Submission of documents

“We try to minimize live contact between the applicant and the admissions committee,” this thesis has been the motto of the admissions campaign for the second year. Documents can be submitted to the commission through a proxy or remotely via the Internet. “The chance of admission is in no way linked to personal presence at the admissions committee,” the rector emphasizes.

If you still want to submit documents in person, then you should not rush and choose the first days after graduation. Documents for the budget can be submitted until August 5 (this is the first wave of enrollment, but, as a rule, already at this stage the places are filled), for the contract - before the start of the academic year, but everyone tries to do this as early as possible, and in the end they stand in queues. But already in the second half of June the commission will be much calmer.

By the way, you need to remember that the Unified State Examination results are valid for four years (if you passed the exam in 2013, then until the end of 2017). The commission will not require any documents confirming your success, but there is no point in deceiving: all data is checked through a single system, and your real points will still be known.

Admission to a university occurs automatically based on the results of the Unified State Examination.

Passing score

This year, Tyumen State University has received points in many areas of training. For example, to enter law, you need to score 65 in social studies instead of 39. In many areas, the passing score has increased compared to last year. So, if earlier to enter mathematics you had to score 35 points in the main subject, now it is 40.

You need to know that the conditions for admission to the budget and the contractual place may vary. Usually, the requirements for a contract are simpler, but it also happens differently, for example, in order to enroll in a contract position in the Physics major, you need to score more points in a core subject than for admission to the budget.

The change in the admission procedure affected the areas of “Pedagogical education”, “Psychological and pedagogical education” and “Special (defectological) education”. They require a medical certificate, because working in an educational institution assumes that a person is healthy - both physically and mentally.

Accounting for other achievements

Master's degree

Every year there are more budget-funded places in the Tyumen State University master’s program; next year there will be almost 95% of them, the rector notes.

When applying for a master's degree, as well as for a specialty and bachelor's degree, the university tries to minimize the subjective factor. In many areas, testing takes place in the form of automated testing. But, of course, in some specialties this is not possible, and linguists, for example, must personally communicate with the teacher. To demonstrate language proficiency.

In 2014, the university is introducing new master's programs. One psychological, “Psychology of Human Resource Management”, and three in the field of jurisprudence: “Corporate Lawyer”, “Lawyer in Litigation”, “Legal Organization of the Activities of Public Authorities”.

In general, the university focuses on the development of natural sciences, technical, and engineering specialties. It is the specialties within these areas that the rector includes in his personal profile.

“Entering a university should be prestigious, but studying there should not be easy,” Falkov is sure. The rector reminds: if you decide to get a higher education, take it responsibly. Now those golden times for students are gone, when even lazy people finished their studies. In some areas, the percentage of deductions is 65%, but this guarantees that university diplomas are your diploma personally! - will have serious weight.


Specialties highlighted , for whom chemistry is a core subject. To enter these specialties, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in chemistry.
If chemistry is a non-core subject, it may not be included by the university in the entrance examinations, however, knowledge of school chemistry will be necessary to study the chemical courses included in the specialty curriculum.
For applicants: documents, deadlines, rules |

Tyumen State University


020100 - Chemistry

Open Day of the Institute of Chemistry: 02.28.2016 at 12.00 at the address: st. Perekopskaya 15a, room. 111.
Minimum scores admission (2016, Chemistry, Mathematics, Russian language): 36, 27, 36.
Passing and average scores
2011: Passing score for the budget 164, average score of applicants 188.
2012: Passing score for the budget 185 , the average score of those admitted to the budget is 209, taking into account the contractual ones 191.
2013: Passing score for the budget 205 , the average score of state employees is 221, all applicants are 196.
2014: Passing score for the budget 167 , the average score of state employees is 210, all applicants are 201.
2015: Passing score for the budget 179 , the average score of state employees is 208, all applicants are 198.

The first to greet newly minted students
Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry >>


020201 - Biology

020803 - Bioecology - Unified State Examination in chemistry is not used

On the university website you can get acquainted with the documents:
Rules for admission to the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TyumGU", Passing scores for previous years, List of entrance tests for full-time and part-time studies at Tyumen State University and others.

