Svetlana Balk
Concept of social and pedagogical activity

Slide 2. Definition of the concept «»

This is a type of professional activities aimed at helping the child in the process of socialization, mastering it sociocultural experience and to create conditions for its self-realization in society.

It is being carried out social teachers both in various educational institutions and in other institutions, organizations, associations in which the child may be.

Social and pedagogical activities is always targeted, aimed at a specific child and solving his individual problems that arise in the process socialization, integration into society, through studying the child’s personality and his environment, drawing up an individual program to help the child, therefore it is local, limited to the time period during which the child’s problem is being solved.

Social and pedagogical activities is of a process nature, its results do not develop in an instant, but require a lot of time to achieve the set goals and objectives. The source of its development is the contradictions between the state social orientation and functioning of man and the needs of his humanization and public interests.

Slide 3. Structure and focus

Like any professional activity, social and pedagogical activities has a certain structure. Its main components are:

Defining goals and objectives activities;

Definition of subject and object activities;

Content Definition activities;

Selection of work methods and technologies;

Selecting forms activities;

Implementation of the planned plan activities;

Adjustment activities;

Analysis of results.

Social and pedagogical activities implemented in the form of a set of preventive, rehabilitation, correctional and developmental measures, as well as through pedagogically appropriate organization of various spheres life activity of wards.

To the basic principles social and pedagogical activities include:

individual approach;

reliance on the positive aspects of the ward’s personality;

objectivity of approach to the ward; confidentiality.

Slide 4. Main directions social and pedagogical activities are:

activity for the prevention of maladjustment phenomena ( social, pedagogical, psychological, raising the level social adaptation of children through their personal development;

activities for social rehabilitation of children having certain deviations from the norm.

Since a child’s problem that requires resolution, as a rule, has both internal, personal, and external aspects, social and pedagogical activities usually includes two components:

Direct work with the child;

Mediation activity in the child’s relationship with the environment, conducive to their socially-cultural formation and development.

Slide 5. Types social and pedagogical activities having their own specifics:

social and pedagogical activities in educational institutions;

social and pedagogical activities in children's public associations and organizations;

social and pedagogical activities in children's creative and leisure institutions;

social and pedagogical activities in children's summer recreation areas.

In mediation work social teacher is of particular importance social and pedagogical activities with family. This is due to the critical role that the family plays in the process child socialization. It is the family that is closest society, which ultimately determines what the influence of all the others will be on the child social factors. Therefore work social teacher and family is an obligatory component of his social and pedagogical activities with all categories of children with problems, and sometimes in preventive work.

Goals, objectives, subject, object social and pedagogical activities

Target social and pedagogical activities according to I. A. Lipsky should be considered productive assistance to a person in his adequate socialization, activating his active participation in the transformation society.

The following tasks are identified social and pedagogical activities:

Formation social human competence. This task is achieved through its social learning

Education of a complex of feelings necessary for a person to interact with the environment ( social adaptability, social autonomy and social activity, this is implemented based on social education.

Assistance in overcoming difficulties socialization, emerging problems of relations with the environment social environment, is implemented through socially- pedagogical support.

Subject socially- pedagogical process - this is either a trained specialist, or a parent, or some third party (group) in relation to the person at whom it is directed (their) activity. The person himself acts as a subject in relation to himself in the implementation of self-development and self-education.

Subject Not all social relations are social and pedagogical activities, and the group of relationships that are the most problematic, that is, lead to destabilization, social disorganization, growth social tension, emergence social conflicts, getting people into difficult life situations; as well as patterns of interaction between subjects social optimization work social relations.

An object social work - system of social relations(stable connections between subjects, groups and layers of society).

The following objects are highlighted social and pedagogical activities:

Children who find themselves in difficult life situations

children left without care

disabled children with deficiencies in physical and mental development

children victims of armed conflicts and disasters

children from refugee and internally displaced families

children victims of violence

children in special care institutions

children from low-income families

children with behavioral problems.

System of interdepartmental interaction social teacher with CDN, local inspectors and other class organizations leaders:

1. Maintain constant contact with the control department and district inspectors on various issues of the school’s work on the prevention of delinquency and crime among students

2. Systematically check the lists of students registered with the KDN and detained for various offenses and crimes

3. Invite KDN employees, law enforcement specialists, doctors, traffic police officers and other specialists to give lectures

4. Participate in the month of legal knowledge

5. Carry out work to remove from the register teenagers who have corrected their behavior and attitude towards school and do not commit offenses

6. Attend regional events and seminars

7. Together with local inspectors, conduct raids to visit families "difficult" students and disadvantaged families

8. Study work experience social teachers from other schools

Publications on the topic:

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, Social and communicative development is a process that allows a child to take his place in society.

Analytical activity of a teacher as the main condition when planning pedagogical activities Consultation for teachers Topic: “Analytical activity of a teacher as the main condition when planning teaching activities.”

The social and communicative development of children is one of the most important problems of pedagogy. Its relevance is increasing in modern conditions.

Experience in teaching activities “Social and moral education of children in the third year of life” Topic: “Socio-moral education of children of the third year of life” Description of the experience. The social and emotional development of a preschooler is considered.

Experience of pedagogical work “Social and communicative development of preschool children in conditions of play activities”“Social and communicative development of preschool children in conditions of play activities.” “The game is the vital laboratory of childhood, giving one.

SLIDE No. 1 The social and communicative development of children is one of the most important problems of pedagogy. Its relevance increases in modern times.

Educational games. Additional general educational program of a general developmental type with a social and pedagogical orientation Age of children: 6 – 7 years (children with special educational needs 8 – 10 years) Implementation period: 1 year PROGRAM STRUCTURE 1. Explanatory.

Scenario for a socio-pedagogical event “The Riddle Grandmother” Goal: Formation of communication skills in children through cooperation with adults. Objectives: 1) Teach children to solve riddles; 2) Develop.

The game is usually called a “childhood companion.” In preschool children, it constitutes the main content of life and acts as a leader.

Image library:

activity as a process"

1. Definition of the concept of “social and pedagogical activity”.

Social pedagogy and social-pedagogical activity are very closely related to those branches of pedagogical knowledge, the scope of which is educational organizations of various types. This refers to preschool pedagogy, school pedagogy, vocational education pedagogy, pedagogy of closed institutions of various types, pedagogy of children's and youth organizations, club pedagogy, environmental pedagogy.

Social-pedagogical activities in our NGO use and take into account the principles of morality formulated by ethics, defining goals and developing methods of education, exploring problems of interpersonal interaction and other issues of philosophy, theory and methodology of social education.

The key concept of social pedagogy as a theory is social-pedagogical activity, which in its essence is very close to pedagogical activity, since it has separated from the latter, but also has its own specifics. Let's compare these two types of activities.

Pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity aimed at transmitting sociocultural experience through training and education, creating conditions for the personal development of students.

Professional teaching activities are carried out by teachers.

Pedagogical activity has a continuous, systematic nature, since all students must pass certain educational levels, that is, it is equally aimed at all students. In addition, adults can also be the object of pedagogical activity, as, for example, in the vocational education system. Socio-pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity aimed at assisting the student in the process of his socialization, mastering sociocultural experience and creating conditions for his self-realization in society. It is carried out by social educators both in various educational institutions and in other institutions, organizations, and associations.

Social and pedagogical activity is always targeted, aimed at a specific student and the solution of his individual problems that arise in the process of socialization, integration into society, through the study of the individual and his environment, drawing up an individual assistance program, therefore it is local, limited to the time period in which during which the student’s problem is solved.

Social-pedagogical activity is of a process nature, its results do not develop in an instant, but require a lot of time to achieve the set goals and objectives. The source of its development is the contradictions between the state of social orientation and functioning of a person and the needs of his “humanization” and public interests.

Let us present in the table the highlighted differences between the compared types of professional activities:

Type of professional activity:pedagogical activity, social and pedagogical activity

Purpose of activity:transfer of sociocultural experience, assistance in the socialization of the child

Object of activity:All students, child with socialization problems

Nature of activity: program-normative, continuous, address, local

Institutions where activities are carried out: GBOU NPO PU No. 83 MO

Social-pedagogical activity presupposes the organization of the appropriate type of educational situation, which must be preceded by the corresponding cognitive-diagnostic, as well as design-constructive work of the social teacher. The process of socio-pedagogical activity is the totality of all operational actions performed by its participants.

Conventionally, all operations can be divided into organizational, pedagogical and technological groups, each of which is synthetic in nature, including theoretical and practical aspects and stages to varying degrees. The socio-pedagogical process begins with organizational and pedagogical support, then comes the stage of technological work. In practice, organizational, pedagogical and technological operations interpenetrate, complement and enrich each other.

Each science is distinguished by its own system of knowledge, focused on explaining the subject of study of this science. The knowledge system of science is reflected in its concepts and categories. Concepts are one of the forms of reflection of the real world in the process of cognition. In the process of development of any science, concepts are combined, enlarged and transformed into categories of science, which represent the most general, fundamental concepts, thus, each science has its own conceptual-categorical system.

Due to the fact that social pedagogy became an independent science relatively recently, having separated from pedagogy, and if the object of study is almost the same, then the division of categories related to different sciences will help to identify the specifics of social pedagogy. Social pedagogy has taken many categories from pedagogy, but there are also its own, reflecting the specifics of its research. Concepts such as: education, upbringing - taken from pedagogy; personality, society - in philosophy; socialization - in psychology. But there are also their own categories - social learning, social environment, social status, etc. The main concepts of social pedagogy are: social education, social learning and social-pedagogical activity. Let us consider the basic concepts that relate to social and pedagogical activities.

Education is a process of purposeful influence on a person.

Social education is a purposeful process of forming socially significant qualities of a student’s personality, which he needs for successful socialization.

Social learning is a purposeful process of transferring social knowledge and developing social skills that contribute to the socialization of the student.

Socio-pedagogical activity is social work, including pedagogical activity, aimed at helping the child organize himself, his mental state, establishing normal relationships in the family, in educational institutions, society, and creating conditions for his self-realization.

Socialization is the assimilation of experience, values, norms, attitudes inherent in society and the social groups to which one belongs, for the successful functioning of an individual in a given society.

Social adaptation is the process of a subject’s adaptation to the requirements of society through the assimilation of social norms and values, established forms of social relations.

