Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman, which is accompanied by hormonal changes. All changes are aimed at adapting the body to bearing a child and childbirth. However, due to certain characteristics of a woman’s body or due to the fact that the concentration of hormones increases several times, various painful sensations may appear.

These are pelvic and lumbar pains that occur in 25-50% of pregnant women and women in the postpartum period. They are most often affected in the last months of gestation. This is due to the fact that the fetus becomes quite heavy, and the concentration of certain hormones in the blood is at a maximum.

An important point is that the concentration of some hormones increases and others decrease during different periods of gestation. In this regard, the severity of their effect on the fetus and the pregnant woman’s body changes.

Let's figure out why the pelvic bones, lower back and sacrum hurt during pregnancy and after childbirth? Is this kind of pain normal after childbirth?

Physiological action

It is believed that the hormone relaxin weakens the ligaments and helps soften the cartilage of the pubic and iliosacral joints. Its concentration increases at the end of the third trimester, thereby preparing the birth canal. The cartilaginous disc of the symphysis pubis, interosseous, dorsal, and ventral sacroiliac ligaments of a similar joint fall under the influence of relaxin. During pregnancy and in the first days after childbirth, the pelvic bones hurt most intensely; it may be difficult for a woman to lie on her side and back. The pain syndrome is localized in the sacrum, lower back, and hip joints. After childbirth, the condition returns to normal within a few weeks. painful sensations subside.

Excessive action

With an increased concentration of the hormone relaxin and its metabolites in the blood or with high sensitivity to it, it can cause excessive relaxation of the pelvic ligaments and cartilage. With pathological relaxation of the cartilage of the symphysis pubis, the pelvic bones diverge and symphysitis occurs, and if the sacroiliac is affected, sacroiliopathy occurs.

These diseases are accompanied by pain in the bones of the pelvis, sacrum, coccyx and hip joint area. Pain of moderate or moderate intensity increases with palpation in the pubic area and when getting out of bed. Patients complain that the pelvis and its bones hurt when going to the toilet. After rest, the pain usually goes away and worsens with any physical activity.

Injuries during childbirth

Increased relaxin activity, a large fetus, and complications of labor can lead to rupture of the symphysis pubis or damage to the coccyx. When the symphysis pubis ruptures, the pelvic bones diverge in this area up to 5-7 cm and immediately after childbirth cause painful sensations of moderate or high intensity. The pain worsens with any movement, and in bed after childbirth the postpartum woman is in a forced position - the “frog pose”.

If the coccyx is injured, the postpartum woman will feel pain only when she stands on her feet or sits for a very long time, during the act of defecation. The pain is intense, nagging in nature, intensifies when standing up from a sitting position, bending forward, or straining the pelvic floor muscles. The injury may be accompanied by curvature of posture and spine - antalgic posture.

  1. Objective data.

In addition to collecting complaints about pain in the relevant area, studying the anamnesis, the doctor conducts an examination and palpation to find out the distance between the pelvic bones and evaluate the function of the joints. Also, if there is a rupture of the symphysis pubis or symphysitis, the patient will not be able to raise her legs in an extended position upward while lying on a hard couch. There may be difficulty moving up the stairs and changes in gait, which are diagnostic criteria for making this diagnosis.

  1. Radiography.

The main research method, which is a litmus test in the diagnosis of postpartum injuries and lesions of the pelvic ligamentous apparatus, remains radiography. It is thanks to her that diagnoses such as “symphysitis”, “rupture of joints”, “fracture and dislocation of the coccyx”, “sacroiliitis” can be made.

According to X-ray data, 3 stages, or degrees of severity, of symphysitis are distinguished:

  • Stage I – the distance between the pelvic bones is from 0.5 cm to 1 cm;
  • Stage II – from 1 cm to 1.9 cm;
  • Stage III – more than 2 cm.

If the distance increases by more than 2-3 cm, you should think about rupture of the symphysis pubis.

Treatment of diseases associated with damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis after childbirth is aimed at creating favorable conditions for healing and strengthening of the surrounding ligaments. For this purpose, postpartum women are prescribed orthopedic pillows in the shape of the letter C, seat cushions in the shape of a ring (donut), massage, water aerobics and swimming.

A good assistant in treatment is a bandage, which provides quick and effective strengthening of ligaments, restoration of the function of the musculoskeletal system, while simultaneously unloading it. The bandage is worn throughout the entire illness. There are also special corsets that ensure the immobility of the tailbone and help heal it. Medicines are also prescribed that are aimed at reducing inflammation and relieving pain - paracetamol, ibuprofen, B vitamins.

Timely contacting a doctor with complaints, a detailed medical history and characteristics of the pain (where and how it hurts) allows for maximum effective treatment, is protection against the development of complications.


  1. Obstetrics / V.I. Duda - Minsk - 2013 - 576 pages.
  2. Obstetrics and gynecology T.1 / V.M. Zaporozhan – 2005 – 472 pages.
  3. Obstetrics. National benefit / E.K. Ailamazyan, V.I. Kulakova, V.E. Radzinsky, G.M. Savelyeva – 2009 – 1200 pages.

The birth of a child is one of the best periods in the life of every woman. However, not everyone has a favorable birth process. It hurts a woman unbearable pain, which she nevertheless endures steadfastly. Despite long preparation, unexpected changes may occur in her body that may cause her discomfort. For example, a woman may feel as if her pelvic bones have separated. Could this happen? First, it's worth understanding a little about the anatomy.

What happens during childbirth

When childbirth occurs, the baby must pass through the bony pelvis of its mother in order to be born. This is what happens. On both sides, the pelvis is formed by two bones. They are fused ischium, pubis and ilium. At the back of the pelvis there is a sacrum. The symphysis, or pubic joint, connects the pelvic bones in front, and behind this role belongs to the two sacroiliac joints.

The pubic symphysis is the pubic fusion of the two pubic bones. This is accomplished using a fibrocartilaginous disc. In its center there is an articular cavity similar to a gap. It is logical that there is joint fluid there. Ligaments strengthen the symphysis below, above, behind and in front. Thanks to this, there is no doubt about the strength of the joint. The symphysis pubis is a semi-joint. This means that he has a very limited access movements. In normal condition, the width of the symphysis is up to one centimeter. In front of the pubic symphysis there is a pubis, which has a fatty lining and a ligament that raises the clitoris. Vessels and nerves are located under the symphysis. At the back is the bladder and urethra.

The name symphysitis refers to all damage and changes to the symphysis pubis. These are softening, stretching, loosening, rupture, inflammatory process and 11 more components. Most often this occurs during pregnancy, childbirth and after.

So, divergence can indeed occur. It would only be more correct to say that there is a divergence of the symphysis pubis. There are reasons for this.


Why does the symphysis pubis diverge? The reason lies in the physiological changes that occur as an adaptive process. This helps make labor easier. Women who have given birth may object: is childbirth easy? Of course not. However, if physiological changes had not occurred, it is impossible to even imagine how childbirth would have happened and whether mothers could continue to remain healthy and alive. Yes, there are normal changes in articulation.

During pregnancy, the placenta and ovary secrete relaxin. This substance has a relaxing effect. The combined action of relaxin and female sex hormones leads to swelling of the articular ligaments and. They loosen. In addition, additional gaps develop in the joints, which fill with fluid. All this leads to increased mobility in the pelvic joints. Also, the distance between the bones that form each joint increases.

Such changes are most reflected in the symphysis pubis. There is an increase in blood supply. The entire ligamentous apparatus swells and loosens. As a result, the symphysis pubis increases in width by several millimeters. Small movements down and up of the articular ends of the pubic type may occur. This is similar to the movements of piano keys. The width of the pubic symphysis can reach one and a half centimeters. The divergence of the sacroiliac joint does not increase as much. All these changes gradually disappear. That is, over time, the articular cartilage becomes denser, the ligaments remain dense and elastic, and the width of the gap decreases. However, there are other factors in the divergence of the symphysis pubis.

