Venus in Aries

Amazon woman. Very energetic, proactive, loud voice, confident movements, athletic figure. Next to such a beautiful warrior, almost any man will feel like a little boy. She is skilled and strong. Broad shoulders, tall, toned arms, strong legs. The hairstyle is so unique. “Braids” seem to be braided back so that the hair does not interfere in the “battle”. The hair is reddish or may be black, but always with a red tint, which is noticeable in the light of the Sun, abundant hair on the head, coarse hair. The bust, sorry, is small, such a small bust. Wide cheekbones, powerful forehead, upturned nose. If you look in profile, you get the impression that this is a woman from the Stone Age. He dresses differently, but most often in jeans and T-shirts with sneakers. They don’t really like skirts and dresses, because the legs are not the most beautiful and it’s not so easy to move quickly in such clothes, and movement for an Amazon woman is very important aspect In life, she will not tolerate a lazy and slow partner next to her. A feeling of strength and some kind of primitive passion. Rude and self-sufficient. It seems that she doesn’t need men. She can do everything herself. Drive a car, earn money, hammer nails, stop horses, carry children out of hot huts. Sport loves and respects athletic men who are purely physically stronger than her. Taciturn. Such a woman, ideally, needs a man who is very strong, stronger than her, extremely courageous and brutal (military, athlete). But more often she stays with henpecked people, because it’s not so easy to find someone equal in strength. And, if he finds it, then he immediately begins to compete with him and the relationship turns into a battlefield.

Venus in Taurus
Woman-woman. Very feminine, tactful, neat, sexy, she just exudes warmth. She's so smooth. I want to be with such a woman. You want to talk to her, she will listen and understand (or pretend that she will understand), but so believably, so unobtrusively that you will look for meetings with her again and again. It doesn’t matter what color her hair is, although it is usually brown or blond, it doesn’t matter how tall she is, although she is usually short, it doesn’t matter what size her bust is, although she is usually large, but you want to be with such a woman, simply because she is. A pretty face, beautiful, friendly eyes, a neat, but not thin figure. He prefers to dress in dresses and skirts; he doesn’t really like trousers; he wears them only for housework. He dresses carefully and constantly takes care of his appearance. Likes to spend money on nice clothes. She knows how to cook and takes excellent care of children. Such women do not remain free. They are “dismantled” in their youth and kept in guarded reinforced concrete palaces for the rest of their lives. This rare view, because it is a species for which there is enormous demand from the male population. “Women-women” themselves are usually looking for wealthy (both financially and socially) partners, or at least promising ones. Yes, such a woman is a little calculating; she will not jump with the first romantic person she meets from the high road to the ends of the world until she is convinced of his ability to support his family and prospects for the future. They are attracted to partners who are strong, but not rude or brutal. Real estate and, in general, the partner’s material savings are of great importance.

Venus in Gemini
Female interlocutor. You can talk with such a woman for a long time and it will be pleasant. She knows a lot and can carry on a conversation. He prefers relationships “as equals”, without obvious dominance of one partner over the other. Average height, brunette, figure leaning towards thinness, sharp facial features, sharp “angles” of cheekbones, quick, sharp gaze. The intellect is high, logic prevails over emotions. Medium bust. Dress in business suits, trousers and skirts are perceived equally well, they love blouses and a ponytail hairstyle. Clothes should be practical and “getting dressed in the morning” should not take much time. I got dressed and ran. But there is a certain charm in it. This is a business woman. Relationships with such a woman are, in many ways, free. You will do housework equally; she will not tolerate any of your priorities like “I hammer nails, and you take care of the children,” everything is equal. You don’t feel obligated when you’re around her, as if you’re talking to a friend. You can discuss your work issues with such a woman without any problems and she will give practical advice. She will take it equally well to going to the theater or to football, there is no fundamental difference, the main thing is that there will be new topics for conversation and, possibly, new acquaintances. She will not “blow her mind”; in general, there will be very little emotion on her part in the relationship.

