Greetings, dear friends! Our topic for today is vegetarian cabbage soup . There are many recipes on the Internet, but how many of them are dietary? After all, if you prepare the soup incorrectly, there is a risk of gaining weight.

What is cabbage soup, what is its peculiarity?

You know, this soup can rightfully be considered one of the founders of the soup dynasty in Russia. To find out where the name came from, I turned to the Old Russian dictionary. Translated from the ancient language, “cabbage soup”, or more precisely “s’ti”, means “food”. Other sources contain information that our ancestors called soup a stew or even a healthy drink.

In the traditional version, the soup is prepared with meat broth. However, back in the 9th century in Rus', vegetarians came up with the idea of ​​making their own dish that would not contain any traces of the meat industry. An interesting fact is that, according to some sources, the dish without meat was even more popular, since in peasant circles there was an opinion that meat products were pathogenic. It's a pity that this time has passed.

What is so attractive about soup? First of all, it is easy to prepare. According to statistics, the average cooking time for cabbage soup is no more than 20 minutes. Also, a clear advantage is the variability of the dish. In addition to five different recipes (at least), each of these dishes can also be prepared in different ways. Each ingredient is completely interchangeable. Convenient, wouldn't you agree?

Basically, cook delicious dietary Cabbage soup can be made from improvised means. You will learn how to do this correctly below.

Effect on the body - we lose weight or get crippled

The concept of “lenten cabbage soup” is very common on the Internet. It is interesting that this soup does not contain meat components. Often, fasting is associated with healing and cleansing the body, which is not entirely clear to me. The question arises: “Then why pollute at all?”

Indeed, the vegetarian version of this soup has a cleansing and, to some extent, healing effect. In the past article I said that vegetables are not absorbed by our body and serve exclusively as a cleansing tool.

However, here's a fun fact, friends. When cooked, vegetables release large amounts of glucose. And what does this mean, you might think. The fact is that thanks to glucose, the cleansing properties of the plant are reduced, since the concentration of coarse fiber decreases, while the nutritional value increases.

I want to confirm my words with the statement of a well-known supporter of plant foods Artem Demchukova:

“When boiled, steamed or any other heat treatment, a fruit or vegetable releases a substance called glucose. Thus, the nutritional value of the fruit increases.”

Please do not confuse the concepts of “nutrition” and digestibility.” It is worth understanding that in their raw form, whatever one may say, products are healthier.

To be brief, I would highlight the following advantages of vegetarian cabbage soup for the human body:

  • Cleansing effect;
  • relatively low calorie content.

Despite the fact that the properties of coarse fiber are significantly reduced during heat treatment, the cleansing effect of vegetables does not disappear.

Well, now about the shortcomings. What is objectivity without negative sides, right?

Paradoxically, I found almost no negative aspects. The only negative is that there are no fresh products in the composition. Otherwise, this delicacy is quite harmless to our body.

Types of recipes

Let's move on to the most interesting part. How to cook cabbage soup so that they are not just vegetarian, but also dietary?

For our selection, I borrowed recipes from colleagues on general topics. To my surprise, most of the options I found could be called dietary and low-calorie.

The following soups are also suitable for vegans, since they contain no animal products. Choose any one you like and start cooking with me. Go!

From fresh cabbage

The most common and easiest to prepare recipe . Even a child or a person who has never picked up a ladle can handle it. It is enough to be able to turn on the stove.

For cooking we need:

  • 250 grams of fresh cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • onion, 1 piece;
  • parsley, 1 root;
  • medium bunch of greenery;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt, pepper, garlic (to taste).

Well, now let's create!

  1. Properly wash and peel all the vegetables.
  2. Pour over the tomatoes with hot water and remove the skins.
  3. We cut all the products one by one.
  4. Fill the pan with water.
  5. When it boils, immerse all components in lightly salted water.
  6. Cook for 30 minutes.
  7. Finally, you can add spices.

Contains no potatoes. This soup can be called the most dietary. According to my calculations, approximate calorie content per 100 grams will be 65 kilocalories. That's even less than one banana!

Using sauerkraut

I can recommend this option to gourmets. The dish turns out with pronounced sourness, which gives it a rich taste.
In addition to cabbage soup, there is another dish with sourness - rassolnik. You can learn about recipes for making vegetarian pickle soup from.

