The snow leopard, or snow leopard, is the master of the mountains, a strong and dexterous hunter with an unsurpassed reaction, without which he would not be able to survive and find prey in the harsh Siberian conditions. In their colors, snow leopards are similar to leopards, but the latter's fur is thicker. In addition, both the expression of the muzzle and the tail of representatives of these two families of cats are different. Snow leopards are solitary animals; only a male and a female or a mother and cubs can hunt together. At the same time, snow leopards are much more similar to domestic cats than it seems at first glance: for example, they cannot growl, but in a good mood they always purr.

Who will the snow leopard bring good luck to?

The meaning of the snow leopard tattoo fully corresponds to the character of this mountain “cat”. She characterizes her owner as an independent and dexterous person, possessing an extraordinary everyday mind and inner strength. This tattoo is well suited and brings good luck to those people who prefer to keep their feelings to themselves, trying to protect their delicate and vulnerable soul. They trust and open up completely only to their family, they always achieve their goals, no matter how impossible they may seem, alone. The image of a snow leopard on the body is a symbol of independence and autonomy, inner freedom and purity of thoughts.

A snow leopard tattoo is not common, just like the animal itself. Although in Lately It is becoming popular to place an image of an endangered species, including the snow leopard, on your body to express solidarity with organizations that are fighting to preserve it. It is interesting that in the USSR, the person who conquered all the highest mountains in the country was unofficially called “Snow Leopard”, so climbers to this day often decorate themselves with a snow leopard tattoo after conquering an anniversary or simply a particularly difficult peak.

The image of a leopard on a tattoo can mean courage, boldness, cunning, dexterity, insight, intuition, patronage, abundance, wealth, justice, sexuality, predatory beauty, swiftness, natural grace, sensuality, peacefulness, worldly wisdom, independence, independence, mystery.

Meaning of leopard tattoo

In nature, the leopard lives in the mountainous regions of Asia. This animal is also called the mountain or snow leopard, snow leopard. Thanks to the complexity of its habitat, this predator has developed unprecedented agility and swiftness. A characteristic difference from other cats is the long fluffy tail, helping to maintain balance on steep slopes.

The luxurious tail of a mountain leopard, displayed on the tattoo, will serve as a symbol of undisclosed sensuality and sexuality.

In Tibet there is a belief that holy people are able to turn into leopards. There he is a symbol of nobility, honor and courage. In the north of China and Afghanistan, there are legends about leopard women who are the spirits of “bet” and can provide assistance if you treat them with respect.

According to Scythian mythology, the snow leopard protects justice, observing what is happening from a height similar to the gods.

The winged beast was revered by the Volga Bulgars as a sacred animal, a symbol of wealth and material well-being, abundance and honesty.

The Uvinians (one of the small peoples of Russia) revered the snow leopard as the owner of the mountains, endowing them with mystical abilities. Residents of Tuva still believe that crossing a leopard is an omen of a vital event. An attack on livestock is perceived as a punishment from above for violating natural harmony.

The indigenous peoples of Altai have a belief that the snow leopard is their ancestor.

The image of a snow leopard on the body serves as a symbol of independence, freedom, worldly wisdom and insight, dexterity and predatory grace.

A snow cheetah tattoo is worn as a sign of conquering mountain peaks or some special peak, difficult or memorable climb.

The snow leopard is an endangered species, so its images are popular among wildlife conservationists. Such tattoos are applied as a sign of admiration for natural strength, beauty, and grace.

In the tattoo, the image of a snow leopard is difficult to distinguish from a leopard. They may have a generalized meaning for this reason. After all, the leopard was worshiped African tribes. He personifies the female deity there and is a symbol of fertility and prosperity.

A prison tattoo in the shape of a leopard means “Beat the activists, kill the informers.” Nowadays it has lost some significance.

The meaning of a leopard on a tattoo can be interpreted as the ability to use intuition, trust instinct, and rely on one’s own strength. The mountain leopard has the unique ability to blend into the surrounding mountain landscape. His step is silent, and his image is mysterious and mystically attractive. He personifies the tendency to loneliness and mimicry, adaptability to difficult living conditions.

Tattoo of the warriors of Tengri Khan of the Great Steppe of Sarmatia along with a wolf totem and a golden birch on sacred mountain. The snow leopard is surrounded by secrets and legends, a close relative of leopards and jaguars, they are often called the word “panther”.

Drawn in style dawn– early morning or twilight– early evening, green-blue eyes, smoky-gray fur color with ring-shaped and solid dark spots, movements creeping towards its prey, noiselessness and invisibility, when walking it turns each paw inward, compositional tattoo against the background of mountains, as the snow leopard is found high in the mountains, in the mountain ranges Central Asia, sometimes with a blue sheep, as it is considered one of the most common prey of the snow leopard.

Meaning of long luxurious tail the snow leopard is considered a symbol sexuality and innate internal potential.

Skill trust to your inner instinct - this lesson, which must be learned by all those who have chosen snow leopard tattoo and decided to interact with its energies. This is quite difficult, especially in Western society, which teaches us to ignore intuition and be guided solely by logic.
Snow leopards are believed to be less aggressive than leopards or jaguars. Although many large cats can attack people from time to time, the snow leopard does not do this, although it is quite capable of overpowering prey much larger than itself.
Most peoples believed that a tattoo determines the essence of the one who wears it; in a symbolic sense, a person uses energy and vitality totem.
Exists the legend of Milarepa, a Tibetan teacher and philosopher who spent several winters in the Great Cave of Subdued Demons. When Milarepa's followers went to look for him, they discovered that he had been reincarnated as a snow leopard. The snow leopard is his totem, reflecting renewed energy, ability and ability to defeat his own tempting demons. It is useful for people associated with this totem to explore the life of Milarepa and carry out meditations dedicated to him.
By nature people with snow leopard tattoos They are reserved and prefer loneliness, so the opportunity to meet them is an exquisite gift from fate. The snow leopard has the unique ability to disappear into the rocky expanses that surround it.
If there is a person in your life with a snow leopard tattoo or you want a tattoo for yourself, then you need to find time to come face to face with your inner demons. If you do this, then the energy of the leopard - vibrating and in full swing - will definitely help you. You will make a powerful leap on the path of your spiritual development.

The snow leopard tattoo signifies grace, greatness, dexterity, independence, inner strength, cunning, justice, protection, and individuality.

The meaning of the snow leopard tattoo

Irbis or snow leopard, or as the western part of the world says “snow leopard”, amazes many people with its beauty. This rare and, alas, endangered animal lives on the high mountain slopes of the Altai or Himalayas. This is a solitary predator that hunts mountain goats and sheep. In its beauty it is not inferior to its African relatives.

Gray-white color with black spots is ideal for hiding in the snow, among high rocks and gorges. Unlike an ordinary leopard, the snow leopard is squat and smaller, and its tail is much bushier. In terms of external similarity, the snow leopard resembles domestic cats more than its distant relatives from the savannah.

This magnificent predator does not even know how to growl, but only purrs. Many legends are associated with the snow leopard among mountain peoples. Peoples Altai Territory The snow leopard is called the “mountain king”, as it is the only predator in the mountains. People get a snow leopard tattoo because they strive to become the “kings” of their lives, to take control of everything.

For many peoples, the snow leopard symbolized justice and holiness, while others believed that all noble people descended from this animal. For Tibetans, the snow leopard is a totem animal.

This tattoo is quite rare. Most often, distant relatives of this mountain cat, such as a lion, tiger or leopard, are beaten.

People who have a tattoo of a snow leopard on their body are real fighters for justice, always act according to the law, and are also independent of other people’s opinions.

A drawing of a snow leopard for a sketch of a tattoo can be applied to the body as a talisman. After all, many peoples living near the slopes of snow-capped mountains revered this predator as a protector from bad weather and other dangers.

People who get a snow leopard tattoo choose it primarily for the character qualities of the predator. This tattoo is suitable for independent people who have their own opinion on everything and are not afraid to express it. These are individualistic people who always remain somewhat aloof from others, never completely trust other people, are mysterious and a little secretive.

Such people have an inner core, they have a strong and uncompromising spirit that helps them fight adversity and solve problems on their own without asking for help from others.

A tattoo and image of a snow leopard will look great on a shoulder blade, hip or shoulder. You can stuff an anthropomorphic snow leopard, in the spirit of popular cartoons. This will mean that a person is not only endowed with all the qualities of an animal, but also has spontaneity and creativity.

You can depict a predator in its real guise, thereby paying tribute to this noble, majestic beast.

