Since ancient times, the Dream Book has been helping people decipher the images of their dreams, better understand themselves and lift the veil of secrecy over the future. The interpretation of dreams, images and colors that we see in a dream is an ancient and complex science, but an online dream book can make it as easy as possible to find the answer to your question, find out, for example, why you dream about water or flying according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga or Tsvetkov. The importance of dreams cannot be overestimated, because they are the voice of your subconscious.

Why do you dream about a bus? Meaning of sleep bus.

New dream book - bus

  • I dreamed about a bus - you will have to reconsider your views on life.
  • Bus accident - the dream book interprets this as unexpected changes in life.
  • Waiting for a bus in a dream - hope for the best.
  • Dreaming of riding on a bus is an unexpected success in a hopeless case.
  • A bus without a driver - a dream suggests that you are losing control of the situation.
  • If in your dream a bus hit a person, the dream warns of danger.
  • To see a bus with children - expect a pleasant surprise.
  • Seeing yourself as a bus driver means you have to lead some kind of public event.
  • Dream of running after a bus - you may miss your chance.
  • Dream interpretation of a bus stop is an obstacle on the way to the goal.
  • A crowded bus is a conflict at work.
  • Getting hit by a bus in a dream is yours family life threatened by.

Interpretation of a dream about a bus

Online dream book - bus

  • Dream of riding on a bus - you will not be able to achieve success where you expected it.
  • Pushing around in a full bus - get ready for competition so as not to be forced out of your business.
  • In a dream, taking the wrong bus means you have chosen the wrong path. Stop and think if everything is true in your life.

Dream Book of David Loff

  • If you dream that you are traveling on a bus, this means that for objective or subjective reasons you are not able to afford a more convenient form of transport.
  • Look at who is riding next to you and how you communicate with these people. Perhaps you are traveling accompanied by true friends and are united by common interests. In this case, it is important to find a connection between these people and the places you pass by.

Intimate dream book

  • Dream of waiting for a bus at a stop - in real life you are waiting for your other half. Your life is incomplete without sexual relations.
  • Getting on a bus in a dream - a dream signals that in real life you are in a relationship with a person whom you consider not at all suitable for yourself. You just started a relationship with the one who “turned up” to you in the first place. Loneliness was depressing, and so you decided to cope with it this way.
  • If in a dream you were riding on a bus, it means that in real life you expect much more from your partner than he can give you. Do not rush to show displeasure if you do not want your union to break up. Of course, a lot depends on sex, but not everything. After all, people don’t spend their entire lives in bed.

Intimate dream book - Bus

Esoteric dream book

  • Being inside a stationary bus means a change in the weather.
  • Experiencing discomfort on the bus means the weather will not suit you, affecting your plans.
  • Dream of waiting for a bus - you will be unhappy with the weather conditions for a long time.
  • Being a bus driver means you will meet a person who shares your interests.
  • Dreaming of traveling on an empty bus means good weather.

Italian dream book - bus

  • I dreamed about a bus - you will successfully move towards your goal.
  • To see a bus passing by a stop means someone has high hopes for you, counting on your help in a difficult matter.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

  • Dream bus - you will have to rethink everything that you have accumulated in your life. There may be some reassessment of values, after which you will be able to take a fresh look at yourself and your lifestyle.
  • Dreaming of a crowded bus means troubles associated with new acquaintances. They can greatly change your position at work, and your career growth may be stalled due to the actions of some newly acquired “buddy.” Beware of new acquaintances and do not trust them too much, at least at first.
  • Seeing a crush on a bus - the dream says that you will cause a quarrel between loved ones; Maybe you yourself don’t consider them close enough, but they have a different point of view. Be as careful as possible when talking to people; your words may be taken too seriously.
  • Riding while sitting on a bus means fun and joy. Joy may be associated with the success of someone close to you.
  • A dream in which you are standing in an empty bus means serious difficulties that you will have to cope with on your own, without anyone’s help.
  • Watching in a dream how one of your loved ones is catching up with a bus - you will have to help the person you saw in the dream in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

Dream book of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova

For those born from January to April:

  • I dreamed of a bus packed to capacity - to guests.