Interesting fact: SourCabbage soup is especially popular in Central Asia.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 grams of sauerkraut;
  • carrots, 2 pieces;
  • onion, 1 piece;
  • 100 grams of celery;
  • medium tomato;
  • 90 ml vegetable oil (any);
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • seasonings to taste.


  1. Wash and clean the vegetables.
  2. Separate the cabbage from the liquid and chop. Place the celery and tomato in a saucepan and start cooking over low heat.
  3. At this time, chop the onions and carrots. Next we put them in a frying pan and fry in oil.
  4. After 15 minutes, remove the frying and lower everything into the broth.
  5. At the same time, heat the flour in a frying pan, adding a little broth from the pan. Season with herbs and after 5-10 minutes mix with soup.
  6. Cook for another 3-4 minutes.

Not the most useful option. Frying releases many unwanted carcinogens. I'm not sure if this recipe is suitable for weight loss. If you think differently, share your opinion in the comments below the article.

From sorrel using a multicooker

One of the easiest recipes to prepare. We will create our food in multicooker.

We will need:

  • sorrel, 300 gr;
  • potatoes, 3 pcs;
  • greens, onion;
  • 750 ml water;
  • seasonings according to your mood.

Everything is prepared simply. Clean and wash all ingredients. Then we immerse the components in the bottom of the bowl and fill it with water. You should turn on the “Soup” mode. Duration: 40-50 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end, chop the greens and season the soup. Alternatively, you can prepare the dish from nettles.

Potatoes are a very starchy product. It is better to use it to a minimum.

There are also often recipes on the Internet. with beans and mushrooms . They are notable for the fact that they satisfy hunger for quite a long time. However, due to this you have to sacrifice digestibility.

What to remember

Vegetarian cabbage soup is a very situational dish that can be made from what you have in the refrigerator. In order for your soup to be dietary, be sure to monitor its calorie content and what foods you include in it.

From the above article, you can safely adopt the “fresh cabbage” option and continue to follow your diet without fear of gaining weight.

If you have your own individual recipe for vegetarian cabbage soup, be sure to share it in the comments. Perhaps it's yourswill be the most suitable for those losing weight and the most delicious!

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  • 1 Classic cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage in meat broth
  • 2 Step-by-step recipe with chicken
  • 3 With mushrooms and fresh cabbage
  • 4 In a slow cooker
  • 5 Fresh cabbage soup with pork
  • 6 With beef
  • 7 Cabbage soup in a pot
  • 8 Lenten recipe with beans

Shchi made from fresh cabbage is a simple soup that has been known to Russian people since the times of ancient Rus'. Today it is not only delicious, but also a budget-friendly lunch, so be sure to try preparing it using one of the recipes below.

Classic cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage in meat broth

The traditional recipe is, of course, not as accurate as it was before, but rest assured, it is very similar.

Required ingredients for the dish:

  • two potatoes;
  • fresh tomato or two tablespoons of pasta;
  • onion and small carrot;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • half a kilogram of meat and cabbage;
  • seasonings to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Fill the selected meat with the required amount of liquid and send it to cook for about an hour. After this time has passed, take it out. If desired, you can chop it and return it to the pan.
  2. In the meantime, let's get to the vegetables: cut the carrots and onions in any way, keep them in a hot frying pan for a few minutes, add chopped tomatoes or tomato paste.
  3. Shred the cabbage into strips, chop the potatoes into cubes and add them to the broth. Simmer everything together for about 10 minutes, then add the roast, spices and herbs.
  4. Leave on low heat for another 15-20 minutes. When the dish is almost ready, add crushed garlic.

Step-by-step recipe with chicken

If there is no meat or you don’t want to use it, then you can make the first easier by preparing cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with chicken.

Required Products:

  • two cloves of garlic;
  • approximately 400 grams of chicken;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • onion head;
  • half a kilogram of cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • seasonings as desired;
  • any greens;
  • two spoons of tomato paste.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the meat in a container, fill it with liquid and keep it on the fire for about 40 minutes, after which we remove it. If desired, you can remove skin and bones from the chicken, cut it and put it back into the dish. If you used fillet, then you just need to chop it. Don't forget to remove the foam.
  2. Fry chopped onions and carrots together with tomato paste until soft.
  3. Chop the potatoes into medium-sized cubes and put them in the broth - let them cook.
  4. While there is free time, chop the cabbage and greens, and also add to the soup.
  5. After 5 minutes, add the roast, selected seasonings and crushed garlic. Keep the soup on low heat for about 15 minutes until fully cooked.

