Chicken eggs are a well-known and loved product by many. They have significant nutritional value. They are used in in various forms and as part of the recipe for a large number of dishes.

Composition and calorie content of chicken eggs

In terms of 100 g of product, a chicken egg contains 157 calories. The following components can be found in this product:

  • Protein substances.
  • Fatty substance.
  • Carbohydrate components.
  • A number of representatives of essential amino acids.
  • Various representatives of the fatty acid series.
  • A large number of vitamin substances included in various groups.
  • Presented in a wide palette mineral composition product.

The composition, of course, is beyond doubt in terms of value, but their excessive use, instead of benefit, can only cause harm. You should follow clear medical recommendations regarding daily egg consumption.

How many eggs are recommended for daily consumption?

To fully understand this issue, experts studied in detail everything related to the properties of eggs. Based on this, the recommended norm of their consumption was derived.

Adults, children and athletes
If there are no health problems, then eggs can be eaten every day. But you shouldn’t go too far, everything should be within reasonable limits. If the patient is prescribed any therapeutic diet, then eggs are consumed 2-3 times a week. Some may be at risk due to high cholesterol. In this case, their consumption is reduced by half or excluded from the diet altogether.

It is better not to give eggs to children in the first year of life. They gradually begin to be introduced into the children's diet when the baby is over a year old. There are differing opinions about how many eggs a child can be given weekly. Some believe that one egg will be enough, others are of the opinion that this quantity can be increased to 2-3 pieces. Eggs are given only boiled, since in this case they are best digested.

Chicken eggs are highly revered by people whose activities are related to sports. Under the influence of significant physical activity, accelerated food processing is observed. This provides athletes with the opportunity to eat slightly more eggs compared to ordinary consumers of this product. Eggs contain essential amino acids, which are essential for muscle growth. Some professional bodybuilders consume up to 10 eggs daily. They eat them raw or boiled. The yolk contains a lot of fat, so nutritionists recommend limiting daily egg consumption to 3 eggs. They should not be consumed every day, but with a break of 2-3 days.

The amount of eggs consumed by athletes depends on what goal they are pursuing. If it consists of increasing muscle mass, then you need to eat up to 10 eggs per day. If the athlete is in a drying period, then he only consumes 10-20 protein daily.

Weekly consumption

If there are no health problems, then, without further ado, an adult can eat 6-7 eggs per week. According to doctors' advice, this should be done every other day. As for children, such a product is extremely important for a growing organism. If there are no allergic reactions to eating eggs, then you must adhere to the following regimen:

  • Age from 2 to 3 years – three yolks.
  • Children in the age range from 3 to 6 years - 3 eggs per week.
  • Children aged 7-12 years – 5 whole eggs.

If a person is intensely involved in sports, then his body needs a much larger amount of protein. Heavy training requires muscle recovery, and this requires a sufficient amount of protein. But this amount of eggs should not be consumed daily, even by athletes. They should only do this on intense training days that involve significant physical exercise.

The use of chicken eggs in the diet is widely promoted by nutritionists. The fact is that the product has high nutritional value, but at the same time is well digestible by the body. If someone decides to lose weight, then they should be consumed only in the first half of the day. But sometimes it happens that you have to eat them for dinner. In this case, the yolk must be omitted.

Currently, quail eggs have become very popular.

These products are firmly established in children’s nutrition and in all kinds of therapeutic diets. Compared to chicken eggs, there is almost never an allergy to quail products. In this regard, it is a good alternative.

To determine the daily need for quail eggs, it is necessary to determine what composition and nutritional value this product has. They, in comparison with chicken eggs, contain almost three times more vitamins and almost 5 times more minerals such as iron, phosphorus and potassium. This type of egg is not susceptible to salmonella infection, which cannot be said about chicken eggs. It is believed that every second chicken egg is potentially contaminated with salmonella. So, you can eat quail even raw, without any fear.

An adult can consume 5-6 quail eggs a day without much harm to the body. Elderly people need to reduce their consumption somewhat, but eating 4 eggs a day is quite possible. Weekly consumption is limited to 20-25 pieces.

