods, and practices! This site was created as a guide, as a “lighthouse”, by sailing to which, bypassing the sea of ​​unnecessary information, you can choose exactly the teaching, the method that suits you.

3. Why do you need to engage in the notorious self-development and self-improvement?

Point number 2 already contains the answer to this question.

Let me finish the theoretical delights here and move on to specifics.

Apparently you paid attention to the motto of this site “Self-development, Self-improvement of a person - KeyRich”, and the sections of the site, sub-headings of the site are entitled: “Spirituality”, “Health”, “Positive”, “Inner Circle”, “Favorite Thing”, “ Money".

That is, it turns out that self-development, self-improvement is the dominant feature of our life aspirations? - Yes exactly.

And, for example, money, health, favorite things (i.e. sections of the site) are required condition, mandatory components of self-development?

- Yes, there’s no way without it. There is such a concept as “Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs” - this is the generally accepted name for a hierarchical model of human needs. Maslow's needs distributed in ascending order, explaining this by the fact that a person cannot experience needs high level, for now it needs more primitive things.

1. Physiological: hunger, thirst, sexual desire, etc.
2. Existential: safety, comfort.
3. Social: connections, communication, caring for others, attention to oneself, joint activities.
4. Prestigious: self-respect, respect from others, career growth.
5. Spiritual: knowledge, self-expression, self-development.

There are many currents, directions, simple and complex, sometimes useful, and sometimes not very useful, there are dozens of officially recognized components of the process of self-development and self-improvement.

One of the main components is that every undertaking must be preceded by goal setting. It must be clearly formulated - in a positive way, as ambitious as possible.

So, if your goal is self-development, self-improvement, then everyone will have to decide individually (each person is unique, unique) what he means by this. We fully expect the following list: to become a highly spiritual person, to gain ideal health, financial independence, respect, and the love of others.

Choose what is main goal, intermediate or stage, lies ahead for yourself, each person has their own, purely individual ones. Some people need to start restoring their health, while others need to create a financial basis for their plans, and for the majority, unfortunately, this will have to be implemented comprehensively.

Having the main and intermediate goals, you must be imbued with absolute confidence in the reality of what you have planned, but a more productive way is to visualize these goals as already achieved by you. But not only visualize, but also perform practical steps on the way to getting what you want.

If, for example, your soul and mind have “chosen” growing organic vegetables as their favorite activity, then start with this on your balcony if you are an ordinary manager. And if you already own some capital, buy a greenhouse.

What does it mean “soul and mind have chosen”?

This means that a person can achieve success without losing himself, only by doing what he loves, which is “joy” to him. Many choose what is now fashionable, prestigious, or what their parents choose.

There is such a parable. The newcomer to the “kingdom of the dead” was introduced to its inhabitants. The one occupying the most honorable place was recommended as follows: “This is the Great Commander!”

- “So this is a shepherd from our village!”
- “Yes, but he was born to be a Great Commander!”

So, I wish you to become a Great Commander during your lifetime and achieve your goals. This is quite real - there is a method, read the articles on this site.

Now - to the specifics. Knowing the goal, believing in the reality of its achievement, it is necessary to carry out some actions. And this requires strength and energy, but what if you only have enough strength for routine work in the office and going to entertainment venues.

Don’t despair - you just don’t know about the body’s enormous reserves, methods of gaining health and increasing energy, which you will comprehend and be able to put into practice, with a minimum of physical effort, but showing truly titanic willpower on the way to healthy image life.

- Nope! - Will not work! - Everything is too neglected - I mean that for 150 years now we have been stuffed with the theory of calorie content, the theory balanced nutrition. These theories became the basis for the emergence of culinary delights, and entire branches of the meat and dairy, bakery and similar industries developed.

The products of enterprises in these industries, not without the help of powerful advertising, deprive us of the remnants of our health every second. And there is also someone to take care of these pitiful remains - for this there is official medicine.

So, having clogged the body with unprocessed, undigested “bread-roll-meat-milk” products of corporations, we go to the doctors - some have kidneys, some have liver, heart, each with their own problem. It’s clear, you just need to “eat less,” but what about another corporation – pharmacists, druggists, they also “want to eat.” So instead of maintaining good health through healthy eating, we eat everything in a row, exhausting our body, after which we are forced to go to doctors, take pills, so that the “meat-milk-doctor-pharmacy” conveyor does not stop, bringing profit to our “benefactors”.