Social deviations are a manifestation of activity, lifestyle, behavior that contradicts social norms.

A social norm is a measure of acceptable behavior established and established in a particular society.

Deviant behavior is a system of individual actions in which deviations from the officially established or established social networks in a given society are consistently manifested. normal

2. Goals, objectives, subject, object of social and pedagogical activity.

The goal of social and pedagogical activity should be considered to be productive assistance to a person in his adequate socialization, activating his active participation in the transformation of society.

This consideration of the purpose of socio-pedagogical activity is based on a subject-object approach, which presupposes an active position of the object of socio-pedagogical influence itself.

The following tasks of social and pedagogical activity are identified:

Formation of human social competence. This task is realized through his social learning

Nurturing a set of feelings necessary for a person to interact with the environment (social adaptability, social autonomy and social activity), this is implemented on the basis of social education.

Assistance in overcoming the difficulties of socialization and emerging problems of relations with the surrounding social environment is implemented through social and pedagogical support. This approach denies the narrowing of social and pedagogical activities to influence only on the socially problematic part of the population, which assumes an immediate response to the problems of people in crisis situations (disabled people, drug addicts, refugees, etc.). It is the influence on all groups of the population that corresponds to the goals and objectives of social - pedagogical activities.

In its essence, social-pedagogical activity is a purposeful sequence of actions of a social teacher (subject), ensuring the most optimal achievement of a certain social-pedagogical goal in social development (developmental correction), education (re-education, correction), mastery of skills in self-service, training, professional training of the facility. There are certain environmental conditions that ensure its most optimal course (practical implementation) and the achievement of an optimal result.

Every socio-pedagogical process is carried out by a specific specialist. This specialist implements those consistent activities that allow him to achieve effectiveness in achieving his goal.

The subject of social and pedagogical activity is not all social relationships, but a group of relationships that are the most problematic, that is, they lead to destabilization, social disorganization, increased social tension, the emergence of social conflicts, and people getting into difficult life situations; as well as patterns of interaction between subjects of social work when optimizing social relations (in the process of forming the ability to restore a social subject). Social work studies activity, that is, the introduction of an active subject into the subject of social work.

The tasks of social and pedagogical activity determine the immediate prospects for resolving specific problems of social life. One goal can be achieved through the implementation of tasks in several areas (preventive, rehabilitation, human rights, etc.). Among the tasks of the professional activity of a social teacher, the following can be distinguished:

· creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the physical, mental, moral, social health of the ward;

· formation and development of moral qualities, socially significant orientations, attitudes in the life self-determination of the ward;

· prevention, elimination of direct and indirect desocializing influences of microsociety on the development of the student;

· creation of favorable conditions in the microsocium for the development of abilities, the realization of the capabilities of the ward;

· implementation of a system of preventive and rehabilitation measures aimed at optimizing the process of social adaptation of the ward.

Our PU has the following objects of social and pedagogical activity:

Students who find themselves in a difficult life situation (a difficult life situation is a situation from which a person cannot independently find a way out);

Students left without care;

From low-income families.

Students whose life activity is objectively directed as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of their family.


Social-pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity aimed at assisting the student in the process of his socialization, mastering sociocultural experience and creating conditions for his self-realization in society.

Social and pedagogical activity in the context of our institution is a process of purposefully solving social problems arising in educational and social spheres based on the priority of the needs and interests of students, customs and traditions of folk culture, as well as taking into account the specifics of the socio-economic development of our region and city. Social and pedagogical activities are carried out on the basis of educational, cultural, leisure, health and other programs aimed at creative development, socialization of students, their adaptation to life in society, allowing them to express themselves in various types of socially significant practical activities.


Social teacher work plan


for the 2012 – 2013 academic year

Children with deviant behavior -

Children from large families -

Disabled children

Children in care –

Children from disadvantaged families -

Goal of the work – creating conditions for the psychological comfort and safety of the child, satisfying his needs with the help of social, legal, psychological, medical, pedagogical mechanisms, preventing and overcoming negative phenomena in the family and at school.


Identifying the interests and needs of students, difficulties and problems, deviations in behavior, level of social security and adaptation to the social environment.

Mediation between the student’s personality and the institution, family, environment, social service specialists, departmental and administrative bodies.

Taking measures for social protection, assistance and support for students, implementation of individual rights and freedoms.

Organization of events. Aimed at the development of social initiative, implementation of social programs, participation in their processing and approval.

Promoting the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and safety for the individual studying in the institution, family, and surrounding social environment.

Prevention of antisocial behavior and crime, protection of life and health.

Coordination of interaction between teachers, parents (persons replacing them), representatives of administrative bodies to provide assistance to students.

Providing the child with competent assistance in self-development and self-realization in the process of perceiving the world and adapting to it;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Forming in students and their parents a sense of responsibility for their actions, for the family and raising children;

Fostering mutual understanding and mutual assistance between students and their parents.

Area of ​​activity

Organizational work

1.Diagnostics in groups to identify:

a) large families;

b) low-income families;

c) families with disabled children;

d) families where parents are disabled;

e) dysfunctional families;

f) families where children are raised - orphans and wards.

2.Analysis and generalization of social and pedagogical activities.

Systematic, targeted work with orphans.

1.Visiting families for the purpose of monitoring the living conditions and upbringing of the children under their care.

2. Drawing up social passports for orphans.

3. Conducting individual interviews with orphans with the participation of a psychologist.

4. Involving orphans in public events

5. Identification and placement of children left without parental care (under guardianship, placement in government institutions)

Working with large and low-income families

1. Control check of family life

2. Covering children with hot meals

3.Organization of charitable assistance

4.Organization of psychological assistance

5. Involving children in extracurricular activities in clubs and sections

6.Organization of summer employment

7.Contact with parents and vocational training masters

Working with difficult-to-educate students and students with deviant behavior

1. Monitoring the progress and attendance of difficult-to-educate students

2.Individual work with difficult-to-educate students and their parents

3. Conducting meetings of the Prevention Council and small teacher councils with the invitation of difficult-to-educate people and their parents

4. Ensuring employment of free time

5. Conducting trainings, brainstorming sessions, and role-playing games with students in order to correct behavior,

6. Diagnosis of students with deviant behavior together with a psychologist,

7.Visiting families of registered students, consultations for parents on education issues,

8. Involvement of public and social institutions in the education (KDN of the Zaraisky district, narcologist, department of juvenile affairs.)

Working with disabled children

1.Providing social assistance

2. For children with disabilities studying at home, establish contact with classmates

3.Provide medical consultations for parents of disabled children

Working with parents

1.Make lists of parents in need of psychological and pedagogical assistance

3. Conducting a parent meeting on the following issues:

a) prevention of crime and bad habits;

b) to promote healthy lifestyle, surfactants, personal hygiene, personal safety;

c) on the prevention of road accidents, child injuries

4. Participation in parent group meetings on the following issues:

a) resolution of conflict situations;

b) student behavior;

c) preventive conversations on social issues.

5. Involving the parent community in participation in the public life of the school in order to have a positive influence on teenagers.

Conducting conversations with industrial training masters and subject teachers about the progress and behavior of students, and about providing the necessary assistance.

1. Study of interests, needs, difficulties in classroom groups:

a) providing advisory and practical assistance in resolving conflict situations in the group

b) providing individual and practical assistance in resolving conflict situations in communication with children

c) conducting career guidance activities among 1st-3rd year students

2. Organization of work on legal: awareness of children and teachers

a) conducting conversations on the rights and responsibilities of students,

b) familiarize students with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Methodical activity

3.Participation in the work of pedagogical councils, speaking at meetings, seminars, and parent-teacher meetings.

Interaction with subjects of prevention

1. Inviting doctors to give talks on preventing the use of psychoactive substances.

2. Cooperation with ODM, KDN at the administration

Preventive work with registered children.

3. Cooperation with the Employment Center.

4.Organization of teams, involvement of students who are part of the educational program, children from socially dangerous, low-income families. Preparation of necessary documentation for student employment.

5. Interaction with the ODN inspector:

A) individual preventive conversations with students at risk

B) performances during class hours

C) speeches at school and class parent meetings

D) visiting families at home

e) participation in meetings of the Prevention Council

Collecting information about children’s summer holidays and conducting conversations about the rules of behavior for students during the holidays.

Organizing employment for students during the holidays.

participation in charity events.

Monitor the maintenance of student attendance records.

Take part in organizing and conducting

school, city and regional events

Problem: low ability of students to solve socially significant problems.

Goal: to develop in children the ability to make responsible decisions, the ability to communicate and cooperate, because today it is important how a child learns to solve problems in life, as well as to support students who have problems in socialization, the protection and protection of the rights of the child.

What we want

In the concept, we are guided by the following documents: -Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2005, No. 803);

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010 (approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 29-12, 2001 No. 1756 - R); the main directions of development of the municipal education system in the city of Surgut for 2007-2010. They define key competencies

The changing social and political environment influences the formation of a child's personality. In the modern life of our society, the ability of students to solve socially significant problems, the formation of an active civic position, patriotic beliefs, commitment to democratic values, and positive socialization becomes an urgent problem. An important direction in our activities is the development of a socially active personality, the formation of socially significant competencies.

Social and pedagogical activities at school are aimed at developing these qualities, which directly depends on the presence of an effective mechanism for pedagogical regulation of a teenager’s social interaction with the social environment, the implementation of which involves the following directions:

  • Studying the conditions of a child’s social development
  • Involving a teenager in active interaction with the social environment
  • Involving parents in resolving their child’s problems
  • Organization of social and preventive space in an educational institution
  • Providing social and pedagogical assistance to children who have problems in the process of socialization
  • Connecting specialists working with children and families
  • Organization of interaction of all social institutions functioning in the social environment of a teenager

What do we have?

Currently, the social and pedagogical service of the school is working to create favorable conditions for the realization of the rights of the child, based on assisting the student in overcoming difficulties of a social and educational nature, based on his real and potential capabilities and abilities.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

Providing social and pedagogical support to children with learning problems, difficulties in communication, adaptation

Identification of leading problems and value orientations of children

Increasing the level of social competence of students in civil law and everyday life

Providing advisory assistance to parents in solving the child’s social and pedagogical problems

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education of legal culture

Currently there are 876 students studying at the school. The school operates in two shifts. The demographic situation in the microdistrict is such that in recent years the student population has been declining.