For those born from May to August:

  • Going to work by bus means changing your place of work.

For those born from September to December:

  • Dreaming of a crowded bus means participation in public events.

Modern dream book - bus

  • Why do you dream about a bus - success in the business sphere.
  • If you dreamed of a broken bus, it is a warning - due to the limitations of your views on complex life situations you may find yourself in a difficult situation.
  • Waiting for a bus at a bus stop means that you have a long journey or a business trip ahead of you.
  • In a dream, meeting an acquaintance on a bus is a warning that problems that you think are insignificant will turn out to be more serious and you will have to make a responsible decision.

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What does it mean to see a bus in a dream? Such a vehicle is a symbol of our everyday reality. If you see yourself as a passenger, then in life you are content with second roles. Getting out of transport means changing your fate for the better. Well-known collections of dream interpretations tell why you dream about a bus.

Esoteric dream book

Getting on the transport and waiting for departure means a change in the weather. If the car does start moving, such changes will please you. A feeling of discomfort or motion sickness means plans will be disrupted due to bad weather. Do you see yourself as a driver? This means that in reality you will meet a person close to your interests.

Miller's Dream Book

He tells you why you dream about riding on a bus. Such a dream means that you will have to give up hopes of success in your intended business. And if the transport is crowded, it will be the fault of competitors. Did you feel like you chose the wrong route? You are following the wrong path in life too. Maybe it’s worth analyzing what is the reason for bad luck and failures?

Autumn dream book

Finding yourself in the middle of a crowded bus during rush hour clearly foreshadows going to a mass event, such as a rally.

Intimate dream book

If you spent the entire dream waiting for the right transport at a bus stop, then there is not enough sex and passion in your life. You need to find your soulmate. Getting on a bus in a dream may be an indicator that in reality you are living or dating a person whom you subconsciously do not consider to be yours.

Summer dream book

Going to work on the bus predicts changes in your occupation or career.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you see an empty bus at night, the day will be filled with boring, useless chatter with uninteresting people.

Dream book of the 21st century

He interprets why you dream of a bus with people as follows: expect triumph in business or unforgettable meetings. Broken transport portends problems due to your limited beliefs. A bus station with a large number of cars means a long business trip or trip.

Dream Interpretation of Maria Fedorovskaya

Did you see yourself in the driver's seat in a dream? This means that you will have to take responsibility for the well-being of the family. If one of your relatives and friends is driving, then he will make decisions that are fateful for the family. Did you imagine that you were hit by a bus? This portends dramatic changes in fate for the most unexpected reasons. And a dream about another person being shot down means new members in your family.

Universal dream book

The desire to get out of transport in a dream hints at dreams of freedom from the routine of current life.

Do you believe in dreams? “Of course, but who doesn’t believe it?” - you will probably answer. There is no person in our world who would not want to decipher what he saw in a dream. What is this? Is it really something otherworldly, or are these the secrets of our subconscious? Or maybe dreams are realities that await us in the near future? In any case, it is impossible to find a clear answer to this question.

Some believe that the kingdom of Morpheus shows us some mysterious combination of fragments from the past. However, in most cases, our dreams do not correspond to reality in any way. No, well, maybe someone had to watch green bills fall from the sky, or maybe someone was lucky enough to ride a purple dragon and have a heartfelt conversation with an elephant - anything can happen in life. But in most cases, after an unusual event seen in a dream, a magic book called “Dream Book” is taken, and an interesting interpretation of a particular dream is sought out with enviable speed.

It’s so customary that everyone sees different dreams. Some, like real babies, smile stupidly, being surrounded by beautiful girls, others cry, watching a bloodthirsty zombie, others twitch their legs and arms, imagining themselves Kostya Ju, and still others are as calm as a boa constrictor, because they travel on regular public transport and watch the natural beauty from the window. It is precisely this last dream that we will dedicate our article to. So, what does the night vision in which the bus appeared mean? Interesting? Then let's begin!

