A simple and pleasant tattoo of paw marks has found its popularity more among women than among men. The “Paws” tattoo, as a rule, is mainly a cat tattoo, and is interesting because, although unusual, it is quite inconspicuous, not subject to the whims of fashion and can be easily replaced if necessary. If the symbolism of a tattoo is important to you, then the “Footprints” tattoo personifies passion, even animalistic, “an animal in bed.” The cat's paw symbolizes strength and self-confidence. “Paws” tattoos do not carry a specific meaning; they are rather a positive, unobtrusive decoration. As a rule, women use the image of cat paws (all types of cats are used), but men like to use symbols of wolf, bear, lion paws or claw marks. Of course, their sizes are also different. For men, paw marks are more of a symbol of strength, success, and fearlessness.

As already mentioned, paw tattoos are more in demand among women. There are countless options for use - from a single image of a paw to a trail of footprints. Colors, shapes and stylization are just as numerous. However, it is necessary to warn you that you should not make the paws too small. This is due to the fact that the outline of any tattoo can “float”, and if in comparison with large tattoos this is unnoticeable, then tiny paws can turn into spots.

The question arises - where to get a tattoo? The most painless option, of course, is a “bracelet” on the leg, for example. But such a tattoo on the chest is a rather painful process. On the other hand, a path of cat's paws on the shoulder will look quite sexy. Men usually choose the chest and shoulder for such a tattoo. She undoubtedly adds a certain charm or, on the contrary, brutality to a man.

Some Indian tribes, whose totems were animals such as wolves and bears, painted their faces in the form of the faces of wolves, and on their chests there were always black, sometimes bloody prints of the claws and paws of bears. This gave them confidence in battle against rival clans and was used to attract the attention of women. It was believed that the strongest warrior and worthy husband should have had a real imprint of bear claws, obtained in an unequal fight between man and beast.

The paw print tattoo, sketches of which are presented below, looks quite cute and funny. It is not surprising that many people decorate their bodies with similar tattoos. But what can they mean and in what styles can such tattoos be made? The answers are waiting for you in this article!


The tattoos that this article is devoted to look as if an animal has walked across the skin and stained its paws in ink or paint. It looks quite funny and cute. Depending on the execution of the paw print tattoo, the meaning of which is described below, can be filled with different meanings:

  • the paws of pets, such as cats or dogs, can indicate affection for your pet;
  • sometimes paw prints are made in memory of a deceased pet. In this case, the tattoo can be supplemented with inscriptions or dates of life;
  • traces of bird paws are made if a person wants to emphasize his love for freedom. Indeed, thanks to their ability to fly, birds are considered a symbol of free character and the desire to get rid of shackles and conventions;
  • traces of tigers, wolves and bears are made by representatives of the stronger half of humanity who want to further emphasize their strong, independent character.

Finally, paw prints are simply a cute motif that highlights the tattoo wearer's sense of humor and creativity.

Advice! Paw print tattoos, photos of which you can see in the article, in last years are very popular. Don't copy someone else's tattoo: ask the artist to help you find a unique idea that will make the work unique.

Performance style

Typically, paw tattoos are done in black work style, that is, the artist simply fills the contours of the footprint with black pigment. Such tattoos are performed quite quickly, so such a design is often chosen by people who come to a tattoo parlor for the first time and are afraid that they will not be able to withstand a long session. However, such tattoos have long become mainstream, so it is advisable to find a new interesting idea

Tattoos with paw prints inscribed in them look very stylish. realistic image the animal that left this mark. Of course, such paw tattoos should have enough larger sizes, otherwise the master will not be able to convey all the details of the drawing.

You can make graphic traces that are complemented by geometric elements. This option looks quite memorable and unusual.

The marks can gradually change their shape, turning into the outline of an animal, leaves or any other element: it all depends solely on your imagination and the idea that you put into your tattoo.

Finally, you can ask the artist to make “melting” marks: the first one will be quite clear, and the last one will be almost invisible. Usually such tattoos are done in the dot-work style.

Advice! If you are very afraid of pain during a tattoo session, ask the artist to apply an analgesic cream to your skin. True, this issue needs to be clarified in advance: such products are not used in all tattoo parlors.

Place of application

Paw print tattoos are usually quite compact in size, so they can be applied to almost any part of the body. Such tattoos can decorate the collarbone, wrist, and even be applied behind the ear. Works that contain realistic elements or suggest a large number of small parts must be large in size. This will allow the master to convey all the nuances of the selected sketch. In addition, tiny works that contain a lot of detail will simply blur and become “unreadable” over time.

The image of a cat on the human body has retained a lot of symbolism for many centuries. Thus, among ancient peoples, the cat was the guardian of the moon and symbolized maternal origin, among sailors - sign of good luck and prosperity on the ship. Nowadays, the meaning of a cat tattoo has many different symbols and carries different meanings depending on the color or position of the animal; the area on the body where the design is printed also plays an important role.

Black cat - a mystical tattoo with deep meaning

Most often, it is girls who get a black cat tattoo, since it is able to very clearly convey a person’s character. There are many legends and superstitions around this animal, which are often associated with witches and witchcraft, but in the real world the black cat has a slightly different meaning.

The first thing that carries the image of a black cat on a girl’s body is mystery and magical appeal, especially if the animal is depicted against the background of the moon. In such drawings, the cat is in a peaceful state, so there is no deep meaning in such a drawing. However, as soon as the nature of the tattoo changes, it immediately takes on a different meaning. If the animal’s fur is raised, its claws are extended, and its face displays obvious signs of aggression, this indicates the strong and unapproachable character of the girl, who is ready to stand up for herself at any moment.

Cheshire cat and cat paws

The unsurpassed smile of the Cheshire cat speaks of optimistic and dreamy character person. This tattoo is worn by both boys and girls who want to show the world their self-confidence and humorous attitude towards anyone. life situations. Also, the meaning of the Cheshire cat tattoo suggests that a person likes to philosophize and sometimes his actions are unpredictable and mysterious.

One more interesting symbol is a cat jumping or cat footprints and paws. This tattoo speaks of strong character and the ability to get out of the most difficult situations. A person who wears a similar design on his body is capable, like a cat, of always landing on four paws.

Cat tattoo areas

Men often tattoo a cat on their leg or shoulder blade; on a woman’s body, a small pattern of a cat on her wrist looks very attractive, drawing attention to her delicate and sophisticated female hands. Images of cat tracks or paws look original on the neck or lower abdomen. Of particular note is the image of a black cat on a woman’s lower leg, which not only draws attention to the slender legs, but also speaks of the strong and confident character of its owner.

0 If you are looking for a small but still incredible meaningful tattoo, then consider getting a paw print on your body. Although simple, these tattoos are individual to each user and can symbolize many things. Starting from a favorite pet, an individual character trait, to the idea of ​​an entire culture. Paw print tattoos are a great choice for many people.
However, before you continue, I would like to encourage you to take a look at some of my educational news on the topic of tattooing. For example, how to understand the Ostrich Tattoo; what does Owl Tattoo mean? meaning of Panther Tattoo; what does Parrot Tattoo mean, etc.
So let's continue Meaning of Paw Prints Tattoo?

One type of paw print tattoo can have especially personal meaning if the marks memorialize your pet. Whether you have owned a cat, dog, rabbit, bird or lizard, you can make a paw print of that animal to commemorate your pet. As you get older, these paw prints from past pets can become a related design, such as a pattern on the shoulder or chest. If you have a premonition of death, and while your beloved pet is still alive, you can personalize your tattoo even more. Just make a print of his paw by immersing it in paint, and then place it on a piece of clean white paper and take it to your tattoo artist. This will be enough to make a unique design out of this trace. You can place the paw prints along your back, thigh, or other part of your body.

paw print of a particular animal can also symbolize certain characteristics of that creature that you want to embody. For example, in many Indian cultures, people associate with their spirit animal, many of them have paws that are ideal for tattooing. The wolf is especially notable in Native American culture, where it is considered the first animal to understand and experience death, making it a symbol afterlife. Wolves are also known to be excellent protectors of their young, as well as one of the most sociable and expressive creatures.

For members gay community a bear paw print may symbolize "bear" culture. Gay men who belong to this culture are often distinguished by their facial and body hair, and many are quite muscular and stocky. Although the bear is often considered fierce and scary, gay bears are often quite kind, polite and friendly - but they will react if provoked!

More generally, a paw pattern on your body can indicate that you are trying to move forward, embrace change, and achieve your goals in life. Having a string of paw prints along your leg can indicate your passion for running, and placing a paw tattoo on a scar can show that you're moving past that particularly painful incident in your life.

Paw prints are also a great way for mothers and fathers to represent their children. Getting a single footprint for each child along with their first or last name makes a cute design around the wrist or ankle especially unique. You can also let your kids contribute by having each footprint painted in the child's favorite color.

Meaning of Paw Print Tattoo

As described above, there are many different meanings, attributed to paw tattoos, and what they represent in a particular culture. In general, paw print tattoos represent the following meanings:

  • Memory of a pet
  • Movement/moving forward
  • Member of the "bear culture" in the gay community
  • Totem animal
  • Ferocity
  • Power and Durability
  • Children and their upbringing.

Common animal tracks

Paw print tattoo options

There are many variations of paw tattoos, almost as many as there are animals in nature. Here you will find some of the most popular paw print designs, and tips on how you can personalize them to suit your own personality or cultural background.

Dog paw print tattoo

The dog truly is best friend person, and for any dedicated dog owner (or just a dog lover), getting a paw print tattoo is a great way to show your love for that animal. Dogs are loyal, friendly and playful, making this tattoo suitable for anyone with a similar personality. Great way To personalize this tattoo even further is to write your dog's name around the paw print. If you like the idea of ​​a dog paw print tattoo but want something more, you can bring a photo of your dog and get a sketch of your pet on the body. While most tattoo artists have no problem with these types of tattoos, not all of them are experts in working with photographs, so be more careful about this and find a great tattoo artist who has experience tattooing with real photo. If you're crazy about these four-legged friends of man, read interesting article on the topic of Dog Tattoos.

Cat paw print tattoo

If you prefer to interact with felines or simply admire their independence, and also believe that they have a direct connection to the devil, then getting a drawing of a cat's paw or a series of paw prints is a great choice. More subtle than a dog paw print tattoo, this design is more subtle and feminine and can either memorialize a beloved pet or showcase individual feline traits. Cats are known for their aloofness and seeming indifference to others, but they also have some wonderful, often overlooked traits. Domesticated cats are capable of living both indoors and outdoors, they are useful in catching mice and other rodents, and they can be extremely loyal to their owners. Just like with a dog paw tattoo, consider personalizing your cat paw print tattoo. For example, add your pet's name, a schematic drawing, or even a realistic design made from a photo of your pet. These options ensure that your tattoo is unique and completely customizable! Look at mine new article on the topic of Cat Tattoos.

Wolf paw print tattoo

Mystical Wolf print tattoos are very popular among people with Indian roots or those who are simply close to the Native American culture. A wolf paw print is different from other paw tattoo designs because it will have claws, a clear sign of the wolf's fierce and strong nature. One way to further customize the design is to sketch out the paw print in a tribal style. This could link a wolf's paw print to a certain tribe or simply convey your individual taste. To further push the connection between the wolf and Native American culture, another design option would be to make a chain of paw prints around the wolf totem. If you don't want the tattoo to be large or complex, you could instead incorporate the totem into the paw print itself. Find out more about Wolf tattoo.

Bear paw print tattoo

As stated above, getting a bear paw tattoo can symbolize your own affiliation with bear culture in the gay community (a subculture of gay and bisexual adults characterized by noticeable body hair, and the obligatory presence of a beard and mustache), but it can also represent the status of your partner as a bear or your affinity with bears in general. If the paw print represents your partner, you can write their name on top or around the print to add a more personal connection. Another way to make a bear paw tattoo unique and relevant to the gay community is to fill the paw tattoo with rainbow colors. This will demonstrate pride in your identity and will also show a clear connection to the gay community. Pay attention to a more detailed article on the topic Bear Tattoo.

Paw print tattoos for kids

Getting a paw print tattoo to associate with your kids is cute and interesting way make them become a part of you forever. Even after for a long time after they leave their father's house and start their own families, this tattoo will remind them of the time when they still walked under the table! Ask them for input on the design, would they want a cat, dog or other animal's paw to represent them on your body? Do they have a favorite color that they think would go with your paw print? You can create a cute bracelet or bracelet design if you have multiple children, or incorporate their paw prints into a heart tattoo to show your endless love for them.

Paw Prints & Heart Tattoo

This is a great option for couples or spouses who want to celebrate their relationship with each other. This tattoo can be done by several different ways. Some prefer to have the foot made in a heart shape, while others choose to have the foot and toe pads made in a heart design. Another option is to get a heart with paws in it - this is a great option for a couple, especially if your initials are written on each heart. Be sure to pay attention to the simply huge article on the topic Heart Tattoo.

Paw print tattoos are a great choice for men and women, and their easily customizable designs mean you can work with a tattoo artist to make sure your paw print or series of paw prints is completely unique. For a custom design, you can visit our "tattoos" category to get new ideas.

After reading this publication, you learned meaning of paw print tattoo, and now you can make your final choice.

The grace of cats is in their gait. However, few people know why the mustachios move like this. The fact is that cats are digitimate. It is not the entire foot that falls to the ground, but only the pads.

Essentially, the mustachios stand on pointe shoes. Hence the grace of ballerinas and the noiselessness of movements. People express their admiration for animals in different ways. There is a category of citizens who wear names in honor of cats.

Not everyone plays favorites full height. Most people pin their paws. They don't always belong to cats. There are reasons to admire the paws of bears, wolves, and birds. Let's talk about the features and meaning of such images.

The meaning of the “Paw” tattoo

Defense is first paw tattoo meaning. It's not just about defense against enemies in battle. A symbol of struggle and aggression are limbs with extended claws. We are also talking about weather protection.

Most animals have bare noses. In cold weather they evaporate heat. To avoid hypothermia, animals cover their noses with their paws. This is, for example, what bears do during hibernation.

Usually they are interpreted figuratively. Therefore, bad weather means unfavorable life circumstances, for example, lack of love and the desire to warm up in its “rays.”

« Bear paw tattoo, rivaling in popularity with Wolf paw tattoo. The latter can act as a symbol of stability.

Wolves are related to dogs, but their paws are wider than those of domestic pets. This is necessary to move around in the snow. If wolves had narrow dog feet, they would sink into the snowdrifts rather than stay on their surface.

Wolf paw tattoo It also serves as a sign of victory. This is how the Vikings regarded the image. Before battles, they drank the blood of forest predators. Part of the ammunition for battles was the skin of a wolf. By becoming like an animal and tasting its blood, the inhabitants of the north tried to become just as brave and invincible.

Now, again about cats. In salons, they often order images not of domestic animals, but of wild ones. For example, it is in demand Tiger Paw Tattoo. This is no longer an emblem of grace, but a deadly symbol. With one blow of their paw, heat-loving cats cut open a bear's skull or break its spine.

Paw tattoo designs are not only literal. There are phenomena named the same as animal limbs. So, Anigoanthos grows in Australia. The flower buds resemble the paws of a kangaroo. This is what people call Anigozanthos.

The plant is one of the symbols of the mainland, a talisman for good luck. The buds are well preserved when dried and are sold as souvenirs. A cat's paw is called a nail puller. A working tool is associated with acumen and perseverance. Some men are not averse to applying just this to their body.

"Paw" tattoo for men

Most often men ask Bear Paw Tattoo. The image emphasizes the strength and power inherent in guys. Animal claws are an attribute of military glory.

Some men consider clubfoot to be their totem, that is, their ancestor. The ancient Slavs, in particular, believed that they originated from different animals. Totemism is still developed among the Buryats and Evenks.

Paw Traces Tattoo- a symbol of male strategists. The drawing hints that the gentleman is tracking down his “victim”, or persistently pursuing his goal. The picture seems to say: “I am invisible, but my step is firm.” Hardness masculine character is also expressed in the lines of tattoos.

Most of them are done in a tribal style, or realistic manner. These are solid, clear tattoos, with an abundance of sharp lines and jagged contours, indicating dynamism and aggressiveness.

Guys prefer black and white paws. Girls also ask for color images. By the way, it is among ladies that “Paw” is most popular.

"Paw" tattoo for women

Photo of the “Paw” tattoo are more often attracted to women because they are compact. Most girls prefer small tattoos. Their diminutiveness emphasizes their fragility and cuteness. feminine nature. Tiny paws can be placed on the fingers, wrists, neck, collarbones - favorite areas of the fairer sex.

They strive to emphasize their grace and grace. The designs on the biceps, so beloved by men, will not cope with this task. We need miniature pictures in areas without pronounced muscles.

If guys choose animal paws, girls also ask for bird prints. Emma Stone has these on her body. Her tattoo is located on her left wrist. The drawing is dedicated to the celebrity's favorite song.

She loves the Beatles, especially the song “Blackbird”. This became the reason for visiting the tattoo parlor. So, the meaning of tattoos with paws can be purely individual. In addition to generally accepted interpretations, there are personal associations.

Women tend to place “Paws” tattoos in their intimate areas. Prints appear on the chest, hips, and thighs. The drawings have sexual overtones. The pictures are playful, hinting at the grace of a woman, and therefore her charm in bed. A tattoo can also serve as a warning that a lady has “sharp claws” and it is better not to joke with her.

The image of animal paws, in any case, personifies animal instincts and closeness to nature. Therefore, the tattoo is ideal for those who live by feelings and are drawn to naturalness.

By the way, central part The "pis" sign reminds many of a bird's foot. It turns out that the tattoo is also a symbol of world peace, and women, for the most part, are peace-loving.