And a number of other European countries that have joined the Bologna process are harmonizing the nomenclature of academic degrees, which involves establishing uniform requirements for three degrees in each field of knowledge:

  1. Doctor of Philosophy (here philosophy means science in general, and not philosophy itself; in parallel, there are similar degrees of Doctor of Law, Medicine, Theology, etc.),

awarded by an accredited higher education institution.

Instead of the highest single Western degree of doctor (philosophy, etc.), the German-style system inherited from the Soviet Union is used, in which there are two degrees:

In this case, the degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded by the dissertation council and approved (a decision is made to issue a diploma of Candidate of Sciences) by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and the degree of Doctor of Sciences is awarded by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission based on the petition of the dissertation council.

Academic titles

Academic titles are currently divided into the titles of associate professor or professor by specialty and associate professor or professor by department. The first are assigned by the Higher Attestation Commission, the second - by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (for more details, see “Regulations on the procedure for assigning academic titles”). The academic title of senior researcher is currently not awarded in the Russian Federation; it is equivalent to the title of associate professor in the specialty. Previously (and also currently in Ukraine and some other post-Soviet states), the title of senior researcher was awarded to employees of research institutes, and qualification requirements Applicants for this title did not include teaching work in universities, unlike the title of associate professor.

The academic titles of corresponding member and academician are officially recognized only if their holders are members of one of 6 state academies:

  • Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS),
  • Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAASHN),
  • Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN),

Previous academic degrees and titles

Status of bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia

Before the implementation of the Bologna recommendations, bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia are not considered academic degrees, but graduate qualifications educational institutions higher professional education. According to their status, holders of bachelor's degrees are classified as persons with higher professional education of the second level, which, in turn, is considered lower higher education third level which includes a master's degree and the qualification of a certified specialist.

Thus, from both a legal and practical point of view, the status and position of holders of a certified specialist qualification and an academic master's degree is modern Russia completely similar and equivalent, that is, they give equal rights to their owners to carry out professional (including scientific and teaching (including in higher educational institutions)) activities in accordance with education and qualifications, as well as equal rights to admission to postgraduate education (graduate studies) .

However, despite the above, there are still frequent cases of graduates enrolling in master's programs (usually on a paid basis, since obtaining a higher education of a certain level on a free basis is possible only once), which, however, should not be considered as a continuation education at a higher level, but rather as a hidden form of obtaining a second higher education (obtaining a master's degree in a specialty/direction somewhat different from a specialist diploma), professional retraining or advanced training (similarly), as well as improving the status of education (for example, in in the case of admission to the master's program of a leading university by a certified specialist - a graduate of a lesser-known university).

Nomenclature of academic degrees

Depending on the specialty in which the dissertation is defended, the applicant is awarded one of the following academic degrees. Below is the nomenclature for Doctors of Science; the nomenclature of candidates of science completely repeats it.

  • Doctor of Architecture
  • Doctor of Biological Sciences
  • Doctor of Veterinary Sciences
  • Doctor of Military Sciences
  • Doctor of Geographical Sciences
  • Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
  • Doctor of Art History
  • Doctor of Historical Sciences
  • Doctor of Cultural Studies
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences
  • Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Doctor of Political Science
  • Doctor of Psychology
  • Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
  • Doctor of Sociological Sciences
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences
  • Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • Doctor of Philology
  • Doctor of philosophical science
  • Doctor of Chemical Sciences
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences
  • Doctor of Law

Honorary degree

An honorary degree of Doctor of Science (Honor Doctor or Honor degree or Doctor honoris causa) is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without completing a course of study and without taking into account mandatory requirements (for publications, defense, etc.), but who have achieved great success in business and who have gained fame in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, religious figures, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are involved in teaching activities and give lectures in best universities many countries of the world. An honorary Doctor of Science degree is not awarded in medicine.

An honorary degree may be awarded or withdrawn.

