Hi all. In this article you will find the most beautiful juicy and bright pictures of flowers with captions for loved ones. I collected better photo colors and designed them in the form of postcards with inscriptions about your feelings - For you... I love you... I kiss you... I think about you... You are the best... You are tenderness... You are a miracle... I can’t forget about you... You can find a picture with flowers that accurately conveys your feelings. Postcards Suitable for both girls and boys. You will also choose a postcard for your friend (with the inscription, You are the best, For you). A man will find here many pictures with inscriptions for his beloved woman and girl. Beautiful luxurious bouquets tulips and roses. Red juicy roses and delicate pink and tea roses. Tulips in bouquets and just in the garden, tight buds and open flower cups. You can send delicate spring flowers (crocuses, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, daffodils) to your loved ones in the spring. Flowering twigs apple trees, cherries, sakura - the most beautiful photos V good quality.

You will find bouquets with a signature for your birthday in a separate article.

Beautiful flowers ROSES

Pictures with wishes.

Signed postcards of beautiful flowers red roses for your Beloved or Beloved. Luxurious red flowers with excellent quality pictures. Roses with drops of water from the rain.

Beautiful photo with red roses and the inscription For You.

Luxurious bouquet Red roses. For the woman who captured your heart.

Delicate pink roses – pictures with inscriptions for a girl or friend. Beautiful bouquets of roses.

Tea roses with delicate peach shades. Pictures in good quality for cards and congratulations. Pictures do not need to be downloaded. Simply copy and paste into your online message.

Beautiful bouquets of roses. The best card for your Beloved. Delicate flowers in bouquets.

Luxurious bouquet of roses. Closed tight buds will soon bloom with a smile on your girlfriend's face.

Pictures of BEAUTIFUL flowers
TULIPS for your beloved.

Luxurious elite flowers – tulips of expensive varieties. Bright rich colors photos in good quality. A lush bouquet of tulips, a picture that will put your girlfriend in the mood.

Delicate bouquet of light tulip flowers. Pastel shades are like the first tremulous feelings.

Declaration of love. Words of love for a good deed done by your colleague. The word “Love” can only say good things. Give joy for the whole day. Beautiful color tulips with love.

A bright large bouquet of tulips is a lush picture with beautiful flowers.

Sunny spring picture with tulip flowers. Beautiful card flowers for my beloved girl. Tender feelings and confessions.

Declaration of love. Pictures with tulip flowers with the inscription “At your feet, Goddess.”

Beautiful flowers PEONIES

PICTURES with wishes.

In Japan, the peony is a royal flower. This is the symbol of the country. Beautiful flowers in pictures with meaning. Convey your feelings through flowers, they can convey the music of your heart.

Thoughts and feelings, desires and desire to be close.
Beautiful flowers for the only one in my heart.

You're the girl of my dream. These beautiful flowers are for you.

Your gentle look and light breathing.
Like the scent of flowers on an early spring morning.

Beautiful flowers pictures


The first delicate flowers - snowdrops - will beautifully tell about your feelings. Fragrant May lilies of the valley. Beautiful spring picture with flowers.

Blue crocuses are BEAUTIFUL spring flowers. Subtle work of nature. Delicate sophistication of the petals. Fragile beauty that is stronger than cold. How love is stronger than cold arguments of reason.

Tenderness, trustfulness and openness. These beautiful pictures with flowers will convey your feelings.

The spring sun gives warm feelings. You will be able to convey your faith in a good future.
Give these delicate pictures with flowers to your loved one. Let the beautiful flowers tell her about spring outside the gray office window.

Spring beautiful flowers daffodils and forget-me-nots.

Lots of pictures with beautiful flowers and wishes of love - now you have the opportunity to talk about your feelings every day. Send one picture per day to your loved one. Let every day a moment of warmth and happiness illuminate your relationship.
Beautiful flowers are your ticket to beautiful life . Where life is brighter and luckier, where you believe in yourself and “in you”. Where you are always together.

