Before starting work on creating a new Internet project, experienced webmasters evaluate its prospects - does it make sense to invest time and money? It may happen that a large-scale undertaking ends in failure due to the fact that the niche is absolutely not in demand.

Knowing the most popular queries in Yandex or other search engines for which you are promoting will help you choose a niche with a large target audience from the very beginning.

  • popularity of the topic on the Internet;
  • audience's solvency.

First of all, they look at popularity, since good traffic can be monetized in any case, for example, by adding the site to the Yandex advertising network (YAN) or Google Adsense.

Topic popularity = lots of search queries = high-frequency keywords

This means we need to find out the frequency of the words and phrases that interest us.

How to find out the frequency of specific requests

If you already have certain ideas on the future theme of the site, then it is enough to sketch out a preliminary list of the most popular queries in this topic and “break through” their frequency through the service -

For example, if you came up with the idea of ​​making a website about reindeer breeding, you can see how many people are searching for “how to breed deer.”

The popularity of the query in the Yandex search engine will be expressed in specific numbers, and then you can assess for yourself how it will fit into your business plan.

We see that the topic about deer is not particularly in demand, maybe it’s worth choosing some more popular queries for the site and investing in them.

The maximum that we can get from this service is to look at the popularity of complex key queries (consisting of 2 or more words) with the obligatory inclusion of one of them.

For example, we look for what people most often want to buy. Their requests should look like this: “buy...” (instead of an ellipsis, the word). In the Wordstat field we enter “buy” and in the list of suggested options we will see all the most popular requests to buy in Yandex. A selection of keys for a tire store can begin with the general request “buy tires”:

From the list you can already see what and how much they are looking for. From a general request, many groups of narrower specialization can be distinguished. Each of these groups can then be considered individually according to the same scheme and queries of 4-5 words can be isolated. For an online store, everything will end with the narrowest queries – product cards.

Similarly, you can search for the words “watch”, “download”, etc. If the topic you need has similar unifying words, then you are in luck. It’s more difficult when all the queries in a topic are not similar to each other. I’ll tell you later how to fish them out.

Where to get ALL search queries

You already understand that the wordstat service will not show us all the statistics on the Internet and will not “burn” the most popular queries, it will only tell us the frequency of what we asked.

Some webmasters recommend using for search Google service trends, which shows popular online topics on this moment, but this is ineffective, since there is continuous news of show business, cinema and other nonsense - there will be no real clue for a promising site.

There is a real way to get a complete selection of all key queries that search engines processed, but this pleasure is not free - it’s called Pastukhov’s Database (site

To satisfy curiosity about the most popular keys, Pastukhov has posted several dozen keys from the TOP directly on the website in this form,

but for work it won’t work (all downloads, watches, games, movies, songs), but for full version they ask from 200 to 600 dollars depending on different promotions.

If you constantly create a lot of websites, then the database can be useful, but there is an option to find out popular keywords cheaper, or rather, for free.

LiveInternet – the most popular queries for FREE

We will use the Liveinternet statistics service for this. Unfortunately, using the data from this service will not provide a 100% match with the data from the search engines Yandex or Google, since not all Internet sites use traffic counters from LiveInternet and not everyone who uses makes their statistics public, but the sample there is very large, therefore, For real work more than enough. In the end, we need a list, and then we’ll get the exact numbers using Wordstat.

A useful thing about Liveinternet is that you can immediately sort by category - dig up search queries not across the entire Internet, but in a specific topic (although you can do it across the entire Internet too).

Open the website –

If we need data on general search queries across the network, then we go straight to the ranking of sites; if we need key phrases on a specific topic, then we select one of the headings.

For example, I chose the computers group. Now we need group statistics - this is a link with a graph icon at the top of the list of sites in the ranking. Please note that we can specify the country and region - for sites that are tied to a territory, we need queries that are popular in a given area.

In the statistics we will see general traffic figures and much more, but we are interested in the left column of the menu and, specifically, the “By search phrases” item.

A significant proportion of requests here are hidden under code name“Others”, but don’t let that confuse you, the most popular ones are open.

To make the selection as convenient as possible, in the settings of the final table, select “By months” and “Total”. Below you can configure a certain number of lines displayed simultaneously on the page (from 10 to 100).