Non-governmental organizations

Religious organizations can award candidate (doctor) degrees in theological sciences (or theology), award the titles of professor and associate professor, etc. Other non-governmental organizations can also award various academic degrees and titles, up to academician (see Non-state academies). However, all these degrees and titles are not legally recognized as such in Russia and do not give their holders the rights provided for by law Russian Federation. Currently, there is a discussion regarding the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to the scientific councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as has been done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer express the opinion of the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.


Related links

  • Website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Academic title” is in other dictionaries:

    Assigned to university teachers and researchers (usually with academic degrees) depending on their scientific qualifications and the complexity of the research problems being solved. In the Russian Federation, the academic titles of professor, associate professor,... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACADEMIC TITLE- official title assigned to teachers of educational institutions of higher professional education (universities) and researchers in accordance with the pedagogical and scientific work performed research work(professor, associate professor,... ... Professional education. Dictionary

    ACADEMIC TITLE- – qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers, the form of their certification. In Russia, the academic titles are established: professor, associate professor, senior lecturer, assistant, senior and junior researcher... Modern educational process: basic concepts and terms

    rank- TITLE, I, cf Title, name, officially assigned to someone, determined by the degree of merit, professional qualifications, official position. Academic title of professor. I am a minister, this is much more than you may think, but in my... Dictionary Russian nouns

    Academic title- Academic title ACADEMIC TITLE is awarded to university teachers and researchers (usually with academic degrees) depending on scientific qualifications and the complexity of the creative problems being solved. Positions in... ... are also called by academic rank. Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Assigned to university teachers and researchers (usually with academic degrees) depending on their scientific qualifications and the complexity of the research problems being solved. * * * ACADEMIC TITLE ACADEMIC TITLE awarded to university teachers and... encyclopedic Dictionary

    PROFESSOR- Academic title, as well as the position of a teacher at the institute (unlike other countries, where any teacher is called a professor). The position of professor is usually given to doctors of science, and less often to candidates of science. The academic title of “professor” can be obtained... ... Linguistic and regional dictionary

Universities have created a qualification system, according to which academic degrees are arranged in ascending order. But it’s not difficult to answer what types of academic degrees there are - these are candidates and doctors of science. In order to receive an academic degree, applicants must publicly defend their dissertation. It takes quite a lot of time and effort to prepare such voluminous scientific material. You can, of course, get by with a scientific report containing the final results of developments and research. But this path is only accessible enough famous people, who has numerous scientific publications.

In connection with the transition to the Bologna education system, several more degrees appeared:

  • Bachelor is the lowest degree possible. It is received by a university graduate who has studied for 4 years and defended his diploma. This used to be called “incomplete higher education”;
  • Specialist - awarded after five years of study at a university;
  • Master - duration of study is 6 years. The graduate receives this degree after an additional two years of study and having defended a second thesis.

Often when asked what types of academic degrees there are, the answer is associate professor or professor. In this case, the concepts are replaced - these are not academic degrees, but academic titles. Moreover, an academic title supported by a documented official certificate. Non-certified employees can also hold the position of associate professor or professor. The title is given for life, but the position may be temporary.

Academic titles vary by department and specialty, they can be scientific and pedagogical, so it’s not surprising to get confused in all these ups and downs. Some people holding the position of professor proudly call themselves “professors,” although they have nothing to do with the academic title. In this matter, the military is more modest - having colonel's shoulder straps, no one will ever call himself a general in a general's position. Some non-state educational establishments independently, without involving the Higher Attestation Commission, they award academic degrees of candidate or doctor of science and issue so-called certificates. As a rule, the legal side of such documents still needs to be proven.

Understanding what academic degrees there are and how they differ from academic titles is not as easy as it seems, but the main points are as follows:

  1. After defending the dissertation, the applicant is awarded an academic degree, and based on the results of scientific and pedagogical activities, an academic title is awarded.
  2. A diploma of a candidate or doctor of science confirms an academic degree, and a certificate of an associate professor or professor confirms an academic title.
  3. Obtaining an academic degree is more difficult than obtaining a title, so all efforts should be directed towards defending a dissertation.

