Masks - tattoos, relevant since the Stone Age. Evidence can be seen in France. The cave paintings of ancient people have been preserved in the Lascaux cave. Hunting scenes are depicted. The beaters are dressed in ritual masks resembling animal faces.

Theatrical variations appeared in Ancient Greece. Comic characters wore smiling masks, while tragic characters wore sad and crying masks. In the 11th century, the era of carnival designs began. They were created in Venice. Each type of mask has its own purpose. This is also reflected in the meaning of tattoos with them.

The meaning of the Mask tattoo

Sketches ritual patterns are mainly associated with Africa. Its tribes still make three types of masks. Some cover their entire face. Others are worn like crowns. Still others resemble helmets, completely covering the head.

Portrayed as human faces, and animals. The main thing is that the face of the mask is an ancestor. In the case of animals, this is a totem - an animal from which, according to legend, the tribe originated. It turns out that African tattoo masks meaning have, only reflecting the features of their ancestors.

If the rule is observed, the spirit of the forefather inhabits a person, warning against dangers, giving information from heaven. That is, the tattoo serves as a talisman.

The Indians also made ritual masks. The purpose of the “second persons” is the same – communication with spirits. The red-skinned Hopi tribe, for example, portrayed the Kachins. These are the spirits responsible for animal husbandry and hunting. Outside of Redskin culture, their masks can be applied to the body by fishermen and farmers. A tattoo will help in professional activities.

Separate topic– Egyptian masks. Tattoo, photo which they are shown symbolize power and royalty. The mask in Egypt was an attribute of the pharaohs. Tutankhamun's accessory has been preserved. The artifact is kept in the Cairo Museum.

The mask not only indicates privilege, but also serves as a guide to another world. The “second person” accompanied the ruler after the burial. The mask didn't work evil spirits take possession of the body of the deceased. Whether the effect of a tattoo is similar, one can only speculate.

Now let's look at the value Theater masks tattoo. In the ancient Greek tradition there are only two types of images - laughing and sad. The interpretation is appropriate. Two masks - tattoo, indicating the dualism of existence. This is the “Yin-Yang” sign, only in the European style. Harmony is not possible without the right fusion of joy and sadness.

Theater masks were also created in Asia. Japanese samples, for example, are more than 1,000 years old. The models are personalized. Japanese Theater masks tattoo - designs, among whom are dozens of heroes. There are Gods, demons and folk heroes here. The Devil's face is called Ondeko. Otoko is an ambitious and young man. Beauties are personified by Uba. Chania mask - tattoo demon women.

She takes revenge on all the men who treated her cruelly. There are also Samurai mask. Tattoo symbolizes valor, fearlessness, protection. It is interesting that samurai masks appeared not only on the theatrical stage, but were also part of the combat costume, covering the face from blows.

Let's move on to the interpretation Venetian mask tattoo. Initially, the “second persons” were called upon to protect against the plague. It was believed that death would not recognize the person it had chosen, even if he were wearing a mask. The epidemic passed, but people did not want to take off their accessories. The ability to hide played a role social status and plans. Thus, masked criminals could not be caught and identified.

As a result, Italians were required by law to get rid of “second parties.” Permission is issued only for Carnival days and for theatrical performances of the Commedia Dell'Arte. There are several main characters in it. Harlequin is a rogue and an acrobat. A tattoo with it is a sign of dexterity, the ability to dodge and adapt to the situation.

Brighella is a loser. The hat, similar to a chef's, hints at the character's simplicity and gullibility. Dottore is a pseudo-doctor. A tattoo with it is a mockery of the limited knowledge of specialists of the past, a call for an intellectual, reasonable perception of the world. The Columbine mask is an attribute of beauties, not covered in glory, but charming and pretty.

Custom tattoo designs Mask

African, Indian, Egyptian, Japanese mask tattoos and Italian samples compete with modern models. Gas masks are painted on the bodies. This is a symbol of man's struggle with nature and own mistakes. A gas mask is an attribute of danger and combat. The tattoo carries the energy of tension, the desire to hide from reality.

Warriors' helmets also serve as masks. Knightly models represent honor, courage, willingness to stand up for oneself and loved ones, and perhaps one’s homeland. Darth Vader's mask is similar to the armor. Character " Star Wars" - the emblem of evil. At the same time, the drawing is associated with a lost person who has succumbed to passions. Considering storyline movie, Vader was able to realize his mistakes. Therefore, the tattoo also serves as a sign of repentance.

