Hello dear reader. Almost every third message does not come with a question about how it’s going contract service for girls and women

In this connection, due to numerous requests and questions in groups from girls, about military service on a contract for women, let's look at the topic: “I’m a girl, I want to serve!”

Military service under contract for girls

So let's get started. I am a girl, I am 25 years old and I have enlisted in the Russian Armed Forces. What is needed for this?

First, you need to think and ask yourself questions such as: “Do I really want this?”, “Who do I want to serve, will I be able to complete the tasks assigned to me?” “Am I sensibly aware of my desire and my capabilities?”, “What motivates me?”, “Will I be able to go to school, go to exercises, live in the field, without the lack of a hairdryer, a normal shower and a well-equipped toilet, etc. P. etc.?”, to which you can answer sincerely to yourself.

How is the contract service of girls in the Airborne Forces carried out?

If I have decided everything for myself, and my desire to serve has not disappeared, let’s move on to the technical side of the issue.

IN Russian Federation women are not subject to general conscription and can only serve under a contract.

Hence the question “What is a contract and where is it concluded?”

According to Article 32 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” No. 53-FZ, a contract is employment contract which is concluded between a citizen (foreign citizen) and on behalf of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, another federal executive body or federal government agency, in which this Federal Law provides for military service, in writing in a standard form in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service. The contract for military service stipulates the voluntariness of a citizen (foreign citizen) entering military service, the period during which the citizen (foreign citizen) undertakes to perform military service, and the terms of the contract. The terms of the contract for military service include the obligation of a citizen (foreign citizen) to perform military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations or authorities within the period established by the contract, conscientiously fulfill all general, official and special duties of military personnel established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the right of a citizen (foreign citizen) to respect his rights and the rights of his family members, including receiving social benefits guarantees and compensations established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation defining the status of military personnel and the procedure for performing military service.

We figured out what a contract is. Now let's move on to the events that we will undergo before its conclusion.

For many, everything starts with a trip to the military commissariat or to their region. Where they explain to us that before they start working with us, we need to provide them with a relationship from the military unit. The question arises, what is attitude from a military unit and how to get it.

Relationship for contract service

The attitude is a document that is provided to you by a military unit, which confirms the fact that this military unit, or rather the unit commander, agrees to provide you with a position in a certain military specialty, within which you will undergo further tests.

Contract service for girls vacancies in 2019

To get the long-awaited attitude, you need to contact the military unit for an appointment with the unit commander. It is advisable to find out exactly what is in this military unit. After an interview with the unit commander, if he approves of your candidacy, you will be given a letter with which you apply to the Selection Point for military service under a contract in the region in which you are registered or where you have temporary registration.

According to reports from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for 2019, about 37 thousand female military personnel serve in the Armed Forces (which is about 5% of the entire army of the Russian Federation), of which 2.7 thousand officers, 890 senior officers, 25 colonels, 317 lieutenant colonels, 489 majors, 5.5 thousand warrant officers and midshipmen, 28 thousand privates, sailors, sergeants and foremen.

But in order for a woman to get a contract in the army, there must be an open vacancy in the military unit established for female military personnel. Female military personnel serve in all branches and branches of the Russian Armed Forces, but as a rule, contract girls Most often they serve in rear or medical units, or in communications and information units.

Contract service by girls in the signal troops is one of the most common professions

Requirements for applying for a contract for girls

The requirements for female candidates are exactly the same as for young men.

Let's divide them into the following categories:

  • Providing all necessary documents
  • Passing a medical examination by the candidate
  • Passing tests for professional psychological selection
  • Verification of the required minimum level of education, professional and physical training established for each candidate for a contract.
  • and at the end, the candidacy is considered by the commission of the point for the selection of citizens entering military service under the POVSK contract

Let's briefly look at some of them:

Education: not lower than full basic education, but preference is given to girls with higher professional education

Professional and psychological selection: first category - recommended first

Medical examination: category A - fit for military service;
category B - fit for military service with minor restrictions

One of the types of tests is passing physical physical fitness standards. More detailed information you will receive by studying the Manual on Physical Training - NFP

Here we will indicate the minimum requirements for passing physical fitness standards for categories of military personnel (women). It is worth noting that in each category you can choose one of the exercises.

Girls in the army are divided into two types: cadets - students entering military schools, and girls serving under contract, since conscript service in our country there is no one for girls. However, women's service is not associated with military action, except perhaps in romantic fantasies. The participation of girls on the battlefield or sending them to hot spots is prohibited, which brings the fair half straight into the frames. While the modern mouthpiece of feminism - Wonderzine magazine - complains about the injustice of laws and opportunities for women in Russian army, and also tells how girls go to serve to prove to themselves that they are nothing worse than men, I began to wonder how things really are. I was able to talk with a cadet from the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense and find out why girls join the military, whether they suffer from inequality, and who they should look up to.

Anastasia Polyakova, 23 years old
The first and last names were changed at the request of the heroine, all matches are random.

Why do girls go to serve?

First of all, girls go to serve because military education is always free. You study for free, they dress you, give you a uniform, feed you, and pay you money. A year and a half after the start of their studies, the girls will have to sign a contract for the duration of their studies and a further five years of compulsory service. Upon completion of training, girls receive the rank of lieutenant and go on to serve.

Where you will serve depends on your training profile. Among women's professions, such as military translation, economics, engineering, military medicine or logistics support are common. In the future, girls can provide linguistic activities, help men in the rear, participate in various army events, but mostly the work is “paperwork”, routine.

Military doctors can find themselves on the battlefield only in an extreme situation, during general mobilization, otherwise they will work in a unit or in a military hospital. It doesn’t sound as romantic as if women saved the wounded and dragged them under fire, but in fact the work is very responsible.
Let's say a girl serves as a company sanitary inspector, and she is responsible for ensuring that the soldiers do not catch any dangerous diseases, for example, rotavirus infection, which appears simply because someone did not wash their hands, but is transmitted very quickly. As a result, there is an epidemic in the company.

Considering how unstable the situation with employment in the civilian sphere is today, one of the key reasons going to serve for girls becomes stable workplace upon graduation.

Inequality in the army

When people tell me that girls serve equally with men, I never agree. There is no equality in the army, but there is also no inequality - that’s the paradox. Girls would rather work than serve, but at the same time, I have never encountered women being treated unworthy. There is probably army harassment somewhere, and statistics show frequent violence in mixed units, this is scary, but I don’t know about any precedents.

They treat the girls very loyally, no one is rude to them, does not humiliate them, does not spank them on the ass, does not remind them of hazing, and what can I say, they don’t even raise their voices at the girls - neither colleagues nor higher ranks.

Cadets are prohibited from communicating with female cadets. Of course, there is communication within the university and even romantic relationship between classmates, but, according to the rules, a male cadet can stand next to a female cadet, talk to her, but under no circumstances touch her. And guys follow these rules because no one wants to be reprimanded. We have the opportunity to be friends and communicate with each other, but during some joint trips. For example, once we all went to a water park, and there we could talk and touch whoever we wanted.

No one is trying to show women their place in the army. “Go to the kitchen, cook borscht”, “Why did you forget here?” - there is simply no such thing! Firstly, because a military university is a difficult place. Not a single military man, regardless of his rank, will ever allow himself to ask a female cadet such a question, because there is an unspoken rule: any cadet goes to school for his own reasons. It’s the guys in conscript service who are forced to defend their homeland with a stick, and the attitude towards them is different, they are intimidated, simply because this is what is necessary in order to achieve at least some kind of discipline.
Cadets know their duty, therefore they are valued and treated as adults and independent, regardless of gender. Of course, if a female cadet or cadet does not complete the tasks assigned to them, they may be reprimanded and told something like:

- but, you must agree, in this case we're talking about not about who is fit for what based on gender. It's the same in civilian life. If a woman doesn't do the job, she will be fired, and feminists can cry about injustice, but they will be wrong.