People who have high titles or academic degrees are treated with more respect, so the desire for the highest form of self-realization and self-expression is still strong. But achieving a high position in society is not easy, but it is possible.


officially accepted indicators of the level of scientific or pedagogical qualifications of specialists, their achievements in the development of science, technology, culture and training of personnel with higher education. In the Soviet Union U. z., p. are awarded to specialists with higher education who have deep professional knowledge and scientific work in a particular branch of science.

IN different countries there is a swap of historically established terminology and nomenclature of U. Z., p. In pre-revolutionary Russia there were bachelor's degrees (lat. baccalaureus), master's degrees (lat. magister teacher), and doctor of sciences. The master's degree was awarded by university departments in specialties other than medicine, which immediately awarded the doctor of medicine degree, bypassing the master's degree. The following academic titles were awarded: assistant (lat. assistens helping), associate professor (lat. docens teaching), professor (lat. professor teacher), ordinary professor (lat. ordinarius ordinary) - occupying a department, extraordinary professor (lat. extraordinarius peculiar) - not occupying a department-RU*

In the Soviet Union U. z., p. introduced by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated January 13, 1934 in order to encourage scientific work and improve the qualifications of research and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences, academic titles - professor, associate professor, senior researcher, assistant, junior researcher have been established.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 29, 1975, a strict procedure for awarding U.S., s. According to this provision, the academic degree of Doctor of Science “is awarded by a decision of the Presidium of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission on the basis of a petition from a specialized council at a higher educational institution or research institution (research and production association), accepted after the public defense of a doctoral dissertation and the conclusion of the corresponding expert council of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission on the submitted dissertation " The academic degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded by a decision of a specialized academic council of a higher educational institution or a scientific research institution (research and production association) to persons who, as a rule, have an appropriate higher education, have successfully passed candidate exams and publicly defended a dissertation for an academic degree. candidate (medical, economic, pedagogical, etc.) sciences (see Medical dissertations). Applicants for the academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science must demonstrate the ability to conduct independent scientific research and the ability to develop current scientific problems of important theoretical and practical significance. An applicant for a doctorate degree must also prove himself to be a creative researcher. capable of posing and solving theoretical problems and major national economic problems at a high scientific level, representing a significant contribution to science and practice.


Higher certifying commission(The Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR) as a control process reviews all candidate and doctoral dissertations defended in specialized academic councils, after which the board of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR makes a decision on issuing a diploma of a candidate of sciences, and the presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission - on issuing a diploma of a doctor of sciences. The Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR, on the basis of the conclusion of the relevant expert council, has the right to cancel the decision of the specialized council to award academic degrees.

The scientific degree of Doctor of Science is awarded, as a rule, to persons who have a Candidate of Science degree in the relevant branch of science. Persons who have received the academic degrees of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science are issued a uniform diploma on behalf of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission.

The academic titles of professor, associate professor, and senior researcher are assigned by the USSR Higher Attestation Commission on the recommendation of academic councils of universities or research institutions (scientific and production associations), which have the right to file a petition for the assignment of the corresponding academic titles to persons who have an academic doctorate degree (for awarding the title of professor) or candidate of sciences, the required scientific and pedagogical work in the relevant position and have proven themselves to be highly qualified teachers, scientists and creators of scientific schools and directions. The academic title of professor is assigned by decision of the presidium, the title of associate professor and senior researcher - by the decision of the board of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR. At the institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the academies of sciences of the union republics, the academic ranks of senior research fellows are awarded to persons holding the academic degrees of Doctor or Candidate of Sciences by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences upon the recommendation of the academic councils of research institutions. Professors, associate professors, seniors researchers uniform certificates are issued.

In the USSR, as in many other countries, there are honorary academic degrees and titles. So, for example, an honorary doctor (of a certain branch of science), an honorary professor of an educational institution, an honored worker of science, etc. These academic degrees and titles are awarded to scientists for outstanding achievements in science, technology, including foreign scientists.

In the USSR there are also the highest academic scientific titles: corresponding member and full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences or union republics and certain branch academies, including the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Corresponding members are elected by the relevant branches of the Academy of Sciences and approved general meeting academy. Full members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, union republics and branch academies are elected by the general meeting of the academy.