Among the movie characters, Ninja Turtles are also used. Their masks mean courage and dexterity. The characters personify ingenuity and speed of reaction. At the same time, turtles are wise and associated with the philosophy of the East.

Clown masks are also popular. They are associated with laughter and fun. However, with psychological point Excessive positivity is a way of defense, an attempt to hide inner sadness.

Skulls are also used as masks. And they are considered amulets. The meaning of the drawing echoes the role of ritual masks of antiquity. The skull scares away death. Seeing the bones, she decides that she has already taken the man and goes home. In Mexico, the skull is considered to contain the souls of ancestors. Carrying their “house” with you means receiving the protection of the forefathers.

Most people put masks on their bodies, but there are also those who transform their faces. In this case, the person “gets along” with the chosen character as much as possible.

Esotericists say that masks on the face have a magical effect. However, only a few people decide to paint it. Society looks at such tattoos with caution, considering their wearers not entirely normal. Although, there are always exceptions. There will also be those who will support the creative impulse.

The tattoo in the form of a mask appeared not so long ago, but has already gained popularity among lovers of images on their bodies. It has its own special meaning, so it is better to learn as much as possible about it before applying it.

Mask tattoo on a man's chest

History of the mask

The first masks appeared in ancient times, when all of humanity believed in demons and spirits. To avoid being recognized in the real world, they wore masks. People who wanted to communicate with representatives of the other world also covered their faces. The mask helped them hide true face. Shamans used masks when they went hunting. They had to communicate with the souls of killed animals, so they needed protection.

Did you know? Winston Churchill had an anchor tattooed on his body.

The mask was considered an indispensable attribute for various rituals. For example, the inhabitants of India and Africa wore them during the initiation of boys and girls. Masks were also used in rituals to increase wealth. Very often they were simply dressed in order to rob wealthy people. Community representatives chose one type of mask for themselves and thereby emphasized that they were from the same community. Masks were often used in Buddhist culture. Its representatives were very jealous of those who did not recognize or attacked their faith. They used masks as protection. During the celebrations, lamas wore masks and costumes representing evil gods.

Tattoo theatrical masks On the hand

A mask tattoo can become a real amulet for its owner. To do this, it is better to contact not only a tattoo artist, but also a person with psychic abilities.

Yesterday I went to the salon and got a mask tattooed on my chest. It turned out very colorful, although the skin has not yet healed. I'm looking forward to the final result!

Oleg, Tomsk

Masks were not only worn on the face. Ancient people used them as a headdress, carried them in their hands and even in their teeth. Costumes in the form of masks were very popular. They helped hide the appearance of one person or even several people.

Mask tattoos on the side of the body in the Chicano style

What does a mask tattoo mean?

The mask is a symbol of human duality. It can mean non-existence, transformation, concealment, protection. In some cases, this tattoo conveys a certain message containing an intangible and impersonal meaning. As a rule, it is chosen by people who want to hide their inner qualities and motives. The mask was a kind of amulet for the inhabitants of Oceania and Africa, so it is also applied for these purposes. A tattoo in the form of a mask can be seen on the body of many creative people. For example, Mikhail Galustyan.

Distorted or unique facial features can be presented in various ways - tragic or comic. This is exactly the meaning that the image of the mask carries. This is a kind of unity of two opposing personalities in one person. A mask tattoo, a photo of which can be found in any catalog of tattoo parlors, has various image options.

There are also masks in the style of an evil clown

Today, tattoo parlors use 4 variants of mask tattoos:

  • Venetian
  • Hollywood
  • theatrical
  • Chania mask

Each of them carries its own special meaning.

Important! Before you tattoo a mask, you need to decide which one suits your inner state best.

Theater mask

The first theatrical masks appeared in Greece and Rome. With their help, the actors expressed their experiences on stage. After some time, the mask became a symbol of theatrical art. If you want to emphasize that a person’s life is fickle and changeable, feel free to choose this image as a tattoo. This mask tattoo, sketches of which can be found even on the Internet, is suitable for actors and all creative people, as well as for everyone who likes to joke and be sad at the same time.

I've always been fascinated by carnivals. Once I was even lucky enough to visit one of them. As soon as I arrived home, I went to the salon to get a tattoo of carnival mask. I wanted the unforgettable impressions I received from the trip to stay with me forever. The master tattooed me with a mask on my shoulder blade. I chose the most colorful colors. Everyone around me was delighted with my tattoo!