Venus in Cancer

Woman mother. Oh, this is one of the most desirable looks for men! A woman who loves you not for something (like, for example, other Venuses: for achievements (Venus in Taurus), for strength (Venus in Aries), for intelligence (Venus in Gemini), but loves you simply because you are who you are . It's like a mother's love. You will always love, even when you are outright wrong. Such a Venus can fall in love with a goat (not Capricorn, but a “goat” - a person with a bad character). She does not evaluate her partner, does not involve the intellect, but is guided only emotions. If you like a person, you will love him, regardless of his financial condition and social status. Even on appearance special attention does not pay attention, she seems to see in depth, is guided only by her own deepest passions and is not able to explain this love. Often she deliberately chooses a partner who is not self-sufficient, who is problematic in some way. And the basis of this choice is usually not pity, but an immense desire to take care of someone. If the husband does not particularly need such care, then the Woman-Mother devotes all her strength to the children, of whom there are usually many in her family. This woman is irreplaceable in moments of crisis, illness, in moments when you need help and care. She will care until the last moment, will not give up, and will even experience some joy from this care, because at such moments she implements her program. He masterfully manages household chores, loves children, and raises them well. You will be required to be sensitive in showing emotions, because the Mother Woman is extremely dependent on the emotional background in the house. Her moods can be changeable and a lot of patience will be required in communication, although in most cases she is still friendly. She needs to be told more often how great she is, because in the internal structure of such a woman some instability and instability can be expressed. There will always be extreme emotional intensity in a relationship, but the nature of these emotions is very deep and intimate, it is not brought to public attention. These emotions are barely noticeable at first glance, but they are very strong and have great importance in daily interactions. A woman-mother is realized in the family. Here she belongs. He dresses differently and, as a rule, doesn’t pay much attention to his appearance. Despite some external sloppiness, she is very attractive; you want to be next to such a woman. Warmth and kindness seem to emanate from her. Body type – average height, usually tends to be overweight, which becomes especially noticeable over the years. A man will accept almost anyone, except, perhaps, only the one who, for some reason, is not ready to have children or does not love them. In general, she tends to equate a man with a child and treats them, by and large, the same. Although, there are times when she needs care and then she tends to behave like a little girl, demonstrating her immense emotionality.

Venus in Leo
Female actress. Oh, this is the fire woman! Bright, fast, emotional, energetic, proactive! True, emotions here are, to a large extent, ostentatious. She tries to be heard and seen by many, so it won’t be possible to close her at home. It's like she's always playing on stage, even when no one is around. Sometimes she overacts, makes faces, and shows herself too expressively. She needs color in her life; in everyday life she will wither away and quickly run away. She needs adventures, acquaintances, parties, travel. She usually loves children, but limits herself to one or at most two offspring, because she does not agree to spend her life only on motherhood. She likes to play with children, raise them, but somehow she doesn’t care much anymore and she will happily transfer these responsibilities onto the shoulders of her husband. She is looking for a partner stronger than herself, but it happens that she remains with henpecked men who provide her with a home where she can return after busy working days. This woman is a careerist, but the goal here is not some specific position and earnings, but often fame, glory, and fulfillment in personal creativity. She will not tolerate routine work. It is extremely important for her to be noticeable, so do not rely on quiet winter evenings by the fireplace, she will leave with or without you, but she will definitely leave. She will go where there is color, where there is fun, where she can show off her talents and where she will be appreciated. He dresses brightly, spends a lot of time on makeup, and spends a lot of money on clothes. He likes clothes that are contrasting, bright, noticeable, branded, with claims to luxury. Loves short skirts, revealing dresses and blouses. Beautiful bright jewelry, and, if funds allow, then real ones gems. So that everything shines and she is noticeable. Loves flirting, even when in a relationship. Of course, she won’t walk - she needs a car, at a minimum, and even better with a personal driver. Growth is usually high long legs, but broad shoulders, there may be a predisposition to obesity. She likes to wear long hair, which she often dyes, and wears a lot of makeup on her face. A cunning woman, but a little frivolous. Loves luxury and everything connected with it. Respects powerful and wealthy men, sometimes even romantics (when they “sing” in your ear about how beautiful she is). She is very noticeable and graceful and loves to play with her partner. In communication, he respects humor and light conversations; as a rule, he cannot stand boring men. Everything at home should also shine: beautiful furniture, bright colors, fun atmosphere.