In some socialist countries, the certification system for scientific workers and the list of academic degrees differs from those adopted in the USSR. So, for example, in Hungary the first academic degree is a doctor of the university (awarded to university graduates who have passed 2-3 special exams and defended their work on the university commission), the second degree is a candidate of sciences and the third degree is a doctor of sciences. They are awarded by the Academy of Sciences. The scientific degree of Doctor of the University gives the right to occupy the position of assistant teacher, and the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences gives the right to occupy the position of assistant professor and head of the department. Confirmation of the position of professor is carried out by resolution of the Council of Ministers.

In the GDR, the scientific degree of a doctor in the relevant field is equivalent to the degree of candidate of science in the corresponding field in the USSR, doctor-ha-bil (lat. habilitas suitability, ability) - the position of associate professor or professor.

The scientific degree of doctor accepted in Poland is equivalent to the degree of candidate of sciences in the USSR. Universities accept such scientific and pedagogical titles as assistant, professor (extraordinary, ordinary). Approves scientific workers in the position of professor State Council, and from that moment on they are considered to have the title of professor.

In capitalist countries, as a rule, each higher education institution has its own system for awarding academic degrees; All these systems are not unified. However, the main systems for certification of scientific personnel are Anglo-American and French. The Anglo-American system provides bachelor's, master's, Ph.D., or PhD degrees. The academic degree of Bachelor of Science (or Arts) is awarded to those who have graduated from English or American higher education institutions and passed special exams, and sometimes defended a short abstract thesis. The scientific degree of Master of Science (Arts) is received by persons who have a bachelor's degree and have completed an additional course of study for 1-2 years, and in some universities, in addition, who have defended a dissertation like thesis. The scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy or, in some high fur boots, Doctor of Science is awarded to persons who have defended relevant dissertations. In Burma, India, Iran and many other countries, persons who graduate from higher educational institutions with a 4-6 year period of study without defending work are awarded a bachelor's degree. The French certification system provides for bachelor's, licentiate, agrégé, and doctorate degrees. A bachelor's degree indicates completion of high school. The licentiate degree is awarded to persons in the 2nd-4th years of study at a higher school who have passed exams and completed coursework. This degree gives the right to work as a teacher in high school. The Agrege degree is awarded to university graduates who have passed additional exams and defended a dissertation. The agrege degree gives the right to be a teacher in lyceums. The scientific degree of doctor is awarded to persons who have defended relevant dissertations. Academic titles in capitalist countries, as a rule, are awarded to persons holding the position of professor or head of department.

The equivalence of educational diplomas, academic degrees, and scientific qualifications is determined by special intergovernmental conventions. G.N. Sobolevsky.

SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL COUNCIL (SMC) is a governing body within the Ministry of Health of the USSR (ministries of health of the Union republics), providing scientific and methodological guidance to medical research institutions of the Union (republican) subordination. The UMC interacts with the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, which provides general management of medical services. science in the country, with the main departments and departments of the Ministry of Health of the USSR (see) and the Ministry of Health of the Union Republics.

As health care became established and developed in the Union republics, UMS were created under their People's Commissars of Health. So, for example, in Azerbaijan SSR UMS was organized in 1922, in the Ukrainian

SSR - in 1929, in the Armenian SSR - in 1944. The standard structure of the apparatus of the republican UMS was determined in 1974. The standard regulation on the UMS of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republic was approved by M3 of the USSR in 1975. In this provision, the UMS is considered as an independent structural unit Ministry of Health of the Union Republic, acting as the Main Directorate.

In 1936, the UMS was formed under the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR, and in 1965 it received the rights of the main directorate of the M3 of the USSR.

Its main tasks, stipulated by the “Regulations on the Academic Medical Council of the USSR Ministry of Health” (1982), include: organizing scientific research on critical issues clinical, epidemiological, hygienic nature and monitoring of the results of these studies; leadership of scientific medical councils of the Ministry of Health of the Union Republics; planning and organizing activities to implement medical achievements. science into healthcare practice; improving the network and structure of research institutions of the USSR M3 system; management of the scientific and medical information system and promotion of the achievements of Soviet medical science. science and health.