Beautiful luxurious lush bouquets in pictures - there are many more on our website.
Give each other beautiful flowers.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Almost every corner of our planet is filled with exotic wild or “domesticated” ones, differing from each other in their unique appearance, aroma and characteristic species characteristics. In this material you can get acquainted with the best of them by viewing a specially created flower selection.

Perennial plant of the Ranunculaceae family. , also known as columbine, orlik or dove, grows primarily in the mountainous regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
Externally, it is an overgrown tall shrub with openwork trifoliate leaves impenetrable to moisture. Even with heavy rainfall, water only flows down the stem in large drops. Snow-white (blue, pink) large (up to 8 cm) mostly grow singly, and sometimes in panicles.

Important! This flower itself is not poisonous and is often used in various landscape compositions nowadays, but a tincture of its seeds can be harmful to pregnant women. In the Middle Ages, a recipe for such poison was used to cause miscarriage.

Alstroemeria is a showy tuberous herbaceous perennial native to the Chilean and Peruvian mountains.
In the wild, the stem stretches only up to 60 cm, but cultivated varieties and hybrids can boast a two-meter growth. The main advantage of the plant is its small flowers of various shades (white, purple, pink, red, orange) with strange striped speckles on the inner surface of the petals.

Sun-loving begonia is a frequent inhabitant of home flower beds. The brightness of its color palette will decorate any area, and the long flowering period and ease of care make the plant desirable for any gardener.
A compact shrub, as a rule, does not exceed 25 cm, has green (purple) broadly oval leaves, serrated along the edges. The small flowers, collected in panicles, can be pink to red, purple and orange. The geography of settlement is wide: Africa, America (South) and the tropics of Asia.

A tall, sun-stretched flower (bromeliad family) comes from the American tropics.
A spike (or funnel) of a bright, stretching inflorescence crowns a peduncle. The flowers are replaced by rather large berries, including fused fruits. The large, light green leaves grow linearly, revealing tight spikes of rich yellow or bright red flowers at the top.

Interesting for its simplicity. Its relatively small sky blue or intense sapphire flowers can decorate any flower bed.
The culture belongs to the Podorozhnikov family and is characterized by spike-shaped or umbrella-shaped inflorescences of very small flowers with a pair of stamens and thick, short, branched roots.


(Astrov family) arrived from Mexico. Easily recognized by their feathery leaves, erect stems and gorgeous variety of flowers: there are more than 15 thousand varieties of dahlias.
Some are only 30 cm high, while others grow 4 times higher. They also differ in the size and shape of the buds: up to 10 cm in diameter (the smallest), from 10 to 25 cm (small, medium and large), more than 25 cm (these are giants).
Shapes: spherical, peony-shaped, animon-shaped, collar-shaped, cactus and terry.

The flower received its name in honor of the mythical youth Hyacinth, wounded by the wind god Zephyr. From the spilled blood and grew amazingly beautiful flower. It is known that back in the 18th century it was brought to European countries from the Mediterranean, and a little later its varieties were discovered in Asian countries.
Hyacinth belongs to the Asparagus family, its stem and peduncle are short and massive, the foliage is elongated, fleshy and linear. The bud (funnel or bell) deserves attention - a tall peduncle strewn with paniculate flowers, shimmering in a huge number of shades of the solar spectrum.

This delicate flower grows in shrub (up to 3 m in height) and liana forms, mainly in Indonesia, China, Korea and Japan, and is also found on the American continent (about 80 species are known in total). It is very popular among gardeners all over the world.
The color range is striking in its diversity: hydrangea comes in white and cream, pink and dark purple, blue and red. The inflorescences have the shape of a ball, umbrella or panicle.
The fruit is a capsule with small seeds divided into 2-5 chambers. For its name, the flower could thank Princess Hortense, the sister of Prince of the Roman Empire Karl-Heinrich of Nassau.

