
First, it is important to realize that negative energy, which guides you at some moments, has a very detrimental effect on your life and the lives of those around you. By showing your anger, you not only do not make your life better, but also create a lot of very unpleasant problems that are not so easy to solve.

You should start acting with the people closest to you, because it is they who most often bear the brunt of irritability and anger. Of course, in any conflicts, but we must learn to seek compromises with those we love, and not accumulate in secret. Talk to your family and friends, listen to them and speak up yourself. Rest assured that if you try, you will succeed, and some of your bitterness will evaporate.

Trace the stage of your anger. You will understand that the most negative feelings appear in us precisely at the moment when you are too unhappy and offended. This is a kind of protective equipment that you dress up in so as not to feel pain.

But without feeling pain, you cannot feel. This is the next step you should take. Try to consciously stop this process when your anger arises, and then show care and love for others. Yes, it is very difficult and is unlikely to succeed the first time. Then it will seem that you are fake, because you are not like that - you are evil. But that's not true. Continue to give love and you will feel the change.

Forgive all those who have ever caused you pain and suffering. Let go of this clutter that you carry around with you for a long time. Breathe it out into space and say out loud that you forgive and let her go. Do this exercise until you feel an inner response to your words.

The moment anger arises within you, become an observer. Imagine yourself as a scientist who is investigating what is happening to his being. You will be surprised: as soon as you begin to peer into your anger, it will immediately begin! And it indicates once again that all these feelings do not belong to you, they are foreign, and you need to make an effort to clean them out of yourself.

Another way to quickly get rid of rage attacks is to count to 10 while breathing deeply and slowly. You will see how your state changes and feel lightness, and then you will understand that the evil mood that just dominated your entire consciousness has nothing to do with you.

Video on the topic


  • conquer winter within yourself
  • How to defeat evil and sin

Evil in the modern world manifests itself in the most different ways. For example, condemnation, indifference, lack of acceptance of others, ignoring elders - all this can be expressed very aggressively and from the outside seems evil. And there are plenty of injustices in the world.

But modern world dual, it has two sides - good and bad. And if there were no one, the second would be unknowable. And the concept of “evil” is very relative; for everyone it means something different. There is no absolute evil and ideal goodness. But still, each person has his own criteria and regularly begins to struggle with what seems bad to him.

Evil in people

It is worth recognizing that there is evil in every person. It just so happened, but negative thoughts visit the head of anyone, only the saints never wished anything negative to those around them, did not want to take revenge for an insult or condemnation. But there is nothing wrong with this, you must be able to admit to yourself that this part of consciousness exists, but these are just thoughts. And only when it comes to action is it worth taking active measures.

Accepting different thoughts and energies makes life calmer. Denial only strengthens what you want not to notice.

Today there are more and more psychological trainings who offer to eradicate evil in oneself. The authors of the methods interpret this a little differently, arguing that there are negative programs, but the essence does not change. In such teachings, “” is promoted: if you emit negativity into the world, then it will definitely be embodied - it will return to the person in a transformed form. With the help of simple exercises and meditation, you can free your brain from scary thoughts, and things around you will actually begin to change.

Fight against evil

Traditional methods of fighting evil are not welcome in Russia. Today it is difficult to reprimand people who are naughty on the street; it is not customary on buses to shame those who do not give up their seats. And not everyone will be able to say something in response to a rude citizen, because there is no support, none of those around him will take the side of the offended person, everyone is on the sidelines for himself. To combat manifestations of negativity, cohesion is necessary; only a group can resist troublemakers. It is necessary not to remain indifferent and try to be on the side of those who are right.

Everyone’s initiative can become a huge support for the positive directions of everyone’s development. Everything depends on people, and you need to start changing with yourself.

It is necessary to give knowledge to the younger generation what is good and what is evil. The last 20 years in Russia have changed the understanding of honesty, politeness, and courtesy. It is necessary to revive traditions, it is necessary to engage in education in the family, and not shift everything to school teachers. It is necessary through communication, through our own, to prove the importance of the concepts of “kindness” and “support”. It is completely impossible to eradicate evil; in a dual world, it helps to develop and prevents the system from self-destructing. But there is an opportunity to revive good traditions, and it depends on every inhabitant of the planet.

Video on the topic

September 16/29 is the day of remembrance of the famous Moscow elder in the world, Archpriest Alexy Mechev (1859-1923), rector of the Moscow Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki, prayer book and seer. We present to our readers excerpts from the new book “,” published by the Sretensky Monastery publishing house.