We continue to work, eat our usual food, relax, paying bills to our “benefactors” for everything, but this is if the heredity is good, the body has large reserves of strength, and if not, then here you will not be left without attention either - there is also a funeral service bureau . Everything is thought out, everything is functional, even the slogan is applicable: “At the head of everything, he is a MAN!” But somehow it becomes very sad, since for more than 100 years there have been works by famous scientists about the harmfulness of such nutrition. Why aren't they advertised?

Look at the name of the ministries - 50% of them have plans for growing, producing, marketing “food”. But what about MAN? - So they’re treating him! And pigs, cows, buns are budget revenues.

Do you know what is the most popular, highly effective, unlike all existing diets, and relatively safe? – This is the so-called “cave diet”. That is, three-quarters of the diet consists of plant foods, without complex seasonings or heat treatment (the food of cavemen, our ancestors). It’s understandable - sausages and buns don’t grow on trees, but they do in rivers. pure water, and not soup or borscht, for example. And most importantly - no ministries for you!

To be fair, let’s say that when switching to this diet, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions that are mandatory when making a sudden change in diet, otherwise health problems may arise. Everything is described in detail in the “Health” section.

So what is it like to live hungry? - No - half-starved, if our usual, current diet is considered basic. Moreover, it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins, move actively, restore the energy flows of your body, so that the problems of willpower, perseverance, and perseverance “come to their full height.”

That is, to deny yourself everything, and even against the backdrop of considerable physical costs, and in return, what? – Our body will finally be given the opportunity to take a break from processing, recycling a huge amount of unnecessary, harmful products nutrition, which will allow the body to engage in self-healing, and as a result, your health will begin to improve.

Do you know the feeling of perfect health? – It’s a little like flying in children’s dreams, plus 70% of delight from your own physical strength and emotional uplift. So, choose - either the welfare of agro-industrial oligarchs or flying on the wings of perfect health.

Articles that are in the “Health” section on the above-mentioned topic will add to your confidence and reduce the severity of the problems of volitional efforts.

Well, now - about Money, abundance, well-being. So, financial abundance is far from well-being. Prosperity will leave your life forever if, having become fabulously rich, you entered into transactions with your conscience, violated worldly and Divine laws, defamed and humiliated your neighbors.

By sacrificing spirituality in the name of material wealth, you violate the laws of the Universe, so it can deprive you of the opportunity to enjoy life, which is determined by the possession of material wealth.

But here everything is not so simple. Because our concepts of good and bad are rarely consistent with the Laws of the Universe. It is quite possible that a highly spiritual person, having elevated his skill in any type of activity to the absolute level, will be punished for this by negative changes in fate, and a cunning businessman, having violated worldly laws, will feel the best. Those. By creating excess potential, you always receive an adequate response to neutralize it (most often troubles in the family, at work, but sometimes through illness or an uncountable incident, and can even take a life). Are there safety precautions? – Yes – you can find the answer by studying the information on this site.

It is very important to understand that our life is surrounded by a mass of conventions, prohibitions, dogmas, rules, which turns it into a game, a performance, depriving our life of purpose. For an insignificant reason, we can fall into a riot, rage, or harass our neighbor for his addiction to some type of clothing or hairstyle. Our whole life is a struggle: for the harvest, for a place in the sun, and most often - simply out of habit. Although it is more effective and productive to live in peace and harmony with others.

Vegetable, animal world– expediency itself, everything is rational, pragmatic, there is nothing conventional or far-fetched. Aggression receives an adequate rebuff, the big one can always have breakfast with the little ones, but without malice and hatred. It's funny to hate pizza, hamburger or schnitzel.

How can we achieve expediency? – It’s very simple - stop taking for granted the flow of information that pours onto your heads from high stands, televisions, and print media. There are programs there that make you predictable, controllable, obedient, and deprive you of True Knowledge.

Analyze all information, learn, improve your Knowledge. True knowledge– this is a direct path to expediency.

After reading all this, one person, let’s call him an optimist, can say: “Some kind of maniac - what did the pigs bother you with? Law and order, you see, are not to his liking!”

And the other, a pessimist, will exclaim: “Uncle, take off your glasses - what pigs, what legality? Go to the canteen, there they will feed you something that has never grunted or grown under the sun - everything was produced by chemical laboratories. All this is not only harmful, but also deadly, but... legal.”

