Ankle tattoos are beautiful, elegant, and comfortable. But it is also more painful to apply drawings to this part of the body than to the same shoulder or forearm. In addition, special attention will be required to ensure that the healing process proceeds correctly. Is it worth going to such

Some parts of the body are particularly suitable for tattooing. Ankle tattoos are one of the most common options, especially among women. Perhaps, only the hips, forearms and shoulder blades are most often chosen.

Why do they get tattoos on ankles?

Indeed, although the ankles are “flesier” than, for example, the knees, the bone is still quite close to the surface, there is practically no fat layer. And this, as you know, causes particularly painful sensations when applying a tattoo. If this scares you, it makes sense to pay attention to your calves. This part of the leg is very close. However, getting a tattoo on it will be much easier. Plus, it's not as painful as foot tattoos anyway.

Others are not afraid of painful sensations at all. After all, ankle tattoos have their undeniable advantages:

  1. A tattoo in this place can be easily hidden under pants, knee socks, or long skirts. But on the beach or in an informal setting, it’s easy to put a tattoo on public display.
  2. Ankle tattoos are recognized by many men as one of the most attractive places for a tattoo on a woman’s body.
  3. The graceful design will draw attention to thin, feminine ankles. It will not only draw the attention of others to them, but will also add grace and a little “spice.”

Features of tattooing on the ankle

The process of applying a tattoo to the ankles is fraught with some difficulties, which you should prepare for before you sit down in the chair of a tattoo artist:

  • The location of this part of the body creates difficulties in applying a tattoo, both for the tattoo artist and for the client himself.
  • Find a comfortable position that allows you to relax while still giving the tattoo artist enough access to your ankle.
  • Prepare for some pain. As mentioned above, on the ankles there is almost no layer between the skin and the bone. So the process will not bring the most pleasant experience.
  • Experience shows that tattoos on ankles bleed more often. Don't be alarmed, this is completely normal. However, it is worth noting that we're talking about about the blood coming out a little more profusely. But not about bleeding in the usual sense of the word.
  • Before changing the position of your body, warn the specialist about this. If a professional is working with you, he will be able to level out even the most sudden twitches without ruining the work. But why create unnecessary difficulties?
  • The place of a fresh tattoo should not be rubbed or squeezed by clothing. Think about this when going to a tattoo parlor.

How to care for ankle tattoos?

Just like any other place, ankle tattoos also require special care after they are applied. For legs, perhaps, compliance with the rules should be even more thorough.

  • Listen carefully to the tattoo artist's recommendations on how to care for your design. If you were not given a memo, write it down key rules and advice. Feel free to ask questions and clarify names.
  • Feet are that part of our body that is often susceptible to all kinds of pollution. Make sure that dust, fur, and dirt do not get on the tattoo on your ankle. Wash the area regularly with soap and water, and then moisturize with a special ointment (recommended by the tattoo artist).
  • While the tattoo is healing, avoid tight clothing, synthetic fabrics, or pressing or rubbing accessories. The same applies to shoes if they come into contact with the tattoo site.
  • Protect your ankle tattoos from sun exposure. Especially while it's new. After all, a fresh tattoo is like an open wound. So, use it on her sunscreen it is forbidden. But after healing it is possible, and even necessary!

Ankle tattoos have some limitations in design options. Firstly, because of its special shape - cylindrical. When placing a design on such a surface, the tattoo artist will have to take into account its distortions. Secondly, you cannot place a large pattern on the ankle, or with fine detail. However, ankle tattoos are still not losing their popularity.

Since ancient times, people have believed that tattoos are endowed magical properties. And drawings on the body bring strength, courage and health to the owner. Tattoo artists note that not only men show interest in body designs. And for girls this art has become close. Ankle tattoos are popular among women.

Tattoos in the ankle area are chosen by girls who want to attract attention and highlight the beauty of their legs, and the design itself will reflect the brightness and color of nature.

Among the stronger sex, tattooing on the ankle is not popular. The reason lies in pain perception. Male leg This area is densely covered with hair. During the procedure, hairs become entangled in the needle, causing discomfort.