There is such a thing as symphysiopathy. This is a strong relaxation of the pubic symphysis. It is a manifestation of toxicosis, and the osteo-articular system of the female body is damaged. Unfortunately, some women are faced with the fact that the above changes occur too actively and become pathological. As a result, a strong divergence of the pelvic joints occurs.

In the development of symphysiopathy and, as a consequence, articulation discrepancies, two factors play an important role.

There is such a thing as symphysis pubis dysfunction (APD). It may also include its divergence. Three periods and corresponding conditions can be distinguished in which DLS is observed, however, the exact etiology of DLS has not yet been fully studied.

  1. Prenatal: genetics, pelvic pain from previous pregnancies, history of low back pain, excessive or insufficient mobility, use of oral contraceptive methods, back or pelvic trauma. DLS is sometimes observed among multiparous women.
  2. Childbirth: vaginal operative delivery or delivery of a post-term fetus.
  3. Postpartum period: breast-feeding and hip joint.


It is clear that main reason discrepancy of the symphysis pubis is symphysiopathy. It is worth noting that it may begin to appear before childbirth. As calcium starvation occurs, brittle nails, tooth decay, paresthesia, night leg cramps, fatigue, muscle contraction and twitching begin to develop. If the symphysis is not very wide, flying pains appear in the pelvic bones and lower back. This is usually regarded as or. Sometimes we're talking about about the threat of termination of pregnancy. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, discomfort and severe pain in the pelvic bones are noted, especially when standing and walking.

Such conditions are becoming more common. However, symphysiopathy may not manifest itself before childbirth, that is, it may occur in a latent form. The second half of pregnancy is characterized by holding back the pubic joints by tightening the abdominal muscles. This occurs due to uterine enlargement. After childbirth ends, the abdominal muscles immediately become flabby. The discrepancy can reach two centimeters. There are three degrees of divergence of the symphysis.

  • 5-9 mm;
  • 10-20 mm;
  • more than 20 mm.


It is not difficult to diagnose discrepancies of the symphysis pubis of the second and third degrees. Pain in the symphysis area becomes more pronounced. It intensifies when a woman tries to change her position in bed, move her legs and even walk. Therefore, in a supine position, a woman usually takes on the “frog” pose, that is, she lies on her back, but her knees are slightly bent and her hips are turned outward. There are cases when the discrepancy exceeds two centimeters. In this case, the woman will move with a duck-like gait.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may palpate the damaged area. If he presses on the symphysis pubis, pain will be characteristic both from the side of the vagina and from the front. The discrepancy itself is determined in the following way: if you try to press your finger, then its pad will fit there quite easily.

Of course, it is important to conduct instrumental diagnostics to exclude the occurrence of other pathologies and make an accurate diagnosis. Two methods are useful.

  1. X-ray. X-rays can detect discrepancies, but bone pathology is not determined. In addition, X-rays have bad influence for the fruit
  2. Ultrasound diagnostics. This method is used most often, as it is safe and gives a more complete picture.

During the diagnostic process, it is important to determine the concentration of magnesium and potassium in both the blood and urine. When the articulation diverges, their level in the blood is reduced by almost half. When examining urine, a slight increase in their content is detected. These methods help make a diagnosis when the pregnant woman does not complain of discomfort or pain in the pelvic area.


If the pubic symphysis diverges, surgery is usually not performed. If the discrepancy is insignificant, after childbirth or during pregnancy, doctors recommend limiting physical activity. It is important to wear a brace. It is advisable to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. It is also necessary to take calcium supplements, however, their form must be well absorbed by the body. Need to accept fish fat, B vitamins, and take ultraviolet radiation.