Venus in Virgo
Female ally. This woman is not very emotional. At the same time, she loves to communicate, but only on business. She is flexible in communication and can give a lot practical advice. Knows how to listen to a partner. Smart, logical, skillful. You can entrust her with some task, and she will carry it out responsibly. Unfortunately, with creative process She has problems, but she will be a good performer. Doesn't attach much importance to clothes. Loves business suits, dark colors, trousers. Loves short hair- maximum to the shoulders or makes a “tail”. The figure tends towards thinness, short stature, dark hair. Sharp but inactive facial features. This woman is a businesswoman, but her businesslikeness is aimed, to a greater extent, at specific activities, and not at conversations. She knows a lot, including “man’s duties.” Sometimes she gets bouts of gloom and then it becomes almost impossible to communicate, the woman becomes critical and finds fault over trifles. She almost never screams, does not show emotions, but she can easily “blow your mind” with her “logical” remarks. Spends money wisely, on useful things. Loves joint activities. Respects business men, is wary of romantics. It is good to work with this woman, she is faithful and constant, her mood rarely changes. She has a neutral attitude towards children and is ready to do housework, but on the condition that her partner will also contribute to this matter.

Venus in Libra
Female diplomat. This is one of the classic images of a woman. A man is a warrior, he is a straightforward and decisive creature. And a woman must compensate for this uncompromisingness of his with her own dexterity in interpersonal relationships. The stubbornness of a warrior man sometimes comes to his detriment, but a diplomat woman will be able to smooth out rough edges and turn enemies into family friends. She will smile, courteously, chirp cheerfully, remain silent when a man speaks, she will do everything correctly, subtly, aesthetically, and seem silly if the situation demands it. She is much smarter than she seems at first glance. She is cunning and does not show off her high intelligence right away. She knows how to “twist” a man. The man is the head, the woman is the neck. This is definitely about her. She is the perfect "neck". Flexible, beautiful and, when the head needs it, invisible. In inner life Such a woman pays much less attention to emotions than to intellectual research. She tends to evaluate a man’s actions from the point of view of the mind, and not from the momentary “passions of the heart.” Tall height (for a woman), pretty features, dimples, quick glances. Her appearance is lightweight, unsharp, her movements and contours are smooth, but she can be very agile. The breasts (readers asked me to write about this, understand, I can’t refuse), as a rule, are large, but, again, it’s not like with Taurus, here the shapes are light, they don’t burden the image. This woman pays a lot of attention to her appearance and is ready to spend a lot of money on buying jewelry. Loves social events, going out, meeting new people. In all her actions there is a certain superficiality and lightness; she wants to remain friends with everyone and can create intrigue and gossip. Public opinion plays a very important role in the life of a woman diplomat. She wants others to be proud of her man and their shared achievements. She tends to sort things out “for show”, while internally she remains restrained, and emotions are artificial. She values ​​justice and tries to remain neutral, doesn’t let a man get too close, and always leaves something for herself. He is looking for a partner who is strong, decisive and proactive, so that he can compensate for his straightforwardness with his diplomatic skills.

Venus in Scorpio
Femme fatale. This woman will change your life. It will transform you. And these transformations can be radically opposite in nature: from rapid degradation to rapid evolution. Passionate, caustic, nerve-wracking lady. She always demands something, peace does not suit her. We need movement, change. But it’s not like with an Aries woman; here they will exhaust you more intellectually and at the emotional level, and not physically. Likes to dye her hair red. He wears long hair and bright makeup. She loves revealing outfits, in dark colors with bright accessories. The height is usually tall, the build is strong, sinewy, long legs, medium-sized or small breasts. Sharp facial features, strong and quick gaze. He loves risk, loves “showdowns”, and can even fight with a man. She is witty and does not tolerate ridicule; she reacts sharply to all attacks directed at her. He doesn’t like “everyday life”. She quickly gets into relationships and, if she likes someone, she can take the initiative herself. Family image: Bonnie and Clyde. But there is one indisputable advantage in it, for which all other shortcomings can be forgiven. She is ready to die for her loved one. If she has truly fallen in love, then nothing will stop her, she is selflessly devoted to her partner and is ready to give everything she has. She will fight for love. The intensity of emotions here reaches its peak. "Love till death".