The UMC convenes a plenum once a year, which considers the main results of the development of honey. science in the USSR and action plans for the implementation of its achievements in health care practice, including the use scientific achievements in the practice of medical examination, improvement various types providing medical care to the population.

The decisions of the plenums of the UMC, approved by the Minister of Health of the USSR, are mandatory for all institutions and health authorities.

During the periods between the plenums of the UMS, issues of planning and implementation of scientific research results are considered by the presidium and the bureau of the presidium of the UMS. The Presidium of the UMS M3 of the USSR gives permission to use new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the prescribed manner, determines the range of institutions in which these methods should be applied. The Bureau of the Presidium of the UMS reviews and approves plans and reports of research institutions subordinate to the UMS.

About the medical system. Service of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Scientific Medical Council of the Central Military Medical University of the Moscow Region operates, uniting major specialists in various fields of military medicine (see Central Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR).

Bibliography: Lenin's decrees on health care, 1917 -1921, comp.

A. I. Nesterenko, p. 49, M., 1970; P o-t at l about in B. M., V. I. Lenin and health care Soviet people, M., 1980.

In order to be admitted to defend a candidate's dissertation, you must also pass exams in your specialty in advance, foreign language and philosophy.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Associate Professor, Professor, Academician, Doctor of Science. What does it mean?

    ✪ What does a PhD degree give you in life? // Greed of Knowledge

    ✪ WHY DO WE NEED A CANDIDATE DEGREE? // Greed of Knowledge

    ✪ Introduction of scientific degrees in Russia - Elena Vishlenkova

    ✪ WORK IN SCIENCE - PROS AND CONS // Greed of Knowledge


Academic degrees in the world

Academic degrees awarded in different countries vary significantly in titles, qualification requirements, award and/or approval procedures.

Academic degrees in Russia


The awarding of academic degrees was initially one of the main privileges of European universities, distinguishing them from other scientific and educational institutions. The first and main university academic degree was the doctor's degree, which certifies the highest qualifications of the person being certified and gives the right to lecture at any university (right ubique docendi). By the 18th century, a comprehensive system of academic degrees had developed in Europe, including initial and intermediate bachelor's and master's degrees (awarded upon completion of certain stages of education). A similar hierarchy passed to Russia with the development of higher education in it according to European models.

In Russia, the title “master” was introduced by the decree of Alexander I of January 24, 1803 “On the organization of schools.” At the same time, the title of doctor was introduced, and later the title of candidate. The master occupied an intermediate position between the candidate (a person who graduated from the university with honors) and the doctor. A master's degree gave the right to the rank of titular councilor (9th grade according to the Table of Ranks). The right to “grant academic degrees or merits” was granted to five universities: Moscow, Dorpat (Yuryevsky, later Tartu), Kazan and Kharkov, as well as Vilna University, which was governed by a separate charter. Later, universities in Warsaw, Kyiv, and St. Petersburg received the right to award academic degrees.

On January 20, 1819, by imperial decree, the “Regulations on the production of academic degrees” were adopted, unifying the system of academic degrees and the requirements for them in institutions subordinate to the Department of Public Education.

The award of a master's degree was carried out after passing the master's exam (consisting of oral and written parts) and defending a thesis at a meeting of the university faculty; in some cases a public lecture was also required. Preparation for the master's exam took up to 4 years; only isolated cases of preparation for such an exam in two years are known. Thus, a master's degree in the early 19th century could roughly correspond to a candidate of sciences.

Academic degrees in Russian Empire gave the right to receive ranks of a certain class. The first legislative act introducing academic degrees in Russia (1803) established a correspondence between them and the Table of Ranks: if public service If a candidate entered, he received the rank of XII class (provincial secretary), master - IX (titular councilor), doctor - VIII (collegiate assessor).