Waiting for a bus in a dream: loneliness or hope for bright love?

If in a dream you are waiting for a bus, this means that in reality you want to meet your love, because life is so empty without relationships and affection.

Looking out of the bus means an upcoming vital meeting.

If in a dream you cannot decide whether to go on a trip or not, this indicates uncertainty and a changeable character, so learn to make clear decisions.

What do dreams in which you are late for the bus mean? They warn of upcoming failures in business, so don’t plan anything big, otherwise all your plans will be ruined, and you will lose a lot of energy and money. Also, being late can mean you are lazy. Inside you are simply teeming with fruitful ideas, but due to your inaction, they will not be realized in the near future.

Restlessly waiting for any kind of public transport indicates that in the near future living conditions will not be to your liking.

What does it mean to see a bus?

Seeing a bus in a dream means rethinking the past for the sake of the future.

Watching a bus pass you by because there are so many people on board indicates that there is someone who has great hopes for you and is counting on your help in difficult times. Don't give up the opportunity to make someone truly happy. The main thing in this situation, as young people say, is “not to become a star,” so as not to get into an absurd situation.

What do dreams mean when you see a bus suddenly overturn? This suggests that your affairs will worsen, so do not make important decisions in the near future, let everything take its course.

If the dream showed you a bus with children passing by, you should know that pleasant news awaits you soon.

Running after the bus does not bode well for the plan weather conditions, so the planned picnic or walk in the forest will have to be cancelled.

What if you saw in a dream a person you know well running after a bus? This means that you will provide help to someone who appears to you in a dream, so do not refuse someone who needs you, otherwise you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

What if the bus is broken down? This means a difficult situation that you may find yourself in due to your limited views on difficult situations in life. So think about whether your life is so good.

Dream: bus, ride on a bus

Entering the bus means that your roommate is not the person with whom you would like to spend your whole life. Rather, this person has become your “savior from loneliness.” Therefore, do not torture yourself and do not hurt others.

If you rode quickly on public transport in a dream, this means that you expect something more from your loved one. But don’t rush to show your dissatisfaction, because not only intimate life is important in a relationship.

If your trip is very tiring and long, expect unexpected guests or additions to the family.

I had a dream: I’m on a bus? This means you are jealous of other people's relationships, even though your friends' stories may be just fiction.

If your trip is convenient and comfortable, this is very good sign. Success and great joy await you.

Various circumstances during a trip in a dream

Getting on a bus in a dream and seeing the driver’s back means your role is secondary, in all respects.

If you get on the bus for a while not for travel purposes, this indicates the time you will spend with bad people in an unpleasant environment.

Being on board a stationary bus means a change in the weather.

I had a dream: I was on a bus, but I had no money! The inability to pay for travel indicates your unreasonable anxiety about everyday problems.

If in a dream you managed to ride a “hare”, do not expect anything good, especially if the bus was crowded. This means competition in every way.

What to do if you were on the wrong bus in a dream? This means you have chosen the wrong one. life path, so review everything before it’s too late.

What to do if the bus is crowded?

How else to interpret the dream “bus”?

Riding on a bus that is crowded does not bode well. Prepare for actions from competitors who will try their best to ruin your business.

A full bus can also mean serious problems at work, which will appear thanks to a “new” colleague.

A crowded bus standing in a traffic jam in a dream indicates that you will get good advice from an intelligent, erudite and pleasant person.

If you watch from the sidelines how other people suffer on a crowded bus, this means that close relatives will quarrel thanks to you. Therefore, you should be careful in conversation so as not to hurt your interlocutor and his family with your words. Try to remember this dream.

A bus with people means competition at work, which will oppose your career advancement.

If there is a crowd on the bus, this means participation in a public event in the coming days.

If the bus in a dream turned out to be empty

How else can you decipher the dream “bus”?

Riding on a bus with not a single person on it means an empty, stupid and uninteresting conversation.

You dream that the transport is half empty, this indicates success awaiting you soon.