It has the accompanying touching name “broken heart” and attracts worldwide attention, first of all, with the pink open hearts of its buds. Its homeland is the northern regions of Eastern China and the Korean Peninsula. The height of the bush is up to 1 m. The flowers are large, up to 3 cm in diameter, with long, wide stamens, the leaves are openwork, bluish-green.

Exotic kadupul is extremely rare; it is impossible to acquire it, no matter what financial capabilities a person has. The flower grows hidden in the wild nature of the state of Sri Lanka and has serious spiritual significance in Buddhist culture.
The rare plant is considered a cactus, characterized by very thin, bird-feather-like, snow-white petals and a strangely incomprehensible aroma that is clearly audible during the peak flowering period. The main feature of the kadupul is its transient flowering, which begins at 11 pm and is completely completed by midnight. Once cut, the flower can live for only a few hours.

Did you know? There are many cases in the world of using flowers in cooking as main or additional ingredients. For example, the British and French crumble the buds into a salad, and the leaves act as a dressing for soup. In Mexico, dahlia tubers are prepared and eaten, in China, lotus bulbs are made into flour, and in Japan, gourmet delicacies are decorated with petals. In our area, people happily add young leaves to salads and replace the plants with boiled rhizomes.

There are about 50, differing from each other in various shades. The main distribution is Central and South America.
Unusual appearance The plants are captivated by the exotic buds, similar to large ears, and also painted with bright yellow or rich burgundy color. The leaves “look” at each other on short cuttings. In South American countries, canna tubers, which resemble in taste, are eaten.

Calla lilies are from the flowering family Araceae from South Africa. The upright, long stem has a powerful root in the shape of a tuber, and in the above-ground part (below) there are elongated, wide leaves.
Delicate satin buds are the main value of this flower. Curious are the bracts, which are sometimes called spathes for their ability to curl into funnels and decorate the ears of small buds. The colors of calla lilies are not only snow-white; there are yellow, purple and red buds.

The first name comes from the Greek word kroke - “thread”, the second, saffron, from the Arabic “zepheran” (“yellow”). Crocus stigmas really look like threads; after drying, they are used both as an exquisite color and as a strong dye.
Two dozen species of crocus are included in the Kasatikov family. Stones of the Caucasus, Crimea, Central Asia and the Mediterranean adopted crocus from India in ancient times. These flowers do not have an aboveground stem. The inflorescences are quite large, directed upward. Goblet-shaped and funnel-shaped buds each have six petals emerging directly from the corm.
The blossoming stars or cups of flowers have a variety of cheerful colors: pink, lilac, orange, yellow and white.

The evergreen lavender shrub belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of the flower.
There are about 25 species in the world, differing significantly from each other in their height (from 25 cm to 2 m). The image that is familiar to everyone is a spherical lavender with numerous branches, a taproot and tetrahedral flowers with a pointed internode.
Shades of inflorescences: from snow-white to pale blue, lilac or violet.

The herbaceous one is scientifically called Convallaria majalis. Soft stems remain persistent only until flowering ends, and then die.
Beautiful bell-shaped inflorescences scatter abundantly along the green stem (from 6 to 20 pieces) and delight foresters (and not only them) with their delicate white-pink color. The spring plant is widespread throughout Russia, as well as in the temperate zones of Eurasia, North America and the Caucasus.

An evergreen shrub with numerous flowers collected in inflorescences, the color of which varies depending on the degree of their maturation: there is a smooth transition from yellow to pink, from pink to purple, and also from red to orange.
Widely distributed in South and Central America (especially in Colombia and Venezuela). Considered by many to be an ordinary weed, lantana is extraordinarily beautiful. The shrub grows up to one and a half meters. Its foliage contains medicinal essential oils.

A herbaceous perennial from the Lotus family grows mainly in Asia and Africa. The surfaces of the petals and leaves of the large water lily are waxed, do not absorb moisture and do not sink.
There are also underwater and standing leaves. White, yellow, cream, pink flowers, held on a powerful rhizome, grow up to 30 cm (in diameter). A blooming, open lotus bud always seems to be looking at the sun. Because of this, and also because the lotus is successfully used by the people as a medicinal and culinary remedy, it has earned the fame of a sacred plant in a number of traditional cultures.

