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Battle of the Kalka River - battle between the united Russian -Polovtsian army and Mongolian corps operating within the framework campaign of Jebe and Subedei -1224. The battle took place on the river Kalke, on the territory of modern Donetsk region. First, the Polovtsians and the main Russian forces were defeated, and after 3 days May 31 1223 years the battle ended in complete victory for the Mongols. At least nine princes and many noble boyars and ordinary soldiers from Kyiv, Galicia-Volyn, Chernigov, Smolensk and other Russian principalities died in the battle.


While I'm in Kyiv - on this side Yaika, And Pontic Sea, and rivers Danube Do not wave the Tatar saber.

Kotyan backed up his words with large gifts to the Galician prince. Mstislav Udatny took the initiative in organizing a congress of princes to discuss a campaign against the approaching Mongols. He said that if the Russian princes did not help the Polovtsians, they could join the Mongols, and then the danger would be greater. The South Russian princes gathered in Kyiv on advice under the leadership of the three “eldest” princes: Mstislav Romanovich Kievsky, Mstislav Udatny and Mstislav Svyatoslavich Chernigovsky. Yuri Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky sent an army to help the southern princes, but it did not have time for the Kiev gathering (see below). After long negotiations, the princes decided to meet the enemy on Polovtsian soil, not allowing him into Rus'. The gathering was appointed on Zaruba, near the island of Varyazhsky (the island was located opposite the mouth of the Trubezh River, now destroyed Kanevsky Reservoir), 10 kilometers from the present Trakhtemirova Kanevsky district Cherkasy region. The huge army assembled did not have a common commander: the squads of appanage princes were subordinate to their princes.

When the squads gathered at the appointed place, the Mongol embassy arrived to the princes:

We heard that you are coming against us, having listened to the Polovtsians, but we did not touch your land, neither your cities, nor your villages; They did not come against you, but by the will of God they came against the slaves and grooms of their Polovtsians. You take peace with us; if they run to you, drive them away from you and take away their property; We heard that they did a lot of harm to you too; We beat them for this too.

Original text(Old Russian)

We hear you are already coming against us, having listened to Polovtsian; but we did not take your lands, nor your city, nor your villages, nor with your breath, but 4 with the breath of God, let them go to slaves and to stables 5 for the filthy Polovche; and you will make peace with us; even to run out to you, but beat them away, and take the goods to yourself: I have heard that I have done a lot of evil to you too; We hit them the same way.

After listening to the ambassadors, the Russian princes ordered to kill them all, after which the combined forces moved further down the Dnieper. Perhaps this was an attempt to drive a wedge in relations between the Cumans and the Russians, just as the Mongols had previously separated the Cumans and Alans. However, there is also a version that the murder of the ambassadors showed the diplomatic tactlessness of the princes Kievan Rus, provoking an extremely hostile attitude of the Mongols towards all Russians.

The Galician army advanced down the Dniester into the Black Sea (the chronicle exaggerates the number of rooks, calling 1000). At the mouth of the Dnieper near Oleshya The Galicians were met by the second Mongolian embassy with the following note:

Unlike the first, it was decided to release these ambassadors in peace. The Galician army marched up the Dnieper to the island Khortytsia at the rapids, where it united with the rest of the troops. Having crossed to the left bank of the Dnieper and discovered the enemy’s advanced detachment, the Russians, after a short but bloody battle, put the Mongols to flight, and commander Ganibek was killed. Ibn al-Athir described the events this way:

Moving east and not seeing the main forces of the enemy, Russian troops two weeks later reached the bank of the Kalka River, where they defeated another advance detachment of the Mongols.

Strengths of the parties


The strength of the Mongol army was its continuous leadership of the battle. Khans, temniks and commanders of thousands did not fight alongside ordinary soldiers, but were behind the formation, on elevated places, directing the movement of troops with flags, light and smoke signals, and corresponding signals from trumpets and drums.

Mongol invasions were usually preceded by careful reconnaissance and diplomatic preparations aimed at isolating the enemy and fanning internal strife. Then there was a hidden concentration of Mongol troops near the border. The invasion usually began with different sides by separate detachments, heading, as a rule, to one previously designated point. First of all, the Mongols sought to destroy the enemy’s manpower and prevent him from replenishing his troops. They penetrated deep into the country, destroying everything in their path, exterminating the population and stealing herds. Observation detachments were deployed against fortresses and fortified cities, devastating the surrounding area and preparing for a siege.


Cavalry, drawing 1895

There are no exact data on the size of the united Russian-Polovtsian army. According to some historians, it amounted to 80-100 thousand people. According to other estimates, 40-45 thousand people. According to V.N. Tatishchev, the number of Russian troops was 103 thousand people and 50 thousand Polovtsian horsemen. According to D. G. Khrustalev, the number of Russian troops was about 10 thousand warriors plus 5-8 thousand Polovtsians.

The basis of the army was made up of Galician-Volyn, Kyiv and Chernigov troops. Also took part in the trip Smolensk and Turov-Pinsk troops. According to one version, the eldest son of Mstislav the Old also took part in the battle on Kalka, Svyatoslav, who occupied from 1222 years Polotsk throne. The Polovtsians were commanded by the governor of Mstislav of Galicia, Yarun.

The military organization of the Russian principalities was negatively affected by feudal fragmentation. The squads of princes and cities were scattered over a vast territory and weakly connected with each other; the concentration of significant forces was associated with difficulties. However, the princely squads were superior to the Mongol army in weapons, tactics and combat formation. The armament of Russian warriors, both offensive and defensive, was famous far beyond the borders of Rus'. Heavy armor was used en masse. However, the squads, as a rule, did not exceed the number of several hundred people and were of little use for actions under a single command and according to a single plan.

At the same time, the main part of the ancient Russian army was the militia. It was inferior to the nomads in weapons and the ability to wield them. The militia used axes, spears, and less often spears. Swords were rarely used.

The exact list of princes who participated in the battle is unknown. The reconstruction according to L. Voitovich’s version is in italics:

Dead Those who returned from the campaign alive


The Polovtsy, divided into many tribes and nomads, did not have a single military organization. Each khan independently took care of the weapons of his detachment. Polovtsian warriors, in addition to bows, also had sabers, lassos and spears. Later, squads with heavy weapons also appeared in the troops of the Polovtsian khans. Heavily armed warriors wore chain mail, lamellar armor and helmets with anthropomorphic iron or bronze masks and aventails. However, the basis of the army continued to be detachments of lightly armed horse archers. Some Polovtsian detachments served in the Byzantine and Georgian armies and took part in the civil strife of the Russian princes. As a result, by the end of the 12th century, many Cumans had significant military experience, improved tactics and military affairs in general.

Progress of the battle

After two successful skirmishes for the Russian-Polovtsian troops, the princes convened a military council, at which they tried to develop a plan for further action. The main issue was the parking location. Some suggested setting up camp where the army had already gathered and waiting for the enemy to approach. Others insisted on moving towards the Mongols. The decision was never made; each prince ultimately chose the tactics of action for his squad, without informing the other princes.

On the morning of May 31, Allied troops began to cross the river. The first to cross it were detachments of Polovtsian cavalry together with the Volyn squad. Then the Galicians and Chernigov residents began crossing. The Kiev army remained on the western bank of the river and began construction of a fortified camp.

Mstislav Udatny sent forward the Polovtsian guard under the leadership of Yarun, an old associate in the campaigns and the Battle of Lipitsa. The squad of Mstislav Udatny moved to the right and took up a position along the river, the squad of Mstislav Chernigovsky stood at the crossing on both banks of the Kalka, the squad of Daniil Romanovich moved forward as a striking force. Mstislav of Kiev stood behind the crossing on a rocky ridge and surrounded the camp with a palisade, fencing it with carts.

Seeing the advanced detachments of the Mongol army, the Polovtsians and the Volyn detachment entered into battle. At first, the battle developed successfully for the Russians. Daniil Romanovich, who was the first to enter the battle, chopped with unparalleled courage, not paying attention to the wound he received. The Mongol vanguard began to retreat, the Russians gave chase, lost formation and collided with the main forces of the Mongols. When Subedey saw that the forces of the Russian princes moving behind the Polovtsians were significantly behind, he gave the order for the main part of his army to go on the offensive. Unable to withstand the pressure of a more persistent enemy, the Polovtsians fled.

Having defeated the main forces of the Russians and Polovtsians, Subedei organized a siege of the Kyiv camp with the forces of the khans Tsugir and Teshi, and he and the main part rushed to pursue the surviving Russians, constantly attacking the exhausted warriors. Only a few Russian soldiers were able to take refuge in the Kiev camp, the rest retreated to the steppes in different directions. The Galician and Volyn squads fled to the Dnieper, where their boats and boats remained. Having boarded them, they chopped up the remaining ships so that the Mongols could not use them. The Chernigovites retreated north under continuous enemy attacks, losing their prince and his son. During the retreat, the Smolensk squad managed to repel the enemy’s attacks and at the Dnieper the Smolensk people broke away from their pursuers. The squads of other principalities, as well as smaller detachments that failed to join their main forces, were pursued by the Mongols to the Dnieper and suffered huge losses.

While the Mongols were pursuing the surviving Russian soldiers, part of their army was laying siege to the Kyiv camp. Attacks on him alternated with shelling. The situation of the Russians was aggravated by the lack of water supplies and its sources. They had no access to the river. On the third day, negotiations began. Leader sent by Subedai brodniks Ploskynya swore on the cross that if the Russians laid down their arms, none of them would be killed, and the princes and governors would be sent home for a ransom. The Mongols, avenging the death of their ambassadors, did not keep their promise: after the Kievites left the camp, they were attacked. Some of the soldiers were killed, some were captured. Russian princes and other military leaders were laid under the boards and crushed by the victors, who sat down on top to feast. There is a version that during the negotiations the Russian princes were given a promise not to shed blood and, having strangled them under the boards, the Mongols considered their promise fulfilled.


The exact losses among those who fought are unknown. At the same time, the sources retain estimates of those killed only in the Russian army. There is no data on Polovtsian and Mongolian losses. According to the chronicles, only one tenth of the Russian army survived the massacre. The only author who names Russian losses in numerical terms (though very approximate, as he himself says) is Henry of Latvia. IN " Chronicle of Livonia", written about 1225 he mentions:

That year there were Tatars in the land of the pagan Valvi. Some people call valvos desks. They do not eat bread, but eat raw meat your livestock. And the Tatars fought with them, and defeated them, and exterminated everyone with the sword, while others fled to the Russians, asking for help. And the call to fight the Tatars spread throughout Russia, and kings from all over Russia came out against the Tatars, but they did not have enough strength for the battle and they fled before the enemies. And fell great king Mstislav from Kyiv with forty thousand soldiers who were with him. Another king, Mstislav of Galicia, escaped. Of the remaining kings, about fifty fell in this battle. And the Tatars chased after them for six days and killed more than a hundred thousand people from them (and only God knows their exact number), while the rest fled.


The Mongols pursued the remnants of the Russian troops to the Dnieper. Their troops invaded directly into the territory of Rus'. According to the Ipatiev Chronicle, Mongol patrols reached Novgorod-Svyatopolcha(“Novagorod of Stopolchsky”). Having learned about the arrival of Vladimir troops in Chernigov led by a 14-year-old Vasilko Konstantinovich Rostov, the Mongols abandoned the plan to march on Kyiv and went to Volga, where y Samara Luka suffered crushing defeat from Volga Bulgars(according to Ibn al-Athir, only 4 thousand people survived) and returned to Central Asia.

Thus, during their campaign, Subedei and Jebe passed through most of the Polovtsian steppes, studying the future theater of military operations. The Mongols became directly acquainted with the military forces of Rus'; from numerous prisoners they could obtain information about the internal structure of the Russian principalities, their military organization, and the peculiarities of waging war in different periods of the year. From the borders of Volga Bulgaria they returned to Central Asia through the steppes of modern Kazakhstan. Along this path, but in the opposite direction, the Mongols undertook their Western campaign a little over 10 years later.

The Battle of Kalka became a turning point in the history of Rus'. It not only significantly weakened the strength of the Russian principalities, but also sowed panic and uncertainty in Rus'. It is no coincidence that chroniclers increasingly note mysterious phenomena nature, considering them signs of future misfortunes. In the memory of the Russian people, the Battle of Kalka remained as a tragic event, after which “the Russian land sits sadly.” The folk epic connected the death of Russian heroes who gave their lives for their homeland with it.

In culture

see also


  1. Rashid-Ad-Din. Collection of chronicles
  2. Rashid Ad-Din. Collection of chronicles. An abbreviated account of the affairs of Jochi Khan (Russian). Retrieved July 17, 2016.
  3. Tver Chronicle (Russian). Retrieved July 17, 2016.
  4. , With. 188.
  5. , With. 133.
  6. Novgorod first chronicle.
  7. , With. 134.
  8. Yu. G. Alekseev, “We want to go to Moscow”: The decline of the boyar republic in Novgorod. - L. Lenizdat, 1991. - 158 p. ISBN 5-289-01067-X

The aforementioned persecution of Sultan Mohammed by the Mongols acquired important in Russian history: the first invasion of these barbarians into Rus' is associated with it. During this persecution, Jebe-Noyon and Subudai-Bagadur went far to the west, into the Caspian countries, and entered the Azerbaijan region. After the death of Mohammed, they received from Genghis Khan, along with reinforcements, permission to go from Azerbaijan further to the north to fight the countries lying beyond the Caspian and Urals, especially the Turkish people of the Kipchaks or Cumans (Cumans). The commanders crossed the Arake and Kur rivers, invaded Georgia, defeated the Georgian army and headed towards Derbent. From the ruler of Shamakhi they took ten guides who were supposed to show them the path through the Caucasus Mountains. The barbarians cut off the head of one of them, threatening to do the same to the others if they did not lead the army in better ways. But the threat had the opposite effect. The guides seized the moment and ran away at the exact time when the barbarians entered mountain gorges unknown to them. Meanwhile, some Caucasian peoples, notified of this invasion, especially the Alans and Circassians (Yas and Kasogs of the Russian chronicles), united with a detachment of Polovtsians, occupied the surrounding passes and surrounded the barbarians. The latter found themselves in a very difficult situation. But Jebe and Subudai were experienced, resourceful leaders. They sent to tell the Polovtsians that, being their fellow tribesmen, they did not want to have them as their enemies. (Turco-Tatar detachments made up the majority of the army sent to the west.) The envoys added rich gifts and a promise to share future booty to their flattering speeches. The treacherous Polovtsians were deceived and abandoned their allies. The Tatars defeated the latter and climbed out of the mountains to the northern side of the Caucasus. Here, on the steppe plains, they could freely deploy their cavalry and then began to plunder and destroy the vezhi of the Polovtsians themselves, who, relying on the concluded friendship, dispersed to their nomadic camps. They thus received a fitting retribution for their treachery.

The Polovtsians tried in vain to resist; they were constantly defeated. The Tatars spread horror and destruction to the very borders of Rus', or to the so-called Polovtsian Wall, which separated it from the steppe. In these battles, the noblest khans of Kipchak, Daniil Kobyakovich and Yuri Konchakovich, fell, who were related to Russian princes and, as we see, bore Russian names. Kotyan, who remained the oldest among the khans, with several others fled to Galich to his son-in-law Mstislav the Udal and began to beg him for help. The Galician prince was not such as to abandon military affairs, so as not to measure himself against a new, not yet tested enemy.

Winter came. The Tatars settled down to spend it in the southern Polovtsian nomadic camps. They took advantage winter time and in order to penetrate the Tauride Peninsula, where they took large booty and, among other places, destroyed the city of Sugdia (Sudak), flourishing with trade.

Meanwhile, at the request of Mstislav Mstislavich, the southern Russian princes gathered at the Diet in Kyiv in order to think in common council about the defense of the Russian land. The senior princes here were three Mstislavs: in addition to Udaly, the Kiev Grand Duke Mstislav Romanovich and Chernigov Mstislav Svyatoslavich. They were followed in seniority by Vladimir Rurikovich Smolensky. Probably, the fourth Mstislav (Yaroslavich), nicknamed Mute, the eldest of the Volyn princes, was also present here; at least he later participated in the militia. Kotyan and his comrades were also here.

The Polovtsian khans persistently asked the Russian princes to join them in taking up arms against the Tatars and gave the following argument: “If you don’t help us, then we will be beaten today, and you tomorrow.” They supported their requests with generous gifts, consisting of horses, camels, cattle and beautiful captives. One of the khans, named Basty, was baptized during the Sejm. Their most zealous intercessor was, of course, Mstislav Udaloy. “It is better to meet enemies in a foreign land than in our own,” he said. “If we do not help the Polovtsians, then they will probably go over to the side of the Tatars, and they will have even more power against us.” Finally he captivated the entire diet; a general campaign was decided. The princes dispersed to gather their regiments and meet together at the appointed places. They also sent to ask for help from the Grand Duke of Vladimir-Suzdal Yuri Vsevolodovich. He did not refuse and sent the Suzdal squad with his nephew Vasilko Konstantinovich Rostovsky to the south. They also sent to the Ryazan princes, but for some unknown reason they did not give any help.

The campaign in the steppe, according to custom, began in the spring, in April. The main gathering place during such campaigns was near the right-bank town of Zaruba and the so-called Varyazhsky Island. Here they crossed the Dnieper on the way from Kyiv to Pereyaslavl, which lay nearby, on the other side. The cavalry came here by land, and the infantry sailed by ship. According to the chronicle, there were so many ships that the soldiers crossed them like dry land from one bank to the other. The princes of Kyiv, Smolensk, Chernigov, Seversk, Volyn and Galicia gathered here, each with his own retinue. Ambassadors from the Tatar military leaders came here to the Russian princes. The latter heard about the strong army and tried, according to their custom, to separate the allies through clever negotiations.

“We heard,” said the ambassadors, “that you are coming against us; we did not occupy your land, did not touch your cities and villages, and did not come against you, but against the Polovtsians, our slaves and grooms. Take peace with us: from us "There is no army with you. We heard that the Polovtsians are doing a lot of evil to you too. We beat them from here, and if they run to you, then beat them away from you and take their property." The trick used with the Cumans in the Caucasus Mountains was, without a doubt, already known to the Russian princes. The latter not only did not want to listen to the flattering Tatar speeches, but also, contrary to all customs, at the instigation of the Polovtsy, they ordered the ambassadors themselves to be killed. From Zarub, the militia, keeping to the right bank, moved further to the south and passed the rapids. Meanwhile, the Galician infantry, under the command of two governors, Yuri Domamirich and Derzhikrai Volodislavich, (according to the chronicler) descended down the Dniester into the sea in a thousand boats; then she climbed up the Dnieper, passed Oleshye and stopped near the rapids at the mouth of the Khortitsa River, “at the ford at the protolcha,” where she met the army; coming from above. The main Polovtsian army also arrived. The entire united militia almost reached one hundred thousand warriors. And it contained the color of the Russian tribe.

The second time Tatar envoys appeared and said: “You listened to the Polovtsians, you killed our ambassadors and are going against us; but we did not touch you in any way; let God judge us.” This time the ambassadors were released.

Meanwhile, having heard about the proximity of the advanced Tatar detachments, Daniil Romanovich Volynsky and other young princes, accompanied by Yuri Domamirich, hastened with a light squad to cross the river and galloped into the steppe to look at hitherto unseen enemies. Returning to the camp, the youth said that the Tatars looked like the simplest people, so they were “more” (worse) than the Polovtsians. But Yuri Domamirich, experienced in military affairs, argued that these were good warriors and good shooters. He persuaded the princes not to waste time and rush into the field. Bridges of rooks were built, and the troops began crossing to the left bank of the Dnieper. Mstislav Udaloy was one of the first to cross. WITH forward detachment he attacked the enemy guard regiment, defeated it, chased it far and captured a lot of cattle. The Tatar governor Gemibek hid in one of those burial mounds that are so abundant in our southern steppes, but was found. The Polovtsians begged him from Mstislav and killed him. Encouraged by this victory, the Russian princes boldly went deeper into the steppes, following the usual Zalozny route, which led to the Sea of ​​Azov. The Tatars retreated, and only the guard detachments started minor clashes from time to time. After an eight or nine day steppe campaign, the Russian army approached the shores Sea of ​​Azov. Here the Tatars stopped and chose a convenient place for themselves across the Kalka River (a tributary of the Kalmius).

The first successes and retreat of the Tatars strengthened the self-confidence and certain carelessness that already existed among the Russian people: they began to look down on the enemy, who was obviously inferior to them in both numbers and weapons. But the unanimity of the princes, as usual, did not last long; Already during the campaign, rivalries and various bickering arose. There was no general boss; but there were several senior princes, and each of them disposed of his regiments separately, having little control over the others. The state of the Russian army and its weak sides, in all likelihood, did not hide from such experienced, skillful military leaders as Jebe and Subudai, who acquired great skill in fighting and managing a wide variety of peoples. It was not for nothing that they spent the winter in the Polovtsian nomads and, no doubt, found the opportunity to find out everything they needed to know in relation to Rus' and its leaders. There is no doubt that they tried to find defectors and traitors with gifts, affection and promises, as they did in other countries. At least our chronicle mentions a free squad of Russian wanderers who, with their governor Ploskiya, ended up on Kalka in the Tatar militia. There were probably especially many defectors among the Polovtsians. When deciding to accept the battle, the Tatar governors could most of all count on Russian discord, and they were not mistaken.

The main culprit of the disaster was the same Mstislav the Udaloy, who spent his entire life in military affairs and then enjoyed the glory of the first hero in Rus'. There is no doubt that the assembled princes would have temporarily recognized his seniority and submitted to his leadership if he had any political meaning and strength of character. But this arrogant grunt not only did not bother with any military precautions, but on the contrary, considering the Tatars to be a sure prey for his sword, he was afraid that someone else would take away the glory of victory from him. Moreover, at the most decisive moment, he managed to find himself in some kind of feud with his cousin Mstislav Romanovich of Kyiv. Without warning the latter, Udaloy, apparently leading the advanced or guard army, crossed Kalka with the Galician-Volyn regiments and a detachment of Polovtsians and began to advance on the Tatars, sending ahead of him Yarun with the Polovtsians and his son-in-law Daniil Romanovich with the Volynians. The Tatars, covering themselves with shields woven from brushwood, accurately hit the attackers with arrows. The Russians cheerfully continued their attack. Daniil Romanovich especially distinguished himself in this; he cut into crowds of enemies and in the heat of the moment did not feel the wound he received in the chest. Another of the young princes, Oleg Kursky, fought with him. One of the Volyn governors (Vasilko Gavrilovich), who fought in front, was knocked off his horse. Daniil Romanovich's cousin, Mstislav Nemoy, thought that it was his nephew who fell; despite his advanced years, he rushed to his rescue and also began to hit his enemies hard. Victory seemed close. But suddenly the Tatars quickly attacked the Polovtsians; the latter could not withstand their onslaught, rushed back to the Russian regiments and threw them into confusion. The skillful enemy took a moment to, without giving time to come to his senses, inflict a complete defeat on the Galicians and Volynians. And when they fled, the Tatars attacked other Russian detachments that had not yet had time to line up for battle, and crushed them piece by piece. The remnants of the defeated militia fled back to the Dnieper.

One part of the Tatar army set out to pursue the fleeing, and the other besieged the Grand Duke of Kyiv Mstislav Romanovich. The latter is the second, after the Galician prince, to blame for the defeat. It is not clear that he was trying to maintain the importance of his oldest table and establish unanimity in the Russian militia. On the contrary, there is news that, relying on his own regiment, he indulged in carelessness and boasted of destroying his enemies alone. He settled down on the elevated rocky bank of the Kalka and, having fenced his camp with carts, fought off the attack of the Tatars here for three days. The barbarians resorted to the usual cunning. They suggested that the Grand Duke pay for himself and retire peacefully with his regiment. Voivode Brodnik Ploskiņa swore an oath on the cross to fulfill the treaty. But as soon as the Kyivians left the fortified camp, the Tatars attacked them and carried out a merciless beating. Mstislav Romanovich and the two who were with him junior princes were strangled and thrown under the boards on which the leaders of the barbarians sat for lunch. Chroniclers say that up to ten thousand Kievites alone died on Kalka; so great was our defeat.

The Tatars, dispatched to pursue the fleeing, also managed to beat up many people and, in addition, six or seven princes; including Mstislav Chernigovsky who fell. The rest of his regiment escaped with his nephew Mikhail Vsevolodovich (later martyred in the Horde). During his flight, Vladimir Rurikovich Smolensky managed to gather several thousand people around him, fought off his enemies and went beyond the Dnieper. The main culprit of the disaster, Mstislav Udaloy, also managed to reach the Dnieper crossing together with Mstislav Nemy and Daniil Romanovich; after which he ordered the boats to be burned and chopped down to prevent the Tatars from crossing to the other side. Residents of some border towns thought to appease the barbarians and came out to meet them with crosses, but were beaten.

The barbarians, however, did not go deeper into the borders of Rus', but turned back to the Polovtsian steppe. Then they headed to the Volga, passed through the land of the Kama Bolgars, whom they also managed to inflict a great defeat on, and through the Ural steppes, rounding the Caspian Sea, they returned to Asia to their master. Thus, the Mongol conquerors experienced the condition of Eastern Europe and the paths that led to it. And they will not hesitate to take advantage of this experience.

Meanwhile, how did the Russian princes take advantage of the same experience? Have they thought about taking more effective measures to protect Rus' in the future? Not at all. The same carelessness and arrogance that preceded the Kalka defeat followed it. This disaster did not disrupt the normal course of Russian life and inter-princely relations with their petty feuds and disputes about the volosts. The Tatars disappeared into the steppes, and the Russians thought that a thunderstorm had just happened to pass by. A modern chronicler naively noted that these barbarians “no one knows well what tribe they are and where they came from. Only wise men who were well-read in books knew: some called them Tatars, others Taurmen, others Pechenegs, others considered them the same people, who, according to Methodius of Patara, was driven by Gideon into the desert between the east and the north, and before the end of the world he will appear and captivate the entire earth from the East to the Euphrates, the Tigris and to the Pontic Sea." The extent to which Russian politicians of that time knew little about the great revolutions taking place in the depths of the Asian continent, and how little they feared for the future of the Russian land, is shown by the words of the same contemporary Suzdal chronicler about Vasilko Konstantinovich Rostov. This prince was late with his northern squad: when he reached Chernigov, news of the Kalka massacre arrived here. The people of Suzdal hastened to return home, and the chronicler is very happy about such a safe return of the prince. The simple-minded scribe, of course, did not foresee what a storm was gathering over Suzdal Russia itself and what a martyrdom awaited Vasilko at the hands of the same barbarians! The words and tone of this chronicler serve as an echo of the Northern Russian society itself, in the midst of which he lived. Only later, when the Tatars imposed their heavy yoke, our ancient scribes more appreciated the unfortunate Kalka massacre and began to decorate it with some legends, for example, about the death of seventy Russian heroes, including Dobrynya of the Golden Belt and Alexander Popovich with his servant Torop.

Full Collection Rus. chronicles. Especially the Ipatiev list, identical with it the Academic and Novgorod years. To Laurent. abridged, although obviously this is a story by the same author. V. Lavrent. and Acad. The Kalka battle is given under 1223, in Ipat. and Novgorod. - under 1224. Or rather, the first year. See Kunik "On the recognition of 1223 as the time of the Battle of Kalka." (Student of the Western Academic Sciences in the 1st and 3rd departments, vol. II, issue 5. St. Petersburg. 1854. Ibidem of his notes: “On the connection of the Trebizond-Seljuk War of 1223 with the first invasion of the Tatars on the northern Black Sea region.” About the transfer of the icon of Nicholas from Korsun to Novgorod in 1223,” “On the campaign of the Tatars according to the Neibourg Chronicle,” etc.) by him: Renseignements sur les sources et recherches relatives a la premiere invasion des Tatares en Russie (Melanges Asiatiques. Vol. II. Issue 5. S-Ptrsb. 1856).

The death of 70 heroes, or “braves,” was mentioned in later vaults (Voskresensky, Nikonovsky, Tver, Novgorod fourth). The main character of the legend about them is the same Rostov hero Alexander Popovich with his servant Torop, who distinguished themselves in the Battle of Lipitsa. The legend (placed in the Tver vault) goes like this: after the death of Konstantin Vsevolodovich of Rostov, this Alexander gathered other heroes and persuaded them, instead of serving different princes and beating each other in civil strife, to all go to Kiev and enter the service of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Mstislav Romanovich. Probably, not without connection with this heroic squad, the following boast of Mstislav Romanovich, said upon receiving the news of the Tatar invasion, is given: “While I am sitting in Kiev, then along the Yaiko and along the Pontic Sea, and along the Danube River, do not wave the (enemy) saber.” .

About the events of the South-West. Rus', see Volyn Chronicle according to Ipat. list. About the earthquake and solar eclipse see Lavrent.

The Mongols were actively moving towards Europe. The Russian princes understood that a clash with the troops of Genghis Khan would happen sooner or later. The first meeting between Russians and Mongols took place in 1223 - it was the Battle of Kalka. This battle marked the beginning of the confrontation between Rus' and the future Golden Horde.

The Battle of Kalka took place on May 31, 1223. The battle showed the powerlessness of the Russian army in front of the Mongolian army. The princes wanted to launch a preemptive strike. But they miscalculated badly. In the battle on the Kalka River they turned out to be outsiders. They could not defeat a well-coordinated army. This happened, first of all, due to disagreements within the Russian army. The princes were unable to agree on the balance of power. In addition, the Russian militia included Polovtsians. They, too, could betray and retreat at any time.

Causes of the Battle of Kalka

Genghis Khan and his people instilled great fear in all states. This led to the Polovtsians coming with gifts to the Russians. They proposed to unite and attack the Mongols before they themselves attacked. The Russian princes also understood that this decision was not the worst. In addition, the Polovtsians could surrender to the mercy of Genghis Khan. And the Russians will definitely not be able to defeat their united army.

So the battle on the Kalka River did not happen spontaneously. She prepared carefully. And each participant pursued his own goals. There is no data on the number of troops from the Mongols and the combined Russian-Polovtsian army. Not all princes provided support. Only four squads deployed their troops:

  1. Principality of Smolensk;
  2. Galicia-Volyn principality;
  3. Principality of Kiev;
  4. Principality of Chernigov.

But, despite this, the united Russian-Polovtsian army was superior to the Mongolian one.

Progress of the Battle of Kalka

The Kalka River is a small river that flows into the Sea of ​​Azov. The Battle of Kalka became a grandiose battle. Although no one imagined that such a small river would play an important role in history Ancient Rus'. The Russians were located on the left bank, the Mongols on the right. Mstislav Udaloy was the first to go to cross Kalka. He himself examined the site of the future battle. And then ordered the others to cross the river.

The Battle of Kalka began early in the morning. Ours pressed the Mongols, they retreated. But the success was short-lived. The disunited actions of the Russian princes had a decisive effect in the battle. The Mongols were able to seize the initiative. Mstislav Udaloy and Daniil Romanovich went on the run. The remnants of the army in the Battle of Kalka were besieged by the Mongols. This action lasted three days. The Mongols demanded the Russians surrender. They promised not to kill anyone. The Russians agreed, but the Mongols killed everyone. They consider it a shame to surrender. Thus ended the battle on the Kalka River. The first meeting of the Mongols with the Russians.

Many chronicles describe in detail the course of the battle. What happened after the battle, chroniclers do not like to mention this.

The consequences of the battle are different. For the first time, the Russians saw what Genghis Khan's army was like. The Russians did not really need this battle. It’s more likely that the Polovtsy persuaded them not to get involved. They brought gifts to the princes and actually bribed them. The Battle of Kalka had a great influence on the size of the Russian army. We lost ninety percent of our warriors. In addition, the Mongols killed many Russian princes:

  1. Mstislav the Old
  2. Mstislav Svyatoslavich
  3. Mstislav Glebovich
  4. Izyaslav Ingvarevich
  5. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
  6. Andrey Ivanovich

These were the consequences. The Battle of Kalka finally plunged Rus' into a period of fragmentation. This further divided our princes. Soon a descendant of Genghis Khan will come to Russian lands. Dad will force Russian state for a long time will become dependent on the Mongol power. Will pay tribute. And it will be freed only by the end of the 15th century.

Preventive war - suicide due to fear of death

Otto von Bismarck

The Battle of Kalka took place on May 31, 1223 and lasted 3 days. The place of the battle is the Kalka River (the territory of the modern Donetsk region). In this battle, for the first time, the troops of the Russian princes and the Mongols came together against each other. The result of the battle was the unconditional victory of the Mongols, who killed many princes. In this material we have collected detailed information about the battle, which was of great importance for Rus'.

Reasons and prerequisites for the battle

In 1221, the Mongols began their eastern campaign, the main task of which was the conquest of the Cumans. This campaign was led by the best commanders of Genghis Khan - Subedei and Jebe, and it lasted 2 years and forced most of the troops of the Polovtsian Khanate to flee to the borders of Rus' and turn to the Russian princes with a call for help. " Today they will conquer us, and tomorrow you will become their slaves“- with such an appeal Khan Kotyan Sutoevich addressed Mstislav the Udal.

The Russian princes held a council in Kyiv, deciding what to do in this situation. The decision was made more of a compromise than a necessary one. It was decided to give battle to the Mongol, and the reasons for the battle were as follows:

  • The Russians feared that the Polovtsians would surrender to the Mongols without a fight, go over to their side and enter Rus' with a united army.
  • Most of the princes understood that war with Genghis Khan’s army was a matter of time, so it would be more profitable to defeat his best commanders on foreign territory.
  • The Polovtsians, in the face of enormous danger, literally showered the princes with rich gifts; some of the khans even converted to Christianity. In fact, the participation of the Russian squad in the campaign was purchased.

After the unification of the armies, the Mongols arrived for negotiations and turned to the Russian princes: “ We have heard rumors that you want to go to war against us. But we don't want this war. The only thing we want is to punish the Polovtsy, our eternal slaves. We heard that they did a lot of harm to you too. Let us make peace, and we ourselves will punish our slaves" But there were no negotiations the ambassadors were killed! This event is interpreted today as follows:

  • The princes understood that the ambassadors wanted to break the alliance in order to then destroy each one individually.
  • A terrible diplomatic blunder was committed. The murder of the ambassadors provoked a response from the Mongols and the subsequent atrocities that happened on Kalka were provoked by the short-sighted rulers themselves.

Participants in the battle and their numbers

The inconsistency of the battle on the Kalka River lies in the fact that there is no reliable information about the number of troops on either side. Suffice it to say that in the works of historians Russian army estimated from 40 to 100 thousand people. The situation with the Mongols is similar, although the spread in numbers is much smaller - 20-30 thousand soldiers.

It is important to note that the period of fragmentation in Rus' led to the fact that each prince tried to pursue exclusively his own interests, even in the most difficult times. Therefore, even after the Kiev congress decided that it was necessary to take the fight to the Mongols, only 4 principalities sent their squads into battle:

  • Principality of Kiev.
  • Smolensk Principality.
  • Galicia-Volyn principality.
  • Principality of Chernigov.

Even in such conditions, the united Russian-Polovtsian army had a noticeable numerical advantage. At least 30 thousand Russian troops, 20 thousand Polovtsians, and against this army the Mongols sent 30 thousand people led by the best commander Subedei.

Define exact amount troops from both sides is impossible today. Historians come to this opinion. There are several reasons, but the main one is the contradiction in the chronicles. For example, the Tver chronicle says that 30 thousand people died in the battle from Kyiv alone. Although in fact, in the entire principality it was hardly possible to recruit such a number of men. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the combined army consisted mostly of infantry. After all, it is known that they moved to the battle site on boats. Cavalry was never transported like this.

Progress of the battle on the Kalka River

Kalka is a small river that flows into the Sea of ​​Azov. This unremarkable place hosted one of the grandiose battles of its era. The Mongol army stood on the right bank of the river, the Russian one on the left. The first to cross the river was one of the best commanders of the united army - Mstislav Udaloy. He personally decided to inspect the area and the position of the enemy. After which he gave the order to the remaining troops to cross the river and prepare for battle.

Map of the Battle of Kalka

The Battle of Kalka began in the early morning of May 31, 1223. The beginning of the battle did not bode well. The Russian-Polovtsian army pressed the enemy, the Mongols retreated in battle. However, in the end it was disjointed actions that decided everything. The Mongols brought reserves into the battle, as a result of which they took complete advantage. Initially, the right wing of Subedei's cavalry achieved major success and a breakthrough in the defense. The Mongols cut the enemy army into two parts and put to flight the left wing of the Russian army, commanded by Mstislav Udaloy and Daniil Romanovich.

After this, the siege of the remaining Russian forces on Kalka began (the Polovtsy fled at the very beginning of the battle). The siege lasted 3 days. The Mongols launched one assault after another, but to no avail. Then they turned to the princes with a demand to lay down their arms, for which they guaranteed their safe departure from the battlefield. The Russians agreed - the Mongols did not keep their word and killed everyone who surrendered. On the one hand, it was revenge for the murder of the ambassadors, on the other hand, it was a reaction to the surrender. After all, the Mongols consider captivity shameful; it is better to die in battle.

The Battle of Kalka is described in sufficient detail in the chronicles, where you can trace the course of events:

  • Novgorod Chronicle. Indicates that the main failure in the battle lies in the Polovtsians, who fled, causing confusion and panic. It is the flight of the Polovtsians that is noted as the key factor in the defeat.
  • Ipatiev Chronicle. Describes mainly the beginning of the battle, emphasizing that the Russians were pushing the enemy very hard. Subsequent events (the flight and mass death of the Russian army) according to this chronicle were caused by the introduction of reserves into the battle by the Mongols, which turned the tide of the battle.
  • Suzdal Chronicle. Gives more detailed reasons for the lesion, which are related to what was described above. However, this historical document indicates that the Cumans fled from the pain of the battle, since the Mongols brought in reserves, which frightened the enemy and gained an advantage.

Domestic historians do not like to comment on further events after the defeat. However, the fact remains that the Mongols saved the lives of all Russian princes, military commanders and generals (they killed only ordinary soldiers after surrendering). But this was not generosity, the plan was very cruel...

Subedei ordered the construction of a tent so that his army could gloriously celebrate the victory. This tent was ordered to be built by... Russian princes and generals. The floor of the tent was covered with the bodies of still living Russian princes, and on top the Mongols were drinking and having fun. It was a terrible death for everyone who surrendered.

The hysterical meaning of the battle

The significance of the Battle of Kalka is ambiguous. The main thing we can talk about is that for the first time the Russian wars saw the terrible power of Genghis Khan’s army. However, the defeat did not lead to any drastic action. As was said, the Mongols did not seek war with Russia; they were not yet ready for this war. Therefore, having won the victory, Subedye and Jebe made another trip to Volga Bulgaria, after which they went home.

Despite the absence of territorial losses on the part of Rus', the consequences for the country were very disastrous. Not only did the Russian army get involved in a battle that it did not need, defending the Polovtsians, but the losses were simply terrible. 9/10 of the Russian army was killed. Never before have there been such significant defeats. Moreover, many princes died in the battle (and after it during the feast of the Mongols):

  • Kyiv Prince Mstislav the Old
  • Prince of Chernigov Mstislav Svyatoslavich
  • Alexander Glebovich from Dubrovitsa
  • Izyaslav Ingvarevich from Dorogobuzh
  • Svyatoslav Yaroslavich from Janowice
  • Andrei Ivanovich from Turov (son-in-law of the Kyiv prince)

Such were the consequences of the battle on the Kalka River for Rus'. However, to finally close this topic, it is necessary to consider one very important and very controversial issue, which historians raise.

In what area did the Battle of Kalka take place?

It would seem that the answer to this question is obvious. The name of the battle itself indicates the location of the battle. But not everything is so obvious, especially since the exact place (not just the name of the River, but the specific place where the battle took place on this river) has not been established. Historians speak of three possible locations for the battle:

  • Stone graves.
  • Mound Mogila-Severodvinovka.
  • The village of Granitnoye.

To understand what actually happened, where the battle took place, and how it happened, let's look at some interesting sayings historians.

It is noted that this battle is mentioned in 22 chronicles. In all of them the name of the river is used in plural(on Kalki). Historians have long drawn attention to this fact, which makes us think that the battle took place not on one river, but not on several smaller ones located close to each other.

The Sofia Chronicle indicates that a small battle took place near Kalka between an advanced detachment of Russian wax and a small group of Mongols. After the victory, the Russians moved on to new Kalka, where a battle took place on May 31.

We have presented these opinions of historians for a complete understanding of the picture of events. A huge number of explanations can be given for the many Kaloks, but this is a topic for a separate material.

“In 1223 an unknown people appeared; an unheard of army came, godless Tatars, about whom no one knows well who they are and where they came from, and what kind of language they have, and what tribe they are, and what kind of faith they have... The Polovtsians could not resist them and ran to the Dnieper. Their Khan Kotyan was the father-in-law of Mstislav Galitsky; he came with a bow to the prince, his son-in-law, and to all the Russian princes... and said: The Tatars took our land today, and tomorrow they will take yours, so protect us; If you don’t help us, then we will be cut off today, and you will be cut off tomorrow.”

The princes decided to help Kotyan. The hike began in April when the rivers were in full flood. The troops were heading down the Dnieper. Command was exercised prince of Kyiv Mstislav Romanovich the Good and Mstislav Mstislavich the Udal, who were cousins. Just before the Russian offensive, Mongol-Tatar ambassadors arrived in Rus', who assured that they would not touch the Russians if they did not go to the aid of their neighbors.

On the 17th day of the campaign, the army stopped near Olshen, somewhere on the banks of the Ros. There he was found by the second Tatar embassy. Unlike the first time, when the ambassadors were killed, these were released. Immediately after crossing the Dnieper, Russian troops encountered the enemy’s vanguard, chased it for 8 days, and on the eighth day they reached the bank of the Kalka River (now the Kalchik River, a tributary of the Kalmius River, in the Donetsk region, Ukraine). Here Mstislav the Udaloy and some princes immediately crossed the Kalka, leaving Mstislav of Kyiv on the other bank.

According to the Laurentian Chronicle, the battle took place on May 31, 1223. The troops that crossed the river were almost completely destroyed. The onslaught of the brave squad of Mstislav the Udal, who almost broke through the ranks of the nomads, was not supported by other princes and all his attacks were repulsed. The Polovtsian detachments, unable to withstand the blows of the Mongol cavalry, fled, disrupting the battle formations of the Russian army. The camp of Mstislav of Kyiv, set up on the other bank and heavily fortified, the troops of Jebe and Subedei stormed for 3 days and were able to take only by cunning and deceit, when the prince, believing the promises of Subedei, stopped resistance. As a result of this, Mstislav the Good and his entourage were brutally destroyed, Mstislav the Udaloy fled. The Russian losses in this battle were very high, six princes were killed, and only a tenth of the soldiers returned home.

Brotherhood school (college).
Photo by A. Butko. 2006

The Battle of Kalka was lost not so much because of disagreements between the rival princes, but because of historical factors. Firstly, Jebe’s army was tactically and positionally completely superior to the united regiments of the Russian princes, who had in their ranks mostly princely squads, reinforced in this case by the Polovtsians. This entire army did not have sufficient unity, was not trained in combat tactics, based more on the personal courage of each warrior. Secondly, such a united army also needed a sole commander, recognized not only by the leaders, but also by the warriors themselves, and who would exercise unified command. Thirdly, the Russian troops, having made a mistake in assessing the enemy’s forces, were also unable to correctly choose the battle site, the terrain of which was completely favorable to the Tatars. However, in fairness it must be said that at that time, not only in Rus', but also in Europe, there would not have been an army capable of competing with the formations of Genghis Khan.

The army of Jebe and Subedey, having defeated the militia of the southern Russian princes on Kalka, entered the Chernigov land, reached Novgorod-Seversky and turned back, bringing fear and destruction everywhere with it. In the same 1223, Jebe and Subedey raided Volga Bulgaria, but failed. The Arab historian Ibn al-Asir described these events as follows: “The Bulgars ambushed them in several places, opposed them and, luring them until they went beyond the ambush site, attacked them from the rear.”

The campaign, which lasted two and a half years, allowed the Mongol-Tatars to directly become acquainted with Russian troops and the fortifications of Russian cities; they received information from prisoners about the situation inside the Russian principalities - in-depth strategic reconnaissance was carried out.


  • State Archive of Donetsk Region