A heron seen in dreams is interpreted differently depending on the details - what exactly happened in the dream, what you did, what emotions you experienced when you saw this bird. Remember all the details of the dream, as well as your own emotions. All this will help you understand why a heron is seen in dreams.

For some people, a heron will be a harbinger of good news or an event that will happen in the near future. For married people, a bird means a pleasant gift or surprise from a spouse. Beautiful bird in a dream means that your deeds will bring you a lot of joy from the fact that you are helping someone.

For a young woman, seeing a bird means the appearance in life of an influential and financially independent person who has great opportunities. He will be able to help you achieve material well-being through career advancement or provide free financial assistance that you need in your life. this moment.

If a heron stood on one leg in a dream, the dream hints at some of your uncertainty in own actions. You should become more decisive in order not to miss the opportunities that arise. And if she held it in her beak, then soon you will have romantic relationship with a woman or a new period will begin in the relationship with your spouse.

Did you see white herons in your dreams? This good sign, a symbol of warm relations between spouses and relatives. Kindness, happiness and joy will accompany you on life path. In addition, the plot you see means that all your efforts to achieve your cherished dream will soon bring a favorable result.

Bird actions in a dream

If you look in the dream book, a heron may commit various actions. Let's give a breakdown of several options for her behavior.

1. The appearance of a heron talking to you promises waking communication with a very competent and influential person. After such a conversation, you should reconsider your own priorities and values ​​in order to gain the support of this person.

You should not miss this rare opportunity; show all your abilities and qualities. Remember, you are always being watched and evaluated. Be careful and careful in every action to avoid mistakes.

2. The heron tried to hit with its wing - the dream foreshadows an acquaintance with an influential person. But you will be disappointed in him, since his attitude towards you will be biased. However, you should not worry about such a dream, it will not do any harm, but there will be no benefit from it either.

3. You tried to pet a bird - a favorable dream, it means that now is the time for active action. Don't sit idly by, the right time for promotion has arrived. Don't miss the chance to take a highly paid position.

Why do you dream of a heron that you are trying to catch? The dream means that at the moment you should not engage in any difficult matters, since their outcome may not be exactly what you planned. Postpone all important things to a more opportune time.

However, if in reality you have a rival with whom you constantly clash on some issues, such a dream foretells victory in any dispute. But if in a dream you happened to kill a bird, then in reality this foreshadows the acquisition of wealth without any effort.

Other interpretations of the dream

Why do you dream of a heron that was sleeping peacefully in a dream? The dream will bring changes in reality weather conditions: Precipitation is likely to occur soon depending on the time of year. But if a heron ate in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows serious natural anomalies, for example, a strong storm, a blizzard, a blizzard, or a storm.

The appearance of a heron in a dream, standing far from you, has several meanings. The interpretation of dreams varies depending on the time of year when they were dreamed. A midsummer night's dream foretells the arrival of good news or news.

An autumn dream will improve your well-being. If you are currently sick, expect a speedy recovery. Winter sleep will strengthen your hopes for further success in business. But spring means unexpected luck.

I dreamed of a heron standing on? Such dreams are experienced by people who in reality cannot resist adversity and give up. Help will come at the most difficult and difficult moment, so don’t worry, your affairs will improve in the near future.

Heron - Sleeping - to precipitation: rain or snow. Feeding - precipitation will take on a spontaneous character: storm, storm, blizzard, etc. Other - to abnormal weather phenomena.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream about Heron

(See interpretation: birds)

Seeing her in a dream means that you will need all your patience to withstand the trials of fate, need or deprivation. If you dream that a heron is getting food for itself and succeeds, then you will have to work hard to achieve what you want.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Heron

A heron standing on one leg portends uncertainty, which can lead to mistakes in business. Be decisive - don't miss the chance.

A heron that holds a frog or fish in its beak portends you a love adventure with someone else's wife. But be careful if you had such a dream on Wednesday night - your relationship may be made public.

A heron that talked to you in a dream means you will have to communicate with an intelligent and influential person and, perhaps, reassess your own values. If you want to enlist the support of an influential person, do not miss the chance and show what you are capable of. Your business qualities will be closely assessed, so be careful and do not make mistakes.

A heron trying to peck you or hit you with its wing means meeting an influential person will not live up to your hopes, he will be biased towards you. But you shouldn’t be upset – it won’t cause you much harm.

Trying to pet a heron - You trust other people’s words too much and tend to live in a world of illusions. Pay attention to reality and take action, time for career growth favorable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

What does the Heron predict in a dream?

A heron looking out for frogs: suggests that someone in your environment is listening carefully to gossip and gossip in order to later use it to their advantage.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing a heron in a dream is good luck. A dream means a tireless struggle for one’s happiness if one dreams that she stands on one leg for a long time, waiting for prey. Why do you dream about a large bird in flight? modern dream books interpreted differently. It can be a symbol of betrayal, other troubles in the family, or it can carry the news of a meeting with an influential person who will solve all problems at once.

Explanations of Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a heron walking through a swamp, lying in wait for a frog, be prepared for gossip, squabbles, and minor quarrels in the work team. Psychologists warn that a lot of effort will have to be spent to restore peace and balance. A large bird in a dream means that the struggle for a good place will not be conducted entirely honestly and disinterestedly.