With mushrooms and fresh cabbage

You can also cook cabbage soup with mushrooms, no matter how strange it may sound.

It is permissible to use both meat and vegetable broth.

Required Products:

  • herbs and seasonings to your taste;
  • 400 grams of meat;
  • a small head of cabbage;
  • carrot, onion;
  • three potatoes;
  • garlic clove;
  • 200 grams of mushrooms.

Cooking process:

  1. We set the selected meat to cook. For chicken, 30 minutes will be enough, and beef will have to be cooked for about an hour. Then the meat is removed, but if desired, it can be cut and left in the soup.
  2. The onion is cut into smaller pieces and lightly fried. Grated carrots are added to it and the whole thing is kept on the fire for a little longer. Add chopped mushrooms to the vegetables and simmer until soft.
  3. Chop the potatoes into cubes or cubes, chop the cabbage into thin strips and add everything to the ready-made broth. Let it boil for 10 minutes, after which we combine it with prepared vegetables, crushed garlic, various spices to taste and herbs.
  4. Keep the dish on low heat for about 10 minutes.

After this time, cabbage soup can be served with sour cream and fresh bread.

In a slow cooker

Cabbage soup in a multicooker turns out even more tasty and richer than on the stove, since its bowl allows you to heat all the products evenly, which creates a cooking effect like in pots.

Prepare half a kilo of any meat in advance:

  • a couple of potatoes;
  • one onion and the same amount of carrots;
  • a clove of garlic, herbs, spices as desired;
  • a little tomato paste;
  • approximately 500 grams of fresh cabbage.

Cooking process:

  1. Place grated carrots, onion and garlic cut into squares and the required amount of tomato paste into a cup. Fry the vegetables in the “Fry” mode for about 10 minutes.
  2. In the resulting mixture, place cabbage cut into thin strips, diced potatoes, add any spices to your liking and meat. If you decide to cook vegetable soup, then you don’t have to add meat.
  3. Fill the contents of the bowl with water and set the device to the “Soup” or “Stew” mode for 60 minutes. A couple of minutes before the dish is ready, you can add greens to it. It is convenient to do this immediately before serving individually on each plate.

Fresh cabbage soup with pork

Cabbage soup with pork turns out fatty, rich, but very tasty. Of course, those who count calories should not overuse this dish, but you can definitely try it once!

Required Products:

  • half a kilogram of cabbage;
  • bulb;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • herbs and any spices;
  • carrot;
  • a couple of potato tubers;
  • approximately 400 grams of pork.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. If you want a rich broth, take the meat with fat. Fill it with water and leave to cook over low heat for about 60 minutes, remembering to remove excess foam.
  2. After this time, the pork can be removed completely or cut into pieces and returned to the soup.
  3. When the broth is ready, combine it with potatoes chopped into squares and cabbage, shredded into strips.
  4. While the process is going on, in a frying pan we bring the diced onion and grated carrots to a beautiful golden brown color. We also combine all this with the broth.
  5. Season the almost finished dish with spices, garlic and herbs to your taste and keep on the stove for another 20 minutes until it is completely ready.

With beef

Cabbage soup with beef is, one might say, the most nutritious recipe. It is best to use ribs or brisket for this option, but if you have some other piece of meat on hand, feel free to use it anyway.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • about 500 grams of beef and the same amount of cabbage;
  • one onion and carrot;
  • spoon of tomato paste;
  • any seasonings to your liking;
  • greens, garlic clove;
  • two potatoes.

Cooking process:

  1. Let the meat cook for about 60 minutes, setting the heat level to low. We constantly remove foam.
  2. After this, add cabbage cut into strips and cubed potatoes to the soup, cook until soft for about 20 minutes.
  3. Chop the carrots and onions in any way, fry them in a hot frying pan along with tomato paste, then add the resulting mass to the broth.
  4. Cook the soup for another 10 minutes, not forgetting to season it with spices, herbs and garlic. It is recommended to serve 30 minutes after readiness, so that the cabbage soup has time to brew.

Cabbage soup in a pot

Dishes cooked in pots are somewhat reminiscent of those made in an old Russian oven. They are delicious, rich and so “cozy”!

Required Ingredients

  • one carrot and the same amount of onions;
  • 300 grams of any meat;
  • 400 grams of cabbage;
  • three potatoes;
  • spices at your discretion;
  • one tomato.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, grind all the ingredients in any convenient way.
  2. Place pieces of meat into the pot, and then lightly fried cabbage.
  3. The next layer is fried carrots with onions and tomatoes.
  4. Fill the bowl with potato cubes on top and add seasonings to your taste. Fill all this with broth or plain water and put it in a hot oven for 60 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees.

After this time is over, it would be good to let the soup sit for another half hour and only then serve.

Lenten recipe with beans

A simple, easy dish that can be prepared during fasting or dieting.

Required Products:

  • a small head of cabbage;
  • can of beans;
  • two potatoes;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • one tomato, onion and carrot;
  • garlic clove, herbs.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the potatoes into cubes, place them in a pan with water, season with salt and pepper and cook for about 30 minutes after the broth starts boiling.
  2. Fry the onion and carrots, add chopped tomato and garlic, cook until soft and golden brown.
  3. Drain excess liquid from the beans and add to the broth. We put the prepared roasted vegetables there and keep everything on low heat for about two minutes.
  4. All that remains is to add the shredded cabbage, wait three minutes, turn off the stove and let the dish brew for 30 minutes.

Step-by-step recipes for dietary cabbage soup: when it’s tasty, satisfying, and healthy

2017-12-09 Liana Raimanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

2 gr.

1 gr.


13 gr.

63 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for dietary cabbage soup

Cabbage is a source of vitamins. Hundreds of dishes that can be prepared from it are tasty, nutritious and healthy. Dietary cabbage soup is aromatic, tasty, and most importantly low in calories. There are many options for preparing the soup: the main ingredient is cabbage, other products depend on the recipe. The use of fat is minimal. According to the classic recipe, dietary cabbage soup turns out to be light, but thanks to the grains present, it is satisfying.


  • one small head of cabbage;
  • onions, carrots - two pieces each;
  • millet - 130 grams;
  • 7 medium potato tubers;
  • half a bunch of parsley and dill;
  • 35 grams of salt and black pepper;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • allspice - five peas;
  • 50 grams of any spice.

Step-by-step recipe for dietary cabbage soup

Peel and wash carrots and potatoes. Cut the onion into crumbs, carrots into thin strips, potatoes into small cubes, cabbage into thin strips.

We sort the millet and wash it thoroughly.

Place a saucepan with four liters of water on medium heat and wait until it boils.

Add salt to the water, add the cereal and all the vegetables, cook for 35 minutes under the lid on a small flame.

Rinse the parsley and dill and chop finely.

A few minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped herbs and let simmer for 3

Leave for half an hour to infuse.

Serve in deep plates, add a little low-fat sour cream or homemade mayonnaise if desired.

It will be very tasty if you serve such cabbage soup with fried toast, grated on one side with a clove of garlic.

Option 2. Quick recipe for dietary cabbage soup

Another equally light and satisfying version of dietary cabbage soup. The soup is prepared simply and quickly. And the combination of cabbage, potatoes and fresh green peas gives the soup an appetizing appearance. Excellent for diet and children's tables.


  • half a large fork of cabbage;
  • 15 green pea pods;
  • four sprigs of parsley and dill;
  • potatoes - 5 tubers;
  • carrots - one root vegetable;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • salt - half a dessert spoon.

How to cook

Wash the peeled potatoes, as well as small carrots, and cut them into cubes.

Pour filtered water into a large saucepan, put it on moderate heat, wait until it boils, and add the potatoes and carrots, cook until half cooked.

Pour diced cabbage into the pan with the potatoes and carrots and boil for eight minutes.

We remove the green peas from the pods, rinse them in a colander and add them to the soup, cook for the same time.

Add butter, finely chopped dill, add a little salt, and boil for about two minutes.

Leave the cabbage soup for fifteen minutes and serve with fresh sour cream.

For more flavor, you can add some spices or herbs to such cabbage soup. And instead of fresh peas, it is permissible to use canned or frozen peas.