If the discrepancy has reached the second or third degree, during the treatment it is necessary to bring the pubic bones, or more precisely, their ends, closer together. The pelvic bones must be held in a certain position. This effect can be achieved with bed rest. From two to six weeks after giving birth, you are not allowed to walk or even stand up. You should also use a bandage and tight bandaging. In the first 24 hours after birth, cold is used, and then physiotherapeutic procedures are applied, which are aimed at the pubic symphysis. Doctors prescribe calcium supplements and painkillers. If the discrepancy is accompanied by symphysitis, that is, inflammation, antibacterial therapy is added to the treatment. The foods a woman eats should contain a lot of calcium.

In order to determine the success of the treatment, an X-ray control is carried out, after which the woman needs to wear a bandage.

Today, special corsets have been made to help keep the pelvic bones in the desired position. This method helps to extend bed rest.

After a few days of wearing such a corset, a woman can not only get up, but also take care of the child, but the limitation physical activity is still present. The corset is used for 3-6 months.


Symphysiopathy and, as a consequence, divergence of the symphysis pubis, usually proceeds favorably. If this condition occurs before childbirth, this is not an indication for cesarean section. Depending on the degree of discrepancy, obstetric delivery tactics are determined. If the symphysis diverges very much and there is a danger of injury to the bone pelvis, a cesarean section is performed.

It seems that the most unpleasant consequence of pubic divergence is prolonged stay in bed and limited activity. This is wrong. If the articulation diverges by more than two centimeters, the symphysis may rupture. However, this rarely happens. Typically, a rupture occurs during childbirth, in which surgical delivery is used, but if a narrowed pelvis is combined with active labor.

The rupture may be accompanied by bladder injury and hematoma formation. An inflammatory process may also occur. If the symphysis pubis is very badly damaged, surgery may be necessary, after which the ability to work is restored after three or four months.

A correct lifestyle before childbirth, that is, good nutrition, regular walks and moderate physical exercise will help avoid such consequences and the discrepancy itself. Every woman should remember that the condition of the baby depends on her health.

After the birth of a child, it is very important for a young mother to support own health. Strengthening the pelvis postpartum period It has great importance for the general condition in general and for the restoration of the female reproductive system in particular.
How to strengthen the pelvis during the postpartum period, we will talk in this article.

Restorative gymnastics after childbirth

If you miss the moment and don’t immediately take charge of your own health in the first months after childbirth, then unpleasant consequences such as uterine prolapse or urinary incontinence may subsequently appear. It is much easier to prevent a disease using “fresh traces” than to wait for relapses and then be saved by surgical intervention.

After childbirth, only a few women recover with the help of special gymnastics, because the body needs time and caution in movements to return to normal. However, after consultation with a doctor, some simple exercises can be started as early as two months after the birth of the child. Restorative gymnastics will help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and promote contractile movements of the uterus, which will thus quickly return to its normal size. The uterus is still heavy, its weight presses on the pelvic bones, and the pelvic floor muscles are not yet able to cope with their functions.

What is the pelvic floor?

These are the muscles that support internal organs located in the hip area. From the first months of pregnancy, these muscles work intensively, supporting the ever-increasing weight of the fetus and the size of the uterus. By the time of birth, the uterus weighs about 7 kg along with the child, amniotic fluid and the baby's place, and in a normal, “non-pregnant” state - only 100-120 grams. So calculate how much more than usual the pelvic floor muscles were loaded throughout pregnancy and childbirth, which took place with increased tension in the same muscles. Caesarean section further aggravates the condition of the pelvic floor, because it is a surgical intervention that violates the integrity of the pelvic muscles.

Each of your movements “works” with the help of the bones and muscles of the pelvis, which have not yet fully recovered, so the load on them during gymnastics should be gentle.

  • For the first few days after giving birth, try to rest while lying down more often, this will allow your back and pelvic muscles to relax. Get out of bed only by turning over on your side - the load is on pelvic muscles there will be less.

  • In the second week after giving birth, try lying on your stomach for a few minutes, placing a rolled-up towel below your navel. These simple steps will help speed up the healing of the uterus and help quickly return to its original size. After the postponed caesarean section Perform this exercise only after the suture has completely healed and only if you do not experience pain.

  • In a good way Kegel exercises will gently and effectively restore healthy tone to the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises have no restrictions in case feeling normal, you can perform them at any time and anywhere. If you are at a loss about what kind of exercises these are, let us remind you - this is alternate compression and relaxation of the vaginal muscles. The benefits of this gymnastics can hardly be overestimated, because in this way you not only strengthen your muscles, you simultaneously prevent urinary incontinence, stimulate normal bowel function, and you can also have a beneficial effect on your sex life.

  • Yoga classes are a powerful impulse to restore the sensitivity of all muscles.
The pelvic floor has not yet been restored after childbirth if:
  • Pain is felt in the perineum and vagina, as well as in the lower back when you lie on your back;

  • When you laugh or sneeze, you leak drops of urine;

  • You feel heaviness in your pelvic bones;

  • Accelerated walking and running increase pressure in the pelvic area;

  • Painful sensations when the bladder is full.
If you suffered a tear in your perineum during the birth of your baby, or received stitches as a result of an episiotomy, ask your maternity hospital staff about how to care for your stitches to speed up the healing process.

Organize proper diet, drink enough fluids, take care of regular bowel movements, spend more time in the fresh air - in a word, lead healthy image life, and your body will respond to you with good health.

There are many reasons for a woman to experience leg pain in the hip joint after childbirth. But they are all associated with changes that allow the body to adapt to pregnancy and ensure the safe birth of the baby. Knowledge about the nature of the occurrence of discomfort allows you to navigate in time and take steps to prevent any pathological changes.

The main causes of pelvic pain after childbirth and characteristic symptoms

The described condition is detected in 50% of all women who give birth. The lower back, pubic area, hip joint, tailbone, and knee may also hurt. Any discomfort interferes with living and fully caring for your baby. Some recover quickly, others take time. It is not difficult to explain painful conditions. Among the many possible provoking factors, doctors identify the following:

  • Features of the body. Hormonal levels in the third trimester expectant mother changes, internal systems in this way they prepare for the upcoming process. Together with sex hormones in large quantities relaxin is produced. Its action leads to softening of the bones and joints of the pelvis. Becoming loose and mobile, the bones participate in the formation of the birth canal. With severe divergence of the symphysis pubis, severe pain occurs. It can bother women for another three months after the successful birth of the baby. Over time, the discomfort goes away on its own.
  • Violation of vitamin and mineral metabolism. The developing fetus needs a lot of phosphorus and calcium. He receives them from his mother, “removing” them from the bones. As a result of this, the skeletal frame gradually softens. Since during childbirth the greatest load falls on the pelvis, its elements suffer the most. This condition can cause persistent pain and the development of dangerous injuries.
  • Increased load on musculoskeletal system. As the fetus grows, the uterus and fundus muscles stretch. The lower spine tilts backward. The pubic and sacroiliac joints diverge. The position of the hip bones changes. When all this returns to normal, severe painful sensations arise.
  • Birth injury. The birth of a large child to a woman with a narrow pelvis is considered potentially dangerous. If the process is fleeting, inner space does not have time to transform and adapt to the growing load. In such situations, rupture of the symphysis pubis often occurs, which causes severe sharp pain. You can get rid of them after long-term treatment or surgery.
  • Possible diseases. Many women develop symphysitis during pregnancy. With this pathology, under the influence of hormones, the cartilage disc connecting the pubic bones to each other is stretched. The development of pathology is accompanied by an inflammatory process. A woman experiences severe pain while walking, when performing any, even the slightest, load, or when changing body position. Discomfort increases with defecation and urination. Cartilage rupture during childbirth is rare. It requires surgical intervention, after which a long period of time begins. recovery period, strict bed rest.
  • The fight against pain begins with eliminating the causes of its occurrence.

    When to see a doctor

    If you are constantly bothered by pulling or sharp pain in the pelvic area, lumbago occurs, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, increased sweating, you must make an appointment with a traumatologist or orthopedist and undergo a full examination.

    Severe dizziness and loss of consciousness (even short-term), vaginal bleeding, fever and chills should be a cause for concern. A sharp fall is considered dangerous blood pressure. The warning signs listed above are a serious reason to call an ambulance.

    Establishing diagnosis

    If the specialist sees that the woman does not require emergency surgical intervention, he begins to question the patient in detail about her symptoms and medical history. He is interested in how the pain arises - suddenly or constantly, what its character is - acute or nagging, how severe the discomfort is ten point scale. The doctor must understand what causes the formation of the syndrome, whether there are other factors that increase or alleviate the symptoms.

    After a physical examination is performed, based on its results, the specialist is able to draw preliminary conclusions and determine the range of necessary examinations. As a rule, patients are given a referral for the following diagnostic procedures:

    • General analysis of urine and blood:
    • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
    • CT or MRI.

    Vaginal swabs must be taken to detect sexually transmitted infections. If the interpretation of the tests does not reveal the cause of the pain, laparoscopy may be performed.

    Therapy methods

    The therapeutic regimen is aimed at eliminating the provoking factor. At the same time, therapeutic measures are used to help relieve the main symptoms of illness. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen) are prescribed. If there is no effect, analgesics are used.

    When the pain spreads to the muscles, complete rest, dry heat and physical therapy can help relieve the condition. It is imperative to replenish calcium and vitamin D reserves; for this, a special diet or dietary supplements are used. Sore joints can be influenced through the skin, using painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments, massage.

    Treatment of pain in the pelvic bones after childbirth is necessarily complemented by physiotherapy procedures. Experienced stress and unstable hormonal levels depress the central nervous system and change the perception of pain. Some women may also be prescribed mild sedatives: Glycine, Valerian, Motherwort tablets.

    At the initial stage of therapy, each patient must make one important decision for herself: whether she will continue breastfeeding or switch the baby to formula. The selection of medications will depend on this.

    Preventive measures

    In order to prevent any discomfort, it is important to learn how to properly recover after childbirth. To do this you need:

    • Immediately after the birth of the baby, observe bed rest, reduce physical activity as much as possible, and, if possible, entrust the care of the newborn to relatives.
    • Wear bandages, the design of which was specially designed for women who have just given birth: they limit the mobility of the hip joint and take part of the load on themselves.
    • Visit an osteopath.

    During an uncomplicated pregnancy, it is useful to walk a lot, take a walk in the fresh air, take vitamin and mineral complexes, and eat right: eat more foods that contain phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and iron. A full night's sleep is very beneficial.

Pregnancy is always a huge burden on a woman’s body. It especially increases in the third trimester, when the baby grows and puts pressure on almost all internal organs. However, childbirth can also be a serious challenge.

According to statistics, more than half of new mothers complain that their pelvic bones hurt after childbirth. This syndrome may indicate serious problems in a woman’s body, and therefore there is no point in delaying a visit to the doctor. Such issues are dealt with by a specialist - a vertebrologist, who will not ignore any pain in the hip joint after childbirth, will prescribe a serious examination, and after receiving its results will give recommendations for treatment.

Disappointing statistics indicate that pelvic bones hurt after childbirth not only in women predisposed to diseases of the pelvis and spine. Even completely healthy young ladies who lead a passive lifestyle, move little, eat poorly and work in a sedentary job may complain of hip pain after childbirth. Lack of movement significantly weakens the body of the expectant mother, this applies to both the pelvic bones and muscles. After vaginal delivery, such women may complain of unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Drawing and dull pain, which can be constant and worsen during movements or even during sleep;
  • Feeling of tightness in the muscles;
  • Limited movement;
  • Muscle spasm that long time does not pass.

Immediately after these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination, prescribe a diagnosis and find the root cause of the pain.

Features and needs of diagnostics

Pelvic pain after childbirth is a condition that, in pathology, almost never goes away on its own. Over time, unpleasant sensations can only increase, and therefore you can’t procrastinate, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will decide what kind of research will be needed to identify the cause of pelvic pain after childbirth. Among the methods used:

After carrying out the necessary examination, a diagnosis can be made and the cause of the pain that occurs can be established. The patient may be diagnosed with symphysitis, the severity of which will depend on the distance between the pelvic bones. There are several stages of the disease: I – up to 1 cm, II – up to 1.99 cm, III – 2.0 cm or more. If the third stage is detected, the doctor may make another diagnosis - “rupture of the symphysis pubis.”

Causes of pain syndrome

If after childbirth your leg hurts in the hip and pelvic area, an examination will be required. It can reveal displacement of the pelvic bones during childbirth. In some cases, the tailbone and pelvic bones may also become displaced. This is necessary to free the fetus to pass through the birth canal. Nature intended for this process to be virtually painless, since the woman’s body prepares for this for a long time. And while the woman may not notice the displacement itself, the process of return is quite noticeable, and therefore can bring a lot of suffering. Often young mothers complain that their hips hurt after childbirth. This may indicate that:

  • There is a lack of calcium in the body - during gestation and during delivery, calcium is simply washed out of the body, and therefore the body lacks resources, which is indicated by pain syndromes.
  • Softening of the tissues has occurred - this is a natural process that is caused by an increase in a certain hormone that is secreted by the body to calm the woman in labor. Since the tissues cannot perform the functions assigned to them, this leads to pain.
  • Sprained ligaments and muscles are a condition that can also cause discomfort.
  • Birth trauma is what most often explains why the hip joint hurts after childbirth. Dislocation, bone fracture, tissue rupture - all this can cause severe pain. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner can lead to bones not healing properly. And this will already entail a change in gait.

The role of calcium in the mother's condition

Already at 30–34 weeks, you can notice that the pregnant woman begins to involuntarily tilt her body back, trying to shift her weight. Nature has also provided something else - a change in gait to a “duck” one, when a woman shifts from one foot to the other. But by this time, the expectant mother has already managed to get used to the unpleasant stretching in the lumbar region, even to pain. They can be caused by insufficient calcium. This causes the development of symphysiopathy, which is why the doctor observing the pregnant woman necessarily prescribes calcium.

Medicines strengthen bones and also reduce pain. However, you should not be overzealous in taking it - the dosage is strictly observed to avoid negative consequences, which include the formation of kidney stones. The correct approach to solving this problem eliminates pain after childbirth.


If the pelvis hurts after childbirth, the cause may be a change in the structure of soft tissues - dense cartilage and symphysis, located in the area of ​​the pubis and pelvic bone. Divergence bone tissue after childbirth is no longer uncommon, and this condition can lead to sharp and severe pain, which often does not go away on its own, but only increases. The painful condition can be so severe that it will be difficult for a woman to walk or stand normally.

Treatment of symphysis

What to do if your pelvis hurts after childbirth? Contact a verterbrologist or another doctor who will examine the patient and take rational decision about the need for treatment. Sometimes the body copes on its own, but this is in the case of minimal damage. If the pain continues for a long time after childbirth, serious treatment will be required. The doctor decides whether it is necessary:

Quite often, doctors advise combining bed rest with exercise. You should not select exercises yourself; an osteopath should work with the patient. He also assesses the condition and makes a decision about the possibility/impossibility of performing a group of exercises.

Preventive measures

To prevent injury during delivery, as well as the development of pathological conditions, you should: