Names: origin and forms

Svetlana- (from Old Russian) light.

Derivatives: Svetlanka, Sveta, Svetik, Svetulya, Svetunya, Svetukha, Svetusha, Veta, Lana.

Directory of Russian names

Light(from Slavic).

Happiness lies in Svetlana herself: fate is inconsistent with her. She usually grows up to be a beauty. "Field Marshal in a Skirt." They are neat people, but they are rarely organized in life. They love old tart wine. They have a contrasting character. They are devoted to their husbands, but they can “stumble.”

The mystery of the name

Svetlana- light, clean (Old Slavonic).
Female version of Russian male name Svetlana, from the word "svetl". In Greek it corresponds to the name Photina. This is the name they call Svetlana at baptism.
The name has been especially popular in the last 70 years; currently it is used less in cities than in rural areas.
Zodiac name: Aquarius.
Planet: Neptune.
Name color: blue.
Talisman stone: rock crystal.
Auspicious plant: tree, lily.
Patron name: white hare.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Diminutive forms: Svetlanka, Sveta, Svetulya, Svetusha, Veta, Lana.
Main features: lightness, activity, receptivity.


Svetlana (Fotina, Fotinia) Palestinian, Rev., February 26 (13).
Svetlana Samaritan, Roman, martyr, April 2 (March 20). She suffered under Emperor Nero for spreading the Christian faith.



Svetochka is a very inquisitive child; she explores every corner of the apartment and discovers new objects with delight. She is growing up as a sociable, cheerful child who loves games. She has a rather cool attitude towards schoolwork, but she has a wonderful memory, an active mind, she quickly, easily, although shallowly, assimilates information, answers cheerfully in class - there are practically no problems with her academic performance. However, Sveta may become especially interested in some subject, then she studies it deeply, thoroughly, and it can subsequently become the basis for her in her professional activities.

Sveta is fascinated by films about love, she reads a lot, especially books on her favorite subject, and enjoys going to the theater and concerts of her favorite pop singers.

Sveta is a good organizer, the initiator of all activities in the class, she is active, loves to command, and is confident in her right to do so. But there is no cunning in her, she does everything sincerely. Svetlana is very receptive: whatever values ​​were instilled in her by her parents will be fundamental to her. But most often she is self-made, independent, hardworking, and adapts well to life.

The adult Svetlana is all woven from contradictions: she is kind to people and knows how to hurt them like no one else, she is selfless, but will not miss her goal, she knows exactly what she needs, she has chosen the right path, but in the most important point veered off the right direction.

Svetlana is very neat; she has been taking care of her appearance since childhood. She is always dressed in fashion, and this does not depend on her financial condition, on the contrary: difficulties activate her imagination, from two old dresses she will sew herself a breathtaking new one.

Svetlana is capable, if necessary now, of dramatically changing her views, intentions, retraining, and completely changing her profession. Svetlana finds herself in many areas of activity, most often she is a teacher, engineer, doctor, notary, accountant, psychologist, television worker. Svetlana can make a dizzying career.

Svetlana is very attractive, but cautious; she will marry in full confidence in the feelings and material capabilities of the applicant. But her fate is not always good, although opportunities arise from time to time.

Svetlana is sociable and sociable, loves to attract attention, loves to be liked. Life without men seems dull and inexpressive to her.

Svetlana is a very diligent housewife in the family; she strives to create comfort and makes preparations for the winter. A very caring mother, she considers it necessary to give her children a good education. Everything in the house is in its place, my husband always has clean shirts, a three-course meal during any crisis. She is faithful to her husband and is friends with her mother-in-law. Happy marriage Svetlana can be with Vadim, Vladimir, Oleg, Eduard, Yuri, Alexey, Boris.


Svetlana Druzhinina (born in 1936) is a famous Russian film actress and director.

When Sveta was in third grade, she herself, on her own, went to enroll in a circus school. And she was accepted. However, a year later, Sveta’s mother took Sveta from school. And the girl ended up in the choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theater, where Maris Liepa, Natalya Kasatkina, future ballet stars, became her classmates. Shortly before graduation, Svetlana fell ill and, although she graduated from college, she was left without a diploma. And yet, ten years of ballet training were not in vain. Svetlana Druzhinina is still slim, elegant, keeps in shape, and when she needs to stage a dance in her own film, she does it herself, or calls old friends from school.

In her youth, Svetlana worked on television. She led to live concerts, children's programs. And the first KVNs were not led by Zhiltsov and Maslyakov, but by Druzhinin and Derzhavin! It was on television that director Samson Samsonov, who began filming the film “Behind the Department Store Window,” took an eye on Svetlana. That's how she got into cinema. Her first film heroine is Sonya Bozhko, a beautiful saleswoman in the china department of a huge department store, with whom everyone falls in love. As Druzhinina herself said, even then she fell in love with the profession of director, she wanted to be independent, but “I had enough intelligence to understand that at the age of seventeen one does not become a director.” She entered VGIK in the acting department. The course was wonderful; many became popular film actors during their studies. Sofiko Chiaureli, Ariadna Shengelaya, Leonid Kuravlev and Svetlana Druzhinina studied in the same course. She defended her acting diploma with five film roles!

Svetlana Druzhinina’s notable film role was Larisa from the film “It Was About Penkov” (1958). A proud and brave village beauty, having listened to bad advice, decided to destroy her rival... To this day, viewers empathize with the passions that flared up in Penkov. People also remember the beautiful Anfisa from the comedy “Girls” (1962).

Soon Svetlana Druzhinina realized her dream, entered the directing department of VGIK and graduated brilliantly in 1969.