White and yolk - pros and cons

Protein contains protein that is easily absorbed by the body. One hundred grams of an egg contains 10 g of protein. The composition of the yolk is characterized by a large amount of fat. The fat fraction is mainly represented by polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. They will not harm the body. The share of saturated fat does not go beyond 1%. But the cholesterol content, which is noted in the yolk, may well have a negative effect on the body. One yolk contains 570 mg of cholesterol.

In addition, the presence of choline and lecithin is noted. They take part in the regulation of cholesterol and total body fat. Under the influence of lecithin, the blood supply to the brain improves, it takes part in improving processes associated with memory function, and inhibits the development of sclerotic processes.

IN different times Various recommendations related to the consumption of chicken eggs were also given. This in no way means that they are contradictory in nature. It’s just that the achievements of medical and biological science are constantly developing and improving. At the same time, knowledge in this area becomes deeper. results latest research show that if eggs are consumed in moderation, it will not have any negative effect on the body.

But there are always certain restrictions. There is no universal advice for eating eggs and there cannot be. If there are problems with cardiac activity, eggs in the diet should be limited.


Perhaps, there is simply no such product in nature that everyone could eat without restriction, in as many quantities as they themselves wish. The same applies to chicken eggs. Not everyone can use them. They should be limited in your diet or excluded from it completely if you have the following conditions:

  • Cases of high cholesterol.
  • The presence of diseases associated with chronic heart pathology.
  • Psoriasis affects the skin.
  • Conditions caused by intestinal obstruction.
  • Severe allergic manifestations.

What clearly needs to be learned?

There are a number of rules that should be followed in any situation. They boil down to the following points:

  1. Adults should eat no more than one egg per day. Maximum amount in exceptional cases it can be 2 pcs. The rate of daily consumption of quail eggs differs slightly more. You can eat up to 6 of them, but they are also smaller in size.
  2. The introduction of eggs into children's diets is carried out gradually and extremely carefully. We should not forget about the possibility allergic reactions. This can only be done starting from the second year of life.
  3. The daily consumption of eggs by athletes is determined by the tasks they face (muscle building and other aspects).
  4. Elderly people should consume eggs with extreme caution. The fact is that in old and senile age everything is physiologically slowed down. metabolic processes. In this regard, the egg is digested much worse than at a young age.

Otherwise, eating chicken eggs is not only possible, but also necessary, since they are a product with high nutritional value. Together with them, a lot of valuable nutrients enter the body. Everything will take on a positive tone if reasonable limits are observed in everything.

Of course, we should not forget about contraindications. If there are any restrictions related to health, then you will have to forget about the existence of eggs, no matter how tasty they are.

Video: what will happen if you eat three eggs every day

Eggs are included in the daily diet of almost everyone who plays sports. Which is quite logical, because this is a source of protein, which is so important for building muscles, the value of which lies in its ability to be absorbed almost 100%. In addition, egg white is rich in leucine, threonine and other amino acids. One egg a day provides 5% of the daily dose of iron, 4% zinc and 3% calcium. It would seem that in this situation you don’t have to limit yourself to this product. However, there are some nuances here too. Together with nutrition specialist Olga Shumskaya, BeautyHack looks into how many eggs you can eat per day and why.

Cholesterol alert!

Eggs were considered an absolutely harmless food until scientists started talking about the dangers of the cholesterol they contain. Omelette lovers immediately hit the ball, saying that this cholesterol is light because it is neutralized by the amino acid leucine contained in the protein. Who is right?

WHO experts have established a safe level of cholesterol per day: no more than 300 mg. One egg yolk contains about 200 mg. If we follow this principle, it turns out that the norm is 1.5 eggs per day?

For many years, domestic nutritionists have urged everyone to reduce the norm to two eggs every three days. However, the author of the book “Encyclopedia of Misconceptions” S. A. Mazurkevich states that this makes absolutely no sense. Healthy, active person can easily afford 1-2 eggs a day. Another thing is that the menu should be varied and balanced.

The American Heart Association shares the same opinion (although it does not absolve cholesterol of responsibility for cardiovascular disease). Not long ago she published the results of research that lasted 14 years! During this time, experts studied the gastronomic preferences of 120 thousand people. It turned out that there were approximately the same number of cases of cardiovascular problems among those who consumed up to 14 eggs per week as among those who reduced their consumption to two. Verdict of American cardiologists: 6–7 eggs per week!