Body designs using dyes injected under the skin appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 13th century. They were used by farce performers, demonstrating their painted bodies to the public. Then tattoos migrated to circus art for the same purpose. The unusual art was such a success that after a few decades it was perceived as a normal phenomenon. Enterprising Parisians were the first to open tattoo shops. The craftsmen themselves produced the dye, which was injected under the client’s skin for a reasonable fee.

It is believed that the birthplace of tattoos is Haiti, where tribes celebrated coming of age, anniversaries, and puberty with body symbols. The navigator Cook imported the ritual landmark. The word "tattoo" comes from the Polynesian "tattoo" ("drawing"). Body symbols were used by the criminal world as a means of communication and a carrier of information. The tattoo has become unique business card a criminal who is difficult to spoil and even more difficult to lose. Based on their tattoos, the thugs divided the world into “us” and “strangers,” into thieves and fraters. The body symbols included criminal history, number of convictions, time served or assigned by court sentences, thieves' suit, attitude to administrative orders, inclinations, character, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, place in the criminal hierarchy and even erudition.

In the last century, the criminal police of European countries, including Russia, began to study the body symbols of criminals, create catalogs of tattoos and analyze them. But then tattoos were perceived only as external signs. IN early XIX century detective criminal police Paris E. Wheelock proposed a criminal identification system based on special signs. A card index was created on the Parisian criminals, indicating names, biographies, nicknames, addresses, criminal connections and external characteristics. At the same time, a forensic artist appeared in the Surt (criminal security service), who made sketches of the faces of criminals. Over twenty years of service, Vidocq and his subordinates managed to accumulate more than four million cards. It is noteworthy that Eugene Viloc himself was a criminal in the past.

A new round in the development of identification occurred in the middle of the last century, when in a Brussels prison they first began to photograph convicted criminals and enter them into a file cabinet. The real revolution in criminology was carried out by Alphonse Bertillon. He proposed measuring people under investigation (there were eleven various measurements), take fingerprints and enter a “verbal portrait”.

C. Lombroso, working as a doctor in one of the prisons in Italy and creating psychological portraits of prisoners, was one of the first to note the autobiographical nature of tattoos. The observations of the Italian criminologist were included in his famous album of criminal types. Lombroso believed that body patterns (as well as all human deeds) can be used to judge the personality of their owner.

The interpretation of tattoos became a common tool for the police in the fight against crime. But there was no immediate return and there could not be. It took decades to study body painting, and people gradually lost interest in the new direction. It was classified as an armchair theory. The police only registered the tattoos, treating them as ordinary special marks of a criminal. The catalog was used when it was necessary to establish the identity of the deceased, identify or identify a criminal, declare a search, etc.

Since the 1930s, the situation in the Soviet Union has changed somewhat. Tattoos were forced to be studied because they became a kind of weapon of the criminal world.

In no other country in the world were prisoners as blue-violet as ours (only the Japanese Yakuza or Chinese triad warriors could compete with them). The roots of this phenomenon lie in the same place as the roots of the entire prison camp subculture. Just five or six years ago, criminologists from America, Germany, and France were skeptical about tattoo catalogs and condescendingly refused informational assistance in this matter.

Today, the CIS has successfully exported crime to Western Europe and the USA. “Russian departments” have been created in the criminal police structures of many countries to combat the “fourth wave.” In Russian neighborhoods, the time had come for shootings, and police officials increasingly came across corpses with a characteristic body pattern or a blackmailer painted from head to toe, who had gone through the “camp universities” in Russia. Willy-nilly, I had to take up the fine arts of the criminal world.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs tried to put all the information about tattoos into several illustrated catalogs and recommendations for them. This heritage was published, stored and used under the heading "DSP" - for official use. Only in the early 90s did several hundred tattoos become the property of inexperienced citizens, appearing in mass publications thanks to the creative zeal of Russian forensic officers Bronnikov, Boldaev, Dubyagin and others, who had studied body art for decades and had thousands of drawings in their private collections and photographs.

The spread of the mark on the body of criminals began on the initiative of government agencies many centuries ago. The distinctive sign was usually applied to the face (for women, on the chest or shoulder) and bore little resemblance to a work of art. For example, a mark was burned on the forehead of a Russian convict, in which the word “kat” was guessed. Over time, the criminal clan helped the detective structures and began to mark its representatives. At the beginning of the 20th century, tattoos became widespread in Sakhalin, Petrograd, Moscow, and mainly among thieves. The body design had hidden meaning and indicated, first of all, belonging to a specific criminal group. This helped to quickly establish a connection with a thief of his own suit.

The development of body symbols lasted almost half a century, and by the 50s the criminal world had its own criminal laws of tattooing. At the same time, a strict right to wear a certain design was established according to the status in the prison camp system. The prisoner's body turned into his personal file, which not everyone could read. There was a regular struggle for the authenticity of symbolism and for the purity of body information. “Impostors” were severely punished, including self-mutilation or self-deception. Even death could follow for “simulating” camp authority. Blatari tried to protect their tattoos from fakes by inventing new symbols, inconspicuous, but obligatory details of the design.

However, camp painting was not a dogma. Fine creativity was encouraged, prisoners happily painted reproductions of paintings and photographs, swore love and fidelity to the ladies on their bodies, reminded of revenge for treason, thanked the country and leaders for a “happy childhood,” etc. But there were symbols for which their owner was obliged to answer. The thieves especially hated the criminals - those who try to imitate or pretend to be a thief.

Many young guys, without any secret intent, in a romantic impulse, made drawings that seemed harmless at first glance - naked women, cats, daggers, etc. They didn’t even try to copy anyone, but only indulged in their wild fantasies. When the guys, by a whim of fate, ended up in the zone, a surprise awaited them in the very first days during the water procedures. At first they were asked a couple of questions, then a summary followed: “Fraer. Blatant.” It turned out that the tattoos were offensively exactly reminiscent of thieves’ insignia. It was useless to explain to the thieves. It turned out that he was branded in vain...

There are several ways to tattoo a zone. Chinese mascara is considered the best and unsurpassed coloring agent. But for many decades it was inaccessible to most prisoners. In the early stages of vocational schools they used ballpoint pen paste or, at worst, ink made from soot, sugar and urine. The tool for introducing the dye was an ordinary match, to which two or three sewing needles. If there were no needles in the chamber, staples from notebooks or books were used. They were unbent and sharpened on a concrete floor or wall. A medical needle or syringe into which mascara could be inserted was considered a more successful tool.

Tattoos were rarely applied on their own: they resorted to the help of specialists. Such services were not small, and the camp artist took a relatively substantial fee for his skill. First, the outline of the design was sketched on the skin, then they began “acupuncture.” Experienced specialists applied the tattoo without prior preparation.

Later they began to use screen printing. An approved sketch was drawn on a thick piece of cardboard and stuck with needles. The stencil was applied to the body and hit from above. After this, a dye was rubbed into numerous wounds.

Any art requires sacrifice. Body painting as well. The first discomfort of a tattoo appears after a few hours. The skin turns red and swells, the pain intensifies, and the temperature may rise. If a dangerous infection is not introduced, the painful process lasts from several days to several weeks: each body reacts to a foreign substance in its own way. But it happened that along with needles or mascara, sexually transmitted diseases or other infections entered the body. The owner of the tattoo ended up in the medical unit. It came to surgical intervention, when a stigmatized patient diagnosed with gangrene had his limb amputated. In the worst case, he died from blood poisoning. In freedom, outside the zone, similar excesses happen among drug addicts.

Today's "skin engraving" mechanisms have come a long way. An electric razor or a special device that operates on the principle of a sewing machine is used. Before and after the procedure, the skin is treated with cologne or alcohol. The paste and urine with soot were replaced by first-class Chinese ink, which will be delivered to the camp by ITU employees for a small fee.

There is no unified systematization of tattoos. They can be classified according to many criteria. First of all, according to the themes of the drawings, among which there are religious, lyrical, historical, political, and pornographic. The themes are often intertwined: a historical plot is presented in a pornographic version, religious plots coexist with political ones (a burning crucifix with the inscription “Believe in God, not communism”), etc.

Tattoos are also divided by their location on the body. The most popular place for painting remains the chest. It contains naked women, cathedrals, saints, biblical figures, skulls, animals (including tigers and lions), devils, grave crosses, crucifixes, portraits of leaders, birds, spiders, stars of camp leaders, knights and gladiators.

The back serves for church bells, horseshoes, spiders, musical instruments, skeletons, gladiators! duels. On the hands and feet they gouge out daggers, snakes, shackles, anchors, ships, again spiders, knee stars denied.

