Goals and objectives:



Goals and objectives:
- develop emotional sphere, children's artistry;
- cultivate a sense of respect and love for parents and elders.

Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children,

To awaken in adults and children the desire to be friendly and trusting to each other.

The music hall is festively decorated with balloons.

Children of the 1st junior, 2nd junior, senior group, accompanied by musical accompaniment, enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Children from the preparatory group perform the “Polka” dance and sit down at the end of the dance.

The leader and 2 girls from the preparatory group enter the hall.

Ved: Good afternoon, dear mothers, grandmothers and everyone who came to our holiday on this autumn day - Mother's Day.

Mom is the most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.

Every last Sunday of November in Russia Mother's Day is celebrated. And our children should know about this. In this way we will cultivate in children’s hearts reverence, respect and love for their mother.

1. Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers.

This is the kindest holiday Anya

Comes to us in autumn

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the best words.

2. I love you mom, I don’t know why.
Probably because I breathe and dream.
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day, Jennet
This is why I love you, my dear.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom, you are my best friend!

Ved: Happy Mother's Day, dears!

Let this holiday be bright!

Let sorrows go away and dreams come true!

Let people all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

And now our little pupils want to congratulate you.

Children's performance 2nd junior group poems, song_

Ved: Much has been said about mothers, but this does not make the words lose their essence and their value. I would like to repeat the words of love and gratitude again and again.

(Read by children of the older group)

3. We have gathered here today,

To congratulate our mothers, Milana

Great happiness and health

We sincerely wish you!

4. Mom caresses
Mom will cheer you up. Tanya
If he scolds,
He will always forgive.

5. I’m not afraid of my mother
No villain. Aminate
There is no kinder or more beautiful
My mom!

6. I’m not being naughty today,

I'm not a prankster!

Can you guess why? Dima

Because it's a holiday!

7. Because mothers are with us

There are smiles in the hall, Karina

Because this is a holiday

All the guys like it!

8. Gentle, kind, very sweet,

Happy holiday Sasha

And cheerful and beautiful,

Happy holiday to you, mothers!

9. We are the mothers of our kind smiles

We'll put it together in a huge bouquet. Kirill

For you, dear, beloved,

We're singing a song today!

Children sing the song “Dear Mommy, I love you”

  1. Rocking us in the cradle, Mothers sang songs to us,

And now it’s time for us to sing a song for our mothers

Chorus: Children call everything in the world mom

The best, the most expensive.

  1. When we grow up, we will take care of our mother ourselves.

In the meantime, let's bring her joy with our song.

Ved: Guys, let’s play the game “Mommy”.

I will ask you questions, and you will answer in unison, “Mommy.”
- Who came to me in the morning?
- Who said “It’s time to get up!”
- Who managed to cook the porridge?
- Did you pour some tea into my cup?
-Who braided my hair?
- Who kissed me?
- Who loves laughter as a child?
-Who is the best in the world?

Ved: How friendly you all are... Well done, guys!

Mom... There are no more precious words in the world!

Whatever path you take,

Mom's love shines over her.

To help you in difficult times.

Ved: Now Kirill and Ksyusha will sing a song for you.

Baby Mammoth's Song

Ved: Guys, you know that grandmother is also father’s or mother’s mother, so today we congratulate our dear grandmothers on this wonderful day.

(read by children of the preparatory group)

  1. Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?
    Always standing by the stove,
    Who darns our clothes, Dasha
    Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
  2. Who is the tastiest person in the world?
    Kirill L. always bakes pies.
    Even dads who are more important
    And who is honored in the family?
  3. Who will sing us a song at night,
    So that we can fall asleep sweetly? Vova D.
    Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
    Well, of course - grannies!
  4. My grandmother and I

Old friends Andrey P.

How good is it?

My grandmother

Knows so many fairy tales

What can’t be counted,

And always in stock

There is a new one.

  1. And here are the grandmother's hands

It's just a treasure

Being idle for Grandma Lera

Hands don't tell

Golden, dexterous

How I love them

There are probably no others

You can't find them like that.