Nutrition specialist Olga Shumskaya says that the cholesterol contained in eggs is truly harmless for a healthy adult, but fat can cause serious damage to both health and figure: “One yolk contains about 7 g of fat. Accordingly, an omelet made from three eggs is 21 g. The daily lipid intake ranges from 18 to 25 g. Therefore, it is logical that after such a breakfast you should limit yourself in fat consumption during the day. And this is not entirely correct. Our diet should contain not only animal fats, but also vegetable fats.”

There is a known case where a British resident ate up to 25 eggs daily for 15 years and his blood vessels were in perfect condition, without a single atherosclerotic plaque. Therefore, resolve the dispute without taking into account individual characteristics every human body is impossible.

“The acceptable content of eggs in the daily diet depends not only on the general state of health, but also on weight,” comments Olga. - If your body weight is up to 55 kg, your safe “dose” per day is one egg along with the yolk. Additionally, you can eat three proteins. The protein norm per day is 1.4 g per 1 kg of body weight. In one egg white their content ranges from 2.6 to 4.8 (depending on the class). So one egg and three whites is enough to maintain the balance of KBJU. Take this into account when planning your diet. On days when you have to train, the amount of protein in the menu can be doubled, since daily norm for muscle building reaches 4 g per 1 kg of body weight.”

Nutritionists advise paying attention to the choice of accompanying products. If you like scrambled eggs and bacon in the morning, you are guaranteed to receive bad cholesterol. And here is the fried egg with a drop olive oil and a salad of green vegetables - an excellent choice for those who care about their health and figure.

Eggs are one of the main nutritious foods in the daily diet. They are eaten raw, boiled or used to prepare various dishes. Due to the high calorie content and taste qualities, chicken egg is on the menu modern man first place. Regular consumption of it in large quantities can help regulate the acceptable level of cholesterol in the blood or, in some cases, lead to an increase in the acceptable level, which will cause the development of serious diseases. The deficiency provokes a deficiency of potassium and calcium, which causes fragility of bones and teeth or an increase in glucose. Which raises the question, “how many eggs can you eat a day?”

The harm and benefits of cholesterol

In the middle of the last century, scientists and doctors began to sound the alarm about the fact that some diseases are provoked by high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Scientific experiments in this area confirm the danger of increased concentrations of the substance. Thus, during normal functioning, the liver produces approximately 5 g of secretion per day, and this is enough for normal human life. Excess cholesterol causes disruptions in the blood supply. It has the property of being deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which complicates the flow of blood through them. As a result, the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system is disrupted.

Eggs also contain phospholipids that neutralize excess cholesterol. In this regard, the question arose of how many eggs should be eaten per day in order to maintain this balance. The liver is a natural filter that regulates cholesterol levels in the blood. If a deficiency occurs, the organ begins to work intensively, providing the required level of the substance. Cholesterol is found not only in raw or boiled eggs, but also in baked goods due to the addition of this product to the composition, as well as in pure meat, sausages. Even if you completely exclude all these products from the menu, the liver will independently compensate for its deficiency by 80%.

How many boiled eggs can an adult eat per day?

Chicken eggs do not cause weight gain. One unit of product contains 75 Kcal. Three times more nutrients contains, for example, a sausage sandwich. That is, in terms of calories meat dish equal to those included in the diet. The protein contained in an egg is dietary products, and promotes weight loss. It must be remembered that an egg is suitable for consumption when boiled, but when raw it is useless, since the vitamins it contains are not absorbed by the body. So the question is how much can you eat per day? raw eggs for people who care about their health, it doesn’t matter.

Fried eggs do more harm than help maintain the balance of nutrients in the body, since burning oil contains fats and dangerous carcinogens.

How many eggs should you eat per day to be healthy?

Eggs have been present in our diet since childhood, and we constantly heard from doctors about the need for regular consumption of the product. How much each person needs to meet the body's nutritional needs is determined individually. Lifestyle, physical activity, age, and the state of the digestive system are important:

  1. For those who lead a measured and active life, nutritionists advise consuming no more than 2 eggs per day.
  2. For those who are constantly engaged in sports activities, the number should be increased to four per day.
  3. For sedentary work, it is enough to eat 1 – 2 eggs per day.
  4. In case of deviations in work gastrointestinal tract(gastrointestinal tract), liver or kidneys, the recommended norm is 1 - 2 eggs per week.

Exceeding these limits can cause your cholesterol to rise over time. Its level should be monitored when taking general analysis blood in the clinic at least once a year.

Excessive amounts of protein have a bad effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Excess cholesterol causes malfunctions digestive system and liver. Possible gastrointestinal upset with the onset of diarrhea. Eating eggs alone is not effective. The diet should also contain products from cereals, fruits, vegetables in larger quantities, and meat.

How many boiled eggs can you eat per day: product composition

  • cholesterol – 213 mg;
  • fat – 5 g, including unsaturated fat – 3.5 g, saturated fat – 1.5 g;
  • proteins – 10-12 g;
  • choline – 251 mg;
  • phosphorus – 192 mg;
  • potassium – 140 mg;
  • calcium – 55 mg;
  • magnesium – 12 mg;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, D.

The benefits of eggs are as follows:

  • Yolk phospholipids reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • the protein contains 90% albumin, which is responsible for the formation of human plasma;
  • it contains seven important amino acids;
  • does not cause an increase in blood glucose (sugar) levels;
  • glycetin in the yolk affects fat metabolism;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • immunity improves, consumption of eggs promotes the production of the hormones testosterone and estrogen.

Nutritionists, therapists and psychologists study the benefits of eggs and their impact on health. Eggs are the basis of a high-calorie diet. Traditionally, in Russia there are an average of 200 eggs per person per year.

Other countries have their own traditions. So, Americans adhere to a reduced diet. The norm for them is to eat 150 eggs annually. But the Japanese have a different opinion and believe that eggs are a panacea for excess cholesterol. Therefore, in an Asian country there are 350 eggs per year per inhabitant. If we compare life expectancy in these countries, food culture and the number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes mellitus, then the answer becomes obvious: there are high-calorie and delicious eggs very helpful.

We hope you have now figured out how many raw eggs you can eat per day. Eggs provide energy and vitality. It’s not for nothing that they are often compared to the sun. There is no need to give up the product, it is important to stick to it balanced nutrition to obtain sufficient levels of vitamins, active life and strengthen the immune system. It is important for absolutely every person to know how many eggs they need to eat per day: both those who have excellent health and those who have problems with dysfunction of various organs.

The maximum number of eggs that can be eaten per day without harm to health is scientific data. Should you eat just the whites, or can you eat whole eggs?

How many eggs can you eat per day?

Many believe that, despite all the benefits of eggs, it is strictly not recommended to eat more than 3-4 eggs a day, otherwise the level of cholesterol in the blood will increase, which, in turn, will lead to cardiovascular diseases.

The origins of this myth are clear - each egg actually contains 200 mg of cholesterol and 5 g of fat. But it's not that simple, and egg consumption is not associated with blood cholesterol levels, no matter how many eggs you eat.

Cholesterol - benefit or harm?

It is important to understand that the body needs cholesterol to maintain immune functions and to produce a number of hormones (for example, cortisol and testosterone). Every day, the liver of a healthy person produces several times more cholesterol than can be eaten with a dozen eggs.

High blood cholesterol levels are indeed dangerous to health, but the correlation with eggs is minimal. Research shows that chicken eggs do not increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood - the body adapts to the diet, starting to produce less cholesterol.

The effect of eggs on cholesterol levels

On this moment There are many scientific studies showing that healthy people eating chicken eggs even in fairly large quantities(3 per day) has no effect on either general level cholesterol in the blood, nor the level of “bad” cholesterol in particular.

Despite the fact that in about 30% of those studied, daily consumption of eggs caused some increase in cholesterol, this increase was extremely small. At the same time, the same scientific works showed that chicken eggs increase the level of “good” cholesterol.

What is healthier - white or yolk?

The second popular myth about eggs is that you should only eat the white, but not the yolk, since it contains unhealthy cholesterol. However, it is better to think about the composition of other food products, for example, processed meats and sausages, than to be afraid of ordinary chicken eggs.

Composition and calorie content of eggs

One large 50g hard-boiled egg contains about 75 calories, 5g fat (of which 1.9g is monounsaturated fatty acids, 1.5g is saturated), 0.5g carbohydrates and 6.5g protein. In addition, such an egg contains 3% of the daily value of calcium, 4% of zinc and 5% of iron.

The egg white itself consists of the following amino acids: glutamic acid (1.6% of the egg composition), aspartic acid (1.3%), leucine (1%), serine (0.9%), lysine (0.9%), isoleucine (0.7%), threonine (0.6%). The good news is that egg white is almost completely digestible.

How to eat eggs - raw or boiled?

The third myth about eggs is that it is best to drink them raw. Again, this statement is easily refuted even common sense- raw egg white overloads the stomach and is much less digestible, not to mention the fact that the risk of getting salmonellosis increases significantly.

It is much preferable to heat-treat eggs, fry them or boil them. Remember that before cooking an egg, it is recommended to wash it in hot water with soap - this will provide additional protection from the penetration of dangerous microbes from the shell into the stomach.

Maximum dose of eggs per day

The above Scientific research meant regularly eating three whole chicken eggs per day. This dose has been shown to have no effect negative influence on the human body and health. However, it is impossible to say what will happen if this number is exceeded.

It is also important to remember that eggs are not the same - in poultry farms, chickens eat differently and are practically immobilized, which affects the composition of the eggs (and, above all, the balance of fatty acids). It is preferable to eat eggs obtained from free-range chickens.

Due to their unique content of proteins and healthy fats, eggs can be considered one of the most healthy products. Myths about their harm have no evidence base, and egg yolk cholesterol does not increase blood cholesterol levels when consumed adequately (3 eggs per day).

For many years, researchers have debated the benefits and harms of eating eggs for human health. Opinions among nutritionists about how many eggs you need or can eat per week often vary greatly. According to the results of a new study by American scientists, published in the medical journal JAMA, two to three eggs a week is the optimal option for health, writes BBC. Eating eggs more often can lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood, which can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system, scientists say.

The study by American scientists involved 30 thousand people; data was collected over 17 years.

The health risks of overconsumption of eggs are due to the high cholesterol content of egg yolks. The average yolk of a large egg contains approximately 185 milligrams of cholesterol.

American scientists have concluded that consuming 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 17%, and premature death by 18%.

Eating 3-4 eggs per week, according to the study, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 6%, and the risk of premature death by 8%.

If you eat two eggs a day, then, according to scientists, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases immediately increases by 27%, and the risk of premature death by 34%.

This study did not take into account the age of the participants, their level of physical activity, as well as the presence or absence of such bad habit like smoking. Also, scientists were not interested in the question of the presence of high blood pressure in the study participants.

As the researchers point out, no matter how healthy your heart is, the more eggs you eat, the greater your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery disease or a heart attack.

“Our study showed that if two people eat the same diet but eat different quantities eggs, then someone who eats more eggs has a higher risk of developing heart disease than someone who eats less,” says study co-author Norrina Allen.

Are there any contradictions?

These findings contradict previous studies that found that eating eggs does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease or heart attack.

But as Norrina Allen points out, previous studies tended to be conducted over a shorter period of time and did not take into account a number of important factors.

Nevertheless, the researchers do not rule out that there may be errors in their work.

Data on egg consumption was collected through a survey of study participants, who were asked how they ate during a certain period of time. Therefore, the data the researchers used was based on what study participants remembered about their diet.

This study is an observational study. That is, scientists can assume that the use large number eggs is one of the causes of cardiovascular diseases. But they cannot clearly establish a cause-and-effect relationship.

So how many eggs can you eat?

Norrina Allen advises stopping at 2-3 eggs per week. She also recommends that those who cannot for some reason follow the advice of scientists, give preference to protein and eat less yolk, where cholesterol is mainly found.

Most nutritionists agree that you should limit your consumption of not only eggs, but also other foods high in cholesterol.

However, last year, the journal Heart published the results of a study by British scientists who concluded that eating at least one egg a day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. And they explain this by the fact that eggs are one of the most nutrient-rich foods. Eggs are high in protein, vitamins A, D, B and B12, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, which help strengthen vision.

“Eating one or even two eggs a day is healthy. There’s no need to be afraid of them,” says Dr Frankie Phillips from the British Dietetic Association.

He, however, warns: eggs should not be overused, like any other food. They have a lot of protein, and excess protein in the body creates unnecessary stress on the kidneys.