An application for admission to a university can be submitted electronically. In this case, you need to upload scanned copies of your passport and certificate to the admissions committee website, and indicate other necessary data.

Tyumen State University branch: Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute named after D.I. Mendeleev


44.03.05 - Pedagogical education (with two training profiles, biology-chemistry)
- The Unified State Exam in chemistry is not used, admission to the Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics, social studies.

Tyumen State Medical University

Specialties and qualifications:

60101 - General Medicine 65 Doctor

60103 - Pediatrics 65 Doctor

60105 - Dentistry 65 Doctor

60109 - Nursing 65 Manager

60108 - Pharmacy 65 Pharmacist

State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals

Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Submission of documents

“We try to minimize live contact between the applicant and the admissions committee,” this thesis has been the motto of the admissions campaign for the second year. Documents can be submitted to the commission through a proxy or remotely via the Internet. “The chance of admission is in no way linked to personal presence at the admissions committee,” the rector emphasizes.

If you still want to submit documents in person, then you should not rush and choose the first days after graduation. Documents for the budget can be submitted until August 5 (this is the first wave of enrollment, but, as a rule, already at this stage the places are filled), for the contract - before the start of the academic year, but everyone tries to do this as early as possible, and in the end they stand in queues. But already in the second half of June the commission will be much calmer.

By the way, you need to remember that the Unified State Examination results are valid for four years (if you passed the exam in 2013, then until the end of 2017). The commission will not require any documents confirming your success, but there is no point in deceiving: all data is checked through a single system, and your real points will still be known.

Admission to a university occurs automatically based on the results of the Unified State Examination.

Passing score

This year, Tyumen State University has received points in many areas of training. For example, to enter law, you need to score 65 in social studies instead of 39. In many areas, the passing score has increased compared to last year. So, if earlier to enter mathematics you had to score 35 points in the main subject, now it is 40.

You need to know that the conditions for admission to the budget and the contractual place may vary. Usually, the requirements for a contract are simpler, but it also happens differently, for example, in order to enroll in a contract position in the Physics major, you need to score more points in a core subject than for admission to the budget.

The change in the admission procedure affected the areas of “Pedagogical education”, “Psychological and pedagogical education” and “Special (defectological) education”. They require a medical certificate, because working in an educational institution assumes that a person is healthy - both physically and mentally.

Accounting for other achievements

Master's degree

Every year there are more budget-funded places in the Tyumen State University master’s program; next year there will be almost 95% of them, the rector notes.

When applying for a master's degree, as well as for a specialty and bachelor's degree, the university tries to minimize the subjective factor. In many areas, testing takes place in the form of automated testing. But, of course, in some specialties this is not possible, and linguists, for example, must personally communicate with the teacher. To demonstrate language proficiency.

In 2014, the university is introducing new master's programs. One psychological, “Psychology of Human Resource Management”, and three in the field of jurisprudence: “Corporate Lawyer”, “Lawyer in Litigation”, “Legal Organization of the Activities of Public Authorities”.

In general, the university focuses on the development of natural sciences, technical, and engineering specialties. It is the specialties within these areas that the rector includes in his personal profile.

“Entering a university should be prestigious, but studying there should not be easy,” Falkov is sure. The rector reminds: if you decide to get a higher education, take it responsibly. Now those golden times for students are gone, when even lazy people finished their studies. In some areas, the percentage of deductions is 65%, but this guarantees that university diplomas are your diploma personally! - will have serious weight.


Tyumen schoolchildren are already finishing taking the Unified State Exam and are preparing for a new stage in their lives - entering a university. Higher educational institutions, by the way, are also waiting for applicants and are already posting information about budget places and the minimum passing score.

In total, there are six state universities in Tyumen, each of which has its own rules. If in some it is enough to successfully pass the unified state exam and provide a certificate, then in others you will have to work a little more and prove yourself in the entrance examinations.

How many budget-funded places are currently allocated by universities and how much is the minimum tuition fee - read the material.

TIU (Tyumen Industrial University)

This year, the flagship university has developed a new training program for first-year students entering on a contractual basis, which involves reducing the price of tuition due to a high Unified State Examination score. Moreover, the choice of specialties at this university is very diverse: more than 40 offers for applicants. The number of budget places is 1680 for full-time higher education programs. The average USE score is 64.

