The time has come for both me and you to understand the concept of the Russian Armed Forces. What are the types and types of troops? What does the Russian Armed Forces consist of? And what subtleties exist in these concepts?

We'll talk about this in this article.Let's start, of course, with definitions of basic concepts: types and types of troops. Believe me, there will be a lot of interesting things here.

Types of the Armed Forces- formations in the armed forces of a particular state.

  • Ground forces.
  • Naval forces.
  • Air Force.

In general, everything is simple. The branches of the Armed Forces are divided into subtypes, depending on their environment - land, water or air. Okay, let's move on.

Branch of the Armed Forces- an integral part of the branch of the Armed Forces. They can also be separate (more on these later). Includes units and formations, associations that have weapons and military equipment unique to them, apply their own tactics, have their characteristic combat properties and are intended to perform tactical and operational-tactical tasks in combat and operations.

An interesting fact that will help us understand the difference between the branches of the Armed Forces and the branches of the military.

Previously, the “branch of the military” was called the “branch of the weapon.” In total there were 3 types of troops:

  • Infantry.
  • Cavalry.
  • Artillery.

As time went. Science did not stand still. And now we can name a larger number of military branches, because now there are not just 3 “branches of weapons”, but dozens of them.

So. If we summarize all of the above, we can say that branches of troops are components of the branches of the Armed Forces. However, do not forget that there are also certain types of troops that are not subordinate to any branches of the Russian Armed Forces.

These are the Special Purpose Missile Forces (RVSN) and the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces). We will analyze them at the end of the article.

I depicted all types and branches of the Russian Armed Forces in the form of a diagram. You remember that I love to visualize, right? I love and I can - different things, of course. In general, I got the following.

Now let's talk about each separately. What, why and when is used. Let's go in order.

Ground troops

The Ground Forces are the largest branch of the Armed Forces in terms of combat strength. Russian Federation. They are designed to defeat enemy troop groups, seize and hold enemy territories, regions and borders, and repel enemy invasions and large airborne assaults.

The ground forces include the following types of troops:

Motorized rifle troops - the most numerous branch of the military, forming the basis of the Ground Forces and the core of their combat formations. Together with tank forces, they perform the following main tasks:

In defense - to hold occupied areas, lines and positions, repel enemy attacks and defeat his advancing groups;
in an offensive (counter-offensive) - to break through the enemy’s defenses, defeat groupings of his troops, capture important areas, lines and objects, cross water barriers, pursue the retreating enemy;
conduct oncoming battles and battles, operate as part of naval and tactical airborne assault forces.

Motorized rifle troops

The basis of motorized rifle troops are motorized rifle brigades, which have high combat independence, versatility and firepower. They are able to lead fighting in conditions of the use of both conventional means of armed struggle and weapons of mass destruction in various physical, geographical and climatic conditions, day and night.

- branch of the military and the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are used primarily in conjunction with motorized rifle troops in the main directions and perform the following main tasks:

In defense - in direct support of motorized rifle troops in repelling enemy attacks and launching counterattacks and counterstrikes;

In the offensive - to deliver powerful cutting blows to greater depth, development of success, defeat of the enemy in oncoming battles and battles.

The basis of the tank forces are tank brigades and tank battalions of motorized rifle brigades, which have great resistance to the damaging effects of nuclear weapons, firepower, high mobility and maneuverability. They are able to make fullest use of the results of fire (nuclear) destruction of the enemy and in short time achieve the final goals of the battle and operation.

(RV and A) - a branch of the Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy during combined arms operations (combat operations). They are designed to perform the following main tasks:

  • gaining and maintaining fire superiority over the enemy;
  • defeat of its nuclear attack means, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment;
  • disorganization of systems for command and control of troops and weapons, reconnaissance and electronic warfare;
  • and others...

Organizationally, RV and A consist of missile, rocket, artillery brigades, including mixed, high-power artillery divisions, rocket artillery regiments, individual reconnaissance divisions, as well as artillery of combined arms brigades and military bases.

(air defense SV) - a branch of the Ground Forces, designed to cover troops and objects from the actions of enemy air attacks when combined arms formations and formations conduct operations (combat operations), perform regroupings (march) and are positioned on the spot. They are responsible for the following main tasks:

  • carrying out combat duty in air defense;
  • conducting reconnaissance of enemy air and alerting covered troops;
  • destruction of enemy air attack weapons in flight;
  • participation in the conduct of missile defense in theaters of military operations.

Organizationally, the Air Defense Forces of the Army consist of military command and control bodies, air defense command posts, anti-aircraft missile (missile and artillery) and radio technical formations, military units and subunits. They are capable of destroying enemy air attack weapons in the entire range of altitudes (extremely low - up to 200 m, low - from 200 to 1000 m, medium - from 1000 to 4000 m, high - from 4000 to 12000 m and in the stratosphere - more than 12000 m) and flight speeds.

Intelligence units and military units belong to the special troops of the Ground Forces and are designed to perform a wide range of tasks in order to provide commanders (commanders) and headquarters with information about the enemy, the state of the terrain and weather to make the most rational decisions for the operation (battle) and preventing surprise in enemy actions.

In the interests of the Ground Forces, reconnaissance is carried out by regular reconnaissance units of combined arms formations (motorized rifle and tank brigades), special forces formations and units, radio and electronic reconnaissance of army and district units, as well as reconnaissance units and units of the military branches and special forces of the Ground Forces.

In preparation for and during the conduct of combined arms operations (combat operations), they perform the following main tasks:

  • revealing the enemy's plan, his immediate preparation for aggression and preventing the surprise of an attack;
  • identifying the combat strength, position, grouping, condition and capabilities of the enemy troops (forces) and its command and control system;
  • opening objects (targets) for destruction and determining their location (coordinates);
  • and others…

– special troops designed to carry out the most complex tasks of engineering support for combined arms operations (combat operations), requiring special training of personnel and the use of engineering weapons, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy through the use of engineered ammunition.

Organizationally, engineering troops consist of formations, units and subunits for various purposes: engineering-reconnaissance, engineering-sapper, barriers, barriers, assault, engineering-road, pontoon-bridge (pontoon), ferry-landing, engineering-camouflage, engineering-technical, field water supply and others.

When preparing and conducting combined arms operations (combat operations), engineering troops perform the following main tasks:

  • engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects;
  • construction (arrangement) of fortifications (trenches, trenches and communication passages, shelters, dugouts, shelters, etc.) and arrangement of field structures for the deployment of troops (residential, economic, medical);
  • installation of engineering barriers, including the installation of minefields, blasting operations, installation of non-explosive barriers (anti-tank ditches, scarps, counter-scarps, gouges, etc.);
  • demining of terrain and objects;
  • preparation and maintenance of troop movement routes;
  • equipment and maintenance of crossings on water barriers, including the construction of bridges;
  • extraction and purification of water in the field and others.

In addition, they participate in countering enemy reconnaissance and weapon guidance systems (camouflage), simulating troops and objects, providing disinformation and demonstrative actions to deceive the enemy, as well as in eliminating the consequences of the enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction.

Radiation, chemical and biological defense troops (RKhBZ) - special troops designed to carry out a complex of the most complex measures aimed at reducing losses of formations and formations of the Ground Forces and ensuring the fulfillment of their combat missions when operating in conditions of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, as well as increasing their survivability and protection from precision and other types of weapons.

The basis of the RCBZ troops are multifunctional separate RCBZ brigades, which include units capable of carrying out the entire range of RCB protection measures.