Venus in Sagittarius
A like-minded woman. A woman with whom you can travel, discuss issues of culture, art, philosophy. Marriage is very special. “Hotel”, rather. It is unlikely that you will live together, but you will travel regularly for fun. This woman does not tolerate boredom and hypocrisy. She is always searching for herself and does not intend to become attached to one place of residence. Average height, cheerful look, friendly and sociable, often red-haired, strong build, medium-sized breasts. Initiative, active, energetic. Loves bright colors. Respects dresses, but can also wear jeans. Always on business trips. She expects support from a man in his endeavors and, possibly, joint efforts in realizing his plans. Loves creative and unusual people.

Venus in Capricorn
Woman leader. This woman’s control over a man is not like the “outbursts of power” of other signs. Venus in Scorpio will try to control the partner, but the power there is psycho-emotional, when Scorpio puts pressure on feelings and provokes emotions (jealousy, passion, competition). Venus in Libra will try to subtly influence her man using charm, tricks, flirting and intrigue. Venus in Aries will want to test a man’s strength of spirit and body “head to head” in the most “conventional” way, also by provoking, and will try to win in order to command. Venus in Capricorn will use “legal” methods of managing a partner. For example, a very typical situation here is when a man is in a subordinate position in relation to such a woman at work. They may serve together in the same institution and Venus in Capricorn will use her “official powers” ​​to command her partner at home. Venus in Capricorn will remind her husband that she has a greater level of knowledge in the field in which they work, has achieved more and has higher qualifications, which means that, in general, she is a more successful person and has every right to manage the entire their lives, not just in the workplace. Here the situation of henpecked partners occurs no less often than with Venus in Aries. A strong woman is hard to find strong man, because they, most often, deliberately choose ladies as wingmen and do not intend to turn their home into a “battlefield”, where every day they will be forced to prove their own competence. Venus's power in Capricorn is not based on emotions or brute physical strength. There will be almost no “scenes”. Its power is official and enshrined in normative and methodological documents =). For example, such a Venus can be proud of her own origins and will remind her partner of this in every possible way. Demonstration of achievements, medals, certificates, awards - all this is usually present. Often, she plans everything herself and doesn’t even ask the man. Where they will go on vacation, what they will buy, what they will do - all this Venus in Capricorn tends to decide for two. Naturally, not every man will do this. Although they are rarely left alone. As a last resort, she will take a henpecked woman; there are always plenty of such ladies around her who will be happy to accept her authority and planning. “A woman should have a man, that’s how it’s supposed to be,” thinks Venus in Capricorn and simply won’t give herself the opportunity to avoid such a cliche. The appearance of a female leader is very eloquent. Tall, strong build (often sinewy, the “transitions” of body parts are sharp), fairly broad shoulders, often short hair, dark hair, confident gait, usually wears skirts, suits, but only classic ones, colors: black, gray, dark blue , white can be worn for a holiday, such a confident look, usually does not differ in any special shapes (chests are small, brightly defined). Sharp facial features, a tired, serious expression, wrinkles over the years (but not like Venus in Aries, they look like scars). A man needs a business man, with achievements, and at the same time an affectionate and caring housewife (she desperately lacks this; he knows how to cook and look after the children), so that she can respect and obey him, so that she can relax and finally feel “like behind a stone wall.” ”, that there is no need to be this stone wall anymore.

Venus in Aquarius
Woman friend. When you communicate with this woman, you will not feel embarrassed or tense, because you will get the impression that you are communicating with a friend. Even as if she is the same sex as you. You know, shy people have difficulties communicating with the opposite sex, but in this case there will be no problems. Venus in Aquarius will communicate with you as an equal. It is interesting to talk with her and men are usually drawn to such a woman. "In relationships they will always play a huge role" Mind games", conversations, humor. By the way, this lady has an excellent sense of humor. As with all “trans-Saturnians” (Venus in Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces), when you look at her, you get the impression that this woman is not of this world. Some features: tattoos, piercings, strange clothes, badges, hairstyles, hair color, figure - will make her stand out from the crowd. Venus in Scorpio, for example, loves to wear leather and latex - and it is the material itself that matters here, while Venus in Aquarius prefers unusual styles of clothing. A dreamy, detached look. She can combine incongruous things in her appearance. There is often no hairstyle as such, the hair is disheveled, but he likes to dye it in unusual colors: green, purple, red, blue, pink, and can be dyed several colors at once different colors to stand out. Appearance is difficult to accurately determine; it strives to be an individual, and therefore can look different; appearance can change throughout life. Often tall, long legs, long hair, elongated lively facial features, large cheerful eyes, such a strange, seemingly unbalanced gait - arms and legs in different sides. The chest, by the way, is large, but, again, like all Air signs, gravity is not felt in her image. They are usually not very good housewives, cannot stand routine, and tend to run away somewhere. They love traveling and meeting new people. You need a very intelligent, educated man. Such a woman will not tolerate pressure, only equal relationships and agreements.

Venus in Pisces
Compassionate woman. Another classic female image, classic and very popular. This lady often portrays herself as a weak, defenseless and vulnerable creature, and men “buy” into this. They are eager to protect her, care for her, and help her. And she is just waiting for this. By itself, Venus in Pisces can be very gifted and skillful, but in any case, she is waiting for a male patron, a patron, not a tyrant. Venus in Pisces is amazingly intuitive. Yes, she is very emotionally sensitive. Any inappropriate word you say can throw her off balance for a long time. Outwardly, she may not show resentment right away, but at night the pillow will be wet from tears - that’s for sure. She can become hysterical, fall into short-term inadequate states of complete despondency, but then she gets out of them. She knows how to masterfully take care of a man when she wants and this care is not as mundane as, for example, that of Venus in Cancer (feed, drink, put him to sleep), Venus in Pisces heals the soul of a man, and this is perhaps even more important. This is a man of mood. Unstable, changing, mimicking, very emotionally sensitive and compassionate. Appearance can change very dramatically throughout life. In general, a tendency to gain weight, although in youth he may be thin as a sliver (the paradox of the most mobile sign of the zodiac), large eyes, long or medium-long dark hair, medium or tall height, small or medium breasts, elongated rounded features , elusive, difficult to describe such features. She loves a home environment, but she is not a very good housewife due to her unstable moods. She dreams a lot, loves to sleep, and is very dependent on her partner and his moods.

Housewife Inessa is very reserved and serious. She tries not to lose her dignity and does not know where to start her story. And when she finally starts, tears pour out of her blue eyes. This unbearable situation has been going on for 10 years now - her husband is “walking” while she devotes her life to him, her children and her family. As soon as the earth bears these womanizers! But she is. With all my might. It's all just for the sake of it. And I don’t even want to anymore. But we have to. And above all - to ward off the insidious rival. Surely it is possible? Or better yet, wipe it off the face of the earth. And the husband is in the stable once and for all. Now she will find out everything about him and understand what to do. Where is that “button”, “lever”? Now I’ll show it to her, she’ll click on it, and immediately everything will be fine.

And again the Moon and Venus. In a man’s horoscope they occupy perhaps the most important places. In a man’s birth chart, they are responsible for the types of women that a man is interested in as a wife and as a lover. Venus is responsible for the beloved, and the Moon is responsible for the wife. Thus, they fall in love according to Venus, and get married according to the Moon. And if Venus and the Moon are in the same zodiac sign or at least in the same element, then happiness in the family is guaranteed to the man - after all, his views on his beloved and his wife coincide, which means that the man does not make any special additional demands on his beloved will. Problems begin if Venus in men is, for example, in the element of Fire, and the Moon is in the element of Water. But because fiery Venus makes a man interested in bright, bold and strong women who stand out for their manner of behavior and communication, but he will have completely different requirements for his wife - he will look for a quieter and calmer woman who will provide him with home comfort. This is exactly the situation - a sharp discrepancy between the energies of these planets - that happened to Dmitry, Inessa’s husband.

Moon in natal chart(birth chart) is in his Zodiac sign Cancer. Therefore, he married a girl from a family where the foundations and traditions are similar to his parents' house. For Dmitry, his wife is, first of all, a caring keeper of the family hearth. With all the ensuing consequences - borscht, snow-white shirts ironed to a crisp, well-groomed and well-mannered children, a calm and comfortable homely atmosphere. Inessa fully corresponds to the role assigned to her (her Sun is in Cancer in her birth chart). But Dmitry’s Venus is located in Leo - and the image of a chic, bright, powerful, intelligent and educated lady who knows how to shine and be the first in any society is extremely attractive. Modest and reserved Inessa, discreetly, although expensively dressed, neither externally nor internally corresponds to this theatrical, bright and strong lion image. And immediately the image of the insidious womanizer fades and blurs - after all, you can sympathize with the man. He really can’t be torn apart if such contradictions are inherent in his views on women from birth. And there was no kind person who would advise him to contact an astrologer and understand the situations identified in his natal chart. But Inessa came across such a person. As a result, she now sees the very “button” and “lever” that needs to be pressed. And there is no need to even kill anyone - after all, knowing the peculiarities of the hidden internal sexual and other preferences of her husband, she herself can be not only the Moon, whose role she already brilliantly plays, but also Venus - the very rival with whom she was determined to fight intends.

If a woman knows and understands what a man needs, then there is always the opportunity to play a little with situations - change her image, for example. A different hairstyle, makeup, perfume, clothes, and now the woman before us is no longer the same as before. And also change behavior - set the table differently or completely unexpectedly show off such artistic and advanced views on life, which not every Lioness can boast of. Men love with their eyes, and the native wife according to the Moon in Cancer, who externally (and a little internally) became a Lioness according to Venus, completely harmonizes all the contradictions and possible problems. Of course, if you want to save your family. And Inessa has such a desire. And I see how her blue eyes now shine differently - not from tears, but from determination. Defeat everyone - and, perhaps, take revenge at the same time, making Dmitry fall in love with a new, unknown person.

The planet Venus, which the ancients called the King of Life, gives the energy of well-being and love. The sign in the personal horoscope where Venus is located will show the main scenario of love and wealth. Depending on the zodiac sign and its internal energy Venus gives absolutely different needs and ways of self-expression in the areas of love and relationships.

Venus in a woman’s chart determines her femininity and preferences in love. In a man’s horoscope, Venus will show the female type that is most suitable for relationships. If you compare the signs in the male and female natal charts, you can determine what the nature of love and the attitude of partners towards money will be. Harmonious compatibility connects partners in the elements earth-water, fire and air. If partners have Venus in the same sign, then this is a sign of mutual understanding and kindred spirits.

Venus in fire signs - Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, gives external charisma, attractiveness, energy and amorousness. So, Venus in Aries will switch attention from one object of desire to another within one day. For Sagittarius Venus falling in love is also characteristic, but in this case love will last longer than in the case of the Aries sign. Venus in Leo in men and women it gives the need to be loved, as well as greater generosity in expressing feelings and gifts. Leo Venus is capable of courting for a long time and organizing a celebration of life for a loved one every day. Venus in the signs of the element Fire loves Venus in the signs of the element Air. Such a partnership will be filled with unusual and strong energy of creation and talent.

Women with fiery Venus are recognized seductresses and hot things. The explosive temperament and bright appearance will not leave the male environment indifferent. Such women always stand out among their friends due to their beauty, temperament and bright emotional manifestations. You can win such a woman only by giving her the full stage. They should not be limited or jealous. Fiery Venus loves to shine in society and requires a lot of expenses. It's worth remembering that the element of fire reacts to visual images, so get your image in order.