And finally, the head. A swastika, the same spiders, abbreviations, short phrases, numbers (dates or articles of the Criminal Code) are applied to the forehead. Text tattoos (abbreviations, aphorisms and criminal sayings) are found on all parts of the body, including the eyelids and genitals.

You can systematize tattoos according to the manner and complexity of execution: artistic, fragmentary, ornamental, symbolic, textual. An artistic tattoo is usually applied by an "engraver" highest category. It requires sophisticated tools and detailed elaboration. With a skillful approach, a whole panorama is born on the body. The French school, which was the first to use colored ink, was especially successful in artistic body painting.

In the 1930s, French criminal Charles Brigaud created a real masterpiece on his chest: a pornographic painting in color. When Charles rhythmically tensed his muscles, the tattoo began to move. With the outbreak of war, Brijo lost his pride. In one of the concentration camps where he was deported from occupied Paris, a German officer noticed a tattoo. A few days later, its owner was killed, the skin was carefully removed, processed and decorated with the SS man’s folder. In the concentration camps, such masterpieces were greeted with pleasure and they made their own income from them.

Tattoos are classified by gender (female, male and “multi-sex”), by sexual orientation, by hidden meaning and so on.

The catalog of tattoos is huge and numbers in the tens of thousands. To understand the “purple language”, you need to study it for decades, or even learn to “speak” it. This section of the book can only give a general idea of ​​the nature and classification of tattoos. Here we use already studied material that has become public. This is not a guide to thug spaces, although most of the tattoos shown were “taken” from thieves. Perhaps they will stop someone from being stigmatized, which could cost their health, or even their life.

Common tattoos

Here is an indicative catalog of tattoos that were most often found among professional criminals.

In many men's tattoos women appear. Moreover, the drawing does not necessarily symbolize love or lyrical feelings. Criminal painting is characterized by the absence of a semantic connection to the drawing or text. A half-naked woman with a flower can symbolize cruelty, the euphonious "GOD" means "has been condemned by the state," and the cat tattoo indicates a "native prison inmate."

A half-naked woman in hussar garb sitting on a cannon with a burning torch in her hand. "There are two beautiful things in the world - love and death." Symbolizes loyalty to a woman and the hidden threat of revenge for betrayal. Apply to the chest or back.
A naked woman tied to a flaming pillar. "Death for treason." Means that the wearer of the tattoo was convicted of murdering a woman. Logs can mean a sentence. Place of tattoo: chest, thigh.
Executioner executing naked women. The tattoo is sometimes accompanied by the abbreviation "GOD". Symbolizes hatred of laws and administrative authorities.
Woman and devil. “Love and hate (good and evil) are always there.” It means that the owner of the tattoo was imprisoned because of a woman. Apply to chest or thigh
Woman on wings. The tattoo is small in size and placed on the wrist. Symbolizes good luck, fortune, random luck. Most often found among thieves.
A naked woman with a burning torch in her hand, prison bars, a snake, a cross, a human skull, an ax, money. ""Nothing lasts forever in this world." "Everything is God's will." Tattoo of a camp authority. May be accompanied by a text about the frailty of worldly existence. Applied only to the chest.
Fragment of barbed wire. A generalized symbol indicating that the owner of the tattoo has been through a correctional labor institution. Apply to the wrist.
Executioner with an axe, half-naked woman, scaffold. The tattoo is found on people convicted of murdering a relative (or relatives). The secondary meaning is "Death to the traitor." Apply to the chest.
Medieval helmet. A symbol of struggle, brotherhood, determination. At first it was applied only to the wrist, but now it is found on the shoulder and thigh. Indicates a thief or robber.
Bayonet. The oldest symbol of the thieves' world. Symbolized threat, warning, strength. It was applied to the wrist, forearm, and sometimes to the thigh. The tattoo was common among repeat offenders. Today it is observed extremely rarely.
A naked woman crucified on a cross with the inscription "Amen". "I took full revenge for the betrayal." An abstract symbol of revenge (not necessarily against a woman). The tattoo is observed among thieves' leaders and is applied to the chest or thigh.
Prison bars, rose and dagger. The owner of the tattoo served time for hooliganism in a correctional labor colony. Apply to the forearm or shoulder. If the dagger and rose are without bars - “Blood for treason.”
Girl's head. “I met my coming of age at VTC.” Place of tattoo - shoulder, less often - chest
Nude woman on a winged wheel. "Wheel of Fortune". Symbolizes faith in luck. Apply to the chest.
A skull pierced by a dagger, a rose, a snake entwining the dagger. Thief symbol. "Our life is a struggle." A crown over a snake indicates a tattoo of a thieves' authority - a thief in law, positions, looking. It is found on the shoulder, less often on the chest.
Cross with chain. It is punctured in the upper part of the chest and indicates faith in one’s fate. If the cross is depicted as a suit of clubs, then the owner of the tattoo is a thief.
A naked woman entwined with a snake, holding an apple in her hand. Biblical story about the tempting serpent. “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.” "Woman Tempter" Apply to the chest, shoulder. The tattoo is sometimes found among passive homosexuals (usually on the back).
A hand with a tulip entwined with barbed wire. "I met 16 years old at VTC." The place of the tattoo is the shoulder.
Hands in shackles holding a rose. “I met 18 years old at the VTK” (the shackles symbolize a “full-fledged criminal”). Apply to the shoulder. The last two tattoos are also common among women
Mermaid at anchor. It is found among sailors and people serving sentences for rape or indecent assault. Less common in passive homosexuals. The tattoo is applied to the chest or back.
Pitchfork. One of the oldest criminal symbols of Russia. At first it served as a distinctive sign of large Malin and thieves' authorities. It was left on prison walls, used as a means of communication. Later it began to be applied to the shoulder, thigh or forearm. Symbolizes threat, strength. Now it is rare.
Eight-pointed star. Tattoo of camp authorities - thieves in law, denied, fucked up. Apply under the collarbone.
Half-naked woman sitting on a magic ball. There is a crescent moon above your head. Symbolizes faith in otherworldly forces. Apply to the chest or back. Found among Muslims
A bear holding a medieval ax with an image of a suit of clubs. Points to bugbear- a burglar. It may also mean that the convict served his sentence at a “logging camp” - in a correctional facility specializing in logging. "The law is the taiga, the ladle is the norm, the bear is the prosecutor."
Crossed arrow and key. Apartment symbol; thief - burglar. Apply to the forearm or thigh.
A woman with bare breasts and an index finger pressed to her lips. - "Silence!" Symbolizes distrust of a woman. “As long as there are women in the world, there will be no secrets.” Apply to the chest.
Star of David entwined with a winged snake. The owner of the tattoo is Jewish and belongs to winged- camp authorities.
Saber without scabbard. The tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness and secret threat. Apply to the forearm and wrist. A saber in a sheath means that the criminal is “tied up.” Very rare.
Don’t love money - they’ll ruin you, don’t love women - they’ll deceive you, but love God (or freedom).”
Woman, gun, money, bottle, syringe, knife, cards. “This is what we love” or “This is what destroys us.” Symbolizes wild life, wastefulness.
Lion surrounded medieval weapons- sword, axe, bow, arrows, mace. Symbolizes strength and power. A book lying in front of a lion signifies wisdom. "Cruel, but fair." Authority tattoo. It is almost always applied to the chest.
Flying demon. The drawing can be supplemented with the inscription “fatum” (rock). Applied to the chest and means cruelty. "My god is an evil Demon." "Satan will pay for your sins." Found in bulls, fighters and denied.
Drug addict tattoo. A genie flying out of a jug. Apply to the chest, shoulder or front of the thigh.
Drug addict tattoo. A spider in its web may pierce the scalp under the hair. A spider without a web means a pickpocket.
Three cards pierced by an arrow. The badge of a card sharper.
Crap. The tattoo belongs to the so-called “grins” and symbolizes hatred of administrative structures. Apply to the chest. Accompanied by anti-state texts.
Cupid with a bow, a tempting serpent, doves, a heart pierced by an arrow. Artistic tattoo. "Tempted by you forever." Apply to the chest or back.
Dragon flying over the castle. Tattoos are found among plunderers of state or collective property, “guild workers.” It also means complete confiscation of property. Apply to the chest and back.
The CAT is the original inhabitant of the prison." The image of the cat is drawn by repeat offenders who compare themselves to this animal. The cat combines pride and affection for home (the thief's house is a prison). The drawing can be accompanied by texts like "And here I am at home."
Symbol of the power of the pharaoh. At first I met only with camp authorities. Then the tattoo began to be tattooed by thieves who resell stolen items. Now it is rare. Applied on the hand.
Burning crucifix with a woman. “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.” “I will take revenge for betrayal.” "Convicted of murdering a woman."
Running deer. "I was born free and I will die free." Applied to the chest and indicates a tendency to escape.
Knights. "Strength and loyalty." Apply to the chest.
Cowboy with a naked girl on a horse. The drawing may be accompanied by the abbreviation "OMUT" ("It's hard to leave me"). It means a tendency to take risks and adventures. The tattoo is applied to the chest.
Cowboy girl. "The world is ruled by gold and audacity." Common among malicious violators of camp regulations.
Woman, rose, dagger. "Revenge for betrayal." The place of the tattoo is the forearm.
A woman with a sword, stringing hearts. "She broke the heart". "Heartbreaker" The tattoo is dedicated to the lady of the heart and is applied to the chest or thigh. Also found in women. The number of hearts indicates the number of men conquered.
A woman in a horseshoe entwined with barbed wire. "I owe the prison to a woman."
A shackled hand clutching a knife. "A hand to the thief, but to the prosecutor." “Execution will correct me.” Symbolizes cruelty and violence. Tattoo meets y denied, godfathers.
A cross engulfed in flames with the inscription “Believe in God, not communism.” Political tattoo. As a rule, it was inflicted by political prisoners.
"This is what's left of us." The owner of the tattoo spent many years in prisons and camps (the number of barbs on the wire may indicate forced labor experience). The secondary meaning of the tattoo is “I will take revenge on the cops for everything.” Found on the chest and back.
A prisoner crying behind bars. “Cursed be he from everlasting to everlasting who decided to reform a man through prison.” Apply to the chest or back. Like the previous tattoo, it indicates a camp old-timer.
"Well, wolf, wait a minute!" Caricature of a police officer. Often the wolf is depicted in a uniform cap, jacket and sword belt. Apply to the thigh and lower back.
Dancing skeletons. Symbolizes risk, fearlessness, contempt for death. The tattoo first appeared in Mexico and was “imported” to the Soviet Union in the 60s. The place of tattooing is the shoulder or chest.
Indian. "Deprived of civil rights." Similar tattoos were applied by political prisoners and dissidents.
Sailboat. "The Eternal Vagabond" or "The Eternal Wanderer." Points to the guest performer. White sails mean a thief, black ones mean Gothic. Sometimes the number of masts indicates the number of convictions. Apply to the chest and thigh.
Fighting bulls. "Who is stronger is right". Symbolizes aggression, the struggle for power. Inflicted by camp authorities. The drawing may be accompanied by text. The place of the tattoo is the chest.
Tiger head. "Cruelty and rage." Tattoo bearers are bulls And fighters(persons who commit physical violence on the orders of a thief in law). Found on the chest and shoulder.
Latin letter "O", a tiger holding a skull in its paw, a crown, a suit of spades. Symbolizes violence. The tattoo is typical for Gopnikov.
Gladiator. Apply bulls and fighters. Most often - on the chest. Blood may drip from the sword, indicating fighter with "experience".
Pirate with a knife in his teeth. On the knife is the inscription "IRA" ("I'm going to kill activists"). The tattoo is found in the denied person. Camp assets- Internal Order Service ("IPS"). Denialists call this service “The bitch went out for a walk” and “The bitch went out for half” (early release).
Hands in shackles clutching a cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Symbolizes faith in the brotherhood of thieves, devotion to the thieves' business.
Monk with a goose feather. Indicates a “scribe” - a pickpocket who commits thefts with the help of sharpened objects - a razor, coins, rings.
An eagle with a suitcase in its talons. Means a guest performer. If a woman is in the clutches - “Convicted of rape.” A tattoo may indicate a tendency to escape.
A woman with a snake around her neck. Implies cruelty and violence. Found among eastern peoples.
Napoleon. A symbol of power and adventurism.
Bug. "I wish you a successful theft." Pickpocket tattoo. It is applied between the thumb and index finger. Instead of a beetle, a spider without a web or a flea can be depicted.
A hand with a dagger piercing the devil. Tattoo of anti-Semites. “Beat the Jews, save Russia!”, “Killing a Jew is not a crime, but cleansing the world of the messengers of Satan.” Such tattoos were considered political and were destroyed.
Damn the bag. “It was happiness, but the devil took it away.” The owner of the tattoo has extensive experience as a thief.
Woman with bare breasts. On the chest there is an amulet in the form of the letter "M" and a crown. "Revenge for betrayal." Symbolizes aggressiveness, violence, cruelty.
Weeping muse. The tattoo symbolizes wandering, unrecognized talent, disappointment. Also found in women.
Griffin. "Keeper of Secrets" Distributed among eastern peoples.
"Served his sentence in the North."
An eagle between two trees of different climate zones. Denotes a touring thief and a tendency to escape. The skull in claws symbolizes violence.