Option 3. Diet cabbage soup with zucchini and tomatoes

No less healthy and tasty soup. Zucchini gives the dish an unusual taste and interesting texture, tomatoes - a beautiful color and delicate sourness, celery greens - lightness and freshness, and garlic - a delicious aroma.


  • 350 grams of cabbage;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • half a not very large zucchini;
  • two brightly colored carrots;
  • onion head;
  • tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • dill - 5 fresh sprigs;
  • oil for frying - 3 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf - two leaves;
  • 5 peas of allspice.

Step by step recipe

Peel the zucchini; if the fruit is ripe, remove the seeds.

We clean the remaining vegetables and wash them.

Rinse the tomatoes and cut out the stem.

Cut the cabbage into strips, potatoes into cubes, zucchini into small cubes, carrots and onions into strips.

Place a large container of water on medium heat, wait for it to boil and first add the potatoes, washed celery stalk and whole tomatoes, boil for about twenty-two minutes.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it well and add carrots and onions, sauté for eight minutes.

Remove the tomatoes from the pan, add the cabbage and simmer for fifteen minutes.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes, chop them, put them in a sauté pan, stir well and simmer for 10 minutes without removing the lid.

Place the zucchini in a saucepan and cook for 15 minutes.

Take the celery stalk out of the saucepan with the soup and add the sauté, stir well, taste for salt, if there is not enough, then add some salt and simmer a little.

Cut the peeled garlic cloves into halves and crush them with the flat side of a knife, chop them together with the dill.

Add bay leaves, allspice, dill and garlic to the cabbage soup, mix well, and let it simmer.

Let it brew and pour it in portions.

You don’t have to add zucchini to the soup, but use tomato paste instead of tomatoes.

Option 4. Diet cabbage soup with chicken

As you know, chicken meat is a dietary product. Various soups prepared with chicken broth are not only light and tasty, but also satisfying.


  • a small piece of cabbage;
  • 3 chicken legs;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • onion - one piece;
  • carrot - one piece;
  • 1 celery root;
  • half a dessert spoon of pepper and salt;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • parsley - 3 sprigs;
  • sour cream - 150 grams.

How to cook

Place the washed chicken legs in a metal saucepan with three liters of water and wait until it boils over moderate heat.

We take out the legs, wash them again, pour clean water into the container and put the chicken back in along with the peeled onion, bay leaves, salt and pepper, cook on a small flame for half an hour, skimming off the foam as it appears.

Grate the peeled carrots and celery root, place them on the legs, and cook for about four to five minutes.

Pour shredded white cabbage into the broth and cook for about ten minutes.

We take out the legs, cut them into pulp and bones, throw away the bones, and cut the pulp into small bars or cubes and put them in a container along with peeled and diced potatoes, boil until the potatoes soften.

We taste the cabbage soup for salt, if it is not salted, then add a little salt, pepper to taste, remove from the heat on the countertop, and let it sit under the lid for several minutes.

Serve with parsley and sour cream.

To somehow diversify the taste of cabbage soup, you can take sauerkraut instead of a fresh head of cabbage, it will also turn out tasty and unusual.

Option 5. Dietary cabbage soup with sauerkraut, barley and mushrooms

The next version of dietary cabbage soup differs from the others in its special slightly thick consistency and richness, despite the fact that they are prepared without potatoes and meat. And sauerkraut and mushrooms give them a delicious, long-lasting aroma.


  • 2 handfuls of dry porcini mushrooms;
  • sauerkraut - 3 handfuls;
  • celery root - one piece;
  • 80 g pearl barley;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • half a dessert spoon of salt and black pepper;
  • 6 sprigs of parsley.

Step by step recipe

Soak the washed dry mushrooms in cold water for 45 minutes to swell.

We free the celery root from the rough outer crust and cut it into strips.

Place the cabbage and celery in a frying pan with oil and simmer covered for 15 minutes, remembering to stir.

Strain the water from the mushrooms through cheesecloth, rinse them again, put them in a large saucepan with water, add the washed pearl barley and cook over a low flame for 50 minutes.

After this time, put the cabbage and celery in a container with pearl barley and mushrooms, and boil a little more.

Pour finely chopped parsley, salt and pepper into the soup and let it simmer for three minutes without letting it boil too much.

We insist for twelve minutes.

For this recipe for dietary cabbage soup, it is permissible to use not only dry porcini mushrooms, but also fresh champignons, and pickled ones are also suitable for quick preparation.

Light and tasty, lean and rich, with meat and mushrooms - cabbage soup has always been the main dish on the Russian table. Cabbage soup can be prepared at any time of the year, served both as an everyday hot dish and as the first dish for a holiday table.

To prepare fresh cabbage soup, you definitely need vegetables: cabbage, root vegetables, herbs, but there are many options for combining these vegetables both with each other and with other products: meat, fish, mushrooms.

How to cook cabbage soup for weight loss

In different cuisines of the world there are recipes for cabbage soups, prepared in their own style, with a national flavor, with a certain “zest”. In Russian cuisine, cabbage soup is also very varied.

Thus, in the southern regions they prefer leaner versions of cabbage soups, in the northern regions, on the contrary, they love rich meat cabbage soup.

Cold cabbage soup

You can get very tasty cabbage soup from fresh cabbage if you take vegetables straight from the garden: new potatoes, juicy cabbage, sorrel, greens.

This is a summer version of cold soup; it is better not to weigh it down with protein foods and fats. In hot weather it should be eaten cold.

You can cook cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with meat if you can’t do without it. Then first boil the lean pieces and cut them into small cubes, add them to the prepared cold pan. The following recipes are the same.

Take the following products to prepare the refrigerator:

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • one onion, carrot, tomato;
  • celery stalk;
  • small bunches of sorrel, dill, green onions.

  1. Place cubes of peeled new potatoes into boiling water; 3 medium tubers are enough.
  2. After boiling, add salt, add half a head of fresh sweet cabbage, finely chopped with a knife or food processor.
  3. Place small onion rings and thin, almost transparent carrot circles cut with a knife with a figured blade into the cabbage soup along with round pieces of celery stalk.
  4. Then you can add grated or finely diced fresh red tomato.
  5. Cut the sorrel (both leaves and stem), throw into boiling soup and immediately remove from heat.
  6. Chill the cooled soup in the refrigerator. When serving, add sour cream, dill, and green onions.
  7. Vegetables do not need to be overcooked; they should have a slight crunch.

Summer cabbage soup recipe

On hot summer days, your appetite decreases and you want to eat less. At this time, it is good to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, prepare light salads and soups. For example, make summer cabbage soup.

Preparing cabbage soup according to this recipe does not take much time. Only fresh vegetables are used for it:

  • one ;
  • 200 g each of white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli;
  • six to seven red and yellow cherry tomatoes, depending on size;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • green peas - half a glass;
  • parsley and lettuce leaves;
  • lemon.

Summer cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage - photo:

  1. Shred the cabbage into long strips. Lightly add salt and mash with your hands until it releases juice.
  2. Cook cauliflower, carrot and broccoli slices in boiling salted water for about 3 minutes, remove and strain the broth.
  3. Place white and red cabbage in a tureen and pour hot broth over it.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice into it.
  5. Remove the skin from the tomatoes by first pouring boiling water over them.
  6. Tear lettuce and parsley leaves with your hands.
  7. Pour cabbage soup into each deep serving plate, add boiled cabbage with carrots, three or four tomatoes of different colors, a spoonful of green peas, lettuce and parsley.

Lenten cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

For lean cabbage soup you need to take:

  • two potato tubers;
  • a quarter of a head of cabbage;
  • two ;
  • small zucchini;
  • onion and carrot;
  • a sprig of celery;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • spices.

How to cook lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage - video:

Mushroom cabbage soup with fresh cabbage

Mushroom cabbage soup is prepared from both fresh and salted or sauerkraut. Mushrooms are used in any form: fresh, frozen, dried, even pickled.

A delicious mushroom soup is made from chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, milk mushrooms, and champignons. If you want to make cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with mushrooms, and you have your own special preferences, you can take any edible mushrooms, but make an amendment to the recipe regarding their heat treatment.