Elena, Moscow

Sad and happy emotions in the image of masks

Venetian masks

The Venetian carnivals are still not complete without masks decorated precious stones and gold jewelry. The main purpose of these accessories is to compare all participants in the holiday, who may have different material and social status. The Venetian mask could only be worn during the carnival itself. Today, this tattoo is a symbol of fair realism and tough peace. A mask tattoo, the meaning of which may differ depending on the type, can be depicted in either black and white or bright colors.

Hollywood masks

We owe the appearance of this type of mask to American horror films. Such a tattoo inspires fear and anxiety in everyone around you. It symbolizes bloodthirstiness, cruelty, mystery and danger.

I play in the theater, so I wanted to get myself a tattoo that would highlight my acting abilities. The designer advised me to choose a mask tattoo. I didn’t want a black and white image, so the master chose bright and rich shades for me. I was very pleased.

Oksana, Tyumen

Mask tattoo using trash style and a little watercolor

Chania mask

This mask has interesting story. A Japanese girl fell in love with a wandering monk, but he did not reciprocate her feelings. As a result, the Japanese woman became jealous, vengeful and turned into an evil demon. It is he who is depicted on the Chania mask. The mask is quite scary - with black eyes, scary teeth and horns. A tattoo in the form of this mask symbolizes all-consuming fire and the breath of passion, since Japanese girl, turning into a demon, fell in love with another man and burned him.

Video: master makes tattoo masks

Mask tattoo in photo

Mask tattoo designs

Many people nowadays want to decorate their body with tattoos. For some, this is just decoration, but for others, they are made with meaning, because it was for various ritual and sacred actions that they were made at the very beginning.

One of the most common motifs among modern tattoos are masks..

The guys

If a mask tattoo is found on guys, then the meaning here is derived from secrecy. The person seems to take on another role in order to hide his true essence. These do not necessarily have to be theatrical attributes, since tattoos can contain images of other types of masks. This approach shows that reincarnation is characteristic of man and he is aware of the impermanence of human essence.

It is also worth considering exactly how the mask is depicted. If it is an aggressive design with horns, sharp angles, teeth, and also has a demonic connotation, then this already says more about the person himself. These masks are protective and tattoos with such images are designed to protect their owner.

Behind the pompous aggressiveness lies the desire to isolate oneself from outside world. But even a joyful and friendly mask does not indicate a person’s complete openness.

The meaning may change if the tattoo itself was made as a tribute to a particular culture. For example, the Japanese Hanya mask, which in the original can be deciphered as a symbol of love revenge and all-consuming passion, can only be made out of love for oriental motifs.

For girls

For girls, mask tattoos can take on slightly different symbolism. Here it is more relevant to talk not about protection under a mask, but about the duality of nature. After all, every woman considers herself an actress and theatrical masks in the form of tattoos can emphasize this.

It is worth noting that women often have not one image, but several masks together. Masks from the Venetian carnivals are often found.

They have a characteristic shape and are easily recognizable, therefore, many consider them simply beautiful decoration. In fact, the meaning of such a tattoo hides the equality of all people. Since at the carnival she could be hiding behind her as a merchant, coachman or even a doge.

Double options, when a sad and cheerful mask is depicted at the same time, shows the fickleness of life. This tattoo says that in life there are both black and white stripes. They are more inherent strong people who are ready for any tests of fate.

Prison meaning

In prison, tattoos play a big role because they say a lot about a person. Some of them must be earned, others are a sign of shame, while in freedom neither one nor the other will have such strong meaning For ordinary people. The most common tattoo in the zone is with two masks.

One of them, usually the one on the left, expresses joy, and the second - sadness. Here the meaning can be deciphered as the person’s mood when he was free, the left mask, and when he went to prison, the right one. Like many other prison options, they are not distinguished by the sophistication of their forms and great detail, as they are made using handicraft methods.

“The whole world is a theater.
There are women, men, all actors.
They have their own exits, departures,
And everyone plays more than one role"

This is how William Shakespeare expresses his thoughts in his comedy As You Like It.

What does a mask tattoo mean?

In this material we will try to reveal mask tattoo meaning, transfer Interesting Facts from the history of the drawing and its possible interpretations.

Today, many famous and creative people express a desire to get a tattoo and choose tattoos with images of masks. Mikhail Galustyan got himself such an unusual tattoo on his forearm.