Nun Juliania (Sokolova) talked about this incident: “Once, after an early mass on a weekday, a drunken, ragged man, shaking all over, approached the priest, and, barely uttering the words, turned to him: “I’m completely lost, I’m a drunkard. My soul has perished... save, help me... I don’t remember being sober... I’ve lost the image of a person...” Not paying attention to his disgusting appearance, the priest comes very close to him and, lovingly looking into his eyes, puts his hands on his shoulders and says: “ Darling, it’s time for you and me to stop drinking wine.” - “Help, dear father, pray.” Father, taking him by the right hand, leads to the pulpit and, leaving it there, goes to the altar. Having opened the curtain of the royal gates of the main Kazan chapel, solemnly throwing open the royal gates, he begins a prayer service, saying in a majestic voice: “Blessed is our God...”, and, taking the dirty ragamuffin by the hand, places him next to him at the very royal gates. Dropping to his knees, with tears he begins to diligently offer a prayer to the Lord God. The ragamuffin's clothes were so torn that his body was exposed when he, following the example of the priest, laid prostrations. At the end of the prayer service, the priest crossed the unfortunate man three times and, handing him over, kissed him three times.

After a short time, a decently dressed man approached the candle box and, buying a candle, asked: “How can I see Father Alexy?” Having learned that the priest was in the church, he joyfully declared that he wanted to serve a thanksgiving prayer service. The priest who came out to the pulpit exclaimed: “Vasily, is that you?!” With a sob, the recent one threw himself at his feet, shed tears, and the priest began a prayer service. It turned out that Vasily received a good place and settled down perfectly.”

The elder’s spiritual daughter, nun Juliania (Sokolova), recalled how the priest knew how to overcome evil with good: “A whole crowd of students came to the priest’s church during Matins. Father was in the altar and heard men’s voices and dance tunes. Those who entered were so outrageous that the frightened psalmist barely finished the sixth psalm. Someone advised the priest to drive them out, but he only prayed fervently. One of the students separated from his comrades and entered the altar. The priest, standing at the altar, quickly turned around and affectionately greeted the madman: “How nice it is to see that young people begin their day with prayer... Have you come to remember your parents?” Struck by such an unexpected heartfelt appeal, the newcomer muttered dumbfoundedly: “Yes-ah...”

Father spoke so sincerely and lovingly that he touched those who came, many cried. They admitted that they came to beat him

At the end of Matins, the priest addressed those who had come with a word in which he reminded these young people, striving to fight for broad happiness, about family, about parents who love them, have hopes for them, that when they receive an education, they will become their breadwinners... He said so from the heart, so sincerely and lovingly that he touched them, many cried; some stayed to sing mass, and then became his friends and pilgrims, and some became his spiritual children. They admitted to the priest that... they had come to beat him..."

Father Pavel Florensky wrote in 1924: “The Marosei community was, in its spiritual meaning, the daughter of Optina Hermitage: here life was built on spiritual experience. Father Alexy taught with his life, and everyone around him lived, each in his own way and to the best of his ability, participating in the growth of the spiritual life of the entire community. Therefore, although the community did not have its own hospital, numerous professors, doctors, paramedics and nurses - the spiritual children of Father Alexy - served the sick who turned to Father Alexy for help. Although there was no school of its own, a number of professors, writers, teachers, students, also the spiritual children of Father Alexy, came with their knowledge and their connections to help those who needed it. Although the community did not have its own organized shelter, nevertheless, those in need or who asked for help were clothed, given shoes, and fed.”

Father Sergius Durylin recalled: “Father, another Optina elder, did the same thing, who once said to someone: “Why are you coming to us? You have Father Alexy.” This Optina testimony about Father Alexy cannot but be considered the greatest in importance. It expresses the deep unity of the experimental and spiritual path of Father Alexy with that followed by the Optina elders, whose source goes back to the great elder Paisius Velichkovsky and through him to Athos and the living patristic tradition of all Orthodoxy. Father Alexy was an Optina elder who lived in Moscow. This is the greatest joy and the greatest meaning.”

Witches have been surrounding since ancient times ordinary people, but they tried not to show it, so as not to be killed and burned. The witch herself does not bring anything bad to the human race, she can be both good and evil. Most often, she was forced to use her charms and powers by circumstances or requests from strangers. Only a woman could become a witch, since the feminine principle is magical in nature. Only a woman can give new life and always find the right path in difficult times life path. That is why the fair sex has such developed intuition and natural () secret powers.