If in a dream the bus is empty, and you are standing holding the handrail, expect serious difficulties that you will have to cope with on your own. Although it will be quite difficult, it will teach you to make firm decisions.

Dream: bus, driving on a bus

Being the driver of a bus means someone who has your full support and you are equally in control of the situation.

If in a dream you were appointed as a public transport driver, expect happiness in business and family relationships.

Is your friend or relative driving? This means that your immediate future depends on this person, so trust him.

If you dream that you are sitting behind the wheel of a beautiful, comfortable bus, you are suffering from an inferiority complex that gradually turns into a fear of sexual relations, so there is no need to be afraid that intimate relationships something will go wrong.

In a dream you were hit by a bus. What could this mean?

If you were hit by public transport in a dream, this means that all your plans will soon collapse, and life will radically change for the worse, so be careful.

If a bus hits a stranger, this indicates that serious changes will occur in your family.

What does it mean to get off the bus in a dream?

If you dreamed that you were leaving a bus, this indicates that you will soon leave the common cause and distance yourself from it.

What does it mean to get off the bus at your stop? Life will give you an opportunity that you should not miss.

If you want to get off the bus, this means you want to leave the common cause.

Feeling uncomfortable on the bus means that the weather will ruin all your plans.

As can be seen from the above, it happens different interpretation sleep. A bus that you dreamed about once does not always carry negativity. The main thing is to remember what circumstances surrounded you during the vision process. And if the decryption did not completely please you, there is still time to fix everything.

A bus is a public transport that is not luxurious or comfortable when moving. On the bus you can meet people of different concepts, worldviews, religions and social status. The bus interior and the stop are a kind of crossing point different people and fate. That is why the dream of a bus symbolizes the dreamer’s life, his daily life, success in business and in love. What does it mean to have a dream in which you not only saw a bus from a distance, but took some action in relation to this type of transport?