The main tasks of the RCBZ troops include:

  • identification and assessment of the radiation, chemical and biological situation, the scale and consequences of destruction of radiation, chemical and biologically hazardous objects;
  • ensuring the protection of compounds and parts from the damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction and radiation, chemical, biological contamination;
  • reducing the visibility of troops and objects;
  • liquidation of consequences of accidents (destructions) at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous facilities;
  • inflicting losses on the enemy using flamethrower and incendiary weapons.

– special troops designed to deploy a communications system and ensure control of formations, formations and units of the Ground Forces in peacetime and war time. They are also tasked with operating systems and automation equipment at control points.

Communications troops include central and linear formations and units, units and units of technical support for communications and automated control systems, communications security services, courier-postal communications and others.

Modern communications troops are equipped with mobile, highly reliable radio relay, tropospheric, space stations, high-frequency telephony equipment, voice-frequency telegraphy, television and photographic equipment, switching equipment and special message classification equipment.

Aerospace Forces

Aerospace Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (VKS RF Armed Forces) - view The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which began fulfilling its tasks on August 1, 2015 in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

The Aerospace Forces of the Russian Armed Forces are a new branch of the Armed Forces, formed as a result of the merger of the Air Force (Air Force) and the Aerospace Defense Forces (VVKO) of the Russian Federation.

The general leadership of the aerospace defense of Russia is carried out by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and the direct leadership is carried out by the Main Command of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Aerospace Forces of the Russian Armed Forces include:

The Russian Federation (Russian Air Force) is a branch of the forces within the Aerospace Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian Armed Forces).

The Russian Air Force is intended for:

  • repelling aggression in the air sphere and protecting command posts of the highest echelons of state and military administration, administrative and political centers, industrial and economic regions, the most important economic and infrastructure facilities of the country and troop groups from air strikes;
  • defeating enemy targets and troops using both conventional and nuclear weapons;
  • aviation support for combat operations of troops of other types and branches of troops.

solve a wide range of problems, the main of which are:
monitoring space objects and identifying threats to Russia in space and from space, and, if necessary, countering such threats;
launching spacecraft into orbit, controlling military and dual-purpose (military and civil) satellite systems in flight and using individual of them in the interests of providing the troops (forces) of the Russian Federation with the necessary information;
maintaining the established composition and readiness for use of military and dual-use satellite systems, means of launching and controlling them, and a number of other tasks.

Let's move on to consider the final type of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


The Navy (Navy) is view Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces). It is intended for the armed protection of Russian interests and for conducting combat operations in the sea and ocean theaters of war.

The Navy is capable of delivering nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and bases, disrupting the enemy’s ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transportation, assisting the Ground Forces in operations in continental theaters of war, landing amphibious assault forces, and participating in repelling landing forces. enemy and perform other tasks.

The Navy includes:

are the main ones for ensuring the exit and deployment of submarines to combat areas and returning to bases, transporting and covering landing forces. They are given the main role in laying minefields, combating mine danger and protecting their communications.

- a branch of the Navy, including nuclear-powered strategic missile submarines, nuclear attack submarines and diesel-electric (non-nuclear) submarines.

The main tasks of the submarine force are:

  • defeating important enemy ground targets;
  • search and destruction of enemy submarines, aircraft carriers and other surface ships, its landing forces, convoys, single transports (ships) at sea;
  • reconnaissance, ensuring the guidance of their strike forces and issuing target designations to them;
  • destruction of offshore oil and gas complexes, landing of special-purpose reconnaissance groups (detachments) on the enemy coast;
  • laying mines and others.

Organizationally, submarine forces consist of separate formations that are subordinate to the commanders of submarine formations and the commanders of formations of heterogeneous fleet forces.

- branch of the Navy forces intended for:

  • search and destruction of combat forces of the enemy fleet, landing detachments, convoys and single ships (vessels) at sea and at bases;
  • covering groupings of ships and naval facilities from enemy air strikes;
  • destruction of airplanes, helicopters and cruise missiles;
  • conducting aerial reconnaissance;
  • targeting enemy naval forces with their strike forces and issuing target designations to them.

Also involved in mine laying, mine countermeasures, electronic warfare (EW), airlift and landing, search and rescue operations at sea.

The basis of naval aviation consists of aircraft (helicopters) for various purposes. Performs assigned tasks independently and in cooperation with other branches of the fleet, as well as with formations (units) of other branches of the Armed Forces.

(BV) - a branch of the forces of the Navy, designed to cover the forces of fleets, troops, population and objects on the sea coast from the influence of enemy surface ships; defense of naval bases and other important fleet facilities from land, including from sea and airborne assaults; landings and actions in sea, air and sea landings; assistance to ground forces in anti-landing defense of amphibious assault areas of the sea coast; destruction of surface ships, boats and landing vehicles within the reach of weapons.

Coastal troops include 2 types of troops: coastal missile and artillery troops and marine infantry.

Each branch of the military solves certain target tasks independently and in cooperation with other branches of the military forces and naval forces, as well as with formations and units of other branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the military.

The main organizational units of the military units are brigades and battalions (divisions).

BVs are equipped primarily with weapons and equipment of the combined arms type. They are armed with coastal missile systems (CBM) of anti-ship guided missiles, stationary and mobile artillery installations designed to destroy sea and ground targets, special (marine) reconnaissance equipment, etc.

Certain types of troops

(RVSN) is a separate branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a ground component of the strategic nuclear forces. Troops constant combat readiness(We’ll talk about what this actually means in another article on my blog).

The Strategic Missile Forces are intended for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction as part of strategic nuclear forces or by independent massive or group nuclear missile strikes of strategic targets located in one or several strategic directions and forming the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potentials.

The main armament of the Strategic Missile Forces consists of all Russian ground-based mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads.

(VDV) - a branch of the Armed Forces, which is a reserve of the Supreme High Command and is intended to cover the enemy by air and carry out tasks in his rear to disrupt troop control, capture and destroy ground elements of high-precision weapons, disrupt the advance and deployment of reserves, disrupt the work of the rear and communications , as well as for covering (defense) of individual directions, areas, open flanks, blocking and destroying landed airborne troops, broken through enemy groups and performing other tasks.

In peacetime, the Airborne Forces perform the main tasks of maintaining combat and mobilization readiness at a level that ensures their successful use for their intended purpose.

To be honest, it was only after reading these materials that I understood why the Strategic Missile Forces and Airborne Forces were separated into separate branches of the military. Just look at the quantity and quality of the tasks they perform every day! Both genera are truly unique and universal. However, like everyone else.

Let's summarize the analysis of these fundamental concepts for any citizen of our country.


  1. There is the concept of “branch of the Armed Forces”, and there is the concept of “branch of the armed forces”. These are completely different concepts.
  2. A branch of the armed forces is a component of the branch of the Armed Forces. But there are also 2 separate types of troops - the Strategic Missile Forces and the Airborne Forces.
  3. Each branch of the military has its own tasks in peacetime and wartime.

The main result for me. I figured out this whole structure. Especially after I drew my diagram. I hope she is correct. Let me throw it here one more time so that we can remember it well together.

Bottom line

Friends, I sincerely hope that you were able to, together with me, if not completely, then partially understand the concepts of “types and types of troops” - the components of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

I would like to note that despite the fact that I was able to understand many of the nuances in this topic, I have not yet been able to understand which branch of the military I belong to.