Svetlana Druzhinina's directorial debut was the film "Fulfillment of Desires" (1974) based on the novel by V. Kaverin. Then there was the musical film "The Sun, the Sun Again!" (1977). And then Druzhinina completely switched to television, where her films “The Matchmaking of a Hussar” (1979), “Dulcinea of ​​Tobossa” (1981), and “Circus Princess” (1982) were released one after another. A special place among Druzhinina’s television films is occupied by the trilogy about midshipmen, which turned into a kind of television series (the last two parts of the film were made for the big screen). Druzhinina's paintings have always been a success, but "Midshipmen" was especially successful. Young actors Zhigunov, Kharatyan, Shevelkov, after the screening of the first part, literally the next day after the television premiere woke up famous.

Currently, Svetlana Druzhinina is working on a project that continues the theme of "Midshipmen", but if they were fictional characters, then twelve episodes of the new film "Secrets" palace coups. Russia, eighteenth century" is based on genuine historical material.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

In life, she is sociable and friendly. She is always ready for new acquaintances and fun, noisy parties. Svetlana does not have the ability to finish the job she starts. And also it is not inherent for her to show strength of character. Thanks to her self-confidence, she manages to convince others of her perfection and the presence of missing qualities. Derivatives of the name Svetlana: Sveta, Svetulya, Svetochka, Svetlanochka, Lana.

Origin story

Scientists are still arguing about the mystery of the name Svetlana, its origin and meaning. Previously, they assumed that its decoding was “light” and that it had Slavic roots. However, some insisted on an ancient Greek origin, but this was never confirmed. But you can also hear that the name Svetlana could have originated in Iran. This name is translated from Iranian as “bright face.” In descriptions of reliable sources, the only known fact is the first mention of the name Svetlana in A. Kh. Vostokov’s poem “Svetlana and Mstislav” in 1802. Which is where it's supposed to come from that it was he who came up with this interesting, beautiful and unique name.

Later, Vasily Zhukovsky wrote about the name in a ballad, after which it became more common. However, it was not until 1943 that the name was officially recognized by the church. The popularity of the name was facilitated by the fact that this was the name given to the daughter of I.V. Stalin. Our history knows many outstanding women wearing this simple and beautiful name. Among them are:

  • Female cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya.
  • Actresses Svetlana Svetlichnaya and Svetlana Kryuchkova.
  • Athletes Zhurova and Khorkina.
  • Announcer Svetlana Morgunova.
  • Singer Svetlana Loboda.
  • Director Druzhinina and many others.

Patron Saints

Svetlana (Photinia) of Palestine is the patroness of all Svetlanas. She began her path to faith and enlightenment with a shipwreck, after which she survived. The waves washed the girl to the shore of the island, where she was discovered by Blessed Martinian, who lived on the island. He told Svetlana about, who has been living on the island alone for many years. Every four months a shipowner comes to see him and brings provisions. After this story, he blessed the girl and jumped into the sea. He was immediately picked up by dolphins and helped to get to the shore.

After a certain period of time, the shipowner again arrived on the island. The girl had the opportunity to return to the world with him, but she refused. She decided to stay on the island and devote all her time to prayers. After six years, Svetlana died - the girl was discovered by a shipowner who Once again sailed to the island. The Monk Svetlana was buried in Caesarea in Palestine. To the icon of St. Svetlana people deal with various everyday problems, pray for health and well-being.

Svetlana - the meaning of the name

Character and fate undoubtedly justify the bright name of Svetlana. The meaning of the name and fate are closely related. She is unenvious, unforgiving and easy man, able to easily find an approach to others. A responsible person, accustomed to being independent and relying only on their own strengths. The energy of the name has mobility and lightness, emotionality and fun. This is probably why the name remains quite popular to this day in Slavic countries.

Destiny of a woman

Fate is not always favorable to her, but she knows how to adapt quickly and well. If necessary, she can reconsider her priorities and views. However, she is capable of being subject to the opinions of others, being impressionable and defenseless against intrigue. Most often, she is a bad strategist - she lacks foresight and pragmatism. Although her flexible psyche helps her to endure all failures.

Not naturally determined, she has to refuse to set high goals for herself. When trying to achieve what she wants, she begins to panic at the first difficulties that arise, but her character does not allow her to ask for help. Possessing indecision, she has to go with the flow and walk through life only along a well-trodden path. The absurdity of her character still allows Svetlana to devote herself to friendship with devotion and selflessness. You can always feel comfort next to her. The wisdom that will appear in her with age will increase her attractiveness to others. She will never have self-interest and impudence.

What does the name Svetlana mean for a woman? It combines such qualities as: kindness and authority, perseverance and inability to make decisions, altruism and high self-esteem. Despite her quirkiness in the girl’s character, this does not prevent her from becoming a leader and commander, although she is friendly and generous. She always tries to defend her opinion to the end.

Positive qualities of Sveta more pronounced than negative ones. It should be noted that she does not pay any attention to the opinions of others, and she is even flattered when people talk about her. Most often, it is not very easy for her to cope with her emotions, since she is a very temperamental person. Her bossiness goes well with her easygoing nature, so it’s easy to get along with her, even if she’s in a bad mood.

Girl's childhood

The little girl Sveta is her mother’s favorite assistant. She is always happy to help cook, wash dishes or babysit her younger sisters and brothers. She is sociable and cheerful, and always easily finds her place in any children's group. The girl loves her family very much. Since childhood, Sveta has felt like a little princess and therefore carefully monitors her appearance. She always tries to dress neatly and tastefully. IN adolescence, having an innate sense of taste, will be interested in fashion trends.

She wants to be the center of attention, but she will lack self-confidence. Having a good memory, you will show good results in school. However, all her knowledge will be superficial and limited only to information from textbooks. It will be important for parents to instill in her a love of reading in order to so that she grows into a well-rounded personality.

As she gets older, she won't want to work or study. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to develop tactfulness and determination in her. You should not abuse strict upbringing, as in this case it may manifest itself negative side character. Parents should try to find a middle ground so that their daughter can show her best qualities at an older age.

So that the girl begins to accept arguments moms and dads, they must touch her to the core. In case of non-compliance, quite simple rules a girl, after years of holding back feelings and emotions, will want to let them out. She will begin to indulge in wild life and fun with redoubled force.

Health and illness

The main thing for Svetlana is her psychological and moral state. If she is nervous, she may experience frequent headaches. It is necessary to follow a daily routine and get enough sleep to avoid frequent migraines, which can get worse with age. She usually has no habits other than her love for sweets. All this has a pretty good effect on her appearance and condition.

Personal life

It is most often easier for Svetlana to find a common language with men, in whose company she feels much more comfortable. She does not have clear criteria when choosing a partner for an intimate relationship. If she feels sympathy for a person, then she can easily agree to intimacy. At first glance, cold and unapproachable Sveta is actually sensual and romantic. She will not see the meaning in life without a man. She undoubtedly needs someone who will love her. But despite this, intimate relationships do not play a huge role in life. Spiritual connection is much more important to her.

A man who can protect and provide for his woman in a difficult situation will be able to find favor with her. If the partner is passionate and gentle, then she will become clay in his hands. And from her you can mold a sensual and desirable woman.

Family relationships

Sveta is well aware of the importance of family for a girl, so she is more careful when choosing a life partner. Most often, early marriage is not typical for her, and she rarely makes mistakes in choosing a lover, since for a long time waiting for her prince. Home and children - that's it, in which Sveta can find herself. Family happiness will completely absorb her, and she will quit her job without regret.

Her ability to adapt to people will make her husband feel happy, and he will not have to get rid of his habits. She will rely on her husband for everything, this may apply to financial problems and all life tasks. With great pleasure she will hand over the palm to her husband, but despite this, she will try to keep everything under her control. If she has to deal life problems or work, she will be unhappy.

She will try to provide maximum comfort and coziness for her children. All her thoughts and actions will be aimed at fulfilling the interests of her children and husband. But, lacking rationality, she is able to spend all the money in one day.

The names of men with whom a successful marriage is possible: Oleg, Vadim, Boris, Vladimir, Vasily, Eduard, Peter, Yuri and Alexey. Alliances should be avoided with men named: Anton, Evgeny, Mikhail, Vladislav, Alexander, Dmitry and Gleb.

Business and career

Throughout Sveta's life she can change a large number of professions until she finds what she really needs. By nature, she is not a workaholic, so it is difficult for her to achieve career heights. Because of her dislike of studying, she may be left without higher education. However, he may find his calling in such professions as:

  • Salesman.
  • Administrator.
  • Cook.
  • Manager.
  • Copywriter.

Her creative person may lead to the field of activity of music, culture or art. As she gets older she may get carried away interesting thing, and she will have to educate herself.

Since she has such qualities as authority, she can easily cope with a leadership position. But she will not become a businessman, since she is hampered by her inability to complete the work she has started. This means that she does not hear the voice of reason, so her actions are driven by emotions and impulses. In addition, she combines two contradictory qualities: ambition and laziness. As a rule, Sveta is not concerned about building her career or business. She can be controlled by her emotions, and a small change in mood can force her to suddenly and radically change her job.

Patron mascots

Attention, TODAY only!

Clean, bright, luminous... The name Svetlana has several variants of origin, but the meaning is exactly the same, affectionate and warm. Parents, choosing this name for their child, seem to endow their daughter with light and pure thoughts.

One version of the origin of the name speaks of ancient Slavic roots. “Light” is interpreted literally, and “lan” is land, arable land, fertile habitat. Thus, the name means “Light of the Earth,” “bright on the outside,” “pure on the inside.”

Another version talks about the correspondence to the Greek Photina, which is given to little ones at baptism and which is translated into Russian as “light”.

There are a large number of derivative options: Svetik, Svetlanka, Lana, Veta, Vetka, Svetunya, Svetulya, Svetusik, Svetochka, etc.

  • Blue color.
  • Planet Neptune.
  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  • Talisman: rock crystal.
  • Plant: lily, birch.
  • Totem animal: white hare.

Day Angel

Name days are celebrated only twice:

  1. Venerable Photina of Palestine – February 26 (13).
  2. Svetlana Samaritan - April 2 (March 20).

Eat folk signs for this day - April 2. If there are blue clouds in the sky, then there will be warm rainy weather in the near future.

Person's character

The first impression that Svetlanka makes on people is that she is a sociable, cheerful girl. But upon further communication, it turns out that this is a versatile person with a rather contradictory, even contrasting character.

Full of kindness to people, Sveta, however, has a steel core inside her. This is a real commander - demanding of himself and those around him. Determination and perseverance allow you to persistently achieve your goals. But excessive stubbornness sometimes forces Svetlana to cause pain to others, often without even noticing it.

Innate diplomacy and the ability to get along with people help Sveta solve many important issues. At the same time, it is always easier for her to communicate with men than with women. Having somewhat inflated self-esteem, Sveta is distrustful and does not like to listen to the opinions of others.

Closeness with family and relatives is what is really important for a girl. Spirituality usually prevails over career aspirations. Subject to the influence of companies and friends, she is ready to follow someone, but not for long, after which her own leadership qualities come into play.


Character leaves an imprint on fate, the threads of which are stretched throughout life. Open to both good and bad, Sveta can make mistakes, sometimes greatly. Therefore, parents usually take responsibility for their daughter and do not leave her until marriage.

Svetusik can take a long time to choose a contender for his hand and heart. Men like the girl, but she never imposes herself; she has a peculiarity, a zest. Sveta has no special requirements for men, but her characteristic distrust of others plays a role. Subsequently, in the family it is wonderful caring wife and a mother who can create comfort in any place and surround all her relatives with warmth.

The desire for a position in society and self-education ultimately leads Svetlana to a wise choice of profession. The areas that suit her are tourism, art, and culture, where Sveta manages to fully realize herself. This is a good leader, he can reach considerable heights in business or in the state field. Hardworking and careful, knows how to adapt to circumstances.

Some lack of foresight in business and the inability to predict failures sometimes provoke the emergence of unpleasant situations in the future. life path. True, there is always a person nearby who can help out, lend a helping hand.

Compatibility with other names

A bright, sociable girl can create harmonious relationships with many men. The most suitable life partners are named:,

Meaning of the name

Svetlana’s character is woven from many contradictions, so one should not be surprised that she can be kind and vengeful at the same time, sympathetic and narcissistic, selfless and calculating. She tries to accept people as they are, but also demands the same from those around her. The authority of this woman goes well with her easygoing nature, so it’s always easy, warm and cozy with Svetlana, despite her mood swings. But we should not forget that the time of year of Svetlana’s birth can significantly correct her already difficult character.

Characteristics of the name Svetlana

Winter Svetlana is a leader who loves not only to command, but also to be the center of attention (admiring glances and recognition of her abilities fuel this woman, inspiring her to conquer new heights). But brilliance and fame cannot replace warm human relationships. And this should be remembered by winter Svetlana, who can suddenly lose the favor of loved ones. She chooses a man who is no less powerful and strong (she is not interested in young men who have not succeeded in life and are looking for their own path).

Spring Svetlana - a doubtful and insecure nature, she lacks the willpower and strength of character to accomplish her plans. She is constantly in disharmony with herself and the world around her, which sooner or later leads to the development of depression. It is vital for this woman to learn to look at the world easily and freely, only then will she find not only harmony, but also love. By the way, spring Svetlana likes gallant, kind and funny men, which are able to fill her world with bright colors.

Summer Svetlana good-natured, open and talented. She easily finds a common language with any person, which helps her surround herself with sympathetic and kind people. Her selflessness knows no bounds, which is why Svetlana often suffers. In a man, she values, first of all, sincerity, warmth and loyalty (trust is the main component on which Svetlana, born in the summer, builds relationships).

Autumn Svetlana reasonable, pragmatic and distrustful. She does not like to quarrel and conflict. In addition, she will not let anyone close to her, because her trust and affection must be earned. Her isolation is the result of the fact that people she trusted have betrayed her more than once. The chosen one of autumn Svetlana is a solid and serious man who, without unnecessary words will take upon himself the solution of all problems.

Stone - talisman

Stones such as rock crystal, jasper and black opal bring good luck to Svetlana.


This is a stone that attracts love, constancy, joy, luck, prosperity and spiritual harmony. Also, rock crystal relieves nightmares and unmotivated fears, and normalizes sleep.

It is believed that products made from rock crystal help strengthen and reveal the gift of foresight (it is not surprising that this particular stone in the form of crystals was often used for fortune telling).


Jasper is a stone that prolongs life and improves mood. It is a symbol of modesty, courage and fortitude.

In China, to this day it is believed that jasper (especially dishes made from this stone) can cure many diseases and reduce pain.

Jasper also protects from evil rock, brings happiness, drives away bad thoughts and develops mental abilities. A dark stone protects against the evil eye, a cold stone develops clairvoyance, a red stone eliminates diseases, a green stone calms the nervous system, and a red stone cleanses internal organs.

Jasper is famous for its energetic effect: thus, with the help of this stone you can cleanse space from negative influences, attract prosperity and tranquility.

Interesting fact! Red and orange jasper will bring good luck to fire signs of the zodiac, blue and gray jasper will bring good luck to water signs, earth signs are recommended to wear items with green and brown jasper, while air signs It is better to give preference to a white or yellow stone.

Black opal

This is a stone of love, faith, responsiveness, hope and compassion, which enlightens the mind and helps get rid of dark thoughts and unreasonable fears. It is believed that black opal not only brings happiness, but also helps to establish contact between people.

Mages and sorcerers used amulets with this gem to ward off black witchcraft, damage and the evil eye.

Ancient people believed that black opal symbolized fidelity, both physical and spiritual.


The colors that bring good luck to Svetlana are blue, blue, brown, green and red (you can read more about them in the article).


Svetlana’s lucky number is 6 (you can read more about the influence of six in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).



Animal - symbol

Svetlana's totem animal is the hare - a contradictory symbol that personifies fertility, love, promiscuity, but at the same time timidity, naivety and worldly wisdom. In addition, this soft and furry animal is identified in many cultures with speed, vigilance, caution, agility and dexterity.

In Egypt, the hare symbolized the dawn, the beginning of a new life, discovery, moral purity and success in your endeavors.

The Slavs attributed male erotic symbolism and demonic properties to the hare. In addition, it was believed that this animal goes to its goal through deception and cunning, and not through hard work and assertiveness.

In Christianity, the hare is a symbol of fertility and lust, but at the same time this animal, lying at the feet of the Virgin Mary, symbolizes victory over lust.


Good luck will be brought to Svetlana by the zodiac sign Aquarius, which you can read about in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life.”


Svetlana's mascot plants are birch and lily.


This tree simultaneously symbolizes death and resurrection, good and evil, sunset and dawn.

In some traditions, including the beliefs of the Slavs, the birch tree symbolizes light, beauty, purity, innocence and femininity. The Buryats believed that it was the birch tree that guarded the gates that opened the way to heaven.

At the same time, birch can also be identified with evil spirits.


This is a plant symbolizing purity, perfection, religiosity and righteousness, in Christian tradition considered an essential attribute of the Virgin Mary. The fact is that the triple lily symbolizes the Trinity and three virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity.

If we talk about heraldic meaning, then this flower is a symbol of supreme power. The lily also represents fertility and prosperity.

In Europe, the lily symbolized the tree of life and inspiration.

But! White lilies, along with purity, can in some cases symbolize death.


The metal named after Svetlana is iron, symbolizing masculinity, militancy, strength, justice and courage. It is believed that this metal is able to ward off demons; for this reason, our ancestors often wore iron products (rings, amulets) as jewelry.

Interesting fact! The magic circle, which protects from evil spirits, was originally drawn not with salt, but with an iron tip.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Svetlana

Name translation

The name Svetlana is translated as “bright”, “pure”, “luminous”, “light of the earth”.

History of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name Svetlana. So, according to one of them, this name is female form rare male name Svetlana.

According to another version, the name Svetlana has Slavic roots and is formed by adding two words - “light” and “lan” ( the last word translated from Ukrainian as “earth”, “fertile soil”).

Finally, there is a version according to which the name Svetlana is a tracing paper Greek name Photinia, translated as "light". Before the name Svetlana Orthodox Church allowed to be used during the baptismal ceremony, the owners of this name were baptized under the name Photinia.

The name Svetlana became widely popular thanks to V. A. Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”. IN Soviet times The popularity of this name was largely influenced by the fact that this was the name of Joseph Stalin’s daughter.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Svetlana: Sveta, Svetulya, Svetulichka, Svetlanka, Svetunya, Svetusya, Veta, Lana, Svetochka, Svetlanochka, Svetik, Svetka, Svetusha, Lanochka, Vetochka, Svetik.

The secret of the name Svetlana

Patrons of the name

  • Venerable Svetlana of Palestine (or Photinia).
  • Svetlana Samaritan (or Roman).

Angel's Day (name day)

The legend of the name Svetlana

There is a well-known legend about the Venerable Svetlana of Palestine, whose righteous path began with a shipwreck, in which only she was lucky enough to survive (the waves nailed the girl to the island rock where Blessed Martinian lived). He told Svetlana about his hermit life, that three times a year he is visited by a shipowner who brings him provisions. After his story, Martinian blessed the girl, left her bread and water, and he rushed into the sea, where he was picked up by dolphins, who helped him get to land.

Time passed, and a shipman arrived at the rock, who, finding Svetlana on the rock all alone, offered to take her to the city, to which the girl refused. She only asked that on his next visit he take with him his wife, men's clothing, and wool for needlework. The shipbuilder fulfilled the request of Svetlana, who all this time lived in the open air, fearing neither heat nor cold. She praised the Lord 12 times a day for the trials sent to her, and at night she prayed 24 times.

After six years of ascetic life on the island rock, Svetlana died, and they learned about her death only two months later, when once again the shipbuilder and his wife arrived on the island to visit the righteous.

Buried Venerable Svetlana in Caesarea Palestine.

Famous people

Famous artists named Svetlana:

  • Svetlana Kryuchkova;
  • Svetlana Svetlichnaya;
  • Svetlana Nemolyaeva;
  • Svetlana Toma;
  • Svetlana Druzhinina;
  • Svetlana Kharitonova;
  • Svetlana Smekhnova-Blagoevich;
  • Svetlana Danilchenko;
  • Svetlana Kharlap.

Famous writers named Svetlana:

  • Svetlana Alexievich;
  • Svetlana Martynchik;
  • Svetlana Yakir.

Famous athletes named Svetlana:

  • Svetlana Khorkina is a gymnast who became a two-time Olympic champion in parallel bars;
  • Svetlana Zhurova - Russian speed skater;
  • Svetlana Parkhomenko - Soviet professional tennis player;
  • Svetlana Vysokova - Russian speed skater;
  • Svetlana Pecherskaya - Soviet biathlete;
  • Svetlana Masterkova is a Russian track and field athlete.

Famous singers named Svetlana:

  • Svetlana Loboda;
  • Svetlana Svetikova;
  • Svetlana Surganova;
  • Svetlana Lazareva.

Svetlana Alliluyeva - Stalin's daughter, who wrote memoirs about her father's life.

Svetlana Sichkar - Soviet animator who participated in the creation of such popular cartoons as “Mother for a Baby Mammoth”, “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” and “The Adventures of Funtik the Pig”.

Svetlana Savitskaya - the first female astronaut to go into outer space.

Svetlana Morgunova - famous announcer of Central Television.

The meaning of the name Svetlana

For a child

Little Svetlana is an independent, responsible, serious and inquisitive child who strives to help adults: she will wash the dishes, sit with her little brother, and help her grandmother bake cookies.

Already in childhood, it is important for Svetlana to impress others good impression, so with all her actions she tries to please everyone and everyone, which she does very well. She is cheerful, smart beyond her years and knows how to fit into any company, which helps her make friends of different ages.

But you shouldn’t delude yourself about Sveta’s character, because she is far from being sugar. She loves to command, but her natural kindness and responsiveness prevent her from establishing authority in the company. She wants to be the center of attention, but does not always know how to behave correctly in a given situation, because she is unsure of herself. She watches everyone fashion trends, trying to always be “on top”, but at the same time her sense of proportion often betrays her (for Svetlana in general there is no concept of a “golden mean”).

Sveta is a trusting, sociable, cheerful, selfless and attentive girl who cannot sit quietly in one place for a minute, while her excessive activity can significantly complicate her life.

The student from Svetlana is “not so hot,” but social activities are clearly her strong point. She learns quickly new information, but does it superficially, so he does not have deep knowledge in any of the subjects.

