Comics May Little Pony №1

Comics My Little Pony - My Little Pony comics

My Little Pony comics read online in Russian - My Little Pony comics in Russian

My Little Pony No. 1 My Little Pony No. 2 My Little Pony No. 3 My Little Pony No. 4 My Little Pony No. 5 My Little Pony No. 6 My Little Pony Comics #7 My Little Pony Comics #8

Little Pony Comics – My little pony comics

Welcome to Ponyville, home of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and all your other favorite Ponies! Something is not in the city itself though, as some of the residents act very, very strangely! It's up to Mane Six to find the source of the oddities before it's too late! Comics about My Little Pony.

The series so far consists of original stories set after the events of the show's second season, taking place before the final episode of the third season. For issue #13, the stories are set after Twilight's princess coronation. Read Little Pony comics in Russian.

Brief description of the episodes

Would you like me to tell you a fairy tale? In adult life miracles happen so rarely. The older you get, the less often. Over time, you get used to a series of monotonous days and are surprised at little or truly, like a child, experience delight.

So, on one of these ordinary days they appeared in my life. Little horses - pink, purple, with wings, without them, with multi-colored manes, tails and kind eyes. Pony from the My little pony series. They come from the magical country of Equestria. Equestria is inhabited by small ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and various magical creatures. In addition, there are several cities in the country. The main setting of the series is Ponyville, which you can visit by going to the website But besides Ponyville, some episodes will feature other, less popular cities.

The country is ruled by two sisters - princesses Celestia and Luna. Celestia controls the Sun, raising it into the sky in the morning, and the second controls the Moon at nightfall. Pegasus ponies cause snow, rain, control clouds. Even the change of seasons happens with the help of magic and enchantment!

About a magical country

There are many heroes living in the country, but the main creatures are still ponies. All ponies are divided into 4 types depending on their talents and magical abilities. By the way, you will be able to find out about your abilities when the horse reaches a certain age.

Then a sign will appear on her side, a special mark that will indicate what the pony will do, farming, like ordinary ponies, or controlling the weather in the country, like pegasus.

Unusual pony names are not always easy to remember - Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow, Fluttershy. I saw these beauties in the animated series My little pony. Good cartoon.

Features of the cartoon

Bright colors, excellent dubbing, interesting plot of the episodes. At first we watched it with our children. At some point, my daughters wanted not only to observe from the outside the lives of their favorite characters, but also to actively participate in life.

Thankfully this is not a problem. The stores have a huge selection of toys from the *My Little Ponies* series, cosmetics, books, and coloring books. You can buy ponies individually, in a set with accessories, houses, castles, even with plasticine together! We haven’t yet reached the Internet!

But there are online games based on the popular animated series *Pony Friendship is a Miracle*. Games with fashionistas and smart ponies! If you want to know how they live, visit numerous online communities dedicated to the main characters of animation.

My daughters currently prefer toys and coloring books. The hobby began about 2 years ago, and now even dad knows the names of the ponies and the difference in magical properties. One of my favorite toys is interactive Pinkie Pie. We not only feed her with a spoon, we also use a bottle, which is also included in the set. There is also a whole album with stencils in the shape of horses - also a wonderful thing. In general, the children are delighted, mom is happy, dad approved. And Santa Claus always knows what to put under the tree for the New Year!

When the Magnificent Six mysteriously disappear from town, their friends begin a search. But the ponies cannot even imagine what they are destined to find.

The Wonderbolt flight rose higher and higher. The Celestial Academy's airstrip, from which they had started, had long since disappeared from sight. The winged ponies were so high that it seemed they could reach with their hoofs the golden ball of the sun and play with it like a ball.

Cadet Scootaloo, check the altimeter,” ordered the flight commander, a pegasus with a seven-colored mane like a rainbow.

Altitude: pegasus fifty-five, captain,” the young flyer reported in a voice ringing with excitement.

“We have already climbed higher than all our predecessors,” said a dark-maned stallion in overalls with officer stripes flying on the right wing of the flight. - Much higher. New height record, my love!

Lieutenant Sharpwing, when we are on duty, please address me in full form,” the rainbow filly snorted. – Namely: Captain Rainbow Dash.

That’s right, Captain Rainbow Dash, my love,” the stallion responded bravely.

You are incorrigible, pegasus! – the leader laughed, playfully tickling the flyer with her wing. - Cadet Scootaloo, stop giggling in the ranks! Let's make our record at least another twenty percent more amazing. Let's rise even higher. Link, follow me!

Yes, captain!

The ascent continued. Today’s flight was supposed to be included in the pegasus book of records and for many years to become a real legend for all the winged foals of the country.

Well, cadet, now I allow you to look down,” the flight commander grinned. – Do you see Equestria below us?

She's missing! She's missing!

As if forgetting that she was not a colt afraid of heights, but a seasoned Wonderbolt cadet in flight, the pegasus grabbed onto the lieutenant flying next to her and began to shake him... harder and harder... stronger and stronger...

She's missing! She's missing! She's missing!

Sharpwing, abruptly torn from the dream of his triumphant future, sat up on the bed and shook his head in shock. He’s no longer sleeping, so why does he now clearly see how right through his bedroom, lifting posters and photographs hanging on the walls into the air, throwing up folders with reports and weather schedules, an orange tornado is rushing right across his bedroom, shouting “She’s missing!”, yes So, what's ringing in your ears? What kind of miracle of nature is this talking tornado? Pegasus had never read about such a curiosity in any of the books on flying or meteorology! There were hurricanes and tornadoes in Equestria that appeared in the sky without any apparent reason, but for them to also burst straight into the flying house, rush along the walls and ceiling and squeal in every possible way, like frightened foals - this has definitely never happened before. The Royal Academy of Sciences will erect a monument in honor of Razorwing in full height, if Pegasus catches such a miracle for them! Taking the foggy blanket from the bed, the flyer stealthily rushed towards the orange tornado, which, together with a heap of magazines and sheets of paper thrown into the air, was spinning in the very center of the room, continuing to shout the same thing: “She’s missing! She's missing! Oops! A well-thrown blanket instantly covered the amazing weather phenomenon, and it fidgeted angrily in the white folds of the fog, like a fly in a cobweb. The Stalliongrad citizen carefully lifted the edge of the blanket...

Scootaloo, is that you? – the winged pony discovered that the orange twister turned out to be just a nimble pegasus, and she, barely getting out of the trap, threw herself crying on the patrolman’s neck:

Sharpwing! She's missing!

Who's missing? Where did you disappear to? – the white stallion asked in bewilderment, looking at his unexpected guest. Markseeker's mane was more disheveled than usual, and large drops of sweat glistened on her forehead and wings, as if Scootaloo had been racing across the sky nonstop all morning. Fear was visible in the eyes of the little pony, and the pegasus felt the guest’s heart beating often, often, like a small drum. The filly, in response to the patrolman’s question, jabbered:

She disappeared, she is nowhere to be found, I searched everything, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom too, and everyone else also disappeared and they are nowhere to be found, in the sense that Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are not there, but all the others are not there and I was already everywhere and she never missed our classes but today she didn’t arrive and I...

Yes, it was not easy to understand anything in this rapid stream of excited words. Pegasus, gently hugging the guest with his wing, led her to the kitchen, sat her down at the table, boiled tea and poured Scootaloo a large cup:

First, take a sip of this, Scoots, and only then tell us what happened here, who disappeared and where. Just slowly and in order, otherwise I still don’t understand a thing. Then we’ll think about how to help the grief.

With a final sniff, the Mark Seeker obediently took up the cup. Having taken a good sip and calmed down slightly, the little pegasus said in an alarming voice:

Rainbow Dash! She's missing!

The Stalliongrad grinned.

What kind of nonsense is this, Scootaloo? I saw Dashie the day before yesterday, and as far as I remember, disappearing was not part of her plans. Yesterday she had a day off, but I was on duty, from the very morning, together with Thunderlane, I helped Hoops from the weather factory drive clouds from Cloudsdale to Pegasity, and we were busy until late at night. Maybe Dashie went to Canterlot to look at the Wonderbolts and stayed there. Don't worry so much!

However, at the baby’s words, the patrolman’s heart sank with alarm: indeed, why didn’t his morning today begin with the usual hoarse singing of “Wake up, pegasus! It's race time, come out!" outside the window of the heavenly house? The rainbow champion loved to wake him up like this...

Why did you even think she was missing? – asked the Stalliongrad resident.

“She didn’t come to our training,” the little pegasus sobbed. – The day before yesterday, Rainbow Dash herself said that this morning we would practice the dive. She never missed training, even in bad weather. “I have to learn how to train the best flight crew in the world, because I’m going to soon become the captain of the Wonderbolts!” That's what she said... And I waited, and waited, and waited, but no one arrived.

Maybe she just couldn't? What if she was urgently called to Cloudsdale on weather patrol business? Or, say, Derpy needed her help delivering mail? Or maybe Twilight has Dashie? Suddenly the princesses sent the “Magnificent Six” a new task.

The fact of the matter is that it is nowhere to be found. I was at the Ponyville Weather Patrol headquarters, at Derpy's, at Sweet Acres Farm, flew to her house and even to Cloudsdale, but Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found.

Have you ever flown to Cloudsdale? Herself?

Scoots, what did Rainbow Dash and I tell you? You're a good flyer, but you're new to the sky, so you shouldn't climb on one greater height one. What if something happens? You promised us that at first you will only go up to Cloudsdale accompanied by adults - me, or Dashie, or Derpy, or Thunderlane. Who will catch you if you fall?

Well, well,” the little pegasus hesitated and blushed slightly. – Rumble was with me. He will catch me if I fall.

And who will then pick up Rumble himself? Okay, what's done is done. Have you been to Twilight's library?

The library is closed! – exclaimed the little pegasus.

That is, how is it closed? Twilight never closed it. Even when she's away, she always leaves the door open so ponies can come and read. It's kind of strange...

What's this! – Scootaloo waved her wings. – I didn’t find any of the “Magnificent Six”. There is no Applejack, no Rarity, no Pinkie in Ponyville!

Well, that means it is so. A new task from the princesses, and they set off to fulfill it. Don't worry, they will come back.

The fact of the matter is that this is not a princess assignment! When the ponies of the Magnificent Six left, they always warned about it, but neither Big Macintosh, nor Apple Bloom, nor Sweetie Belle know anything about any task. Rainbow Dash is missing! They're all gone! The Carousel boutique is closed. The library is closed. And there's no sign of Applejack in Sweet Acres.

I swear by the wings! – the Stalliongrad resident exclaimed. – This is not like Dashi and her friends. It looks like this is really a serious matter.

Serious,” the pegasus sniffed. -Very, very serious. We even got ready to go to the police station. I thought you had Rainbow Dash. And since she’s not here... that means she’s lost... - Scootaloo burst into tears again.

Don't cry, Scoot. Maybe it's still not as bad as you think. Jump on my back, let's fly to Ponyville, we'll all look for it together. Dashie is not such a pegasus that she would just disappear like that.

As the Stalliongrad with his pegasus nestled on his back quickly approached Ponyville, he tried his best to remain calm and not show that he was worried. To remain calm, although the heart, filled with anxiety for her beloved, was beating at an insane speed, although the wings were ready to rush the pegasus as he had never flown... Rainbow Dash was an experienced flyer, tested in the sky, during the adventures of the "Magnificent Six" she dealt with dragons and changelings, badass griffins and ice wendigos, wild storms and witchcraft hurricanes, so why did Razorwing, after Scootaloo's story, feel that something was wrong with the rainbow champion and her friends? Something that the courage of Rainbow Dash, the intelligence of Twilight Sparkle, the hard work of Applejack, the inexhaustible optimism of Pinkie Pie, the kindness of Fluttershy and the beauty of Rarity could not cope with? It is not surprising that the pegasus reached the limits of the town much faster than usual, a record that did not bother him at all now.

There, Sharpwing,” the little pegasus pointed in the direction with her hoof. - To the Ponitsa site. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Big Mackintosh and I agreed to meet there so that we could all go to the police station together.