Women in the service are asked less, no matter what anyone says. If a female cadet did not comply with an order, she will not be punished in the same way as a man would be punished, although there is still justice.

In terms of attitude, of course, equality of rights exists, but there is an important difference: women are not sent to hot spots, they are not subjected to any deliberate danger, it seems to me that we are rather protected than humiliated in our rights.

This problem is far-fetched. Women are rarely in truly “military conditions”, not because they are of little use on the battlefield or their place is in the kitchen, but because there are many times more male soldiers, so there is not enough personnel to conduct military operations.

I think both men and women know what they're getting into when they sign a contract. This is not a question of testing one's own endurance or a desire to prove that women are cooler than men. Those who join the army for this are fools. This is a service, this is a responsibility. Our situation is like this: women work in peaceful spheres, men do the rest, women are needed at their jobs, they have enough work.

In the Russian army, of course, there are women who know how to hold weapons, who are ready to fight on an equal basis with men, such fighting women, but even they do not go to fight.

Do women achieve high status in the military?

Of course, there are command positions for women in the army. There are specialized women's units where they are trained in relevant skills; girls there also undergo a young fighter course, where they are taught to shoot, dig, put on gas masks - the basic skills necessary to survive in war. I remember the first month at university we did just that. Again, women's units are commanded by women.

We have a leader - a fighting woman, with the rank of major, so strong-willed that even the male cadets are afraid of her. As far as I know, she rose to her rank. But this does not always happen. My mother, for example, graduated from college and is now a senior lieutenant in the reserve medical service. All she has to do is come to the military registration and enlistment office, and she can be mobilized, and she will serve according to her rank somewhere in a unit or in a military hospital.

In our country there is no specialized university that would train female commanders; on the contrary, there are male ones. For example, the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School is a rather tough place. They train guys there - the future command staff. Guys study there under very strict conditions, and women are not accepted there.

During their studies, the guys live in the barracks, some have a position outside the barracks, but in most cases they are all located on the territory of the barracks. This is where they wake up, go to school, and then eat. free time, they spend the night there.

We girls live only in dormitories. There are excellent conditions here, and no one bothers us. Guys can often be stopped and reprimanded even for sheer nonsense, like lint on their uniform. No one scolds the girls or burdens them with trivial tasks. It seems to me that they are giving us a discount, because it is more difficult for a woman to get along in the army than for a man. And this is normal practice, natural philosophy. If girls do not live according to the rules, then yes, no one will feel sorry for them, otherwise they always make “indulgences.” We wear a uniform, we salute, we dress up. Nothing special happens here, you just need to tidy up and that's it.
No one from my course went AWOL, again, because they treat us loyally, and if you ask for a val, they will give it without any problems. Guys have only 2 leaves of absence per month, and some privileges can only be provided in case of excellent studies; again, it depends on the educational institution.

Girls, in principle, always study better, so we have bonuses for “good behavior.”

Women commanders

A female commander and a male commander are two different things. The head of our course is a woman.

Typically, women boss women.

They are also quite soft and loyal, the major, whom I mentioned above, is rather an exception. There is no rudeness in command, neither on the part of women nor on the part of men. This is considered bad manners, and many male commanders even think that this is unmanly, so they do not allow themselves to do too much, and if it does happen, such people are severely punished.

A female commander almost never commands a male squad, because the guys need stricter discipline. There is a different psyche and a different upbringing here. This has been the case for centuries. Perhaps a woman commander will not be perceived the same as a man. In this matter, of course, there is inequality. And in general there are not enough female command personnel in the army. One female officer can supervise three courses.

Stories about women commanders are almost fabulous.

Of the really existing high ranks among women, there is the example of Elena Georgievna Knyazeva - the only woman with the rank of major general. She is now deputy head of the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense for educational and scientific work. The woman is very beautiful, talented, responsible for educational part university. She has the authority to develop the curriculum, and for this she must be very educated and experienced. I admire her because she really knows what she's doing. In the army it is customary to be afraid of people with such a high rank, but Elena Georgievna is a surprisingly pleasant person and treats everyone very well.