The principles and requirements for scientific certification in the 19th century were set out in the laws “On the organization of schools” (1803), “Regulations on the production of academic degrees” (1819), “Regulations on testing for academic degrees” (1837 and 1844). In 1864, the “Regulations on tests for the title of a full student and for academic degrees” appeared, preserved in general outline unchanged until 1918.

Before the revolution, in the scientific and educational system of Russia there were academic degrees of full student, candidate (more precisely, candidate of the university), master's and doctor.

The composition and hierarchy of academic degrees changed in the 19th century. The original one, operating in 1803-1884, was the triad “candidate” - “master” - “doctor”. According to the “Regulations on the production of academic degrees” (1819), the triad was supplemented by the fourth (lowest) degree “actual student”.


To obtain a candidate or doctorate degree, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council created at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To defend a dissertation for a doctorate degree, it is currently necessary to have a candidate of science degree; defense of a dissertation for a doctorate degree is not provided for by persons who do not have a candidate degree, in accordance with the current “Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees”. It should be noted that the correspondence or relatedness of branches of science and specialties previously received (sequentially) of higher education, the degree of Candidate of Sciences and the degree of Doctor of Science being sought is in fact not regulated in any way, except in cases of seeking academic degrees in medical, veterinary and legal sciences, which are possible only if the applicant has a higher medical, veterinary or legal education, respectively. In fact, in practice, cases of obtaining a higher degree in a branch of science and a specialty unrelated to the existing one are recognized as quite acceptable and are not in any way limited by the Higher Attestation Commission: for example, a candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists), a doctorate of economic sciences by candidates, for example, technical and physics -mathematical sciences, etc. The possibility of prohibiting the receipt of an academic degree in medical and veterinary sciences by persons who do not have a specialized education in a master’s or specialty program is being considered.

An analogue of the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences in most countries is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and numerous degrees equivalent to it. An approximate analogue of the academic degree of Doctor of Science in countries with a “single-stage” system (for example, in the USA and Canada) of academic degrees is the degree Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), in countries with a “two-stage” system (for example, in Germany) - habilitation doctor.

Status of bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia

Before the implementation of the Bologna recommendations, bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia do not refer to academic degrees, but to qualifications (degrees) of graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education.

List of branches of science and academic degrees

Contemporary discussions

Currently, there is a discussion regarding the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to the scientific councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as has been done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer express the opinion of the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. One of the consequences of the public discussion can be considered the project “Concept for modernizing the system of certification of highly qualified scientific personnel in the Russian Federation”, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

This document, along with provisions for the transfer of part of the powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to public and private universities, provides for the possibility of public professional certification of highly qualified personnel not related to scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities. It is proposed that the award procedure exists in a number of states, but is not officially approved in Russia. professional doctoral degrees similar to those provided for in the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). It should be noted that this certification model, new for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, has practically existed in Russia since 1998.

In February 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science proposed to allow the receipt of academic degrees in the medical and veterinary branches of science only by persons with a master's or specialist qualification, respectively, in the field of medicine and veterinary medicine. A public comment procedure has begun and will end on April 16, 2017.

Supplement (additional payment)

In Russia, in connection with the legislation, allowances (additional payments) to wages and allowances are provided if an employee or military personnel has academic degree [ ] .

see also


  1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 24, 2013 N 842 “On the procedure for awarding academic degrees” (undefined) . Rossiyskaya newspaper (01.10.2013). Retrieved November 15, 2016.
  2. Hawkins C. F. Write the MD Thesis // How To Do It. - 2nd edition. - London: British Medical Association, 1985. - ISBN 0-7279-0186-9.

If you decide to work as a teacher, then you need to be familiar with the positions in university departments: assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, know what the difference is between them, and what requirements a candidate for each position must meet in order to have an idea of ​​what you need to be prepared.

If you already have experience in scientific and pedagogical activities, perhaps you have defended your PhD thesis, but you doubt the correct understanding of what a position, academic degree, academic title is, you will also find explanations in this article.

If you are just being idlely curious, who is superior: a professor or a doctor of science? Also look for the answer in the article.

How to get a job as a teacher at a university?