The Stalliongrad resident nodded silently, heading for a round house painted in strict blue and silver tones, looking like a giant Ponite helmet. In front of the entrance to the station, a blue lantern burned day and night as a sign that the police were always on duty. True, there were only two ponytails in Ponyville: the elderly Sergeant Flatfoot (no, not a relative of Fleetfoot from the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash already asked) and the young lance-constable Blue Coat. The old unicorn servant was once a Ponite in the largest cities of Equestria, Manehattan, Trottingham and Canterlot, and has seen a lot. It was he who single-handedly neutralized an entire gang of diamond dogs who broke through a tunnel under a Manehattan bank and stole the ruby ​​jewelry of the famous Ruby Royd. Well, in his old age, Sergeant Flatfoot decided to transfer to some quiet, calm town like Ponyville, to rest after his past exploits. Although the young unicorn Blue Coat did not have such an impressive track record, like his senior colleague, was also a good policeman. He dreamed of becoming a famous detective, such as, for example, Sherlock Horses, and therefore he carefully studied all the detective stories that were found in the city library. Morning and evening, a stallion in a blue uniform and helmet walked along the streets of Ponyville, vigilantly looking around, or, in other words, patrolling. True, there was talk in the town that Blue Coat patrolled especially diligently in the vicinity of Daisy’s house, and Scootaloo even swore that she had once seen a young Ponice man and a flower girl kissing by the hedge. And this certainly was not part of the job duties of the gallant lance-constable! In general, the guards of order in Ponyville had little work: searching for lost things, sometimes helping the postal service with the delivery of lost letters, and periodically - patrolling the borders of the Ever-Wild Forest and renewing protective spells so that uninvited guests from the deep thickets would not come to the town . There were few carriages and other carriages on the streets of Ponyville, so traffic controllers were rarely needed here. Sometimes Sergeant Flatfoot, in his sternest voice, lectured the dashing racer Scootaloo about the rules traffic and the maximum permissible driving speed. This was where the responsibilities of the police in the town ended. But, nevertheless, the residents of Ponyville had no doubt that the sergeant and his only subordinate would not fail even in the event of real danger. That is why the Mark Finders with Big Macintosh decided to turn to them for help.

Sharpwing deftly landed in front of the blue porch, next to which Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and the red farmer stallion were already standing, whose excited state was clearly indicated by the absence of the usual harness around his neck and the constant straw in his mouth.

So how? – the little fillies immediately attacked the new arrivals with questions. -Have you found Rainbow Dash?

No,” Scootaloo shook her head. -And you didn’t find anyone?

“No one,” the unicorn and the earthling hung their noses. - No one at all.

So, we’ll have to go to the police station,” said the little pegasus.

“Agas,” confirmed Big Mackintosh, and the whole company entered the Ponitsa station. The friends found themselves in a spacious, bright room, into which dust and disorder, apparently, were afraid to even look, knowing that they would be immediately arrested there. On a special stand, blue helmets with silver emblems of Equestria, polished to an unbearable shine, were placed in a row, and ceremonial harness, sword belts and other pony equipment were hung in exemplary order. There were cabinets in a clear formation, on the shelves of which thick volumes with titles like “Monsters of Equestria: habitats, habits and methods of struggle” were frozen in the same formation. Third edition, expanded and supplemented,” “The art of horse fighting from antiquity to the present day,” “Constable’s Handbook. Volume one." On the walls hung engravings, darkened by time, depicting ancient pirates and robbers in hats with huge plumes, as well as various dangerous creatures - from krakens to chimeras, detailed map Ponyville and the surrounding area, and a large kingdom banner with velvet tassels. There were a lot of other things that were no less interesting from the point of view of any foal (and many adults too), but the comrades, now not paying any attention to them, immediately proceeded to the desk at which Sergeant Flatfoot was sitting. The elderly stallion was invariably neat and tidy, as befits a real Ponice horse: his uniform was immaculately ironed and sparkled with two rows of polished buttons, his short-cropped mane the color of pepper and salt (in which, however, there was more and more salt from year to year) was combed in the parting, waxed his mustache is curled in a militant manner. A long cord with a whistle is suspended like an aiguillette, a police badge glitters on the breast pocket, a sharpened pencil hovers importantly over some document. The sergeant's only subordinate, Lance-Constable Blue Coat, tall, awkward, not yet accustomed to wearing his uniform as casually as his commander, who sometimes still gets tangled in the cord of his own policeman's whistle and forgets his helmet when visiting, stood at the table, struggling to copy Mr. Flatfoot's impeccable bearing.

His color, Lance Constable? – asked the elderly unicorn, without looking up from his papers.

Fawn, sir,” the young pony reported.

Where was it discovered?

In the city park, sir. He was in the bushes. Hidden, sir,” the stallion said with a word from his favorite detective novels. - Very suspicious, sir.

Special signs?

Yes, sir, yes, there are. A tattered appearance, a few deep scratches and, most importantly, sir, mysterious symbols on the handle, similar to the griffin rune. I have a feeling that something is unclean here. Probably, a griffin scout entered Ponyville unnoticed by us and, landing in the park, accidentally lost his spy umbrella there.

The ponies who entered the room froze respectfully, listening to the conversation of the law enforcement officers. Seems to be here now full swing A very serious matter was being investigated.

“And I have a feeling,” Sergeant Flatfoot grinned into his bushy mustache, “that one Ponyville Lance Constable reads too many detective stories during his off-duty hours.” This is Miss Lyra Heartstrings' umbrella, which she lost two days ago during a picnic in the city park, when she and Miss Bon-Bon had to flee from a swarm of bees attracted by the smell of sweet pies. The umbrella fell into the bushes, hence the shabby appearance and scratches.

But how did you know, sir? – Blue Coat exclaimed admiringly. This is the real deduction that every self-respecting detective and policeman should have!

Elementary, Lance Constable. Miss Heartstrings yesterday reported the loss of her umbrella, and the symbols on the handle, which you took for griffin runes, upon closer examination look like the letters L and X. I think we won’t tell Miss Harstrings that the initials carved out for her resemble griffin runes, otherwise she, what the hell, he'll be offended.

That’s right, sir... - the young unicorn responded in a not at all brave tone, apparently quite upset that the prospect of an exciting investigation, during which he could prove himself as a real detective, had eluded him. Instead of riddles, searches and chases - just a prosaic return of a lost umbrella to the owner. Sku-u-uchcha!

"Keep your head up, Lance-Constable," the sergeant said to his subordinate, who was looking despondent. – There will be real investigations for you too. Once you serve as a police officer, you will also learn to enjoy such simple things as missing umbrellas. Oh, we have guests! - Mr. Flatfoot exclaimed, looking up from his papers and finally noticing Razorback and company. - Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. So, what have you lost, young ladies? – with a good-natured smile he turned to the Markseekers. - Scooter, ball, umbrella?

Pony? – the law enforcement officers asked discouraged. The pencil of the imperturbable Sergeant Flatfoot fell to the floor, the young constable looked at the newcomers with all his eyes, as if mistaking his comrades for characters from one of his favorite detective novels.

The most amazing flyer in the world has disappeared!

- … my sister!

- …and mine too!

- ... and mine, yeah!

-...Rainbow Dash, my beloved!


-...Miss Fluttershy!

-...Twalight Sparkle!


- ...the entire “Magnificent Six”!

- ...suddenly, without a trace!

- ...disappeared, disappeared!


Everyone spoke at the same time, interrupting each other. Sergeant Flatfoot, frowning sternly, raised his police whistle to his lips and blew a deafening whistle. Silence reigned in the precinct, and exemplary, exemplary silence at that.

Lady and gentleman, - one sound of the decisive voice of the old campaigner very convincingly said that the unicorn wears his sergeant's stripes by right: from such a voice even the willful griffin warriors would stand at attention in front of him. “Ladies and gentlemen, let me remind you that you are not in the market, but in the Ponytsky district.” The kingdom's police are always ready to help, but even the best constables will not be able to understand anything when the ponies are making noise as if at a bargain. I would like to ask you to state the essence of your case briefly, concisely and clearly. As far as I understand, the Magnificent Six and young Spike are missing?

Yes, sir,” the Markseekers said in unison, and Big Mackintosh nodded, confirming their words.

Missing ponies are serious business, young misses. A pony is not a ball or an umbrella; they cannot just get lost. Moreover, bearers of the Elements of Harmony, who, despite being very young young ladies, have already managed to experience many adventures, which not every constable has to endure. In addition, two days ago, while on patrol, I personally saw their entire company on the city streets. Why did you think they were missing? Tell us without missing the slightest detail. Take turns, please. When and how did you discover the disappearance of the Magnificent Six?

“We get up early at Sweet Acres, sir, it’s impossible to do otherwise on the farm,” Applebloom began proudly, and Sharpwing, despite all his anxiety, could not help but smile: such a small, but already busy housewife, Applebloom to the core, - Only AJ always gets up before the rest of us. Even a couple of minutes before Big Mac! And straight to work: picking apples, weeding, then digging, and then Big Macintosh pulls up, and then grandma and I.

It’s always like this, year after year,” added the red stallion. - It was the same yesterday: everyone worked together in the morning. Then Miss Sparkle stopped by and invited AJ to come along. She said to help with something in the library. Well, little sister galloped off. When did Apple refuse to help a friend? She promised to return soon. The day passed, and then it was evening. We weren’t worried: if anything happened, it wouldn’t be the first time he’d spend the night at Miss Sparkle’s. And in the morning AJ is no longer at the farm. An unprecedented thing! “Where there are apples, there is Applejack,” said Big Mackintosh judiciously. - Applejack always goes straight to the apple trees in the morning, even in rain or storm. Today I harvested without her. That's right, something bad happened. We were waiting for her...

“We waited and waited and waited and waited, sir,” said the little farmer. “Then Big Mac rode into town and I went with him. Wow, how we rushed! We immediately ran to Twilight in the library. And there it is closed! The door is locked, there are shutters on the windows, can you imagine? We knocked, but what's the point? No one inside, that’s for sure. We were hovering around the entrance, and then Sweetie Belle came up to us.

Yesterday I helped Rarity mend a dress that I accidentally tore the day before yesterday,” the unicorn picked up the thread of the story. “I pricked all my hooves with a needle, but I still didn’t get a tailor’s cutie mark!” Then Twilight Sparkle came to the boutique. She invited Rarity to her place, but they didn’t take me with them. Rarity always doesn't allow me anything! But Opal, of course, guess who she left it to? She said she would pick her up in the evening - the unicorn could not have said this: the fresh scarlet scratches on her face eloquently made it clear who now has her pet Rarity. - But she never came. In the morning I went to the boutique, and it was closed! I went to the library, and there was Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh at the entrance, and the library was also closed. Do you know what, gentlemen of the Pontice? Even though Rarity doesn’t allow me to do anything, you still find her, okay? I don't want her to disappear. Will you find it? “Sweetie Belle looked at the law enforcement officers with big eyes, pitiful and full of hope. Here even the brave Lance-Constable Blue Coat sniffed suspiciously, although heroic detectives, generally speaking, are not supposed to cry. Have you ever seen the detective genius Sherlock Horse shedding tears? That's it.

“Well, of course, we’ll find it, baby,” the sergeant hastened to console the curly-haired unicorn, who, for no reason at all, suddenly had a sore throat. – Let’s just listen to everyone first. Now it's your turn, Scootaloo.

The pegasus's story was already known to Sharpwing: the idol did not show up for training at the appointed time, a frantic search everywhere where Rainbow Dash could usually be found did not bear fruit. The Stalliongrad resident suspected that Twilight Sparkle was most likely also involved in the disappearance of the rainbow champion. No matter what the head of the "Magnificent Six" was up to, fun or adventure, the Element of Loyalty would never stay away from her friends, but the same Element of Loyalty would never rush away from her lover and her number one fan without warning them. No never!

The pencil of the old Ponice man ran resolutely across the pages of the notebook, writing, noting...

Um, what about Miss Fluttershy, Miss Pinkie Pie?

“We were in the Sugar Corner,” the Markseekers drawled. – Same story: Twilight came in yesterday and Pinkie jumped off with her. And they didn’t even open the door for us at Fluttershy’s cottage!