Venus in earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, is far from sentimental. Venus is the ruler of the sign Taurus, therefore, the owners of such a planet in their personal astro chart are considered one of the best lovers of the zodiac. But an overly pragmatic attitude towards matters of love and dependence on material wealth spoil the first impression. Therefore, the partner’s Venus, located in the sign of the element of water, will nourish the earthly queen of love with high feelings. But it is worth considering that Venus in Cancer and Venus in Capricorn– incompatible position for harmonious development love relationship. It is worth looking at the entire compatibility horoscope as a whole to make a forecast about the development of relationships. People are not planets or zodiac signs, so you should not judge love only by a horoscope. The earth element reacts to tactile sensations, she requires purely physical comfort and the luxury of the environment.

Women with earthly Venus do not like to stand out in society. They are characterized by pragmatism and material support for relationships. Taurus Venus- the queen of sex, and Venus in Virgo- Queen of love intelligence. Venus in Capricorn shows an experienced woman inclined for a long time hide your feelings both from others and from yourself. For earthly Venuses, the material component of life is important, so if the partner is not wealthy, then Venus will not provide energy for the development of relationships. Conquering Earth will take time and money, so prepare for a long siege.

Venus in air signs is far from earthly pragmatism and water sensitivity. The element of air loves with its ears. Airy Venus seeks food for the mind, loves to move in society because it “feeds” new information and communication. Stimuli for the intellect, renewal of the environment, ease of life and complete independence from material wealth make her superficial in relationships. The most powerful and charming Venus in the sign of Libra. This is the second house of Venus after Taurus. Peace-loving and doubtful Libras are ideal partners who are ready to compromise and think more about others than Gemini and Aquarius. Venus in Gemini gives long youth, the charm of intelligence, a variety of connections and a luxurious circle of friends, but is extremely unstable in affections. Venus in Aquarius can be extremely selfish and inconsistent in the development of the novel. For the owner of such a Venus, love grows out of friendship; she must have common interests with her partner. Therefore, it is worth learning to fly a hang glider or falling in love with K-pop if your heart is given to Venus in Aquarius.

To conquer airy Venus, it is necessary to provide freedom and nourish it with a variety of impressions. Venus in Gemini will appreciate fashionable appearance and a sense of humor. Venus in Libra is demanding of aesthetics and good manners, you can win her with a marriage proposal, enjoy cultural events and expensive gifts. Venus in Aquarius will appreciate new technological gadgets, unprecedented and unusual gifts. She also values ​​friendship and the uniqueness of her partner.

Venus in water signs is sensitive, emotional and attractive. A feature of water Venus will be control over the partner. Venus in Cancer needs care too much, so it will control its partner to strengthen the home nest. Venus in Scorpio she simply controls, because she cannot do otherwise, she was created this way. Venus in Pisces- a happy situation, but she also controls with the help of feelings in order to avoid suffering. For water Venus, earth signs are good, as they need feelings and emotions more than other zodiac signs. Just like earthly Venus, she loves material goods. The element of water tastes everything, it’s worth pampering the watery Venus with exquisite dishes.

To win Venus in Cancer, you will need to study the menus in restaurants in detail and give pleasant emotions. When Cancer Venus is agitated, digestion may be disrupted. Venus in Cancer loves tenderness and care, will always come to the rescue, and she herself will give a lot of warmth and pleasure to her partner and family. Venus in Scorpio requires unconditional fidelity, and the wealth and social status of the partner are also important. Venus in Pisces may feel sorry for you, but that feeling should not be mistaken for love. The man who wins the heart of a woman with Venus in Pisces will receive wealth and happiness. All that remains is to keep her focus on herself.

If the Moon and Venus in a man’s horoscope indicate what he is looking for, then in a woman’s chart these planets are responsible for manifestations of femininity in different aspects.

Yes, L una in a woman's horoscope indicates emotional manifestations. In addition, it talks about what a woman will be like in her own home, in the role of its mistress, and how she will manifest herself in the role of mother and wife.