...? - “So, if you honestly indicate on the packaging what chemical it is made from, it seems to be not harmful. Or is it legal? In a word, right."

If the world acquired this Knowledge, then a person would receive true freedom, they would no longer be treated as an object of exploitation, because... In the end, this will turn out to be counterproductive, after all, the person has seen the light!

You, of course, can say that the section on self-improvement involves thinking about the sublime, flying into the astral plane in order to gain Spirituality, and you are again plunged into everyday life: money, cleaning your “guts”, waste, ... enemas, finally. - Fi, how uncomfortably!

No, the truth is that by choosing your food CONSCIOUSLY, you are already on the path of self-improvement. And so on all points: finances, favorite things, soul, body, etc. Fortunately, complex concepts can always be explained in simple words, Maslow also claims that this is the only way - from simple to complex.

Did you know that there are books that can be read and understood by no more than 10 people in the world? These are books or articles about current problems for humanity, but overloaded with formulas and scientificism. They are intended and understandable only to two or three colleagues in the workshop. This is their effectiveness - if you want a percentage - divide 10 by 7 billion (Earth population), then multiply by 100%.

And if you write a book on a similar topic, but which would be understandable to half of humanity, i.e. 3.5 billion people? – It’s breathtaking, isn’t it?! Therefore it sounds like this: “What is perceived is not what is true or correct, but what is understandable” – i.e. It is not simple beautiful words, you also have to comply with elementary expediency and write about complex things in simple words that are as accessible as possible to understanding.

And yet, and yet... This site is not light reading in the detective or romance genre with a cup of tea and a bun. With such an approach, the result will be appropriate; a different attitude and perception is needed here.

You should not focus on remembering something unusual or interesting, but you need to “turn on your thinking” in order to analyze the information provided on the site and choose what is right for you and will help you grow as an individual, making your dreams and desires come true.

I wish you, my precious ones, to find your path as soon as possible!

Self-development is a process, and like any process, self-development is necessary to achieve a certain goal. The peculiarity of self-development is that goals always change, depending on the level of awareness, ability to take risks, self-discipline, self-confidence... All these criteria determine what goal we set for ourselves and how soon we will achieve this goal.

Personal self-development can be divided into several steps, we will talk about them below, but now let’s think about what motivates us, what forces us to get up and follow this interesting, sometimes difficult path of self-development.

So, as soon as we come into this world, we are surrounded by adults, our parents, perhaps brothers or sisters, grandparents. And, one way or another, they are older, stronger, smarter, wiser than us. And we unconsciously, sometimes consciously, compare ourselves with them, and this comparison is always not in our favor.

And it is at this moment, when we are faced with the fact that we are in some way “worse” than the people around us, that a complex of insufficiency, described in detail by A. Adler, arises in us. In an effort to overcome this complex of insufficiency, we begin to engage in self-development.

The process of self-discovery

The first step in self-development is the process of self-discovery. We strive to identify ourselves in this world, position ourselves in our mental coordinate system, in relation to our idols, ideals, work colleagues, members of our family (both parental and the family that we have already created), religion, spiritual teachers and mentors... In general, we are looking for the answer to the question “who am I in this world?” This search can last a moment, but it can drag on for many years.

I have some shortcomings

The second step is to admit to myself that I have some shortcomings that lead me to undesirable consequences and results in life. And here self-acceptance plays a very important role. If we accept ourselves, then no problems arise with an objective view of the surrounding reality.

And we understand where we are and what (who) surrounds us. We may not like it, but we understand that it is so. As soon as our level of self-acceptance decreases, we begin to justify ourselves, to find people who, in our opinion, are “worse” than us. And this allows us not to change anything in our lives. And, therefore, the process of self-development ends.

And how I would like it to be

The third step comes if we do not give up, and openly look at our shortcomings (here it is important to understand that this is only our own subjective assessment of what are our shortcomings and what are our strengths), and begin to think about how I would like it to be . If not, then how? Often many people stop at this step.

Because we know how much we DO NOT WANT, but we don’t even think about what we WANT. And then we begin to complain about how bad our lives are, because we are surrounded by everything we don’t want and what we are trying to avoid (you can understand why this happens after watching the movie The Secret, everything is described in detail there). In this context, it is important for us to avoid the victim state and not shift responsibility for the cause of our dissatisfaction to others.