Small paws suddenly pattered across the floor of the area. Dragging some kind of bag behind him, the Fluffy scoundrel, the Long-Eared Nightmare, the Storm of the beds of the entire neighborhood, or, in other words, Fluttershy’s favorite rabbit Angel, was approaching the pony. Approaching the table where Sergeant Flatfoot was sitting, the rabbit unwrapped his bundle and pulled out a crumpled photograph of Fluttershy and three long carrots with lumps of earth stuck to them, which looked like they had just been dug up. Apparently, Carrot Top will soon come to the Ponitsa police station again and complain about the mysterious robber who has made another raid on her garden. Angel showed the law enforcement officer a portrait of a yellow pegasus and, after hesitating, moved all three carrots in the direction of the elderly unicorn with an imperious gesture.

Sergeant Flatfoot turned purple.

The kingdom's mission is not to help others for reward, Mr. Rabbit. Try to remember this. We will look for Miss Fluttershy and her friends without any payment.

The rabbit immediately pulled the carrots into his bag - it was our job to offer.

Where did Fluttershy go, tell me, Angel? – Sharpwing exclaimed.

The rabbit unceremoniously jumped straight onto the sergeant’s table, tore out a blank piece of paper from the notebook and, folding the paper into a little piece, put it to his forehead. Angel with the paper horn walked around the table a couple of times with a deliberately thoughtful look, muttering something inaudibly under his breath and sometimes tripping over folders and pencils. It wasn't hard to guess.

Did Twilight Sparkle come?

The furry scoundrel nodded irritably and, pointing at Fluttershy’s photo, impatiently drummed his paw on the table. The old Ponitsa man nodded and slammed his notebook shut.

Everything you have said, ladies, gentleponies and, of course, gentlemenrabbits, is indeed highly suspicious. The “Magnificent Six” could not just disappear, suddenly abandoning all their affairs and activities and without notifying any of you. Lance Constable, I think this matter needs a thorough investigation. We'll set out immediately. Miss Heartstrings' umbrella can be returned later, since the days are clear. Get ready, march!

The Ponitsa men put on helmets, took notebooks and sharpened pencils, and fastened tins of sandwiches and flasks of coffee to their belts in case the investigation dragged on. Lance-Constable Blue Coat secretly put a large magnifying glass into his saddlebag to look for various invisible clues, which, of course, would instantly help him brilliantly solve this case and gain fame as a great detective. The unicorns walked cheerfully, as if in a parade, and their measured step instilled confidence in the hearts of their friends that they would certainly be helped. Can these brave fellows in blue uniforms let you down? Now they will find the missing ponies in an instant, and don’t you dare doubt it! Left, left! Sharpwing and the others hurried after the Ponyets, also trying to keep pace out of excitement. Their Royal Majesty Angel, naturally, did not want to knock off his precious paws: he jumped on Big Macintosh’s broad back, settled comfortably there, as if on a carriage shelf, and crunched a carrot taken out of the bag. The hard-working farmer, accustomed to carrying heavily loaded carts and walking through the fields with a plow, did not even notice that he had a passenger.

At first we decided to go to the library oak tree again. Already from afar, the ponies saw how inseparable unicorn friends Snips and Snails were stomping around in bewilderment in front of the entrance. After unsuccessfully ringing the door bell one last time, the novice magicians walked away.

Why is the library closed? Just when we needed a second volume...

You can't do that trick without the second volume.

The sergeant, and behind him the whole company, looked around the book depository. The door is bolted, the windows are on a clear day! - closed with shutters. It seemed to Sharpwing that even the appearance of the library became somehow sad, quiet, as if the purple filly’s home felt that something was wrong with its owner. They knocked on doors and looked through the cracks in the shutters. No one came to the threshold with a friendly smile: “Welcome, friends! I have books here for every taste,” as it used to be, but through a small crack can you really see what’s in the library? They saw one thing: it was dark inside, and there was no one.

Twilight never, ever closed the library! – the Markseekers exclaimed in unison. “Even in her absence, ponies could always go inside to get books.”

In my memory, this really has never happened,” admitted Sergeant Flatfoot. – This is an extraordinary circumstance.

Let's take a look Mailbox about messages, sir? – an offer came from the young lance-constable. “There could be a secret encrypted note left for us, or a letter from the robbers demanding a ransom, or...

Fresh mail!

Wings rustled in the air, and the postal pegasus Derpy Hooves fell from the sky, with magazines and newspapers sticking out of one of her saddlebags, and the face of her daughter Dinky sticking out of the other.

- “Bulletin of Science”, “Magical Review”, “The Herald of Canterlot”, one letter from Hoofington University and beautiful card from Canterlot,” the postwoman listed, taking out all this correspondence. – There are no hidden secrets and robber tricks for Twilight Sparkle today, right, Dinky? What kind of gimmick is this? Is this some kind of game?

The elderly Ponice unicorn shook his head.

Hello Miss Derpy. No, I'm afraid this is not a game. This is a serious matter. You see, they're gone...

In a few words, Sergeant Flatfoot told the post filly and her daughter the essence of the matter.

A real postman must certainly deliver magazines and letters to the addressee, despite any obstacles. This is what our charter says! – the gray pegasus proudly touched the golden cockade - a letter with wings - on her uniform cap. – And if the addressee has disappeared, then we need to find him! I'll find Twilight Sparkle so she can get her mail. And also because the Magnificent Six are my friends. Here.

Me too, me too! I will help! – Dinky also raised her hoof. - They are my friends too.

Sharpwing looked gratefully at Derpy and her daughter. Kind hearts, reliable comrades, whose courage and loyalty even the Wonderbolts could envy...

Thank you, Miss Hooves, Dinky,” the sergeant nodded. “We really need help.” In the end, the ponytails and postmen work together to keep order in Equestria. And you also fly high and see a lot. But first, let's keep some advice.

Everyone gathered in a circle, and the old campaigner began to outline a plan of action to his squad.

We need to establish where the ponies we were looking for could have gone, whether they left the city or not. Let's divide into several groups. Me, Mr. McIntosh, and Applebloom are asking around in the suburbs and rural areas. Lance the Constable, Miss Hooves, Dinky and Sweetie Belle are in the city itself. Mr. Razorback, you and Scootaloo are in charge of airspace. We meet exactly at noon at the same place. Let's synchronize our watches, Lance Constable.

Sergeant Flatfoot's watch, as befits a chronometer of an exemplary Ponice man, ticked minute by minute, but his young colleague's watch was in a hurry, as was Blue Coat himself, who was impatient to begin the investigation as soon as possible.

Start searching for the missing!

Under the loud chiming of the town hall clock, the comrades returned to the library oak tree. They returned with empty hooves and downcast noses: the search was in vain. The friends crawled all over Ponyville and the surrounding area, asked the railway workers at the station and the pegasus patrolmen above, talked with farmers and postmen, even visited the hermit Zecora in the thicket of the forest, but no one could shed any light on where the “Magnificent Six” had gone. In any case, the wanted ponies did not leave the town, did not leave or fly out, otherwise someone would certainly have noticed them. And Twilight’s balloon, which was in the care of Cherry Berry (of which, by the way, the pink filly was very proud, proudly calling herself a balloonist) was still in its place. True, at the station they remembered that the day before yesterday a student of Celestia accompanied Spike to Canterlot with instructions to bring more new books for her library. The little dragon had not yet returned, so at least his whereabouts could at least be established. But where did the purple unicorn and her friends go? Nobody knew this.

“Just don’t be foolish, ladies and gentlemen,” said the sergeant to the whole company. - In an investigation, despondency is a bad helper. Sometimes it seems that everything, the case cannot be solved, but then - bam! - some new clue appears.

Trum-tu-ru-ru-rum, rum-tum-tum, rum-rum, rum-tu-tu-tum!

The ponies saw a huge mountain of books moving down the street, as if by itself, towards the library and at the same time, terribly out of tune, humming “Dragon March”. Looking closely, the comrades could notice that a mountain of encyclopedias and dictionaries was walking on a pair of short scaly paws.

Yes, this is... this is...

Hurray, Spike!

Spike, dear Spike!

Spikey, Spikey, darling!

The group, including the usually imperturbable Big Mackintosh, joyfully rushed towards the dragonet. The mountain of books collapsed when the unicorn's assistant was squeezed into embraces from all sides. It’s a good thing that dragons have such strong scales, otherwise the poor thing would have been in trouble.

“Hey, hey, guys, I’m terribly glad to see you too, but I didn’t leave for a year,” Spike muttered, noticeably turning pink from the moment Sweetie Belle joined him in the hug. - Yes, yes, I missed you too... Wow, don’t break the comb!

Oh, buddy, we have something like this here...” said Sharpwing, helping the dragonet to stand up and collect the books. - It's great that we found you! Where did you come from?

How from? Came from Canterlot on the morning train. I slept for six hours... that is, in the morning I had very important things to do on behalf of the princess, and therefore I only got there at nine o'clock. I hope Twi hasn't gone on a book fast here? I brought her a whole bunch of encyclopedias with names that you can’t pronounce, hehe!

Twilight is missing! – the friendly chorus stunned the sorceress’s assistant.

That is, how did it “disappear”? And who then saw me off to the train the day before yesterday, changeling? No, no, guys, you can’t play Spike so easily,” the young dragon grinned.

And you don't know where all the "Magnificent Six" went?

“She can’t go anywhere without me,” Spike raised his crest angrily. “I’m their first mate.” Who, if not me, will help Twilight with books and protect Lady Rarity? You are making jokes, I see... - the dragon tried to open the door to the library and, seeing that it was closed, loudly drummed on it with his scaly fist. - Wait, open it! Stop kidding me. I brought you new books! I know you are all there! Okay, we were joking and good!

The librarian's assistant waved a thick encyclopedia, deliciously smelling of fresh printing ink, in front of the door.

And here's what interesting book, For example! "Dragons and other amazing creatures of Equestria." Look, Twi, now I’ll start reading it without you, if you don’t let me in. Come on, open it quickly!

The fact that the door never opened, even when Spike began to praise Canterlot's new book releases in every possible way, finally convinced him that this was not a prank.

Wait a minute, guys. So are you serious?

Yes, Mr. Spike,” confirmed the senior Ponietssky. - Unfortunately yes. "The Magnificent Six" in full force suddenly disappeared from Ponyville without warning anyone. They were last seen yesterday morning. We were hoping you could shed some light on what happened to them. Miss Sparkle didn't have any travel plans planned when last you saw her? Did you notice anything special in her behavior? Every little detail is important for the investigation.

The little dragon pouted with pride: it's not every day that he gets called "Mr. Spike." Then he feverishly combed his emerald comb, which was Spike's sign of deep thought.

What's the journey like, Mr. Sergeant? Twi prepared new bookcases and filled out catalogs. She's not the kind of pony to suddenly take off. No fees, no lists of what to take, no “Spike, bring this, Spike, pack that.” No travel, and the princess didn’t entrust her with anything like that, I know, I just came from Canterlot. Hm, special... - true friend The purple unicorn shrugged. - Well, a week ago Twi dug out some old, old book on alchemy on the farthest shelf, and kept fiddling with it. Yeah, she loves to concoct all sorts of witchcraft potions according to untested recipes, and then I have to run to the pharmacy for castor oil and drops for the stomach. As you know, the bellies of young alchemists are not dragon-like! But is this really special? This happens to us often. You want to master all sciences. Now he takes on one, then another.

Alchemy? – the sergeant asked, not without surprise. – So, this time it’s alchemy... Engaging in science is very commendable, but still this is not a reason to disappear from the town, causing loved ones to worry. Moreover, how can alchemy be connected with the disappearance of Miss Applejack or Miss Rainbow Dash? These young ladies will prefer apples and flights to flasks and flasks, respectively. Do you know why Miss Sparkle might have invited the others? I doubt the other ponies in the Magnificent Six would give up everything to admire alchemical reactions.

Hm... - Spike fiddled with the comb even more. “Well, she seemed like she was going to show them something.” Maybe another discovery of my own. Before leaving, Twi kept telling me about some kind of miracle potion: they say, if you take a little and you will be able to communicate with friends, “through the transfer of thoughts.” At least don't leave the library! You sit with your book and at the same time mentally chat with anyone. And I told Twi: what a stupid potion. If you want to chat with your friends, go and see them for a walk, you can’t have your nose in a book all day! And if someone is not in the town, then you can write a letter, in vain, or what, Derpy is delivering them?

“Well, of course,” the postal pegasus confirmed, “it’s better if he writes a letter, or even better, a letter and a postcard, I’ll deliver them to the addressee.” Business!