This is a new and very interesting tattoo. Stylish and beautiful, it combines many components, for example, life realism, internal philosophy and the ruthless truth of the world.

Various meanings of mask tattoos

Depending on the context and what kind of mask is depicted in the picture, its meaning can be interpreted. There are four main types of masks that are most often used in tattoo art: theatrical masks, Venetian masks, Chania masks and Hollywood masks. Let's take a closer look at each of these.

Theater masks appeared for the first time in the theaters of the ancient Greeks and Romans, there were two types of them: comic and tragic, also known as “laughter” and “sadness”. It was this pair of masks that eventually became the emblem of the art of theater. The mask served as a way to convey the emotional expression of the actor. In honor of the god of wine, Dionysus, the first theatrical performances were held in which gods and people took part, where scenarios and myths were played out. The tragic masks used meant deep sadness and mournful despair, while the comic masks, on the contrary, meant joy and laughter. A pair of such masks means the variability of human roles and images in this life.

Venetian masks were originally used for the world-famous Venetian carnivals. The main material from which they were made was gold leaf, and they were decorated with precious stones. The main purpose of Venetian masks is to level all participants of the carnival, at least for a short time, erasing all boundaries between them: social, material and striking external differences. The Venetian mask tattoo tells viewers that all people are the same and have equal rights. But wearing such a mask was allowed only during the carnival, wearing it in Everyday life entailed punishment. If the ban was violated, men faced two years in prison, and women faced public flogging.

A person did not feel any shame, debauchery, or recklessness when he put on a mask, so the carnival was for people a breath of long-awaited freedom, a reason to have fun and take a good break from daily work and permanent bans.

Chania mask ( Hannya ) amazes with its depth. Originating in Japanese symbolism, it appeared in the form of tattoos. According to legend, this mask depicts an evil, vengeful and jealous girl who has turned into a demon. This happened because of an unrequited, but strong love to a wandering monk. This terrible mask with horns, scary teeth and ashen eyes expresses the emotions of anger and indignation, it is an earthly monster and has nothing to do with Satan. Also, the meaning of the Chania mask tattoo is the absolute breath of passion, as the stories say, the girl in the form of a demon finally found her lover and burned him with her fiery breath.

Hollywood masks are becoming very popular today. They came into our lives, and then into tattoos from the plots of Hollywood horror films. Instilling fear and horror in others, such a tattoo is a symbol of secrecy, protection, illusion and danger, a symbol of deception, cruelty and inhumanity and sadism.

What does a mask mean in a tattoo?

The tattoo of masks has become the personification of acting and the hidden side of the personality from outsiders. Also, a tattoo mask can become a good amulet, like the shamans of Africa and Oceania.

A tattoo in the form of one or a pair of masks is an eccentric, unusual and interesting solution. The meanings of the mask tattoo are somewhat similar in meaning to the meanings of the “clown is sad” tattoo.

"Masks" - tattoos as an opportunity to show yourself

"Masks" tattoos – great way intrigue people. The very object covering the face denotes some kind of mystery, illusion or intrigue. A mask helps you hide from anything, even yourself. A person, hiding behind it, chooses for himself how and what to manifest.

A little history

Previously, the mask was necessary for people of unusual professions: shamans, executioners, healers. They had to carefully hide their appearance so as not to become recognizable. The first “mask” tattoos appeared back in the days of our ancestors. Then they were ordinary drawings on the face. A little later, shamans began to use masks in their rituals. Tradition says that such accessories helped them get closer to spirits.

The ancient Indians also actively used “mask” tattoos in their everyday life. They needed them for ritual ceremonies, hunting trips, as well as for the initiation of girls and boys into women and men.

In ancient times, masks were not always the same object as we see it. Archaeologists claim that these things were often headdresses. Our ancestors also carried them in their mouths or held them in their hands. There were even mask suits that hid from one to several dozen people.

Modern life

Nowadays masks are used much less frequently. They can be found in theaters, at masquerades, matinees in schools and kindergartens. Another area of ​​their application are performances, shows and some cultural institutions, a visit to which requires the presence of this item of clothing.

"Mask" tattoos are in particular demand among people of all ages. Such an image can be found anywhere on the human body. Its interpretation is extremely simple.

Meaning of tattoo

"Mask" tattoos have a special meaning. In general, they talk about the duality of human nature, hypocrisy and deception. However, at the same time, the mask allows us to show the presence in each of us of a mysterious inner world. People in the theater field attach a certain meaning to it that relates to their work.

Venetian, Hollywood, theatrical and Chania masks are the most popular types. "Mask" tattoos can have different meanings. Attention is paid to all small elements, of which there are usually many in tattoos. They simply fascinate with their originality and attractiveness.

"Mask" tattoos are in demand among creative people. They allow us to lift the veil of secrecy about a person’s personality. Small details can tell a lot about him if you understand their meaning.

What does theatrical mask tattoo mean?

A mask tattoo signifies the duality of a person, symbolizing inner qualities that are usually hidden behind the outer side of the personality.

Tailoring a mask can mean protection, concealment, transformation, non-existence.

In essence, the Dionysian mask of the Greek theater expresses only one emotion - it is either horror in the face of fate, or the open gaiety of the spirit that ridicules this fate... the main expression of the mask of that time was Confusion.

In addition, tattoo masks sometimes convey a certain message, contain an impersonal, intangible meaning that opens suddenly, like an involuntary recognition, revealing true desires, real claims; a vague, wild, immense perception of something that we

E are able to recognize, but this eyeless face, unlike us, seems to see inside itself, in the depths of life itself.

The image of a mask tattoo is also expressed by facial expressions, which contain a visible transcription of its deep meaning.

The shaman mask tattoo is designed to drive out evil spirits.

The elements of mask tattoos have a special meaning.

The mask tattoo plays the role of protection.

The chaska tattoo is a mask and therefore a symbol of deception, and an attribute of personified lies, the night that gives shelter to vice, the muse of tragedy, the mask is its attribute.

Become “what-you-would-like-to-be”; this is what constitutes magical character transformation, represented both in mask tattoos and in religious masks of Africa and Oceania.

The tattoo of a mask, just a face, becomes an expression of the solar and energetic aspects of the life process.

Decorative elements of mask tattoos should protect against adverse influences.

This disguise will not deceive anyone.

A mask tattoo is a symbol of deception, which is very skillfully hidden.

“A person is least like himself when he speaks
in one's own name. Give him a mask and he will tell you the whole truth.”
Oscar Wilde

You can hide whatever your heart desires behind a mask. A mask is intrigue, mystery, illusion and concealment of one’s own identity. Behind a mask, you can be completely yourself or completely not yourself. Everyone chooses for themselves what to show while wearing a mask.

But where did this bizarre element come from? human life? Where are its origins? A little history will not hurt before we begin to describe those masks that appear as designs on bodies.

The first mask appeared in those distant times, when people firmly believed that souls and spirits were very real beings. And when they appear in our world, they are forced to take on someone else’s appearance so as not to be recognized. Ordinary people who communicated with the other world also needed a mask so that none of the dead could recognize his face and come for him after the ceremony. Shamans have always used masks to merge with spirits and not only human ones.

While hunting wild animals, the mask helped the shaman communicate with the soul of the animal they were going to kill. It calmed and clouded the animal’s mind, making the hunt much easier. In addition, masks were widely used in various rituals. Thus, Indians and Africans considered it necessary to wear masks during the initiation of a young man into a man, and a girl into a woman.

The history of the Iroquois is very interesting. They had a secret alliance, which was called “False Faces.” Its essence was that the people entering it were supposed to heal those who suffered from “false faces”, which, according to legend, surrounded everyone, hovering in the air and taking the shape of creepy faces. Sick people were sent for treatment to one of the union members, who always wore a mask so as not to become infected himself. Healing magic relieved those obsessed with “false faces” from visions and persecution from them.

Masks were also used to increase their own income. Once upon a time, members of secret communities, in our time they would be called simply a gang, put on various masks, from the dead to the inhabitants of the animal world, and went to rob their own relatives. Murders were often added to such robberies. One of the most dangerous was the alliance of leopards.

They took advantage of the fact that these animals were dangerous in their native element (which earned them the worship of people), and wearing leopard masks they committed terrible robberies, robbery and murders of those who turned out to be disliked by the leader of the union. Of course, he was not the only one, history tells the curious many such stories, but they had one goal - to retain power and prevent reforms that brought innovations and improvements.

Buddhism, at the time of its inception, was quite aggressive towards those who attacked their faith, and to protect themselves from such attacks they used... masks, of course. During the celebration of the “Dance of the Gods,” which they called Tsama, the lamas wore terrifying costumes and masks of dokshits, which personified the evil gods pursuing enemies.

Mystical and cannibalistic symbolism was the main focus in the costumes of lamas. Their heads were decorated with diadems made of real human skulls, on their shoulders there was a cape made of tanned human skin with the limbs remaining on it, and their necks were hung with beads made of human bones. Their weapons were knives and clubs made from the spinal column, topped with a skull, and the bowls were human skulls.

Of the eight most terrible dokshirs, the most terrible was Jamsaran - the god of war. His mask was an evil, distorted red face, on which there were three eyes, and frightening huge fangs protruding from his mouth. However, contrary to the common purpose of the mask - to hide the essence, the dokshits were the way they appeared in the masks. And they are rightfully considered one of the most disgusting creatures of human fantasy.

Masks were not always worn on the face, and archaeological excavations confirm this fact. Primitive people They used masks of various types; they could serve as a headdress, be worn in the teeth or in the hands. Along with them, costume masks were common, which could cover one or several people. It is known that during the demonstration masks were used, under which more than a hundred people could fit.

Over time, the purpose of masks changed, they began to be used in other areas of life. The first in this was the funeral mask, which was supposed to be the most accurate copy of the deceased. Indeed, according to religious beliefs, a soul that wishes to return to the body may not recognize it, since it will be severely disfigured by decomposition.

It is for these reasons that masks were of such great importance in the sarcophagi of the Egyptian pyramids. But time moves inexorably forward, and now such masks are made of plaster and serve as a reminder of outstanding people of the past. The mystical component of funeral masks evaporated like dew in the light of the bright sun.

A special place in history is occupied by theatrical masks, which first appeared in Ancient Greece. The development of theater as an art divided masks into tragic and comic. But the Japanese divided the masks by color: red symbolized nobility, black revealed the character’s meanness, and white hinted at corruption.

The Middle Ages gave new life and the meaning of masks, they began to be used by executioners, criminals and conspirators. All those who wanted to remain unrecognized as long as possible. Thus, the mask has become a means of protection for humans. Residents of beautiful and amazing Venice were forced to wear masks almost all the time. The Council of Ten and the power of the Doge gave rise to a huge number of spies and assassins scurrying around the city day and night. In order not to be caught, the Venetians had to not only hide their faces under various masks, but also hide their bodies in wide cloaks.

Costume carnivals were just a subtle reminder that masks could once intimidate people. In the rapidly developing Middle Ages, masks of jesters and clowns were intended to amuse people, but not to intimidate.

Famous Iron Mask became a symbol of a mystery that no one will ever solve. But for many people this is not only a secret, it is also France. It is known that the Iron Mask is the nickname of a prisoner of the Pignerol castle. There really was a mask, but neither Voltaire nor other scientists could figure out who was hiding under it. Many logical chains and assumptions were built, but none of those who claimed to know it could reach the truth.

The Renaissance brought its own understanding of the mask; it showed the whole world that behind it lies deception and illusion. For this era, a mask was an exclusively negative thing that hid lies and vice.

But let's get back to tattoos. People who decide to associate themselves with the image of a mask should think about whether it will reflect exactly what the classics of descriptions and meanings of tattoos put into it. After all, having made a tattoo and one or more masks, it will become obvious to others that this hides the ambiguity, mystery, and sometimes even dangerous duplicity of a person. The most common sketches and drawings for choosing a mask are theatrical, Venetian and Chania masks. Some people choose masks better known from Hollywood films, one of which is the Jason mask.

For those who have chosen such a tattoo, it would be a good idea to find out the generally accepted meanings of common masks.

Japanese masks

Masks used by actors of Noh theater and Kyogen farce theater. Images of these masks are very often found in Irezumi stories as amulets.

Hyottoko is the name of a traditional Japanese mask depicting a funny male face. Some masks have eyes of different sizes, puffed out cheeks, a mouth elongated into a tube, as if for whistling, and a scarf, usually white with blue polka dots, wrapped around the head. The mask is used both during folk festivals and in the Kyogen theater, where it shows a comic character, a lover of drinking and riotous fun. The Hyottoko mask is also associated with the Japanese home spirits of the hearth and family well-being. Therefore, the Japanese often keep such a mask in their homes.

Okame or Otafuku is a mask of a woman showing a funny cheeky face. The mask symbolizes happiness and contentment, and also in the farce Kyogen, the actor wearing this mask portrays a kind and cheerful character. The name of the mask itself, “okame,” comes from the name of the Shinto goddess of joy and laughter.

The jo-men masks of the Noh and Kyogen theaters are intended for roles where deities are shown to people in the form of good old men. Shown is the mask of Okin, a celestial deity symbolizing peace and prosperity. This character is, in a way, the kind Father Frost from Russian fairy tales.

Tengu mask depicts fairy tale hero possessing supernatural powers. This mask is also used to indicate negative traits character's character - his excessive self-confidence, boasting and pomposity.

Mask of "Beshimi-akujo" - the old ferocious leader of the long-nosed tengu from Noh theater performances.

Karasu mask - tengu from Noh theater performances.

Masks of onryo (vengeful spirits) are used in Noh theater. Among these characters, the most famous is the “Hannya” mask, depicting a vengeful ghost into which a jealous woman has turned. Quite an unusual mask. She is crowned with bull horns, a look from under the eyebrows, and an open mouth with fangs. The soul of a woman who died without love and attention, who was angry with the whole world, is called upon to protect those who chose this mask as an amulet tattoo.

Kitsune-man is a mask symbolizing a werefox. In the performances of the No theater, the character in this mask shows insidious men - seducers, cheats and deceivers.

Types of Venetian masks

Venetian masks amaze with their diversity, so they have to be divided into several types. The classic and basic ones are: Cat, Venetian Lady, Columbine, Volto, Bout and Doctor of Plague.

Doctor of Plague (Medico della Peste). Plague Doctor

Doctor of Plague was intended exclusively for doctors who, during multiple epidemics of this terrible disease, came to the aid of the sick. The long nose of this mask made the wearer look like a bird carrying bad news. But the nose was a necessary element of the mask; it contained potions that prevented the doctor from contracting the plague. From this we can conclude that the Plague Doctor mask tattoo carries with it the desire to be useful to people.

Bauta mask

The Bauta mask breaks records of popularity among Venetian masks. Its popularity and widespread popularity is due to its functionality, because even while wearing this mask one could drink and even eat without any problems. And her special device made it possible to change the voice of the person behind the mask. She enjoyed special love among people of noble birth when they decided to go out into public and remain unrecognized. If you add a long dark cloak and hat to this mask, you could easily get lost in the crowd, which was literally swarming with people dressed in the same outfit. The person who chose this mask certainly wants to remain unrecognized. And, in all likelihood, he prefers loneliness to wild fun.

Columbine's mask is special; it cannot even be called a mask in the full sense of the word. It is richly decorated with precious metals, various stones and bright feathers... but only covers half of the face. The history of this half mask is connected with an actress whose beauty was so obvious that she refused to hide her face behind a mask and agreed to cover only half of her beauty. Having seen a tattoo in the form of a half mask, we can safely say that this person is proud of his external beauty and will not hide it under any circumstances.

Venetian Lady mask. (Dama di Venezia)

The Venetian Lady mask itself is very beautiful and elegant. They were worn by beauties who lived in the era of Titian's splendor, which was characterized by magnificent outfits and a lot of jewelry. By choosing this mask, and only girls do this, they want to emphasize their sophistication, romanticism and mystery.

The Venetian Cat mask has its own legend. It says that a certain Chinese man arrived in Venice with a cat, but completely without money, and since cats are a very rare occurrence in Venice, one of the rich people bought it from the Chinese. Some time after returning to China, his story spread throughout the city. And the neighbor of this Chinese decided that since such untold wealth was given for an ordinary cat, then for his excellent silk they would give even more. And he went with the fabrics to Venice.

Seeing these amazing iridescent fabrics, the rich man was delighted and gave the Chinese the most valuable thing he had - the cat. And this is where the cat’s travels ended, he returned to his homeland. By choosing a Cat mask as a tattoo, people most likely want to express their wisdom, which in the end turns out to be banal short-sightedness.

Volto's mask is better known as the Citizen's mask. She is unremarkable and copies ordinary human features as much as possible. It could be worn by all Venetians on days allowed for wearing masks. Appearing on a person’s body will most likely indicate his secrecy.

A tattoo in the form of a mask, whichever one chooses, is unique, charismatic and attractive. There is a piece of mystery in every person, and it is not at all surprising that, trying to preserve it, people are increasingly choosing a mask as their beautiful tattoo– satellite.

In photographs of finished tattoos, mask tattoos are often found made in the styles of Realism, Black & Gray, Chicano, Japanese. Slightly less common in Trash, New School, Polynesian styles.

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