Today charcoal It is quite in demand - it is bought by restaurants and cafes for cooking, chemical and metallurgical plants for production processes, people for barbecuing and grilling. Charcoal production as a business - a great solution if you live in wooded areas. The procedure does not require major investments and quickly pays off with the right approach. In this article we will look at how to open your own charcoal making business and give an example of calculation.


Charcoal is a high-carbon material that is obtained by pyrolyzing various types of wood while limiting the flow of air. To produce it, you need a special oven, which can be placed either in your own garage, in the open air, or in a specially equipped workshop.

Charcoal is a profitable business

As of 2017, in Russia there is an average saturation of the market with these products, so any businessman can easily start production and find points of sale for finished products. The main thing is to calculate and think through everything correctly, analyze the consumer market, and think about where it is more profitable to sell products in bulk. Compose detailed business plan and stick to it when implementing your idea.

Types of coal

Many people think that all charcoal sold in supermarkets and gas stations is the same, but in fact there are many varieties. It can be divided into:

  1. Red. It is made from coniferous species using special technology by soft charcoaling.
  2. White. To create it, hardwood is used, such as oak, birch, elm, hornbeam, etc.
  3. Black. To create it, soft wood is used: linden, aspen, poplar, alder, willow, etc.

Many entrepreneurs produce only classic black coal, but if you want to capture the market, the range should be expanded. You should focus on what kind of raw materials you can get: if oak forests grow in your area, then you will have to use this particular material, etc. You should also know that there are three grades according to GOST 7657-84 A, B and C. The higher the grade , the higher the quality of the coal and the more willingly they will purchase it, so try to make only a high-quality product.

Note: a large number of Entrepreneurs use various production waste from woodworking and furniture companies, as well as rotten logs and bars as raw materials. This is not recommended, since the quality of coal from such raw materials will be extremely low.

Of course, you can earn more this way. But customers will not like your products and in the end this will damage the image of the young business.

You should also consider in what packaging to sell the product. It is usually packaged in paper bags and plastic bags with a capacity of 2 to 50 kg. The most popular among the population are bags weighing 5-10 kg, while restaurants and enterprises buy it in 50 kg bags to reduce the cost of raw materials.

Dryer to improve the quality of raw materials

How to make charcoal

Next, we will analyze the technology for producing charcoal. There is nothing complicated about it - the process is based on the principle of pyrolysis. The finished raw material is burned at a given temperature without access to air and turns into coal. The production algorithm is as follows:

  1. Raw materials are manually loaded into the oven.
  2. The oven turns on, burning occurs.
  3. The coal is unloaded, cooled, packaged and sent to the warehouse.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure, but during production you should strictly monitor safety precautions. Be sure to follow fire safety, install an alarm and have several fire extinguishers on hand so that if a fire occurs, it can be quickly extinguished.

The best raw material for making coal is wood in lumps, cut into pieces of 40-60 cm. If you plan to purchase logs, you will have to hire a special person who will grind them to a given size. The cheapest way to buy raw materials is from a supplier or at woodworking plants - they are available in almost all regions of Russia. Agree with them about wholesale supplies - The cheaper you can buy raw materials, the greater your profit will be.


Let's consider whatmust be purchased. Today the market offers entrepreneurs a wide range of specialized equipment, from inexpensive manually loaded ovens to automated lines capable of producing tens of cubic meters of finished product per shift. The main equipment for production is a pyrolysis oven. We do not recommend starting a business with professional stoves - first, purchase a small one, master the process, find clients, and then calculate how much coal you can sell, and based on this, select a new device. When choosing, consider the following factors:

  1. Available area. Entry-to-mid-level ovens take up about 40 m2, so consider whether you can place it on your site or in a workshop.
  2. How much raw material can you load at one time? Keep in mind that to produce 1 ton of coal you need 7-9 tons. The higher quality the loaded wood is, the better the product will come out.
  3. Duration of pyrolysis. On average, one cycle lasts about 50 hours, but it all depends on the type of wood, the selected equipment and the volume of the furnace.
  4. Power of the pyrolysis furnace. Power is how much coal can be created in one cycle. There are models on the market with a capacity from 100 to 2000 kilograms of finished products.