Why did Twilight need to lock the door and close the windows tightly? – Scootaloo almost hurt her nose trying to look through the crack in the shutters. -You don't know, Spike?

Well, there's nothing surprising about the shutters. During all sorts of alchemical experiments, when light-sensitive ingredients are used, a tiny ray is enough - and oh! Bang! Bang! Let's run! Spike, can you clean this up? I saw this in Canterlot when Twi and I were at a school for gifted unicorns. But with the doors... - the little dragon pulled the door handle once again in vain. - I don’t know, honestly, guys.

But you have a key to the library, buddy? – Sharpwing asked.

No. And it never happened. Twi is always where the books are, so he will always open it for me, and if he goes somewhere, he still doesn’t lock the doors, and I can open it for myself. It has never happened that she locked the doors, I swear on my tail!

One strange thought doesn’t leave me,” the elderly Ponice unicorn said thoughtfully. - One circumstance, if you like. Many people saw Twilight inviting her friends to her library, and many saw them go there and go inside, right?

Yes, sir,” confirmed Blue Coat, leafing through a notebook with the testimony of the townspeople. Those gathered also nodded in agreement.

But no one saw any of the “Magnificent Six” leave the library afterwards!

The orange pegasus gasped in horror.

What if Twilight created a monster with her alchemy? Well, like in that scary movie “Doctor Frankonstein”! And now it's wandering around the library, while Twilight and the others are barricaded in the cellar? And we have to go inside to fight the monster!

“We don’t have a cellar, Scoots,” Spike muttered, clearly shocked by the little flygirl’s assumption.

When we finish this investigation, young lady,” said Sergeant Flatfoot, twirling his waxed mustache, “I’ll be glad to hear exactly how you ended up on a film that, generally speaking, is not intended for viewing by colts.” However, there is a grain of truth in your words. Whether there is a monster there or not, in any case we need to go inside and examine the library. Maybe there we will find something that will shed light on the reason for the disappearance of the Magnificent Six. Lance the Constable, follow me.

What if there's a monster lurking around there, Mister Sergeant? – Derpy asked in fear, hugging her daughter tightly to her. -Are you not afraid?

You're not supposed to be afraid, Miss Hooves. Moreover, I personally doubt that there is anything worse than dust in the library. But the Ponitsa man must be ready for anything. Prepare immobilizing spells, Blue Coat, and just in case, cast a smoke screen spell, let it be real smoke, and not that translucent misunderstanding that you launch at the Iron Fillies concerts.

“That’s right, sir,” the Lance-Constable saluted bravely. The law enforcement officers headed to the doors, Sharpwing and the rest of the company started to follow the stallions in uniforms, but when they came across Flatfoot’s stern gaze, they stopped.

Where are you going, ladies and gentlemen? I appreciate your bravery, but leave the police to the police's job. I ask everyone to step back and not go inside without our permission. Ready, Lance Constable?

Sergeant Flatfoot lightly touched the keyhole with his horn, several blue sparks jumped from the tip of the horn, and something in the lock mechanism turned with a quiet rustle. Ponitseysky pulled the door handle, and the door obediently opened. Both stallions carefully stepped into the darkness of the library.

The wait was agonizing. Sharpwing and Big Mackintosh nervously plowed the ground with their hooves, ready to rush to the aid of the constables at any second. Scootaloo nearly jumped through the doorway and had to be held back by her tail. Derpy and Dinky peered anxiously into the gloomy darkness outside the door, but did not go anywhere. Suddenly, on the first floor of the library, the window shutters opened with a bang, and a young Ponice man looked out.

Come quickly, it's here! - Blue Coat exclaimed excitedly, and the crowd rushed inside. The home of the purple unicorn and Spike was now simply unrecognizable. Most of the reading room was occupied by a complex structure of different-sized glass tubes, bubbles, alcohol lamps, cones and retorts, a real crystal palace. All this was intricately intertwined, forming a certain system. The sight was very reminiscent of a picture from a book of fairy tales about ancient alchemists. Sharpwing even looked to see if the baby euncles would peek out from somewhere in the flask. And the faces of the Mark Seekers were amusingly reflected in the blown glass, like in a mirror of laughter at a country fair.

Wow! – everyone exhaled in unison.

Twi collected all this in less than an hour,” the little dragon said proudly. - Well, with my help, of course. Only when I left, everything in these flasks and retorts was boiling and bubbling, and it sparkled! And now all the flasks are empty.

Spike was absolutely right. Whatever experiment was carried out in this alchemical laboratory, it was definitely completed. The alcohol lamps were extinguished, there was not a drop of liquid in the flasks and tubes, only a whitish sediment was visible on the glass.

We briefly searched the entire library but found nothing,” Sergeant Flatfoot said. – Neither the Magnificent Six, nor any notes from them. No monsters were found either.

Nothing at all? – Scootaloo asked. - But if Twilight and her friends are not here, then where are they then? Maybe there is still some message from them? Take a good look, Mr. Flatfoot. What if it fell somewhere?

Notes are usually left in a visible place so that those to whom they are addressed can immediately find them, but we have not yet seen any messages.

Twi’s saddlebags are in place, hanging over there, which means she hasn’t gone anywhere,” Spike said, running to the hanger. “And there’s a blanket here, and a traveling cloak.” And here is a case with clean scrolls and writing materials. When I'm not around, Twilight doesn't even go outside without him! What if she urgently needs to write down some important observation or something comes to her mind? good idea? No, no, she simply could not leave the library without at least three scrolls, an inkwell and half a dozen quills!

“Okay, okay,” the senior Poniseysky made some notes in his notebook. – The version with an unexpected departure is called into question. Take a good look around, Mr. Spike. You are more familiar with the library than any of us, which means you will immediately notice something that the Lance Constable and I might have overlooked. Something suspicious, something that hasn't been here before. Or something that, on the contrary, should be here, but is missing.

Well... - the little dragon turned his head around. – The laboratory here was still with me, most of the books are on the shelves, only a few works on alchemy are missing. Twilight took them so that she could compare them during the experiment. So, what kind of defeat is this? – Spike pointed his paw at the desk standing in the very center of the laboratory. Unlike his brothers, empty and clean, this one was extremely unkempt. Thick tomes and scrolls with formulas were piled up on it in a sloppy heap, many of them covered in ink or covered with blurred blots, the inkwell was overturned, a glass for pencils lay on the floor, surrounded by new scrolls, pens, rulers, some shiny things , pebbles, apple cores, crumpled pages, measuring cups and more scrolls... It was as if a flock of wild griffins had rushed across the table, sweeping away everything in its path. And this is in the home of the purple unicorn, where order always reigned: pen to pen, piece of paper to piece of paper!

Here Twi wrote down the results of her experiments, but only when I left, everything on the table was neat. She simply could not work if everything around her was such a mess as it is now.

Maybe this monster destroyed everything here? – asked Derpy, looking around the reading room immersed in semi-darkness with apprehension. The light from the only open window was not enough to dispel the mysterious darkness in the depths of the room. And gloomy creatures just love to prowl in the darkness. The whole company involuntarily shuddered.

Miss Hooves, if this is a monster, it is an extremely small one, since it only had enough strength to destroy the desk. We’ll deal with this somehow, rest assured,” said Sergeant Flatfoot. - No, I don’t think monsters have anything to do with it, but this mess... It’s suspicious, very suspicious. Let us look at everything here, and please step aside so as not to step on anything.

Both Ponitsa men approached the desk and began to carefully examine everything that was scattered on it, under it and around it. Every piece of paper and even a scrap of it, every pen and every apple core - the law enforcement officers studied everything from all sides, noted where everything was, made notes in notebooks and quietly exchanged some comments incomprehensible to the rest.

-...Hit the trail...

- ...restoring the picture of events, as prescribed by the Constable's Handbook...

- ... sir, pay attention, there is some kind of strange bite here ...

Really. Well done, Lance Constable. Mark it there...

Everything looked very serious. Those gathered fell silent in fear and respectfully watched the work of the policemen.

What are you doing, Mr. Blue Coat? – Sweetie Belle asked the young unicorn in a whisper.

“We are looking for evidence,” he responded in the same whisper.

Snails? – Rarity’s younger sister was surprised. – Why do you need snails? I can call Snails, he knows snails better than anyone.

Not snails, but evidence, Sweetie Belle. This means clues, something that will help us find out what happened to the Magnificent Six. Evidence can be different, even invisible at first glance. Well, let's say, just dirt falling off a hoof, or ashes from a pipe. And when the Ponitsa police find this evidence, they can establish who was here and what happened to him. For example, Rarity...

The unicorn pressed her hoof to her lips in horror.

So, does that mean Rarity smokes?! Applebloom, Scootaloo, Mr. Blue Coat said Rarity smokes!

No, that's what I said, roughly. Of course not. But I need to continue.

So the law enforcement officers found several tiny measuring cups on the table and on the floor. Empty. Sharpwing noticed how the elder unicorn, examining them, frowned for some reason, and then counted the finds. Pegasus noticed that there were exactly six cups. Based on the number of missing ponies... A nasty chill ran through the body of the Stalliongrad resident and stopped somewhere on the edges of the wings. Rainbow Dash! Dashi! Let all this turn out to be just a dream, just some kind of misunderstanding or a surprise prank in the spirit of Pinky! Let the entire “Magnificent Six” now jump out of somewhere from the closets shouting “Boo!”, and the rainbow champion, ruffling the flyer’s chestnut mane, will then say: “We really scared you all, huh, pegasus?”... Light Celestia, please , let it be so, please let it be so...

Mr Spike? - the elderly unicorn exclaimed when the little dragon suddenly picked up something from the floor. - Mr. Spike, you can’t touch anything here until we examine everything, otherwise you’ll lose important evidence in such a short time. Mr Spike? Mister Spike!

Assistant Twilight Sparkle stood like a statue, seemingly not even hearing the sergeant's shouts. He did not take his eyes off what he was holding in his clawed paws and whispered something...

Mr. Spike, are you okay?

Spike, old man, what happened?

Twi... Lady Rarity... - the little dragon muttered. - Twi... Lady Rarity...


What are you saying, buddy? What he says?

The ponies stepped towards the dragon.

Twilight... Lady Rarity...

In one clawed paw was a fiery ruby ​​set in gold, a flaming heart, a stone that Spike had obtained with great difficulty and which he had given without hesitation to the one with whom he had fallen in love from the first meeting. In the other - elegant reading glasses with thin, graceful frames, the work of none other than the capital's master opticians. The glasses that could often be seen on the spout of Ponyville's first bookcase.

“When we first settled here,” the little dragon began, looking ahead with an unseeing gaze, barely audibly, “she told Mrs. Mayor that since Twi herself was now receiving a salary, then I was entitled to one too. “It’s unfair when two people keep a library in order, but only one gets paid for the work.” That’s what she said directly... I bought Twi these glasses with my first salary. Her eyes were tired of reading all these learned books, because they were written in such small print. And in the old scrolls and letters everything has faded. With these glasses she could read anything. She would never have thrown them like that, on the floor, like some kind of garbage. And a fire ruby, a gift from Lady Rarity... “In memory of my dear Spikey-Wiki, the best little dragon in the world”... It was her favorite decoration... Just on the floor... No, never...

Sharpwing's heart grew cold. No, this is not a prank, not a joke... The Magnificent Six would never joke like that with their friends! The Stalliongradian hugged Spike with his wing, and the dragon gratefully buried his nose in the white feathers of the pegasus.

Quiet, quiet, old man...

The Ponice men continued their search, no longer hiding the anxiety in their eyes, the rest of the ponies crowded around them. Big Mackintosh and Applebloom saw under the mountain of books on the floor the felt edge of a cowboy hat they knew so well, an old one, faded in the sun, the one that no storms or hurricanes could knock off the top of Applejack's head. For all the treasures of Equestria, the farm filly would not part with her hat. The earthling with a red bow, clutching the find to her chest, sobbed quietly in the arms of her older brother, and two shiny paths also ran along his dusty cheeks. The guards received sad finds: a hairpin in the shape of a butterfly, which Fluttershy loved to wear in her long mane, and an amulet of three stone balls, gray, bluish and pink. “This is our secret sister-in-law amulet, made from real stones on a real stone farm by the most real stone farmers. Obsidian, marble and rose quartz. Blue is Blinky, gray is Inky, and pink is guess who? It's me, silly, good old Pinkie Pie. Only this is a secret! This is a secret amulet, okay?” Sharpwing stood neither alive nor dead. Lance-Constable Blue Coat clumsily moved a mountain of scrolls, a shiny round piece slipped out of it and rang across the floor, and the heart in the weather patrolman’s chest plummeted from a height of ten thousand miles...