Once she came to see us as a couple and so good-naturedly asked how we were doing, and whether we liked learning languages! We were shocked - she was a major general! Any cadet feels righteous awe at the sight of a general's shoulder straps. Getting caught by a general with some kind of violation is such a problem. When the general's inspection arrives, the cadets prefer to sit and keep a low profile, God forbid they get caught doing something stupid, and the generals have such a wealth of service experience that they will find something to ask you.

I also really admire Colonel Nina Vladimirovna Egorshina - also a very talented woman, smart and experienced, and a fierce feminist, it seems to me. This is another great example of a woman who has achieved high status in the military. She is the head of the department of linguistics and literature, so those who study poorly constantly have problems with her. You have to try really hard to pass her class because she is very strict and tough. Even many teachers are afraid of her, but she treats girls well and always protects them.

Attitude towards co-workers

I know that guys are treated more harshly, but you need to understand that there are cadets who approach this differently. During formation, the commander can jokingly throw his elbow into the kidney, but not out of malice, and no one considers this violence, there is no harm to health. And if the guy is reasonable, he will laugh at this situation, and the other will run to report every scratch to the colonel. Nobody likes such people in the team.

Among the girls there are also bitches or informers. This is a very rare case, but it still happens, you come across someone who runs to complain. We once had an incident during an exam when a girl was caught with an earpiece. When asked who dictated the answers to her, for a long time she did not want to confess and betray her classmate, because she knows that this will only harm her status in the team. However, when you are already caught red-handed, you have to give up. Both were punished: one was sent for a retake, and the attitude towards the other simply changed.

The question of whether a woman can serve in the armed forces or not has not been raised for a long time. Practice shows that the fair sex not only looks great in shape, but also copes well with the tasks assigned.

Today, some countries have introduced compulsory conscription for women, including Israel, Taiwan, North Korea, Benin, Malaysia. In Israel, as you know, 30% of the military personnel are women. And for them there are no concessions other than service life. Men serve there for 36 months, and ladies - 21 months. Israel's policy is clear, the number of conscripts has been increased female cast, referring to wartime. But is it worth doing this in countries where there are enough men for this profession? After all, in terms of their physical qualities, ladies will always be inferior to the stronger sex.

Let's consider this issue using the example of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. According to statistics, 10% of the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces are women. The government is not going to stop there, adopting a law on the “voluntary conscription” of women.

The equalization of the rights and responsibilities of men and women has practically reached its apogee. Today, a woman in the Russian army can make a career by receiving “star” shoulder straps and officer ranks. But why does the army need a woman, since so many men are unemployed?

In fact, unemployed men either do not want to serve, or are not qualified by education or health for this. After all, women in military service occupy certain positions that are not related to physical skills and strength. Moreover, precisely because of their mentality and character, representatives of the fairer sex cope much better with some military specialties. So the armed forces are even interested in them, because these are vital professions: doctors, signalmen, translators, cooks, economists and many others.

But in addition to personnel shortages, women in the Russian army are needed to demonstrate Russian democracy and freedom of choice. That is, despite physical differences, men and women have the same rights, and if a young girl wanted to serve the Fatherland, then she will be given such an opportunity.

Military women are no different from ordinary women; they also get married and have children. Personnel military policy does not place any restrictions in these aspects. Thus, the state receives citizens who are fulfilled in their careers and families, who will raise a patriotic generation.
Everything is clear with the interests of the state and the army. Russia, like everyone else Western countries, supports democracy and gender equality, but does not demand the impossible from women. All standards are drawn up taking into account female physiology. Teaching and practice take place under milder conditions than for men.

Wherein salaries they do not differ. It is worth noting that military salaries began to exceed almost one and a half times the salaries of civilians in the same position. This is another incentive to increase the number of women in the army.

How to join the army? Now there are two options:

  • emergency service. To do this, upon receiving a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, you must write an application for voluntary service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and undergo a medical examination;
  • contract service. You need to contact the military commissariat at your place of residence with an application for acceptance into contract service. The application will be reviewed within a month, enrollment is possible if there are vacancies. After approval, they also undergo a medical examination.