Miller's dream book does not reduce the interpretation of a dream to one meaning. Why do you dream of a heron and a stork, he describes it this way:

  • swallowing food - to the emergence of strong rivals;
  • flying away from the swamp - to a successful trip;
  • standing in the rays of sunset - to love affairs, betrayal;
  • swaying from side to side - to the dreamer’s uncertainty;
  • a stork flying over the house - to prosperity;

Be bolder

Seeing a patient heron in a dream, long time waiting for a fish or a frog to appear, it falls to people who lack strength, energy and enterprise. Tsvetkov’s dream book recommends acting without delay, not waiting for competitors to take the initiative, if you dreamed that the bird did not move at all.

Failure to take advantage of a chance is what dreams of a heron catching a frog in the air mean. It turns out that there are people around you who are capable of appropriating other people’s merits and stealing an idea. Don’t be afraid to make yourself known and bring forward long-cherished projects for consideration.

Stay with your loved ones

Vanga’s dream book explains in his own way why there is a dream of a pensive heron standing alone against the backdrop of sunset or dawn. Love affairs will haunt you in the coming weeks and months. Attempts of betrayal on the part of the other half are not excluded. Try to give as much time as possible to your family and loved ones so that they don’t feel lonely.

Seeing a heron in a dream and catching it means counting on a big win, the success of your business. If you dreamed that a heron was walking in your direction, expect secret admirers to appear. At the same time, do not forget that at any moment even the most intimate secrets can be revealed to a wide circle of people.

Heron looking for frogs- suggests that someone in your environment is listening carefully to gossip and gossip in order to subsequently use them to their advantage.

Dream book for the whole family

Heron standing on one leg- portends uncertainty, which can give rise to mistakes in business. Be decisive - don't miss the chance.

A heron holding a frog or fish in its beak- portends you a love adventure with someone else’s wife.

But be careful if you had such a dream on Wednesday night- your relationship may be made public.

The heron that talked to you in your sleep- you will have to communicate with an intelligent and influential person and, perhaps, reassess your own values.

If you want to get the support of an influencer- don’t miss the chance and show what you are capable of. Your business qualities will be closely assessed, so be careful and do not make mistakes.

A heron trying to peck you or hit you with its wing- meeting an influential person will not live up to your hopes, he will be biased towards you. But you shouldn’t be upset - it won’t cause you much harm.

Trying to pet a heron- you trust other people’s words too much and tend to live in a world of illusions. Pay attention to reality and start acting, the time is favorable for career growth.

Dream book for a bitch

Heron- you will be patronized by a high-ranking and influential person, will help you in your career advancement and, possibly, will support you financially.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a heron in a dream- means that you will soon experience a joyful event.

See a heron standing on one leg- portends that your best friend will let you down very badly.

If you dream that you are catching a heron- You have serious competition ahead of you, from which you will emerge victorious.

If you had a dream in which you killed a heron- in the future yours financial situation will improve noticeably.

To dream of a heron that swallows fish and frogs- a bad omen. Your trip will end in failure.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Heron- someone close to you is trying to stop you.

Children's dream book

Heron- don’t look down on others.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Heron- need for patience and/or rapid precision.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Heron- to hopeless, monotonous and tedious work.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Heron- dreams of a marital gift.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Heron- dream of the clueless help of a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Heron- the service of a noble person.

General dream book

I dreamed of a heron- soon your debts will be repaid.

If you dreamed that you saw a heron flying in the sky- they will pay off your debts, but it will not bring you happiness.

In a dream you shot a heron- they will repay your debts, but at the same time you will quarrel with your former debtor.

Dreamed feather of a heron- warns that wealth will beckon, but will not fall into your hands.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

The appearance of a heron in a dream- may mean a favor for you, help from a high-ranking person; unexpected support.

Catching a heron- experience difficulties in an unequal struggle with someone.

Esoteric dream book

Heron- dormant to precipitation: rain or snow.

feeding- precipitation will take on a spontaneous character: storm, gale, blizzard, etc. Other to abnormal weather phenomena.

Ukrainian dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

according to the dream book of animals

A solar bird that has much in common with the crane and stork. In addition, it symbolizes vigilance and calm. This is a bird of the waters. In Buddhism and Taoism it takes on the symbolism of the crane. In Chinese and Japanese symbolism, the egret, associated with the black crow, forms the opposition of yin-yang, solar and lunar, light and darkness, a serious creature and a silent thinker, and another, malicious and talkative. The heron represents tact and delicacy, as it takes off without muddying the waters. In art it is associated with willow. Among the Egyptians, the heron is the first creature that transforms the soul after death. It is believed that Bennu is a type of heron, and perhaps it is a phoenix, because it also symbolizes the rising Sun, rebirth, the return of Osiris, and, like the bird of the Nile flood, the renewal of life. When the Nile floods, the heron leaves the river and flies over the fields.

Expert answers


I dreamed that we were sleeping with best friend in our bed with my husband (I'm married in real life). I didn’t see her face, but I know what happened to her. And then she screams “there’s a heron on your head,” and I see the body of a black bird and shake it off. Then I wake up. What is this for? (Chebanitsa, Marika)

Seeing a heron in a dream means a stupid service or unnecessary help. Judging by the description of your dream, it can be assumed that in your environment there is a person who is constantly trying to get into your affairs and supposedly help with something, but this is of little use, and you really want to get rid of him, but for some reason it is impossible or it does not work. Your friend will probably help you with this.