That's it... That's all that's left: reading glasses, a gold-framed ruby ​​heart, an old cowboy hat, a mane clip, a stone farm amulet, and a flight talisman with a photo inside. But Sharpwing saw, as if in reality, the “Magnificent Six.” And the pink curly Pinkie, fussing over the treats for the next party, Pinkie the Smile from ear to ear, even if she sewed on a string, and the hard worker AJ with a basket of apples on his back - “Wow, I’m tired, sugar. Take a couple, chew on it, it’ll be easier to carry everything,” and Rarity, who easily and naturally creates Beauty right before your eyes, and Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn who knows how to make studying a real adventure, and Fluttershy, a kind heart, and, of course, Rainbow Dash, badass, brave and loved. There was sadness in the eyes of the constables, and they parted their hooves with sadness: “Sorry for letting you down. If only we knew..." Spike and Scootaloo buried themselves in the patrolman's wings; The little pegasus was shaking all over with sobs. Derpy and Dinky hugged the sobbing Sweetie Belle, and Big Mackintosh hugged Apple Bloom. Even Angel, turning to the side, rubbed his eyes with his paws.

M-m-maybe...m-m-maybe this damned potion has...thrown them with magic to another...sob...the end of Equestria, to griffins or wild lizards? - Rainbow Racer's number one fan muttered. - Or it made them completely... squelch... tiny, like specks of dust, and we have already crushed-vi... crushed them...

Blue Coat hurriedly took out a magnifying glass and examined the hooves of the crowd.

No, no, Scoots, no.

Then...then where are they?

The reading room, which previously gave ponies only the joy of discovery and book adventures, was filled with sadness. Suddenly, Sharpwing felt his blood, the blood of a descendant of Stalliongrad warriors, ignite with the fire of indignation. Sharply, like the beat of a drum calling on the army not to surrender, the thunder of a hoof hitting the floor rolled through the library.

Enough! Put aside your tears! If we disappeared, would Dashie and the others sniffle all day long? No! They would have been knocked off their feet, but they would have found us, and even if we were on the other side of the earth, they would have found us and saved us. We don't know anything for sure yet, so why did we give up in the first place? Our ponies are alive, I can feel it, and they need help, not sniffling. Under the ground or in the clouds, on an island among the seas or beyond the seas - it doesn’t matter, we will shake up all of Equestria, if necessary, but we will find them. Let's call Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and the best wizards for help, let's call out the cry among the Wonderbolts and other aces. I swear on my pegasus honor, I am not going to give up and I won’t let you. Come on! Stay calm, don't whine!

The speech of the Stalliongrad resident thundered angrily, and - a miracle! – the backs hunched over with sadness straightened by themselves, the eyes that had been extinguished lit up, and hopelessness was replaced by hope.

Don't you dare give up!

The mark-seekers, with the ease of children using their tails instead of handkerchiefs (the sophisticated Rarity would have fainted from such a sight), stood in a row, looking at each other in embarrassment: “What, I wasn’t sniffling!” - “Yes, I didn’t whine either.”

We will find them! - and all the ponies repeated this “Let's find it!”

“Not the words of a colt, but of a stallion,” exclaimed Sergeant Flatfoot. - Well done, Mr. Sharpwing! It's too early for all of us to fall apart, ladies and gentlemen. I have one spell that I guess...

Hey, what kind of songs are these? – Sharpwing frowned. “I told you not to whine.”

“It’s not me,” Scootaloo objected.

And not me,” Apple Bloom shook her head.

And not me,” Sweetie Belle echoed her friends.

“Sir,” Blue Coat said to his commander in a loud whisper. “It seemed to me that it came from that locker over there.”

“What nonsense, Lance Constable,” the sergeant grinned. “Only in detective novels does someone hide in closets.” Who could it be there?

As if objecting to the elderly unicorn, in the small corner cabinet to which Blue Coat pointed, something began to stir and rattle. Both Ponice men immediately got up and became wary.

What did you and Twilight have in that closet? – whispered the senior servant of the law, not taking his eyes off the half-open door.

“Nothing special, Mr. Flatfoot,” Spike answered in the same whisper. “I had a broom, a mop, buckets, all sorts of rags there.” I don’t know what’s in it now. But the door was closed when I left.

Soooo. Lance Constable, you're on the left, I'm on the right. The rest go back. Let's see who's sitting there so shy in our closet.

The ponies obediently backed away. Razorwing, Big Mackintosh and Derpy covered the foals with themselves, Spike stood in front of Sweetie Belle like a little knight, fiery sparks swirled angrily above the dragon's nostrils: Twilight Sparkle's assistant was ready to treat any horror to flames. Next to him was Angel, the rabbit Angel, baring his teeth and grumbling so that it was clear to the Stalliongrad resident: whoever was involved in Fluttershy’s disappearance and was hiding in the closet would now be in trouble.

The Ponitsa men moved towards the closet deftly, like sneaking cats, the horns of the constables glowed menacingly with cocked spells. No matter who or what was lurking in the closet, the law enforcement officers were ready to engage in battle with him.

Once. Two. Three!

The open closet door slammed loudly.

In the name of the law, surrender! – the elder unicorn barked.

Wow! – the Ponice men were greeted by a loud roar.

In the closet, among the brooms and buckets, a tiny filly was sitting on dusting rags. The purple mane, like the pre-dawn twilight, was crossed by a stripe similar to the first scarlet ray; a small horn was barely noticeable among the hair. The roaring muzzle was thickly smeared with dust, and the tail was disheveled. There was clearly no way such a tiny thing could kidnap the Magnificent Six and drag them to the other end of Equestria. But to stun you to death with your roar is quite possible.

What kind of evidence is this? – the unicorn commander exclaimed in puzzlement, with difficulty shouting over the screaming baby. -Where did she come from here?

“I know all the little ones in Ponyville by heart,” Apple Bloom had to shout. “This one is not one of ours, Mr. Flatfoot.”

She reminds me of someone... - said Blue Coat. – Spike, did Twilight Sparkle, by any chance, have a younger sister? Well, or are there nieces?

Only Shining Armor, brother. He is the captain of the guard in Canterlot. But there are no nieces yet.

The little unicorn fell silent, apparently tired of screaming, and only looked at the bewildered ponies crowded around her with eyes wide in fear.

“Cutie mark,” Dinky suddenly squeaked.

Smart girl, muffin,” Derpy affectionately stroked her daughter’s mane. - Look at her side. Do these little ones already have marks?

Indeed, on the purple barrel there was a familiar purple star on the pony, just like the one the princess’s student had, except that it was reduced several times.

Uh... Twilight Sparkle? – Sharpwing asked dumbfounded.

Wow! - the tiny unicorn burst into tears with renewed vigor.

Suddenly something darted from the depths of the reading room towards the wide open window. Something very, very fast, small and blue. The ponies stood with their mouths agape, and the Stalliongrad man rushed like lightning towards the exit of the library, spreading his wings as he ran.

Derpy, Scoot, follow me! Let's go! And you search everything here and close the windows and doors! Don't let them out!

Who is “them”? – that’s all Blue Coat had time to ask.

You'll see! Look... - Sharpwing had already taken off from the book depository and rushed through the air along the street. No, after all, the discipline of pegasuses has no equal in all of Equestria! When the time comes to quickly and clearly carry out orders, the flying people demonstrate this quality to the fullest. Just a moment later, two more pairs of wings flapped next to the patrolman. Without wasting time on questions (like “Who, exactly, are we chasing?”) and other unnecessary chatter, Derpy Hooves and Scootaloo obediently rushed after their comrade. One more moment - and all three lined up in the sky in the usual formation. It was not for nothing that Derpy was a freelance employee of the weather patrol, and the orange pegasus loved to help her idol with aerial work. They did not need to be taught how to follow the leader and how to carry out his commands without disturbing their comrades flying nearby.

“Follow her,” the pegasus said briefly, shaking his head towards a rapidly receding point in the distance. – Don’t spare your wings, catch up at any cost.

Ufff... Yes!

If Razorback had any doubts about Rainbow Dash's fate, they had now disappeared without a trace. The patrolman understood perfectly well that only one pony could drive across the sky, even as a foal, so that adult pegasi could barely keep up with her. The flyers sped up and soon saw a rainbow tail dashing through the air ahead. Laughing wildly from the pure joy of flight, the baby pegasus is two inches from the pot! - rushed forward, not thinking at all about where and why she was flying. She just flew. For the foals of the winged people, this reason was quite enough. A Stalliongrad resident's heart sank when the baby rushed within a hair's breadth of balconies, hanging flowerpots or open windows. How will it crash? But the filly herself only giggled. It’s also fortunate that she didn’t fly so high; with small wings you can’t fly very high.

Hey Rainbow Dash! Wait, wait! - the weather patrolman shouted.

The little pegasus turned around and, noticing her pursuers, made a sly face. Needless to say, the baby didn’t even think about stopping and letting herself be caught? From the sparkle in her beady pink eyes, Sharpwing understood that she considered everything that was happening to be a fun game, like catching up, and now she was going to show the highest class in this game. In the blink of an eye, the filly sharply dived down and, changing the direction of its flight as it went, immediately dashed into another street. And the catchers, who had been accelerating, now tried to slow down, while barely avoiding a collision with a shoemaker’s sign.

It won’t be easy for us... - Sharpwing said doomedly. He was one hundred percent right and twenty percent to boot. It seemed that little Rainbow Dash retained all the skills of her adult self. In addition, she successfully enjoyed the new benefits of having a baby. She squeezed through everywhere, slipped into any crack: she would dive into one attic window, emerge from another, or scurry between the iron fence posts. When the flight of Stalliongrad picked up speed, knowing that the small wings were no match for the big wings, and the comrades thought that Dashi would not get away from them now, the blue lightning sharply slowed down, and the unlucky pursuers rushed past it by inertia. An attempt to encircle by entering at the same time as three sides, ended with the pegasi crashing into each other, falling to the ground in a noisy heap, and the tiny flyer, eluding them, flew to Sharpwing and mockingly stuck out her tongue at him:


The patrolman closed his eyes with a sigh. He hit his forehead hard against Derpy's hoof, and now it seemed to him that a whole dozen little Dashes with their tongues hanging out were circling around his head - snorting and teasing.

And the chase continued. No matter what cunning tricks the captors came up with to grab the rainbow pegasus, all their tricks were unsuccessful: the little one seemed to intuitively predict every maneuver of its pursuers. But still, Sharpwing couldn’t help but notice that the blue filly, who could well have broken away from the chase and run off somewhere where she wouldn’t be found for centuries, did not do this. She did not fly far from the white pegasus and his comrades, leaving them the opportunity to catch up with herself, and even if she hid from them behind chimneys or among flower pots on the windowsills, then, as soon as her friends, having lost sight of her, hung their noses, she immediately jumped out of her hiding place with a deafening cry of “Boo!” Apparently, little Rainbow Dash really enjoyed the game of catch-up. And yet, the three flyers would never have been able to catch her if not for Mr. Cake. An earthpony in a baker's apron, not knowing about any pegasuses, placed a whole baking sheet of cupcakes and muffins just taken out of the oven on the window of the “Sugar Corner” to cool. Some sparkled with caps of sugar icing, others were thickly strewn with chocolate chips. And the aroma from all this splendor spread such that even a miserly dragon would not have spared half of his treasures for the treat. And the blue nose, like a compass needle, turned in the right direction. Little wings flapped, a swift shadow flashed in the air, and before you had time to say “Rainbow Dash”, yum-yum-yum - half of the muffins were definitely gone. But their place on the tray was taken by a baby, smeared with crumbs, whipped cream and chocolate pieces right down to the tip of her tail. But every cloud has a silver lining: Dashie, with a tightly stuffed belly, lounged imposingly among the muffins, clearly not in the mood to rush anywhere anytime soon. And why fly away when there are still so many delicious things around? Is she stupid, or what? What more! Sighing with relief, the Stalliongrad resident led his squad down to the confectionery shop. Soon he was holding the tiny racer tightly in his hooves and finally had the opportunity to take a good look at the one his beloved had turned into. Well... The bangs and tail are even more disheveled than usual (although Pegasus used to think that manes couldn’t be more disheveled than Rainbow Dash’s), the blue wings were barely feathered, and the eyes were small, like marbles, but, undoubtedly, it was his Dashie.

Gotcha! – the Stalliongrad resident said triumphantly, bringing the fugitive to his face. - Hello, miracle.

Instead of answering, the little pegasus licked the Stalliongrad man’s nose.

“She’s clever,” Derpy said respectfully, looking around at the destruction caused on the tray. “Even I couldn’t eat that many muffins in one sitting!”

Indeed, it was as if a small hurricane had rushed through the baked goods. Such a blue hurricane, who was now yawning and squinting heartily in the hooves of the Stalliongrad resident.

Sorry, Mr. Cake. Aren't you too angry? – asked the pegasus.

Ho-ho, why on earth should I be angry? – the stallion laughed. “That’s why I bake them, so that they make the ponies happy.” By the way, congratulations to you, Sharpwing! And I was wondering why Rainbow Dash is in Lately recovered slightly. I was guilty of our cupcakes and muffins, but as it turned out... It’s nice to be so wrong, I swear by all the puddings in the world. Congratulations on joining the club!

What other club?

Ponyville Fathers Club. You've got a treat, dad!


Wonderbolt could freely fly into Sharpwing's gaping mouth. Scootaloo, standing behind the Stalliongrad resident, gave a muffled laugh in her hoof.

The spitting image of mom! – the pastry chef smiled, looking at the little pegasus. “But don’t worry, Sharpwing, the next foal will look like you!”

“No, no, Mr. Cake, it’s not like that,” the patrolman began to explain confusingly. - You see, this is magic. This is little Dashie...

Yes, we know this magic, modest fellow,” grinning, the pastry chef patted the pegasus on the shoulder in a friendly manner. “I have this kind of magic crawling around my house.” Well, of course, this is little Dashie. But what will you call her, Mini-Dashie or Rainbow Jr.? Cupcake, dear,” the earth pony shouted into the depths of the “Sugar Corner,” “Come here quickly!” Look who our brave flyer brought!

Uh... We better go, Mr. Cake. Bye bye!

Derpy and Scootaloo giggled with all their might, looking at the blushing patrolman, who, having taken the pegasus, hurried away from the candy store, until the whole town and surrounding area had gathered to look at “Papa Sharpwing.” No triumphant pony of ancient times rode his chariot with such pride as the tiny filly rode on the back of the Stalliongrad man. At the same time, she looked around triumphantly - look how big and strong the pegasus is carrying me! Derpy and Scootaloo flanked them like an honorary retinue, ready to snatch up mini-Dashie if she decided to escape. But the little one seemed to enjoy the ride. In addition, after a hearty snack, she felt sleepy, so soon Sharpwing heard a quiet sniffling from his back. Both the pegasus and his comrades sighed with unspeakable relief: at least for some time the blue storm had calmed down. But for how long? Oh, probably not. Even as an adult, Rainbow Dash didn’t really like peace and quiet, and even less so as a little girl. The Stalliongrad resident and his comrades tried not to even think about what would happen when the little pegasus woke up and, having rested, began to play pranks with renewed vigor. I wonder how the others are doing in the library now? Already approaching the library oak tree, the ponies heard squeals and squeaks coming from inside, roars, stomping and shuffling of hooves, shouts of “Hold, grab!” and shouts of “Hey, you can’t go there!” Swallowing nervously, the patrolman opened the door, and his gaze revealed...

Lance-Constable Blue Coat was without his uniform helmet, but with a uniform bump on his head, and Sergeant Flatfoot's immaculate uniform looked as if someone had recently chewed on his silver stripes. Big Mackintosh, a farmer who worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk, puffed and wiped the sweat from his brow. The restless Markseekers could barely stand on their feet. Well, several multi-colored balls rolled quickly and noisily across the floor of the library.

“Hurry up, come in and close the door, well, quickly,” the Ponysian unicorn shouted to the pegasus.

The flyers hastily darted inside.

Where have you been? – the whole company asked the new arrivals. - While you were resting there, the end of the world just began here!

Were we on vacation? – Sharpwing exclaimed. – Yes, such a race was not even at the Equestria figure flying championships! What do you have? I see you found them all?

Found. On your own head...

When the pegasi flew off to catch tiny Dashi, the rest of the ponies, opening the shutters to make it light in the library, split up and began searching. Until the end of their days, the brave Ponice soldiers will not forget how something pink and terribly bouncy suddenly jumped out at them with a joyful squeal from the top shelves. A small ball of energy and curls sticking out in all directions bounced around the law enforcement officers like a rubber ball until the poor fellows’ heads went spinning. Big Mackintosh and Apple Bloom found a trail of apple cores on the floor leading to the kitchen. At the end of the path they found an apple. Well, yes, a small apple, nestled comfortably in a camp cowboy tent made from Twilight Sparkle’s best tablecloth and an upturned stool. Petite Applejack seemed like a completely peaceful filly... until she woke up. But, already awakened, she instantly showed her relatives who could become the first star of the Apple Rodeo if it were held among foals. Sweetie Belle, not finding Rarity in the reading room, remembered her sister’s hobbies and decided to look in the wardrobe. Well, of course, look for a fashionista where the outfits are. Buried up to her neck in the silk of Twilight Sparkle's best dresses, the white unicorn gurgled indignantly when Sweetie Belle pulled her from the shelf, separating her from her new clothes. Angel found the tiny yellow pegasus, trembling at the very bottom of the laundry basket. Looking at white rabbit, who would have thought that this caring guardian of little Fluttershy was the spoiled tyrant of adult Fluttershy. Little Twilight Sparkle remained in the care of Dinky the unicorn during the search. Derpy simply had not a daughter, but a treasure: smiling and speaking quietly and affectionately, she hugged Celestia’s student, wiped away her tears and, taking out a book of fairy tales from the shelf, began to read aloud. The filly immediately stopped roaring and, curled up next to Dinky, listened attentively... It would seem that everything was happening quite successfully, but soon the whole company discovered that finding the “Magnificent Six” who had turned into foals was still half the battle. How to deal with them now? After all, of course, they were not going to sit still quietly. Applejack attacked her poor older brother. Apparently, she thought that Big Mackintosh’s legs were apple trees, and if she kicked them harder, something wonderful would fall into her hooves. green apple, which flaunts on the steep side of the farmer. The hard worker endured all this stoically and just grinned. Twilight Sparkle babbled noisily, demanding that they read more to her. Meanwhile, Dinky treated the curly pink earthling to a muffin, and the fillies instantly became best friends. The bearer of the Element of Fun happily jumped around her daughter Derpy like a ball, shouting:

Dinky-Pinky! Dinky-Pinky!

Rarity, in her funny foal language, scolded Sweetie Belle for her unkempt mane. Even as a baby, the fashionista simply could not stand untidiness. Well, Fluttershy tried to crawl somewhere into a secluded place and hide there from all this chaos. Angel held the pegasus. Razorwing winced as he noticed the mini-Dashi on his back yawning and stretching. It seems that the surrounding chaos promised to become about twenty percent cooler in the very near future.

“They are, of course, very cute, but as adults they were all much quieter, even Pinky,” the pegasus noted.

Apple Bloom watched with a smile as Applejack diligently pounded the legs of the unfortunate Big Macintosh.

How nimble! But I even like it that way. Now I elder sister! – The marksman put on a cowboy hat and addressed the orange filly with feigned severity. “Don’t be naughty, AJ, or you’ll end up without an apple pie.”

Growling angrily, the earthling immediately rushed to knock off her favorite headdress, and then Apple Bloom had no time for smiling.

Ouch, oh, it hurts! Oops, stop it! Don't kick! Well, okay, okay, here's your hat, take it.

Having snorted contentedly, “Yeehaa!”, the tiny cowgirl pulled her Stetson over herself and immediately drowned in it: it turned out to be too big for her. Only four legs were left sticking out. The living hat moved along the reading room, not making out the way, so it is not surprising that almost immediately it crashed into Rarity. Both babies roared in unison, and Pinkie soon joined them. Just for company. After all, it’s more fun to cry together.

How to deal with them, huh? Neither of us have any experience with handling foals. Almost no one...

The gazes of those present focused on Derpy. The postal pegasus backed away in fear.

I only have my muffin, not six at once. And then, even little Dinky was a hundred times calmer. A thousand times! Even when I painted the walls with jam... No, no, we need another pony here. For example, the one who grew up with two younger sisters.

The glances of those present turned towards Big Mackintosh. The stallion, not afraid to take on a whole pack of timber wolves alone, swallowed convulsively.

Uh... I better run after grandma, yeah. She raised the three of us, she already knows. I'll be there in a jiffy! – the door slammed, and the loud clatter of the young farmer’s hooves quickly faded into the distance. Big Mackintosh galloped at full speed. Fortunately, Derpy managed to catch Pinkie Pie by the curly tail, who almost slipped away after the stallion into such a big and such an interesting world OUTSIDE. Sharpwing said doomedly:

We are left alone with fate...

With fate and with five little fidgets (the quiet pony Fluttershy was under the careful supervision of Angel and had no intention of playing naughty yet). The first among them was, of course, the one who always loved to be first. Mini-Dashi yawned, stretched, arched her back, spread her wings and... Whoosh! The pony's eyes were filled with rainbows, books fell from the shelves, and the library oak tree began to shake. The little pegasus managed to fly around the entire book depository from top to bottom and bottom to top, get smeared with soot by diving into the fireplace (it’s good that it wasn’t lit), smear everyone else with soot, not paying attention to Rarity’s protesting squeak, fight with AJ over a hat, which the flyer also wanted to try on, make peace with the cowgirl, arrange a championship with her in jumping over the Sharpwing and on the Sharpwing - and all in just a minute and a half. Then the tiny ugly thing came face to face with Pinkie Pie. Prank met mischief. A moment later, the pink little pony, squealing with delight, was racing throughout the reading room astride a blue lightning bolt. Applejack happily drummed her hooves on the floor as she ran after them. Rarity just snorted contemptuously, looking at this fuss. The white unicorn lit up her horn and, magically picking up a handkerchief lying on the floor, began to carefully wipe away traces of soot from her face. Soon the handkerchief floating in the air was joined by: a mirror, a fiery ruby ​​on a gold chain and the most beautiful stones from Twilight Sparkle’s mineralogical collection, several fashion magazines, a pencil and pieces of paper. All this was spinning like a carousel around the little girl, and she, wrinkling her forehead, was apparently thinking about ideas for such outfits that would impress all the little dandies of Canterlot and Manehattan. Twilight Sparkle also wanted to do some magic. The tiny scientist laughed, dancing in a round dance of astrolabes, rulers and scrolls with pictures. Looking at all this chaos, thoughts about bottles of milk, playpens, cribs, and also nappies and nappies began to creep into the head of the Stalliongrad resident. And about those who will have to tinker with all of the above.

I hope Big Mackintosh will return soon,” the patrolman said hopefully. His friends nodded in agreement.

Oh, hurry up...

The comrades had to keep an eye on the fidgets and, if necessary, act very quickly. That is, to prevent at the last moment an alchemical experiment started by one young scientist, which, if allowed to be carried out to the end, would definitely singe someone’s tail. Then take a plaster and seal the scratches on the faces, simultaneously wiping away the tears of the “wounded”, consoling and lulling. Otherwise, remember lullabies in order to calm the kids down at least a little. An attempt to collect them in one place by quickly constructing a playpen from several stacks of books and stretched blankets was, naturally, unsuccessful. Applejack, kicking the wall of the playpen, playfully broke it, mini-Dashi flew out like lightning, Pinkie jumped out like a spring, Rarity, with her witchcraft, began to rebuild the playpen into a princess castle or at least an elegant villa, and Twilight Sparkle, lighting up her horn, began arranging the books on the shelves. Fluttershy was the only one left in the pen, but she behaved well anyway. Having played to their heart's content, the company became hungry. This could easily be determined by the fact that AJ suddenly began to chew the brim of her own hat, the purple unicorn began to literally chewing scientific volumes, and Rainbow Dash clung to Sharpwing's ears. Pinkamina Diana Pie suddenly imagined that her curly tail was cotton candy, Rarity impatiently clapped her hooves, as if calling a waiter. Well, Fluttershy just looked at the adult ponies with touching eyes.

I hope Granny Smith won’t forget about the milk... - the pegasus sighed.

Suddenly, Rarity wrinkled her nose in an aristocratic manner and pinched it between her hooves.

And about diapers too,” Sweetie Belle added.

Fortunately, at that moment the loud sound of wheels outside the windows announced the arrival of help. Big Macintosh carried out his assignment thoroughly, Apple style. The stallion drove a huge cart to the library, loaded with cradles, baby vests and toys - all that was left over from the foaling of the young Yablokos and was stored in the attic of the Sweet Acres estate. At the very top of the mountain, with all this luggage, Granny Smith sat in a rocking chair. As soon as she entered the book depository, the head of the Apple clan developed the most vigorous activity: she sent Apple Bloom to the kitchen to heat the milk brought from the farm, ordered Sharpwing to help Big Macintosh unload the cart, and she, together with Derpy, deftly and skillfully gathered the tiny fidgets into one herd, grumbling without much surprise :

Oh my goodness, the young miss indulged in her magic. No, in our way, in the Earth-Ponian way, in the old fashioned way! Well, okay, we Apples haven’t seen anything like this. I remember when a horde of psyllids descended on our farm...

Then milk arrived from the kitchen, already poured into bottles, and the foals, pushing and shoving each other aside, flocked to the treat.

“Hunger is not an aunt,” the elderly earth pony wisely remarked. “They’re hungry here, I see.” Eh, youth!

Soon the friendly, greedy smacking gave way to an equally friendly, well-fed purring. The milk from Sweet Acres Farm was famous throughout the area for good reason.

Now is the time for someone to take a little nap,” said Granny Smith. - Big Mac, Sharpwing, put the cradles here. But let’s not forget about diapers. Hey, honey, call your girlfriends and help me. Who knows, maybe your calling is to deal with kids, yeah.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shouted "Hurray!" Nanny Mark Finders!”, so loudly that the little ponies jumped in all directions in fear, and Rarity even roared.

Uh, no, you can’t do that with little ones. You need to be calm and quiet, otherwise you only scare them!

This library has seen princesses, visitors from Saddle Arabia and other foreign lands, ancient manuscripts and the beautiful Elements of Harmony, but never diapers, powder, bottles of milk, six squeaking babies and their runaway nurses. Razorwing discovered that catching a mini-Dashi to swaddle her might be the Wonderbolts' entrance exam. In order to catch the nimble, nimble, like an eel, pegasus, it was necessary to use all conceivable and inconceivable aerobatic techniques. As for Rarity, she allowed herself to be swaddled only when she meticulously chose the most beautiful swaddles from those offered to her. And what can we say about how they bathed the “Magnificent Six”? Suffice it to say that in this case the library almost sank, and the whole company was able to feel like sea ponies. Sweetie Belle, covering her ears so as not to hear the roar of the future drama queen after the water procedures, was able to calm her down only when she took the comb and began to scratch her mane. The tiny unicorn immediately calmed down. At that moment, two sworn enemies of the Markseekers, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, looked into the room. Seeing the chaos that reigned around, the spoiled fillies realized that the library was definitely not serving visitors today, and they were about to leave... but when they saw little Rarity, they stayed.

Sweetie Belle, can we... scratch her a little? – Mr. Rich’s daughter asked unusually timidly. Where did the “hollow-sided” and “hornless” go?

Why on earth? Scootaloo snorted. - This is not your sister and in general, the library is closed today. Go away! Don't let them, Sweetie Belle.

“And tomorrow we’ll give you our dessert in the school cafeteria,” Silver Spoon suggested.

Oh, I don’t know,” Sweetie Belle said. – You teased us so much and in general...

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, eh? Please.

The sister of the drama queen turned out to be worthy of this high title. Having broken down for the sake of decency, the white unicorn became the owner of a marble ball, a silver hairpin for the mane, two sweets, a calendar with Princess Luna and a pocket mirror - and only then graciously allowed:

Well, okay, so be it. Scratch it.

Rarity, of course, enjoyed being the center of attention. With an important pout on her lips, the tiny filly condescendingly allowed herself to be combed, while vigilantly ensuring that her mane was treated with due respect. Meanwhile, Big Mackintosh arranged the brought cradles and deftly covered them, and Granny Granny Smith sang the old Apple lullaby, which her mother sang to her herself when she was a foal:

The farm is asleep and half asleep

The breeze shakes the crowns.

Sleep sweetly, sleep, children,

Like apples on a branch...

Hearing the familiar melody, Applejack was the first to snore in her crib. Following her best friend-rival, mini-Dashi closed her eyes, finally muttering sleepily:


Pegasus simply couldn't help but smile. When he saw the sleeping rainbow champion, he forgot about the ears she had chewed up, and about the back trampled by her small but already strong hooves, and about the books thrown off the shelves during the dashing maneuvers of the young racer, which would then have to be painstakingly put back in their places.

When Angel carefully tucked Fluttershy a blanket, and Twilight Sparkle fell asleep, clutching Miss Know-It-All, her favorite rag doll, to her chest in the book depository - lo and behold! – peace and silence finally reigned, and the time for council came for the friends of the “Magnificent Six”. Having gathered together in the kitchen, so as not to disturb the sleeping people with their conversations, the comrades began to discuss the situation in a whisper.

Do you think they will remain like this? – Blue Coat voiced the question that was troubling everyone. – So you have to raise them again, teach them and all that jazz?

At this thought, Sharpwing and the others sighed in horror, but Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon joyfully tapped their hooves on the floor:

Great! They are so cute! Let them remain that way! Hooray!

The senior policeman had to sternly shush them so that they would not wake up the kids. Then Sergeant Flatfoot hastened to calm the crowd:

No way, Lance Constable. As far as I know from my own professional practice, the effect of spells and potions (and in this case we are dealing with them) can be reversible, it is enough just to attract a skilled wizard to create the appropriate counterspell.

Counterspell? – the Mark Finders asked. - What is this? Some kind of super-duper magic?

In a sense, yes. This is a spell that can cancel the effects of another spell. True, first you need to carefully understand the nature of the latter and, based on this, weave magic. It takes a really, really good wizard to do this. Just try to understand all this,” the unicorn pointed with his hoof at the scrolls covered with incomprehensible calculations found in Twilight Sparkle’s laboratory. “Apparently, these are the notes the unicorn took while she was conducting her experiment.” Calculations and more. It looks very confusing, and, unfortunately, I am a Ponice man, not a scientist.

How clever,” agreed Sweetie Belle, burying her nose in the papers, “We definitely didn’t go through this at school.” We are definitely not going to be mark detectors and decipherers.

What if you invite Trixie? – Diamond Tiara suggested. - Snailsy said a hundred times that she is the best sorceress in the world. All my ears were buzzing about her.

“I would like to invite Miss Trixie Lulamoon to the Ponitsa station, given her previous visit to our city,” the elder unicorn frowned. - I think that this magician can hardly help in our matter. Moreover, she wanders all the time, and I have no information about her current whereabouts.

Starswirl the Bearded would be useful here, only he lived many centuries ago,” Spike wrinkled his brow, remembering all the wizards and healers he knew. “Zecora knows all about healing potions, but she doesn’t understand alchemy.” The court physician, Doctor Hippocrates, can cope with any disease, prepare any antidote, but he is unlikely to decipher all the gobbledygook that Twi wrote. And without this you can’t brew a counter-potion. Hm... Well, I came up with an idea! I know who will help us!

And who?

Princess Celestia! She already knows something about magic. And the princess is unlikely to like the fact that her favorite student, if she doesn’t help her, will soon be able to answer any question about her scientific studies with only “aha.”

The princess herself, Her Majesty? – the Ponice soldiers gasped in shock.

Well, yes,” the dragon puffed out his chest importantly. “I can send her a letter, and in the blink of an eye the princess will receive it, wherever she is.” And I think he won’t hesitate, but will immediately come to us in Ponyville.

No, no, Mr. Spike, wait. Before Her Majesty arrives, the Lance Constable and I urgently need to polish all the belts and polish the coats of arms on the helmets. This will be a visit from an august person, and during such visits the police should be in full dress. What if Her Majesty wants to inspect our site?

And we need to bake apple pies,” Granny Smith joined. “It’s not a short distance from Canterlot to Ponyville, the princess will get tired and hungry.”

With great difficulty, the others managed to convince the law enforcement officers and the head of the Apple clan that it was quite possible to do without cleaning ammunition, cleaning the area and baking pies. It is unlikely that Princess Celestia, having learned what happened to her student, will organize a review of the town’s Ponice forces or demand fresh apple strudel for herself.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, then let's write to Her Majesty. Mr. Spike, where do you keep your writing materials?

They were kept in the reading room, where the cradles stood. Naturally, when the company began to look for a clean scroll, an inkwell and a quill, the little Bearers immediately opened their eyes to see what such an interesting thing was going on here. It was not so easy to write a letter to Princess Celestia: how to find the words to tell her that her best student and her friends suddenly turned into tiny foals? And if at the same time little Twilight also scribbles something on the scroll with her nimble hooves, having previously smeared them with ink, little Pinkie takes away the feather to tickle your nose with it, and little Applejack tries to wrap herself in the scroll to take a little more nap? In general, Spike, usually famous for his beautiful handwriting, this time it turned out to be the most untidy letter to the most august person in the entire history of Equestria. There were blots in it that looked like letters, and letters that looked like blots, and the comrades hoped with all their hearts that Princess Celestia would be able to make out at least “Trouble” and “Come quickly.” Finally the letter was finished, and Spike, puffing green fire, sent it to Canterlot.

Now all that remains is to wait. I hope the princess is not busy right now and can come to us.

No, there was no golden chariot drawn by stalwart pegasuses, no magnificent retinue, no fanfare singing, but simply the door to the library suddenly swung open by itself. Sharpwing saw snow-white wings, in which strength was combined with grace, kind eyes, the golden ray of a crown in his mane, shimmering like the pre-dawn sky, he saw it - and immediately bowed in a respectful bow. His friends followed the example of the Stalliongrad resident. And the Ponice soldiers stood at attention and raised their hooves to their helmets.

Hello, my dear ponies,” rang a melodic voice. - Please don't bow. What's wrong here and where is my best student Twilight Sparkle?

The purple unicorn, hearing her name, immediately rushed to Princess Celestia and, hugging her leg, muttered something, greeting her mentor. Her friends rushed after the baby to the guest with a joyful squeal in a friendly herd, and in vain the poor Ponice soldiers tried to stop them. A moment later, Pinkie was already jumping from the princess’s back, as if from a springboard, and was trying to hide in her tail, mini-Dashi was using the same back as a landing pad, and Rarity was trying to try on the crown. Applejack raised her head and looked up at Princess Celestia, her mouth open in surprise. Little Applemaker seemed to be thinking: “My honest ponies, how many apples did you have to eat to grow so big?” Even the shy Fluttershy was not at all afraid and, floating in the air, smiled at the ruler of Equestria. Princess Celestia laughed loudly:

Oh, that's it. You have a real invasion here. No, no, dear Sergeant Flatfoot, they don't bother me at all.

Sharpwing, together with the Markseekers, explained to Princess Celestia what had happened as best he could. The solar goddess, shaking her head, began to carefully look at the notes and calculations of her student:

My stupid little Twily, how many times have I told you that experiments must be carried out with great caution! Well, let's see what trouble you've been up to here. This is my grief! Well, of course, there is an error in the calculations. And here it should have been not six, but nine. And the order of pronouncing the words in the spell is mixed up. And in general, this is an untested potion,” the mentor looked at her student with feigned sternness. “And this is what all this reckless experimentation led to.” What if you remained a foal forever? What if your parents had to raise you again, and I had to teach? Stupid, stupid Twily. And I even treated my friends! And she didn’t tell anyone, not even me! How is this possible? In your defense, I can only say that you are a very sweet foal, and you can’t be angry with little ones. Now I will create a suitable counterspell to return everything to normal.

Those gathered smiled. Things immediately went smoothly with the princess! And Celestia looked at her friends with pride:

Yes, Twily showed everyone an example of what carelessness and recklessness in science sometimes lead to, a bad example, I must say. But you, my dear ponies, have set a good example of friendship and camaraderie. Together you found and saved the bearers of the Elements of Harmony from trouble. Thank you, you are truly great. And I also see that the police, as always, are ready to help the inhabitants of Equestria in difficult times and zealously defend law and order. Thank you for your good service... Inspector Flatfoot, Constable Blue Coat.

The Ponitsa men stood tall and saluted, just as the Constable's Handbook instructs to do in cases where a law enforcement officer receives a promotion. Inspector Flatfoot even seemed to have become taller and even more representative, and his young colleague was beaming with pride, like a polished pony badge. The young unicorn was clearly in a hurry to quickly sew new insignia onto his uniform and appear to Daisy no longer as a candidate, but as a real constable. And also tell me what an interesting case he and Mr. Flatfoot brilliantly solved today. No worse than in any of the detective stories I've read.

Great job, partner!

Thank you sir!

The Ponitsa men clanked their hooves loudly and laughed. The princess did not forget to thank the brave postal pegasus Derpy Hooves, and little Dinky, and the Yablokonikov, and the Markseekers, and Sharpwing himself, and even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who certainly in the very next few days will buzz the ears of the whole school about their meeting with the ruler of Equestria .

Well, now, my dear ponies, it’s time to return our bearers of the Elements of Harmony to their usual age. What a pity that because of the counterspell, they won’t even remember that they turned into babies. Everything that happened to them will seem to them only a bizarre dream, and not reality. And Twily will also forget how she cooed and crawled on the floor, leaving all her seriousness. Maybe they won’t believe us, thinking that we made it all up. But let's get started.

A yellow light lit up on the tip of the alicorn’s horn like a sunbeam, and then a brilliant idea came to the head of the Stalliongrad resident.

Wait, Your Majesty, wait, don’t break the spell, wait a minute!

Don't you want your friends and lover to be disenchanted as soon as possible, dear Sharpwing?

I want, of course I want, but I thought of something, just a minute, Your Majesty, okay?

With these words, the white pegasus rushed to the top floor of the library.

“I definitely saw it upstairs, on one of the shelves, somewhere between the microscope and thick encyclopedias. Somewhere here... Yeah, I found it!”

When the ponies saw what the patrolman was carrying with him, they couldn't help but smile. Princess Celestia laughed appreciatively.

Yes, you are absolutely right, dear Bladewing. But I didn’t even think about it. Well, of course, this is a great idea. And the lesson will not be learned if you do not remember it. This way Twily will have a good reminder.

...The gold of the morning rays scattered across the roofs of Ponyville, reflected in the smile of the weather patrolman lying on the cloud. His partner and lover wrinkled her face in displeasure.

I don’t know what our peppery scientist treated us to, but for the life of me I don’t understand why I slept all day yesterday. I don't remember a thing. Hey, are you listening to me?

“Yeah,” the pegasus, continuing to smile, did not take his eyes off some photograph in his hoof.

Anyway, that was the last time I got involved in Twi's alchemy stuff. I'm over it! The whole day was lost, and yesterday I wanted to practice new aerial tricks. Razorwing?

And when I looked into Ponyville this morning, everyone I met giggled strangely when they saw me. Why would this be?

Bladewing, hey! Pegasus, are you listening to me? What are you looking at there? Has some beauty captured your heart? Let him take care!

But look.

Everyone was in the photo: AJ, barely visible under her own hat, and tiny Fluttershy under the watchful eye of the caring Angel, and the restless Pinkie with a lollipop almost bigger than herself. Little Twilight, tenderly hugging the princess's leg. Rarity, who usurped the crown of the solar goddess and tightly grabbed the golden crown with her small hooves. And, of course, the Coolest One, mini-Dashi, comfortably perched on Sharpwing’s head, busy exploring the pegasus ears for gastronomic purposes. On the back of the photo, in Princess Celestia's beautiful handwriting, was written: “You are destined for great things, my little, little ponies...”.

Fairy tale "Pony Masya and her family"

Gavrilova Ella, 5 years old, student of TMT “Golden Key”, Buguruslan, Orenburg region
Supervisor: Krikunova Irina Gennadievna, teacher of additional education, MAUDO "TsRTDU" MO "city of Buguruslan"
Description of material: We bring to your attention a fairy tale about the pony Masa and her family, about how nice it is to give gifts made with your own hands. The fairy tale is presented in Russian and English (translation by the director); an adapted version of the fairy tale is offered for preschoolers using vocabulary familiar to them in the text. English versions of the fairy tale can be used in English classes with preschoolers and younger schoolchildren in lessons for developing reading skills. For the version for beginners, the following tasks are offered: 1) enter your name, answering the question “What is your name?” in English, 2) draw your family in a frame, 3) answer general questions about the family (Have you got...? Do you have...?)
Target: maintaining motivation to master a foreign language.
Educational. Learn to think independently, activate the studied lexical and grammatical material in speech.
Developmental. Develop creativity, visual and motor memory.
Educational. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards family and friends, an interest in learning English.

Fairy tale "Pony Masya and her family"

Once upon a time there was Friendly family pony: mom, dad and their daughter Masya. Mom was very kind and cheerful, dad was also kind, and he was also smart and brave. Pretty Masya was very inquisitive and generous. One day they went on a journey to distant countries. They walked for a very long time and after a while they saw high mountain. The mountain was amazingly beautiful and shiny. Masya, while her parents were preparing a tent for the night, decided to climb to the top of the mountain alone. She wanted to find diamonds there. Masya was very fond of various decorations, and her mother’s birthday was approaching. Masya wanted to give her a gift; she dreamed of finding diamonds and making a beautiful necklace for her mother from them. On the way to the top, Masya noticed a cave. She entered the cave. There was a map in the cave. On the map it was written: “Whoever climbs to the top of this mountain will fall into hot water" Masya was already a pretty smart pony, so she decided to go down. She understood that climbing the mountain was dangerous. If something bad happens to her, mom and dad will be very worried and worried.
In a clearing not far from the tent, Masya saw beautiful flowers and decided to make a necklace from them. First she knitted a chain of meadow grass, and then tied several beautiful flowers to it. It turned out to be a wonderful gift.
When Masya gave her mother a necklace of flowers, her mother kissed her daughter, hugged her and thanked her for the wonderful gift. Mom was glad that Masya made such a beautiful necklace herself. Dad praised his daughter and gave mom a bouquet of daisies. The whole family was happy.

Questions for the fairy tale:

1. Did you like the fairy tale, children?
2. Tell us about your family. Have you ever traveled with your whole family? What were your impressions of the trip?

3. Did you give your parents birthday gifts? What did you give your mom? What did you give dad?
4. What gifts are nice to receive? Have you ever given homemade gifts?

Once upon a time there lived a friendly family. They were ponies, they were mother, father and their daughters called Masya. Mother was very kind and merry, father was kind, clever and brave. Pretty Masya was very curious and generous.
One day they decided to travel to faraway countries. They had been walking for a long time when suddenly they saw a high mountain. The mountain was amazingly beautiful. It was shining. It was brilliant.
Masya decided to climb up the mountain while her parents were fixing the tent. She wanted to find diamonds there. Masya liked different adornments. Moreover, her mother’s birthday was coming. Masya wanted to give her a birthday present, she dreamed of a beautiful hand-made diamond necklace for her Mum.
On her way to the top Masya noticed a cave. She entered the cave. There was a map in the cave. Masya read the following: “The one who climbs up the highest peak will fall into the hot boiling water.” Masya was quite a clever pony so she decided to follow the warning. She realized that it was dangerous to climb the mountain. “If I get in trouble, my mother and father will worry and I don’t want them to worry,” thought clever Masya.
Masya saw beautiful flowers on the glade not far from the tent, she decided to make a flower necklace for her mother. It could be a nice present.
When Masya gave mum the flower necklace, she kissed her daughter, hugged her and thanked her for a wonderful gift. Masya’s mother was glad that Masya made such a beautiful necklace herself. Dad praised his daughter and gave his wife a bouquet of chamomiles. All the family members were happy.

Fairy tale "Pony Masya and her Family"

Look! This is a pony.
- What’s your name, little pony?
- My name is Masya.
- And what is your name?
- My name is ________________. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too. How are you?
- I’m fine, thanks.
- And how are you?
- I'm great! Thank you.
Look! These are Masya’s parents – her mother and father.
Draw your family.

Answer the questions:
1) Have you got a mother?
2) Have you got a father?
3) Have you got a sister?
4) Have you got a brother?

One morning, incredible events began to happen in the Flower Pony Kingdom. Queen Alice woke up before anyone else. And as always, she rushed through the streets of her kingdom to turn the dew into magical flowers. After all, she had magical silver hooves. But after running several streets, she realized that the dew did not turn into flowers. What's happened? It turned out that her magic hooves were missing! Alice sat down in a clearing and was terribly upset: now there will be no flowers in her kingdom! And the ponies won't be flowery! Alice cried bitterly. Her tears rolled down her beautiful fur and onto the bracelet that fashionista Amelie gave Alice. The bracelet was also magical, so Amelie herself suddenly appeared next to her. - What happened, queen? - she asked worriedly. - Oh, Amelie! My magic hooves have disappeared. And now I will no longer be able to turn dew into beautiful flowers! - and Alice began to cry again. - What to do? We can't do it on our own. We need to call all our girlfriends! And the ponies galloped to the bell in the main square of the kingdom. Having called it, they met their girlfriends. The ponies quickly ran to the square, because it’s not every day that the bell rings! Alice told her friends about her trouble. All the horses sat sad and upset. They were so upset that they didn’t know what to do. And a large menacing cloud hung over the kingdom. Iris was the first to wake up. She ran to her friends - butterflies and insects. All together they went in search of magical hooves: they looked for butterflies from above, and insects on the ground. Rosie also asked her grasshopper friends to go searching. Betty and Christy ran to the castle, and Iris, Rosie, Amelie and Muse ran away different sides. They all really wanted the missing person to be found faster and life in the kingdom to get better again. By evening, everyone returned to the square, tired. But no one found the hoof! The horses became even more upset, and the cloud became even blacker. “The morning is wiser than the evening,” the queen decided. And all the horses went home. But they could not sleep for a long time, tossed and turned for a long time and worried. And at night Muse had a rather strange magical dream. Now she knew exactly what to do. True, at first no one believed her, but she was able to convince them. Work is in full swing! All conditions had to be met, as in the Muse’s dream. Christy was supposed to go visit Alice and support her. Lily was supposed to bring Alice the prepared cake. Amelie should have prepared another one for Alice magic amulet in the form of a bow. But Rosie had the most difficult task - she needed a magic song! All the ponies happily ran off to do their errands. And the cloud over the city brightened. By evening, everyone, tired but happy, gathered at Alice's castle. Everyone sat down on the large royal carpet. On the street, despite the evening, it became much lighter. Lily baked a wonderful cake, and fidgety Christy helped her set the table. Amelie made a new amulet - a beautiful bow. It was Rosie's turn to sing a new song. And she sang: In the land of Flower Ponies Little horses live, They are always cheerful: They play and sing! They respect each other and help each other. They always have fun - Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! The pony really liked the song. They sang along and Betty started dancing. The cloud became even lighter. But no more magic happened. Everyone looked at Muse in surprise. “We have not fulfilled all the conditions,” she said solemnly. “Tell me quickly what else you need,” cried the fidgety Christie. “We’re all ready,” the ponies answered in unison. And Muse continued to talk, all the horses listened to her attentively. And then they stood in a circle and grabbed each other’s hooves tightly. The cloud turned into a light cloud. “When we are together, we are invincible! Especially if they are loved by children!” - Muse cast a spell from her magical dream. It turned out that the most important thing was missing - in the collection of one girl Nastenka, one horse was missing - Queen Alice. And at that very moment, her mother gave her a new chocolate egg from the “Flower Ponies” collection. Who do you think she got? And then a miracle happened: out of nowhere, new silver hooves sparkled on Alice’s feet! How happy all the inhabitants of the kingdom were! And most of all Nastenka herself! After all, these were her favorite toys. It’s good when everything is good: both in the kingdom and in the family!

Teacher: Shapovalova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna