As soon as relatives appeared in contact - Brothers and sisters about whom you had not previously suspected in some strange way showed up, about 50 people each. I can no longer say anything about sons and daughters. Even 13 year old girls have them. Don't you people think this is nonsense?

One day in a letter I will send you a bomb that will tear your heart apart and fill your brain with shrapnel.

You meet people who claim to have made it to the top, when in fact they just floated up there.

The more generous a man is on the first date, the less time he needs a woman.

A smart woman, she doesn't take offense. He just immediately starts planning revenge.

I would forget you and you would be calm with her. But one idiot keeps reminding me of himself, asking why I love him and whether I want to forget him. At the most inopportune moment. (ha, why are you afraid that I will disappear and no one will wake you up to love you, you won’t wait)

Sometimes, as soon as you get to know a person better, you immediately want to send him to hell.

A true friend will always be happy for your success, but a fake one, smiling, will hate you for it with all her soul.

If a person is bitten by a vampire, he becomes a vampire. It seems to me more and more that you have been bitten by a flock of sheep.

There are days when you are a dove, and there are days when you are a monument!

Based on conversations with some people, it seems that the year of the goat has never passed.

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man always keeps himself under control. So be wise.

Show your trick, disappear into thin air!

I want to fill a sock with batteries and punch someone in the face!

I am Russian Post. I don't want to deliver anything, I want lunch and a break.

Sometimes you meet such people. When you get to know them better, you immediately want to move away.

Damn, if you have become so grown up, then be smarter and shut your mouth! I’ve already started to get used to your rudeness towards me!

Success in life depends on those who use their brains while others flapping their ears.

This is how people talk who think they predicted you one step ahead, but in fact were not even remotely close to understanding who you are and what you can do.

I told her: That’s enough, I’m filing for divorce! I leave the house, I hear a shot - I shot myself! I come back - I opened the champagne, you bastard!

Despite the fact that my dog ​​is female, the cat turned out to be a female.

She lied so beautifully, almost like a weather forecast.

Dear my ill-wishers! I suggest you suck off the toad that is always choking you! Of course, this will not add love to me, but it will keep you occupied for a while.

You are so rude as if you had a spare jaw in your pocket.

Never swore dirty! My mat is always clean, fresh and tidy.

You have sunk below the baseboard, but I don’t pick up the dirt from the floor.

That's why. Here's a cute guy who goes to school and you like him, and then he adds it on the internet and writes about it. You think it would be better to remain silent. It turns out that the usual selfish schmuck.

I gave up fatty and unhealthy foods... And now he is deputy. CEO of Lukoil

If for every lie you told me I gave you a balloon, you would have long since flown away!

Rich inner world can be donated for organs

It seems like a call from the city authorities: do not go out into the streets in the snow and do not use personal vehicles! - only utility workers listen.

I can divide my life into two periods - everything is going on around me and I’m sleeping.

Remember. everything will be okay, and we will find the culprits.

You will open your mouth at the dentist.

What song reminds you of him? - Yes, all the work of the Leningrad group

Sighs, suffering. but no one dreams of what is not interesting to him.

Who else gets mad when guys talk about their exes, and do it with delight, while at the same time swearing at her from head to toe!

I look with a smile at those who are trying to put a spoke in my life. Fools! My wheels are bulldozer tracks

I would tell you who you are and what you are like, but I’m afraid you’ll be very offended.

A wonderful weather! You won’t burn, you won’t peel, you won’t stick to the asphalt, you won’t sweat! The only negative is that the slates do not fit on a warm sock.

And you can get a heart attack silently, sitting, without doing anything. Just when a message comes with the content: sorry, I did wrong, I still love you. and this is spam (damn.

I don't have big breasts anyway. Damn, she's not even in a swimsuit!

I take criticism calmly, but I ask you not to poke your log into my speck.

So many emotions. And all with obscenities.

The shortage of real men is not yet a reason to cling to someone you don’t know.

Don't touch me, I'm angry today. Fell off the broom

I wish I could take some indelible paint and write Shmarovoz on his car. A friend will ask: -Who are you with? Then he looks at the inscription and everything is clear. And the number of passengers will decrease sharply

Tough. I saw photos of a woman on VKontakte, photos of her and her friend’s legs were taken this way and that, even in the bathroom! Damn, aren't people f#cking crazy?

You were fine without me. With him.

Don't hurt your loved ones in vain! After all, the pain will compress the heart, cutting off oxygen and breathing. Hysteria can result in breakdown. Then unjustified anger, depression. Longing and empty eyes of sadness. Apathy and indifference will replace aggression. The point of return has been passed forever.

We are able to suppress pain, sometimes tears, even passion if we wish. Unable to cope with laughter and laughter.

When I'm electrified and angry, touch a ball of energy and you'll get a chop.

Anger devours you, like everyone else, do not resist the shameful feeling. Know that in her stomach you will meet wonderful people.

Best status:
Tired of fighting. Resentment, anger, melancholy bursts. You can’t shed a tear—the mascara will spread in black streaks across your rosy cheeks.

They might say something out of anger offensive words, even swear words, but after that we won’t be able to be friends, having scattered forever into corners.

I'm angry because everything is okay with you! When you feel great, I feel depressed and ill.

If you accumulate a lot of anger, you can burst with hatred. It’s better to throw out your emotions by killing the bastards with a saber or a pistol on the monitor screen.

I'm angry and impatient. I'm infuriated by the incredibly slow fluid in your overly sensible but not practical little head.

I want to be angry, but I can’t, and it makes me angry!!!

I hate everyone because I don't have chocolate.

You can't be angry with someone who makes you happy.

Do not make me angry! Otherwise you will be captured and brutally beaten!

I hate daylight. I'm not a vampire. I am a photo salon worker.

Because of you! Because of those who point fingers! the morning you don’t want to wake up!

I'll break my phone on your scoreboard so I don't forget to call before going to bed!

It’s bad to be angry - that’s what my mother taught me; it’s better to be very angry - that’s what life teaches.

I get angry as often as Eyjafjallajnokull erupts, but the consequences are the same!

If you ate my brain, then there is no need to hit my skull with a spoon and demand more.

I'm not confused by your question, I just don't know how best to hit you! by Kapi

You're doing well, that's why I'm angry! If everything was bad for you, you would be depressed! 🙁

Respect to guys who use girls... Rot in hell, you assholes!

It’s infuriating when, after a quarrel, your husband asks: darling, why are you so angry? And even more when, after answering, he tells you: aaaaa, I see...

Being angry is cool. If you are angry, then you can smile at your enemies and give compliments, knowing that tomorrow they will suffer.

I love everyone who is always next to me, whether it’s good or bad for me, and I simply close my eyes to t*res, but only so as not to incinerate them with my gaze!

There is no one in the world angrier than me, look at me, anger is me.

If you ate my brain, then there is no need to hit my skull with a spoon and demand more. by RallY

I'm training to be angry, I want to become a boss.

I would kill you all like cockroaches!

Let's be friends against everyone.

Sometimes it’s easier to say “everything is fine” than to explain why you so want to hit your head on

A pimple appeared right on my nose. If I find out, I'll kill you!

No, of course I knew that you were a bit of an asshole, but to be such an asshole...

If you want to survive, be cunning and evil, like the hare from “Well, Just Wait.”

I’m going to a place where they don’t bother me with stupid questions, decrees, wishes, false compassion, in short, everything that you hate so much.

Anger is a state in which the tongue works faster than the brain.

And the hour comes when you want to destroy what you love so that it will no longer be with you.

I'm so angry that I'm afraid of myself.

No, I'm not vindictive. I am simply a warrior of vengeance!

You shouldn't have made me angry... And my favorite mount!

Sometimes it’s easier to say “everything is fine” than to explain why you want to hit your head against the wall...

- You feel good? Let's fix it!

I’m going to a place where they don’t bother me with stupid questions, decrees, wishes, false compassion, in short, everything that you hate so much!

Never do anything out of spite, you will make it worse for yourself.

I only have two words spinning in my head: EVERYONE IS FUCKED!

To swear well, you need to be angry and have a good knowledge of human anatomy.

Pimples appear on the face an hour before a date... This is apparently the law... And apparently mine!

Pimples appear on the face an hour before a date... This is apparently the law... And apparently mine!)

There are biters, only from the life of a dog.

You are reading the status of the most evil person, me.

As soon as he lost his temper, he proved to everyone that he had lost his mind...

How to calm your nerves? Wash the dishes.

I would tell you who you are and what you are like, but I’m afraid you’ll be very offended...

It’s annoying when a guy gets angry and writes in big font. I CAN ALSO WRITE IN LARGE FONT!

An angry hairy man is looking for a female to breed.

This thermometer will become rectal for someone who asks: “How are you? How are you feeling?".

If you suddenly thought for a second that I was mocking you, trying to humiliate or insult you, then know that you didn’t imagine it!

Judging by my face, you already guessed that it’s dangerous for me to write now!

Nothing is more annoying than the luck of others. Especially against the backdrop of your own failures.

Why are you so angry and beaten today? – I fell off my broom.

Everything that makes up my essence: anger, revenge, ruthlessness...

Shut your pride! Learn to forgive!

If you say I'm small, then look in your pants!

Let this Ma* Petro be fucked in the mouth by bears, like that Helen!

World, be afraid! If I lose my temper, you will lose your temper!

Adults are angry and aged children.

I’m not a bunny, I’m not a pussy, it’s not obvious that I’m a human being.

My dear exes, I want to warn you - once again if you want to help me figure out my personal life, they will help you, and in the hospital!

Don't tell me what to do, and I won't tell you where to go.

We must fight evil! Meet an evil person - kill him!

I am pure trinitrotoluene. A little more and I'll explode.

A friend betrayed me, took my boyfriend away, and then said: “You need to be able to lose.” Darling, that’s all you need, to be able to properly pick up your teeth on the sidewalk, and the rest is bullshit!

Evening over the river. The old fisherman, having caught nothing, reels in his fishing rods. He mutters: “If it weren’t so calming, I would have strangled everyone!”

Silence and faith - alas, is not my motto! I will not allow myself to be offended for nothing. This is my character, my whim, if you like. I was not brought up to remain silent after a blow!

Are you becoming angry? Go eat...

If you are kind, you are not on the same path with me, I am angry and cruel, a real man.

You're infuriating, you depressive assholes!)

If you don't have extra ribs, better not be rude to me!

I don't hold it against you. I'm not holding it. I'm releasing it so it can DESTROY YOU!!

I am very angry. I have an axe. I'll go, catch up and kill you! I'll start with firewood.

Don't be angry, don't be angry, just give it to the eye and calm down.

I’m angry, and my memory is bad, and I don’t write anything down. I can take revenge, forget, take revenge again...

Change your brains, you're slow to think!

I am an evil status, if you don’t click on “tell friends” I will come to you at night and add all the people from the list of possible friends.

All anger comes from powerlessness.

Anger is the flip side of self-pity. And only cowardly people feel sorry for themselves. Therefore, as soon as you start to get angry with someone, ask yourself why you feel sorry for yourself.

Anger shortens life, Joy prolongs it.

Listen, live your life and don’t interfere with mine!!!

Let God punish evil people, we must learn to forgive.

Why are people evil? Because they don't love themselves...

But know that even the meekest person can be driven to rage. Not all criminals are villains, and a humble person will decide to commit a crime when he has no other choice.

Sometimes the anger that lives inside a person... can simply choke him... not allowing him to speak out...

Stop being offended. When you forgive someone, you do it not only for that person's sake, but also for your own sake. Anger and resentment are destructive feelings; they will never allow you to be completely happy.

When they make promises based on lofty ideas, they multiply lies, which give only short-term benefit, but long-term malice.

The path of life is mutual help. Malice allows both plague and leprosy. Anger turns a peaceful hearth into a crowd of snakes.

Probably the most difficult thing is to fight your evil thoughts that consume your brain and you are powerless before them...


A person has 5 passions: STUPIDITY, GREED, PASSION, ANGER AND PRIDE. If they win, then the person begins to behave like an animal.

I don't hold it against you. Go in peace. But fuck it.

An envious person says not what is, but what can cause pain.

Anyone can get angry - it's easy; but to be angry with the one you need, and as much as you need, and for the reason you need, and in the way you need - this is not given to everyone.

It has been scientifically proven that anger lasts only 7 minutes, then we just wind ourselves up...

What makes people truly evil is either envy or a feeling own uselessness, lack of love and warmth!

Anger is a state in which the tongue works faster than the brain.

Be afraid of hurting people, and you won't have to be afraid of anything else.

I was always incredibly amazed that people have a sting in their mouths... It must be in past life these evil ones wore the skin of a cobra or a viper...

Those who are being crushed by a toad croak the most at others...

There are languages ​​that are not controlled by the brain at all, but by envy, resentment and anger.

Evil is not born from good and vice versa...
Human eyes are given to us to distinguish them!

Here every creature fancies itself a genius, here everyone wants to become like Lenin, and I want to become like Stalin, half to the wall, the rest to their cells

Evil is connected not with the culture of the country, but with the characteristics of human nature.

Only good is immortal, evil does not live long!

Among the many types of evil, stupidity is the most persistent...

I keep my posture to spite all my enemies. I chop down dirty hints. Let them think that they are unlucky. And important lessons are learned.

Evil must be punished!!! I bought fireworks and champagne... I’m sitting all waiting for the holiday...))))

Visiting and listening to evil people is already the beginning of an evil deed.

The growth of wisdom can be accurately measured by the degree of decrease in anger.

In today's world there is so much envy, evil, hypocrisy and deception that it is impossible to enjoy pure love and sincere happiness...

If there is not enough evil, there is always someone to borrow from.

Good and Evil always walked side by side... Time passed, people changed, their morals changed... And these two are still nearby, holding hands, wearing the same clothes... only exchanging hats.

Rest in peace your anger towards your neighbor and you will be rewarded with good...

There are so many nice and kind people around, It’s scary to turn your back... What if?

Anger, like lust, in its attack knows no shame.

The most powerful thing in the world against evil is a mother's prayer.

Good defeated evil and brutally killed him.

Justice punishes evil, hope wants to correct it, but love does not notice.

Let those who wish me harm be happy too. the unfortunate need to be helped.

One always makes noise without evil, although everyone gets scared from shouting... The other, when the time has come, bites quietly, like a snake...

When you do good to people, kind people appreciate it, indifferent people forget, and arrogant people become even more arrogant.

Statuses about evil and anger

Some people are simply evil, and only the strongest of them become so of their own free will. About this and more - in the evil statuses of VK.

Any evil is due to lack of love

  1. Statistics confirm that any piece of poop is sure to pretend to be Raffaello's candy.
  2. Some people just want to... brew a herbal infusion with herbs. And some people just want to be beaten with these herbs.
  3. If they try to trample you, think about whether you should be offended. Maybe a person has no more ways to rise at all.
  4. It is so difficult for a person to simply do something for another. But if you intimidate with karma, then it’s easy.
  5. Silence is gold. But how expensive it is...
  6. People who promised to write and sit peacefully online go to hell out of turn.
  7. I never hold evil in my soul: I just give it to someone else.
  8. You can get up on the wrong foot, or you can be born. Do you catch the difference?!
  9. Don't use foul language if you don't know how to do it beautifully.

The most terrible person is a friend who became a traitor

Justice can befall each of us. In no case should it be left unpunished: the evil statuses of VK must be used to the maximum.

  1. Thinking about what you did for me, I notice that a few years for murder is not so much.
  2. Traitors tend to appear when everything is bad even without them.
  3. Loneliness is when even the cat doesn’t want to sleep at your feet.
  4. You will also thank me for my “rudeness”: I am writing a description for you for free.
  5. I would like to wake up every morning with my beloved, but so far I only wake up with the desire to die.
  6. I will not console myself with the thought that only narrow-minded people discuss me. If I find out, I will limit them even more.
  7. Yes, I don’t expect you to understand me. You can't do this without brains...
  8. You can learn at least all the boxing techniques, but you must find an answer to the question “Why are you so impudent?”

Being able to ruin life is a talent

Evil statuses they will talk about life about pain, bad luck and failure in completely different words. Perhaps then all of them will not be so significant...

  1. My behavior may not inspire enthusiasm, but it makes many people shut up.
  2. If I need to, I will definitely smile sweetly. But the abuse that I swear at in my mind is unknown to very many.
  3. To your “sorry” I can only say “It’s okay.” More precisely, write. Even more precisely, a nail on your door.
  4. Think about it, because each of us has ruined the life of another a little.
  5. I get offended very easily, I “move away” very easily, and I spend a very long time making plans for revenge.
  6. Maybe good triumphs over evil, but definitely for someone else.
  7. People suffering by my will, know: at that moment I was simply hungry.
  8. As soon as Elena realized that nothing other than her conscience was stopping her, she immediately got rid of it. And oh, how I didn’t regret it!

Evil never sleeps

There is enough bad, as well as good, in our lives. The main thing is to take what you need for yourself. And leave everything bad in evil statuses about life with meaning.

  1. People throw words to the wind so relaxed that someday I will also relax and throw something heavier at them.
  2. Be afraid of fat women on a diet - they are already angry and can still hit you in the head.
  3. Anyone who makes crooked schedules at universities ends up in hell without a queue.
  4. You simply expressed your opinion, to which you have every right. I just bought a chainsaw and remembered your address.
  5. I don’t understand whether to go feed the pigeons or shoot someone...
  6. He wanted an open relationship, but was extremely surprised when he was sent to three letters. Conclusion: dreams come true.
  7. In general, I’m a quiet person, but one wrong word about my mother and I’m ready to kill.
  8. If I try to create good impression, then I won’t necessarily continue to do it when I’m offended.

It pays to watch what you say

Live your life without meeting anyone bad person- unreal. For each of them it is necessary to keep angry short statuses.

  1. Special features: listens to music through a speaker.
  2. The snow melted and the former appeared.
  3. I freaked out and actually forgot my head instead of a pen.
  4. There is no wind of change upon you.
  5. A nervous person definitely doesn’t need an expensive phone.
  6. Shyness is worse than tactlessness.
  7. I'm not crying, I'm just imitating a fountain.
  8. It's your fault that I miss you.

Words that are usually answered not with words

In order for the conflict to be resolved, it must be ended in time. And, of course, secure it with very evil statuses.

  1. You shouldn’t take everything so closely, maybe the offender just has a meager sex life or its absence altogether.
  2. I look at you and feel how I have a complex of usefulness.
  3. In fact, guys are afraid to get involved with good girls. They understand, the bastards, that one place will immediately stick together.
  4. I don’t regret that you left at all: it’s just that every rag needs its own mop.
  5. Don't teach me life, and I won't teach you spelling rules.
  6. What are you talking about, I still have a long time to get down to you...
  7. I know that you are saying this purely because of your complexes. But you know: I will forgive you tomorrow, but my complexes with you will remain.
  8. Remember, girls: every chicken should cluck in her own chicken coop.

Fill the status line with interesting phrases.