+ Improve your diploma

If you want to work as a teacher in the future, and there is still enough time before graduating from a specialized university, then do not waste it and work on your grades. This sounds trivial, but in practice it turns out to be true: employers really look at the grades in your diploma, and the higher they are, the more job opportunities open up for you, and no one needs C students.

If the diploma has already been received, and nothing can be changed, then, unfortunately, I do not know of any cases of teachers with C grades in specialized disciplines working at the university (Do you know such cases? Share them in the comments!).

+ Write a resume with a photo

The finished resume must have a photo, so it will be easier for the employer to combine and remember as one whole: you, your resume and the interview with you. Imagine, he/she may have a bunch of pieces of paper in his/her desk; when he/she takes out some kind of resume, it will be difficult for him/her to remember the person, the interview with him/her, and the impression made on him/her; if there is a photograph, the question is removed.

+ Contact the head of the department personally

If you are confident in your desire to find a job as a teacher and have ready-made resume, the next step is to find contacts of the head of the department of the university where you would like to work, because it is she/he and not some other executive university, is aware whether she/he has free rates, or when they will become available. Knowing the last name, first name, patronymic, work phone number of the department head, you need to contact her/him, and, in the event of a vacancy, you will be invited to an interview.

At the same time, talking with the department head by phone increases the chances of scheduling an interview compared to sending a resume by email.

Think about it, why should you sit around for a couple of weeks waiting for a possible response from an employer to your resume, and why should the employer go through the extra trouble of looking for a meeting with you? It’s better for you to immediately receive an answer: “yes, we have vacancies, come for an interview,” or: “no, and there are none in sight,” and move on, look for other options for solving the problem, how to get a job as a teacher at a university. The employer, in his position, usually does not have to “run around” for personnel; in the university, as a rule, there are few vacancies, and it is appropriate for the candidate who wants to get a job to show ABOUT greater initiative.

+ Choose a good time

A well-chosen job search time will help you successfully get a job as a university teacher.

Typically, the workload between teachers is distributed over the ACADEMIC year, and it starts on September 1. They begin to pre-distribute the load in the spring.

As you know, the academic year is divided into 2 semesters, and teachers most often quit, read: places become vacant, at the beginning of the semester.

From the above it follows that around May or June the head of the department will approximately know whether he/she will need new teachers for the next academic year. => it is better to contact the head of the department in May, June.

But in any case, things often don’t turn out as planned, and here too: some teacher found another job and decided to quit; he usually does this from the beginning of the 1st semester, less often - from the beginning of the 2nd semester. => you can monitor vacancies at the end of August, beginning of September, end of December, January.

It happens that in the middle of the year someone goes somewhere, then the head of the department has to be nervous to at least find someone, and in the middle of the year school year it is very difficult, everyone is arranged and working in their places. This is where he/she opens the folder with the accumulated resumes of candidates, and your photo in the resume can serve you well: he/she will vaguely remember one, barely another, but will remember you and invite you for an interview!

How is the competition to fill a vacant university teaching position held?

I will answer. On the first point: information about really free places university departments do not submit to labor exchanges or publish on the Internet; on the second point: posting announcements about a competition to fill vacant positions at a university is a formality, fulfilling the requirements of the competition procedure, and for each position there is already a real person who is now applying, and a little earlier held this position, his term of employment has simply expired agreement.

The fact is that this happens in accordance with the practice accepted at universities, in view of following the Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (at least in 2015):

" 1. Present Regulations<…>determines the procedure and conditions for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff in the organization carrying out educational activities on implementation educational programs higher education and additional professional programs, and concluding employment contracts with them for an indefinite period or for a certain period no more than five years.
3. The conclusion of an employment contract to fill the position of a teaching worker in the organization, as well as transfer to such a position, is preceded by election by competition to fill the relevant positions (hereinafter referred to as the competition). "


Practice shows that the agreement with the teacher is employment contract for a period of up to 5 years (this can be either 1 year or 3 years, or another figure up to 5), I am not aware of cases of approval of open-ended contracts, this happens, perhaps, with eminent professors (if you know the circumstances, examples when conclude unlimited contracts with teachers, tell us in the comments).