  • Why dream about a bus in a dream - the dreamer’s everyday life, his daily life.
  • Why do you dream of riding on a bus - Dream Interpretation: riding on a bus in a dream means you won’t achieve your goal, you won’t achieve what you expected.
  • Why dream of riding on a bus (pregnant) - there is a high probability of miscarriage. Go to an antenatal clinic, you need the supervision of a qualified gynecologist.
  • Why do you dream of a bus with people - Dream Interpretation: riding on a bus with people in a dream means you will compete for your place at work, by the way, the competition is quite strong.
  • Why do you dream of a bus with children - Dream Interpretation: a bus with children in a dream - a pleasant surprise will happen very soon.
  • Why do you dream of going home by bus - Dream Interpretation: going home by bus in a dream - you are striving for family happiness, trying to improve your life, but this does not work, since a person living with you is completely alien to you in spirit.
  • Why do you dream of traveling with your loved one on the bus - Dream Interpretation: traveling on the bus with your loved one - you seem to be together, but at the same time you are not, everyone is under the supervision of relatives. One of the parties is against your relationship.
  • Why do you dream of riding on a bus with your mother - Dream Interpretation: riding on a bus with your mother in a dream - here you need to clarify whether your mother is currently dead or alive. If you travel with your mother, who has died, you are behaving incorrectly; your mother wants to point out to you precisely that you cannot learn to become an independent person.
  • Why dream of traveling with a dead person on a bus - Dream Interpretation: traveling with a dead person on a bus in a dream - traveling with a dead person on any transport in a dream - to longevity, life without any special illnesses. If during the trip you had a conversation with him - success at work, your determination will not go unnoticed.
  • Why do you dream of an empty bus - Dream Interpretation: an empty bus in a dream - you will have to overcome everything on your own, make decisions and act. No matter how difficult it is for you, there will be no outside help.
  • Why dream of getting on a bus - Dream Interpretation: getting on a bus in a dream - you live side by side with a person who is completely alien in spirit, but you can’t do anything about it.
  • Why dream of waiting for a bus at a bus stop - Dream Interpretation: waiting for a bus at a bus stop - you are waiting for your soulmate, whom you still have not met, even if you are a family man.
  • Why dream of being late for the bus - Dream Interpretation: being late for the bus in a dream - you want to adapt to the people around you, the situation. However, you fail to do this; you cannot adapt in reality. Severe fatigue, endless nervous experience.
  • Why do you dream of a crowded bus - Dream Interpretation: a crowded bus in a dream means competition not only in the profession, but also in love. Feeling stuffy in a crowded bus in a dream means feeling fear of competitors in reality.
  • Why do you dream of a bus accident - Dream Interpretation: a bus accident in a dream - you can successfully blame your luck on others. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of driving a bus - Dream Interpretation: driving a bus in a dream - you have great influence at work and at home.
  • Why dream of buying a bus ticket - Dream Interpretation: buying a bus ticket in a dream - a conductor or controller is associated with the practical side of your life. Anxiety before everyday life, confusion before choice.
  • Why do you dream about no money to buy a ticket on a bus – Dream Interpretation: no money to buy a ticket on a bus – in this moment time you fail in an ordinary trivial situation.
  • Why do you dream about getting off the bus prematurely - Dream Interpretation: getting off the bus prematurely in a dream means an inability to stay cheerful and keep the situation under control, physical exhaustion.
  • Why dream of running after a bus - Dream Interpretation: running after a bus in a dream - the weather will interfere with you, and problems will arise because of it.
  • Why dream about a bus hitting a person – Dream Interpretation: a bus hitting a person in a dream means changes in life will be for the better.
  • Why do I dream about a bus hitting me – Dream Interpretation: a bus hitting me in a dream means all plans will fail.
  • Why dream of turning over on a bus - Dream Interpretation: a bus turned over in a dream - you have chosen a completely wrong path in life, immediately rethink everything and take appropriate measures.
  • Why do you dream of being late for the bus - Dream Interpretation: what does being late for the bus mean in a dream - your business that you recently started will be a failure.
  • Why dream of forgetting things on a bus - Dream Interpretation: forgetting things on a bus in a dream means getting rid of annoying troubles and responsibilities that weighed on you.
  • Why dream of forgetting a bag on a bus - Dreaming of forgetting a bag on a bus in a dream - you will encounter unexpected problems that will be insignificant, but will leave you without strength and without money.
  • Why do you dream about a bus number - Dream Interpretation: a bus number in a dream - this dream should be considered separately only if you clearly remember the numbers of the bus number:

Attention: the number must be in the bus number itself, or obtained by adding all the numbers seen.()

Number with the number 1 (or sum 1) – Dream Interpretation: trying to get on the bus – 1 person will prevent you from realizing your idea; Dream interpretation: the bus has left - 1 enemy is very strong and will cause you serious trouble; Dream Interpretation: get on the bus - you can defeat 1 enemy;

Number with the number 2 (or the sum of 2) - Dream Interpretation: get off the bus - 2 people will be at the destination before you; Dream the bus left - your competitors will be ahead of you in what you have been working towards for 2 months;

Number with the number 3 (or the sum of 3) - you will find out the secret in 3 days, Dream of falling behind the bus - you will put yourself in a delicate position and ultimately you will not achieve anything; The dream fell behind the bus, but then caught up and sat down - this secret secret information will help you when you talk with an influential person;

A number with the number 4 (or the sum of 4) - Dream Interpretation: did not catch the bus in a dream - indicates your recklessness, after 13,23 or 33 days you will be convinced that you hastened to draw some conclusions; Dream of riding a bus on the road - a new family member, the birth of a child;

Number with the number 5 (or the sum of 5) - Dreaming that the bus left without me is a danger signal, you have succumbed to the influence of a person whom you consider a friend, but in fact he is not. You will find out after as many days as you dreamed about the bus number; Dream of riding on a bus with a guy - for 5 months you will be lucky;

Number with the number 6 (or the sum of 6) - Dream Interpretation: the bus left without me - luck will pass you by, because you are under the strong influence of a certain person who does not understand your business, but manages you and thereby ruins everything. If after 6 days you do not get out of his control, then luck will leave you for a long 6 months; Dream Interpretation: to see a bus leaving in a dream and run after it - because of love, you will commit a crazy act. If your love lives on the 6th floor or in the house or apartment number 6, then everything will work out well;

Number with the number 7 (or the sum of 7) - In a dream, getting on a bus - a favorable period is coming in your life, the birth of a child (grandchild) is possible, you will plunge headlong into the problems of raising a child (grandchild); Dream of a leaving bus - your boss will suddenly show interest in you, if in the dream you were very offended that the bus left without you - you will receive a promotion in 7 days, weeks, months; Why dream of catching the bus you were running after - in 16 days (1+6=7) you will receive an answer to what has been tormenting you for a long time; Dream of riding on a bus with a woman - feel free to make plans for the next 7 months;

Number with the number 8 (or the sum of 8) – Why dream of sitting on a bus – hard and painstaking work will be paid in 8 days, weeks, months; dream book: a moving bus in a dream - you will greatly regret the prank that you allow yourself in the company of 8 people;

A number with the number 9 (or the sum of 9) is a dream book: a bus leaves in a dream - complete disappointments for 36 days (3+6=9); If you dreamed of running into a bus from being chased, you will be surrounded by friends or, on the contrary, by enemies, depending on how the bus passengers received you, but you will emerge victorious in any case.

Eastern women's dream book

  • If you dreamed that you were on a bus, you wouldn’t achieve what you expected.
  • I sat on a crowded bus in a dream - competition at work and in love.
  • The dream “a crowded bus rides standing, pushing” says that you will have to maintain your position in a fierce “fight” for a place “under the sun”.
  • The dream “a trip on the wrong bus” seems to shout to you: stop, think, you have chosen the wrong path.

Danilova's erotic dream book

  • The dream of “waiting for the bus at the bus stop” says that you have not waited for your soul mate and are still hoping for this, that a fateful meeting will happen. Without normal sexual relationships, your life is incomplete.
  • The dream of “getting on the bus” reproaches you that you have connected your life with a person who is absolutely not suitable for you. Just tired of loneliness, you started a relationship with the first person you met.
  • Dream Interpretation: why you dream of riding on a bus - sexually your partner does not satisfy you, and you expect more from him than what he can give you. If you do not want your union to disintegrate, do not show your displeasure so openly. After all, we don’t spend our whole lives in bed.

Modern dream book

  • Dream interpretation: the road to go by bus - you will not achieve what you expected.(Cm. )
  • Riding on a crowded bus in a dream means fierce competition awaits you both in love and in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of riding on the wrong bus - you have chosen the wrong path, reconsider your goals before it is too late to correct something.
  • Why do you dream about a bus ticket - Dream Interpretation: a bus ticket in a dream is a symbol of a hidden desire to relieve oneself of responsibility and transfer it to someone else. You want everything to go on as usual, just like a bus goes along its given route, so that nothing depends on you and everything is decided by others.
  • Buying a bus ticket in a dream means you are in a state of uncertainty, fear of choice.

Esoteric dream book

  • The dream of a standing bus and sitting in it foretells a change in the weather.
  • The dream of “sitting on a bus feeling discomfort” warns you: the weather will greatly affect your plans and ruin them.
  • I dreamed of running after a bus - for a long time you will be very unhappy with the weather, which will interfere with your plans.
  • I dreamed of waiting for a bus in a dream - bad weather(drought, heavy rains, heat, extreme cold, etc.)
  • If you dreamed of driving a bus, there is a person in your life who will share your interests.
  • Dream Interpretation: I’m traveling on a clean bus - favorable weather will contribute to your business.
  • The dream of “getting into a bus accident” says that something is negatively affecting your plans, interfering with their implementation.
  • Dream Interpretation: traveling on a bus with children in a dream means a lot of unpleasant, exhausting troubles.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

  • If you dreamed about a bus - if you just saw it in the distance - you will rethink your experience, knowledge, your whole life. A reassessment will occur and you will look at yourself from a completely different perspective.
  • You dream of a crowded bus - if you saw it from a distance and sympathized with the people inside the bus - there will be a quarrel between loved ones, the cause of which will be you. Perhaps you thought that they were closer and dearer to you than they actually turned out to be. Watch your words and thoughts, do not speak in the heat of the moment, you can seriously hurt them and seriously quarrel with them. People will take your hurled accusatory words to heart.
  • In a dream, riding a bus with people, jostling because the bus is crowded, means trouble because of new acquaintances. Your acquaintances will turn out to be your serious competitors and will negatively affect your career growth.
  • Dream Interpretation: riding a bus while sitting is joy, fun. They will be associated with your success loved one. Advice: don’t rejoice too much, it will only do harm.
  • Standing on an empty bus in a dream means the difficulties will be serious; you will have to cope alone, without expecting help from anyone. This is only your business, and you must deal with it and make a decision yourself.
  • If you dream of catching up with a relative’s bus, it means that in reality it is he who you will help in the near future. Offer your help as tactfully as possible, otherwise you will feel awkward.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a bus that rushes past a stop full of people waiting for it - they are pinning their hopes on you and want to get help from you in a rather complex matter. It's really within your power. Advice from the white magician Longo: help with all your heart, without boasting about your merits and successes, otherwise you will immediately lose everything you have. What they boasted about will disappear. And then you will think: how did this happen and why? This is the law of white magic: good must be done quietly.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Why dream of a bus in a dream - you live and move through life in a programmed way, obeying the installation of the maternal matrix, which is a core stereotype that you learned as a child and which still gives you the typology of the complex.

Loff's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream about traveling by bus - traveling on buses is not the most comfortable, the seats are not very comfortable, and if there are also a lot of people on the bus, and it’s hot outside or, on the contrary, cold and everyone is dressed like cabbages. However, this dream suggests that for some objective and subjective reasons you could not go otherwise.
  • Dream Interpretation: long journey by bus - all the people sitting on the bus symbolize a certain community, especially for buses traveling on long routes. Passengers seem to unite into a kind of community during the move and become one. Take a closer look at them in your dream, maybe they are your like-minded people in reality? Or maybe it’s worth connecting the passengers you saw in your dream with the places through which the bus passed in your dream (, fields,).

Miller's Dream Book Bus

  • Miller's dream book "riding on a bus in a dream" says that you will not be able to achieve success where you expected.
  • Miller's dream book "driving a bus in a dream" states that you are trying to take control of the situation into your own hands, but you will not succeed.
  • “Riding on a bus with your daughter,” Miller’s dream book interprets that if the bus is jam-packed with people, then serious competition awaits you both in the professional field and on the love front.

Freud's Dream Book Bus

  • I dreamed about a bus - a symbol of the phallus. Unlike a car, a bus symbolizes complexes.
  • The dream of “driving a beautiful big bus” says that you have a highly developed inferiority complex due to the size of your penis, which turns into a pathological fear of sexual contact. It seems to you that it is not big and powerful enough. You are constantly afraid of being ridiculed by a woman.
  • The dream of “driving an empty bus” says that you are too careful when choosing a sexual partner.
  • Driving a crowded bus in a dream means you are having sexual intercourse with everyone who agrees, but you do not get satisfaction from it, and thereby only become even more embittered.
  • The dream “road, bus, go” reproaches you: you envy the sexual success of other people, boyfriends and friends.(Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • If you dreamed of waiting for a bus, you are still waiting for your real soulmate (even if you are already a family man).
  • If you dreamed of getting on a bus, you are already involved with a person who is not right for you. You took advantage of your opportunity and took the easiest path.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Dream Interpretation: the bus is on its way - you want success to be quick, but in the end it will turn out to be long, i.e. you will achieve it, but slowly. (Cm. )
  • The dream of “riding on a bus full” says that if you saw a bus full of people in a dream at rush hour, it means there will be a meaningful conversation from which you will receive satisfaction.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams: an empty bus is a meaningless, stupid conversation with an uninteresting interlocutor.
  • Riding a bus in a dream means you will overcome obstacles.
  • I dreamed of an empty old bus; sitting in it means that the business you have started will fail.