How to achieve the desired result

The fourth step is to see what ways I can achieve the desired result. What do I need to do to become what I want? And here on our way we can meet people, books, films, trainings that show different options and ways to achieve our goal.

And the help of other people is effective provided that we have already completed the first 3 steps on our own. Otherwise, it will turn out that we realize and justify other people’s expectations about us, about how they would like to see us, and this is far from self-development.

And perhaps you will get by without the help of others, and this is completely normal. However, when it comes to the need to consider as much as possible different options, then a detached, independent view is very useful.

And avoid those people who will insist on their opinion as the only true one, always reserve the right to choose and the right to doubt that the words and ideas of another person (or group of people) are one hundred percent correct. It may be true for them, but it doesn't matter to you. (However, like this article - perhaps these are just someone’s ideas that will not cause any response from you)

Steps to achieving your goal

And the last, fifth step is action. We make any efforts, take steps to achieve the goal that we set for ourselves in the 3rd step.

And at the end, we again move on to step number 1. We again begin to evaluate what we have achieved, what we are capable of, what place we occupy relative to those around us. And in fact, the process of self-development is endless; there will always be ideals to which we strive, in comparison with which we are not satisfied with our situation.

And this process stops either at the moment of death (which has not yet been proven), or at the moment when we stop believing in ourselves, in our strengths, our goal seems unattainable, and we stop, but only for a while...

You are tormented by depression, you hate life and are looking for those responsible for your failures: you blame your lack of spine on your hothouse upbringing, bad work- a picky boss, alone - selfish friends who are not interested in your problems? And in general, for every incident you always have a million culprits besides yourself? But in fact, the source of all your failures is you, only you and no one else. And only you can fix everything.

To first of all yourself. It is for this purpose that personal self-development exists. First, let's figure out what this concept actually means.

What is self-development?

Self-development is a conscious process that a person carries out without any external support, using exclusively his moral and physical resources in order to improve his potential and realize himself as an individual. Self-development is impossible without:

Setting specific goals for yourself;

Having beliefs;

Creating attitudes for action.

An identical and inextricably linked concept with self-development is personal growth. a person, during which he improves himself positive traits, his actions become more effective and, as a result, personal potential increases significantly, which helps to achieve success in all areas of life.

What does it consist of?

The concepts of “self-education”, “personal potential”, “success” sound quite abstract. All this can be achieved only through specific actions. And personal growth and self-development are processes that give positive results of both a moral and material nature, only under the condition of constant painstaking work on oneself. Let's take a more specific look at what actions are required of us in order to change for the better.

Self-development is undoubtedly a big and important step, but you also need to create an action plan for yourself to achieve your goals. Don't think that your life can change in one second or in a day. It takes a lot of time to accomplish great things. But if you try hard, the result will certainly meet all your expectations.

Personal self-development can be divided into five stages, which are inextricably linked:

1) awareness of its necessity;

2) study of needs;

3) self-knowledge;

4) drawing up a strategy;

5) actions.

The self-development program requires a careful approach to each of its points. Let's look at them in more detail.

Step 1. Realize the need

Before you take action, you must clearly understand why you need it and whether you really want to change something. At this moment, the subject of your irritation does not play a significant role. Either you are not satisfied with your income level, or you want people to perceive you differently, or you need some changes in appearance...

All these and any other desires have something in common: they must be based on a powerful, irresistible desire for change and full readiness use your maximum strength to complete assigned tasks.

The goal of self-development is to overcome the fear of exiting and stop. If you are ready for this, you can begin to reboot your life.

Step 2. Study the needs

To change your life for the better, you need to decide which aspects of it require revision and improvement. To understand and articulate what you want, do the following exercise.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. In the first half, list in a column everything that does not suit you. In the other - ways to solve these problems and the results you want to achieve.

Then number the items from the second column depending on the possibility of their implementation: from simple to complex. This will help you formulate your short and long-term goals and create an action plan to achieve them.

After making this list, you don’t need to tackle everything at once. This strategy often leads to the fact that, while performing a bunch of tasks at once, a person becomes very scattered and cannot solve any of them efficiently. Work gradually, focusing on simpler problems first and gradually moving on to complex ones. Only by following such a system can you achieve maximum results.

Step 3. Know yourself

Having decided on your goals, figure out what’s going on inside you. You must clearly understand which qualities of yours will help you achieve your goals, and which ones, on the contrary, will hinder you. Everyone has the ability for self-development, but not everyone can use it due to their other character traits.