We'll have to talk to the officers! I promise to post this information on

Strategic Missile Forces(Strategic Missile Forces) are currently a branch of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, directly subordinate General Staff Russian Armed Forces.
The Strategic Missile Forces were transformed from a type of military force into a branch of military service in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2001. The commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Viktorovich Karakaev, was appointed to this position by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2010.

The Strategic Missile Forces are the ground component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces and belong to the troops of constant combat readiness. The Strategic Missile Forces are intended for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction as part of strategic nuclear forces or independently by massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes of strategic targets located in one or several strategic directions and forming the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potentials.

The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with all Russian ground-based mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. As of December 2010, the Strategic Missile Forces were armed with 375 missile systems four different types that were capable of carrying 1259 nuclear warheads:

The Strategic Missile Forces include three missile armies:

- 27th Guards Rocket Army (headquarters located in Vladimir);
- 31st Missile Army (Orenburg);
- 33rd Guards Rocket Army (Omsk).

The former 53rd Missile Army (Chita) was disbanded at the end of 2002. It is also planned that the 31st Missile Army (Orenburg) will be disbanded within the next few years.
As of the end of 2010, the missile armies of the Strategic Missile Forces included 11 missile divisions which are armed with combat missile systems.

Missile systems

Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with six types of fourth and fifth generation missile systems. Of these, four are silo-based with RS-18, RS-20V, RS-12M2 ICBMs and two are mobile ground-based with RS-12M, RS-12M2 ICBMs. Silo-based missile systems by number launchers make up 45% of the strike group of the Strategic Missile Forces, and in terms of the number of combat units - almost 85% of it nuclear potential.

The development of the R-36MUTTH "Voevoda" (also known as RS-20B and SS-18 "Satan") and R-36M2 (RS-20V, SS-18) missiles was carried out by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The deployment of R-36MUTTH missiles was carried out in 1979-1983, and the R-36M2 missiles in 1988-1992.

R-36MUTTH and R-36M2 "Voevoda" missiles two-stage liquid-fueled, can carry 10 warheads (there is also a monoblock version of the missile). The missiles were produced by the Southern Machine-Building Plant (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The development plans of the Strategic Missile Forces provide for the preservation of all R-36M2 missiles on combat duty. Subject to the planned extension of service life to 25-30 years, they will be able to remain on combat duty until approximately 2016-2020.

UR-100NUTTKH (SS-19) missiles were developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov, Moscow region). The missiles were deployed in 1979-1984. The UR-100NUTTH missile is a two-stage liquid-fueled missile that carries 6 warheads. The production of rockets was carried out by the plant named after. M.V. Khrunicheva (Moscow). To date, some of the UR-100NUTTH missiles have been withdrawn from service. At the same time, based on test launch results, the missile's lifespan appears to have been extended to more than 30 years, meaning these missiles could be preserved for several more years.

Ground-based missile systems "Topol" (SS-25) were developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The missiles were deployed in 1985-1992. The Topol complex missile is a three-stage solid-fuel missile that carries one warhead. The production of missiles was carried out by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. To date, the process of removing the Topol complexes from service has begun due to the expiration of the missiles’ service life.

Missile system "Topol-M" (SS-27) and its modification RS-24 "Yars" developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. created in a mine-based version and in a ground mobile version. The deployment of the mine version of the complex began in 1997.

Tests of the mobile version of the Topol-M complex were completed in December 2004. The first mobile systems entered service with the troops in December 2006. The rocket of the Topol-M complex is a three-stage solid propellant missile, originally created in a monoblock version. In 2007, tests were carried out on a version of the missile equipped with a MIRV, designated RS-24 Yars. The deployment of complexes in a mobile version began in 2010.

/Based on materials /

Checking the availability of personnel and their readiness to conduct public and state training.

During the main part, I bring to the attention of the personnel the main issues of public and state training.

1 question History of the creation and development of the Strategic Missile Forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces were not created from scratch. Their foundation was laid back in the post-war years, when, in order to eliminate the nuclear monopoly and the geographical inaccessibility of the United States, the Soviet Union was forced to speed up the creation of its own nuclear and missile weapons.

Without military experience of economic mobilization, experience of radical restructuring of entire industries National economy, right up to the capital construction of many large-scale facilities, it is difficult to imagine how long the process of creating nuclear missile weapons and mass equipping the Armed Forces with them would take. It is safe to say that domestic rocket science achieved its post-war rise largely due to the correct generalization and skillful use of the experience of the Great Patriotic War.

The memory of the heavy losses of our country in the Great Patriotic War, suffered due to the unpreparedness of the Armed Forces for it, put forward a priority task, supported by all the people, to create nuclear missile weapons. Only this ensured the country’s defense at a level that excluded the possibility of unleashing a new war against us.

Exactly one year after the Great Victory, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 13, 1946 No. 1017-419 “Issues of jet weapons,” cooperation between the leading ministries of industry was determined, research and experimental work began, and a Special Committee on Jet Technology was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In the shortest possible time, the construction of test sites, the deployment of universities and research institutes began, tasks were determined for ministries and departments, and the first missile unit was formed under the command of Major General Alexander Fedorovich Tveretsky.

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Outstanding scientific and theoretical achievements of domestic scientists and designers were the development and successful testing of a nuclear charge in 1949, and in 1957 - the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile. These achievements were the result of the hard work of teams led by Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, Yuliy Borisovich Khariton, Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel and other founders of the creation of domestic nuclear missile weapons.

Already in the 40-50s of the last century, the foundations were laid for solving scientific problems in the field of missile ballistics, improving nuclear charges, fuels and materials, control systems, and principles of weapon operation. This stage played a crucial role in the history of the development of the Strategic Missile Forces. He prepared the basis for their creation as an independent branch of the Armed Forces.

The historical pattern of development of the country's nuclear forces led in 1959 to the need to structure their main component - ground-based forces - into an independent branch of the Armed Forces. From that moment on, the Strategic Missile Forces went through several stages of their development.

Formation of the Strategic Missile Forces

Stage 1959-1965 characterized by the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces as a branch of the Armed Forces. At this time, there was a large-scale deployment of missile units and formations equipped with missiles medium range and intercontinental missiles capable of solving strategic problems in remote geographical areas and in any theater of military operations.

Hero was appointed the first commander-in-chief of the Rocket Forces Soviet Union Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin. Having enormous experience in wars, having passed all command positions to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR for Special Weapons and Jet Technology, he made a great contribution to the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces, the development, testing and adoption of nuclear missile weapons.

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During the next such test of the new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) R-16, which exploded at the launch site of the Baikonur cosmodrome on October 24, 1960, Chief Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin died tragically.

By the mid-60s, a network of military educational institutions for the training of missile officers was created, training of personnel of units and subunits was organized, systems of combat duty, centralized combat control of troops and weapons were developed and implemented.

When the Missile Forces were formed, well-trained generals and officers with rich combat and life experience were sent to them. It was the veterans of the Great Patriotic War who stood at the origins of the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces. Their front-line experience made it possible in a short time to create the fundamental basis of a new, most powerful and formidable branch of the Armed Forces in modern history. The main headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces, missile armies and corps were headed by generals who went through the Great Patriotic War, the vast majority of commanders of missile divisions, brigades, regiments and divisions, commanders of special forces units were also participants in the Great Patriotic War. A particularly difficult role in mastering nuclear missile weapons, creating unique launch complexes, equipping troops and placing them on combat duty fell to the heads of missile ranges and commanders of first-generation divisions.