Moon in the element of fire(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) - gives a woman leader, bright, emotional and
independent. She is not satisfied with other people's decisions, she knows what she wants and will not give up the right to choose to a man, at least in matters that she considers to be her competence. They can be aggressive and behave uncontrollably. They are capable of becoming excellent housewives in order to win competition in this field from other women.

Moon in the earth element(Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) - gives a woman a strong craving for the material side of life. Calm, pragmatic and balanced, they easily create coziness and comfort. Wonderful housewives with good taste. But sometimes they can be greedy, possessiveness and commercialism.

Moon in air element (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) - intellectual women. They are usually very independent, cheerful and optimistic. They can be windy and fickle. They are always a little cold and prefer relationships as equals. These are not the best housewives, although it varies.

Moon in water element (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) - usually impressionable, vulnerable, affectionate women, distinguished by romanticism and deep emotionality. Because of their delicate nature, men do not tolerate rudeness and callousness well, as well as coldness and aloofness. They are caring, attentive and sacrificial, but at the same time they themselves need care, although they are not always able to ask for it. A partner’s restraint can be perceived as indifference, which greatly hurts them and becomes the cause of resentment and quarrels. They can be capricious and suspicious if they believe that they are not loved enough.


Venus in a woman’s horoscope speaks of tastes and passions, the sensual side of nature, and reveals her as a lover and beloved, and not as a mother and mistress.

Venus in the element of fire(Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) - gives a woman emotionality, openness and a stormy temperament. Such women will not wait or follow the rules, but will take the initiative into their own hands. They strive to get everything they want right away. They are not afraid to prove themselves, to act ahead. Men are frank, relaxed, will not hide in the shadows, will not dance to someone else’s tune. Straightforward, sometimes rude, but also distinguished by honesty, nobility and courage.

Venus in the earth element(Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) - gives a woman calmness and restraint. Earthly Venus cares about her reputation and will not be the first to openly express her sympathy. Prefers to respond to a man's initiative. Rituals are important to her classic set“Courtship”, this is how she understands the seriousness of her partner’s intentions. Spontaneity and eccentricity are not for such women. They are sensual and constant in their relationships, they can be jealous and demanding.

Venus in the element of air(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - gives women dynamic, subtle emotions. Typically, airy Venus has a friendly, open disposition and spontaneity. Such women are playful and flirtatious and love to laugh. They are often driven by inexhaustible curiosity. They may seem distant and superficial because they are constantly preoccupied with their own ideas. But, at the same time, they do not try to control a man, preferring partnerships and friendly relationships.

Venus in the element of Water(Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) - gives a woman complex, confusing feelings. They are deep and intense, but not always understandable even to their owner. Tender and vulnerable Water Venus is prone to exaggeration and complications in relationships, and is very romantic and affectionate. Capable of selfless acts, but also of deception and hypocrisy. Needs a strong, caring partner, prefers to give the reins of power to a man. Most often, it is these women who take on the role of victim. Because they desperately need love, for which they will go to great lengths.

The methodology of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy allows you to analyze in great detail the compatibility of partners, even if the exact time of their birth is not known.

But before moving on to the compatibility analysis, you need to determine the sexual planets - yours and your partner (which greatly influence the 1st marriage). Build your horoscope using the VGoroskope service and determine the position of your sexual planets in the zodiac signs. Sexual planets create the sensual and emotional basis of relationships. Knowing this information will help you understand the “love psychology” of your crush and open the way to winning his or her heart.

How to determine your sexual planet?

  • Men born from sunrise to sunset (day birth, the Sun is in houses from 12 to 7) have the sexual planet Venus.
  • Men born between sunset and sunrise (night birth, the Sun is in houses 6 to 1) have the sexual planet Moon.
  • Women born from sunrise to sunset (day birth, the Sun is in houses from 12 to 7) have a sexual planet, the Sun.
  • Women born from sunset to sunrise (night birth, the Sun is in houses 6 to 1) have the sexual planet Mars.

It is believed that the choice of the first wife or first husband psychologically influenced by the position of sexual planets in the horoscope and their aspect by other planets.

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Tags: Sexual planets, day and night birth, man Venus and Moon, determine the sexual planet, woman Mars and Sun, astrology and sex