Approximately 17% of student families are single-parent families in which the child is raised by a working mother. About 1.5% of families are problematic. According to social status, 37% of parents are workers, have general, primary vocational education,

63% are employees, 36% have secondary specialized education and 27% have higher education; 2% are housewives. 30% of parents consider the family capable of developing humanistic values. Currently, in families there is a tendency in the views of parents - from material values ​​to universal values; the need for the diversified development of your child’s personality, the development of creative abilities and the acquisition of relevant knowledge; maintaining health.

New approaches and priority directions in education are reflected in our innovative social and pedagogical activities:

  • Creation and implementation of the social project "Free Citizen".
  • Development and implementation of social and business games, promotions, round tables to solve socially significant problems.
  • Inclusion of children in socially significant activities not only in school-wide events, but also in city ones
  • Organization of co-management activities.

3. What's stopping you?

An effective solution to this goal is possible only with full interaction and mutual understanding between family and school, with the active participation of all subjects of the educational process.

However, due to the fact that the family is currently forced to solve social and everyday problems most of the time, insufficient attention is paid to the development and upbringing of children, family traditions that allowed the child to assimilate universal human values ​​from an early age have been lost.

4. What is needed?

This concept can be implemented under the following conditions: the interest of all subjects of the educational process, a pragmatic approach to solving the child’s problems, the interest of parents, the focus of the team’s activities, the implementation of comprehensive school-wide programs for the prevention of crime and bad habits, which involve:

  • Monitoring the family and social situation of the child’s development, studying the value orientations of the family and the child.
  • Assessment of children's social well-being.
  • Carrying out preventive measures aimed at including students in active socially significant activities
  • Organizing support for children in difficult life situations
  • Conducting social counseling to solve child problems
  • Pedagogical management of child development: creating a situation of success, the principle of a competence-based approach to the learning process.
  • The need for technical equipment in the workplace of a social teacher.

The system of social and pedagogical activities of social teachers at school

“Every person is a book, you just need to be able to read it.”
W. Chaning, American scientist

“We study not for school, but for life.”
Ancient aphorism

A person lives and acts in the complex conditions of a diverse society. Human development is the result of a complex, long-term progressive process, during which its biological, psychological and social properties change. These changes occur in the process of personality formation, under the influence of her upbringing and education. The main task of education is to give each child, taking into account his psychophysical capabilities, the level of education and upbringing that will help him not to get lost in society, to find his place in life, and also to develop his potential abilities, i.e. the task of personal development through the individualization of training comes to the fore. Human life is determined not by adaptation to changing conditions, but by orientation to the future and forecasting. The activities of social educators in our school are based on trends in the development of education, oriented towards the future , relying on the student’s own abilities.

All social and pedagogical activities are carried out within the framework of the “Right to the Future” program.

The success of a child in school, the upbringing of a socially active person who can make independent decisions is the key to a person’s success in life. Every child is talented, every child is a whole world, you just need to notice in time and help the child reveal his talent based on his individuality and personal qualities.

The activities of a social teacher involve interaction with children, in the process of socialization of which various kinds of problems arise. Communication with such children requires special tact and professionalism. Therefore, we saw the credo of our activities in the words of Eastern wisdom: “Perseverance and patience - in the unity of opposites - are two trump cards of success.” We believe that these qualities allow us to achieve success in social and pedagogical activities.

Target programs: creating favorable conditions for the realization of the rights of the child, based on assisting students in overcoming difficulties of a social and educational nature, based on their real and potential capabilities and abilities; providing them with comprehensive assistance in self-development, self-realization and including them in socially significant activities, preparing for independent life.

To achieve this goal, we decide the following tasks:

  1. Provide social and pedagogical support to children with learning problems, difficulties in communication, and adaptation.
  2. Identify the leading problems and value orientations of children.
  3. Contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the classroom.
  4. Contribute to the successful socialization of supervised children and children with disabilities.
  5. To develop a child’s interest in self-education, self-education, self-realization, and the development of personal and intellectual resources.
  6. Increase the legal literacy of students; teach how to solve vital problems, involve students in socially significant activities.
  7. Contribute to the formation of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Provide advisory assistance to parents and improve their pedagogical competence in matters of upbringing and solving the child’s social and pedagogical problems.

In our social and pedagogical activities we are guided by the following main regulatory documents

  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil, Family, Criminal Code;
  • Code of Administrative Offences;
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";
  • Federal Law No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system of prevention, neglect and juvenile delinquency”;
  • Federal Law No. 124 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”;
  • Order of the Government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra No. 302-rp "On approval of the action plan to prevent neglect, delinquency and protect the rights of minors in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra for 2006-2008";
  • Order of the Mayor of Surgut dated April 22, 2002 No. 1141 “On additional measures to identify and prevent neglect and crime among children and adolescents”
  • By order of the Department of Education No. 474 of 13.10. 2006 “On the organization of registration of children subject to compulsory education in educational institutions”;
  • Charter of the educational institution;
  • Regulations on the Prevention Council;
  • Internal labor regulations

Our socio-pedagogical activities are based on the following: principles:

  • the principle of interaction is cooperation with all school employees,
  • social institutions of the city to solve children's problems;
  • the principle of an individual and person-oriented approach based on a humane attitude towards the individual, respect for the rights of the student, teacher and parent, creating conditions for self-development and socialization of the individual;
  • the principle of positive perception, tolerance of the individual, based on accepting the child and adult as they are, and relying on positive qualities to form other, more significant personality traits;
  • the principle of confidentiality, which is based on openness, trust, and maintaining professional secrecy.

The main directions of our social and pedagogical activities are:

1. Analytical and diagnostic.

Social pedagogical diagnostics in order to identify the child’s social and personal problems: we study the child’s personality, his individual characteristics, school documentation, medical records, living conditions, features of the child’s development and upbringing, family relationships, the educational level of the family, educational resources, analyze, systematize obtained information for making a social diagnosis and coordinating work in various areas of activity. We monitor the social situation of the child’s development

2. Social and legal.

Social and pedagogical protection of the rights of the child - we identify and support students in need of social and pedagogical support.

3. Advisory

Social and pedagogical counseling of students who find themselves in difficult life situations, their professional self-determination, pre-vocational training, counseling of parents, teachers, class teachers, on solving the child’s social and pedagogical problems.

4. Preventive.

Socio-pedagogical prevention and correction - we contribute to the timely identification and prevention of facts of deviant behavior of students, the formation of needs for students to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we carry out preventive work with students registered at school, the department for minors at the city police department, we increase the level of legal culture of students and parents.

5. Methodological.

Organizational and methodological activities - we analyze our social and pedagogical activities in order to improve pedagogical skills, we participate in the work of school pedagogical councils, the school faculty of advanced training, methodological associations of class teachers, on social and pedagogical problems, we participate in city methodological associations of social teachers, we study the latest in methodological literature on social pedagogy, achievements of science and practice, conduct social and pedagogical research, participate in pedagogical excellence competitions: city, regional, all-Russian. The main features of a modern person are the readiness and ability to continuously learn; ability for logical, analytical, critical and constructive thinking; ability to make responsible decisions; ability to communicate and collaborate, accuracy and productivity; tolerance and responsibility, physical and mental endurance - these qualities can be developed by implementing a competency-based approach. Our social and pedagogical activities allow us to implement a competency-based approach - we share the point of view of the team of researchers led by A.P. Tryapitsyna on the competency-based approach, where “ability” is considered as “the ability to do.”

This approach helps the student realize an integral personality quality that characterizes the ability to solve problems and typical tasks that arise in real life situations, using knowledge, educational and life experience, values ​​and inclinations. At the same time, skills are integrative in nature and are formed as part of the study of all school courses and subjects, but are formed in a situation of active use of them in educational or life situations. The task of a social teacher is to include the student in the implementation of socially significant activities, supporting the child’s desire for independence, self-knowledge, introspection and self-esteem.

To effectively solve the assigned problems, we interact with all participants in the educational process: students, parents, the teaching staff of the school and external social institutions of the city. Various methods, methods, techniques and forms of work are used.

Scheme of social and pedagogical activities according to the program

Social and pedagogical activities with students

Work with students is multifaceted: it is aimed at solving social and pedagogical problems, preventing crime, creating the need for a healthy lifestyle, self-development and self-education, and including the child in socially significant activities. When working with students, various forms, methods, techniques and methods are used. We have developed and are implementing various programs for students aimed at solving social and pedagogical problems.

Appendix 1.1 presents a scheme for the implementation of social and pedagogical activities with students. The leading direction in our activities is solving children's problems. The problems are diverse in nature, and depending on the problem that has arisen, an algorithm for working with a given child is built. To ensure the effectiveness of this type of activity, we have developed and apply individual work technology. ( Appendix 1.2)

The use of technology makes it possible to gradually implement the structural components of the activity. Thus, the solution to any child’s problem begins with diagnosis, which includes the obligatory stage of collecting, analyzing and systematizing information. It should be borne in mind that the child cannot always formulate the problem that he has and explain what caused it. In this case, our task is to identify all the significant circumstances of the situation ourselves and make a social diagnosis.

Information is collected through such methods as: observation of the child (in academic and extracurricular activities); conversation directly with the child, class teacher, subject teacher, parents; methods for diagnosing personality, family, society. To identify additional information about the child, the social situation of the child’s development is monitored. The purpose of monitoring is to track the social situation of the child’s development.

Upon completion of this stage, we draw up a description of the situation in which the child is, as well as a description of the child’s problematic conditions. This information is recorded in documents.

The next stage is to find ways to solve this problem. To do this, based on the diagnosis, we set a goal, in accordance with which we formulate specific tasks of activity and determine the choice of ways to solve the problem. We define all our activities at the second stage as:

  • the logic of building individual interaction with the child and parents.
  • the logic of constructing a mediation situation with specialists from schools and city institutions dealing with children’s problems.

Upon completion, we evaluate the correctness of the completed work and its effectiveness.

Based on the words of L.V. Mardakhaev that “social-pedagogical technology is considered as the most optimal sequence of social-pedagogical activities, allowing to obtain a rational result in a specific situation”, we believe that the introduction of individual interaction technologies allows us to scientifically build our social-pedagogical activities and contributes to efficiency in solving problems facing the social educator. Individual interaction with the child is carried out through the following forms:

  • conversation
  • consultations
  • group classes.