Ved: Our dear guests,

and now we'll play

Let's encourage our grandmothers and mothers,

May their smiles make you clear

It will make us happier!

Games with mothers and grandmothers.

  1. Game "Find your child" - 2 mothers, 5 children participate.

Target mothers are blindfolded trying to find their baby.

(dark eye masks - 2 pcs.)

  1. Game “Winders” - 2 mothers, 2 children participate. The goal is to quickly wrap the ribbon around the stick to the middle, and give each other a kiss when they meet.(sticks with ribbons - 4 pcs.) The game can be played 2-3 times
  2. Game-relay race “Cleanliness is the key to health” - 5 mothers, 5 children participate, you can different families. The goal is to collect scattered toys; each participant can take only one toy.

(2 cubes, 2 balls, 2 soft toys, 2 books, 2 plates)

  1. Game "Cargo Delivery" 4 mothers and 4 children - boys - participate.

The goal is to transport a car with a load on a string between the cones without dropping the load.(2 cars on a string, 2 cubes, 6 cones)

  1. Game “The Most Dexterous” 4 mothers and 4 girl children participate.

The goal is to carry the cube on a tennis racket without dropping it.

(2 tennis rackets, 2 dice, 2 stands)

Preparatory group performance

1. Everyone in the world loves mom,

Mom's first friend.

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around.

  1. If anything happens

If suddenly there is trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

It will always help.

  1. Mom has a lot of strength and health

Gives to all of us.

So, really, there is no

Better than our mothers.

They sing the song “My Mommy”

Ved. We all live on this earth only thanks to our mothers. It was they who raised and raised children as they are,

and, I dare say, not bad at all, since the world still exists.

Speech by kindergarten workers:

  1. Take care of your children
    Don't scold them for their pranks.
    The evil of your bad days
    Never take it out on them.
    Don't be seriously angry with them
    Even if they did something wrong,
    There is nothing more expensive than tears
    That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.
  2. If you feel tired
    I can’t cope with her,
    Well, my son will come to you
    Or your daughter will extend her hands.
    Hug them tight
    Treasure children's affection
    This is a short moment of happiness
    Hurry up to be happy.
    After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
    These golden days will flash by
    And they will leave their native hearth
    Your children have grown up.
  3. Flipping through the album
    With childhood photographs
    Remember with sadness the past
    About those days when we were together.
    How will you want
    Return again at this time
    To sing a song to them little ones,
    Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.
    And while there is children's laughter in the house,
    There's no escape from toys
    You are the happiest person in the world,
    Please take care of your childhood!

Ved. Dear guests, our holiday is already over,

What else can we say?

Let me wish you good health in parting

Don't get old, don't get sick, don't ever be sad!

Stay that young forever !

To the music, the children and their teachers leave the hall.

Holiday script for Mother's Day for children of senior preschool age

The holiday is held at the end of November. The hall is decorated with colorful balloons. On the central wall are the words “Mom, dear mother” and a vernissage of children’s drawings “Portrait of my mother”, where every mother will definitely recognize herself by the color of her hair and eyes, by her favorite jewelry and clothes.

To make sure your portraits are a success, do some preliminary work with your children: pay each child’s individual attention to the color of their eyes and hair, the length of their hair, and their mother’s favorite jewelry. Find out in a personal conversation what tender words The child would like to tell his mother what wishes he expresses. After such careful preparation, you can safely start drawing. Then beautifully frame each portrait in a frame made of colored paper. Write down your wishes on homemade cards in the shape of hearts or children's hands. Attach a postcard with your wishes next to the portrait.

At the holiday, mothers sit at tables that are placed in a checkerboard pattern on one side of the music hall. It is better to cover the tables with tablecloths and place small vases with bouquets of artificial flowers. This will help create a touching, cozy, friendly atmosphere at the holiday.

The progress of the holiday

Presenter. Mother. Each of us has our own mother, mommy... When you were just born and could not yet speak, your mother understood you without words, guessed what you wanted, where it hurt. Mom's voice cannot be confused with any other voice. He is so familiar, so dear. Mom is the giver of warmth, love and beauty.

Everything that surrounds you in this world begins with your mother.

I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know.

Probably because I live and dream,

And I rejoice in the sun and bright day,

For this, dear, I love you.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around!

I love you, mom

You are my best friend!

On the last Sunday of November, Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia. This holiday also exists in other countries of the world. Only each country has its own date for it. You say: “What about March 8?” March 8 is International Women's Day. Of course, no one canceled it. It’s just that, unlike the holiday of March 8, on Mother’s Day only mothers accept congratulations, and not all female representatives.

Well, everything is ready for the holiday!

So what are we waiting for?

We are now for mommy

Let's read our poems.

1st child.

Today we invited you,

To say loudly and amicably:

“Beloved mothers, we congratulate you

And we want to wish you happiness!

And so that the smile does not leave your face,

The guys and I will entertain you!”

2nd child.

What's the very first word?

What is the brightest word?

What's the most important word?

His little ones babble in the yard,

On the first page it is in the Primer,

It is said everywhere with a smile,

It will never be misspelled.

Whisper it quietly, say it loudly -

The cherished word of any child.

What's the very first word?

What is the brightest word?

What's the most important word?

All children. Mother!

Children perform the song “Mom”, music by J. Bourgeois, T. Pop, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Mom is the first word

The main word in our destiny.

Mom gave life

She gave the world to you and me.

It happens - on a sleepless night

Mom will slowly cry,

How is her daughter, how is her son, -

Only in the morning will mom fall asleep.

Mom is the first word

The main word in our destiny.

Mom earth and sky,

Life gave me and you.

It happens - if it happens suddenly

Your house is in trouble,

Mom, the most reliable friend,

Will always be by your side.

Mom is the first word

The main word in our destiny.

Mom gave life

She gave the world to you and me.

It happens - you will become more mature

And like a bird you will fly high,

Whoever you are, know that you are for your mother,

As before, sweet baby.

Mom is the first word

The main word in every destiny.

Mom gave life

She gave the world to me and to you!

3rd child.

To mothers, to the closest people,

Sometimes we smile sweetly,

But to say that we love them,

We don't have enough time!

M. Plyatskovsky

4th child.

She teaches us patiently

Work together and be friends,

Do everything joyfully and beautifully

And love your homeland.

This is how it is, from time to time,

I've been standing on this for a long time:

The one who loves his mother, probably

He loves his homeland.

I. Utkin

5th child.

Happy holiday today

Congratulations to mom,

I'm holding you tight by the neck

I hug my mom.

The most beautiful

My mommy!

Obedient all day

I promise to be!

E. Nezorova

Children perform the song “Mom, Mommy,” lyrics by E. Leshko, music by S. Yudina


Children are more valuable than mothers

There is no one in the world.

Sent to you by the children of the senior group

Hello dancing!

Children perform a dance chosen by the music director.


You danced great

Isn't it time for us to play?

You need to wind a thread onto a stick.

The competition “Winders” can be called.

The “Winders” competition is being held.

For the competition you will need thick wool yarn in two colors. To make it easier to see, it is better to take yarn in bright colors. Pieces of thread 5-6 meters long in two contrasting colors should be folded in half, connected together with a loop, and the ends tied to planed sticks. Thus, we get a two-color thread with sticks at the ends. 2 participants take the sticks in their hands horizontally and, on command, to cheerful music, begin to quickly and carefully wind their end of the thread onto the stick. The player who runs out of his color thread the fastest will win.

You can take a thread of the same color. Just mark the middle by tying a piece of candy. Whoever gets to the candy faster is the winner.

Presenter. The kids coped with the task very cleverly! And now mothers will show their skills.

The game is repeated, only this time mothers participate.


Moms love it very much

Pamper the kids -

Candy and toys

Buy for kids!

A child comes out with a children's umbrella and recites a poem.

Mom bought me

The umbrella is real.

Of course he is small

But brilliant.

I'll be through the puddles

Walk with an umbrella.

It'll rain and it'll be fun

Water the umbrella.

I jump through puddles,

I'm playing and having fun.

And autumn rain

I'm not afraid at all!

Several girls perform the joke dance “Walk under an umbrella.” (Using autumn festival material.)


Now it's time to return attention:

Let's continue our competition.

Moms, who is strong and dexterous here?

Show us your skills!

We have prepared this competition especially for mothers. The competition is called "Venicobol".

A competition for mothers “Venicobol” is being held.

2 mothers are participating. You need to snake the balloon between the pins using a broom and come back. The mother who completes the task faster wins.

Presenter. Look outside the window, guys... Although it’s November on the calendar, winter has already fully come into its own. Until recently, the trees under our window were in a beautiful golden outfit. And now all the elegant leaves lie under a layer of snow. What do they think about, what do they remember, lying under their fluffy blanket? How in early spring tried to hatch from dormant buds as quickly as possible? Or about how merrily they rustled under the warm summer sun? Or about how smoothly and tenderly they twirled in the autumn waltz?

Girls perform "Dance with autumn leaves" (Using autumn festival material.)


We need to continue the celebration

We will sing, dance, play.

Which one of you guys wants

Decorate your mother?

The game “Decorate Your Mom” is being played.

To play you will need hats, scarves, handbags, eye shadow, lipstick, beads, clips, combs, hairpins, etc. Several couples participate in the game: mothers with their children. Mothers sit on chairs, facing the audience. At the signal, the children begin to decorate their mother to their liking. Be sure to have napkins ready so that mothers can clean themselves up after playing, since children usually try to use everything they have in their arsenal.

Presenter. The guys tried very hard to decorate their mothers as brightly and variedly as possible. After all, every child considers his mother the most beautiful.

And the mothers all smiled,

This means that our efforts were not in vain.

To really cheer you up,

They should be invited to the Waltz.

Children invite their mothers to “Mom’s Waltz”, music and movements chosen by the musical director.


Now pay attention, kids:

I still have a game.

Now I want to know:

Who likes to help mothers?

The game “Feed Mom” is played.

For this game you will need 2 jars of yogurt, 2 teaspoons, 2 napkins.

Two couples participate. Mothers sit with their backs to each other, sideways to the audience. The child sits on a chair opposite his mother. He has a jar of yogurt and a spoon in his hands. At the signal, the children begin to carefully feed their mother. The first couple to eat the yogurt wins.


We tried today for our dear mothers,

We sang, danced, joked, laughed.

And spring has come to us in the hall,

From warm smiles, shining eyes.

1st child.

Our dear mothers,

We ourselves admit

Which of course we are not always

We behave well.

2nd child.

We often upset you

What we sometimes don’t notice.

We love you very, very much

Let's grow up kind.

And we will always try

All children. To behave!

Children perform the song “Mom will understand everything,” lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Botyarov.


Love your mothers!

Love the beautiful and the kind,

And just family, without any fuss,

Love those who are strict and harsh.

Love them just like that

Without any excuse.

Without a mother, life is nothing

And mother is the universe for us!

B. Botrini

To the song “Mama” by O. Gazmanov, children come up to their mothers, hug and kiss them, and say words of congratulations. Then, together with their mothers, they go to their group for tea.

In my opinion, Mother's Day should become a good tradition in every kindergarten. It is needed so that there is more joy and warmth in our lives, so that there is more kindness and sincerity.

When holding this holiday, you can use the song and dance repertoire prepared for autumn holidays. Don't be afraid to re-use musical numbers your children are already familiar with. The more often they repeat, the better they know; The better they know, the more opportunities there are for creativity.

(For older children)

1 presenter: Mom! The most beautiful word on earth is mom! This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. This means that all people honor and love mothers. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers, give gifts, and organize a holiday for them.

The word “Mother” also names one’s homeland. Not by chance, folk wisdom The word “mother” was placed next to another great word - “Motherland”. “Motherland” - people say and this defines the most sacred thing on earth.

There are many people living kind words about mom. They are passed on from generation to generation.

2 presenter: We welcome all mothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to our mothers.

Today you will be greeted with jokes and surprises, with songs, poems, in general, it will be fun.

1 child:

On this autumn holiday

In congratulatory telegrams

In almost every sentence

The word “mother” is repeated.

2nd child:

And then it looks like spring

Suddenly it starts to rain and wind,

Because everything is more expensive

Mothers even to grown children.

3rd child:

Only the mother is all warmth and tenderness

He will give us every last crumb,

And he will be able to love boundlessly,

And he can scold for fun.

4th child:

That's why between congratulations

Apologizing, big and small,

We ask everyone, without exception:

Be healthy! Always be a mom!

Teacher 1: And now our dear little girls will sing and dance funny ditties for our mothers!

3 girls:

In the morning to our mother, our Anya

She gave me two candies.

I barely had time to give it,

She ate them right away!

Dima polished the floor to a shine,

Prepared a vinaigrette.

Mom is looking for what to do:

There is no work!

Teacher 2: Now for you the competition is called “Mysterious”. Guess the riddles:

1) These balls are on a string

Would you like to try it on?

For every taste

In my mother's box ...(beads).

2) Mom’s ears sparkle,

They play with the colors of the rainbow.

Drops and crumbs turn silver

Decorations ...(earrings).

3) Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated all over with flowers.


Our mother has...(hat).

4) Name the dishes:

The handle pinched to the circle.

Damn bake her - nonsense

Same …(pan)

5) He has water in his belly

Lost from the heat.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly...(kettle).

6) This food is for everyone

Mom will cook for lunch.

And the ladle is right there -

Will pour into plates …(soup).

7) Dust will find and instantly swallow -

It brings cleanliness for you.

A long hose, like a trunk nose,

The rug is being cleaned... (vacuum cleaner).

8) Irons dresses and shirts,

He will iron our pockets.

He is a faithful friend on the farm -

His name is …(iron)

9) Here is the cap on the light bulb

Separates light and darkness.

Along the edges there is an openwork

This is marvelous …(shade).

10) Mom's striped animal

The saucer begged for sour cream.

And after eating it a little,

Ours will purr …(cat).

Song: “I love mommy very much.”

1 teacher: Well done! We continue our evening - congratulating our mothers. These verses are for you!

1 child:

And now the Great Holiday has come,

It's a pity it only comes once a year.

And the one who loves his mother

Everyone will definitely understand.

2nd child:

Why are flowers in the hands of passers-by?

Why are there so many postcards in stores?

There are so many people around who are not alike,

But everyone has one mother and there is no better one in the world!

3rd child:

There is an eternal word in our world,

Short, but most heartfelt.

It's beautiful and kind

It is simple and convenient,

It is sincere, beloved,

Incomparable to anything in the world:

Teacher 2: These ditties are dedicated to our mothers.

3 girls:

We are funny friends

We dance and sing

And now we will tell you,

How my mothers and I live.

Lera washed the floors,

Nastya helped

It's just a pity - mom again

I washed everything.

Dad solved the problem for me,

Helped with math.

We then decided with my mother

Something he couldn't decide.

Smoky pan

Lena cleaned with sand.

Two hours in Lenu's trough

Mommy washed it later.

1 child:

When I walk around the city with my mother,

I hold my mother's hand tightly:

Why should she go and be afraid,

What could she get lost?

2nd child:

I can’t describe how much I love you!

You are the best, I’ll say it straight out!

I want to wish you with all my heart

Love, good luck and health, mom!

3rd child:

My beloved, my dear mother!

I want to tell you how much I love you!

You are my protector, my most tender friend!

You won't find anyone better around!

4th child:

Congratulations to mommy on this glorious day!

I will choose the best gift for her!

So I want to please you with something else,

I will behave diligently and well!

5th child:

I draw a sun and give it to my mother.

Because I love mommy very much!

Congratulations on the holiday and wish her

To be happy, to laugh more cheerfully,

6th child:

So that you don’t get tired and don’t know troubles,

So that you can be the happiest person in the whole wide world!

I say thank you, my mom!

If it weren’t for you, dear, I wouldn’t exist!

Song: "My Mommy"

Teacher 2: And we continue to congratulate our mothers with poems.

1 child:

Mommy, my love, you are my dear.

The best in the world, I know for sure.

You are the only one, Mommy, so kind.

My very best mommy.

2nd child:

I feel good and comfortable next to you.

You know how to support with the right word.

You will hug me, the angels will sing to us.

I love you so much to hold your hand.

3rd child:

They are with their kindness and love

Capable of dispelling any fog.

There are no dearer mothers in the world.

There is no one more beloved than my mother.

4th child:

She is like a ray of light in the night to me.

When she is near, my heart is warmer.

Thank you for being able to teach

Everything that you yourself, dear, can do.

5th child:

Dear, beloved mother!

I say thank you

For your kindness and for your affection,

I say thank you!

6th child:

You raised me hard

I gave gifts so often,

A lot of tender and affectionate words,

You told me that often.

7th child:

I remember sometimes it happened

You scolded me sometimes

But you are my dear mother,

She always acted fairly.

8th child:

I wish you health

And a garden full of beautiful flowers,

So that you smile in bad weather,

And got rid of various obstacles!

Dance with moms. Song "Zorenki are more beautiful."


Mother's Day Contest #1. Guess the event!

Now in the slide show you will be shown photographs that depict the events. Your task is to identify the event and name those who were photographed there. And, of course, the team that guesses the most events wins. For the competition, you can use photographs from the personal archives of the class, starting in elementary school.

Mother's Day competition No. 2. Find your dear child!

One mother from each team is invited to the stage. Now parents will have to blindfolded and identify their child by touch from five options. Whoever completes the task first wins.

Mother's Day competition No. 3. You need to know them by sight

Competition for mothers. They must tell the teacher's name, patronymic and surname from the photo and what subject he teaches. For slides, you can use photographs of the director, teachers, head teachers, and you can use interesting events, a hike, class evenings, etc. Whoever gave the most correct answers wins.

Dear friends, this concludes our evening. Dear mothers! May your homes always be filled with light, warmth, kindness and love from people dear to you.

And may mother’s worries never stop you from being young, loved and happy!

Let it not be considered fiction.

I heard this from the sun:

Roses bloom in our hearts,

While the mother's heart beats.

1st Presenter. All the best to you, see you again!

The path of every person begins with the hands of the mother, who remains the dearest and closest person until the end of her days. In gratitude to all mothers for the gift of life, in 1998 a holiday appeared on the calendar - Mother's Day, celebrated on the last Sunday of November. So that children and loved ones do not forget to congratulate their dearest women, children's groups hold matinees and festive events, the decoration of which can be funny scenes about their mother.

For kindergarten

An important educational and training moment in early age is memorizing poetry. This improves speech and develops memory. Therefore, for a children's party, you should choose a small rhyming text, filled with the opportunity to express yourself in a gaming role, so that the kids find it interesting. You can collect material based on famous poems by outstanding authors: Agnia Barto, Elena Blaginina, Grigora Vieru. It is very important for the attention of the audience that the ending is unexpected and contains intrigue. The most correct thing is if the sketch about mom is funny, because positive emotions are very important.

But it must necessarily be educational in nature: not only to promote the formation of a sense of humor, but also to teach kindness, mutual assistance, and pride in one’s family. The role of the leader can be taken on by the teacher, and in senior group- the most prepared child, capable of keeping the thread of the plot, because otherwise the content will not be conveyed to the audience.


Children's sketches about mothers are widely represented in literary collections; we bring to the reader's attention the sketch "Holiday Day":

Participants: presenter, mother, father, daughter, son.

Today's holiday is Mother's Day!

But we are too lazy to sleep with our sister:

Just a ray of sunshine through the window,

We are already playing with the cat.

(A boy and a girl come to the door of the next room and listen).

The daughter says to her brother:

Mom and dad are fast asleep

And they don’t want to feed us!

We won't wake them up

We can make our own soup!

(Draws little sister into the kitchen.)

Can knead dough

And vacuum the chair!

Let's decorate the closet with flowers,

What a surprise it will be for mom!

(Children drag a vacuum cleaner, open a can of paint, and spill it on the floor. Dough is kneaded on the table, which sticks to hands, clothes, hair).

The sound of footsteps down the corridor... who is it?

We'll find out soon!

If mom, that's the problem,

We didn’t have time, as always!

Finale of the scene “Holiday”

Skits about mom and children cannot do without dad, who plays main role in the plot, which is very important:

(Dad comes in and looks in amazement at the mess in the kitchen.).

I don’t understand what happened!

I'll punish you both!

Daughter ( upset):

We wanted, don't be angry,

Surprise mommy!

Dad became sad at once

He forgot about the holiday:

Didn't buy a bouquet of flowers

No gift, no pies!

He rolled up his sleeves

I put my hands in paint,

And said…

Well, kids, let's get to work! One or two!

(Everyone gets down to business accompanied by cheerful music. Cleaning is going on quickly, breakfast is being cooked, a cake is being baked, flowers are being drawn on the closet doors, dad is running off to bed.).

Mom got up in the morning

She quietly trudged into the kitchen.

The door opened, froze...

Bah, how clean!

It smells like hot pies,

The closet is painted all over with flowers,

The cat is purring by the window...

Son and daughter:

Mom, happy holiday to you!

Mom hugs the kids

Caresses them on the head,

And quietly says:

It's a pity... dad is fast asleep!

School skits about mom: features for elementary school children

At first school life The children's leading activity is educational. The main authority is the teacher, whose opinion is more important for students than their parents. Therefore, it is advisable to use a very popular and funny humoresque:

Get up, son. The alarm clock is ringing, you'll be late for school!

Don't want. Petrov will start pestering everyone again... and start a fight!

If you don't get up, you'll be late for your first lesson.

Well, okay. Watch how Ivanov throws rags again?

Still, it’s not good to be late.

Is it good when Sidorov shoots at people with a slingshot?

Son, you can’t not go to school, because you’re... the director!

The sketch about a son and mother is a dialogue on the topic of how adults remain little children for their parents. And even the director has a caring, understanding mother, in front of whom he wants to show off, remembering his childhood.

For middle management

At a time when the teacher’s opinion is important for the student, it is necessary to remind them of the need to help the most dear women - mothers and grandmothers. This can be done with humor, using the upcoming holiday. The version in verse is interesting because it is easier to perceive and makes you think about your own behavior in similar situations, looking at yourself from the outside. “Caring Son” - a sketch about a mother. A funny story can be easily acted out by two students, since only the son and the mother returning from the store participate in it.

(Mom comes in with heavy bags in her hands.).

How many times have I asked you:

Are you not listening, mom?

No need to lift your bags

10 kilograms each.

Yes I would love advice

I got yours, son!

Can you go to the store?

Just once or twice, it’s easier!

Funny only when there is no sarcasm or disrespect for a woman-mother. The objects of ridicule are those who show indifference or ingratitude.

In high school

High school students are able to prepare a mini-play, as well as interesting miniatures, bringing their own creativity to them. They can be prepared:

  • For your peers.
  • Children from elementary school.
  • Parents and teachers.

Parents and peers need solid scenes about moms for Mother's Day. Funny dramatizations poems, for example, based on the work of E. Uspensky “Destruction”, will be appropriate for younger children. What can you play for the holiday?

"In the bar"

Three characters take part in the sketch: a guy, a girl and a mother.

(A girl is sitting at the bar at the counter. A guy is heading towards her).

Guy: Hello, baby! Are you bored?

Girl: Hello! Not without it!

Guy: Would you like me to arrange an unforgettable evening for you? Come with me?

Girl: Yes, I would be glad, but my mother strictly ordered me to return at 23:00.

Guy: Ha ha! You're not ten years old! Maybe you and your mother will still go on dates?

(Suddenly someone's hand takes young man behind the ear).

Guy: Mom? How did you end up here?

Mom: How did you end up here? You have a test tomorrow!

Guy: Mom, yes I...

Mom: March home! No excuses!

Boy ( girl): Baby, I'm sorry, I...

Mom: Home!

This scene about mom is funny because there is a lot of irony in it, through which the respect for the mother figure is emphasized.

School KVN

There are probably several KVN teams at school, between which competitions regularly take place. The topic for jokes can easily be timed to coincide with holidays, including Mother’s Day, which will expand the audience and develop the ability to notice funny situations in real life. Self-irony is one of the most important qualities of a real Kaveen player. Among the competitions in KVN are:

  • Greetings.
  • Warm-up (short jokes on the topic of playing KVN).
  • Homework using a compere.
  • A musical competition in which the lyrics of famous songs are rewritten.

In greetings, short scenes about mom would be appropriate. KVN requires sparkling jokes, so they must be short, but very capacious. As an example, we can recommend the following option:

Mother ( adult son):

You see, the son is growing up to be his mother’s assistant! She washed it, and he takes the clothes off the line!

Yeah... But it looks like it’s your assistant, it’s our laundry hanging on the line!

For adults

In a home environment during a celebration, a sketch about a mother for adults would be appropriate. It can be completely improvised and based on any humorous situation. Two options can be offered.

  • Medical examination with issuance of a conclusion. The main document will note: blooming age, universal hearing, one hundred percent vision. Each point can be deciphered with humor. Among the problems, one should note an increased pulse, indicating high level anxiety for children, their education, personal life, professional career.
  • Awarding the mother with the Order of Merit with their listing. You will need an award winner, a support group, spectators giving ovations, an assistant bringing gifts and flowers. An example would be the item: “For fostering faith in God.” As an example, phrases from life can be voiced: “Mom, you always said: “Pray, son, that this stain on your trousers will wash off!”

Impromptu skits about mom on Mother's Day are funny memories from childhood that give the holiday a special touching and warm, homely atmosphere. They can be accompanied by music that evokes the necessary associations, viewing family photographs and gift cards.

Sketch about mom: “Funny situation”

Many reprises have been published today and comic skits about the inability of mothers and grandmothers to cope with a computer. This is especially funny in the Diesel Show. It would be original to play your version about a daughter and mother. The skit changes the children’s understanding of the potential capabilities of their own parents:

(A high school daughter is sitting at the computer, her mother comes in).

I need a computer for a couple of minutes, I want to upload photos to Odnoklassniki.

(The girl reluctantly gets up from the table. The mother opens a photo album and tries to insert the photo into the drive.).

Daughter: Mom, what are you doing? These are printed photographs.

Mom: How can I reset them to Odnoklassniki?

This is done from a flash drive, do you have an electronic medium?

A small thing that looks like a lighter?

Well, yes... And to reset them, you need to go to the website. What is your login?

What is this?

Login! A code word without which it is impossible to access the site. Write it here in Latin letters. And the password.

Oh, now, I don’t remember by heart.

(He takes out a crumpled piece of paper and begins to clumsily poke at the keyboard. The daughter tries to help her, but her mother hides her note from her. The daughter waves her hand and leaves the room in annoyance.).

Mother ( puts on headphones and quickly opens Skype):

This is Arrow. Sea Wolf, are you ready? My daughter freed the computer for a couple of hours. So let's begin. Go around One-Eye on the left, and I'll blow him up on the right. Dive into the crevice and hide! Anaconda, hello! Did you send your daughter away too? Freed myself workplace? Come on, connect, go around it to the left. Ready! Know ours! Forward to the cosmodrome, in a couple of seconds flight to the neighboring planet. Let's show these Multi-Armed Vishers!

Short sketches about mom will easily fit into any festive event scenario, giving it positive mood and bringing a smile to those for whom it is held.