For a girl

Young Svetlana impresses those around her as a light, bright, open and good-natured girl, which does not prevent her from being a real commander and leader, capable of firmly insisting on her opinion. But she should be careful when communicating with people, since her high self-esteem can lead to adverse consequences.

One cannot help but mention the excessive emotionality of the owner of this name - Svetlana must learn to control her emotions if she does not want to turn from a manipulator into a person who can be easily controlled.

For Svetlana, it is extremely important to feel useful to others, while any failures greatly upset and hurt this girl, who, in order to achieve her goal, is ready to reconsider her views on life, change her job or place of residence. But still, Svetlana perfectly knows how to adapt to life, and all thanks to her qualities such as independence, determination, perseverance and hard work.

Modest Svetlana - wonderful and true friend, ready to help at any moment. Among her negative qualities are touchiness, vulnerability, vindictiveness and dependence on the opinions of others.

For woman

Adult Svetlana is independent and responsible, she is used to always relying exclusively on herself in everything. On the one hand, such a position helps her achieve well-being, while on the other, it becomes an obstacle to trusting relationships between people (having matured, Svetlana stops trusting people). At the same time, this woman cannot be called closed. On the contrary, she tries to illuminate everything around with her warmth and light.

But! This charming mystery woman is characterized by such qualities as power and authoritarianism, which should be remembered when communicating with Svetlana. And if in her youth she perceived troubles as fate and fate, then in adult life any problems become an invaluable experience for Sveta (this woman is firmly convinced that only working on mistakes can make the future bright). The main thing is to control your emotions, which is very difficult for such a temperamental and emotional person like Svetlana.

Description of the name Svetlana


Svetlana does not betray her moral and ethical principles under any circumstances, since she considers morality, justice and honesty to be the basis on which relationships between people should be built.


Due to her excessive emotionality, Svetlana may experience problems with work nervous system, so she is recommended Special attention pay attention to your moral and psychological state.


Svetlana is a charming and attractive woman, so she has no shortage of admirers. At the same time, she behaves easily and unobtrusively with men, which plays in her favor (men love relationships in which no one imposes their model of behavior on anyone). But, having fallen in love, she will surrender to her chosen one entirely and completely, without any conditions.

In men, Svetlana is attracted, first of all, by internal content, ambition, passion, temperament and experience, while external data is not of decisive importance for her.

In Svetlana, representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by mystery and inaccessibility, her ability to maintain intrigue and surprise her lover every day. And although at first glance it seems that Svetlana is cold and unapproachable, this is absolutely not true. This woman knows how to truly love, which men appreciate.


Svetlana has great hopes for a marriage that must be successful, so she approaches the choice of a husband as responsibly and carefully as possible. It is extremely important for her to trust her man, who must be a reliable partner for her and loving husband, behind whose back you can hide from any troubles.

But still, Sveta’s husband will have a hard time, because for her to become a real guardian hearth and home, he will have to surround her with warmth, attention, care. The material component of marriage is also important for Svetlana: for example, she agrees to say goodbye to her career, but in return, her husband will have to fulfill all the ideas and desires of his beloved.

Family relationships

Svetlana is caring and faithful wife, loving mother, excellent hostess. Thanks to her diplomacy, gentleness and flexibility, peace and tranquility always reign in her family (in the family, Svetlana does not seek to prove her leadership; on the contrary, she is happy to submit to her husband, although she will try to keep all matters under her unspoken control).

For her, family is the basis of life, so for the sake of its preservation and prosperity, she is ready to give up her career ambitions. The important thing is that Svetlana is always guided solely by the interests of her family, not paying attention to any gossip.

She tries to provide maximum coziness and comfort to her children, often forgetting that she also needs to devote time to her beloved.


Svetlana is a sensual and charming woman who is in no hurry to express her sexuality, fearing love failures. But in vain, because there is something in her that attracts men - this is mystery, and hidden temperament, and incredible femininity.

As soon as Svetlana opens up and trusts a man, sensuality awakens in her, capable of driving any man crazy. At the same time, for Sveta herself, intimate life becomes a source of true pleasure, capable of revealing the fullness of life.

Svetlana's ideal sexual partner is an experienced and sensual man who knows how to give a woman pleasure.

Mind (intelligence)

Svetlana is smart and pragmatic, but is not always able to conduct a deep analysis of the situation (she tends to look at the problem that has arisen superficially).


Svetlana is a powerful, demanding and authoritative leader, inclined not only to lead her subordinates, but also, if necessary, to use them for her own selfish purposes. Her hard work, responsibility and openness help achieve rapid career growth in any profession, but provided that this woman can cope with her vanity and pride. We should not forget that Svetlana is a person of mood, and therefore she tends to easily change a boring job.

The owner of this name belongs to that small category of people for whom work may well become a real hobby (especially if she likes her chosen profession). She tries to maintain smooth relations with her colleagues, since she prefers to clearly separate friendly relations with workers.

The areas of activity that involve communicating with people are most suitable for her.


Maintaining own business could turn into a real tragedy for Svetlana, since she is excellent at managing someone, but is absolutely unable to organize her own work process. She loves and feels sorry for herself too much, which could cause her business to suffer.


Svetlana's main hobby is fashion, the trends of which she closely follows. Yours free time she tries to dedicate not only to her family, but also to herself (she wouldn’t trade shopping and visiting spas for anything).

Character type


Svetlana is an inconsistent person, and her actions are often driven by impulses and emotions, while she does not hear the voice of reason. Nothing in life is given to her for nothing, so she scrupulously pursues her goal, overcoming difficulties step by step.

At the same time, she is a very open woman, in whose life the spiritual principle predominates: her thoughts and aspirations are pure, and her heart is always open to those who need its warmth. Therefore, if you want to achieve something from Svetlana, then it is better to appeal to her kind and sympathetic heart.


Svetlana has a fairly well-developed intuition, and she skillfully uses it in various situations.

Horoscope named after Svetlana

Svetlana - Aries

This is a vulnerable, vulnerable, touchy, sentimental and very emotional nature, which thinks in categories that are not always understandable to others, which is absolutely typical creative individuals. Svetlana-Aries needs moral support from family and friends, because difficult situations she withdraws and loses faith in herself. She needs a man of strong character who will become the unconditional leader in their family.

Svetlana - Taurus

Energetic, charming, sociable and cheerful, Svetlana-Taurus approaches life with ease and ease. She loves funny and noisy companies, while building a career and family interests her little. In a man, this woman values ​​a sense of humor and an active life position, but considers material wealth to be a matter of profit.

Svetlana - Gemini

Good-natured, sympathetic, naive and trusting Svetlana-Gemini can leave her problems unresolved, but she will never forget about the misfortune of her family and friends.

It is not surprising that her kindness is often used for selfish purposes, which greatly upsets Svetlana. This woman’s chosen one should be kind, gentle and caring, because for Svetlana-Gemini it is extremely important to feel the warmth and support of her loved one.

Svetlana - Cancer

Indecisive, insecure and somewhat infantile, Svetlana-Cancer tries her best to prove to others her importance and irreplaceability, but she rarely succeeds. Compliments, support, praise - here driving forces Svetlana-Cancer. In her man, she is looking, first of all, for a reliable partner who will never betray her, and only then for a passionate lover and loving husband.

Svetlana - Leo

Svetlana-Leo's emotionality, temper and impulsiveness prevent her from finding like-minded people and true friends. On the contrary, because of her narcissism, this woman often loses the affection of loved ones. She cannot live without everyone's attention and spotlights; her pride must be fully satisfied. In a man, Svetlana-Leo values ​​reliability, experience and thoroughness.

Svetlana - Virgo

This erudite and versatile personality has a great understanding of people and quickly adapts to the environment, which helps her gain true friends and respect among colleagues. Svetlana-Virgo is difficult to fool, so men cannot play cat and mouse with her. She does not accept cunning, lies and hypocrisy.

Svetlana - Libra

Polite, diplomatic and tactful, Svetlana-Libra easily wins people over. This sentimental and vulnerable woman tries not to show her vulnerability, so only her closest people know the real Svetlana. She will not allow quarrels and scandals in her family, so she chooses a calm and balanced husband.

Svetlana - Scorpio

This woman hates loneliness, she strives to find real friends, but Svetlana-Scorpio absolutely does not know how to trust people. In addition, she makes quite high demands on others, so it is not surprising that people find it difficult to find a common language with her. She is looking for a man who is reliable, wealthy and capable of always coming to her defense.

Svetlana - Sagittarius

She is a true altruist and humanist who tries to see in people only their strengths and positive sides. However, such an attitude towards people is fraught with serious disappointments for the naive Svetlana-Sagittarius. She is looking for a husband to match herself: kind, sympathetic and selfless, ready to help at any moment.

Svetlana - Capricorn

He is a leader and careerist by nature, ready to work tirelessly to achieve his cherished goal. Svetlana-Capricorn truly loves her job, so she quickly moves up the career ladder. Despite her authority and organization, she is a vulnerable and good-natured woman who reacts sharply to any criticism. She will trust only a gentle and understanding man.

Svetlana - Aquarius

Smart and calculating Svetlana-Aquarius knows how to properly present herself in society, so her presence is the decoration of any event. She does not like idleness, but prefers to spend her free time reading a good book or in the company of friends. Svetlana-Aquarius does not know how to trust men, so her chosen one should be patient.

Svetlana - Pisces

This shy and insecure woman constantly doubts her own strength, so she needs support like no one else. She expects warmth, care and love from her lover, because only with a loving person will Svetlana-Pisces feel cozy and comfortable.

Compatibility of the name Svetlana with male names

Svetlana and Dmitry

This is a couple of ambitious and purposeful people whose energy is enough to overcome any difficulties in life. Love and true trust reign in their family life.
Dmitry - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Svetlana and Alexander

In this union, complete mutual understanding reigns: for example, Svetlana tries to please her beloved man in everything, while Alexander gives all of himself without reserve to his tender and affectionate lover.

Svetlana and Evgeniy

In this interesting union, the basis is not feelings, but a reasonable approach to building a family.

But this approach does not interfere with building strong and prosperous family relationships.
Evgeniy - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Svetlana and Sergey

Svetlana and Alexey

This tandem converges on the basis of kinship of souls: thus, Svetlana and Alexey understand each other without further ado. For them, the basis of a prosperous family is calm, peace and mutual respect.

Svetlana and Yuri

A union between the owners of these names is unlikely, since both are overly freedom-loving and are not ready to compromise. Svetlana and Yuri do not complement each other, but suppress each other.

Svetlana and Vasily

The thorough and practical Vasily does not always understand the impulsiveness and excessive emotionality of his chosen one. And if at first Sveta’s explosive character attracts him, then later it can push him away.

Svetlana and Ivan

This is a rather rare union, since it is based primarily on passion, while neither Svetlana nor Ivan are ready to say goodbye to their freedom and plunge headlong into the world of family relationships.

Svetlana and Maxim

Svetlana and Denis

This union often falls apart very quickly due to the lack of a reliable foundation consisting of common interests and deep feelings. The state of love quickly gives way to irritability on both sides.
Denis - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Svetlana and Artem

This union is built, first of all, on friendship, which over time develops into love. Svetlana and Artem have no secrets, which only strengthens their already prosperous marriage.

Svetlana and Anton

This is a rather interesting union, which is built solely on the feelings of the partners.

But there is no talk of permanence, stability and community of interests in the couple of Svetlana and Anton.