To optimize this type of activity, the “Path to Success” program was created. It is designed to help students self-realize themselves as success-oriented individuals who know how to set goals and achieve them. The child is offered a diary of self-esteem, achievements and success “I am growing, I am developing” for students in grades 5-7 and “Improvement Portfolio” for students in grades 8-11. Completing the diary and portfolio is preceded by a thematic conversation. When conducting individual work with elementary school students who have problems of a socio-pedagogical nature, conversation topics are used, depending on the problem, and work on the diary “I am growing, I am developing.” The presentation of this program was presented at the school’s pedagogical council and the city methodological association of social educators.

Children of a special category (children under guardianship and children with disabilities) need special professional treatment; such children often experience difficulties adapting to the world around them.

The main task when working with this category of children is to form a positive self-attitude and create conditions for their harmonious development. To work with this category of children, various forms are used, one of which is classes in the specially created Nadezhda club.

Students in this category take part in city festivals “The World through the Eyes of Children,” “Constellation,” and “Sun for All,” organized by the city Committee for Guardianship and Trusteeship and the Department of Education of the city of Surgut.

Many school students experience difficulties with self-determination and choosing their future profession, therefore an important area in the work of a social teacher is the professional orientation of the student. Our task is to introduce students to educational and professional institutions of the city and district, the list of offered professions; study the needs of the labor market for the chosen profession, help the student determine their individual inclinations, abilities, and the trajectory of their further educational path. To implement the assigned tasks, the “Choice” club was organized.

We place the main emphasis in our activities on the prevention of various types of social ill-being. For this purpose, we have developed a social project “Free Citizen”. The goal of the project: to develop children's active citizenship and positive socialization in society. In this project, special attention is paid to the civic development of the individual, the development of legal culture, the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, increasing social responsibility and the development of creative abilities. The project was presented at the regional game “I Have the Right”, the city game “Fair of Social Initiatives” and was awarded with diplomas.

The implementation of this project includes children at risk, many of whom work in the school social committee (SSC).

The school's social committee was organized in 1996. The purpose of organizing this substructure of school self-government is to include students in socially significant activities and develop their organizational abilities and skills. The school has two members of the social committee (high school students and middle-level students).

Students take an active part in all events organized by the school’s social teachers, as well as in city events, competitions, and projects with a social and pedagogical focus. Traditionally, the children of the social committee take an active part in the city game “I am a citizen of Russia”, the regional game “I Have the Right”, the city competition of social projects “Children of Surgut for a healthy lifestyle”, and took part in the city rally on youth rights.

We include children at risk in active play and creative activities, developing their skills of independence and initiative.

For children who are just about to start school, the “Bridge” program has been developed for the socio-pedagogical adaptation of children to school. In classes, children develop a conscious attitude towards their behavior, a culture of communication between people, a culture of speech and creative abilities develop. Classes allow children to playfully learn the rules of behavior at school, at home and on the street, and learn skills that will be useful to them when studying at school.

Preventive activities are organized not only in extracurricular activities, but are also reflected in the content of the classes of the curriculum for grades 5-9 "Civics" (author V.Ya. Sokolov).

Preparing a growing person for future family life is one of the most important components of his development, personal formation, and social maturity. Social and pedagogical activities at school are aimed not only at parents, but also at school students as future family men and parents, at developing students’ competencies in the everyday and civil-social spheres, preparing them for independent, adult life, raising an active, socially mature personality.

Students in grades 10-11 are offered the program of the author's course "Man, Family, Society", developed by Marushkina T.V. In 2003, the program passed external examination and has a certificate. It is a tool that allows a young person to better navigate and understand the world around him and interact with people. In the process of studying, the foundation is laid for the social competence of students in the most important areas of human life: health, family, and universal human values. The course has a practical orientation and social significance - new knowledge is formed in the field of family and household relations, and the development of a responsible attitude towards future parenthood in young people.

The “ABC of Etiquette” program is offered to students from grades 1 to 9; it has a social and everyday orientation, since in the process of implementing the program social practices are carried out according to the rules of behavior in public places and cultural institutions, and is aimed at studying etiquette and enhancing universal human culture.

Social and pedagogical activities with family

In raising children, the family cannot be replaced by any other social institution, since it is in the family that a sense of continuity of generations is born, a sense of involvement in the history of one’s people, past, present and future. A psychologically favorable family atmosphere and an emotionally rich life at school play a big role in the upbringing of a student. They create the prerequisites for the development of the child’s intellect and his spiritual and moral education. This is why interaction between parents and teachers, family and school in matters of education is so important.

By the nature of our work, we, social educators, are faced with mistakes in family education, we work with different categories of families and families experiencing different periods of development. These are families with primary schoolchildren and preschool children, families of teenagers and with adult children, families that require increased attention and need special help: single-parent families, low-income families, large families with disabled children, guarded children, disadvantaged families at risk, in which traditions of family education have been partially lost and there are problems with the spiritual and moral education of children in the family.

Working in this direction, we were faced with the need to streamline the direction and forms of work with families; the result of this search was the development of the “Family Academy” program , which has been implemented in the school for many years. The program is aimed at providing parents with practical assistance in the social, spiritual, moral, and legal education of children, and increasing the social, psychological, and pedagogical literacy of parents. Provides two areas of activity:

  • corrective and preventive;
  • informational and educational.

The correctional and preventive direction involves individual interaction with various categories of families. Individual work with the child and parents occupies a leading place in the activities of the social teacher. The specialist has in his arsenal technologies for individual interaction with the entire environment of the child, and primarily with the family. A social teacher identifies problems in a child’s development and looks for ways to correct them. The logic of interaction with the child’s family includes an analysis of the causes of the problem and the provision of socio-pedagogical assistance and support to the family. Parents are consulted on issues of education, legal, spiritual and moral development of the child. Consultations are not only pedagogical, but also social in nature.

The social teacher conducts primary social consultation with parents of various categories at which, depending on the request, he provides information on social support measures provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the Autonomous Okrug for families with children, or the possibility of providing material support within the school (Universal Education Fund and free meals child).

The activities of a social teacher are based on the principles of social partnership: equality of the parties, respect and consideration of the interests of the parties, commitment and responsibility of the parties. The success of resolving a problematic situation in the family depends on how successfully the social teacher interacts with specialists from various social centers.

The information and educational direction provides for pedagogical education of parents.

When holding thematic school-wide and classroom parent meetings with parents, issues of spiritual, moral, legal, civic and patriotic education of children are discussed. Parents are offered various forms of work:

  • individual consultations on various problems, this form of work is the most productive, since a specific situation is considered and targeted recommendations are offered
  • Social-Psychological-Pedagogical Council (SPPS), in whose work we take an active part. In the process of considering the student’s problem, an algorithm for providing social, psychological and pedagogical support to the child is developed.
  • lectures, round tables with the participation of school and city specialists, business games. These types of activities allow parents to be not only a listener, but also an active participant in the discussion of the proposed topic.
  • thematic parent meetings are held once a quarter, at which issues of raising children are raised, and dialogue takes place at the class team level;
  • Every year in March an “Open Day” is held, as part of this event a parent conference is organized;
  • Round tables are held twice a year, where the most pressing issues of raising children are discussed; specialists from city institutions are invited to the meetings.

We are in constant creative search, introducing new forms of work into our practice. One of these forms is the creation of social projects in which parents are directly involved.

The social project "Tree of Life" is aimed at children studying their ancestry. Children gain knowledge about the history of their family from conversations with their parents, relatives, and study family archives. The result of this work is the creation of a family tree, an album with a story about the most interesting family stories.

Master class "Parental home in human life and development", aimed at developing students' ideas about the role and significance of the parental home, traditions, way of life and human development. Working in a master class allows students to positively model their future and get acquainted with different models of the “House”.

The social project “There are no weightless words in the world” is designed to draw the attention of students, parents, and students to the social problem of foul language, and to develop in students a critical attitude towards profanity.

Social and pedagogical activities with the teaching staff

The activities of a social teacher are inextricably linked with the work of school teachers and are systemic in nature. Interaction with the teaching staff is carried out in the following areas:

  • Individual work on a student’s problem is carried out with the class teacher, subject teacher, and specialized school specialists.

The closest interaction is built with the class teachers, since this specialist provides primary assistance to the child in solving his problems.

Subject teachers have direct communication with the child in the educational process. Interaction is based on solving the child’s educational problems, monitoring his learning and attendance.

Interaction with school specialists with a narrow professional focus (psychologists, teacher-organizers, speech therapists, paramedics and others) is carried out when it is necessary to provide specific professional assistance.

  • The methodological association of class teachers (MO), the school faculty of advanced training (SFPC) is aimed at assisting subject teachers and class teachers in working with parents to solve the child’s social and pedagogical problems.
  • The meetings are practical in orientation and are held in various forms: trainings, discussions, business games, pedagogical workshops. Teachers are offered a wealth of practical material on improving the pedagogical literacy of parents and active forms of interaction between family and school.
  • social and pedagogical consultations include issues of a social and pedagogical nature aimed at solving a specific problem;
  • speech at pedagogical councils - current issues related to the socialization of the student’s personality are considered. (Appendix 1.7)
  • The social-psychological-pedagogical council is aimed at developing an algorithm for solving the student’s problem, and the role of the social teacher is to develop a strategy for solving the problem in the interests of the child.

Working with the city’s social partners

One of the functions of a social educator is mediation with specialists from various services that provide assistance to the child and family. Carrying out an intermediary function, the social teacher includes families in active interaction with the school and city centers, involving parents in joint creative activities. Thus, traditionally we participate in city competitions for children under guardianship “The World through the Eyes of Children”, “Constellation”, organized by the city Committee for Guardianship and Trusteeship.

Children with disabilities participate in the Sun for All festival. With the centers of the USO CSPSiD KhMAO-Yugra "Through the Looking Glass" and. USO CSPSiD Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra “Juno”, we cooperate to solve problems of families and children. The effectiveness of a social teacher’s work directly depends on the ability to establish professional interaction with various services. We systematically exchange information, conduct joint raids on dysfunctional families, provide mutual advisory assistance on various situations, provide material support to low-income families, identify dysfunctional families and families in difficult life situations. We developed and implemented an interdepartmental social project “Let’s fill the world with goodness”, which was carried out on the basis of the educational establishment of the Center for Social Protection and Disasters of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra “Through the Looking Glass”. This project is aimed at developing mercy, empathy, and kind attitude towards other people in children, and helps students develop a tolerant attitude towards each other.