Pyrolysis oven for manufacturing

What you need to get started

Next we will consider charcoal production technology and equipment , which is needed to start. The main thing in this matter is the oven. The price depends on its power - in 2017, a small 100-kilogram stove can be bought for 50,000, a full-fledged 2-ton stove for 1,000,000 rubles. Thanks to this division, you can choose the option that suits you both in terms of price and performance. Many entrepreneurs start their journey with a 300-500 kg stove, after which, if necessary, they buy a second one or exchange it for a more powerful one. Note that not only pyrolysis, but also retort furnaces are available on the market, but they are of worse quality, so they should not be considered as an alternative. To get started you will also need:

  1. Electronic scales 5-7,000 rubles.
  2. Packaging device - 100-150,000 rubles.
  3. Chainsaw - 10,000 rubles.

This is the minimum set of equipment to get started - it is quite enough for beginners and small workshops. In the future, you may need separators for grinding, dryers to improve the quality of raw materials, dispensers to automate the process, special supply lines, etc., but this equipment is usually used in large enterprises, so you shouldn’t think about it yet. You can save even more by purchasing not a ready-made stove, but by ordering the manufacture of a barrel for pyrolysis from local craftsmen, but this is an option for those who have a seriously limited budget - it is better to immediately buy a high-quality and specialized stove.

How profitable is it?

Universal business plan for charcoal production no - it all depends on where exactly you will purchase raw materials, what the price will be for it, how you will organize sales, etc., but on average, the industry figures are known. We recommend not to get involved with retail sales; as a last resort, you can simply sell bags in the workshop without organizing your own retail outlets.

Quality charcoal

Look for those who will purchase products in bulk:

  1. Supermarkets or local retail chains.
  2. Gas stations.
  3. Restaurants and cafes.
  4. Wholesale stores and bases.
  5. Various industrial enterprises that need coal for technical processes.

Practice shows that in almost any region of Russia there are places where coal from the manufacturer will be popular and can be sold in bulk. Therefore, before you start, think about where you can rent it out, try to communicate with potential buyers to determine their expectations and the required volumes. It often happens that an entrepreneur works with one wholesaler, handing over to him all the products he produces.

  1. Registration in tax authorities- 15,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of a set of equipment - 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Renting premises, renovation work- 400,000 rubles per year.
  4. Purchase of wood for processing - 300,000 rubles.

In total, to open a business you will need approximately 1,700,000 rubles. Note that in this case we are talking about professional equipment and a medium-sized workshop producing about 20 tons of coal per month. If there is no such budget, then you can get by with a cheaper set of equipment and a garage - this will require an investment of approximately 300,000 rubles with a productivity of 2 tons per month. Also, for the delivery of finished products, it is advisable to have a car - even an inexpensive GAZelle, capable of carrying about a ton of cargo, will do.

Next, let's calculate the profit. The selling wholesale price of birch charcoal in 2017 is 100 rubles per kilogram, while its cost is approximately 60, taking into account all expenses. On 1 kilogram you earn 40 rubles, on 2 tons products sold(home workshop) - 80 thousand rubles, for a full-fledged enterprise producing 20 tons per month - 800,000 rubles. Thus, the investments made pay off in 2-4 months, although in practice the full payback occurs in 4-6 months (additional costs inevitably arise).

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Beginning entrepreneurs are always primarily interested in a business that does not require special knowledge or significant investment. One of these areas is the production of charcoal. Statistics speak about the attractiveness of the business: during the season, one average cafe burns up to 4 tons of this fuel.

What is charcoal

Before starting a business, it is worth clarifying what you will have to deal with. Charcoal is ecological view fuel, which produces a lot of heat. It is readily used for cooking shish kebab on an open fire, for barbecues and barbecues, as well as in rural ovens and fireplaces.

In addition, coal is widely used in the metallurgical and chemical industries for lighting industrial furnaces. In the construction industry, coal is used as an insulating material and is also used to make paints and varnishes. In addition, coal is used as a feed additive for various domestic animals.

Due to such a variety of uses, coal has several varieties:

  • Red, which is made from softwood using the soft charcoal method.
  • White is made from elm, hornbeam, oak, birch and other hardwoods.
  • Black is made from poplar, alder, willow, linden, aspen and other soft woods.

Based on product quality requirements (GOST), coal is divided into three types A - premium, B – first, C – second.

Business registration

To start a business producing this material, you need to draw up a business plan. First of all, it includes mandatory registration of production. There are several options for business organization forms. Which one to choose depends on the scale of your production and plans for its development. If you have a relatively modest production plan, you can go with a simple organizational formindividual entrepreneur. To register it, 800 rubles are enough. to pay the state fee and five working days to review your documents.

If you have an ambitious plan to conquer the market or the company will have several founders, it makes sense to register an LLC.

Production room

While your business is going through the official registration procedure, you can begin searching for suitable premises. To save on buying or renting it, you can rent a room outside the city or in the suburbs. Business will require a small space. Installation of one furnace takes 20 square meters. m of open area. In addition, you will need warehouse space and utility room for staff and equipment storage. In total, approximately 200 square meters should be included in the business plan. m. total area.


Operating a furnace is not difficult, so there is no point in spending money on highly qualified personnel. To service the oven, no more than three workers will be required, including loaders. In addition to them, it is necessary to hire a manager who will deal with the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products. You will also need the services of an accountant. At first, they can be outsourced. But the wider your production, the more complex the accounting will be. Then it is more cost-effective to hire a specialist on staff. Another important employee at the enterprise is the warehouse guard.


The material is made in a special retort furnace or, as it is also called, a charcoal kiln. The burning process itself takes place in a separate chamber. This is where the material is dried. The advantage of such a furnace is that the vapors of various gases that are released during combustion are used to further heat the furnace.

At the initial stages of production, you can get by with one oven. If you take low-power charcoal production equipment, you can produce up to 100 tons of coal per year. Over time, production can be expanded and equipment with a capacity of 150-200 tons of products per year can be installed.

Such a stove costs approximately 350 thousand rubles. very simple configuration and inexpensive manufacturer. But you can find equipment for 750 thousand rubles.

Please note that retort ovens operate on solid wood. If you want to work with waste from the wood processing industry, you need to use a slightly different technology.

The coal produced in this case is valued even higher than that produced by pyrolysis.

Raw materials

Charcoal is made from wood waste, namely:

  • wood fragments;
  • stumps;
  • pieces of wood with branches;
  • wood chips;
  • peat;
  • furniture production waste;
  • sawdust

You can organize supplies of raw materials from furniture production, logging, and wood processing enterprises. The raw material consumption plan per ton of coal depends on the nature of the wood species. So, soft rocks are taken in the size of 11-12 cubic meters. 7-8 cubic meters of birch is enough.

Production technology

The technology for producing charcoal is distinguished by its simplicity. First, sawdust, wood chips, hemp and other raw materials are sent to the oven. There it is heated to 550 o C by pyrolysis, that is, without access to oxygen. When the coal has cooled, it goes through the briquetting stage. The finished material is allowed to cool, after which it is packaged in paper bags. That is, all the work of manufacturing the product is done by the oven. Therefore, anyone without special qualifications can control production.

In addition to the furnace, the production will need the following equipment:

  • hydraulic device for splitting firewood – 55 RUR/piece;
  • chainsaw – 5 thousand rubles;
  • electric generator – 20 thousand rubles;
  • electronic scales – 5 thousand rubles.

Calculation part

To determine the feasibility of a business, you need to draw up a plan for income and expenses. So, the expenditure part will consist of the following items:

  • marketing, advertising, transport - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • raw materials – 1200 rub./m3;
  • staff salary – 120 thousand rubles. in year;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​400 thousand rubles;
  • rental of production and warehouse premises – 200 thousand rubles. in year.

In total, you will need about 770 thousand rubles to start. Finished products can be sold for 17-10 rubles/kg. You can earn 80 thousand rubles per month from sales. The project will pay for itself in about a year.

Charcoal production business. Technology and equipment for charcoal production.

Charcoal production is a fast-paying business in wood waste. To organize a small production, significant capital investments are not needed. Coal business is profitable primarily if the raw material - wood waste - is available. The wholesale cost of one ton of charcoal is $500 – $900.


Charcoal is an environmentally friendly fuel; when burned, it does not emit harmful substances, has high heat transfer and practically does not smoke.

There are several types of charcoal that can be obtained from certain wood:

  • Black - from softwood poplar, linden, alder, aspen, willow.
  • Red – from coniferous species pine, spruce.
  • White - from hardwoods birch, oak, hornbeam, elm.

The highest quality and most expensive coal can be obtained from hard wood.

To organize the production of charcoal you will need the following equipment.

Smokeless pyrolysis oven.

Until relatively recently, open-type furnaces were used to produce charcoal, which had a low percentage of coal yield and also caused harm to the environment by emitting gases into the atmosphere. Ovens are currently used in production closed type(pyrolysis) which make it possible to obtain almost twice as much coal as in open-type furnaces and do not pollute the environment.

When choosing a furnace, you must first focus on performance, maintainability and price.

Also, for sawing wood, you will need chainsaws and a splitting ax to chop large logs.

Separator for separating coal into fractions.

Scales and bagging machine for packing.

Charcoal production technology.

To produce charcoal, pyrolysis technology is used - burning wood in a container without oxygen at temperatures up to 500 ° C. During pyrolysis, the gases that are released during combustion remain in the chamber and thereby support the combustion process, vapor gases are removed through a pipe in the condenser, and the liquid is separated from the gas.

The process takes place in a retort (closed vessel) in which the wood decomposes without access to air under the influence of heat.

The wood is loaded into the retort, the furnace is melted and the retort is heated, the temperature is controlled using a pyrometer.

First, the retort is heated to a temperature of 150 °C, moisture is released from the wood and the process of drying the wood occurs.

Now the coal needs to be separated from tars and non-condensable gases; for this, the temperature in the installation is raised to 500 ° C, a process called calcination.

The process is stopped and the furnace is cooled.

When the coal cools, it is removed from the furnace, sifted in a separator and packaged.

Charcoal production business.

Production should be located in suburban areas, the best option There will be a plot on the outskirts of the village. It should be remembered that the sanitary zone of production with pyrolysis furnaces must be at least 100 meters, this is the minimum distance to residential buildings.

Furnaces do not require a room; they are placed in an open area, but storing coal will require a covered, dry room.

As for profit, it directly depends on the cost of purchasing wood and its type. Wood waste itself is quite cheap, but transportation, loading, and delivery can significantly increase the cost of raw materials. Therefore, it is more profitable to organize the production of charcoal directly near sawmills.

If you use soft wood, the yield of 1 ton of coal is obtained from 11 m³ of wood. When using hard rocks, 7 m³ per 1 ton of coal. The wholesale price of charcoal, depending on the type of wood used in production, can range from $500 to $900 per ton.

The production of charcoal type today has reached high altitudes. Such products served as the beginning of the development of civilization. Currently, there is a wide range of installations that can be used for their intended purpose. The choice of equipment for the production of charcoal must be thorough.

Nuances you need to know about

It should be noted that almost any modern technology that is used to produce materials is environmentally friendly. In addition, the new equipment is energetically effective solution. Every year, about 10 million tons of charcoal are produced with its help.

The material used for production is a variety of waste that comes from sawmills. Solid wood can also be used. The equipment needed for coal production does not require special care. It is necessary to hire about three people who will work with the devices in shifts.

What types of equipment are available?

The choice of equipment for the production of charcoal is often complicated due to the availability different options. The following groups of devices can be distinguished:

1. Mobile units.

2. Stationary technologies.

3. Auxiliary equipment.

Mobile and stationary devices differ from each other only in that in the second case the equipment cannot be moved to another location. It should also be noted that quite often the installation has a combination of drying and pyrolysis functions.


Having made a choice in favor of the appropriate type of equipment, you need to carefully approach the installation procedure. The installation of equipment must meet the requirements of GOST. In addition, the devices must be completely safe from an environmental point of view, since the furnaces burn not only waste, but also carbon residues. In order to maintain the installation, there is no need to hire qualified workers. This matter is not particularly complicated.

Using the oven for production

The equipment that is necessary for the production of charcoal type can be classified by cost, as well as by the volume of products produced in one month. A modern retort furnace for the production of charcoal is quite different in external design from the one that was used previously.

On this moment In the business that is associated with the production of coal, a variety of furnaces are common. The differences are based on the method of supplying coolant to the wood. This avoids contact with flue gas. In other words, wood products are located in a separate chamber.

The raw material is heated directly from the walls, which, in turn, reach the desired temperature with the help of a coolant. There is a retort furnace for producing charcoal in which the smoke masses exit directly through the wood.

The raw material supply procedure occurs through the activation and loading hopper. To do this, you should use trolleys. Loading can be either manual or automatic - using a special conveyor or mechanical cleaver. At the moment when the wood is fully loaded, the trolleys are sent to a special chamber in which drying-pyrolysis occurs.

It should also be noted that the chambers, which have some separate furnaces for the production of charcoal, are capable of placing about three trolleys at a time. When the temperature sensor indicates that the wood is completely dry, the remaining gases will be sent to a special chamber for cleaning. They will be burned without any additional support.

In order to increase the productivity of the charcoal furnace, it is provided special process. It involves sending the remaining heat from the pyrolysis chamber to the drying chamber. Then these compartments change their roles. In other words, the drying chamber becomes pyrolysis, while the other compartment is switched to drying mode.

As a result of all this, the trolleys come out of the chambers with ready-made coal. Subsequently, they are placed in separate boxes for cooling. After the drying procedure, condensation may form in the chamber. To remove it, special pipes are used.

Main stages of production

Charcoal kilns for coal production provide conditions for pyrolysis. This process is divided into the following main stages:

1. Drying at a temperature of 120 to 150 degrees. In this case, water is released.

2. The beginning of the decomposition process. This is carried out at temperatures from 150 to 275 degrees. This releases carbon dioxide and acetic acid.

3. The main decomposition products are formed and evaporate. All this happens at temperatures between 275 and 450 degrees. In this case, the release of esters, hydrocarbons, acetic acid, carbon monoxide and other things is observed.

4. The wood residue is calcined at a temperature of 450 to 550 degrees. The release of heavy tar, hydrocarbons, etc. begins.

All stages are accompanied by heat supply.

Composition of the finished material

Coal, which is obtained as a result of all of the above treatments, contains non-volatile carbon. Its share is about 78%. Ash content is approximately 2.5%. Humidity does not exceed six percent.

Charcoal kilns for the production of charcoal are capable of processing long- and short-length waste that comes from sawmills. About 7.5 tons of charcoal come out of approximately 75 cubic meters of birch per month.

Basic expenses

In order to set up production, you will need to perform some operations. It is necessary to order equipment for one charcoal kiln. The following expenses will be incurred at this stage:

1. Purchasing a stove will cost approximately 300 thousand rubles.

2. You will need to spend about 30 thousand rubles on construction work.

3. About 30 thousand rubles are needed to install the equipment.

4. Delivery of equipment to the installation site will cost about 50 thousand rubles.

Working capital

What volume working capital expects beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who decide to engage in similar activities?

1. Transport costs will be about 30 thousand rubles per month.

2. In order to pay wages employees will need to spend about 20 thousand rubles per month.

3. The purchase of raw materials will cost about 38 thousand rubles per month. It's about about birch.

4. The purchase of packaging material will cost about 4 thousand rubles.

As a result, the entrepreneur will face expenses per month that will amount to about 100 thousand rubles. In order to create a workshop for coal production, you will need to spend about 375 thousand rubles. As a result, the minimum cost of organizing your own coal production business will be about 475 thousand rubles.

Starting a home production

If there is no money to organize larger-scale production, then at the initial stage you can get by with small losses. You only need a barrel to produce charcoal. The material is placed in it. After this, you need to make sure that there is no air left in the container. And it is under this condition that the material will be obtained. You can also dig a hole, under which you will then need to make a combustion pit. Thus, the entrepreneur will master the technology of producing charcoal at home.

When will the costs be fully recouped?

The cost of the products that will be produced averages about 12 rubles per kilogram. Wholesale sale of coal occurs at 15 rubles per kilogram. The profit from one kilogram of products sold thus reaches three rubles.

What will be used to repay the invested funds will be about one and a half rubles per kilogram. Consequently, the entrepreneur will receive a profit of 1.5 rubles. for one kilogram. It can be concluded that the payback period entrepreneurial activity for coal production is about 36 months.


If you decide to set up own business for the production of charcoal, you should know that using waste from sawmills instead of raw materials will reduce the cost of production. In addition, waste can be disposed of in this way.

Charcoal- a unique product, with its highest efficiency it is completely in a safe way fuel in terms of environmental impact.

It is widely used not only for industrial purposes, but also in household activities.

In addition to heating homes, it is successfully used as energy source for cooking.

When using it no carcinogenic substances are released, poisoning food, which cannot be said about ordinary firewood and coal.

Construction companies also do not ignore its use as an excellent thermal insulation material. IN agriculture it is used as a biologically valuable feed component for poultry and livestock, as well as in the form of soil fertilizers.

Charcoal comes in three types:

  • red, produced using the soft firing method, mainly from conifers;
  • white, made by firing hardwood (oak, birch, hornbeam, etc.);
  • black, obtained by firing soft wood (poplar, aspen, alder, etc.).

In terms of quality, it is divided into three grades (according to GOST):

Production technology

Basis of production – pyrolysis process.

Pyrolysis is the burning of wood in the absence of oxygen.

To perform pyrolysis, you need retort charcoal kilns. They can be:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

Retort furnaces– these are the chambers where the raw materials are fired and dried.

The main principle of operation of the stove is that the gases and vapors that are released when wood burns flow directly into the firebox.

There they are burned, thereby not harming the environment and providing the combustion process with additional heat.

Work on coal production proceeds in the following order:

  1. The wood is placed in the retort oven chamber.
  2. As soon as a sensor signal is received about the burning and drying of charcoal, it is unloaded and left to cool.
  3. After this, the product is crushed into pieces and packaged in bags and bags (paper or plastic). Coal for domestic purposes is crushed more finely, for industrial purposes the crushing is coarser.

Raw materials

As for raw materials, absolutely any are suitable for coal production:

  • knotty pieces of wood;
  • sawdust;
  • fragments of wooden cloth;
  • branch;
  • furniture production waste;
  • paper industry, etc.

Suppliers may be:

  • woodworking industries;
  • furniture factories;
  • sawmills;
  • organizations that cut trees.

Can be installed business contacts with workers of nearby forestry enterprises engaged in logging.