Svetlana and Mikhail

The owners of these names are initially drawn together by their love of freedom and thirst for adventure, but over time the feeling of novelty wears off. Therefore, Misha and Svetlana need to learn to find inspiration in each other.

Svetlana and Nikolay

Often the relationship between Svetlana and Nikolai develops rapidly, and their feelings are sincere and passionate. But different views on family life they are breeding these loving people"at different angles."

Svetlana and Igor

Jealousy and suspicion are components that you will not find in the exemplary relationship between Svetlana and Igor. They are destined for a happy life together.

Svetlana and Anatoly

This couple converges on the basis of passion and physical attraction. So, Svetlana and Anatoly are wonderful lovers, but not attentive and caring spouses, ready to support each other.

Svetlana and Vyacheslav

This union cannot be called ideal, but it can still take place if both learn to live with each other’s shortcomings. In addition, Svetlana and Vyacheslav have excellent sexual compatibility.

Svetlana and Ilya

Without a twinge of conscience, this union can be called indestructible, because it is almost impossible to bring confusion into the relationship between Svetlana and Ilya, since true love reigns between them.

Svetlana and Vladislav

Svetlana and Nikita

This tandem is based on absolute trust, which helps Nikita and Svetlana overcome many family difficulties that become an insurmountable obstacle for many couples.

Svetlana and Vadim

Svetlana and Oleg

Both love to travel, for both family is the fundamental basis of a prosperous and happy life. Therefore, it is not surprising that Svetlana and Oleg are able to create a strong family.

Svetlana and Ruslan

Such character traits of Svetlana as impulsiveness and changeable moods do not suit the calm and reasonable Ruslan. This union can be destroyed by different understanding everyday issues.

Svetlana and Kirill

Both partners have strong and strong-willed characters, but Svetlana has the wisdom to give the leading role in the family to Kirill. In return, she receives tenderness, care, warmth and love.

Svetlana and Konstantin

The unpredictable Svetlana is not a match for the thorough and conservative Konstantin, for whom any change in life is tantamount natural disaster. Result: the couple breaks up.

Svetlana and Pavel

Svetlana does not see in Pavel a reliable partner with whom she can create real family, therefore, he treats relationships with him at ease and easily. And this prevents the creation of a stable union.

Svetlana and Victor

In this happy couple, Svetlana and Victor try to smooth out the rough edges, because both do not tolerate quarrels and scandals. Serious problems occur extremely rarely in this family.

Svetlana and Valery

This union is interesting and contradictory at the same time, because it brings together people who are completely different in character and temperament. The well-being of the marriage of Svetlana and Valery is most often feigned.

Svetlana and Leonid

The tender, sensual and passionate union of Sveta and Leonid is aimed at creation. These two seem to be made for each other, so their marriage is long and incredibly strong.

Svetlana's advantages are neatness and sociability. She has a deep, contradictory nature and loves to command.

The name Svetlana itself speaks about its meaning - “bright”.

Origin of the name Svetlana:

The name Svetlana has Slavic roots. It comes from the words “light”, “bright”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Svetlana:

Since childhood, Svetlana has been ambitious and values ​​herself highly. They strive for leadership among their peers. Parents often support these aspirations in them; Svetlana’s houses are often “little princesses”; they are praised and pampered. But Svetlana does not have any special talents; it is difficult to call them very gifted. To succeed in their studies, they require considerable perseverance, which their more talented peers can do without. However, Svetlana knows how to position herself and often receives high marks due to her liveliness and self-confidence. Among her friends she stands out for her strong character and quickly ensures that her opinion is taken into account. In his youth he strives to look impressive, but often goes too far.

Svetlana finds herself in social activities and connections with people. She is a good organizer, knows how to command, and is capable of both winning over soft people and irritating strong and independent individuals. Sincere extrovert, has problems understanding other people's personal space, intimate life can make outsiders the subject of general discussion. She treats discussions of her personality mockingly; gossip does not frighten her.

If Svetlana gets tired at work, she becomes uncompromising, overly demanding and despotic, and sometimes violates her official authority. She is logical and capable of accepting reasoned arguments, admits her mistakes, but does not like to formally apologize. Busy with what she loves, Svetlana is sensitive and diplomatic, plans her time well, knows how and loves to earn a lot. He tries to shift the job he doesn’t like to someone else. She values ​​spiritual kinship and transforms with close people - she becomes soft and gentle.

Svetlana’s personal life always goes well. They know how to attract attention and have no shortage of fans. Sometimes the clothes chosen are flashy, but they rarely descend into outright bad taste. They are mobile and flexible, the secret of their beauty lies in the harmony and attractiveness of their body. In men, Svetlana values ​​\u200b\u200bnot appearance, but character, sexual experience and similarity to herself. She is not influenced by public opinion, she is not afraid of bold relationships and sexual experiments. She is distrustful and does not like to obey, but an intelligent and tactful man can always melt her coldness with hugs and kind words.

Svetlana will never start a family unless she is absolutely sure that it is necessary. She builds her own happiness. If her youthful maximalism has already been replaced by mature diplomacy, she will be able to avoid disputes with her husband and conflicts with her mother-in-law. In the house she likes to control everything - from cooking and repairs to raising children. It is unthinkable that an important family discussion would take place without Svetlana. She plans her budget rationally, not missing out on opportunities. once again pamper yourself and your loved ones with unexpected pleasant little things.

Igor, Oleg, Evgeniy, Vladimir, Eduard and Bogdan suit her well as partners; marriages with Gleb, Alexander and Stanislav are rarely successful.

“Winter” and “autumn” Svetlanas are balanced and calm. “Spring” people are frivolous, lack taste and sense of proportion, and are always a little “excessive.” Those born in summer have a stormy and complex personal life.