There has been well-functioning, structured interaction with the Guardianship and Trusteeship Committee for many years. Information about each child under care and the situation of his development is provided within a clearly established time frame.

In cooperation with the juvenile affairs department GOM-1 of the Internal Affairs Directorate, systematic systematic work is carried out in the following directions:

  • joint raids on dysfunctional families, during visits to which preventive conversations and explanatory work are carried out.
  • organizing activities to prevent delinquency among minors: joint conversations with the inspector, round tables on these issues, speeches at parent meetings.

The Commission on Minors' Affairs prevents neglect and delinquency among children and protects their rights. The commission has to be contacted in situations of additional measures to attract parents to fulfill their duties, in cases where a set of social and pedagogical measures did not have a positive result.

Interaction with the center for medical prevention occurs in the process of implementing the social project “Free Citizen”, with the aim of organizing and holding round tables, conferences, and business games.

We spoke on leading social and pedagogical problems at regional and city level conferences at Surgut State and Surgut Pedagogical Universities.

We take an active part in the work of city methodological associations of social educators, organized by the Center for Educational Development. We share professional experience, present work technologies, developed programs, and projects. We have developed schemes presented in Appendices 1.2, 1.4, 1.6,1.7.

This concept has a multi-level nature depending on who (what) is its subject - the state as a whole, an organization or a specific specialist.

Social and pedagogical activity at each level has its own specific goals, as well as features of the content and corresponding forms of implementation, as already noted in previous chapters of the textbook. However, all these multi-level goals are ultimately aimed at achieving the main goal - providing pedagogical assistance in socialization and social development to each individual person. And this goal is directly realized in the professional activity of a specific specialist - a social teacher, together, as noted earlier, with such specialists as a psychologist, defectologist, social worker, etc.

Therefore, it is in the professional activity of a social teacher that the essence and specificity of social pedagogical activity is most clearly revealed. We will consider this further.

Social-pedagogical activity at the professional level (i.e., the professional activity of a social teacher) is in its essence very close to the pedagogical activity from which it emerged, but it also has its own specifics. To identify its distinctive features, let us consider these types of activities in comparison.

Pedagogical activity- this is a type of professional activity aimed at transmitting sociocultural experience through training and education, creating conditions for the personal development of students.

Professional pedagogical activity is carried out by teachers - employees of preschool institutions, teachers, teachers of vocational educational institutions, etc. - in educational institutions of various types and types: preschool, general education institutions, institutions of vocational and additional education, etc.

Activities in such institutions are normative in nature, since they are regulated by educational standards, curricula, programs, and involve the use of established forms and means of training and education, methodological literature and other attributes of the educational process.

Pedagogical activity is continuous, systematic, since all children must pass certain educational levels, i.e. it is equally directed at all children. In addition, adults can also be the object of pedagogical activity, as, for example, in the vocational education system.

Social and pedagogical activities - This is a type of professional activity aimed at helping children and youth in the process of their socialization, social development, their mastery of social norms and values, and creating conditions for their self-realization in society.

It is carried out by social educators, both in various educational institutions and in other institutions, organizations, and associations in which children and youth may be located.

The main directions of social and pedagogical activity, as noted earlier, are:

  • activities to prevent the phenomena of maladjustment (social, psychological, pedagogical), increase the level of social adaptation of children and youth through their personal development;
  • activities for social adaptation and rehabilitation of children and youth who have certain deviations from the norm.

However, preventive activities in the work of a social teacher, as a rule, are of a secondary, auxiliary nature. The basis of the professional activity of this specialist is work with a specific child (young man), aimed at solving his individual problems that arise in the process of socialization, integration into society, through studying the personality of the child (young man) and his environment, drawing up an individual program to help him. Therefore, socio-pedagogical activity is inherently address, it is local, limited to the time period during which the client’s problem is solved.

Let us present the highlighted differences between the compared types of professional activities in Table. 2.

table 2

Pedagogical and social-pedagogical activities

The table clearly shows the specifics of socio-pedagogical activities in comparison with pedagogical activities.

Since a person’s problem that requires resolution, as a rule, has both internal, personal, and external aspects, usually social-pedagogical activity includes two components:

  • direct work with individuals with problems;
  • mediation activity in his relationship with the environment, contributing to its social formation and development.

In terms of content, social and pedagogical activities are extremely diverse. Identifying its varieties in terms of content is of great importance not only for the development of science and practice, but also for the professional training of social educators, since this will provide a reliable criterion for identifying specializations. However, at present this is not an easy task, since the sphere of practical socio-pedagogical activity is in its infancy and does not cover all potential areas of its application.

Theoretically, it can be assumed that preventive activities should be carried out in all institutions and organizations where mass work with children and youth is carried out. From this point of view, the following types of social and pedagogical activities can be distinguished, which have their own specifics:

  • social and pedagogical activities in educational institutions;
  • social and pedagogical activities in institutions of additional education;
  • social and pedagogical activities in social services of various departments (social protection of the population, healthcare, etc.);
  • social and pedagogical activities in children's and youth public associations and organizations;
  • social and pedagogical activities in creative and leisure institutions for children and youth;
  • social and pedagogical activities in summer recreation areas for teenagers and young people;
  • social and pedagogical activities in various faiths.

Work on social rehabilitation of children and youth with

deviations from the norm should be meaningfully focused on their various categories, which gives grounds to identify several types of social and pedagogical activities, each of which requires the use of special, specific approaches, methods and technologies:

  • social and pedagogical activities with children with social disabilities (orphans, children without parental care, children of immigrants and refugees, etc.);
  • social and pedagogical activities with children and youth with developmental or health problems;
  • social and pedagogical activities with children and youth with pedagogical disabilities;
  • social and pedagogical activities with children and youth with deviant behavior.

In the mediation activities of a social teacher, special importance is given to social and pedagogical work with families. This direction is especially significant in solving a child’s problems, which is due to the critical role played by the family in the process of his socialization. It is the family that is the closest society that ultimately determines the influence of all other social factors on the child. Therefore, the work of a social teacher with a family is an obligatory component of his social and pedagogical activities with all categories of children with problems, and sometimes in preventive work.

Each social teacher should have an idea of ​​all types of social and pedagogical activities, although in his practical work he will most likely carry out only a few of them, maybe even just one, which depends on the specifics of the institution where he will work .

At present, the theoretical development, organizational design, normative consolidation, equipment with methods and technologies of the selected types of professional social and pedagogical activities have been implemented to varying degrees. The general situation is that the position of social teacher has been officially introduced not in all institutions where it is needed, but in those where it has been introduced. The professional potential of such a specialist is, as a rule, not fully realized - either due to the lack of development of his functional responsibilities, or because a person who does not have a special professional education works in this position, or due to other objective or subjective reasons.

On the other hand, various employees of children's institutions and organizations (teachers, heads of circles, clubs, counselors, educators, etc.) have always professionally performed - and in the absence of a social educator on staff continue to perform to this day - certain social and pedagogical functions , first of all - of a preventive nature.

In this situation, it is necessary to take into account the varying degrees of relevance of solving certain social and pedagogical problems. Thus, preventive work or work with children who have deviations in physical and mental development can wait until a system of professional social and pedagogical assistance to these categories of children is naturally formed, since in fact it is partially carried out by other specialists - teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities, counselors, educators, etc. in various educational and leisure institutions.

Another thing, for example, is the problem of socialization of children with social and pedagogical deviations, who in their overwhelming majority found themselves outside the sphere of pedagogical influence. These socio-pedagogical problems must be competently professionally be decided today, because the social health of our society tomorrow depends on it. That is why, in our opinion, the theoretical development and organizational design of social and pedagogical activities with these categories of children is acquiring priority importance today. In this case, it is necessary to rely on the rich experience that has been accumulated in the framework of education, medicine, social protection, internal affairs bodies and other areas of practical professional activity, where such work was carried out before the introduction of the institute of social pedagogy.

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  • Introduction 2
  • Chapter I Social and pedagogical work in an educational institution 6
    • 1.1 Characteristics of the modern education system 6
    • 1.2 The tasks of social and pedagogical services and the assistance of a social teacher 11
    • 1.3 The role and place of the social teacher in the education system 16
  • Chapter II Technology of social and pedagogical work 23
    • 2.1 Work in specific institutions 23
    • 2.2 Socialization 26
    • 2.3 Research of social and pedagogical work 29
  • Conclusion 34
  • Bibliography 35


The relevance of research: the activities of a social teacher need to be studied due to the fact that his role is extremely important in the modern education system. School social educator- operates in secondary or vocational schools, out-of-school and preschool institutions, social shelters, orphanages, boarding schools, rehabilitation schools and other educational institutions. In organizing his work, the school social teacher gives priority to the creation of a healthy microclimate in the team, the humanization of interpersonal relationships, promotes the realization of everyone’s abilities, the protection of individual interests, the organization of leisure, inclusion in socially useful activities, studies the special problems of schoolchildren and teachers, and takes measures to solve them. The social worker maintains constant contact with the students' families. He pays special attention to the problems of protecting the child from parental cruelty, selfishness, and permissiveness.

Social-pedagogical activity is social work, including pedagogical activity, aimed at helping a child (teenager) organize himself, his psychological state, and establish normal relationships in the family, at school, and in society.

Research problem: insufficient knowledge of the role and place of the social teacher in the education system.

Object of study: boarding institutions in Kemerovo.

Subject of study: psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of a boarding school for orphans.

Purpose course work: clarifying the role and place of the social teacher in the education system.


Describe the modern education system;

Determine the goals and objectives of the education system in general and social education in particular;

Determine the functions, responsibilities and tasks of a social teacher in the education system;

Determine the powers and types of assistance provided by the social educator.

Working methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, materials and periodical publications on the topic of research, study of the experience of educational institutions in the aspect of the problem under consideration; study of documents on issues of education and development of psychological services.

Empirical research methods: questionnaires, observation, testing, individual conversations with children, educators, teachers, pedagogical experiment; methods of statistical processing of research results.