To cook mushroom soup with fresh cabbage, you will need:

  • meat bones - 350 g;
  • cabbage - 350 g;
  • fresh mushrooms - 450 g;
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • - 1 root vegetable;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • spicy herbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

  1. Boil 1.7 liters of bone broth, remove the bones and strain.
  2. Simmer shredded cabbage, sweet peppers and spices in a saucepan in oil and add a little broth.
  3. Boil the mushrooms, drain them in a colander, cool and cut.
  4. Add the mushroom broth and remaining broth to the cabbage and bring to a boil.
  5. Sauté finely chopped root vegetables in oil.
  6. Place the sauteed vegetables, mushrooms and bay leaves into the soup at the end of cooking.
  7. When serving, decorate with greens.

Fish soup

Products required for preparing fish soup:

  • fish, fish fillet - 270 g;
  • white cabbage - 550 g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • root parsley - 1 piece;
  • leek - 1 stalk;
  • salt, spices.

  1. Cut the washed, cleaned, gutted fish, cut off the fillets, put the rest in a soup pan, cover with cold water.
  2. Prepare from the head, fins and bones with the addition of spices.
  3. Pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan and simmer the carrot, parsley and onion cubes in it.
  4. Cut the cabbage into cubes, lightly mince, place in sauté and stir.
  5. When the vegetables are soft, pour hot fish broth over them.
  6. Boil, lower the fish pieces.
  7. After boiling for three minutes, turn off. The soup is infused for 25-30 minutes.
  8. When serving, place chopped herbs on plates.

Meat cabbage soup - recipe

Sour cabbage soup is made from sauerkraut. To cook low-calorie cabbage soup with meat, take:

  • sauerkraut - 570 g;
  • lean beef - 250 g;
  • marrow bones - 500 g;
  • root vegetables one at a time: onions, carrots, parsley root, turnips;
  • tomato paste - 55 g;
  • vegetable oil - 55 g;
  • spices;
  • parsley, dill, cilantro - 50 g each;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • sour cream - 1 glass.

  1. Cook the meat with bones for about an hour and a half, then remove and strain the broth.
  2. If the cabbage is very sour, rinse in cold water and squeeze, cut into large pieces.
  3. Simmer for an hour in vegetable oil with the addition of broth.
  4. Chop the root vegetables with a knife or grater, fry with butter and tomato in a frying pan.
  5. Place everything in a saucepan with boiling meat broth.
  6. Add bay leaf, peppercorns, salt, and remove from heat immediately after boiling.
  7. Serve with sour cream dressing made from finely chopped herbs, 2 cloves of garlic and a glass of sour cream.

How to cook cabbage soup in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker, preparing cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is even easier.

Calories: 917.43
Cooking time: 60
Proteins/100g: 6.97
Carbohydrates/100g: 8.03

We are all accustomed to cooking traditional cabbage soup in a thick meat broth with vegetables fried in a large amount of oil, and also adding a good portion of sour cream or mayonnaise to a bowl of soup. But there are situations when you need to cook very dietary and healthy foods, how can you make them tasty?
It's not that difficult to do. There are several secrets that will help you achieve the desired result. First, replace the strong broth with a fatty piece of meat with weak chicken broth. Chicken meat is recognized as a dietary food all over the world, and chicken broth is an excellent way to cope with many diseases and strengthen the immune system. Secondly, we will not use potatoes in dietary cabbage soup - one of the most high-calorie and hard-to-digest vegetables; instead, we will take cereals. Thirdly, we will add as little salt and other spices as possible, which will take away the real taste of the dishes. Well, fourthly, let’s give up frying vegetables, this will definitely make our cabbage soup light and dietary!
Dietary cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is prepared for about an hour. The ingredients indicated are for two liters of broth.

- 300 g chicken;
- 200 g cabbage;
- 2 bows;
- 2 carrots;
- 3 tablespoons of barley;
- greens, salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook at home

First you need to cook broth from chicken, 1 peeled carrot and 1 onion. Add salt to taste, cook for about half an hour.

When the broth is ready, remove the meat, carrots and onions. Add shredded cabbage and cook for 10 minutes.

Then add carrots, grated on a coarse grater, to the soup.

Next add the finely diced onion. Cook everything together for another 5-7 minutes.

Lastly, add the cereal and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Instead of barley, you can take wheat, millet or any other cereal of your choice.

Serve dietary cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage with herbs. You can also add one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream to the plate. We also recommend that you learn how to cook