Carrying out military service, protecting and defending the Motherland has been and remains the priority of men. Although the government is taking all possible steps to equalize men and women in this matter. The beautiful half of humanity easily fit into the harsh everyday life of the army, but somehow in a completely feminine way. It is unlikely that men will entrust significant and responsible military professions to female hands.

MOSCOW, March 8 – RIA Novosti. Russian Defense Minister, Army General Sergei Shoigu, congratulating female military personnel, wives and mothers of military personnel on March 8, said that currently about 44.5 thousand women serve in the Russian Armed Forces, and more than 1.3 thousand girls are studying in educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense -cadets, about 315 thousand women work in civilian positions in the defense department.

Shoigu called this personnel a charming army.

In service of your own free will

The head of the Russian military department clarified that out of almost 44.5 thousand women who have military ranks, about four thousand are officers, 7.5 thousand are warrant officers and midshipmen. To them he added 1.3 thousand female cadets, 93% of whom are studying under the programs higher education, that is, they are preparing to replenish the officer corps. Shoigu noted that in federal government positions civil service, as well as about 315 thousand women work as employees of military units and organizations.

According to him, “this entire charming army copes with its duties perfectly”: last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin encouraged 112 women, and 10 thousand 78 representatives of an excellent part of the army and navy personnel received medals from the Ministry of Defense, including for exemplary performance of special tasks during the operation against international terrorists on the territory of Syria.

Ladies in uniform, officially called female military personnel, perform military duty voluntarily - on a contract basis - in more than 150 specialties in all branches and branches of the Russian Armed Forces. Conscript military service for them, as, for example, in the Israeli Defense Forces, is not provided for by Russian law.

Significant amount military positions women are employed in military educational institutions, communications units, medical, clothing, and food services of the Russian Armed Forces.

To date, there are 17 women in the country who have been awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Among them are pilots, intelligence officers, athletes, astronauts...

History of women's shoulder straps

The military regulations of 1716 allowed Russian women to officially be present in the army - as civilian employees in hospitals. The first female officers are believed to have appeared in the Russian imperial army during Patriotic War 1812. The most famous of them is headquarters captain Nadezhda Durova, whom contemporaries called the cavalry maiden. Then the commander of the women's infantry shock battalion of death, created in 1917, Lieutenant Maria Bochkareva, became famous in Russia.

During the Great Patriotic War, about half a million people mobilized and voluntarily joined the Red Army and Navy. Soviet women. Along with them Great Victory hundreds of thousands of partisans, underground workers, workers of hospitals and military factories were approaching.

During these years, a central women's sniper school and a separate women's reserve school were formed rifle regiment; In the active army, a separate women's volunteer rifle brigade, the 46th Guards Night Bomber, the 125th Guards Bomber, the 586th Air Defense Fighter Regiment, and a separate women's company of sailors fought.

During the Great Patriotic War, 90 women became Heroes Soviet Union. More than half of them were posthumous. The first to receive this title in 1941 after her death was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, a reconnaissance saboteur at the headquarters of the Western Front.

IN Peaceful time Cosmonauts Major General of Aviation Valentina Tereshkova and Colonel Svetlana Savitskaya (twice) were awarded the Gold Star and the Order of Lenin. A total of 95 women became Heroes of the Soviet Union, 16 - Heroes of Russia.

In vests of different shades

In the modern Russian Armed Forces there are virtually no women commanders of combat units and units. But in the military universities of the Navy, Aerospace Forces, and Airborne Forces of Russia today there are girls who are determined to command ocean and air ships in the near future, to lead landings - in a word, to be leaders on land, at sea, in the air, space and information sphere.

By the way, such diversified, competent, handsome officers are represented today, in particular, in the information support bodies of the RF Armed Forces. One of them is the chief expert of the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant Colonel Irina Kruglova.

Her military biography is closely connected with the Russian Airborne Forces. In addition to competently organizing information work, she can skillfully jump with a parachute and conduct sniper fire from almost all types small arms and, if necessary, command the Blue Berets in a combat situation. Paratrooper Kruglova at one time taught combat work to airborne snipers, then prepared students of the cadet corps for future officer service. Many men who wear epaulets with dignity are grateful to her for this science.

Today, about one and a half thousand women serve in the Russian Airborne Forces, among whom more than fifty are officers. Many of them took part in hostilities and have state awards. In the Winged Infantry, female military personnel are represented mainly in communications units and medical services.

The example of a doctor, figuratively speaking, in airborne vest- Colonel of the medical service Elena Shpak, daughter of the former commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Colonel General Georgy Shpak. She began her military service as commander of a medical platoon of the parachute regiment of the Tula Guards Airborne Division. Then, when she was a senior resident in the trauma department of the Ryazan garrison hospital, she treated those wounded in battles in the North Caucasus. Then her service continued at the Department of Emergency Conditions and Oncology of the Moscow branch of the Military Medical Academy.

In the Syrian war

Women wearing naval uniforms serve, among other things, as psychologists. Their work is most in demand where there is war. So, being the head of the center psychological work The Black Sea Fleet, captain of the third rank Svetlana Kharitonova, has repeatedly visited Syrian business trips. After that, she developed methods for organizing work in combat conditions.

During the war in Syria, Russian women in uniform also had to perform military duty, just like men. Many of them were awarded state awards, such as senior nurse of the infectious diseases department of the 35th separate airmobile medical detachment of the Russian Airborne Forces, senior sergeant Tatyana Solovyova. For exemplary performance of professional duties, she was awarded the Suvorov Medal.

There is no conscript service for girls in the Russian army, however, there are more than 300 thousand representatives of the fair sex in military service.

It is impossible to imagine the Russian Army today without representatives of the fair sex. They perform military duty in special forces units, in Marine Corps, in the motorized rifle and Arctic brigades as soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers. The law prohibits the involvement of women in guard, garrison and internal service. The participation of girls on the battlefield or sending them to hot spots is also not permitted. Today, many girls complain about the injustice of laws and inequality of opportunities for women in the Russian army. They say that girls go to serve to prove to themselves that they are no worse than men, but the main thing is that the girls are ready to give their debt to their native country.

Girls in the army can join the army in two ways. Firstly, upon enrolling in military school and receiving after its completion officer rank. Education in military schools for girls is free. Secondly, girls can join the army under contract. According to the latest official data in Armed Forces There are 326 thousand women in Russia. This figure consists of civilian personnel and those wearing shoulder straps. There are about 45 thousand women soldiers in the army.

According to statistics, today one thousand nine hundred and fifty women serve in officer positions in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Of these, twelve were at the rank of colonel, two hundred and sixty lieutenant colonels, five hundred majors, five hundred and fifty two captains, six hundred lieutenants, and several senior lieutenants. The data is quickly becoming outdated as more and more women join the military.

Every year interest in military service among girls is increasing, including the number of those serving under contract. The fair sex is most attractive in the service high level social security: a decent salary, social guarantees, the prospect of obtaining official housing, good medical care.

There are female generals in the Russian army. In 2010, Army General Tatyana Shevtsova was appointed Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation by order of the Commander-in-Chief.

Tatyana Shevtsova still serves in this position.

Elena Knyazeva – Deputy Head of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for educational and scientific work since September 25, 2012.

Elena Knyazeva acts as head of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Defense; she is a Doctor of Philology, professor, and major general.

Women today are ready to defend their Motherland on an equal basis with men. Defender's Day has become their holiday, and they receive congratulations along with the men. Girls in the service do not receive special concessions, but the girls themselves admit that they receive unofficial concessions in their service. And yet girls, even in the army, remain true to themselves, they are beautiful, responsible and faithful to duty. Girls bring new relationships to the army, where a purely male spirit has always reigned. They are changing the face of the Russian Armed Forces in the literal sense of the word. The army is becoming beautiful.

A special selection contains photographs of female cadets of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov, one of the elite military higher educational institutions. The graduation of the first set of female military personnel took place in 2013.