So, in order to occupy a certain position at the department, you need to go through a competition, which means confirming your suitability for this position. Competitions help keep teachers on their toes and force them to develop, since a suitable candidate is usually a teacher who meets the following requirements: has undergone advanced training, published scientific articles, teaching aids with work experience, and more.

Among the stages of the competition, the following can be distinguished: the applicant fills out a package of documents, the candidate’s report to the members of the department in which he claims to continue working, the candidate’s approval at a meeting of the institute/university competition committee, the candidacy’s approval by the academic council of the institute/university - this is in brief.

Positions at the university in ascending order

The lowest position of a university teacher is assistant . He, just like other teachers, conducts practical or seminar classes, but Not may be allowed to give lectures. An assistant's salary is the lowest, but the requirements for a candidate for this position are minimal - work experience of at least 1 year, and after graduating from graduate school there is no requirement for work experience.

The following position in the university in ascending order is - Senior Lecturer . The teacher in this position is also Not allowed to give lectures. But the requirements for an employee applying for it are quite high: work experience of at least 3 years and, in the case of a candidate of science degree, work experience is also required. In addition, the candidate for the position must present the results of conducting research and methodological work: availability of published scientific articles, publication of teaching aids.

For the vast majority of teachers who have not defended their PhD thesis, and therefore do not have a PhD degree, the position of senior lecturer is the ceiling for development in a department at a university.

Job title associate professor at the department at the university is given in the presence of an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (that is, successful defense candidate's dissertation) and experience in scientific and pedagogical work, that is, work at a university as a teacher for at least 3 years or the academic title of associate professor.

Senior lecturer and associate professor, the difference, as we see, is as follows:

Senior Lecturer is a position below associate professor.

Having a PhD degree is the main condition for an applicant for the position of associate professor.

The necessary scientific and pedagogical work experience seems to be the main requirement for an applicant for the position of senior lecturer.

University teaching positions also include: Professor , only a teacher who has an academic degree of Doctor of Science (and therefore has defended his doctorate dissertation), or the academic title of professor, as well as work experience of at least 5 years.

The difference between an associate professor and a professor is as follows:

The position of associate professor is lower than that of professor.

Having an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (or the academic title of Associate Professor) is the main condition for those applying for the position of Associate Professor.

The academic degree of Doctor of Science (or the academic title of professor) seems to be a necessary requirement for an applicant for the position of professor.

Position and degree

Now you know what positions teachers can occupy in the department, but I also mentioned such a concept as an academic degree - it’s worth dwelling on it in more detail.

There are two academic degrees in Russia: Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences.

To obtain PhD degree , you need to enroll in graduate school, after which you must defend your thesis - Scientific research dedicated to a specific problem.

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Doctor of Science degree awarded after the successful defense of a doctoral dissertation written during doctoral studies. You can enroll in doctoral studies only if you already have a PhD degree.

Is assistant professor a position or an academic degree? Associate Professor and Candidate of Sciences, what is the difference?

Thus, answering the question: is an associate professor a position or an academic degree? We can say that an associate professor is a position held by a teacher in a department who usually has an academic degree of a candidate of sciences.

Associate Professor and Candidate of Sciences, what is the difference? The difference between an associate professor and a candidate of sciences is that, as you already know, an associate professor is a teaching position in a university department, and a candidate of sciences is an academic degree awarded to him as a result of the successful defense of a candidate's dissertation.

What is the difference between a doctor of science and a professor? Who is higher, professor or doctor of science?

Doctor of Science and Professor - the difference is that Doctor of Science is an academic degree awarded to a researcher who has defended a doctoral dissertation. And a professor is a teaching position in a university department, which can be held, in the vast majority of cases, by a teacher with a doctorate degree.

In my opinion, it is impossible to answer the question: who is higher than a professor or a doctor of sciences, because these concepts refer to different systems for ranking scientists.

Professor is the highest position in the department: assistant -> senior lecturer -> associate professor -> PROFESSOR.