Work structure: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography. The introduction indicates the relevance of the chosen topic, the research problem, object, subject, purpose, objectives of the work, as well as research methods. The first chapter examines the theoretical sources of the topic. The second chapter presents research on the chosen topic. In conclusion, conclusions on the studied problem are presented. Literary sources are presented in the bibliography section.

The modern situation in which our society finds itself has required the search for a new model of public education of the younger generations. Life has put forward the tasks of educating the individual in an open social environment, close interaction of all educational structures of our society - schools, families, work collectives, and the public. In the course of such collective cooperation, a new promising direction of pedagogical science was born - social pedagogy, which elevates the position of the individual, based on the fact that the person is primary, and the state, society, and all educational institutions are secondary and should be put at the service of the interests of man and contribute to his development . This methodological position is embedded in the modern model of interaction between a person, family, and society.

In this concept, the dominant role is given to social pedagogy and social work. The pedagogy of relations in society forms the basic integrative basis in the system of assistance services to the population, including youth and children. Social pedagogy puts the development of the individual, the realization of his abilities and inclinations, at the forefront.
Social assistance services for the population aim to timely study the situation in the family, diagnose, identify difficulties, problems, provide appropriate assistance, stimulating an active position, the formation of value orientations of caring for one’s physical and moral health, and the environment.

The task of politicians and economists, teachers and doctors, psychologists and the whole society is to preserve the domestic gene pool, protect the moral and physical health of children and youth, preserve and legislatively support children's and youth social initiatives. Today it is very important to teach the younger generation to earn money honestly, to instill a desire and interest in socially useful activities, to turn the family not only to raising children, but also to creativity in society, which will help strengthen the spiritual ties of the family. To solve the problems of education, development and socialization of the individual, new professions have been introduced at school: educational psychologist, additional education teacher, social teacher.

The role of an open environment in the socialization of the individual is enormous. It forms the initial idea of ​​society, its way of life, traditions, and morals. It is here that the child learns about life and gains his first experience of social communication.

The development of social and pedagogical work can and should develop into a humanistic pedagogical movement with the aim of improving the health of our society, and therefore the whole society as a whole.

Solving the entire range of problems of children and youth today is impossible without combining efforts on an interdepartmental basis between state authorities, special departments, public organizations and commercial structures.

A person who has chosen the profession of a social teacher must be a humanist, have good communication and organizational skills, high spiritual culture, delicacy, and be able to analyze social phenomena and processes.

The role of social educators in the system of additional education is all the more important the more noticeable the stratification of our society.

There is a certain set of knowledge without which a person cannot be a professional in social work. This is knowledge of psychology, communication skills, the ability to talk with people (children, officials, administrators), pedagogical skills, knowledge of working in children's groups. In addition, the success of a social educator depends on the qualities of his personality, spirituality and sincerity.

Chapter I Social and pedagogical work in an educational institution

1.1 Characteristics of the modern education system

In order for a person to feel free in modern social, political, and economic conditions, he simply needs to have an impressive amount of knowledge and practical skills. In this case, the question certainly arises: what level of education is necessary to ensure a decent, comfortable existence, fully realize the existing potential and be competitive not only in the Russian labor market, but also abroad.

Currently, the Russian education system represents the following model:

Preschool education, which gives children basic knowledge.

Children receive primary education (primary school) from the age of 6 in schools, gymnasiums or lyceums. Primary education lasts for 4 years (according to the results of the latest reforms).

Secondary education in lyceums, gymnasiums, and secondary schools lasts for 5 years. Completing the 9th grade of each of these types of educational institutions gives the right to receive a certificate of general secondary education.

Secondary complete (general) education. Upon completion of studies in the 10th and 11th grades of a school, gymnasium, or lyceum, graduates receive a certificate of complete secondary education and have the right to enter a university, technical school, college and other professional institutions.

Primary vocational education is aimed at preparing skilled workers (workers and employees) in the main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the list of professions (specialties) approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Along with professional skills, graduates receive a certificate of complete secondary education.

Secondary vocational education is an important part of Russian education. It provides training for practitioners, mid-level workers for all sectors of the economy, and increases the educational and cultural level of the individual.

Higher professional education. Reforms in domestic higher education began in 1992 with the adoption of the federal Law “On Education”. He legitimized concepts that were new to us: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, multi-level system. But, without breaking the existing system, it preserved and included in the new and old one-stage system of training specialists, leaving universities to decide for themselves which program to prepare graduates for. This gives both universities and students new opportunities, but at the same time introduces some complexity associated with the need for choice.

Let us consider the place of social and pedagogical work in school institutions.

Within the institutions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, social and pedagogical activities are carried out by full-time social teachers of educational institutions and boarding institutions. Among the new institutions of the Ministry of Education system that have been emerging in recent years are centers of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, which provide methodological assistance to psychologists, social educators, teachers of secondary schools, and also provide comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children. The system of the Ministry of Education also operates a network of penitentiary special closed-type educational institutions, where children and adolescents with deviant behavior are sent by decision of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights. Social and pedagogical functions are performed by the system of vocational and technical education, a network of institutions supporting orphans and children left without parental care (orphanages, boarding schools for children with mental and physical disabilities), institutions of additional education, neighborhood clubs, specialists in organizing children's and youth movements.

School -- one of the traditional places of activity of social educators. The introduction of the rate of a social teacher in a school is determined by Art. 55 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. On the basis of domestic and foreign practice, the following goals of social and pedagogical activities in an educational institution can be formulated:

to contribute to the elimination and overcoming of specific difficulties in the process of socialization of schoolchildren from socially disadvantaged families and strata of society;

Develop the process of advanced socialization, i.e. introduce all students, regardless of their origin, to their role prospects and chances in society, to social demands, to prepare them for the critical perception of these prospects;

To promote the development of personality and its orientation in social processes at the stage of training and choice of profession;

Participate in resolving potential and ready-to-break-out conflicts.

To realize these goals, a social teacher at school:

Uses methods of analysis, counseling, treatment and activation, covering in its activities not only the students themselves, but also their parents as a whole group;

Works closely with teachers, school psychologists and doctors, strives to attract to cooperation everyone who shows understanding and interest in his work;

Provides comprehensive assistance to individual students (pupils) and groups, using group pedagogy methods, works with the teaching staff;

Affects a positive change in the social field in

According to the Tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements) for positions of employees of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, social teacher:

Carries out a set of measures for upbringing, education, development and social protection of the individual in institutions and at the place of residence of students (pupils, children);

Studies the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students (pupils, children) and its microenvironment, living conditions;

Identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students (pupils, children) and promptly provides them with social assistance and support;

Acts as an intermediary between the student (pupil, child) and the institution, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies;

Determines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work, ways of solving personal and social problems;

Takes measures for social protection and assistance, implementation of individual rights and freedoms of students (pupils, children);

Organizes various types of socially valuable activities for students (pupils, children) and adults, events aimed at the development of social initiatives, implementation of social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval;

promotes the establishment of humane, morally healthy relationships in the social environment;

promotes the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and personal safety of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their life and health;

carries out work on employment, patronage, provision of housing, benefits, pensions, registration of savings deposits, use of securities of students (pupils, children) from among orphans and children left without parental care;

interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists in social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations, etc. in providing assistance to students (pupils, children) in need of care and guardianship, with disabilities, deviant behavior, as well as those in extreme situations 1.

From the point of view of St. Petersburg specialists, the main tasks of a social teacher of an educational institution are the social protection of children’s rights, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the child, the establishment of connections and partnerships between the family and the educational institution.

A social teacher is an equal member of the teaching staff. He takes part in the work of pedagogical councils and methodological associations.

Considering the specific nature of social and pedagogical activity, the work schedule of a social teacher should be variable and flexible.

The work schedule of a social teacher is approved by the head of the educational institution. When drawing up the schedule, the time spent on performing official duties outside the educational institution is taken into account.

Issues of remuneration, leave, and social protection of specialists are resolved in accordance with current legislation.

IN residential institutions social educators communicate with social services and employment services, assist the administration of the institution in matters of protecting the rights of students and graduates, their social adaptation.

INeducational institutions for children in need of mental health Holological-pedagogical and medical-social assistance, a social teacher takes measures to identify the causes of social disadaptation of children and provides them with social assistance, communicates with the family, as well as with authorities and organizations regarding the employment of children and adolescents, providing them with housing, benefits and pensions.

INspecial educational institution for children and teenagers with deviant behavior (open and closed type) The social teacher communicates with social welfare services at the pupils’ place of residence, maintains contact with parents (persons replacing them) through correspondence, visiting them at home, personal conversations, and holding parent-teacher meetings.

1.2 The tasks of social and pedagogical services and the assistance of a social pedagogue

Many modern educational institutions are creating social services, designed to organize joint activities of the administration, students (pupils) and their parents, teaching staff, representatives of public structures collaborating with the educational institution to pedagogize the living environment of students (pupils) and provide qualified and timely social support and assistance . The social service must perform the following functions:

act as a guarantor, provide social guarantees
each member of the school team;

protect and defend the individual, his rights, interests and work;

create conditions for safe, comfortable creative
students' lives;

provide assistance and support to students in need and

build relationships within the team, prevent
mental violence against a person;

study public opinion in the school community;

organize socio-psychological and legal consultations for students, teachers, school administration, parents;

organize the work of a school helpline;

promote a healthy lifestyle for team members.

Thus, social and pedagogical activity in institutions of the educational system is a necessary, constantly developing and improving direction of pedagogical activity, which ensures full socialization, diversified development, fruitful communication of all participants in the pedagogical process.

A teacher most often has to work with a class or group, and, basically, his methods are aimed at working with a team. A social educator works with an individual, with an individual child, a teenager, and if with a group, then a small one, if with a family, then with each individual.

Summarizing the above, we note that a social teacher works in the field of protecting a child or adolescent, providing him with social or medical assistance; he must be able to organize his training, his rehabilitation and adaptation.

Today, education, having identified the primary task of raising a child and forming a personality in its activities, is changing its content and methods of work. Among the areas where a social teacher is especially needed is school, and his work in school is a special issue.

In different countries there are two approaches to its work. Either the social teacher cooperates with the school, or he is its full-time employee.

Collaborating with the school, the assigned social teacher often visits the school, helps parents and students normalize relations, and finds out the reasons for students not attending school. It identifies families where children are abused, children with physical and mental retardation, and children suffering from deprivation. To help a child or family, he involves a lawyer, a doctor, police officers, and police. From the school doctor he learns about the child’s long-term illness, its causes, and, in order to prevent falling behind in his studies, helps him study at home or in the hospital.