Peat can also be used in this production.

Even your dacha neighbors can become your suppliers, because many of them trim trees every year.

The consumption of raw materials per ton of charcoal approximately looks like this: about 8 m3 - birch wood, about 12 m3 - soft varieties.


Charcoal production requires the purchase of the following equipment:

  • charcoal kiln. Price from 100 thousand rubles;
  • scales. Cost – approximately 5 thousand rubles;
  • electricity generator. Costs are approximately 20 thousand rubles;
  • chainsaw. Cost – from 5 thousand rubles;
  • hydraulic device, used for chopping wood. Average prices are around 55 thousand rubles.


As for workers, no more than 2-3 people are needed; no professionalism is required from them. Workers are needed to:

  • load the production line;
  • unload raw materials;
  • load finished products.

In addition to workers, you will need to hire:

  • watchman;
  • sales and purchasing manager (if you do not plan to engage in sales yourself);
  • perhaps an accountant.

Permitting documentation

Any commercial activity requires the creation of an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

In the case of charcoal production, it is better to give preference to the individual entrepreneur form, since in this case tax rates are much more preferential.

In addition, you will not have to waste time on complex paperwork.

Unlike many other types commercial activities, no special permits or licenses not required.

Registration ends with the usual entry of data into the general state database.

Total costs and payback

When talking about overall business costs, in addition to the cost of equipment, you should consider the following:

  • rent (if you do not have your own premises, you will have to pay about 200 thousand rubles per year);
  • salaries to employees (about 200 thousand rubles annually);
  • advertising, marketing, transport (approximately 50 thousand rubles).

Thus, the cost of starting a business will be about 635 thousand rubles. (or less if using your own site).

With the cost of charcoal ranging from 18 to 25 rubles. for 1 kg, monthly income from product sales will be from 80 to 100 thousand rubles. This will allow you to recoup your investment in at least six months, and if you don’t need to pay rent for the premises, then even less. Cafes and restaurants alone burn, on average, about 4-5 tons of charcoal every month.

With proper commercial sales, the circle of buyers will grow, which, accordingly, will entail increase in turnover and profit.

The workshop premises may be located outside the city. An excellent solution to the problem of premises can be the use of a summer house. The main thing is that suppliers of raw materials are as close as possible.

Sales of charcoal

As for the sale of charcoal on the domestic market, this type of commerce can become cost-effective and very profitable.

The main consumers of charcoal are catering facilities (restaurants, cafes), which use about 5 million tons of this product in one season.

This should include other enterprises and vital infrastructure such as:

Private consumers also purchase coal when traveling to:

  • fishing;
  • dacha;
  • hunting.

Production shops that produce varnishes and paints are constantly in need of coal.

With an abundance of opportunities for selling products, this business does not require costly and high-tech forms of production.


Speaking about a business based on the production of charcoal from wood waste, it is worth noting a number of points that encourage the choice of this particular type of commercial activity. All over the world in last decades trends in preserving and maintaining the ecological balance of nature are noted.

This is about:

  • preservation of green areas and ecosystems untouched by human activity;
  • maintaining cleanliness environment by creating production facilities that do not produce harmful emissions.

The active work of environmental organizations has led to the fact that many governments Western countries, setting an example for the whole world, have a significant government subsidies business based on processing wood (and other) waste.

Russia does not remain aloof from new trends in the field of resource conservation and the environment. Under development Russian state small and medium business support programs in this area should be regarded as a favorable factor for opening a wood waste processing enterprise.

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Note that modern technologies don't stand still. If just a few years ago it took about 5 tons of wood to create 1 ton of charcoal, now, with the use of new technical means, 1.5 tons less wood waste is required.

The most important positive aspects when assessing the prospects of this business are free or almost free raw materials, low cost of equipment, no need to search for highly professional personnel, ample opportunities for marketing manufactured products.

The process of charcoal production is clearly presented in the video:

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