Did you know? The religious meanings of the lotus are many-sided: life, rebirth, purity, oblivion, peace, fertility, the interaction of the male and female principles.

Unlike other listed flower species, magnolia inflorescences are not located on stems, but on an evergreen, ancient (by scientists' standards) beautiful tree or a very large shrub. The southern states of the United States are considered the homeland of magnolias, where they are found in large quantities.
The appearance parameters of the tall (15-18 m) flower tree are beautiful:

  • evergreen, oval foliage, with specimens up to 17 cm, and the back side is fleecy to the touch;
  • white or pink flowers with a strong fragrant aroma.

Dendrobium orchid

This orchid differs significantly from other plants of the family - in the shape and color of the flowers, growth, and structural features. Most often it grows up to half a meter; there are also individual specimens twice as tall.
A cylindrical stem with leaves arranged alternately, peduncles growing from the axils, containing from 1 to 4 flowers. The buds are one-color, two-color and even three-color and can open in a variety of shades: pink, yellow, orange, white, lilac. The orchid grows in India, Sri Lanka, Southern Japan, the Polynesian Islands and Eastern Australia.

This orchid was named after its breeders. For one flower, his fans are willing to pay from 170 to 200 thousand euros. This is due to both the rarity of the orchid and the history of its creation, as well as the complexity of growing and in an exotic way. It is also interesting for the intervals between flowering - every 4-5 years.

Petunia black

The unusual petunia was developed by the British in 2010. This is an elegant, strong plant with strong, upward growing stems.
The dense bush is completely covered with velvety black flowers, creating a certain mystical atmosphere in any garden design.

The Germans call this unique creature the “sun hat,” the Americans call it “black-eyed Suzanne,” and the Ukrainians call it “the ox’s eye.”
The main decoration of the flower is a 15-centimeter basket of lush inflorescence, which can be colored yellow and orange, brown and black. Blooms all summer months and September. Large bright flowers very solemn in any garden composition.

There are few such flowers of South African origin in nature - only five species. The discoverers of the flower were the British in the second half of the 18th century, who gave it maiden name King George III's wife Charlotte, née von Strelitz.
In its homeland, the plant is known as the “crane flower”, in other countries - as the “bird of paradise”: because of the unusual inflorescences that resemble the heads of small birds with bright crests - white-blue, fiery orange or deep yellow. Strelitzia has no stem; large (40 cm) oval leaves (in the form of rosettes) grow directly from the root. The petiole that replaces the stem is tall and strong.

Cymbidium red

This is an evergreen plant that lives wild in northern Australia and the Asian subtropics, from the Orchid family. It usually grows on trees, sometimes on soil or stones. It reaches a height of up to 70 cm, blooms in winter and retains its peduncle for many months.
Externally, it is exotic and elegant, like all types of orchids: linear leaves of bright green color end with a blunt or rounded edge. Leathery foliage with a smooth surface is 30-90 cm in length. A thin peduncle extends from the center of the leaf rosette, which is framed on top by a loose brush dotted with a large number of waxy scarlet flowers (from 10 to 30).

5 once already

All people love flowers, and this is not surprising, because they are beautiful and smell nice and, moreover, they can be used to decorate the interior of your own home. Any flower shop boasts a wide variety of types of flowers, but in none of them you will find the flowers that we will tell you about below. The most beautiful and unusual flowers from different parts of the world are waiting for you further. And let even white roses turn red with shame.

Tricyrtis or toad lily

This flower grows in Japan and looks more like starfish than a plant.

Grouse (Fritillaria)

Fritillaria is Latin for dice box and is also known as chess flower.


These flowers are also known as lady's slippers due to the yellow protruding petal

Ghost orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii)

IN this moment are on the verge of extinction, grows in American state Florida, also in Cuba and the Bahamas

Strongylodon macrocarpal

These turquoise plants are relatives of peas and beans and are native to the Philippines.

Passion flower meat red

There are many types of flowers belonging to this family that can be found throughout the Americas and Asia. Such flowers can be seen during the flowering of passion fruit and are very popular with hummingbirds.


Despite all of mine. beauty, these are very highly toxic flowers that can easily put a person into a severe state of delirium, even death. These flowers were once widely used as poison in Europe and Asia.


Some of the most stylish colors

Platycodon grandiflora

Also known as flower" balloon". Native to eastern Asia and sometimes used as an ingredient in salads

Ginger Beehive (Zingiber spectabile)

Fantastic flowers, reminiscent of a beehive, can reach up to 4.5 m in height.

Flying duck orchid

Guess why this flower got its name

Chinese lantern (Abutilon × hybridum)

There are many beautiful flowers in this family, but this is the most striking

Amorphophallus titanica

This beautiful flower is also known by its not so beautiful name - "corpse flower" because when flowering it emits the smell of rotting meat to attract carrion-eating animals and insects for pollination


In fact, these red “lips” are not a flower, they only protect the flower that is inside them. Grows in Central and South America

White Heron Orchid (Pecteilis radiata)

This orchid, native to Central and East Asia and resembles a fluffy white bird

Takka Chantrier or "black bat"

A flower very reminiscent of a large black bat, can be found in Southeast Asia. Thanks to its "Gothic" color scheme, this flower tends to stay away from sunny colors

Holy Spirit Orchid (Peristeria elata)

Not to be confused with the ghost orchid, this flower grows in Central America and is also called the dove orchid (also try to guess why)

Sporting flowers

Botanists call this phenomenon "sporting," which refers to the spontaneous mutation of one part of a plant.

Trichosanth serpentine

This lacy flower with snake-like fruits is native to South Asia, but can be found in warm regions Worldwide. Its fruits and greens are edible

Orchid "naked man" (Orchis italica)

You can immediately see the reason for this unusual name flower

Hoya (Wax Ivy)

Little flowers look like candy

Pink moth orchid (Phalaenopsis)

A bright orchid that looks like a bird in flight

Monkey orchid (Dracula simia)

An orchid whose flower is very reminiscent of a sad monkey :(

Japanese camellia (Camellia Japonica)

This flower may seem completely ordinary in shape and color to you, but all its unusualness lies in the spiral flowering of the petals and the fact that it grows at an altitude of more than 300 meters and blooms only in cold weather


These plants bloom very rarely, and only at night. They are extremely sensitive.

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum)

After snapdragons bloom, they leave behind seed pods that look a lot like little skulls.

The most beautiful flowers in the world make up an impressive list, which includes specimens from all corners of the Earth. Some varieties are not exactly flowers in the usual sense and have sizes comparable to the height of a small tree. Some delight the eye for a whole season, while others exist for a few hours. Among them there are those that leave an indelible impression forever. Many gardeners around the world dream of growing them on their plots, but this is not always possible.

Rafflesias bloom for no more than 4 days and attract flies with their “aroma”

Rafflesia grows in tropical forests and not suitable for home breeding. Numerous attempts to obtain it in a greenhouse almost always ended unsuccessfully.

During flowering, the amorphophallus ear heats up to 40°C

Another name is “devil’s tongue.” Once upon a time it could easily be found in the sultry forests of Indonesia, today it is a real rarity. The plant can grow up to 2.5 m in height and weigh more than 50 kg. This beauty is fragrant with “aroma” rotten fish, which in combination with its gigantic size makes it impossible to grow amorphophallus in a summer cottage. And such flowers do not grow in climatic conditions Russian Federation, therefore, to see the “devil’s language”, you will have to go, for example, to Sumatra.

The lifespan of amorphophallus titanica is 40 years, but during this time it blooms only 3 or 4 times.

Due to its African origin, gazania is particularly resistant to drought.

The South African “treasure flower” amazes with its graphic design on its petals. Its second name is “flower of the sun”, it explains that the beauty of the plant can be fully appreciated only on a bright afternoon. At other times the inflorescences are closed.

Gazania is successfully bred in Russian latitudes. This is not difficult if you first grow seedlings from seeds. When choosing a place for gazania in a flower garden, you should pay attention to an open sunny area with light soil.

Rainbow roses are a modern popular “antidepressant” in the world of flowers

This is the result of the work of professional flower growers, the meaning of which is a special technology for watering roses. It is important to know how to mix paints correctly. To obtain a flower of rare beauty, you need to make several cuts in the stem in the form of separate channels. According to each of them, initially a snow-white rose will “drink” water of a certain color. It's not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but the results are worth it.

By the way, other flowers can be grown using the same method, in particular tulips, chrysanthemums, orchids and hydrangeas.

Many breeders are developing new varieties of this type of orchid with different colors petals, but the most common is white

On Far East, in Primorye and the Amur region there grows a miracle flower that resembles the delicate feathers of a white bird. It is also found on the Japanese islands. " Egret"is popular in the Land of the Rising Sun, it is actively bred, but in natural environment The plant is becoming increasingly rare.

It is believed that it is not difficult to grow an exotic orchid at home, in a flower pot. The main thing is to provide high soil moisture during the active period, and during the dormant season, make sure that the soil does not dry out by adding water on time. However, experts say that only an experienced gardener can achieve rare beauty.

What gives proteas their unusual appearance is not the flowers themselves, but their leaf wrappers, painted yellow, pink, blue-pink.

This plant is considered one of the most beautiful on Earth among those that are capable of blooming. Its homeland is the African continent. An amazing feature of this exotic flower is that it contains an incredible amount of nectar, for which the protea was nicknamed the “barrel of honey.”

The flower can be propagated and grown in Russian conditions. In a mild climate, the plant can become a garden perennial, and in a more severe climate it will decorate a greenhouse or at least a windowsill. To do this, it is important to provide the protea with warmth, plenty of light and a flow of fresh air.

IN South Africa Protea is the most popular and favorite plant. One of its species, the royal protea, is considered the symbol of South Africa.

Floral designers and bouquet compilers are happy to use Strelitzia in their compositions, as it adds a unique flavor and sophistication

The second name is “bird of paradise”. In the plant's homeland, South Africa, it is called crane grass.

In Russia, Strelitzia is grown in large pots. If you plant this exotic plant in the ground in the summer, it will become a decoration personal plot. On the home windowsill, the “bird of paradise” also feels great and does not require special care. True, flower growers should remember that it grows slowly. Pet owners should be aware that Bird of Paradise leaves and flowers are highly poisonous.

In its homeland, lycoris has more than 20 different subspecies, but only six were brought to Russia

A perennial plant of the bulbous family attracts attention with its bright color. Interesting fact: the flower never “meets” the leaves, as it grows on a separate stem. The homeland of lycoris is Japan and China, where the plant is considered the “flower of the dead” and for this reason is never planted near the house.

Russians, free from prejudice, use it as a garden and indoor decoration. The eastern guest requires a temperature no higher than 20 o C, drained sandy soil, a special regime of watering and lighting.

Some of the varieties of passionflower can be recognized by the names of edible fruits - granadilla and passion fruit

She is also a passion flower and a cavalry star. It grows in South America, Asia, Australia and has tasty fruits, as well as bright flowers 10 cm in diameter. This is a vine that is beautiful and unpretentious. Thanks to these qualities, she is happily bred at home. It is important to remember that the germination of passionflower seeds depends on how long ago they were removed from the fruit. It is better to plant by taking it out just before planting. In order for the plant to please you with both flowers and berries in the future, proper pruning is required.

In Japan this flower is called "Beauty of the Moon"

This fabulous flower grows on the islands of Sri Lanka, where it is considered sacred. See the virgin white buds of the kadupul - great luck, because flowering occurs rarely and lasts only two days, after which the plant regains its previous appearance.

This flower has no price. It is impossible to pick it without damaging the petals. And for those who dream of having such a treasure, an analogue is recommended - epiphyllum. It is easy to grow, grows quickly and blooms in early summer.

Kadupul is the most expensive flower in the world - and this despite the fact that it has never been sold.

The most beautiful flowers in the world on video

Recently it has become fashionable to grow exotic plants. This is not always a simple matter, and is often troublesome. When time is short and your soul cries for summer, you can grow... a sunflower on the windowsill! By the way, he is also beautiful in his own way.


The most beautiful flowers in the world, of course, enjoy considerable popularity. Probably, there is no dispute about tastes, but the flowers that will be discussed cannot leave anyone indifferent. Their aroma and appearance inspire us, we often use them as decorations in homes, parks, gardens, and their aromas to produce luxurious perfumes. Imagine if the world were without flowers, how dull, sad and boring it would seem!

© ysbrandcosijnfotografie

This unusual flower is often called "Bird of Paradise" for his unusual shape and bright colors. Upon closer inspection, the flower amazes with its unusualness and beauty. The plant itself is quite tall and can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters, the flower itself is also large. Bird of paradise grows in South Africa and is in great demand among florists.

© Mina-Marie Michell / Pexels

Roses are probably the most popular flowers in the world and deservedly so. Beautiful multi-colored roses have been valued for many centuries. They have many symbols depending on the color. Roses are not an exotic or new species and grow almost everywhere; they are loved all over the world for their beauty and pleasant aroma.

© Pixabay / Pexels

Orchids are very popular indoor flowers that are valued for their beauty. Despite popular belief, they are highly adaptable and today are found on almost every continent except Antarctica. Their variety of colors and shapes is simply amazing and it seems that they were created by human hands and not by nature. However, some types of orchids can really only be found on the windowsills of flower lovers or in greenhouses. Just a few centuries ago, these flowers were considered rare and very valuable. Even today they are not cheap, but a huge number of people are ready to fork out so that such a miracle can live in their home and please the eye.

© bepslabor

Callas are quite simple, but very beautiful, elegant flowers. Their magnificence was recognized by the ancient Greeks, who gave the flower its name - "kallos" means "beauty". Callas are loved to be grown as indoor plants, however, you should be very careful with them, especially if there are children and animals in the house. If you swallow the flower, you can be seriously poisoned.

© scrisman

These spring flowers decorate many gardens around the world. Today we can meet these flowers all year round thanks to the efforts of florists who cultivate plants. These are very special flowers and very sensual. If you cut them, they very quickly lose their aroma and beauty, so it is best to buy hyacinths in pots.

© Brenda Timmermans / Pexels

The large, rich peony flower looks wonderful in any garden, which is why you can often see it. The beauty of these flowers has been sung by many poets and artists; everyone likes it. One of the Chinese emperors was so fascinated by peonies and their wonderful aroma that he called this flower a symbol of China.

© Elena Photo

The water lily is a beautiful and very popular flower in the world, although it can only be admired near a pond. Numerous varieties of water lilies can be found throughout the world. In poetry, lilies are symbols of love; they were painted by many artists and photographed by many famous photographers. These flowers can rightfully be considered masterpieces of Mother Nature.

© diversepixel / pixabay

A small tropical plumeria tree blooms with stunning flowers. One flower has five white petals with a yellow center, although flowers of other colors can sometimes be found. The plant is quite unpretentious and easy to grow. All it needs is a lot of sun and little water. It has a strong smell, especially at night. This is one of the reasons why the flower can be considered unique.

© Leung Cho Pan

The flowers of cherry trees are especially valued in Japan, and indeed they are a true symbol of spring. There is nothing more poetic than cherry blossoms. It is not surprising that the Japanese, having such sensitive souls, with their impeccable desire for beauty, prefer these flowers, considering them the most beautiful.

© eyewave

Gazania is a very beautiful and amazing flower with many petals that will blow your mind. In South Africa this flower is called "treasure flower", perhaps due to the riot of colors, unusual combinations of colors and unusual patterns on the petals.