Benefits of ankle tattoos for girls:

  • Sexy and graceful. Small tattoos on the leg in the ankle area look impressive and attract attention because they are made in the sexiest part of the body;
  • Low price thanks small sizes and area of ​​tattoo application;
  • Body jewelry can be covered long skirt or pants;
  • Getting a tattoo on the ankle takes less time than on other parts of the body. This causes minimal pain and discomfort;
  • Doesn't look provocative. An ideal option for girls who want a tattoo, but do not want to apply it to exposed parts of the body.

Application Features

The human leg in the ankle area consists of the talus, tibia and fibula. Applying a drawing to this area causes pain and discomfort, unlike other, soft parts of the body. Before the procedure, it is recommended to remove hair and wipe the skin at the site of the future tattoo with alcohol.

Painful ankle pain

The pain of getting a tattoo on the ankle depends on many factors:

How much do they stuff?

The time to get a tattoo on the ankle depends on the size and complexity of the sketch, the number of colors chosen by the customer and the small details of the design itself. If the tattoo is 15-20 cm in size simple drawing and plain, the time for stuffing is 1.5-2 hours.

How to care for an ankle tattoo

Caring for an Ankle Tattoo is the Same important process, as the choice of the tattoo artist and sketch, since this process represents the introduction of a foreign substance into the skin - paint. At the end of the process itself, the place with the tattoo is open wound. To avoid complications, a period of rehabilitation is required.

Also, proper care of your tattoo will keep it in perfect condition for many years.

Below is a list of recommendations for ankle tattoo care:

  1. At the end of the tattooing process, the artist bandages the ankle with a sterile bandage or gauze. After a few hours it needs to be removed. If the tattooist used gauze instead plastic film, it is removed after 20-30 minutes. Before removing the bandage or plastic, wash your hands well;
  2. After the bandage is removed, the ankle with the tattoo is washed. To do this, use a bath of warm soapy water. Washing the tattoo under running water is strictly prohibited. After removing the blood, the tattoo is blotted with a paper towel;
  3. After washing, the tattooed area is treated with antibacterial ointment, bepamnten. This procedure helps fast healing wounds, resists the growth of bacteria, moisturizes and nourishes dry skin, giving it elasticity;
  4. After 3-4 days, stop using the ointment and apply lotion instead. It will help cope with itching associated with the wound healing process;
  5. During rehabilitation, it is not recommended to wear long clothes, socks and pants. The tattooed area should be left open until complete healing;
  6. The shoes do not come into contact with the tattoo so as not to irritate the skin and not interfere with the recovery process.

Shoe selection

Women's shoes highlight the beauty and elegance of not only the girl's legs, but also the tattoo.

It is selected depending on the nature of the body pattern:

Henna tattoo on ankle

For girls who want to get an unusual decoration on their ankle, but do not want to get a tattoo with a needle, there is an excellent alternative - applying a henna design.

This type of body art has a number of features:

  • Tattoos don't last long. Stays on the body for up to 2 weeks, thanks to which you can often change patterns;
  • The application process does not cause pain and takes little time;
  • After such a tattoo there are no scars;
  • An economical option compared to a tattoo;
  • Henna is absolutely safe for the body and is suitable for repeated application. But girls with allergies are not recommended to use this product;
  • Does not require a mandatory visit to an expensive tattoo parlor. Creativity can be done at home. To do this, just purchase a stencil and henna.

The procedure for applying a temporary tattoo on the ankle is simple and is performed in the following steps:

  1. To open the pores, the skin is treated with eucalyptus oil;
  2. Do not apply in the forearm area a large number of henna to check for allergies;
  3. A stencil is applied to the selected place on the ankle and an image is applied using henna;
  4. In order for the tattoo to dry completely, it will take 1-1.5 hours of continuous stay in a warm room;
  5. To make the tattoo brighter, sesame oil is applied to it;
  6. Regular hairspray will help seal the result.

Popular hieroglyphs and their meanings

Chinese characters have long won a place of honor among the most popular ankle tattoos.

The most popular hieroglyphs include:

  • Translated from Chinese, this character means love.. Among tattoo artists, it is believed that such designs are chosen by girls who want to find feminine happiness and meet the man of their dreams;
  • Hieroglyph with the meaning rose denotes passion, beauty and attraction;
  • Yin Yang- this is universal harmony and balance of natural forces;
  • Hieroglyph "Fu" denotes happiness, peace, prosperity and prosperity. It is believed that applying it to the body brings wealth, health, and happiness to the owner in his personal life. It also has the effect of an amulet and protects against evil spirits.

