July 1st, 2016 , 02:07 am

Come to think of it, searching for treasure with coded notes was one of my favorite pastimes as a child! And I don’t understand why I still deprived my children of this.

Well, that is, I didn’t completely deprive him... Actually, I already used this method once, when I tried to make Maxim want to read). A STIMULUS was needed. And then I began to hide sweets from him and write notes where to look. Well, like there: “Sofa”. And somewhere on the sofa there is the next note, and so on about 7.
The clues gradually became more complex, turning into sentences and entire paragraphs.
Well, then Maxim began to read well, and the entertainment was forgotten.
Maya showed no resistance, she immediately began to read herself)))

And then suddenly in one of our establishments they began to conduct this kind of quests for children, with riddles, puzzles, etc. We went a couple of times and everyone liked it. And I thought - why am I being stupid? I can do it myself! And she got down to business.

The first treasure was looked for at friends' houses. Max and Maya (7 and 5 years old, respectively), and friends’ daughter Arisha (6) took part.
The tasks were not very difficult. And as a result, the children cracked them open in 5 minutes, we didn’t even have time to drink tea)). But everyone, of course, liked it.

The assignments were completed on the knees, in in electronic format I don’t have them, but now I’ll remember from the photo and write briefly. If it is useful to someone, I will be glad)

1. Gaps in the wrong places: POS MOTR ITEPODRA KOVI NOYVK UHNE. The children were stunned at first, but they figured it out quickly. The task is good, but one-time).
2. Mirrored phrase (there it is, above the coins). At the bottom there was a note - like look, the letters are all backwards, what object will help you read this? But there was a failure - Maxim read everything without a mirror))))
3. Anagrams: PDKZOKASA IN KLYAKSOYE. We thought it would be difficult, so we left the first and last letters. In vain)). It took about two seconds to decide)
4. Replacing letters (note at top right). "A is I, I is A." And thus the “washing machine” turns into an “aging bowl”. Also lightness, of course. But it's fun)
5. Rebus. We had “Misha’s chair” (this is Arishkin’s younger brother). Below we specifically wrote that there was no need to touch Misha, because Misha was sleeping in the crib at that time, but this did not help us)). Seeing the word “Misha”, the children immediately shouted: “Why guess, let’s just go and look near him!”))).
6. Cardano grille - my favorite from childhood). Card with holes. We put it on a piece of paper with chaotically scattered letters, and in the “windows” we see the necessary ones. The children encountered this for the first time, so we simplified the task as much as possible for them by putting the grate and the encryption itself in the same place (and even signed where it was on top). All that's left is to figure out how to combine it.
7. Ordinary riddles. We had one about an apple, and the following note was lying next to the apples in the refrigerator.
8. Cipher with simple replacement. Each of the encryptions was accompanied by a small piece of paper with a letter and number (and the note “save!”). The last task is encryption consisting of numbers.

I forgot something else). If I remember, I'll add it.
And the prize was chocolate coins and ice cream in the freezer)

To say that the children liked it is an understatement!
Max was even inspired to do a similar quest for me myself). I made several puzzles, placed signs around the house and asked to go to the store under the windows to buy me a prize with the money from the piggy bank))
Just need to work a little on the conspiracy))) “Mom, I’ll buy you ice cream.... oh, that is a prize! Did you hear what I said? Didn’t you hear? Oh, okay!”)) And “Mom, I won’t tell where's the prize, just don't look in the freezer")

I wanted to write about the next quest right away (we did it today), but I didn’t have the energy left for it, I’ll write another time. It was many times more difficult. Even too much. In fact, it is very difficult to maintain a balance and stick to the golden mean. You won’t guess what will be very easy for them and what will lead to a dead end.
I'll show you the picture, and all the details later)

The holiday scenario was still spinning in my head, and I had already sent out letters from Old Flint to future participants with the following content:

“The pirate Old Flint assembles a crew to search for treasure.

The pirate ship "Barracuda" will be moored there at 10 am! (in case of bad, rainy weather, it will not be able to go to sea and the gathering of pirates will be postponed until next week).
The first task for the pirate is to come up with a real pirate name and arrive at the meeting place at the specified time in a pirate costume.

Show Old Flint the black mark."

I wrote the letter by hand, drew a pirate flag, photocopied it in the right amount, put it in envelopes along with black marks. Black marks can be cut out of cardboard, but I made them from plasticine. The children were intrigued, counted down the days until the event and took their preparations very seriously!

When preparing a quest, the script is always based on the location of the holiday and the age of the participants. In our case, these were children 3-5 years old, most of the tasks were hidden at home and in the surrounding area.

Preparing the quest:

1. Encrypted message.

2. Key to the cipher– a note with pictures of the code and letters.

3. Colorful butterflies – 14 pieces. Butterflies of seven colors, letters are written on the back. Butterflies with letters collected in pairs form the name of seven notes. The task implies that children sort butterflies by color, see letters and add word notes: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, etc.

4. Treasure map. I tightly sealed the drawn map with cellophane, sparing no tape to seal it, and placed it in a plastic box, which I filled with water and froze. To make the card sink, I pressed it to the bottom with several pebbles. When the water froze it turned out beautifully, you could have added shells and it would have been even better!

5. Pirate Flag, hand drawn with black chalk on a sheet of A3 paper. Glued to the gate with tape (we called this place the Island of Shadows), under the flag is an envelope with a new task.

6. The inscription "Barracuda" to designate a ship. Actually, the house itself was a pirate ship, the room was a cabin, the kitchen was a galley, etc.

7. Envelopes with riddles and tasks.

8. Buy Balloons(about 10 pieces), firecrackers and a rubber spider. Kinder surprise eggs are treasures. With firecrackers, Flint excited the young pirates during the game and raised their morale :). And I put several notes with riddles in the balls. Inflated balloons They tied them higher, so that the children themselves could not reach them.

9. Find pirated songs(Pirate song from the film Pappy Longstocking and theme from the film Pirates of the Caribbean).

10. Prepare riddles about the sea,(see Attachment).

For the whole adventure we only needed one character was Pirate Flint, who played the role of presenter.


When all the children had gathered, Flint announced that the team would begin searching for treasure.

In order for the ship to set sail the sails must be raised.(We have roller blinds hanging on the veranda; they symbolized sails.) Unrolling the curtains, the kids discovered encrypted message and the main pirate explained: to read the code you need "key", he is with his girlfriend, huge spider, who is hiding somewhere in the garden.

The children went to wander around the garden and soon the spider was found. Underneath was envelope with key to solve the code.

looking for a spider

use the encryption key

The message was too long for the age of our team, and they had to be quite patient and continue to name the letters, matching them with the pictures. With the help of parents we read: “Listen to the rustling of butterflies inside the white jellyfish.”

What in our house resembled a huge white jellyfish? The children looked around in bewilderment until someone realized that it was a stole (mosquito net) hanging from the ceiling. I tied it in the middle in advance and put paper butterflies there. The kids rushed to the jellyfish, untied it and all the butterflies scattered across the bed.

jellyfish found!

Flint suggested that need to collect pairs and guess what these mean short words. When the children realized that these were notes, they were asked to find the next task where the notes were hidden - in musical instrument. In our case, it was a harmonium. The children lifted the lid and found an envelope with the next task:“Pirates are very cheerful people, dance the pirate dance together and have fun!”

sorting butterflies

we are thinking

I turned on the song, and everyone danced and jumped around.

When the children calmed down, Flint suggested select the chief mate from among the crew members in the following way:"Who knows more than all the fish and sea ​​creatures, he will be the captain’s assistant.” Everyone sat in a circle and took turns naming the fish; those who couldn’t remember anything else were eliminated. Thus, the one who had the honorable task of going to the galley and bringing a tray of watermelon for the whole team was determined.

While the pirates and their parents refreshed themselves with watermelon and sandwiches, I turned on a song from “Pirates of the Caribbean” for the background, we imagined how we were sailing on a ship, the sails were inflated, the waves were beating against the side, the sun was above the clouds, etc.

When the pirates and their parents completed this tasty task, it turned out that With reverse side tray, at the bottom, an envelope is glued! The assignment said:“Using the Thousand Devils spell, transform into a monster with eight legs, two mouths and two eyes. Only such a monster will be able to rip off the enchanted balls; inside is a new task!”

Children took turns climbing onto the shoulders of an adult and blindfolded They cut off the balls suspended high. So everyone played the role of a monster, and everyone ended up with a balloon in their hands.

Further it was necessary to burst them, to read the notes hidden inside. It turned out to be fun, they just plopped their butts on the grass and then collected the scattered pieces of paper. On small pieces of paper were riddles about the sea (see Attachment), and the next task: “Go to the Island of Shadows, where the pirate flag hangs. The island is enchanted; to get to it, build a bridge of shadows.”

The task implied that the children stood in a chain on a concrete path and outline the shadows with chalk each other, moving towards the island.

Having thus reached the gate, our pirates tore off the flag and found a new envelope with a note:"Look for a map in the country eternal ice" The kids guessed that it was a refrigerator and found a frozen card. But how to get it from there? they carried it into the sun, picked at it with forks, but to no avail!

Flint came to the rescue, he brought a bowl hot water and poured it into the box, then the ice floe melted and fell out of the box. They smashed it on the concrete path and took out a pirate map!

Using the map they determined where the treasures were hidden- in the country of “Melatia” (on the territory of the nearest swimming pool), it didn’t take long to persuade anyone - the kids happily went to the pool, where they found their well-deserved treasures under a tree, swam, refreshed themselves and went home, filled with impressions and positive emotions.”

    The location could be a park, a schoolyard, a cafe, or even a regular classroom.
    The facilitator divides the participants into teams. Each person, depending on the team, ties a ribbon of the desired color around their belt. Then the presenter distributes a map on which the locations of the clues and the most important treasure are indicated.
    The presenter explains the rules: to get a hint in finding the treasure you need to pass the test indicated on the map. But first you need to solve it. Teams simultaneously receive the first map fragment. The tests are located along the entire perimeter to the place of the hidden treasures, passing each task, the teams gradually approach the desired object.

    Hint 1.
    The map shows an island with natives. The guys must paint each other's faces like wild tribes in order to merge with the nature of the uninhabited island. A variant of pirate makeup is possible - a mustache, beard, eye patch, earring. If the team deciphers the map correctly, then a pirate song is played. Whose team is the first to paint receives the next piece of the map and a prize of one gold coin.

    Hint 2.
    She runs faster than everyone else
    Treacherous water.
    The second fragment of the map contains a drawing fast river. The boundaries of the beginning and end are indicated by ribbons. The guys from 2 teams are preparing for the start and sound signals cross the seething water stream with the help of “stones” (cardboard blanks). The winner receives the next map fragment and a prize - a coin of lost treasures.

    Hint 3.
    I really like to swim
    But I won't say a word.
    The guys are tired, they need to refresh themselves. What the sea fed the pirates with was fish. Each team chooses the luckiest fisherman. The chosen ones receive a fishing rod and begin to fish in the stormy ocean (bowl). The task is given 3 minutes; whoever caught the most catch during this time wins.

    Hint 4.
    A thunderstorm for all living creatures of the seas,
    We don't know sharper teeth.
    Not teeth - sharp knives,
    Are not you afraid? In vain... tremble!
    The ocean is infested with sharks. The presenter becomes this dangerous fish. The teams scatter, and the shark tries to catch up with its prey. On whom the presenter attaches a clothespin, that player is eliminated from the game. The fun lasts 7-10 minutes. Where there were more pirates left, that team won.

    Hint 5.
    Health, strength, agility -
    Here's a strongman's testament
    Let's show our friendship, courage
    We have no equal in the fight for the prize!

    A tug-of-war between two dashing teams, the middle is marked with a ribbon, and to the cheerful music of pirates, the competition begins. The test lasts 3-5 minutes. Whose team has become stronger and more agile receives the last clue indicating the location of the treasure.

    In nature, this could be a hollow or dense tree branches. In the room there is a closet, a table, any suitable object designated as a cave. The team that finds the prize shares it with all participating pirates. The main thing in this game is not the spirit of competition, but the ability to negotiate and share a common victory. The very fact that today it was their brave pirate crew that turned out to be stronger, faster, and more friendly will be the main prize, the feeling of which will remain for a lifetime.

Team game - traveling through stations. The stations are located in different areas of the school. At the first stage, the teams put together a map of the journey. At the second stage, in accordance with their route, the teams visit the stations one by one and carry out the tasks of the station rangers ( fairy-tale heroes), receiving a token for a correctly completed task. At the third stage, teams look for a “treasure” (sweet prize) using an encrypted note.



Travel game “In Search of Treasure”

Compiled by: teacher primary classes BOUSOSH No. 13 st. Vasyurinskaya

Volynko Galina Alekseevna

Leading: Today is an unusual day. Fate decreed that the stars in the sky aligned in a very favorable way. Today is an exceptionally good day. It involves discoveries, challenges and surprises. Do you like surprises? Do you like solving riddles? Aren't you afraid of challenges? Dear guys, today this mysterious message arrived at our camp in a hot air balloon.

I invite all children

Get on the road soon!

The path is not to Antarctica, not to Africa -

To all girls and boys!

Tests await you

Difficult tasks.

If you want to find a treasure

Hurry up and hit the road!

Understood nothing. What is this talking about? What is a "treasure"? How do you know where to go to find the treasure? There are some cards right here. Oh, what is this? They are damaged! What to do? Go with your squads and try to restore these ancient maps to find out how to find the treasure. And after breakfast, gather together for a meeting to agree on how to proceed.


Leading: Did everyone manage to restore the treasure hunt map? Are you ready to hit the road? Since you will be looking for the path to the treasure with the whole squad, what qualities will you need? Let's discuss the rules:

  1. Together, everyone should follow the course.
  2. If you arrive at the place ahead of time, then stop 10 steps and clap your hands together, warning that you have arrived.
  3. Collect as many treasure chest keys as possible and get ready for the lineup.

Routes (1 squad: 1,2,3,4; 2nd squad: 2,3,4,1; 3 squad: 3,4,1,2; 4 squad: 4,1,2,3).

Mysterious forest. (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Fairy):Hello kids: girls and boys! Why did you come here and not get dusty at all? Do you want to get the key? You need to be smart!

But the condition is this: in order to receive the task, you need to present a portrait of friendship. Here are some colorful paints for you.

Each of them is special: the pink one was named so because it has the color of a rose. What other plants give names to shades of flowers? (lilac - lilac, cherry - cherry, raspberry - raspberry, pistachio - pistachio, lemon - lemon, peach - peach, olive - olive, mustard - mustard, coffee - coffee, cornflower - cornflower, lettuce - light green, carrot - carrot).

Choose any color for yourself and, using water and a fingerprint, depict yourself as a flower in the general bouquet of friendship of the squad. (On the prepared sheets, children use their fingerprints to depict the “Bouquet of Friendship”).

I accept the pass and ask you riddles. There will be exactly 10 of them. The key will be given to you when you can guess at least 7 riddles. Choose one of the smartest people - he will voice the answer, and you give him a hint.

1-2 squad

1. Grandma Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1)

2. What time of year is it now? (summer)

3. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May)

4. Not heat, not fire, but if you take it in your hands, it will scorch. (Nettle)

5. What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

The ears are larger than the head. (Hare)

6. I thought it was a cat. He shouted: “Scram!”

It turned out to be... (Lynx)

7. How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen)

8. Which literary character owns the running shoes and the magic staff? (To Little Mook)

9. Sits on a spoon with its legs dangling. (Noodles)

10. Who drank the water and became a little goat? (Brother Ivanushka)

3-4 squad

  1. Birds flew over the site: a pigeon, a pike, two tits. How many birds are there in total?(3)
  2. List the winter months (December, January, February)
  3. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow. (teeth, tongue)
  4. In the middle of the courtyard there is a golden head. (Sunflower)
  5. She herself is a little light, but her tail is rich, from branch to branch hop-hop, nut after nut click-click. (Squirrel)
  6. What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich)
  7. What do a horseman and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)
  8. What medicine did Malvina want to give Buratino? (Castor oil)
  9. It curls around the nose, but is not easy to handle. (Smell)
  10. Who caught the pike in the fairy tale "Po pike command"? (Emelya)

Cave of Wonders (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Gnome):Hello! We are glad to see you in our cave. May good luck accompany you! You will receive the key when you say two given words.

If only you don’t go astray and support each other, help each other and all together play the game “Don’t say anything, just show with your hands.” Ready?

Don’t say anything, just show with your hands: far, high, low, wide, narrow, to the left, close, in front, behind the mountains, under water. Well done!

Now you will receive the task. Listen carefully, don't miss anything. The key will be yours if you complete the puzzle picture in 5 minutes.

(Putting together a picture from a puzzle)

Peak of Questions (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Znayka):Hello children! You've climbed high. And we didn’t even get lost! What do you need here? Have you come to us for the key?

If you act together, then you will be able to break the whole into parts and assemble it from the parts. Here's a warm-up test for you before the main task: assemble a word from letters, and stand so that you can read it (get it in your hands letters 1. – stream, 2. – victory, 3. – curtain, 4. – piggy bank).

Well done! Now I see that you will definitely not go astray. Get a task and name two keywords to get one key.

Children receive two texts and guess two words. If you have time, play the game “Broken Phone”

1 squad

An arrow flew and hit the swamp. And in this swamp someone caught her. (Princess Frog)

2 squad

  1. Oh, people don't like me. They don’t like my voice, my eyes are round and glow at night. They think that I bring trouble, but this is not true. I am of great benefit - I catch mice and preserve the harvest. Who am I? (Owl)
  2. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

I wish the evening was approaching

And the long-awaited hour has come

For me in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairytale ball. (Cinderella)

3 squad

  1. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

She approached the apple tree. The branches bowed down to her, and the apples fell towards her. She treated him strong man, and he married her. And she began to live well, without knowing the hard times. (Khavroshechka)

4 squad

  1. And everyone is afraid of me, that’s why they tell so many stories about me. They don’t like the fact that I love the dark and rest upside down. I am not like a bird or an animal, but I am not an enemy to man. Who am I? (Bat)
  2. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

Things were bad for the poor duckling. Once, in the evening, when the sun was still shining in the sky, a whole flock of beautiful big birds, the duckling has never seen such beautiful ones: all white as snow, with long, flexible necks.

These were swans. (Ugly duck)

Treasure Island (10 min.)

Station Master (Pirate):Greetings, friends. I'm very glad to see you. Well, answer in unison, don’t be silent, what do you want to get? I’m ready to give you the key and tell you the task. But first, don’t be lazy, bring me some water. You see there - in the distance bucket costs? You will be distributed in a chain, and, passing drop by drop, transfer all the water to second bucket (In the bucket lid. They need to be passed along the chain and put into another bucket) Well, you did the job, now use these droplets to add 1st squad - ship, 2nd squad - car, 3rd squad - plane, 4th squad - helicopter.

Now you will receive the task. I have a wonderful bag in my hands. There are wonderful objects inside it. Guess which ones literary works They? For three correct answers you will receive a key. (Two packages - each contains a set of itemsfor one squad. One person answers, others help him.)

1-2 squad – shoe, arrow, mirror, telephone(“Cinderella”, “The Frog Princess”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess ...” or “The Mirror and the Monkey”, “Telephone”)

3-4 squad – soap, saucer, needle, thermometer(“Moidodyr”, “ The Scarlet Flower"or "Fedorino's grief", "Koschei the Immortal" or "Vaselisa the Wise", "Doctor Aibolit")


Leading: You have walked all the way along the map, and you have found a wonderful treasure. Didn't find it? The head of our camp will help you, and you will help her. Beginning camps are blindfolded and a box with certificates is brought in. Tell the boss where to go to get to the box. And now the head of our camp will present you with your well-deserved awards.


Leading: Where is the treasure? Let's see if there's anything else hidden inside? One, two, three, open the door! It's empty here! What a disappointment! Wait, I see a note: If you want to find the treasure, hit the road again. Shall we get the treasure? Forward without fear and doubt! Go, search and come back. (The notes are written on paper of different colors for the units, the first is issued, the second is hidden)

1 squad : Go out into the yard to the birch tree. Take 20 steps to the gate.

1 squad : Look for your treasure from the good fairy of all school textbooks.

2 squad : Go to the place where the muscles are pumped. Take 10 steps towards the stairs.

2 squad : Look for your treasure from the mistress with all the products of the school.

3 squad : Go to the place of honor in the school. From the highest place, take 10 steps to the left.

3 squad : Look for your treasure from the fairies of purity in the school.

4th squad: Go out onto the platform to the chestnut tree. Take 20 steps to the left.

4th squad: Look for your treasure from the biggest leader of the camp.


Well, here you are!

I'm glad you found the treasure!

Everyone is just great!

The journey is over.

Was it easy for you to cope with the search? How did you manage to overcome all the obstacles along the way?

Show your level of participation with applause. The harder you tried, the louder you clap! 1 squad!, 2!, 3!, 4! Well done!

GAME “In Search of Treasure”

Entertainment and gaming event

Target: training in collective interaction in the game.


Developing children’s ability to interact with each other in a relaxed play environment;

Expanding knowledge in the field of physical education and health;

Aesthetic education;

Formation of positive emotions;

Development of motor activity.

Equipment: travel map, two types of cards, chairs, 2 balls, balloons, pillows, napkins, 2 scarves, treasure (sweets), 2 bananas, 2 apples, mock-ups of fruits and vegetables, mushrooms (magnets)).

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment

Game "Rain"

Dear Guys! Look at the sky (you can look at the ceiling too)! Do you see what clouds are hanging over us?! Now it's going to rain! It's already fallen...

One drop (everyone slaps the palm with one finger).

Two drops (everyone slaps the palm with two fingers).

Three drops (all clap on the palm with three fingers).

Four drops (all clap the palm with four fingers).

A torrential downpour began (everyone claps their hands).

And the “star rain” began to fall (stormy standing applause).

Then everything is repeated in reverse order and silence falls (the rain stops).

Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

Guys, today we will go on a journey through the Smurf village in search of treasure. There live little people who call themselves Smurfs. They have a treasure hidden in their village, but to get it we must go through the entire village and at each stop the Smurfs will ask us to complete some task. Only after passing all the obstacles will it be possible to get the treasure.

So, in front of us is a map of the village, where arrows indicate the direction of movement and at each stop a letter with a task awaits us.

Let's begin our journey.


The Smurfs want to know what you know about health and sports?

Quiz questions:

1. What, according to the famous slogan, is the key to health? (purity)

2.What kind of people are called walruses? (Those who swim in the ice hole in winter)

3.Bone back,
There are bristles on the abdomen,
Jumped along the picket fence,
All the dirt was swept away.
Guess the riddle and your mouth will be fine! (Toothbrush)
4. "Hockey - puck, football - ball, bandminton - ..."
Continue the logical chain. (shuttlecock)

6. A game in which the ball can be picked up with your hands and thrown into a basket (basketball).

7. A game where the ball is hit with a racket (tennis).

8. Rhythmic or sports (gymnastics).

9.Playing with a ball in the water (water polo).

10. “Queen” of sports: light and heavy (athletics).

11.Playing with a puck (hockey).

12.A game played with a stick on the grass (field hockey).

3. Ball game “Fruit, vegetable or berry?”

Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and says one of the words: “Vegetable”, “Berry” or “Fruit”. The child, having caught the ball, quickly names a familiar vegetable, berry or fruit accordingly. Who makes a mistake leaves the game.

4. Harvest

Collect crops (magnets) blindfolded. 2 people.

5. Hunter

The Smurfs want you to make them laugh and play with them.

Playing with children

The hunter got ready to hunt.

He put on his hat and boots, took his gun and

walked along the road (stomp their feet.)

then along the sand,

Rub palm against palm.

along the logs across the bridge,

They hit the chest with their fists.

through the swamp from hummock to hummock,

They clap their hands.

along the path.

They slap their knees.

Tired. “Uffff!” He sat down on a stump, looked around, saw a bear behind a bush, got scared and ran back.

Along the path

They slap their knees.

through the swamp from hummock to hummock,

They clap their hands.

along the logs across the bridge,

They hit the chest with their fists.

then along the sand,

Rub palm against palm.

walked along the road.

They stomp their feet.

He ran home, took off his boots, hat, and gun. Tired. “Uffff!”, I told my wife how I went

on the way to,

They stomp their feet.

then along the sand,

Rub palm against palm.

along the logs across the bridge,

They hit the chest with their fists.

through the swamp from hummock to hummock,

They clap their hands.

along the path.

They slap their knees.

If the players are not tired, the game can be continued further: The wife decided to gossip with her neighbor: “But mine was hunting a bear!” and so on.

And the little son overheard, came to his friends and said: “And my dad went hunting!”

At the same time, the pace of the game can be increased. The main thing is not to get lost yourself, and so that the players don’t get lost.

6. Magic bag

The bag contains vegetables and fruits. Task: determine by touch what you have collected.

7.Feed a friend

Now you need to eat what you collected. 2 people

Blindfolded, feed each other apples.

8. Fairy tale “Turnip”

We need to tell the Smurfs a fairy tale.


Seven volunteers from the audience are invited to the stage. Their task is, under the guidance of a presenter, to depict a fairy tale about a turnip. Roles are distributed among the seven, each character receives a phrase and movement characteristic of him.


- And here I am! — shows the tops with his hands above his head.


- Tack-tack-tack! - rubs his hands.


- I would have left! - shakes his fist.


- I'm ready! - cutesy.


- Woof woof woof! - barks towards the cat.


“Well, bark at me, bark...” purring.


- What do you need? - rude.

9. Game for attention

Host: Guys, now I’ll call various items, if they fly, you must say in chorus: “They fly, they fly...”. At the same time, you show the flight of hand movements. If things don't fly, stay silent.



















10. Competitions Two teams


Ball between foreheads

Pillow fight


Clothes rope

11. Summing up. Treasure


12. Reflection.


Do you know what an observatory is? Would you like to visit there? Yes? Well, then let's go (stomp). We come to the observatory, and there are beautiful curtains, we open them like this: Zipper, zipper (we show it at the same time). They pulled it apart, and there was a telescope. We move it like this: U-o-o. We looked into it, nothing was visible. The glass is dirty. We take a cloth and wipe it: sh - sh - sh. We looked, still nothing was visible, we didn’t adjust the focus. We lean forward, put our right hand to our temple, close our right eye and do this: bzy - y-y, bzy - y - y. And everyone saw the star: oh-oh-oh. And many, many stars: chpok, chpok, chpok. And there are comets flying there: fallen ones; meteorites: vysh. Herds of flying saucers fly by: hoo-hoo. And there is a huge Mir station: oh-ho-ho. And a little astronaut falls out of there: ooh-ooh (sad). And he is immediately saved by an alien ambulance: fau-fau-fau. And she brought him to earth: wow. An astronaut (a player from the audience) comes out and says: “Who is meeting me here?” All in chorus: “We.” He asks: “What are you doing here?” We answer: “We’re playing at the observatory, do you want to join us?” (The game continues until he says no). The game progresses from simple to complex, adding movement each time."Observatory"

Presenter: “In order to observe the stars, the astronomer must open the dome of the observatory.”

The players spread their arms, bent at the elbows, in front of their faces, in different sides: “Whack - whack.”

Presenter: We extend the telescope.

The players stretch their necks forward, their hands remain in the same position: “Oooh!”

Presenter: “We wipe the lens with a soft cloth.”

Players: make rotating movements in front of the face: “Shikh - shikh - shikh.”

Presenter: We aim at the target.

Players: Right hand imitate the rotation of a flywheel, the body turns first to the right, then to the left: “Z-z-z-z.”

Presenter: “Look through the eyepiece.”

Players: look into the ring formed by the thumb and index fingers: “O-o-o-o.”

Host: “And there the stars light up.”

Players: open their palms in front of them, alternately with their right and left hands: “Chpok - chpok - chpok.”

Presenter: “Asteroids are flying, comets are rushing by.”

Players: wave their right and left hands: “Bzh - zh - zh. Three!"

Presenter: “A snowstorm is flying.”

Players: arms spread to the sides, swaying smoothly: “Sh-sh-sh-sh.”

Presenter: “The astronaut fell out of the hatch.”

Players: They fall on their sides, groaning: “Ah-ah-ah.”

Presenter: “Flying saucers are flying in schools.”

Players: Make rotational movements near the shoulders with their index fingers: “Ulu-lu-lu-lu.”

Presenter: “Meteorites are falling. There was a meteor shower."

Players: Applod "They fly, they fly"