The first missile units were formed on the basis of renowned units and formations of the Soviet Army that had front-line experience. About 70 missile formations and units inherited battle flags, honorary titles and high state awards that recognized the heroism and valor of Soviet soldiers in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. 39 missile formations and units, by continuity, received the names of Guards. Among them: the Guards Berislavsko-Khingan twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov missile army in Omsk, the Guards Gomel Order of Lenin, the Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky missile division in Gvardeysk, Kaliningrad region, the Guards Svirskaya Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky missile division in Postavy , Guards Red Banner Order of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky missile division in Barnaul and many others.

As a result of the hard work of rocket scientists, industry and military builders, by 1965 groups armed with medium-range missiles R-5, R-12, R-14 and intercontinental missiles R-7, R-16, R-9A were put on combat duty with ground and silo launchers developed in the design bureaus of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev and Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel. To develop engines and missile systems, as well as ground and silo launch positions, design bureaus headed by Valentin Petrovich Glushko, Vladimir Pavlovich Barmin, Viktor Ivanovich Kuznetsov, Semyon Arievich Kosberg, Evgeniy Georgievich Rudyak, Boris Mikhailovich Konoplev and Vladimir Grigorievich Sergeev were involved.

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The Strategic Missile Forces became the cradle of the Russian cosmonautics. Based on the R-7 and R-7A rockets, the best spacecraft launch vehicles of their time were created. On October 4, 1957, the whole world witnessed the successful launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the Soviet Union. Rocket science has become an independent branch of industry.

The USSR, catching up with the USA in atomic weapons, nevertheless, was the first to create and test the hydrogen bomb, the first to create intercontinental ballistic missiles, Earth satellites, long-term orbital stations and much more.

The formation of a new branch of the Armed Forces continued under the leadership of the famous military leaders of the Great Patriotic War - the Marshals of the Soviet Union: twice Hero of the Soviet Union Kirill Semenovich Moskalenko, Hero of the Soviet Union Sergei Semenovich Biryuzov,

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In 1962, just 2.5 years after the formation of the Missile Forces, they were faced with the difficult and responsible task of preventing the American invasion of Cuba. The main contribution to the resolution of the Caribbean crisis was made by the Strategic Missile Forces and missilemen who took part in Operation Anadyr. The command of the Group of Soviet Forces in Cuba from the Strategic Missile Forces included Lieutenant Generals Pavel Borisovich Dankevich, Pavel Vasilyevich Akindinov, and Major General Leonid Stefanovich Garbuz. Direct command of the Strategic Missile Forces formation in Cuba was exercised by Major General Igor Demyanovich Statsenko.

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The Cuban missile crisis was the most dangerous of all the years of the Cold War. There was a real possibility that it would escalate into a major war, even nuclear. Fortunately, both sides were smart enough to prevent a nuclear disaster. This was the first peaceful victory of the new, recently created branch of the Armed Forces, the first experience of nuclear deterrence against the outbreak of war, which confirmed the correctness of the decisions made to create the Missile Forces.

Achieving parity between the USSR and the USA

In the 1960s, the United States made a new breakthrough in building up its strategic offensive forces through the large-scale deployment of Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missiles, bringing their number to 1000 units. At that time, the Soviet Union was inferior to the United States in the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles by more than five times.

There was a need to create new types of missiles with improved characteristics. And such rockets with single launches (OS) such as R-36, UR-100, RT-2 were created in design bureaus headed by Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel, Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. These second-generation missiles were distinguished by high combat readiness, accuracy of hitting the target, survivability, reduction in the number of personnel, and were practically not inferior in basic tactical and technical characteristics to the Minuteman missiles.

To deploy a large group of OS missile systems, it was necessary to form and equip in a short time new missile formations in uninhabited areas of the Urals, Siberia and Kazakhstan, to re-equip, and then completely re-equip divisions previously assigned to combat duty. This major task was solved by the Rocket Forces under the leadership of Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union Nikolai Ivanovich Krylov.

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The following official comparative data eloquently testifies to the enormous volume of work and the expenditure of material, financial and human resources in just the first two years of construction of missile systems with UR-100 and R-36 missiles. The cost of building launch sites for these missiles was comparable to the cost of building the Kuibyshev and Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power stations combined.

At the cost of enormous efforts by the entire country, in the early 1970s, a powerful group of Strategic Missile Forces was deployed, which was not inferior in size and combat characteristics to US intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Strategic Missile Forces became the main component of the country's Strategic Nuclear Forces. For the first time in many years, it was possible to achieve approximate military-strategic parity between the USSR and the USA, which remains to this day.

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In the 1970s, the United States attempted to upset the existing balance of strategic forces. They equipped their missiles with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles, resulting in the total number of warheads on American ballistic missiles more than doubling from 1970 to 1975.

In response to this, our side created and deployed new third-generation missile systems with UR-100N and R-36M missiles. They were developed in the design bureaus of Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey and Vladimir Fedorovich Utkin. A fundamentally new development was the medium-range mobile missile system RSD-10, created under the leadership of Alexander Davidovich Nadiradze.

A special role in the successful solution of the tasks of rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces with new missile systems belonged to the Hero of Socialist Labor, Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Chief Marshal of Artillery Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko. Under his leadership, scientifically based principles for the combat use of missile formations and units in the operation of the Strategic Missile Forces were developed.

The Strategic Missile Forces group, deployed by the mid-1970s, was not inferior in size and combat characteristics to the US strategic offensive forces. Largely thanks to the capabilities of the Strategic Missile Forces, for the first time in many years, it was possible to achieve military-strategic parity between the USSR and the USA, which remains to this day. A start was made on the negotiation process on the limitation and reduction of strategic arms.

In the early 1980s, the United States once again increased its nuclear potential. This time through the deployment of new land-based MX and sea-based Trident missile systems. These missile systems are significantly superior in combat effectiveness to the Minuteman-3 and Poseidon-S3 missiles. In addition, the “strategic defense initiative” proclaimed by US President Ronald Reagan is becoming the strongest destabilizing factor. It provided not only for the deployment of anti-missile and anti-satellite weapons in space, but also platforms with nuclear weapons.

Once again it was necessary to take countermeasures. Mobile and stationary fourth-generation missile systems with R-36M2 Voevoda and Topol missiles are being introduced into the Strategic Missile Forces. Mobile ground-based missile system "Topol", created in the design bureau under the leadership of A.D. Nadiradze and B.N. Lagutin, as well as the combat railway missile system and the “heavy” missile “Voevoda”, created in the design bureau headed by V.F. Utkin, had no analogues in the world practice of rocket science.

During this period, the missile forces were headed by Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General Yuri Pavlovich Maksimov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War and combat operations in Afghanistan. He made a great contribution to the development of a group of mobile missile systems, the development of principles for their combat use, as well as maintaining the combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces in the context of the implementation of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles.

The introduction of fourth-generation missile systems into the Strategic Missile Forces was associated with the solution of a number of unconventional tasks, such as the development of principles for the combat use of new mobile railway and ground combat missile systems, the arrangement of combat patrol routes, the organization of combat control and combat duty on the move and at field launch positions.

The achieved balance of nuclear forces, technological and scientific parity in rocket science, changes in the military-political situation in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century made it possible to rethink and evaluate the futility of the arms race and to agree to mutual reductions in nuclear weapons. This was a historical milestone in the social development of the 20th century, and the role of the Strategic Missile Forces in achieving it was paramount.

(slide number 10)

Strategic Missile Forces guaranteesecurity of the Fatherland

In 1992, an important event occurred in the life of the Armed Forces and the Strategic Missile Forces - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were formed and, within their composition, the Strategic Missile Forces. Their first commander-in-chief was appointed Colonel General Igor Dmitrievich Sergeev, a professional rocket scientist who later became the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Russian Federation and its first marshal.

During this period, the process of eliminating nuclear missile weapons took place in the territories of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, which ended in 1996. But the main thing is that work was launched to create missile complex"Topol-M" with the participation of exclusively Russian cooperation. Preserving the nuclear potential of the Strategic Missile Forces allowed Russia, as the legal successor of the USSR, to consolidate its status as a nuclear power, thereby ensuring, without any exaggeration, both European and global stability in the world.

Important events in the history of modern Russian Strategic Missile Forces occurred in 1997. Then, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Military Space Forces and the Rocket and Space Defense Forces were united into a single branch of the Armed Forces. At this stage, the leadership of the updated Missile Forces was headed by Colonel General Vladimir Nikolaevich Yakovlev. The reorganization carried out made it possible to reduce the number of troops through the integration or elimination of parallel, duplicating structures in command and control bodies, units and institutions, including in the network of military educational institutions and research organizations. In addition, due to the unification, the requirements for resources, range of weapons and military equipment were reduced. It is also important that a decision was made on a phased transition to one type of weapon - the Topol-M stationary and mobile missile system with a single missile. On December 30, 1998, the first missile regiment of this stationary missile system began combat duty in the Tatishchev missile division.

On June 1, 2001, the Strategic Missile Forces were transformed from a branch of the Armed Forces into two independent, but closely interacting branches of troops under central command: the Strategic Missile Forces and the Space Forces. From that time until 2009, the Strategic Missile Forces were headed by Colonel General Nikolai Evgenievich Solovtsov. He made a significant contribution to the preservation of the missile group, structure and composition of the Strategic Missile Forces, ensuring nuclear deterrence. Under his leadership, over the course of these years, the Strategic Missile Forces, taking into account treaty obligations between Russia and the United States, consistently carried out a number of measures aimed at modernizing and optimizing the combat strength of the missile group while simultaneously carrying out structural reforms of the troops.

(slide number 11)

During this period, large-scale measures were taken to improve the missile force: combat railway systems and missile regiments armed with “heavy” R-36M UTTH missiles that had exhausted their service life were withdrawn from service, and the re-equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces with new missile systems continued.

In 2009-2010, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces was Lieutenant General A.A. Shvaichenko.

In 2010, Colonel General Sergei Viktorovich Karakaev was appointed commander of the Strategic Missile Forces.

By 2013, the Strategic Missile Forces included 12 missile divisions of constant readiness, armed with 378 launchers with intercontinental ballistic missiles.

(slide number 12)

Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to deter aggression against the Russian Federation and its allies, and during the war - to defeat (destroy) the enemy’s military and economic potential objects by delivering nuclear missile strikes.

Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces play a significant role in ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. They contain approximately two-thirds of the strategic delivery vehicles and more than half of the warheads of Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces.

The number of Rocket Forces is about 47 thousand military personnel, which is about 5% of the total number of the Armed Forces, and 14.6 thousand civilian personnel. The costs of maintaining the Strategic Missile Forces are about 4% of the costs of maintaining the Russian Armed Forces.

The leading role of the Strategic Missile Forces in the nuclear triad is determined not only by quantitative indicators, but also by qualitative characteristics, such as high operational readiness, stability of combat control, survivability of facilities and a number of others.

In accordance with decisions made at the level of the President of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense, the Missile Forces will continue to develop as an independent branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the existing combat strength. When implementing plans for long-term development, the Missile Forces plan to have the required number of launchers, limited by the framework of the START Treaty, which establishes quantitative limits on the strategic offensive weapons of the parties, and consistent with the economic capabilities of the country and expected changes in the military-strategic situation.

(slide number 13)

To carry out deterrence tasks, the Strategic Missile Forces have created everything necessary (slide No. 4): the structure of military command and control bodies, reliable systems for combat duty and operation of missile weapons, ensuring the maintenance of high combat readiness of a group of missile systems, a system for combat command and control of troops and weapons, which makes it possible to reliably convey combat orders to missile weapons.

The headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces is located in the closed town of Vlasikha, 3 km from the city of Odintsovo, Moscow region. The Strategic Missile Forces group consists of 3 missile armies with headquarters located in the cities of Vladimir, Orenburg and Omsk, which include 12 missile divisions of constant readiness. Including 4 stationary missile divisions with silo launchers (in Kozelsk, Tatishchevo, Dombarovsky and Uzhur) and 8 mobile missile divisions with mobile ground missile systems (in Vypolzovo, Teykovo, Yurye, Yoshkar-Ola, Nizhny Tagil, Novosibirsk, Barnaul and Irkutsk).

In addition to the missile armies and divisions, the Strategic Missile Forces include the 4th State Central Interservice Test Site (Kapustin-Yar), on the basis of which weapons are tested not only by the Strategic Missile Forces, but also by air defense of all types, missile forces and artillery of the Ground Forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces also includes the 10th Sary-Shagan test site, which is located on the territory of Kazakhstan. The training ground has a unique base for testing missile defense systems and means: both strike and information and reconnaissance.

In addition, the Strategic Missile Forces have arsenals and training centers for junior specialists. Since 2013, the 4th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense and the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great with a branch in Serpukhov.

(slide number 14)

Speaking about the current composition of the Strategic Missile Forces' weapons, it can be recalled that over the entire history of the Missile Forces, 28 types of various missile systems have changed in the composition of their weapons. In the period 1979-1982, the combat strength of the Strategic Missile Forces included the maximum number of missile systems simultaneously on combat duty by the Strategic Missile Forces - 12 types (4 missile systems with medium-range missiles and 8 missile systems with intercontinental ballistic missiles).

The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with 6 types of stationary and mobile-based missile systems that allow them to solve multifaceted tasks of nuclear deterrence.

(slide number 15)

Among them are three types of stationary (mine-based) missile systems. 52 R-36M2 missiles in the Dombarovsk and Uzhur missile divisions, 68 UR-100N UTTH ICBMs in the Kozelsk and Tatishchevsk missile divisions and 60 ICBMs of the Topol-M missile system in the Tatishchevsk missile division.

The Strategic Missile Forces have three types of mobile ground-based missile systems. PGRK "Topol" with 162 ICBMs RT-2PM in Vypolzovo, Yoshkar-Ola, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk and Nizhny Tagil. 18 ICBMs of the fifth-generation Topol-M PGRK with a monoblock ICBM and a Yars PGRK and with a missile equipped with MIRVs are deployed in the Teikov missile division.

The missile system with the PC-18 missile with a flight range of 10 thousand kilometers is designed to destroy all types of strategic targets in any combat conditions, including repeated nuclear attacks from the enemy in a positional area. The missile is equipped with a multiple warhead with targeted separation of warheads at individual targets located tens and hundreds of kilometers from each other.

The Voevoda missile system with the RS-20V missile with a flight range of more than 11 thousand kilometers is designed to destroy all types of strategic targets protected by modern missile defense systems in any combat conditions, incl. with repeated nuclear impact from the enemy but in a positional area). The RS-20V missile belongs to the fourth generation of strategic missiles and is currently the most powerful intercontinental missile in the world. ballistic missile with a launch weight of 211 tons and a mass payload more than 8 tons

The Topol mobile ground-based missile system with the RS-12M missile with a flight range of more than 10 thousand kilometers is designed to destroy all types of strategic targets in any combat conditions. The RS-12M missile belongs to the fourth generation of strategic missiles.

The Topol-M missile system with the RS-12M2 missile with a flight range of more than 11 thousand kilometers was developed in two deployment options: the first option is the RS-12M2 missile in a highly protected silo launcher as part of the Topol-M missile system, the second option is RS-12M2 missile on a self-propelled launcher as part of the Topol-M mobile ground missile system. The missile belongs to the fifth generation of strategic missiles and has increased protection from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, a powerful system for overcoming enemy missile defense, as well as increased efficiency of use against planned and unplanned targets. In the silo version, the missile is installed in modified silo launchers from PC-18 missiles.

The Yare missile system with the RS-24 missile with a flight range of more than 11 thousand kilometers was also developed in two deployment options: silo and mobile. Among the main tactical and technical characteristics The Yars RK should include such things as a hundred intercontinental range, equipping with a multiple warhead with maneuvering units for individual targeting, the highest maneuverability (for a mobile version) and, as a result, increased survivability.

I should note that today more than 70% of the missile systems on combat duty are beyond the warranty period. However, despite this, the required indicators of their reliability and technical readiness, defined President of Russia, thanks to the measures taken, have been preserved, and at least 94% of missile systems are daily ready to launch missiles immediately.

The Missile Forces' plans to extend the service life of missile systems to the maximum possible period are based on their high technical excellence, embedded in the design and technological solutions during their creation, ensured by high quality in production and implemented through the existing operating system. The rational organization of combat duty and operation systems, established over the years of the Strategic Missile Forces' existence missile weapons made it possible to maintain the required reliability indicators and maintain the technical readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces missile systems.

The ongoing set of works to extend the service life of ICBMs on combat duty by two or more times allows for the planned modernization of the missile group.

(slide number 16)

Of fundamental importance is the issue of extending the service life of stationary (mine)-based missile systems, which form the basis of the Strategic Missile Forces grouping. First of all, this applies to the missile system with the most powerful “heavy” missile of the strategic nuclear forces, the R-36M2 Voevoda. To date, the missile system with this missile has exceeded the warranty period of operation by one and a half times, having been on combat duty for 24 years. Together with industrial organizations, work is being carried out to extend the service life of this missile to 30 years, which will allow this complex to remain in service with the Strategic Missile Forces until 2022.

Missile system with intercontinental ballistic missile

UR-100N UTTH is one of the most reliable missile systems in the practice of combat rocketry; it has been on combat duty for 32 years, exceeding the warranty period of operation by more than three times. It is planned to further extend its service life to 33-35 years, which will allow it to remain in service with the Strategic Missile Forces until 2017.

The “youngest” among the stationary missile systems, Topol-M, was put on combat duty in 1998. It is planned that this complex will be part of the Strategic Missile Forces for at least 20 years - until 2019.

The Topol mobile ground-based missile system is the oldest mobile ground-based strategic missile system in Russia. It has been on combat duty for the Strategic Missile Forces since 1988 and now forms the basis of the mobile group of the Strategic Missile Forces. Extensive work to extend the service life of this missile system to 25 years will make it possible to maintain missile regiments with self-propelled launchers of this type on combat duty until 2019, before the start of their re-equipment with the new Yars mobile ground-based missile system.

The fifth generation missile systems Topol-M and Yars will be in service with the Strategic Missile Forces for at least 20 years, until 2026 and 2029, respectively.

Plans for the development of the Strategic Missile Forces group for the next decade involve its renewal through the introduction of promising mobile and stationary missile systems. The grouping of strike weapons will remain, as it is now, two-component - with the preservation of stationary missile systems that are ready for immediate use, and mobile systems with high survivability.

Work to re-equip the stationary group with the new silo-based Yars rocket launcher has been launched in the Kozelsk Missile Division. In 2013, the rearmament of the 74th missile regiment of this division began. Further, in the period from 2015 to 2017, it is planned to re-equip two more missile regiments with this missile system.

Work is underway to create the 15P171 missile system with a missile having a new type of combat equipment, so that at the turn of 2015 we can begin rearmament of the Dombarovsk Missile Division with this complex.

As for the PGRK grouping, since 2012, the Novosibirsk Missile Division began placing the Yars PGRK with a multiple warhead missile on combat duty. Since 2013, the rearmament of the Nizhny Tagil missile division has begun. In the future, it is planned to re-equip five more missile divisions: - Yoshkar-Olinsk and Irkutsk from 2015 and from 2017 - Vypolzovskaya, Yuryanskaya and Barnaul missile divisions.

As for the more distant future - the turn of 2018-2020, we can say with confidence that the existing scientific, technical and design basis, which forms the basis for the creation and development of nuclear missile weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces, will continue to allow for further development with minimal costs and feasibility risks respond flexibly to emerging challenges and threats to Russia's security. At the turn of 2018–2020, we will receive qualitatively new missile systems with combat equipment that will allow us to overcome any missile defense system that may be created by that time. And, what is very important, by that time opportunities will have been created for a certain increase in the composition of the strike force under force majeure circumstances.

It should be noted that a decision has already been made to carry out research and development work to create a new silo-based missile system “Sarmat” with a liquid-propelled “heavy” missile, which will have increased capabilities to overcome the promising US missile defense system and will replace the famous “Voevoda”.

As part of the State Armament Program, work has also begun on the creation of the Barguzin combat railway missile system, which will appear at the turn of 2018-2019 and in its characteristics will not be inferior to its predecessor, the Molodets BZHRK, and in some respects even surpass them.

The share of new missile systems in the Strategic Missile Forces group will constantly increase. It is planned that by 2016 new missile systems will make up about 60 percent of the strike force, and by 2021 - 98 percent. At the same time, there will be a qualitative improvement in the systems of combat command and control of troops and weapons, and combat equipment, primarily in terms of increasing the capabilities of missile systems to overcome missile defense.

Measures will also be implemented to increase the survivability of the mobile group of the Strategic Missile Forces, and the key role and importance of the Strategic Missile Forces group within the Strategic Nuclear Forces of Russia will remain and will ensure the guaranteed fulfillment of the task of strategic deterrence in the long term.

The leading role of the Strategic Missile Forces in the domestic strategic nuclear triad is determined not only significant amount missiles and warheads, but also qualitative characteristics, such as high operational readiness, stability of combat control, survivability of objects and many others. The strike group of the Strategic Missile Forces, in any scenario of the development of the situation, will have the required number of deployed combat units and such tactical and technical characteristics that will make it possible to devalue the combat capabilities of the missile defense systems being created to the maximum and guarantee the completion of the assigned tasks.

In addition to the above activities, the State Armament Program plans R&D for the development of the combat control and communications system of the Strategic Missile Forces. Within their framework, it is planned to carry out measures to modernize existing and commission new control centers, equip them with new models of combat control and communications equipment, and use new modern information and telecommunication technologies.

The following is planned for the near future:

completion of work on the commissioning of the Strategic Nuclear Forces Combat Control Center. Organization of work on its further modernization;

creation of new stationary and mobile command posts of missile armies, divisions and missile regiments;

modernization of the Central command post Strategic Missile Forces and its highly protected element;

preservation of elements of the reserve path of the combat control system.

All this, as before, will not only ensure the guaranteed delivery of orders to strategic weapons, but will also expand the capabilities of the command and control system through the introduction of new information paths and complexes for controlling the daily activities of troops.

The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with a significant range of means to adequately respond to various options for attempts to reduce the effectiveness of our nuclear missile weapons. This is ensured by both increasing the survivability of missile systems when attacked by any means, including nuclear, and by increasing their ability to inflict unacceptable damage on an aggressor, including in conditions of counteraction from missile defense systems.

One of the most effective ways increasing survivability - the use of mobile ground-based missile systems. The newest Russian PGRK was the Yars complex with the RS-24 ICBM, which has the ability to quickly exit a permanent deployment point and covertly disperse over large areas. This PGRK gives stability to the group in response actions and serves as real evidence of Russia’s priority in the nuclear missile field. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the Strategic Missile Forces today provides guaranteed nuclear deterrence together with other components of the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces

The expected composition and deployment of the group will look like this.

The structure of the promising missile group of the Strategic Missile Forces will, as now, be two-component, with the preservation of stationary missile launchers, which have high combat readiness for immediate use, and mobile missile launchers with high survivability. This approach will allow us to ensure an adequate response to emerging and foreseeable threats with minimal costs and feasibility risks. The Strategic Missile Forces will include 3 missile armies, 13 missile divisions, which will be armed with about 400 launchers.

In general, despite the existing difficulties of the reform period associated with optimizing the structure and composition, the Strategic Missile Forces maintain the established combat and mobilization readiness, controllability and combat effectiveness. At the same time, they will have a balanced structure, and they will always be armed with the optimal number of strategic missiles and warheads designed to solve the diverse tasks of nuclear deterrence and ensure the security of Russia.

Over the past 54 years, more than 12 million people served in the Strategic Missile Forces, and several generations of rocket scientists were raised. The Strategic Missile Forces are proud that six twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, 94 Heroes of the Soviet Union, six Heroes of the Russian Federation, 35 Heroes of Socialist Labor served in their ranks. Among the rocket warriors there are 52 Lenin Prize laureates, 226 USSR State Prize laureates and 22 Russian Federation State Prize laureates.

Over the entire existence of the Strategic Missile Forces, 23 different types of missile systems were developed and put on combat duty, including 18 with MKR and 5 with PC D.

In certain periods 1970 - 1980s The Strategic Missile Forces were armed with up to 12 types of missile systems at the same time, and up to five types of missile systems were in development.

Since the advent of missile weapons in the USSR (1947) to the present day, the Strategic Missile Forces have conducted over 5 thousand missile launches, including about 500 combat training ones during the operational and combat training of troops.

Next year, 2014, the Strategic Missile Forces are preparing to celebrate their 55th anniversary. Over the years, several generations of rocket scientists served in the army, devoting their knowledge, strength, and health to it.

The entire history of the creation, formation and development of the Strategic Missile Forces was subordinated to the highest goal - the preservation of peace. This goal was achieved by the enormous work of hundreds of thousands of rocket and space technology designers, engineers, defense industry workers, and rocket scientists. Thanks to them, modern Strategic Missile Forces continue to make a worthy and significant contribution to the guaranteed security of our state.

2. question. Tasks of the military personnel for a worthy celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Increasing the quality indicators of combat duty, the training of personnel on duty shifts in performing tasks as intended.

Ensuring trouble-free operation of weapons and military equipment.

Competent and timely commissioning of new types of weapons and military equipment.

Increasing the personal responsibility of commanders and superiors for ensuring military discipline in subordinate military units and subunits.

Detailed definition of the functional responsibilities of each military personnel.

To eliminate cases of death of military personnel, to minimize injuries during daily activities and during off-duty hours, to ensure safe living and service conditions for military personnel for the entire period of training.

Reduce the number of offenses related to corruption, drugs, alcohol abuse, and hazing.

A worthy celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Strategic Missile Forces is a gift to the veterans who created the most formidable branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Weapons and military equipment

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students in general terms to the Strategic Missile Forces as independent kind troops,

its purpose, weapons and military equipment.

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Educational and visual complex: life safety textbook grade 10


I. Introductory part

* Organizing time

* Monitoring student knowledge:

— What is the main purpose of the Navy?

— What types of forces are included in the Russian Navy?

— What are the main tasks that the submarine forces of the Russian Navy are called upon to perform?

— Which famous ones? landing operations were carried out by forces Marine Corps during the Great

Patriotic War of 1941-1945?

Main part

- announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

— explanation of new material : § 37 pp. 186-189.

  1. Purpose, tasks and composition of the Strategic Missile Forces

Strategic Missile Forces – an independent branch of the military designed to implement nuclear deterrence measures and destroy strategic targets that form the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential.

Nuclear deterrence remains a core element in national security. The Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of all our strategic nuclear forces. They are of particular importance for the security of the country. The Strategic Missile Forces account for 60% of warheads. They are responsible for 90% of nuclear deterrence tasks.

A significant increase in the combat capabilities of the Strategic Missile Forces was achieved by the integration of the Strategic Missile Forces itself, the Military Space Forces and the Missile and Space Defense Forces, which was carried out in 1997. This is not just a mechanical unification of a branch of the Armed Forces and two branches of the military. Integration provided a clear increase in the effectiveness of combat operations of the combined Strategic Missile Forces.

As a result of the reorganization, the space sector acquires a single person responsible for organizing the use of assets in space.

Integration made it possible to increase combat capabilities and optimize the structure, development and ordering systems for weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces as a whole.

The Strategic Missile Forces are controlled by the Central Command Center, which represents underground city with their own life support systems. Everyone is on duty in the Strategic Missile Forces - from privates to commander-in-chief. Combat duty is the highest form of maintaining the combat readiness of troops and weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Information on " nuclear suitcase", which is kept by the head of state, is issued by the missile and space defense, which is an integral part of the Strategic Missile Forces. It will detect the launch of ballistic missiles, calculate their flight trajectory and impact area. The command for a return launch is duplicated via wires, radio, through space. There are other ways of communicating orders to troops. The probability is guaranteed to be complete.

Organizationally, the Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and divisions, a training ground, military educational institutions, enterprises and institutions.

  1. Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces

Modern Strategic Missile Forces embody the achievements of advanced design and engineering thought. In many respects, domestic missile systems, combat command and control systems for troops and nuclear missile weapons are unique and have no analogues in the world.

The basis of the Strategic Missile Forces' weapons are mobile (for example, the Topol mobile ground-based missile system) and stationary missile systems. The vast majority of their missiles are liquid-propelled, equipped with multiple warheads.

The Strategic Missile Forces, as well as the naval nuclear component, have taken a course towards maintaining one type of missile that best satisfies all future requirements. Previously, the missile forces had 11 types of missiles.

Now the Topol-M missile system is in service - a weapon of the 21st century. Groupings of the Topol-M missile systems, together with the complexes of Russia's naval and aviation nuclear forces, should ensure a stable nuclear balance and strategic stability at the beginning of this millennium under any predicted options for the development of the military-political situation.


1) Strategic Missile Forces are the basis of the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2) The Strategic Missile Forces have the ability to widely maneuver with nuclear missile strikes.

3) The Strategic Missile Forces are capable of striking simultaneously at many strategic targets.

4) Combat use Strategic Missile Forces does not depend on weather conditions, time of year and day.

Every year on December 17, Russia celebrates a memorable date - the Day of Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). Next year the Strategic Missile Forces will celebrate their 60th anniversary; they were formed in 1959. On December 17, 1959, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued, according to which the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Missile Forces was established in the structure of the armed forces, the Main Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces was formed, as well as other military command and control bodies. Until 1995, Strategic Missile Forces Day was celebrated in Russia on November 19 as part of the “Rocket Forces and Artillery Day”. Today this is a separate memorable date and professional holiday for all military personnel and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense related to the strategic missile forces.

Today, the Strategic Missile Forces are a separate branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main component of our strategic nuclear forces (SNF). The Strategic Missile Forces are troops of constant combat readiness, on continuous duty and ready to carry out assigned combat missions at any time by order of the President of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces. Every day there are about six thousand military personnel at combat posts as part of the duty forces. The Strategic Missile Forces are intended for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression against our country and destruction as part of the strategic nuclear forces or independently by massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes of the enemy’s strategic targets located in one or more strategic aerospace directions and forming the basis of the enemy’s military-economic and military potential . Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces contain up to two-thirds of the nuclear carriers of Russia's strategic nuclear forces.

59 years of the Strategic Missile Forces

This type of military originates after the end of World War II and is inextricably linked with the improvement of rocket technology. The first missile unit in the Soviet Army - the Special Purpose Brigade of the Reserve of the Supreme High Command (RVGK) - was formed in July 1946. The brigade was formed on the basis of the 92nd Guards Gomel Mortar Regiment. The origin of the Strategic Missile Forces is inextricably linked with the development of domestic and world rocketry and the development of missile and then nuclear missile systems, as well as the improvement of the possibilities of its use in combat conditions. The material basis for the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces was the deployment in the Soviet Union of a new branch of the defense industry - rocketry.

In 1946-1959, new things were actively created and designed in our country. nuclear missile weapons, as well as the first samples of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), the process of forming missile units capable of solving operational problems in front-line and strategic offensive operations in all adjacent theaters of military operations. At the time of the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces in December 1959, the USSR Armed Forces included one formation armed with ICBMs (R-7 and R-7A missiles), as well as 7 engineering brigades and more than 40 engineering regiments of medium-range missiles (RSM), armed with R-7 missiles. 5 and R-12 with a range of 1200 and 2000 km, respectively. About half of these regiments were part of the Air Force's long-range aviation.

In 1959-1965, missile units and formations equipped with ICBMs and RSDs were actively deployed and placed on combat duty. These units were capable of solving any strategic tasks in various military-geographical areas and in any possible theater of military operations. The process of continuous increase in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of domestic missile systems put into service contributed to the establishment of nuclear parity between the two superpowers - the USA and the USSR by the beginning of the 1970s. At the same time, the growth of the combat capabilities of each side was not stopped - more and more powerful and sophisticated ballistic missiles were adopted, and traditional monoblock missile warheads were replaced by multiple missile warheads, and quite quickly such multiple warheads of ballistic missiles received individual target guidance systems .

By the mid-1980s, the country began mass production of mobile Topol ICBMs, the development and production of which was a serious step in ensuring the secrecy and invulnerability of strategic forces. The massive deployment of the Topol mobile ground-based missile system (MGRS) as part of the RK Strategic Missile Forces group made it possible to solve the problem of its survivability in the face of a possible enemy nuclear strike. Experts considered the main advantages of the complex to be high mobility, a degree of camouflage, the ability to launch missiles from pre-prepared route points and, due to this, greater survivability.

The achieved balance of nuclear forces, the quantitative and qualitative composition of nuclear weapons carriers and warheads, and later changes in the military-political situation in the late 1980s - early 1990s made it possible to rethink and evaluate the futility of the arms race and conclude the USSR, and later and Russia a number of agreements with the United States on the mutual reduction of strategic nuclear weapons. The first such agreement was signed back in 1972. In 1987, an agreement on the elimination of medium- and short-range missiles was signed between the Soviet Union and the United States; as part of the implementation of this agreement, RSDs and launchers for them were destroyed, including 72 RSD-10 Pioneer missiles.

Today in combat Russian Strategic Missile Forces There are three missile army directorates with units and units of direct subordination, 12 missile divisions (including 8 mobile-based and 4 stationary). In total, they are armed with about 400 launchers with mobile and stationary missiles. In total, the missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with six types of missile systems. The basis of the group of Russian stationary missiles are missiles of the “heavy” (RS-20V “Voevoda”) and “light” (RS-18A “Stilet”, RS-12M2 “Topol-M”) classes. The mobile-based group includes the Topol PGRK with RS-12M missiles, Topol-M with the RS-12M2 monoblock missile and the most modern Yars PGRK with the RS-12M2R intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a multiple warhead in a mobile and stationary deployment options. The share of new missile systems in the Strategic Missile Forces group is constantly increasing. It is planned that by 2022, the Strategic Missile Forces will have 100 percent of new missile systems.

Camouflage of the mobile ground-based strategic missile system "Topol-M"

So in 2018, another missile regiment equipped with a mobile-based Yars missile system was put on combat duty in the Yoshkar-Ola formation of the Strategic Missile Forces. In addition, this year, measures were completed to place on combat duty the missile regiment of the Kozelsky formation, which is armed with a stationary-based Yars missile system. Over the past few years, the purchase of launchers for the Yars missile system has made it possible to ensure a steady pace of rearmament of the ICBM group of both mobile and silo-based variants. The implementation of the planned measures for 2018 to rearm military units and formations of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces made it possible to increase the share of modern missile weapons to 70 percent, as well as to give the existing grouping new capabilities to solve the most important tasks of nuclear deterrence.

During 2018, the Strategic Missile Forces conducted 50 command post and tactical exercises (trainings) and more than 30 special exercises on types of comprehensive support, more than 200 tactical exercises and 300 tactical drill exercises with missile regiments (divisions). 100 field exits were carried out with military units and support units, and more than 100 missile regiments entered combat patrol routes (combat positions), including sudden exits, the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense reports.

In its history, the Strategic Missile Forces have never been used as military force, however, together with other components of domestic strategic nuclear forces, they were visibly present in the decision large quantity problematic issues of a military-political nature. Since the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, more than 5 thousand missile launches have been carried out in our country, including about 500 combat training ones during the operational and combat training of troops. Since its formation, more than 12 million people have served in the Strategic Missile Forces. Among them were six twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, 101 Heroes of the Soviet Union, two full holders of the Order of Glory and six heroes of the Russian Federation.

The Strategic Missile Forces is a fairly young branch of the military in all respects. In the 21st century, there is a steady trend towards rejuvenation of the command cadres of the Strategic Missile Forces. As of 2013 average age The officer corps who served in the Strategic Missile Forces was less than 33 years old, with 48 percent of officers under the age of 30. Another feature of this type of troops is that it is staffed with officers at almost 100 percent. The available quantitative and, more importantly, qualitative characteristics of Strategic Missile Forces officers allow them to successfully solve important tasks to maintain combat readiness of entrusted units and formations.

Today, professional personnel for the Russian Strategic Missile Forces are trained at the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great, which is located in the Moscow region in the city of Balashikha. It is here that the training of Strategic Missile Forces officers is carried out higher education, it also trains specialists for the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the directorates of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. In 2018, this academy and its branch, located in Serpukhov, planned to admit about 1,000 people to study. Also in 2018, 10 girls were accepted to study at the academy; the competition was 8 people per place. Girls will be trained in the specialty: “Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes”, the duration of training is 5 years on the basis of general secondary or secondary vocational education.

On December 17, Military Review congratulates current and former military personnel of the Strategic Missile Forces on their professional holiday.

Based on materials from open sources