Try to assess your capabilities and abilities as objectively as possible, so that on the path of self-development you will be prepared for the trips that you (often unconsciously) will set for yourself.

A written exercise will also help you in your soul-searching. This time you need to put your positives on paper and Be as objective as possible: you should neither over-praise nor humiliate yourself. Just describe what is there. And to get more accurate information, ask someone close to you to compare the traits you listed with the real state of affairs.

This way you will not only find out what people who care about you think about you, but you will also be able to compare how you position yourself with how it looks from the outside.

Step 4. Making a strategy

Self-development is not only knowledge, but also planning. When you have decided what you want and understand what qualities will help you achieve your goals, it is time to draw up a plan of specific actions.

A self-development program cannot give a universal answer to the question: “What needs to be done?” Everyone has their own priorities and their own desires. But we all have something in common: we want to be happy. But how - everyone decides for himself.

You choose what you need to do to achieve your goal. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. Assess your capabilities objectively and set goals that you can realistically achieve at this stage of your life. If you want more, take on achieving it a little later, when you reach new level. The path of self-development cannot be called simple and short, but your efforts will certainly bring you pleasant results.

2. Remember: even the smallest victory is a step taken along the steps leading upward. The more steps you take, the higher you will advance.

3. Set yourself specific deadlines to achieve each goal. When you have everything scheduled by dates (or at least by approximate periods of time), working towards a result is much easier than working towards an abstract desire.

Don't get discouraged if something doesn't work out the first time. your dreams and works miracles. If you have already decided to do something, then go to the end, and personal growth and self-development will help you with this.

Step 5. Let's act!

Everything that was mentioned above is dry theory, and practice should begin right away. There is no need to say that you will change something tomorrow or next week, or from the first of the month. Don’t put off until later what you can do now, because the sooner you start, the sooner you will achieve results.

The tasks of self-development seem simple in theory, but in reality a lot of obstacles await you. Whatever happens, do not doubt your dreams, forget about the failures of the past, because the future is what is happening right now, and it depends only on you what it will be like.

What's stopping us?

On your path to achieving your goals, you will encounter many obstacles. But all external barriers are nothing compared to internal ones. Only by conquering yourself will you be able to subjugate the surrounding reality and reach your destination. You must know your main enemies by sight, because self-development is a constant struggle. So, get acquainted...


Inside each of us sits an evil censor who criticizes any of our decisions. Even if at first glance it looks like the most correct and rational of all possible, we still ask ourselves the question: “Or maybe we shouldn’t?”, “Are you sure?”, “Let’s not take risks?”

The voice of doubt... In some cases, it really saves us from making rash decisions, but sometimes it prevents us from making a leap towards our dreams. How to deal with it? His main enemy is desire. Only within him lies the strength sufficient to overcome any doubts. It’s not for nothing that they once said: “If you really want to, you can fly into space.”

Desire gives us an inexhaustible source of energy, it inspires and inspires us, makes us fight for what we really need, kicks everyone out of their comfort zone. Only armed with a real sincere desire can you overcome any doubts.


Laziness is another problem of self-development. But it doesn’t exist, it’s a kind of placebo, a fiction. But wrong desires and dreams are quite real. They are the ones who poison our lives, forcing us to sit still and not strive anywhere.

If you don’t have the incentive, then you won’t have the desire either. How can you change something if you don’t want it with all your heart? No way. Dreams are the gasoline of our self-development. The nourishment they give us is equal to their scale. And if the dream is useless, then you won’t be able to really refuel from it.

But when you have a truly worthwhile goal, you don’t even want to think about any laziness. After all, we are driven by a strong thirst for change.

If you don't have a truly inspiring dream, find one. If it doesn’t work out, change your social circle, reach out to people with large-scale goals, and you yourself will have the same ones. Fight for your dreams. And you will certainly be able to defeat laziness!


Habits are an invaluable fuel for laziness. They appear as a result of actions that are constantly repeated. Habits can be both good and bad. But, regardless of the level of their benefit, we bring them all to automaticity.

Where do they come from? When a person for a long time performs the same actions, he gets used to them, and they become an integral part of his life. Many people fall into a catastrophic dependence on their habits, but they are the ones that prevent us from moving forward.

That is, if we need change, we need to start doing something new that you have not done before. If you do not act, you will remain stuck at the zero reference point, not moving forward. Remember: changing habits entails global changes in fate.


Another obstacle in your way is ignorance. Its essence is that a person does not perceive new information and in advance, without knowing any facts, condemns her.

As a rule, people suffering from ignorance perceive change very painfully and do not want to notice anything new. They don’t trust anyone or anything, and the saddest thing about their situation is that they have driven themselves into a blind corner.

But they can still fix everything if they change their perception of the world around them. If you belong to this type of person, you must fully understand that everything around you is constantly changing and moving forward. You will either have to keep up with progress, or be stuck in the past for an indefinite period of time.

Change - both the world around you and your life will certainly change for the better!

Everyone has heard about the word “self-development”. Everyone puts their own meaning into it, and for some it becomes the meaning of life. But what is self-development?


The word speaks for itself. Self-development is personal development (or growth, to put it another way), which is a very popular topic in psychology. This is where a lot of money is made these days.

Initially, the term “personal growth” was introduced by well-known psychologists Maslow and Carl Rogers. It refers to the secondary (higher) spiritual needs of a person. As already mentioned, many people want to develop themselves personally, but not all of them. Self-development includes a wide range of things, such as career, achievement inner harmony, absence negative thoughts, kind attitude towards other people, self-control, realizing your talents/desires/goals, establishing social connections, reading useful books, getting out of your comfort zone, balancing self-esteem, dealing with fears and much more. This can even be attributed physical development, since a person pursuing the goal of self-improvement usually wants to comprehend it in all its diversity.


Personal self-development has many benefits for a person. For example:

  • Achieving spiritual peace. This can also include getting rid of apathy and more serious things. A lot of people don't know what's bothering them. It seems to them that they are spending their lives aimlessly if they do not do something useful for themselves and others every day. And it is for them that self-development usually becomes the highest meaning of life.
  • Career growth. A person who works on himself can often find himself in some business or move up the career ladder.
  • Developing yourself can become a pleasant part of life, entailing improvement in many areas, getting rid of large quantity stress.


Self-development and self-improvement are two very related concepts. Chasing them as such may not be the goal. This is a long process that has no end. And this is a very big drawback of self-development - a person can get too carried away by it, but in the end he will not come to anything, because personal development has no ultimate goal.

And unfortunately, it is not uncommon that people who are passionate about self-development are filled with pride and feel much superior to other people just from the fact that they are engaged in spiritual development.

But let's move from bad to good. Even without spending on trainings and psychologists, you can make great progress along the path of self-development; the best and universal advice will help you with this.

How to achieve personal growth?

You already understand what self-development is and what it means for you, and now let’s move on to action. First, of course, you need to set yourself in the right mood, realize what you can do to develop yourself and make a list (mentally or on paper).

Below we will talk specifically about personal self-development. It’s worth considering that some people see meaning in spiritual self-improvement and religion, so it’s different for everyone.

Now let's move on to the next most popular steps.


Often people are stressed, in order to relax and calm down, they need something special. Meditation does not require much time, but allows a person to be alone with himself and his thoughts. It will help you filter out the unnecessary and teach you to concentrate. You can do meditation for just 1-3 minutes or more (optional). But it is worth considering that this method of relaxation is not suitable for everyone, because for a certain type of character, meditation does not help at all, and is even annoying.

Healthy lifestyle

Everything here is definitely simple. In a healthy body healthy mind. At good health you can do other things, for example, a career, social relations, family and others important things. Also, being healthy is much cheaper than ultimately treating diseases, from which no one is immune. By the way, you can reduce the risks:

    • Proper nutrition directly affects your well-being. All you need to do is reduce the amount of unhealthy foods (for example, fast food) and not skip meals (especially breakfast).
    • Get adequate sleep (6-9 hours on average) every day.
    • Sports - it is enough to just go for a run 2-3 times a week, do fitness or dance, depending on your preferences and physical indications for good health.

Leaving your comfort zone

You shouldn't jump above your head. If you have certain goals that you have been planning to achieve for a long time, but still cannot start, then now is the time. This is also a kind of way out of the comfort zone, but without any madness that is not necessary at all.

Have you been planning to write a book, quit your job and become a freelancer or travel? This is all much more realistic and very feasible. The main thing is to start and take the first step. In the case of travel - save up, with freelancing - find your niche, etc.


The next point can also help those who decide to engage in self-development. Psychology spring cleaning It’s simple: we need to clean out and weed out everything unnecessary in our lives. And this applies not only to the home, but also to the environment, affairs and other things. Although regular house cleaning will never be superfluous.


It is also important to control yourself and avoid aggression, which can ruin relationships with people.

The next thing a person can do for his self-improvement is to let go of the past if it holds back and interferes. This is not always easy to do, but you need to look to the future more often and also live in the present. As a last resort, see a psychologist.

Lists and diaries

It was already mentioned above that it is very convenient to write everything down on paper. Lists are convenient because they organize plans and tasks. And a diary can sometimes replace a psychologist. The more you open your thoughts to paper, the easier it is to understand yourself. A journal can help along the way. First, it writes down what self-development is for specific person, as well as all your thoughts and events. It is worth noting that you need to record even small successes more often.


Reading fiction- an incredibly useful activity. It wouldn't hurt to read at least one book a month (preferably a classic). This enriches speech, broadens horizons and more.

  • "Be the best version yourself: how ordinary people Become Extraordinary,” Dan Waldschmidt;
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Story of Destiny and Destiny by Robin S. Sharma;
  • "Transcend: nine steps towards eternal life", Raymond Kurzweil, Terry Grossman;
  • “Get out of your comfort zone. Change Your Life: 21 Methods to Increase Personal Effectiveness”, Brian Tracy;

This is just a small list of books. In fact, there are a lot of them to suit every taste.

Instead of a conclusion

What is self-development? It can be spiritual, physical, personal. This is what develops a person in different senses and prevents degradation. A person can improve himself even if he doesn’t think about it. But you can also consciously try to make yourself and your life a little better.

The psychology of self-development is a continuous process associated with the formation of personality and character, with the development of habits and social reactions. Without him it is impossible to imagine a person of the “new world” who entered the era of information.

Self-development means not standing still, going in different directions, achieving your goals, setting new tasks for yourself. In this article you will learn about what self-development is from a psychological point of view and what factors influence the formation of a person’s personality and his comprehensive development.

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The psychology of self-development is a complex topic that cannot be understood in just a few hours or days. Sometimes it takes years to realize the experiences that other people have had, to understand and accept the personality within oneself.

In order to correctly assess situations and take the path of development, it is necessary to understand the basic mental processes that help a person perceive the world around him.

Basic mental processes:

  • memory;
  • sensation;
  • perception;
  • thinking;
  • attention;
  • imagination;
  • speech.

These processes are characterized by the reflection of a person who is in interaction with the outside world. Development depends on its level. They can be used to judge how strongly or poorly developed a person is. The main such process is memory; it has the ability to remember important information that the individual may need in the future.

There are people who have well-developed memory and do not need medications. Exists different quantities techniques that can improve memory quality.

- This is an important component of life success in family and career. And acquiring additional skills that help you achieve your goals helps you improve your level.

Another situation arises when a person is completely phlegmatic towards everything around him and has no personal growth. He becomes boring not only for those around him, but also for himself. No one is happy with stagnation, even people who are deeply convinced that development will not be able to give them anything new, and even more so, no one will expose themselves to the risk of this “newness”.

Psychology of self-development

Each person has his own character, he can be strong or weak. The psychology of self-development lies in development and even characteristic evolution, which, subsequently, will lead a person to his intended goal or secret dream.

The main enemy can be poor health, both physical and moral. It’s not for nothing that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind, because our problems, breakdowns and minor troubles affect the condition of our internal organs.

Without health there is no self-development. Apathy inhibits the development of personality; during illness, there is a refusal to communicate with the outside world. Such problems must be eliminated; they will lead you to the zero point of your segment, or take you far beyond the border of self-knowledge. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to define the concept of self-development from a psychological point of view and understand it.

Self-development is a process, it is constant, any inhibition of it can lead to irreversible consequences, including: loss of life guidelines, apathy, melancholy, frustration, depression.

A person who is dissatisfied with his life tries to compensate for his shortcomings by constantly making fun of others. In a large team one can observe the formation of such personalities as gossips, klutzes and eternal sufferers. An unpleasant sight, isn't it?

Therefore, in order to fully disclose the topic in the context of the psychology of self-development and prevent possible unpleasant consequences, it is worth highlighting 4 main points.

1. Motivation

Without it, a person will not be able to achieve his goals, but will simply sit and wait. If there is motivation in a career plan, in relationships, it will lead to positive results.