Sketches of inscriptions in Latin with translation

No less popular are the inscriptions in Latin:


Bracelet ankle tattoos are ideal for girls of all ages.

But before applying, you need to remember that this is not only decoration, it has rich history and carries a deep meaning:

  • A spell tattooed around the ankle ancient language, which closes the clover leaf - attracts good luck and wealth;
  • The round shape of the bracelet with a firebird feather represents spirituality and the eternal desire for the unknown;
  • Celtic patterns and rose thorns represent a talisman against the human evil eye and damage;
  • A tattoo bracelet in the form of a chain with a key indicates that the heart of the owner of the tattoo is closed to strangers.


Dolphins are kind and smart mammals, but in the world of tattoos the meaning depends on the style of the image:


Ankle tattoos for girls with images of butterflies are popular in Russia. girls lung behavior.

But the meaning of this image lies in another meaning:

  • Butterflies on the vine represent harmony and family happiness;
  • A colored butterfly with wide-open wings signifies love;
  • The symbol of immortality bears images of butterflies fluttering over each other;
  • Butterflies flying among the stars speak of freedom.


The popularity of tattoos depicting hearts has not lost its relevance since the last century:


The images on the ankle with stars primarily serve as a stylish attribute:


A fairy tattoo is not just a beautiful design, it has many interesting meanings:

Sun and moon

Romantic people choose tattoos depicting the sun and moon.

But the meanings of such drawings are not always romantic in nature:

  • The moon is maternal love and fertility;
  • The Sun is the All-Seeing Eye;
  • The moon eclipsing the sun denotes the clash of several forces;
  • One luminary with two drawings: on one side - the sun, on the other - the moon signifies sadness and internal torment;
  • The sun in the moon is a sign of eternal wandering.


Tattoos depicting flowers carry secret meaning and give the owner additional charm:


Images with animals convey the mental and physical qualities of the impaled animal:


A tattoo with a picture of a plant gives a girl elegance and grace:

"Star" gallery

The fashion for tattoos in the ankle area has not spared celebrity girls:

To emphasize their individuality, girls get a tattoo on their ankle without thinking about the meaning of the design. For many girls, the beauty of a sketch is above all else. When choosing a drawing, it is important to consider that it will remain with the person forever. Before getting a tattoo, you need to think 1000 times and only then proceed.

Video: ankle tattoo for girls

Girls' ankle tattoos, video compilation:

The meaning of ankle tattoos for girls:

The meaning of ankle tattoos is in most cases decorative. Typically, drawings are made in order to beautifully design the legs and place emphasis on them. However, more and more often they began to choose for tattoos those sketches that carry a certain meaning that is important for a person.

Most often chosen:

  • Flower tattoos on the ankle are the most popular topic among women's tattoos. They are chosen because the flowers perfectly highlight the beauty of the girl and such drawings are very symbolic, as they can tell a lot about the character. Rose tattoos on the ankle are the most common. Red color speaks of a passionate temperament, pink of tenderness and softness, white of gullibility;
  • A feather tattoo on the ankle symbolizes lightness and tenderness. Previously, feathers were given sacred meaning, they were considered a link between the world of the living and world of the dead. Based on this, the feather can be considered a strong amulet;
  • A lizard tattoo on the ankle is a symbol of resourcefulness, the ability to adapt to any conditions, the willingness to make sacrifices (remember the lizard’s ability to throw off its tail). This tattoo is suitable active people who are not afraid to take risks;
  • A swallow tattoo on the ankle is a symbol of new life, new beginnings, upward striving. Swallows are the harbingers of spring. They symbolize eternal youth and rebirth. A bird tattoo on the ankle speaks of a desire for freedom, for something new and unknown. Such images can often be seen among avid travelers;
  • ankle bracelet tattoo is one of the popular themes. Such tattoos have been in demand for many years. Today, the choice of designs is striking in its diversity - you can make a bracelet of any thickness, choose a graphic ornament for it, consisting of geometric shapes or floral and plant patterns. You can get a tattoo in both color and monochrome;
  • The cat tattoo on the ankle is fluffy, soft, graceful, but has a wayward character. Almost every girl is ready to try on this description. It is not surprising that cats are deservedly popular in women’s body painting;
  • wing tattoo on the ankle is a symbol of freedom, flight, purity. The wings painted on the legs are associated with Hermes, who wore winged sandals. In this context, wings can be interpreted as a symbol of speed, the ability to be in the right place at the right time;
  • A snake tattoo on the ankle is a symbol of temptation, danger, and wisdom. The snake can mean both life and death. When you see a snake, two images immediately come to mind: the tempting serpent, which made Eve taste the forbidden fruit, and the snake as part of the medical emblem. This reflects different attitude to the snakes in different cultures. And now such a tattoo can be interpreted ambiguously;
  • star tattoos on the ankle are most often not worn semantic load. They are chosen because a scattering of stars of different sizes looks beautiful and impressive. The stars that are in the sky have always attracted the eyes of people. Such a tattoo can mean a desire for something distant, unattainable;
  • A butterfly tattoo on the ankle is a symbol of lightness and carefreeness. This pattern looks bright and feminine and well emphasizes the light character of its owner;
  • An inscription tattoo on the ankle is another popular option. It can be found on both male and female bodies. Inscriptions most often contain the names of loved ones, memorable dates, individual words or phrases that reflect a person’s life position, his principles and beliefs. This can be a separate image or a tattoo around the ankle - imitation of a bracelet using an inscription.

In the male version, ankle tattoos may contain images of skulls, weapons, aggressive wild animals or Polynesian ornaments. Men don't often get separate tattoos on their ankles; usually they are a continuation of a larger design that occupies the entire space from the knee to the ankle. Tattoos in the style of biomechanics look interesting in this place. They usually take up the entire leg. In addition, popular styles for tattoos on the leg on the ankle are realism, school painting, watercolor, abstract art, dotwork, geometry and others. The combination of several styles in one tattoo looks impressive and unusual. This gives the image individuality and speaks of a person’s penchant for creativity and searching for non-standard solutions. The choice of this place as a canvas is not always determined by personal and aesthetic preferences. An ankle tattoo can act as a tattoo on scars and hide noticeable scars from injuries and wounds that a person would not want to show to others. In this case, the tattoo is great way restore attractiveness to the image.

Girls' ankles are considered one of the most attractive parts of the body. To attract attention, many people get tattoos on their ankles. The images that are applied to this part are actively discussed among young people, some try to be like celebrities in this matter, and some prefer to demonstrate their individuality.

If you decide to get a tattoo on your ankle, it is important not only to choose a design, but also to take into account the characteristics of your body and lifestyle.

The meaning of an ankle tattoo

Images on the leg can carry their own meaning depending on the nature of the design.

For example, if you look at Charlize Theron's ankle, you can see a fish. One might assume that the drawing means belonging to the zodiac sign, but no, the artist’s horoscope is Leo. Then you can attach another meaning - a symbol of fertility, sexuality, given that fish lay a large number of eggs.

It should be noted that a tattoo on the ankle does not always carry hidden meaning, most often the drawing plays a decorative role, serving to decorate this elegant part of the female body. Inscriptions or drawings on the ankle emphasize the elegance of women's legs, as well as the character of the lady.

Pros of a tattoo on the leg

Tattoos can be done on almost any part of the body. If an ankle is chosen for these purposes, then some positive points can be noted:

  1. If you don’t want to decorate your body with large drawings, but really want to have a tattoo, then small tattoo on the ankle is just what you need. The modest design does not look provocative and does not cause much discomfort when applied.
  2. If the owner of such jewelry does not want to show it off, then there is always the opportunity to hide it under trousers or shoes.
  3. The cost of such jewelry is relatively small, since it involves small area bodies.
  4. Women's legs with ankle tattoos look sexier and often attract men's gaze.

If you have slender legs, then it’s time to attract the eyes of men by getting a tattoo on your ankle.

Disadvantages of such drawings

Any idea can be viewed from two sides; in addition to advantages, you can also find disadvantages.

There are several points that highlight opponents of tattoos on the leg:

  • If you are a fan of large images, then this area is not suitable for that, as the area is quite limited, so the choice of thumbnails is narrowed;
  • Those who have experienced the process of applying a tattoo to the ankle note that the procedure is quite painful. The sensations, of course, depend on the sensitivity of the skin in different places and the skill of the tattoo artist;
  • For those who wish to display a permanent image for everyone to see, this area is not suitable. IN winter time, for example, this part of the leg is hidden by shoes or clothing;
  • After application, the tattoo bothers its owner for some time, as the healing process is delayed due to constant contact with clothing.

After weighing all the pros and cons, everyone has the right to choose for themselves whether to get a tattoo on their ankle or not.

Popular tattoo designs

Everyone decides for themselves which image to put on the ankle. But there are designs that girls most often choose to apply to their legs:

  • Sun;
  • Flowers;
  • Hearts;
  • Asterisks;
  • Wings;
  • Butterflies;
  • Dolphins and other sea inhabitants;
  • Pattern in the form of a bracelet;
  • A hieroglyph or a group of such;
  • Inscriptions. They can go in the form of a bracelet and go around the ankle, or the inscription is made vertically. By the way, if the inscription is located vertically along the shin, then this visually lengthens the legs;
  • The clover leaf is also chosen quite often; such a design is considered a symbol of good luck.

If we talk about men's tattoos, then they are sharper, both in form and content. It should be noted that the choice of pattern depends purely on personal preference. Some use all their imagination and come up with sketches on their own.

Henna tattoo on ankle

If you have a great desire to have an unusual decoration on your ankle, but don’t really want to get a tattoo, then a henna tattoo is an excellent choice. Henna has been used for painting since ancient times; this art has come to our times from India. As you know, women in this country painted their bodies almost from head to toe using henna.

Our women, of course, most likely will not dare to do this, but it is quite possible to use henna for applying small designs.

This type of wearable creativity has its advantages:

  • The tattoo can be applied quickly and without any pain;
  • The drawing is not saved long time, but so much the better, after a couple of weeks you can change the decoration with a new image;
  • After such a tattoo disappears, there are no traces, much less scars;
  • Henna mixes well with various dyes, so you can get a rich range of colors;
  • Drawing such a design is a very inexpensive pleasure;
  • To receive jewelry, it is not at all necessary to visit a tattoo parlor; you can stock up on a stencil and start creating art right at home;
  • Such a tattoo is absolutely safe for the body, and if we consider that henna is a natural antiseptic, then we can say that it is even useful.

Getting ready for a henna tattoo

It is even necessary to prepare for such a process; there are several recommendations in this regard:

  1. Carefully prepare the application area, wash with soap, rinse with running water and treat with an alcohol-containing degreasing liquid.
  2. It is necessary to take into account that the smoother the skin structure, the clearer the pattern will be.
  3. Remove hair from your leg first.
  4. Draw the future drawing with a dotted line.
  5. You should not draw in one place several times, as there may be an allergic reaction.

Let's start drawing

The entire procedure for applying a tattoo to the ankle comes down to the following steps:

  1. It is better to do the procedure in a warm room.
  2. Before the procedure, treat the skin with a small amount of eucalyptus oil to open the pores.
  3. To check for allergies to henna, apply a small amount of the mixture in the elbow area and wait a few hours. If there is no redness or irritation, then you can proceed.
  4. Place the stencil on your leg and apply the tattoo using dye paste.
  5. Wait until it dries completely and remove the template.

After the drawing procedure you must:

  • Dry the tattoo for at least an hour in a warm room. The beauty and duration of preservation of the drawing will depend on the quality of this stage;
  • To make the design brighter and clearer, you need to mix lemon juice and sugar in a 2:1 ratio and apply to the tattoo;
  • Apply a little on top of the design vegetable oil, for example, if you use sesame, it will become bright, and eucalyptus will ensure clear lines;
  • You can fix a tattoo with regular hairspray - this is such an unusual use. Some people use nail polish, but it feels unpleasant after it dries.

A design applied with henna will not retain its clarity and brightness for a long time, so after a while you will have to remove it and apply the next one. This is quite simple to do; as soon as the image begins to lose its clarity, you can arm yourself with soapy water, a brush and go to the bathroom.

Ankle tattoos for girls always look sophisticated and elegant, highlighting the beauty of slender legs. This intimate area always attracts the attention of the opposite sex, so ladies often catch the admiring glances of men. Tattoo artists admit that modern girls have become much more liberated, so they are happy to decide on bold experiments.

Advantages and disadvantages of ankle tattoos

Conservative society still treats those who decorate their bodies with tattoos with contempt and misunderstanding. For girls who are not used to shocking the public, but want to follow fashion trends, ankle tattoos will be a real salvation. This pattern is very easy to hide from prying eyes by wearing closed high-top shoes, jeans or trousers. At work, under conditions of a strict dress code, the lady will feel calm and confident, and colleagues and bosses will not even suspect the existence of a piquant tattoo.

But in the summer, a girl has the opportunity to surprise others and proudly demonstrate her exquisite body jewelry. Small tattoos on the ankle look very impressive in combination with open high-heeled shoes. This part of the body is considered one of the sexiest, so you will be guaranteed the attention of the opposite sex.


One of the advantages is also the low cost of tattoos, since the sketches do not differ large sizes. In addition, the application procedure will not take too much time, so even the most severe pain will be short-lived. As they say, beauty requires sacrifice. Touching upon the topic of the painfulness of the procedure, it can be noted that everything depends on individual physiological characteristics. Girls have a much lower pain threshold than men. Perhaps this is the reason for the fact that among the most tattooed people in the world there are more representatives of the stronger sex. To minimize discomfort, it is advisable not to plan a trip to the tattoo parlor a week in advance or during your period, since during this period the body is very sensitive and vulnerable.


Of the negative aspects, only 2 factors can be identified: limitations in the choice of sketch and the painfulness of the application procedure. It is not always possible to place an effective tattoo on a small and uneven area of ​​skin: you have to adapt to the shape and take into account the anatomical features so that the image is not skewed. Previously, images were flat, but today, with the advent of 3D technology, it is possible to make a tattoo three-dimensional.

Applying a pattern to the ankle is accompanied by severe pain, since the absence of a fat layer does not allow shock absorption from the tattoo machine. The needle mercilessly hits the bone, so the girl should be patient and persevering or increase the dose of anesthetics.

Popular sketches

Tattoo options can be very diverse: both colored and black and white, presented in complex compositions or primitive, barely noticeable and very bright. When choosing a sketch, a girl should listen to the advice of the master so that the image looks harmonious on the ankle, and, of course, rely on her own opinion.

Since any body design carries a certain message and hidden meaning, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the meaning of a particular image. Let's look at the most popular sketches among girls.

  • The anchor (see photo in the gallery) represents stability and reliability.
  • Birds symbolize freedom. If the bird sits on a branch, it means that the owner is not averse to switching to a measured (sedentary) lifestyle.
  • Female sketches in the form of an inscription on the ankle are interpreted depending on the context. As a matter of fact, everything is written clearly and specifically, only in different languages: English, French, Spanish, Latin, etc. Hieroglyphs and sayings in ancient languages ​​are often found.
  • Flowers or a blooming bud on the ankle are a symbol of femininity, youth, purity.
  • The butterfly on the tattoo personifies the tenderness and fragility of its owner. The drawing looks very impressive and three-dimensional using the 3D technique, when the shadow of the wings is cast.
  • For women who are considering a tattoo only as decoration, it is recommended to choose neutral options in the form of a tattoo bracelet that covers the circumference of the leg. This way you can emphasize slender legs and narrow ankles. As a basis, you can take a sketch that imitates jewelry, or simply ornate patterns in the Baroque style.

Examples to follow

Ankle tattoos are found on many celebrities. The smiling strawberry has long been business card Katy Perry. American actress Jennifer Love Hewitt has the word “I” on her ankle. Her colleague Nicole Ricci, a big fan of tattoos, preferred a more neutral option and chose a decoration in the form of a chain with a cross. Alyssa Milano, who played one of the main roles in the TV series “Charmed,” also did not limit herself to one drawing and decorated two legs at once. On one ankle she has a tattoo bracelet in the shape of roses, on the other - her lover’s initials and a cross.

Interesting video about painful places for tattoos

Photos and sketches of ankle tattoos