Violent tattoos

Among the “violent” tattoos applied in places of deprivation of liberty under the threat of physical harm and even death, first of all, one should include tattoos made by someone who lost at cards and was unable to pay a card debt. As a rule, these are pornographic tattoos made by professional tattoo artists, whose work must again be paid for by the card debtor. These tattoos are among the rare ones, since those forcibly tattooed, having freed themselves, first of all strive to get rid of the shameful stigma.

Another, even less “honorable” group of forced tattoos includes tattoos forcibly made by those convicted under “dirty” articles - for rape, sodomy, molestation of minors, as well as those convicted of “unseemly” acts in prison - snitching, collaboration with the administration , theft from one's own, etc. “Forcible” tattoos are usually applied to the back, less often - to the buttocks. In the old “thieves’” zones, rapists and gays can be tattooed on the forehead, cheeks, and eyelids. As a rule, such tattoos can only be seen and copied in prisons.

The “Krohobor” tattoo was given to a man convicted under Article 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “hooliganism” because he stole several packs of “North” cigarettes and candy from his bedside table from his fellow sufferers. In the language of the zone, such an act is called “rattling” and, accordingly, the thief’s back is “decorated” with the image of this “vile” animal. Such a tattoo is given to a prisoner by force, by decision of the “denial”. Before applying tattoos, the “rat-catcher” may be beaten.
“Cop bitch from the press hut” - this is the tattoo that fellow inmates put on the back of a convict who mocked his fellow sufferers and beat them in a cell in a Novgorod prison. Before giving the “bitch” a tattoo, the prisoners brutally beat him.
“Shaggy thief - burglar of a furry safe” is a tattoo inflicted by cellmates on a rapist who was imprisoned in the famous St. Petersburg “Crosses.”
In the zone they really don’t like criminals imprisoned under Art. 117 for rape of minors. Such rapists are beaten and “put down”, that is, they are made into passive homosexuals, or “wafflers”. The corresponding tattoo is applied to the lowered person’s chest and back.
A variant of the tattoo that prisoners use to “mark” a rapist - a pedophile - is “a pig-vampire”. Despite the difference between this tattoo and the “Waffler” tattoo, the fate of its owner is the same - he was beaten and the “obminetschin”, that is, he was used as a pederast. The “chushok” convict could not stand the humiliation and hanged himself in the toilet in the industrial area.
“Oven stoker” - until recently, such a tattoo adorned the buttocks of persons convicted under Article 121 of the Criminal Code for sodomy. Since this article has now been repealed, there are no “Stokers” today.

“Violent” tattoos of prisoners from the collection of the famous collector of prisoner tattoos, Major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dantzig Sergeevich Baldaev.

Sex minority tattoos

Tattoos that are most common among passive homosexuals and can be applied voluntarily include images of the devil undressing a woman and musical instruments. For lesbian women, the most common images are boar and rose with thorns. Almost all body signs of wafflers, roosters, and faggots are harmless, maintain the limits of decency and carry a secret meaning. This is their danger for an inexperienced romantic who wants to get a tattoo without having the slightest idea about it. A former naval officer from Khabarovsk, during his service, gouged out a devil on his thigh while he was undressing a girl. A friend suggested this story to him. A few years later, “woodpeckers” (active homosexuals) accidentally saw this tattoo on the beach and offered its owner to “take it for a fang.” When the officer refused, he was killed.