Thus, we get a list of the most popular queries in a given category. You shouldn’t be surprised if non-thematic ones pop up among the queries - this is due to the fact that the selection is not based on real categories of queries, but on sites that are in the Liveinternet rating. And it often happens that a site is mistakenly placed in the wrong category and its requests are taken into account. It also happens that the site is thematic, but it has a page with text on a different topic, which gives significant search traffic that is not related to a given category.

So, you will need to select the most popular words and phrases by hand.

Now we can expand our sample to select specific key phrases for writing articles for your website. To do this, take a list of words taken from the LiveInternet and return to your favorite Yandex Wordstat. By entering words one by one, we will get narrower meanings of popular queries, but, most importantly, in the right column we will find queries that are similar in topic, expanding our initial selection.

Here is a method for freely obtaining the most popular queries in search engines without purchasing all sorts of Pastukhov databases and other lists.

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Hello friends! It's no secret that statistics keywords from Yandex Wordstat is very popular among webmasters. Statistics provide data on user requests in the search engine. In fact, not everyone knows how to use this tool correctly. The article will discuss the myths of Wordstat and a more accurate calculation of traffic for key queries.

Many are deluded by the numbers given by Yandex statistics and undertake to promote the key without sparing the budget. As a result, having promoted the word to the top, they do not receive the desired traffic. In this regard, it is necessary to most accurately calculate the amount of potential traffic for selected requests. In the article, as an example, I will use a keyword such as “laptops”. So, let's go!

Myth one: wordstat gives the exact number of user requests by key.

This is absolutely not true. Wordstat shows the number of impressions that this word contained. For example, statistics for our key will be calculated when users enter “cheap laptops” and “how to fix a laptop.” For more precise definition number of impressions in wordstat there are special query languages:

  • The operator “” (quotes) will allow you to find out the number of impressions only for a specific phrase and its word forms: “laptops”, “laptops” and so on.
  • Operator "!" (exclamation mark) will provide information on the exact occurrence of the phrase, that is, specifically “laptops”.

Let's look at our example in numbers.

All shows:

In word forms:

Exact occurrences:

The difference is obvious: with 1,457,175 impressions that contained the main word, only 45,773 times were searched for direct occurrences.

Myth two. We received 45,773 impressions - does this mean exactly how many users searched for this word?

But no. Pages that users requested were shown 45,773 times. Despite the fact that several dozen optimizers manually look at positions, thereby increasing this indicator. Next, all kinds of scripts and parsers also ask Yandex about this word. In addition, not only the first page of the search results is considered an impression, but also the subsequent ones.

Myth three. Does Wordstat provide information about impressions of absolutely all users on the Internet? No, only data from Yandex is used for calculations.

The question arises: how to most accurately calculate the amount of potential traffic on request?

I. Self-calculation

So, we determined that the keyword “laptops” was shown in Yandex 45,773 times. Great, now let’s go to the search, enter the desired query and see what percentage this search engine occupies in the total traffic (Update: now liveinternet does not provide such statistics).

We see that Yandex collects 57.2% of all traffic for the search query. With some simple calculations we find that approximately total all impressions by this word is 80022.

We get that if, for example, our site ranks 1st in all search engines, then we can receive 80022*50%=40011 visitors per month (that is, we multiply the number of impressions by the corresponding CTR in the search results). But again, don’t delude yourself here either:

  • liveinternet counts the total traffic to sites with a given keyword. That is, if 10 sites were visited by the request “laptops,” then 10 units will be added to the statistics, and it is not reasonable to do 10 projects for one request.
  • Statistics from liveinternet are not available on all resources, so there are errors in the calculations here too.

So, we got the most accurate, but still potential and projected figure, which you 100% shouldn’t count on.

II. Competitor statistics

In addition to the self-calculation method, you can use open statistics (for example, liveinternet) of competitors in the top 10. You need to find how much traffic a competitor’s site receives for a given request for a certain position. You can again calculate the approximate traffic for certain places in the search results based on the latest CTR graph.

III. Predicted number of transitions from link aggregators

Now automatic promotion systems have expanded functionality that can predict the number of transitions for a certain top. For example, for the Moscow region, webeffector gave the predicted monthly traffic for “laptops” for 1st place 66360, seopult - 22749 (in seopult there is no difference for different TOP). If we count for the Moscow region using the first method, we get a potential monthly traffic of 15,890 transitions for the first place.