Azar's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation: riding on a bus - you will spend a bad time with unpleasant people, disappointments.

Family dream book

  • The dream “bus accident” says that if you see a bus accident from afar, it means that in reality you will make mistakes and blame them on other people. (See)
  • I dreamed that the bus with me was overturning - you have chosen the absolutely wrong path in life, immediately think about it, reevaluate your goals.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Ivanov’s newest dream book

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

in general, including devices like an Elevator, Lift, etc. - should be considered as an Apparatus, a Device, if the Sleeper controls or participates in the control of this means of transportation. In this case we're talking about about the general course of affairs and relationships, the development of events concerning the Sleeper; public: Bus, Metro, Trolleybus, Tram - temporary powerlessness; hostility or deception; delay in business; missed - things will work out; familiar route - empty expectations; an unfamiliar path - you are on your own or you are being deceived.

Seeing traffic in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Traffic is a fascinating dream image. If you need to travel in a dream, then transport is the main means of resolving the question of the meaning of the dream. What matters is the movement of traffic as such and whether it contributes or hinders the dreamers from achieving their intended goal. Since almost everyone deals with traffic on a daily basis, dreams related to it reflect the extent to which the environment helps or hinders the achievement of your goals. Such dreams may indicate to you that in order to achieve your goals you need to show more patience, perseverance or creativity. Of course, dreaming about traffic could also mean that you are simply stuck in a traffic jam for the whole day and this is one way to relieve stress. Did traffic cause you to miss an important meeting?

Why do you dream about a car?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to lead and rejoice yourself - to misfortune, to poverty, to worries; troubles, interference in personal matters; travel back and forth - litigation; official letters, papers; parking - it's time to break; collision, accident - return of what was lost; (for a woman) a car - maybe a boyfriend; the wheel (burst) - to separation or divorce; driving in a car - relationships, marriages; ride in a car - personal life, see ride.

I dreamed about a car

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are driving in a car means that you are active and lucky in business. If you were in a car accident, then after such a dream do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate. Seeing yourself successfully avoiding a car accident is a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans. Buying a car in a dream is also a good sign that you will be able to restore your previous good position, but selling a car means unpleasant changes in fate. Driving a car portends losses, sometimes illness. Being thrown out of a car while driving is a sign of unpleasant news. A broken car is also a dream foretelling failure. Just seeing cars in a dream means trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels. If you see that your car has disappeared, it has been stolen, this means the failure of many of your plans, on which the future depends. Getting out of the car is a sign of successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Dream about a bus

according to Loff's dream book

The bus is far from the most convenient means of transportation. Indeed, bus stops are very cramped, but, nevertheless, they represent the place where the paths of people from different walks of life intersect. Bus trips are usually long, but at the same time they provide an opportunity to admire the city and its surroundings. If you dream that you are traveling on a bus, this means that for objective or subjective reasons you are not able to afford a more convenient form of transport. But bus travel has its own charm. This is especially evident on long-distance buses, where a certain community of passengers arises. Look at who is riding next to you and how you communicate with these people. Perhaps you are traveling accompanied by true friends and are united by common interests. In this case, it is important to find a connection between these people and the places you pass by.

The meaning of a dream about a bus

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you were waiting for a bus, this indicates that in real life you are waiting for your other half. Your life is incomplete without sexual relations. Getting on a bus in a dream - a dream signals that in real life you are in a relationship with a person whom you consider not at all suitable for yourself. You just started a relationship with the one who “turned up” to you in the first place. Loneliness was depressing, and so you decided to cope with it this way. If in a dream you were riding on a bus, it means that in real life you expect much more from your partner than he can give you. Do not rush to show displeasure if you do not want your union to break up. Of course, a lot depends on sex, but not everything. After all, people don’t spend their entire lives in bed.