Rose with thorns. Lesbian tattoo. Rosa, entangled in barbed wire, is a camp kobla, that is, a woman who satisfies the sexual needs of prisoners in women's colonies. Apply to the thigh. A rose without thorns - "turned 18 years old at VTC."
Nude woman in a cape entwined with a snake. Passive homosexual who prefers anal contact. They forcefully stab me on my back. If a woman is holding an apple, the tattoo has a different meaning - “tempted by a woman.”
Handshake with a flower between the palms. Punk. Apply to the back.
Violin with bow. "Maestro of Blowjob" Impaled by passive homosexuals who prefer oral contact. Tattoos are also found on women. It is applied to blowjob girls forcibly, most often to prostitutes. Several musical instruments mean "playing in an ensemble" (group sex). Wind instruments indicate a group blowjob - an "auto-drinker".
The boar also symbolizes the kobla. Unlike roosters, males belong to the camp authorities. Apply to the back.
Crown with the image of four card suits. The “King of all stripes” is a homosexual, prone to all forms of debauchery. It is applied by force. Place of tattoo: back, thigh.

A tattoo can be applied after forced sexual intercourse - “lowering”. Moreover, the person who has undergone descent usually does not have sexual deviations. They resort to simplified body drawings, which can hardly be called drawings: they poke out a black eye, bees or stoker devils on the buttocks. They often limit themselves to obscene inscriptions with eloquent content.

After release, the owner of a forced tattoo most often tries to get rid of it: he removes part of the skin or adds new details to the design.

Stars of camp authorities

These tattoos are applied under the collarbones (another type of star tattoos for authorities is known, but they are pricked out on the knees without small details of the design). According to thieves' traditions, stars of authority are not accompanied by texts. More than one hundred variants of subclavian stars are registered in the catalogs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. TO decals The camp elite also included epaulets and shoulder straps certifying the right to use force.

“Steal and let others steal.” The tattoo is applied by deniers with a not too high camp rating. The numbers on the cross mean the articles of the Criminal Code under which the prisoner was sentenced.
“Crush the activist” The most common star indicating a malicious denier.
"Long live the monarchy? For primordial, holy and indivisible Rus'!" "God save the Tsar."
"I was born free." A thief in law.
"God will forgive". "The only judge is God." Godfather.
"CAT" is a native inhabitant of the prison.
"Adolf Hitler is my God." "Let them hate, but let them be afraid." A godfather who prefers violence.
“For our freedom!” “We will not die!” "Despise death." “We will not desecrate the honor of thieves!”
"Crush cops, kikes, and bitches." "Death to communists."
Grave cross. Priblatnaya tattoo. "Simulation" of authority.
"I love freedom, I don't believe in death." "PEACE - shooting will correct me." "To each his own". A thief in law
"Who is stronger is right". "I will share."
"Adolf Hitler - the leader of the world sanitation" "Drummer of earthly purgatory."
"My home is a zone." "Everything for me - nothing from me."
"We will put an end to the informers." "Beat the Jews."
"I've been stealing since childhood." "I chose my own destiny"
"A thief is a master for men, fraers and counters." "Show the power." A thief in law.
Tattoo of a Muslim godfather. "Glory be to Allah". "Death to apostates of the faith"
"Beat the Communists, save Russia" (option - "Beat the Jews - save Russia"").
"There is no God but Allah." "Strike and slaughter the apostates of the faith." "Glory be to Allah".

White cross on a black background. Means that the owner was serving a sentence for robbery. Ring Gothic.
Tattoo parachute - prisoner from the cohort offended The ring is applied forcibly. They are often used to mark card debtors. When leaving the zone, the owner of the ring usually paints over a white triangle, imitating the “Left on call” tattoo.
Black square. "From call to call." "Get out without parole."
“Passed through the “Crosses” (pretrial detention center in St. Petersburg). A crown can be placed above the ring. The tattoo is also found on women.
White diagonal and crescent on a black background. “I served my sentence in a high-security vocational school.” Muslim ring.
"Sins of Youth" He began his camp experience in an educational labor colony.
"EVIL" ("testaments of a beloved father"). A symbol of family ties or a criminal dynasty.
"I took the path of a thief." Convicted of theft.
Women's tattoo. "Alone in a circle of thieves." She served time for hooliganism.
“I won’t shake hands with the cop.”
"Passed the bitch zone." The owner of the ring served his sentence in a vocational school, where the authorities held activists.
"Polish thief" The owner of the tattoo is a former thief who has not abandoned the traditions of the brotherhood of thieves. The upper number indicates the term, the lower number indicates the number of convictions.
Ring man- a convicted person maintaining neutrality in the zone.
The sun and seagulls, separated by a diagonal. "Lost Youth" Women's tattoo. “I served my first term in a correctional labor colony.”
Ring with the image of a spider in a web. There is a white cross on the spider's back. “I was convicted of gop-stop” (robbery). Symbolizes violence
A dagger entwined with a snake. A symbol of aggression and secret threat. The owner of the ring was serving a sentence for premeditated murder.
Hare. Minor's ring. Indicates sympathy for prostitutes or a penchant for depraved acts. Can be applied by force.
A snake in the shape of the Latin letter "5" with two vertical stripes. "Second walk." Sometimes a third stripe is applied (third term of imprisonment). Tattoos are also found on women.
"CAT" ("native inhabitant of the prison"). A thief's sign, symbolizing pride, a long stay in prison, and good luck. Sometimes found in Gopnikov.
Sun, anchor, heart. "Love and Freedom". Borrowed from sailors
Pigeon foot. Pacifist sign. In thieves' terms, it is a sign of aggression. The tattoo is applied by malicious violators of the camp regime.
Dagger piercing swab. “Death to the cops.” The owner of the tattoo was convicted of a crime against police officers. The tattoo is often found on other parts of the body.
Inverted star. Satanist symbol."Committed a crime for religious reasons." "We are on trial for desecration of graves." Rarely seen.
Zion Star of David. "Jewish Class Unity". “I passed through the zone, but did not betray my faith.”
Six. Thief's ring tie down - prisoners carrying out orders from camp authorities.
Black cross on a white background. "Passed the zone." The place of the tattoo is the index finger. Occurs in women.
A black cross with a dot in the middle and diagonal rays. "Alone among friends." The owner of the ring began his criminal activity as a minor.
Black grave cross. Found in denied. The ring can also be dedicated to parents who died while the owner of the tattoo was in prison.
Black cross on a white background. "Went through the zone." Figures corresponding to the assigned sentence may be indicated.
Black cross with outgoing rays. Symbolizes a criminal record. The number of rays means the number of walkers.
Figured cross. "Forgive me, mom." The ring symbolizes the memory of deceased parents.
Cathedral. "Eternal Prisoner" The tattoo is applied to prisoners who have at least three previous convictions. The number of domes of the cathedral indicates the number of walkers.
Swastika in a white circle. "PAPA" ("p... activists, hello anarchists"). Symbolizes cruelty and aggression. Sign denied
Hammer and sickle with star. The owner of the ring believes that his sentence was unfairly imposed. Under the ring there is the abbreviation GOD ("was condemned by the state").
White crown with radiating rays. "May the best man win." Ring of the camp authority - godfather, thief in law. The number of rays is the number of convictions.
Tulip. The owner of the ring was serving a sentence in a correctional labor colony. Rays may extend from the flower, indicating the length of punishment or the number of convictions.
Skull on a white background. "Woe to the vanquished", "To live means to fight." Symbolizes power, strength, aggressiveness. The tattoo means that its owner will not stop at violence. Found in denied.
Reversed suit of spades on a white background. Ring cormorant. Its owner was convicted of hooliganism. The symbol is also found on the ears.
Club suit. "Day is for scientists, night is for thieves." "Was convicted of theft of personal property." Women also get tattoos.
Diamond suit. "Ace of Diamonds" Symbol of a highly skilled card sharper.
Black and white ring, divided diagonally. In the lower right corner is the suit of clubs. "I went through the Crosses.
Hearts suit on a white background. “Tselkarik”, “Amurik”, “Lokhmatukha” The owner of the tattoo received a sentence for raping a minor. Often the ring is applied forcibly.
Hearts suit in the lower right corner. Convicted of indecent assault on a minor.
Club and spades suits separated by a diagonal line. Sadness for lost youth.
Clubs and spades suits, placed in a checkerboard pattern. Ring of camp authority. The tattoo can be combined with the domes of the cathedral, the number of which indicates the number of criminal records.
Black and white suit of spades, broken by a diagonal line. “I met my coming of age at the VTK” Usually applied during transfer to the NTK.
Black square with white diagonal stripe. "Passed the zone."
Black square. There are three dots on the white diagonal stripe. Ring waffler("rooster") - a prisoner included in the camp cohort omitted And offended. The tattoo is applied forcibly after committing an act of sodomy.

Abbreviation tattoos

AA is a hell's angel.
AGMD - Adolf Hitler is my friend.
ALENKA - and you have to love her like an angel.
ALLURE - I love anarchy with young love - joyfully.
AMUR - TNMN - my angel left early - that’s how my misfortunes began.
ARBAT - and Russia was, and now?

BARS - hit the asset, cut the branch; beat up activists, kill informers.
BERLIN - I will be jealous, love and hate her.
BES - hit if you can.
BJSR! - beat the Jews, save Russia?
BLITSS - take care of love and appreciate freedom.
GOD - God will forgive sins; was convicted by the state; I'm afraid to stay hungry; I will rob again; be careful, robber; Fear the fire, you bastards.
GODDESS - I will be the only one to be proud and enjoy.
BOMZHIZ - protected by God, living and muzzled by prayer.
BONS - was condemned by the people's sulem.
BOSS - was convicted by a Soviet court; was convicted Soviet Union.
BOTN - from now on I will be yours forever.

VERMOUTH - come back if separation is already tormenting you.
WIMBL - come back and it will be easier for me.
WINE - come back and stay forever.
VNTSC - a thief does not trade his honor.
WOLF - here it is, what love; thief shortness of breath (shortness of breath) - kicking cover; The colonist loves freedom.
VOR - leader of the October Revolution.
RAVEN is a thief - he is born of one hatred.
WAX - the will will weaken - the end will soon; here it is, freedom, colonists.
The university is an eternal prisoner of the zone; I will die a happy prisoner.

BURN - the state doomed (to) slaves forever.
GOTT - I'm only proud of you; ready to give myself only to you.
GEESE - wherever I see him, I’ll immediately rape him.
GUTOLIST - lips are tired of repeating about love and intense longing.

DERPN - I tear, f..., I cut up party parasites.
JOHN - nothing but misfortune awaits you at home; the souls of the Jews, they are misfortune.
JONKA - nothing but misfortune awaits you at home - the whims of a drunk.
DISSIK - crush Judas, sexots, bitches and communists.
DMNTP - for me there is no one more beautiful than you.
BOTTOM - give us a little rest, let us catch our breath.

EVA - f... the whole asset.
EUROPE - if a thief works, he is a fallen prisoner.
TREE - his (her) caresses seem like a scent, if love is insidious - atas.

Millstone - life is slave bondage.
WNPSM - I live in a garbage dump, save me.
ZHNSSS - life will teach you to laugh through your tears.
ZHOVM - one ass - there are many of you (applied by force).
BEETLE - I wish you successful thefts; life was stolen (shortened) by the communists.
JUR! - live luxuriously, urkagan!

CALL - know the thieves - they will teach you very cool things.
ZEK - there is a convoy here.
EVIL - a prisoner loves to relax, a testament to his beloved father; I knew love once, I will take revenge on the cops for everything.
EVIL Oh - I will take revenge on the cops very painfully for everything.
SNAKE - why a man needs me.
ITCH - here they teach you how to fight.
TOOTH! - great, urki-blatari!
BISON - evil urks protect slaves.

GAME - I’m going to smash and slaughter activists (the abbreviation is rare).
IRA - I’m going to slaughter assets, I’m going to slaughter activists.
IRAQ - I'm going to cut off the assets of the communists.
IRIS is both a slave and an informer (inflicted by force).
IRKA-ENTR - and separation seems like hell - if you are not around.

KAT - heavy convict prisoner; convict.
KENT - when f..., you have to be patient.
KISBT - how my heart yearns without you.
MAPLE - I swear to love him (her) forever.
WEDGE - when you love, punish betrayal.
WEDGE-WEDGE - how I love and hate - only God knows about (this).
KLOT - I swear to love one (one) you; when you love, you endure insults.
COMS? - how painful it is alone, do you hear?
KOSUM - when happiness will smile on me again.
CAT is a native inhabitant of the prison; how difficult it is to be alone; who will warm up the melancholy.
CROSS - how to stop loving if your heart is sad.
KTYABNN - like you, I won’t find it anymore.
CUBE? - who will die faster?
CUBA - when you leave, the pain is hellish.
KYASOD? - how much do I miss home? how I miss the children!

LBJ - I love you more than life itself.
SWANS - I will love her, even if she cheats.
SWAN - I will love her even if she leaves forever.
LEO - I love her forever; I love f... funny ones; kicking f... fun ones.
LADY - I love you, even if I cheat.
FOREST - I love her very much.
SUMMER - I love her only one.
LEMON - tired of loving and suffering alone.
LIR - love and separation, love and cutting.
FOX - love and death.
LEAF - I love and miss you very much.
LEAH - love and me.
CROWBAR - love me alone, darling, let me go.
LON - I love the company of drug addicts.
LAURA - love once gave birth to an angel, love bypassed the prisoner slave.
LORD - my own children will take revenge on the cops, love is given once, camp eagles make friends happy, love, father, my own children, I love one home.
LOT - I love you alone; you are very curious.
LOTUS - I love one (one) you very much.
LSD - love is expensive.
LSKCHV - love freedom like a seagull loves water.
LTV - love comrade, will, I love only will; love you forever; I love only free people; I like to steal quietly.
RAY - a loved one has passed away.
LYUBA - the love of youth was angelic.

MAG is my Adolf Hitler.
MAGNET - dear, and her eyes tirelessly search for you.
MD is a sweet fool. MEL is my only love.
MZDVA - they've been waiting for me in hell for a long time.
PEACE - shooting will correct me.
MNSZS - I'm not ashamed of myself.
I am SILENT - my obsessive love (and) feelings have died.
MORS - we are parting happy again.
MTK-N cops are stupid assholes of the people.
MTS - the cops are stupid brutes.

SKY - don’t (sad) if you’re alone.
SKY-ZYAVR - don’t (sad), if you’re alone, know that I’m always there.
NEAL - you can’t cheat on your loved ones.
NINA is not (was) and will not (be) an activist.
NINS - I can never change.

Whirlpool - my only consolation is you, it’s hard to leave me.
OPLNZ - ​​I’m flying over the earth like an eagle in heaven.
ORVEA - October Revolution- the greatest Jewish adventure.
OSA - leave death to the activists.
OSMN - stay with me forever.
OST - I'll be yours again.
ISLAND - stay with (me), your joyful island is in (me); The fanned fire in (me) yearns with desperate passion.

PAPA - p...t activists, hello to anarchists.
PVA - I despise your asset.
PVRS - let the slaves of the Soviet of Deputies work hard.
The DOG didn't listen to her well.
BEER - forgive and come back.
PILOT - I remember and love one (one) you, remember, I love one (one) you.
PENGUIN - forgive and don’t be sad, there’s no need to look for someone to blame.
PIPL is the first and last love.
GO - remember (me) - I hate you, Judas.
POST - I'm sorry, father, this is fate.
RULES - the government decided to arrest everyone and deprive them of amnesty.
RDMVSNN - born for torment - I don’t need happiness.
RHYTHM is my joy and longing.
ROKZISM - Russia is drenched in the blood of prisoners and the tears of mothers.
GROWTH - early became an orphan of a tyrant, there is only one joy - to shoot tyrants.

Sapper - happy prisoner - after his execution.
SATURN - you hear, but it’s already impossible to stop loving you.
MATCHMAKER? - freedom will return, and you?
LIGHT - passion fizzles out - if anxious.
SGV - Northern Group of Forces -army tattoo).
SEPTEMBER - tell me if you need it, I’ll be there.
SLICHZHVR - death to cops and security officers, life to repeat thieves.
SLZHB - death for cops, life for thieves.
SLZHN - death to the cops - there is no life.
ELEPHANT - with your beloved one forever; death by a cop from a knife, from a (young) age there are only misfortunes, the heart loves one forever, bitches love one boss.
SNOW - I really like the single eyes.
DREAM - with (me) only misfortunes; happiness bypasses the unfortunate; the most mischievous impudent one.
SON-VH is the most mischievous impudent one - he always wants.
SOS (505) - save from trial; I'm saving myself from bitches; I'm saving myself from syphilis; bitches took away freedom; save your son, father.
SS (55) - retained his conscience.
SO-KGB - sons of bitches - codla of state bandits.
SS-MM - super sex - my dream; superseksotov - I can (pee) silently.
SP - death to shoulder straps.
SPV - glory to the fallen thieves.
MOAN - you have only misfortunes; happiness drowns from the unclean; the heart needs you alone.
STOP - happiness to the one who benefits.
TWILIGHT - I will be able to protect my dear one if separation is a test.
SCHAK - bitches are often activists.
SIR - freedom is heaven.

TENNIS - you exist - tenderness and tears.
TIGER - prison - toy; I am ready to tear you, a traitor, to pieces; Comrades, let's go rob the restaurant.
TIN - you or no one.
TIND - you and no one else.
TMJ - prison interferes with life.
TMON - I really like you.
TOBOL - you alone are sick with cold love.
TOMSK. - You alone touched my heart.
TOKHIS - you are very good and glorious.
THRONE - you are one joy forever.
ACE - prison is fun for us; prison teaches the law; the prison is already familiar; prisoner
ACE - S S - you already know - super sex.
TUMR - the taiga will shelter me, dear.

UZ: VUEK is a prisoner of the zones: Vorkuta, Urals, Siberia, Kolyma.
MORNING - he left the path of his own father.

BREAD - I will keep my only love. Christ cherishes the poor.
KHMBIS - God and fate protect me.
CHRIST? - If you want, I’ll give you joy and tears, do you hear?
HTKPT - fuck the one who invented the prison.
TsLIBIS - appreciate love and take care of true freedom.
CMOS - my goal is justified by the means.

SHA! - shawls, prisoner!
CHAMPAGNE? - a joke, or maybe just a hellish mockery, tell me how to evaluate it?
SHPDZM! - shawls, boy, just in moderation?

EVZHMS? -elixir of eternal female youth - sperm?
ELECTRON - this is the only love that you kindled, will remain forever.
EPRON - Eros, give joy to one insatiable one.
STAGE - excursion of taiga prisoners.
ECHO! - Eros, I want to give myself up! oh, it would be good to overeat! one is enough!

SE - VTK - young pupil - educational and labor colony.
YUDA is Adolf's young friend.
YuDV is a young friend of thieves.
YUG - young robber; southern robber; young thug; young guest performer.

APPLE - I will love one, as I promised.
JAVA - I view... asset.
YAVTPK - I will drink you drop by drop.
POISON - I'll get through it
CORE - I give joy once.
YALTA - I love you, angel.
YANIN - I have been taught treason forever.
YANNA - I hope for amnesty.
YNPTS - I am not a corrupt scoop creature.
JAPAN? - I will forgive the insult, I will not change it, okay?; I forgive the insult, I will not betray you, okay?
YAR - I - made up my mind.
YARD - I decided to fight. YARDS - I was born for happiness.
YARMO - I was born to suffer alone.
YASSSSSVD - I ate my conscience with snot as a child.
YAKHONT - I want one (one) forever you.
YACHT - I want you.
YACHT - I want you, angel.
YAHTT - I only want you.

It should be noted that the interpretation of abbreviations is not something inviolable and unchangeable. It can be arbitrary. Many abbreviations are interpreted differently (CAT, ELEPHANT, TIGER, GOD, LEOPARD, etc.). The chapter provides the most common interpretations. Only their immediate owner knows the true meaning of text abbreviations.

Leg tattoos

Leg tattoos are typical for deniers. They are located on the knees, shins, outside of the feet, and ankles. The catalog of tattoos on the legs is poorer and is limited to images of shackles, knee ornamental stars and simple symbols (stars, swastikas, skulls, hammer and sickle).

Most often, tattoos are found in the form of texts. Below are the most popular of them (tattoo location - shin, outer side of the foot, ankle).

Without major repairs 100,000 km. I will trample and torture the entire evil breed., (addressed to parents or relatives). Wash your wife, wipe your mother-in-law, I’m going where there is no law, Whoever survives will be happy, whoever died will become happy. To kill, My legs are tired of walking under escort. They are tired, Stop, think, and then go. Drink, bitches, my blood, it is poison for you, Trample the communists! Step by step - closer to death. Walking cheerfully through life, you live, but crush the bug, You went to your beloved, you ended up in hell. I survived where the mammoths froze. I survived where the mammoth went extinct.

Sometimes the text is presented in a more original way: a whole phrase is placed on two legs. For example:

A text consisting of ten letters is applied to the toes: “Sevlag NKVD”, “MVD is my coffin”, “I am a slave of Kolyma”, “Zek of Vorkuta”, “I am going to work”, “Forgive me, mother”, “Son of the camps” ", "I am the daughter of sin", "Death to the bitch" (options are possible).

Text tattoos

Aphorisms, criminal sayings, abbreviations and individual words applied to the body complement the body design or exist independently. Texts are found on all parts of the body, many of them have hidden or secondary meanings and require explanation. Below are the most popular text tattoos.

Arrive her guilpourra (French) - Come what may.
And toutprix (French) - At any cost.
Battle of life (English) - Fight for life.
SWons, chantons ef aimons (French) - We drink, sing and love.
Cache ta vie (French) - Hide your life.
Cave! (tt.) - Be careful!
Cercando a vero (It.) - I am looking for the truth.
Contra spent spero (lat.) - I hope without hope.
Croire a son etoile (French) - Believe in your star.
Da hifi ich da Hawe (German) - Here I am at home.
Debellare superbos (lat.) - To crush the pride of the rebellious.
Due cose belle ha a mondo Amore e Morte (It.) - There are two beautiful phenomena in the world: love and death.
Du sollst nicht erst Schlag erwarten (German) - Don't wait to be hit.
Eigenthum ist Frefndenthum (German) - Property is someone else's.
Ein Wink des Schicksals (German) - Indication of fate.
Errare humanum est (lat.) - It is human nature to make mistakes.
Est quaedamflere voluptas (lat.) - There is something of pleasure in tears.
Ex veto (lat.) - By promise, by vow.
Faciam lit mei mernineris (lat.) - Will I make sure that you remember about me?
Fatum (lat.) - Fate, fate.
Fecit (lat.) - Made, fulfilled.
Finis coronat opus (lat.) - The end crowns the matter.
Fu... e non e! (it.) - He was... and he is not!
Gaudeafilus igitur, Juvenea dum Sumus (lat.) - Let's rejoice while we are young.
Gnothi seauton (Greek) - Know yourself.
Grace roir moi (French) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!
Guai chi la Tossa (from.) - Woe to the one who touches it.
Gutta cavat Lapidem (lat.) - A drop hollows a stone.
Help yourself (English) - Help yourself.
Nose est in votis (lat.) - That's what I want.
Homo homini Lupus est (lat.) - Man is a wolf to man.
Homo Liber (lat.) - Free person.
In hac spe viva (lat.) - I live by this hope.
In vino veritas (lat.) - The truth is in wine.
Killing is not Murder (English) - Killing is not murder.
La donna e mobile (It.) - A woman is fickle.
Le devoir avantout (French) - Duty comes first.
Magna res est amor (lat.) - Love is a great thing.
Male mori quam foedari (lat.) - Better death than dishonor.
Ne cede malls (lat.) - Do not lose heart in misfortune.
Noll te tangere (lat.) - Don't touch me.
Now or never (English) - Now or never.
Omnia thea tesit Porte (lat.) - I carry everything that is mine with me.
Per aspera ad astra (lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.
Quefemme veut - dieu le veut (French) - What a woman wants is what pleases God.
Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.
Sans phrases (French) - Without unnecessary words.
Senw dubbio (Italian) - Without a doubt.
Suum cuique (lat.) - To each his own.
That be or not to be (English) - To be or not to be.
Ti ne cede malls, sed contra audehtior (lat.) - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it.
Ubi benef ibipatria (lat.) - Where it is good, there is the homeland.
Vale et me ama (lat.) - Farewell and love me.
Veni, vidi, vici (lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.
V"rgiWty is a luxury (English) - Virginity is a luxury.
Vlvere tyaie est (lat.) - To live means to fight.
Wait and see (English) - Let's wait and see.
Wein, Weib und Gesang (German) - Wine, women and songs.
Weltkind (German) - Child of the world.

Quoted explanations belong to tattoo wearers


(These tattoos can also appear on other parts of the body)

"I live one day at a time." “Death is always near.” “Death is deliverance from earthly torment.” "A thief is not afraid of death."
A thief in law. Authority. Steep. Trump. Center (see Dictionary). "Crush the apostates from the thieves' law."
"I'm a repeat offender." "I don't have the means to support my conscience."
Robber-racketeer (tattoo of a convicted person for armed assault, robbery).
Thieves' "amulet". "Save from frogs and court."
"We drink, we love, we have fun." "I am far from the fear of death: scarier than life"What does fate have in store for me?"
"My destiny is the light of one candle." "My life has always been in darkness."
"I'm looking for love".
"I'm already dead." "Expect no mercy from me." "My Rock" "I'll come for your life soon." Symbol of misfortune and death.
"Sweet revenge." "This is what awaits a traitor." (According to the law of thieves, the murder of an informer is permitted. In other cases, the thief-murderer loses authority.)
The number of domes (and towers) usually means the term of imprisonment of the bearer of this tattoo. In the 1940-50s. prisoners strictly adhered to this provision, but then tattoo artists began to apply an arbitrary number of domes. And the religious buildings themselves, depicted on tattoos, are mainly a figment of the imagination of the “ringer”. Images of real temples are extremely rare.
“May the Queen of Heaven bring me luck as a thief” (the so-called “amulet”).
"Born in Prison" "My guardian angel" ("amulet").
“Disappointment” (Cupid takes out an arrow from a symbolic female heart). "Love for a woman is not constant."
"Cupid is my kiryukha." "I am always looking for my love everywhere."


Pakhan of the zone. A thief in law. "Everything for me - nothing from me." "This is where I am at home." "Grin".
"We do not trust in God." "Who is without sin before God?" "May God forgive me my sins."
“Pressed by the regime” (see Dictionary). "I never lived happily in this God-forsaken country." "Grin".
“Execution will correct me.” "I live one day at a time." "Born for torment." "Come what may"
“May God protect me from hunger, poverty, cops, garbage and communists!”
A thief in law. "Keep the zone in fear and obedience." "Crush the counters, fraers and bitches."
“He became a thief from poverty and lack of rights” (typical of Ukrainians).
“I honor Ilyich’s behest: “rob the loot.” “If you take a little from the rich, this is not robbery, but sharing.”
“Righten and destroy those who have lost their fear of thieves in the zone.”
"Werewolf". "Don't touch me, otherwise it will be death."
"Adolf Hitler - holy martyr." “The killing of communists and Jews is not murder, but the cleansing of the world from the messengers of the devil.”
"Thief, hide your life!" “Crush the snitches and crooks - they infect the healthy.”
"Beat the commies - save Russia!"
A thief in law. “Let men hate garbage too, as long as they are afraid.” "The zone is my holiday home." "Yours will always be ours."
“Personal matter” (one of the names of this tattoo). A thief with "average" authority. “Everyone steals - and I’m not left behind.” (The numbers indicate the articles of the Criminal Code under which the bearer of this tattoo was convicted.)
A thief in law. Pakhan of the zone. “I have never been and will never become a slave. I am free in spirit and body.”
She denied it. “Crush the regime, crush the garbage, bitches, communists and Jews.”
"May God send me wisdom, eternal fortune and power."
"A native prisoner." "God gave each one his own." “Why am I worse than communist thieves?”
“Became a thief from poverty and lack of rights.”
"I live while my candle burns." “I will be happy not on this sinful earth, but in the next world.”
"Knock down the bitches and snitches." "Don't wait to get punched in the face." "People are worse than animals."
"For Russia without Jews, Chuchmeks and Marxists-Leninists." "Under the Tsar, Russians were people."
"Keep the suit in the zone." “I take it where the communists did not manage to steal and plunder.”
"Born a Thief" "A thief is my profession." “I don’t want to work and I won’t - I’m not a slave.”
"My God is Adolf Hitler."
"There is no god besides Allah." "Strike and slaughter the apostates of the faith."
"Good and evil walk side by side." "All is vanity." "The world is ruled by a higher mind."
"Man is a wolf to man." “That’s what wolves are for, so that the sheep don’t sleep.”
"Better death than dishonor of a thief in law." “In the zone, thieves’ blessings and the support of your comrades are always waiting for you.”
"For holy Rus', one and indivisible! Long live the monarchy!"
"Live and let others live." "A thief is a high-flying bird." (The numbers indicate the articles of the Criminal Code under which the bearer of this tattoo was sentenced to imprisonment.)
One of many “imposter” tattoos, a fake for a thief. The carriers are “riffraff,” that is, thieves striving for authority in the ITK.
A thief in law. Pakhan of the zone. Hereditary thief. “I started stealing when I was young.” "Thieves are the second power in the zone."
She denied it.
"Thank Allah I am a Muslim." "There is no god besides Allah."


“Passed the missile defense zone” (high security zone). (Alternatively, a “BUR” can be applied - a high-security barracks.)
"Crush the communists, do-gooders, snitches and bitches." “I became a thief because of the CPSU.”
Authority. Winged (see Dictionary).
“Passed disciplinary isolation (DIZO) in the VTK” (fifty-day).
An authoritative thief, she irreconcilably denied. (The abbreviation "SS" is perceived as "retained conscience.")
"White Guard". “I don’t want to work hard in the zone and I won’t.” 12. The meaning is similar to the 10th tattoo.
"I'm a thief." “You can’t live in the Soviet Republic without stealing.” “My mother raised me by stealing food from the Soviet industrial zone.”
Authority of the zone. “I will not change the law of thieves.” "Crush the activists."
"Tiger" zone. Fighter (see Dictionary). “Permanently registered in the tiger coop” (see Dictionary). The tattoo is typical for persistent violators of the prison regime.
"White Guard". Typical for those who refuse to work in correctional institutions.
"Colonel." “In captivity I work where I like.” “I am not a slave to the labor camp; no one will force me to work.”
(No description)


Scheme for applying tattoo rings to hands
Apartment thief ("specialist" thief) - burglar, hustler, locksmith (see Dictionary).
"Registered in the zone." "Sign of fate". "Prison gave me a nickname."
“Passed or was in a covered penitentiary colony with a special prison regime” (applied to the big finger).
“Don’t swear off prison and money.” "Jail is always waiting for me."
“I don’t want to work hard and I won’t.” Refusal to work in the ITK.
Prison anarchist. “I don’t care about the regime, the cops and the prosecutor’s office.”
Within. Pozhnyak (see Dictionary).
“I was born a thief” (applied to the thumb).
The "Leninist" robber, the "chief of the expropriators" is the leader of a group of racketeers.
"Always remember the zone (VTK, ITK)." "Overboard life."
"Pupil orphanage". "Orphan".
"Orphan" “In life, rely only on yourself.”
"Fatherlessness." “I became a thief because of poverty and family discord.”
Authority (see Dictionary).
"I'm dissatisfied with the verdict."
Women's "ring". Means: “passed the “crosses.” (“Crosses” is a pre-trial detention center in Leningrad.)
Thief. It is called "hello to thieves".
Polish thief (lone thief). "9" - term of imprisonment. "Z" - number of convictions.
Women's "ring". Thief, thief. It's called "tomboy".
"Lover of Women"
Prison anarchist. A prisoner convicted under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
Thief. A prisoner convicted under Article 145 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
A woman's "ring" signifying her first conviction.
Waffler (see Dictionary). It is applied by force.
“I served my time by calling” (i.e. completely).
A prisoner convicted under Articles 102 or 108 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
Thief. A prisoner convicted under Articles 144 or 145 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
Thief. A prisoner convicted under Articles 144 or 145 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. May mean "CAT" (native prison inmate)
Thief. The tattoo is called the "thief's cross". A prisoner convicted under Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
Killer (by order of the ITU administration).
“Gave promotion in the zone” (committed a crime in a penal colony).
"Passed through a special prison."
"I was born in prison." "My destiny is the sky in a large square."
“I got into the zone as a juvenile and was transferred to an adult.” Zack is a boy.
Centerman is the leader of a group of thieves. Horn of the VTK zone. She denied it.
The scarab beetle is a symbol of thieves' luck (the so-called "amulet").
“Before imprisonment, he served in a military construction detachment.”
“I spent two years in a disciplinary battalion for a military crime.”
Touring thief. Trotter. "Today here, and tomorrow there."
Caucasian racketeer (in particular, Chechen).
Racketeer-proletarian expropriator. Abyssinian tax collector.
The prisoner denied (see Dictionary).
Prison anarchist.
"The Shaggy Thief" (a man convicted of rape).
Women's "ring". Thief. It is called "in the circle of thieves."
“Served a term of imprisonment in a penitentiary colony” (the dashes indicate the term of imprisonment).
Women's "ring". Male (active lesbian). For men, a similar “ring” means: “beat the asset”
Women's "ring". She denied it.
Nepotism suit. It is called "tambourine". It is applied by force.
Women's "ring". Worn by teenage girls. It's called "they are not judged."
The bearer of the tattoo is a prisoner who has vowed to take revenge “for desecrated love.”
Six (see Dictionary).
Chushok (see Dictionary). It is applied by force.
Tattoo of a convicted minor under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR
“Passed the “crosses.” (“Crosses” is a pre-trial detention center in Leningrad.)
A prisoner convicted under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
Cormorant. A prisoner convicted under Article 206 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.

(The general meaning of all tattoos is: “no one can bring me to my knees”)

(The general meaning of all tattoos is: “no one can bring me to my knees”)