– This year, more than a thousand budget places have been allocated for bachelor’s and specialty programs at TIU. In total, the university plans to enroll more than 2,500 people in full-time higher education programs. Based on the number of budget places in full-time study, three large groups of training areas can be named - “Construction”, where there are 575 budget places, “oil and gas engineering, geology, applied geology, applied geodesy, geological exploration technology”, where a total of 471 budget places, and “mechanical engineering, equipment and technologies of ground transport, management in technical systems” - 233 places, said the head of the admissions committee of TIU Vasily Shity.

The cost of studying at this university starts from one hundred thousand rubles for full-time studies and from 50 thousand for correspondence courses. The maximum price is 186 thousand rubles.

Tyumen State University

The institution offers applicants about fifty specialties for every taste - from management to landscape architecture.

Tyumen State University includes: School of Advanced Research, Polytechnic School, Institute of Biology, Institute of State and Law, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Physics and Technology, Institute of Physical Education, Institute of Finance and Economics, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Earth Sciences, Institute of History and Political Sciences, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, Institute of Philology and Journalism.

“In total, 1,729 budget places have been allocated this year, the largest number of which are distributed among such areas as teacher education, physics, biology, ecology, mathematics and physical education,” says the university’s website.

Tuition fees at Tyumen State University start from 96 thousand rubles for full-time study and 41 thousand for part-time study. The maximum price is 250 thousand rubles. The average USE score is 62.

Tyumen State Medical University

This university trains in the following specialties: general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing. And although the list is not that long, the chances of getting into a budget place here are very high - 460 places have been allocated this year.

The cost of studying at a medical university is not small: the minimum fee is 143 thousand rubles. And the maximum is 180 thousand rubles. The average USE score is 72.


The Tyumen State Institute of Arts is also ready to accept applicants on both a paid and free basis. You can study here in 18 specialties: architecture, tourism, folk art culture, socio-cultural activities, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites, directing theatrical performances and holidays, library and information activities, choreographic art, pop music, musical and instrumental art, vocal art, singing art, conducting, arts and crafts and folk crafts, painting, graphics.

The average Unified State Examination score is 62. However, passing the Unified State Exam will not be enough to enter the TGIC. In almost all directions, a prerequisite is a creative test. The cost of studying at this university starts from 114 thousand rubles for full-time study and 46 thousand for part-time study. The maximum price for training is 190,365 rubles.

State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals

Tyumen graduates have already begun to apply to this university. According to preliminary information, the specialty “Agroengineering” is still popular among those applying for part-time studies. However, the university itself provides applicants with a choice of 16 areas, among which are “Technosphere Safety”, “Forestry”, “Horticulture” and “Veterinary Science”.

This year, 437 students will be able to study here free of charge. The largest number of budget places was allocated to the specialty of agricultural engineering, agronomy and veterinary medicine. The minimum cost of training at an agricultural university is 102,450 rubles. The maximum price is 142,870 rubles. The average passing score for the Unified State Examination is 51.


Education at the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering School can be obtained for free, but in order to get here, you must pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics, Russian language and physics, as well as have good physical training. To be successfully selected, the candidate must complete three exercises: pull-ups, a 100-meter run and three kilometers. All standards are submitted on the same day.

Applicants can choose a military specialty in which they will study for the next five years:

  1. “The use of engineering units and the operation of engineering weapons.”
  2. "Application of units and operation of electrical engineering equipment."
  3. “The use of controlled mining units and the operation of radio-electronic engineering weapons.”
  4. “Use of engineering position units, construction and operation of fortifications, and camouflage.”

There are no problems with accommodation at TVVIKU: freshmen are accommodated in barracks, and senior cadets live in dormitories.

– Meals here are free, the dining room serves buffet style food. The cadets have at their disposal educational buildings with specialized classrooms, educational and art libraries, an Internet class, specialized training simulators, an automated racing track, a leisure center with a museum, and a large sports base for sports, the institution reported.

Upon completion of their studies, graduates will be awarded the rank of lieutenant and given a diploma with the qualification of engineer.