Once again, I repeat that these methods calculate the predicted number of transitions from search engines. Yes, most accurately, but not 100%.

A few words about regionality

If you need to determine potential traffic in your region, then for the calculation you can use the first and third methods as a basis. The third was a calculation for the Moscow region. You can compare the results yourself. For the first case, in wordstat statistics you just need to select your region (example in the picture above). I note that the smaller the region, the greater the error in the calculations will be.

This article was written by me for the June magazine of How do you like her? How do you calculate the volume of traffic for queries? I look forward to your comments and will be happy to answer your questions.

Yandex Wordstat is a Yandex company service used to select keywords through analysis search queries users.

Why do you need Wordstat?

It is mainly used to compile a semantic core. Wordstat is free, it is a feature-rich tool, but it is so simple that even a beginner can figure it out. With the help of Wordstat, it is possible to find out detailed statistics of requests in the Yandex system for the last month, and to compile not only the structure of the entire site, but also its individual pages. In practice, the service is used to solve the following problems:

  1. Collection of the most complete semantics through query extensions;
  2. Checking the frequency of requests, including regional ones;
  3. Checking the seasonality of requests.

This is the most basic, but of course there are smaller tasks that Wordstat helps solve.

How to use Wordstat correctly

First you need to register there. Here is a link to the service, you can enter words into it without registering, but you will only be able to find out the results after registration. Otherwise, this kind of crap will pop up:

It is also important that your Yandex profile indicates your region, for which you are going to view query statistics. Otherwise, if you look for how many clients for your business enter the word “fishing rods” in your Nizhny Vasyuki region, and your region is Moscow, then you may be told that hundreds of thousands of people are looking for fishing rods. You will buy a hundred thousand of them, and in Nizhny Vasyuki only a couple of cripples are looking for them.

After you register, enter the word there and click the “Select” button. You will get the following results:

As you can see, we entered the word “bro”, and in the left column there will be queries that contain the phrase “bro”. These queries are entered by real users. In the right column are similar queries. The numbers next to each query are their frequency (that is, how often users enter them). But this is not an exact frequency, but an approximate one. That is, the phrase “brother” itself in this form may have been introduced 20 times in total (that is, its exact frequency was 20 then), but together with the phrases “brothers”, “brothers 90”, “come on brother” and others, its frequency was 27 080. We will learn to determine the exact frequency further.

Basically, they work with Wordstat through special services and programs. Thousands of them! The most famous is Kay Collector. All these programs increase the convenience of working with this tool significantly.

They very rarely work directly with Wordstat, but I’ve heard awesome stories that in Ashmanov’s studio, one of the coolest SEO studios, there are monkeys who enter each query into Wordstat manually and copy the results into a .txt file. I immediately imagined a hundred slaves who, in a day of work, do the same amount of work as one SEO specialist with Key Collector.

Let's now look at the rest of the interface functions:

In block 1— switching between device types. I personally don't use it. I make my sites convenient for all types of devices.
In block 2- a very useful switch. With its help, you can see, firstly, the regionality of the request (in which region it is entered more often, in which - less often). You can seriously get stuck on this tool. And secondly, here you can look at the “Request History” - and this is sometimes very necessary to determine the seasonality of the request and to track the trend.
In block 3- date when last time Yandex updated statistics on requests. In most cases we don't need this.
In block 4— select the region/regions.

By region

You can see what they are looking for where. Funny thing. Here, for example, you can find out that criminal songs, on average per capita, are most searched for in the Russian Federation, but in Greece and even in Israel:

And if you click on Russia, you will see that blatnyak is in demand everywhere, but especially in Dagestan:

Request history

In the query history, you can identify seasonal queries and trends, as I already said. For example, we can only envy those webmasters who managed to write articles about Trump, because now (end of 2016) their traffic has begun to grow:

But the most professional part begins when you work with operators.

Which operators are useful when working with Wordstat

You need to know how to use Yandex Wordstat operators in order to work most effectively in the interface.

Basic Operators

The two basic operators are exclamation marks and quotation marks. These are the basics.

Look, without them we have 25,655 impressions. These are displays of all phrases with the word “brother”.

With quotes, there are only 832. Quotes fix the phrase. This means that the phrases “brother”, “brother”, “brother” combined had 832 impressions, that is, this phrase with in different order words and endings, but without adding other words to this phrase. That is, this does not include displays of the phrases “we are bros,” “we failed bro,” and so on.

With an exclamation point - 7409 views. It fixes the word form. That is, this includes displays of the phrases “bro”, “nice bro”, “hold on bro” and others with the same ending. And displays of the phrases “call bro”, “download a song about bro” and so on are not included.

And here we have only 152 impressions. This is because with an exclamation point and quotation marks, only impressions of that phrase and only in that form are counted. But with a different order of words in the phrase. That is, if we enter “nice bro”, then Wordstat will show us the sum of impressions of “nice bro” and “nice bro”.

Auxiliary Operators

Plus. The "+" symbol forces stop words to be taken into account. By default, Wordstat does not take into account prepositions, and for the query “how to buy a TV” it will show you mainly commercial queries:

If the particle “how” is important to you, then fix it with a plus and Wordstat will give you the following data:

Operator "OR". Forward slash "|" - if two phrases are separated by this operator, it will show all variations with these two phrases.

By the way, it allows you to compare two queries, which is what I mainly use it for.

Minus. The "-" symbol excludes specific word from the request. Example: “buy a used car in Moscow.” Queries without using the word “boo” will be shown.

Parentheses "()" - groups the use of multiple operators.

Square brackets "" - fixes the sequence of words in the search phrase. This operator was introduced not so long ago. That is, we get the opportunity to find out in what word order the phrase is entered most often:

As you can see, almost no one enters a phrase with the wrong order:


Working with bare Yandex Wordstat is generally inconvenient. To make your work easier, you can install a special plugin in your browser designed to work in Wordstat. The plugins for Chromium browsers (Yandex, Mail, Amigo, Opera and Google Chrome) are the same, but for Mozilla there is a separate plugin, all are free and available for download, you can install them directly from the browser. The most popular are the Wordstat Assistant and Yandex Wordstat Helper plugins.

Yandex Wordstat Assistant

Perhaps the best plugin for I use it myself. It's easy to use, practical, and doesn't get in the way when you're working on other sites. The installed wordstat assistant starts only when you go to the Wordstat page. By clicking on the plus signs, the required keyword can be added to the list (it is on the left). The assistant allows you to sort the selected keywords and delete unnecessary ones. Simply copy the resulting list to the clipboard and transfer it to Excel for further processing. By the way, the convenience of using the plugin is also that when you add phrases that are already there to the list, duplicates are automatically deleted, which significantly reduces the work.

Yandex Wordstat Helper

This plugin is simpler than the previous one, but no less popular; it can also be installed directly from the browser. The helper is made in the form of a widget that is added to the Wordstat page immediately after installation; you just need to refresh the page and you can start working. Its functions:

  1. Opportunity automatic sorting In alphabet order;
  2. Checks for duplicates, removing the last ones;
  3. It is possible to process different requests in several browser tabs. The necessary words are added to the same list;
  4. There is a word counter;
  5. Possibility of copying already ready list in Excel, putting everything together based on the initial phrases.

Before deciding which plugin to use, try both in action, this will allow you to make the right choice.

Wordstat parsers

To save time when selecting keywords, they often use automatic programs specially designed for this - parsers, which can be either paid or free.

Some guys order parsers purely for their needs.

The best paid Wordstat parser is KeyCollector. It is used mainly by those who professionally compile semantics. A free analogue of KeyCollector is the Slovoeb program. Its functions are reduced, but it is quite possible to compose small kernels with its help.

Magadan is also a fairly popular Wordstat parser, which can also be downloaded for free. Selects and analyzes queries, has support for regions, is designed for parsing Yandex Direct phrases.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Wordstat provides only the data that Yandex has. Therefore, for example, the frequency in Google and other search engines may be completely different.

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests! In this article, we will look at the work of a well-known and very useful online service - Yandex Wordstat. Wordstat Keyword Statistics- a powerful and indispensable tool in the work of a number of specialists who promote online resources different ways: either contextual advertising or SEO promotion, website promotion, etc. We will consider this service as part of our work on compiling a semantic core for a contextual advertising campaign. After reading this article to the end, you will receive useful recommendation to create successful advertising campaigns.

Yandex Wordstat -

contains statistics of Yandex search queries. These are queries that users entered into the search bar. A large warehouse of search queries, which is used on Yandex. Query statistics are updated almost daily. That is, with the help of this service, you and I become the owners of information that is relevant at the current time.

Using the Yandex Wordstat word selection service, we can solve the following problems:

Predict the frequency of impressions for each selected phrase

Let's say you are going to sell Karcher vacuum cleaners throughout Russia. To predict the approximate number of clicks for all phrases with the words “buy a Karcher vacuum cleaner” we just need to do the following:

  1. Log in to the service.
  2. On the Wordstat service tab “According to words” - select the region, in our case it is Russia.
  3. Calculate approximate quantity clicks using the CTR calculation formula: CTR=number of clicks/number of impressions*100%. In our case, the predicted number of impressions per month is 8,584. At the same time, we plan to achieve a CTR of 5%.

5=x (number of impressions)/49,957*100


We get the expected number of clicks on the phrase “buy a Karcher vacuum cleaner” - 429 per month when advertising campaigns operate throughout Russia.

Assess the seasonality of a product or service

Not all goods and/or services are in demand among buyers all year round. And it’s unlikely that we’ll get a flurry of sales if we decide to sell snowboards in the summer. Seasonality can be observed very clearly using Yandex Wordstat statistics. Go to the “Query History” tab and evaluate the fluctuation in audience activity for any of the entered phrases. The graph below clearly shows how the demand for snowboards increased in December-January.

Assess the popularity of queries in a specific region

The example of the phrase “buy an apartment in Moscow” clearly shows that not only those who live directly in the Moscow region are interested in real estate. The graph clearly shows that this request is also typed by residents of other regions. Therefore, advertisements for apartments for sale in Moscow should be shown in other regions as well.

Estimate the share of traffic from mobile devices and desktops

Let's go back to vacuum cleaners. If we look at the statistics of requests from desktops and from mobile devices, then we will see that the quantity is approximately the same. 50% of people enter the query “buy a Karcher vacuum cleaner” from desktop PCs and 50% from phones. So how are u There are some peculiarities in writing texts, and the cost per click is different, then in such a case it is worth immediately making separate advertising campaigns.

Without a doubt statistics of queries in Yandex Wordstat is a powerful tool for collecting keywords. But to work with keywords, I still recommend using automated solutions - parser programs. Or use extensions that significantly speed up key collection. You can read more about these extensions .

Yulia Khairetdinova was with you

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


Today at Once again Let’s dive into the abyss of Yandex Wordstat and figure out how to find out the number of requests for keywords that match the topic of the site. This is necessary if you want to estimate how many people are looking for your products and services, optimize site pages for search engines, or launch mind-blowing context that users will click on like crazy. Let's see what functions of word selection services are useful for assessing and collecting the semantic core, and find out how to work with. Go.

Why is it important to know the number of keyword requests in Yandex?

First, let's decide why we need this at all.

  • To collect a semantic core for website optimization;
  • To collect keywords to launch an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords.

Everything is simple here. To attract traffic from search and context, you need to:

  • Make the landing page of the site relevant in the eyes of the search engine and the user.
  • Make sure that the request is sufficiently frequent and not too competitive, otherwise there will simply be no transitions in both cases.

Let's get to the heart of the matter.

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex?

To do this, you can use the service. It helps you select keywords, look at the number of impressions for queries, including dynamics and depending on the selected region. Let's go through each point.

Checking keywords in Yandex Wordstat

Let's say we entered the request “Flower delivery”. Wordstat immediately gave us 267,090 impressions per month, with this phrase, and in broad terms. This means that the results take into account all requests that mentioned “flower delivery” and there were a little over 267 thousand of them.

Impressions and requests should not be confused; they are counted differently. The user enters the query once, and each transition to the search results page is considered an impression. If I'm looking for flower delivery, then I entered one request. In this case, every time I move to the next page in the search results, a new impression is counted.

Just below, the service displays a list of queries in which the given one was found, and all of them are included in the main result. That is, Wordstat goes from the general to the specific: first it shows how many impressions there were for such keywords in a month, and then it details these statistics. For example, there were 18,892 impressions for the query “low-cost flower delivery” and all of them are included in the total 267,090.

Now let's figure out how to find out the number of requests in Yandex for specific keywords. Let's say we want to find out how many times people requested the combination “flower delivery” without any additional clarification. Search operators will help us with this. First, let's list them all:

  • “” – quotes. Helps to search only for specified keywords, but in any word form (that’s what we need).
  • ! - Exclamation point. Does the same thing, only without taking into account different word forms. That is, if you request “!flower delivery”, then the results will be shown specifically for this request, without taking into account all sorts of “flower delivery”, “flower delivery” and so on.
  • + – plus. Makes Wordstat take into account conjunctions and prepositions.
  • - - minus sign. In this case, the specified words will not be taken into account when compiling the report. Example: “flower delivery is free.”
  • (|) – brackets and forward slash. Needed to combine statistics on several queries into a report.

Let's return to our example. Let’s do a check and find out the number of requests in Yandex for the keywords “flower delivery” in any word form.

Already less - 16,409 impressions. Now let's exclude the remaining word forms:

The number of impressions dropped even further. Let's try using other operators:

The last operator is a great help when checking the number of keywords in Yandex for several queries. We received a sample from the following requests:

  • Flower delivery;
  • bouquet delivery;
  • order flowers;
  • ordering bouquets.

Now let's look at the remaining tabs. First, let's look at what mobile device users are looking for.

Now we’ll find out how to see the number of requests in Yandex in a specific region. Let it be the city of Kazan. To do this, go to the “by regions” tab. For a more accurate result, we will search for “”!delivery!flowers”” in exact correspondence. We get:

The first number is the number of impressions, and the second is regional popularity. If it is more than 100%, then interest in the request in the region is increased, and if it is less, then there is decreased interest.

The last tab left is “query history”. We go there and see a graph of changes in the frequency of requests. It looks like this:

As you can see, at the end of January every year, people suddenly get upset and start looking for bouquets for delivery. I wonder why?

Let's look at the rest of Wordstat's functions. In the “By Regions” tab there is a map mode. There you can see the popularity of the query in different countries world and regions of Russia.

On the main search page there is a right column with queries that appear along with the given one. Sometimes it is useful and helps expand the semantic core.

Checking keywords in Google

Now let's figure out how to do the same thing in Google. Here you can use the search engine’s own service – Google Keyword Planner Tool. You can get into it from home page Google AdWords – the required link is located in the “Tools” tab.

To use the service, register with AdWords. Keyword Planner differs from its Yandex counterpart mainly in its interface and convenience: it does not require a captcha, and negative words can be specified directly in the search settings. The Google tool displays keywords immediately in exact matches. It is worth considering that the competition tab here is “advertising” and not “search”.

Other tools for checking search volume and keywords

If you are too lazy to collect information manually, you can use special parser services. The problem is that almost all of them are paid. There are exceptions, for example the Slovoeb service. This is the same paid KeyCollector with reduced functions. It helps you search for keywords using Wordstat, check the frequency and competitiveness of queries, determines the relevance of pages and uploads data to Excel. It differs from its older brother - KeyCollector - in that it does not provide statistics on Google AdWords. But it will do.

Frequency and competitiveness of requests in Yandex

In addition to the number of impressions, you need to know the competitiveness and frequency of requests: they are high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF), low-frequency and, accordingly, high-medium- and low-competitive (VK, SK, NK). The dependence is usually direct - the more frequent the request, the higher the competition for it, but there are exceptions (and they are your goal). High-volume and competitive queries look the most promising, but are actually the most likely to be ineffective. It is very difficult to get to the top using them, so betting on them is a bet on a budget that has been lost to nothing. Mid- and low-frequency queries are much tastier. If done correctly, they will help drive traffic to your site and find new customers. Any parser will help you calculate the competitiveness and frequency of queries in Yandex. You can also do this by hand, but this is a topic for a separate article.

In order to competently build an advertising campaign or promotion strategy, you must find out the number of queries for keywords in Yandex, their frequency and competitiveness. This can be done either using native search engine services or using parser programs. In any case, you still have to seriously analyze the collected semantic core, because simply collecting keywords is not enough - you need to weed out the unnecessary ones and draw up a page optimization plan or an advertising campaign strategy.