2. Result

At this point it is worth paying attention Special attention. Without it, new goals will not appear; without it, a person will be limited by his own beliefs or the opinions of others, which ultimately results in general delusion.

3. Self-development plan

Correctly compiled will be step by step instructions on the way to happiness. Going towards your goals without paying attention to obstacles in life is what the correct systematization of desires and aspirations along with motivation will allow you to do.

4. Ideology and perception

Correct perception of information, a constant flow of ideas and the struggle for the introduction of all sorts of know-how that will make housework or clerical work easier. Constant analysis of the acquired knowledge, as well as the ability to abstract from the mental garbage that clogs our consciousness every minute.

The main stages of personal self-improvement

Experts identify six stages or stages of self-development. At the first stage, a goal is identified for self-development. To achieve it, you need to draw up a clear action plan. At the second stage, it is necessary to set strict time frames, and secondary goals are also drawn up. And the remaining stages are aimed at self-knowledge, work on oneself, personality control, etc.

The simplest, but very important condition, have a notebook, tablet, or regular pocket notebook with you in order to record unexpected information. You need to determine for yourself the most important topic, and tune in to prey useful information exactly on this topic. You need to write down everything that comes to mind related to this topic. Reviewing your documented thoughts will provide some insight and direction for improving your life. As soon as a person understands that it has been used to the end, he needs to move on according to the plan to another topic.

It is necessary to act “right now”, without delaying until later, this habit should be developed. In order to achieve your goal, you need to act a little every day. The easiest way to explain this is through the example of sports. After all, to have a toned body, you need to perform certain exercises daily.

When you come on psychological training, you are definitely given a set of rules or recommendations that you must follow in developing correct and healthy habits.

All self-development tips can be systematized and grouped so that you can imagine a clear picture in your head of how to form your own plan individual development.

The psychology of self-development in practice has a stepwise form, where you slowly rise, starting from physical needs and ending with spiritual inspirations.

Less time to sleep

Experts have checked many studies and proven that for a healthy rest you need only 6 hours of sleep. The main thing in rest is the quality of sleep, and not the number of hours allocated to it. The most important thing to do is create a daily routine. You need to go to bed before 9 o'clock in the evening, from nine to one in the morning the most useful, healthy sleep lasts, this is a special phase when the brain rests to the maximum.

Favorite morning

You need to develop the habit of setting aside about an hour of time for yourself every day, in the morning. This time does not include brushing teeth or preparing breakfast. This hour should be after waking up, you need to lie down, think about your plans for the coming day, set yourself up for a successful, productive day. You can turn on calm music, the main thing in this matter is not to fall asleep!

As soon as a person learns to sleep less, he will have more free time. Gradually, he stops rushing, begins to live calmly, and enjoy the moments of life. This is considered the first, main step towards self-improvement.

Setting priorities

Every person has important things that cannot be postponed, and those things that can be put on the back burner. There are often cases where a person swaps these concepts and does not devote enough time to really important situations. As a result, the result is not at all what was expected.

Positive thoughts

Positive thoughts always play a big role, especially on the path to success. For example, you can imagine a meeting after a long separation, how a person is looking forward to it, even the thought of it makes a person happy. He, unnoticed by himself, begins to act quickly, with success, with a positive charge.

Therefore, it is necessary to learn to think positively regardless of the situation. Psychologists have the “Eraser Band Method,” where a simple rubber band is placed on the hand, and as soon as the person is visited bad thoughts, you need to pull the elastic band and release it. This helps prevent a person from focusing thoughts on the negative. After a certain time, the brain simply gets used to thinking only in a positive way.


You should always smile sweetly, this lets the interlocutor understand that his opponent is positive about the conversation. A smile can save a person in the most unforeseen situation, and will also contribute to a general improvement in mood, not only individual, but also collective. In addition, smiling people live much longer.


At the end of the week, on Saturday or Sunday evening, you need to pay attention to the past week, analyze what you did right, and what still needs to be worked on. You need to be able to praise yourself for the successful development of affairs over the past week. That same evening make rough plan actions for the next 7 days.


The psychology of self-development underlies any human achievement, whether it is a brilliant discovery or the introduction of a new style in painting or music, it does not matter, the main thing is the opportunity to realize oneself as a person who was able to leave a mark, and not be forgotten in the archives under a serial number.