Thus, in Germany, a social teacher is included in the school staff. He works with disadvantaged families, lagging students, creates children's associations to spend their free time, and involves parents in this.

A social teacher identifies children in need of social assistance. These are underachieving children who, due to their abilities, cannot master the school course. These are children who experience stress either in a group of peers at school or in the family. These are sick children, with certain disabilities, schoolchildren who have been involved in drugs or alcohol. Most often, they are registered with the juvenile affairs commission. In addition, a social teacher works with gifted children.

Sometimes helping these children may only involve understanding their relationships with others. In another case, teach them to control their actions and be confident in themselves. But in both cases, sensitivity and cordiality are required from the social teacher.

Today, the urgent problem is the lack of various sections and clubs, various labor, tourist and local history groups. As a consequence, the student’s extracurricular time is little occupied organizationally. The social teacher becomes the organizer of the student’s extracurricular time, uniting in his educational work with parents.

Special attention is required from the social teacher to children expelled from school. He helps them get into another school and help them get used to the new team.

To solve all the problems described above, the social teacher studies the child, his condition, the level of the crisis, and plans ways to overcome it. This is one of the most important tasks of a social educator.

The decline in living standards of the population affected children and their moral, physical and mental health. Children and adolescents turned out to be the most vulnerable among the country's population. The lack of government measures to protect children and adolescents affects their activities, communication, leads to antisocial behavior, the pursuit of money by any means, and an increase in crime.

The education crisis and residual funding resulted in a shortage of personnel; The isolation of the school from social processes affects the education of the younger generation.

Today, more than 50% of teenagers who commit crimes are from single-parent families; more than 30% of children with mental disabilities grew up without a father.

Today in Russia there are 4 million street children, 6 thousand crimes are committed by teenagers every year, 2 thousand child suicides. The Commission on Women, Family and Demography under the President of the Russian Federation notes that over the past 5 years the number of orphans and disabled children has increased by 70%. The number of children taken into care has dropped sharply. As for runaway children, they are mostly teenagers 15-16 years old, more often children from urban families, less from rural ones.

Of the children running away from family, 56.7% are girls, 43.3% are boys, 8% of them skip school, 17% were expelled from school, 5% temporarily dropped out of school, 69% studied, 1% graduated school. The reason for the escape is the child’s anxiety due to failure to achieve the goal, conflicts in the family. Girls who run away are more often pregnant or have experienced sexual violence, and they are most often drawn into early sexual activity.

Neglect, stress, poisoning and accidents have increased child mortality. The number of infectious diseases has increased almost 3 times.

The number of preschool children has decreased, 17.3% of them have chronic diseases, 67.7% have functional deviations. Only 10% of secondary school graduates are healthy. The number of girls who have chronic diseases by the end of school is 75%, boys - 35.3%.

The number of disabled children under 16 increased by 15%. A special issue is the health of adolescents. Early smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism, psychosis, and earlier onset of sexual activity are becoming more and more common.

Factors that negatively affect a child’s health include the modern education system. In the kindergarten there is overcrowding of groups and a lack of necessary furniture. At school, the transition to a five-day week led to overwork and an increase in child illness from 15% to 24%. The reduction in the number of sanatorium-resort schools (from 91% to 85%) has reduced the possibility of treating children. The established boarding schools for disabled children require funding. There is not enough equipment and facilities for recreational activities.

Doctors often encounter childhood injuries that are the result of poor treatment of children in the family. There is a term called “battered child syndrome.” Evidence of ill-treatment is the marks of beatings on the child's body. The perpetrators of abuse are parents (92.2%), of which 85% are natural parents. Of these, 60% are women, 39.2% are men. Parents or persons in their stead poorly care for the child (88%) and commit physical violence (87%). Birth mothers are guilty of abuse and neglect almost 3 times more often than fathers (75% versus 41%).

As a result, we can conclude that the task of the social teacher is to create a situation that could help the child get out of the crisis in which he finds himself. We must remember that such children often become attached to the teacher, and his professionalism and trusting attitude towards the child are important here.

1.3 The role and place of the social teacher in the education system

It is more appropriate to determine the role and place of a social worker in the field of education depending on the specifics of educational institutions.

The activities of a social work specialist in institutions of the preschool education system depend, on the one hand, on the age characteristics of preschool children, and on the other hand, on scientific ideas about the necessary conditions that contribute to the successful inclusion of a child aged 3-7 years in the education system. Therefore, the social worker’s concern is the needs of preschool children and the capabilities of their parents, especially in cases where the child’s behavior and educational and play activities create a problem for peers and teachers or he suffers material and social deprivation. In such situations, the social worker becomes a participant in the campaign to develop measures to prevent and eliminate symptoms of trouble in the child’s life, and takes on the role of an intermediary and communicator between the educational institution and the family, the child and parents, the child and educators. This is especially important if the child is often sick or does not attend preschool without explanation, is unkempt, or is known to be subjected to abuse in the family.

When the problem goes beyond the competence of the educational institution, the social worker has the right (and must) contact the appropriate authorized social authorities.

During the period of inclusion of a child in the preschool education system, deviations in development - physical, emotional, cognitive - are most often revealed for the first time. In such cases, the social worker must organize assistance for his ward, involving the appropriate specialists - medical workers, psychologists, social educators, police officers, etc. - and thus promptly eliminate the symptoms of ill-being. This is perhaps the only truly effective way to reduce the number of “at-risk” children who, at 3-7 years of age, have a number of prerequisites for receiving a diagnosis of “social maladaptation” in the near future.

The category of children that pediatricians call “disorganized”, i.e., should not be left without the attention of the social worker. children who do not attend preschool institutions. In accordance with Art. 18, Section 2 of the mentioned Law “On Education” “parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality at an early age”; “The state guarantees financial and material support in the upbringing of early childhood children, ensures the availability of educational services in preschool education,” a social worker must be aware of the degree of educational potential of the family and organize work with parents in a timely manner.

Despite the fact that the activities of a social work specialist in preschool educational institutions are predominantly of an organizational and preventive nature (identifying children with symptoms of social ill-being - finding out the causes of ill-being - organizing a system of targeted social assistance for children), its importance is difficult to overestimate : an effectively organized system of social assistance to children in preschool educational institutions is a condition for reducing the number of cases of unfavorable development of students in mass secondary schools.

Social work in schools provides students with favorable social development when they receive primary general (1-4 grades), basic general (1-9 grades) and secondary (complete) general education (10-11 grades .).

Moreover, it should be borne in mind that “the requirement for compulsory basic general education in relation to a specific student remains in force until he reaches the age of 15 years, if the corresponding education has not been received by the student earlier” (Article 19, Section 2 of the Law “On Education”) ").

As when working in preschool institutions, a social worker working at a subsequent educational level is guided by current legislation, strives to meet the needs of students and at the same time takes into account the capabilities of their families. Under these conditions, he turns into a politician and strategist for organizing social assistance for children in need and improving the family environment. In his field of vision are the dynamics of school attendance by students, academic performance, financial and social status of “at-risk” students, primarily from low-income families, as well as their relationships with peers, teachers and parents. Teachers are not required to strive to eliminate the causes of poverty, deviant or delinquent behavior of their students, as well as other symptoms of their social disadvantage. A social worker, visiting students’ families, knowing the child’s situation at school, in the classroom, his needs and troubles, encourages parents to make maximum use of the educational opportunities of the school, for example, the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships in the family with the help of a school psychologist, to take part in social actions organized by a social teacher, to use the opportunities of additional education if the child shows special abilities for any type of activity; receive financial assistance, etc. Particular difficulty for a social worker can be cases when a student belongs to the category of socially maladjusted children, and his family has low educational potential, i.e. rudeness, immoral behavior, mental illness, unsanitary conditions, etc. flourish in it. In such situations, neither the child nor the social worker can count on family support and cannot do without the involvement of specialists (social teacher, class teacher, psychologist, juvenile affairs inspector, narcologist, etc.).

The job responsibilities of a social worker performing his functions in a mass secondary school also include caring for children who are permanently or temporarily expelled from school; providing assistance and support to parents when transferring a child to another educational institution, the education system of which is more consistent with its characteristics, in particular in cases where a gifted child is raised in a family that is low-income due to large families, illness of parents, absence of one from parents, etc.; protection of the rights of children who are representatives of national minorities, refugees or displaced persons; identifying children who are illegally employed at work during school hours and resolving the issue of their education; support for children receiving education outside of school; stopping cases of child abuse; assistance to children (in realizing their rights in the field of education) and parents (in using the social privileges provided to schoolchildren); organization of social studies for students outside of school hours, i.e. training in effective methods for solving everyday problems, as well as various public events - charity fairs, auctions, charity events.

The process of professional functioning of a social work specialist consists of several stages: studying the living conditions of students - issuing social passports - forming a system of targeted social assistance to schoolchildren in need and coordinating the efforts of social specialists involved in solving the problems of children in the “group” risk."

It is worth noting that such activities in Russia are carried out mainly only in innovative schools, where the child is a key figure in the educational process and parents take an active part in the affairs of the educational institution.

Social work in the system of primary and secondary vocational education has its own specifics. A social worker must take into account the age characteristics of his clients (as a rule, these are teenagers and young people aged 15-19 years); understand and accept their interests and values; support the desire for independence, search and find oneself in the world of work and, most importantly, must organize assistance in such a way that students have the opportunity to find socially acceptable ways of earning money for pocket money and paying for leisure time, so that they know their rights and responsibilities and can enjoy those social privileges that correspond to their position. At the same time, working with the family of a student at a special school, vocational school, or technical school is still considered as indirect assistance to a teenager. Drawing up a social passport for each student of an educational institution, studying the everyday problems of adolescents, orientation in the situation on the labor market, an established system of professional interaction with specialists in a number of social spheres - these are the necessary conditions for providing targeted social assistance to young people receiving primary or secondary vocational education .

Social work in universities is another possible area of ​​professional functioning of social workers in the field of education.

As a rule, university students from low-income families try to “earn extra money” in their free time from studying, and those from wealthy families try to get additional education. Both need support. A socio-psychological center organized at a university, which maintains connections with other educational institutions, enterprises and social organizations, can provide significant assistance to young people who want to get rid of poverty and earn money on their own. The socio-psychological center can accept orders from enterprises and institutions to conduct any research, perform certain types of work, and offer students a number of vacant positions
and jobs at this university, etc.

In order to help students living in dormitories, experiencing deprivation, humiliation and many other inconveniences, who are unable to take advantage of their rights and benefits, a social worker forms a support group of senior students. In addition, it provides assistance to student families.

A specialist competent in working with students evaluates professional communication, solving the following questions: what can serve as a condition that will allow a student to demonstrate independence in obtaining the means to live and receive an education in socially acceptable ways? When? For which of his wards could this serve as a condition? how? A social worker must ask himself these questions in relation to all his work, but when functioning in a university, it is mandatory.

Universities also educate young people with physical disabilities who find it difficult to find their place in the world of work, orphans, children from large families, students with children, and many other categories of socially vulnerable youth. Assistance in the form of one-time cash payments or in-kind humanitarian support is not a way out of the situation. A social worker can provide significant assistance by informing the student about where, to whom, and how he can turn to change his unenviable situation by offering his services.

The social worker must inquire about the capabilities of his clients when filling out a social passport for each of them.

Students who demonstrate
outstanding academic achievements, but without the means to continue their education, forced to earn a living,
transfer to correspondence or evening departments, narrowing their
opportunities because I am unable to pay for, for example, a course
foreign language, computer literacy, etc. They need the support of a social worker and the assistance that he can provide in accordance with current legislation.

Chapter II Technology of social and pedagogical work

2.1 Work in specific institutions

Mastering technology in any field of activity and its consistent application in practice is the most important requirement for a professional.

What is meant by the concepts of “social technology” and “technology of social work”?

Technology (from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill + logos - teaching) is a system of knowledge about methods and means of processing and qualitative transformation of an object.

Social work technology is a set of socio-economic, pedagogical, psychological and other methods of influencing a person in order to assist him in the formation of certain value systems, social needs, skills of working in market conditions to adapt to changing conditions, certain conditions and processes to ensure its life activity.

The technology of social work can be considered in two aspects. Firstly, in a broad sense - as a system of theoretical knowledge and practice, which is an organization, a set of means, methods and techniques for influencing various objects of social work. This approach to technological problems is typical, first of all, for management bodies and organizers of the implementation of social policy at the federal and regional levels. Secondly, as a set of private technologies, the specifics of which are determined by the specific subject and object of social work. This approach to the problems of social work technology is inherent, first of all, to the direct organizers of social work with clients of social institutions.

Social work technology is one of the types of social technologies. The introduction of technology into the activities of social work specialists ensures: firstly, savings in effort and money; secondly, rationalization of professional training of social services personnel; thirdly, innovation and efficiency of social work. The technology of social work presupposes the presence of a strategic program (project), within the framework of which a specific problem is solved; a life-tested algorithm for the sequence of operations to achieve a specific result; criteria for assessing the successful activities of a social work specialist.

The main components of the technological process are goal setting, collection, analysis and systematization of information, clarification of goals and objectives, choice of action options and tools, organizational and procedural measures to implement the decision made.

Features of the technology of social work as a process are: dynamism of the content and forms of the specialist’s activity, continuity of contact with the social work client, cyclicality and discreteness.

A social worker must know the theoretical and methodological foundations of social management, the specifics of organizing social work with various categories of the population, its history, domestic traditions and world experience in organizing social protection of the population. In addition to theoretical knowledge, social work also requires deep technological training, expressed in the presence of skills in the field of socio-psychological and situational analysis, socio-organizational diagnostics of the living conditions of various population groups, conducting specific sociological research, forecasting and identifying trends in the development of social processes, the optimal choice of tools that regulate their course.

Thus, the technology of social work reflects its deep penetration and assimilation of the essence, content and specificity of technological processes, which is the basis for the professionalism of personnel in the social sphere and the activities of social services.

What typology of social work technologies exists?

Typology is the division of an object into elements according to their essential characteristics. In social work, we deal with different categories of people who can be divided by gender, age, material security, territorial, national and other characteristics.

But usually the division of an object is carried out according to basic social characteristics. This:

Elderly, elderly people in need of help;

Homeless people, people prone to vagrancy;
- homeless, abandoned children;

Drug addicts, alcoholics and other degenerate people;

Large families experiencing financial difficulties;

IDPs and refugees who left their home;

Persons who have passed through hot spots, who have lost their health and faith in justice;

Disabled people of war and labor and a number of others.

Social work technologies are interpreted as a set of techniques, methods and influences used by social services, individual social service institutions and social workers to achieve their goals in the process of carrying out social work, solving various kinds of social problems, ensuring the effectiveness of implementation tasks of social protection of the population.

Taking into account the integrated, universal nature of social work, we can distinguish social technologies proper, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-medical and other technologies.

Social technologies in social work, depending on the level, are divided into:

Simple (accessible to non-specialists);

Complex, requiring the qualifications of a specialist working in a certain field;

Complex, requiring the qualifications of several specialists working in different fields.

Given the complexity subjects of social work(in particular, these are social services of various levels and directions), social technologies can be distinguished by this indicator.

Social technologies differ from “external” technologies, carried out by the clients themselves(for example, creating your own business, setting aside a certain share of income for social insurance, etc.). This type of technology includes those actions that social workers use when solving the problems of their clients.

It is possible to highlight technologies in social work with people living on the territory of the country, and people who find themselves for one reason or another beyond(for example, the Russian-speaking population, Russian citizens living in neighboring countries).

2.2 Socialization

Today, the problem of socialization is studied by philosophers, ethnographers, sociologists, psychologists, etc. Until the 60s, scientists understood human development in childhood, adolescence and youth by socialization. In recent decades, the study of socialization has expanded to adulthood and even old age.

The psychological dictionary gives the following definition: “socialization is an evolutionary process, with an orientation towards the result of the subject’s mastering and recreating social experience, which the subject himself carries out in the factors of communication, in individual activity.”

In simpler terms, socialization is the process of an individual’s assimilation of patterns of behavior, social norms and values ​​necessary for his successful functioning in a given society. The entire environment of the individual takes part in the process of socialization: family, neighbors, peers in a children's institution, school, the media, etc. For successful socialization, according to D. Smelser, the action of three factors is necessary: ​​expectations, changes in behavior and the desire to meet these expectations. The process of personality formation, in his opinion, occurs in three different stages:

stages of imitation and copying of adult behavior by children;

the play stage, when children recognize behavior as playing a role;

stage of group games, in which children learn to understand what is expected of them by a whole group of people.

The concept of “socialization” is associated with such concepts as “education”, “training”, “personal development”.

A child socializes not by passively accepting various influences (including educational ones), but by gradually moving from the position of an object of social influence to the position of an active subject. A child is active because he has needs, and if upbringing takes into account these needs, this will contribute to the development of the child’s activity. If educators try to eliminate the child’s activity, forcing him to “sit quietly” while they carry out their “educational activities,” then they can achieve the formation of not an ideal and harmonious, but a flawed, deformed, passive personality. The child’s activity will either be completely suppressed, and then the personality will be formed as socially maladapted, anxious, or (in the presence of certain individual characteristics, such as a strong type of nervous system, etc.) activity will be realized through various compensatory outputs ( for example, what is not allowed, the child will try to do secretly).

Many psychologists and sociologists emphasize that the process of socialization continues throughout a person’s life. This means that throughout life the individual is included in social relations and thanks to this, a change in his psyche can occur. However, the concepts of “mental development” and “socialization” are not identical to each other, although they overlap.

Socialization is a change in the psyche and the formation of personality. Although the development of the psyche is not limited to social processes, the development of personality cannot be reduced only to socialization. Such development is carried out through at least two processes:

· socialization;

· Personal self-development.

Socialization begins with influences on the individual, since the child’s parents are already socialized, and the child can initially influence them only as a biological being, then he becomes able to interact with adults and, further, reproduce the social experience he has in his activities.

As a person develops, he becomes a subject of social relations, capable of influencing another person, but, due to the dialogical nature of consciousness and reflection, a person can also influence himself as a social object. Such influences are not considered socialization, but can form the basis for personality development. Thus, the concept of socialization includes the concepts of training, education and personal development.

2.3 Research of social and pedagogical work

Research methods: theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, materials and periodical publications on the topic of research, study of the experience of educational institutions in the aspect of the problem under consideration; study of documents on issues of education and development of psychological services. Empirical research methods: questionnaires, observation, testing, individual conversations with children, educators, teachers, pedagogical experiment; methods of statistical processing of research results.

The experimental basis of our research are boarding institutions in the city of Kemerovo (Orphanage-school No. 6, Orphanage No. 1, Orphanage No. 2, boarding school No. 27, boarding school No. 9). The study involved 10 educational psychologists, 356 teachers and 353 students from boarding schools.

The study was conducted from 1995 to 2007. in several stages.

The first stage is analytical. At this stage, the state of the problem in psychological and pedagogical literature and pedagogical practice was studied and analyzed; generalization of the received material; formulating the purpose of the research, putting forward a working hypothesis, developing a conceptual apparatus;

The second stage is experimental. Studying the role of psychological services in psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process and determining ways of its implementation; drawing up a personality study program; personality study monitoring; generalization and analysis of research results;

The third stage is the final one. At this stage, the interpretation of the results obtained from studying the role of psychological services in psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in a boarding educational institution for orphans was carried out; registration of the results obtained during the research and writing the text of the dissertation research.

The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:

The essence is clarified and the concept is formulated: “Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of a boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care” - which is defined as a system of professional activity of a psychologist, teacher, educator, aimed at creating conditions for successful training and education and mental development of the child in situations of interaction in the educational process of a boarding institution for orphans and children left without parental care. This is a holistic and continuous process of studying the student’s personality, its formation, creating conditions for his self-realization in all areas of activity, adaptation in society at all age stages of upbringing and training in a boarding school, carried out by all subjects of the educational process in situations of interaction in the educational process. process.

The developmental features of children raised in boarding schools have been identified and analyzed. An analysis of the developmental characteristics of children raised in closed children's institutions indicates that they are characterized by peculiarities of internal position, emotional flatness, simplified and impoverished content of the image of “I”, low self-esteem, impulsiveness, low mediation and lack of independence of activity, situational thinking and behavior.

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