A witch who uses her knowledge and powers to attract evil spirits and inflict evil on other people received a negative connotation among the people and became a negative character in folklore different countries. Witches still live among us today. Now they are able to adapt to human life, environment and circumstances. It is not so easy to identify a witch and shed light on her. Such women can have strong and friendly families, Good work, ordinary friends. According to legends, a witch can only be distinguished by appearance. Most often, secret forces live in a person who has beautiful facial features, has long hair and dark skin. Often such women achieve the favor of men, professional success and female happiness with their demonic tricks and deeds.

However, no matter how witches adapt to modern life, they often become victims of people who hunt them. How to kill a witch? - often such a desire covers those to whom the witch has caused trouble, inconvenience, caused illness, or deprived loved one. Witch Can kill two ways: to deprive her of her body or to deprive her of secrets dark forces. According to many beliefs, a witch who has not passed on her secret charms and knowledge to an heir or student cannot leave this world and die peacefully. Without this, she dies for a long time, painfully, in terrible agony. Sometimes this condition can last for decades.

To deprive a witch of her power, all those components and magical things must be used, without which she will not have such power. Her amulets, artifacts, talismans or totem paintings can be used. If these objects are taken away and destroyed, the evil forces will become an order of magnitude lower. This also applies to the animal, which is the witch’s eternal companion. It could be a rat, an owl, a raven, bat, and, of course, the cat. An evil witch can be weakened if you respond to her strength with kindness and affection. This can be as simple as hugs, smiles and kisses. At the same time, the mirror effect is triggered and the witch begins to “heal from the inside.” Kill weakened witch much easier.

A witch can be depowered when she is in a state of love. During this period, she becomes defenseless and vulnerable. In Rus', special male magicians often resorted to such methods to replenish their secret knowledge. Also, any evil side of the witch will be depleted if you use your amulet to protect. Thus, the flow of the witch's power will dry up, and you will remain unharmed.

In addition to strength, knowledge and power, a witch can also be deprived of life. How to kill a witch- do this with special attributes - consecrated wheat, poppy seeds, tar, aspen or thorn stakes, as well as silver objects. It is best to do this on St. George's Day, which falls on May 6 and December 9. On this day, witches become especially vulnerable. Any cross painted on their door on this day opens a direct door to their access to the source of power.

1. Go to the children's room.
Run to the mark on the radar.

2. Search the children's room and understand what happened to Sianna.
Upon entering the room, take and read the red book. There will be notes from Isabelle de Roquefort, the court governess from the time when the sisters were children. After reading this book, it will become clear that Syanna is in an illusion and Geralt needs to find a way to get there.

3. Find the “Land of a Thousand Tales”.
To get into a fairy tale, you need to find the book “The Land of a Thousand Tales” and read the spell. The book lies in the closet, and the key to it is on the wall behind the picture.

4. Walk along the yellow brick road.
Once in the illusion, run along the path until you meet Syanna and the evil witch. Sianna is her own in this tale, and therefore the local inhabitants will not attack her. But Geralt is a stranger, so he will have to fight the witch.

5. Defeat the evil witch.
In this video I show how to defeat the evil witch.

After the battle, Geralt and Syanna find out that in order to get out of the fairy tale they need to find three magic beans. The boy who constantly cries wolf-wolf might know where they are. Also at this moment you can ask Sianna about her fate - be sure to do this to get a good ending.

6. [Optional] Ride the white unicorn.
To execute additional task sit on a white unicorn, and Sianna will ride on a pink one.

7. Find Oska.
Oska not only constantly cries wolf-wolf, but in general always answers any question in the opposite way. When you ask him where the red bean is, he will say: “Nobody probably swallowed it” - this means that it was eaten Gray wolf from the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". About the blue bean he will say: “I heard, it seems to be lying in an open field. And no one is guarding him, three times no one!” In fact, this bean is in the house of the three little pigs. About the yellow bean he will say “Hmm.. It’s somewhere very, well, just very deep. Almost completely underground!” In reality, it is located in Rapunzel's very tall house, which can be seen in the screenshot below.

8. Talk to the girl with the matches.
You won't find a bob from her, but you will need to buy a ribbon from her for Sianna. This is necessary for a good ending.

9. Visit Grandma's house.
You will find a wolf near your grandmother's house. He will say that he is here to play in a fairy tale, but Little Red Riding Hood lies at the bottom of the well. Together with the hunter. Sianna will say that she can play the role of a girl, but to do this, Geralt needs to catch a red riding hood from the bottom of the well.

10. Find Little Red Riding Hood.
Jump into the well, at the bottom there will be the thing you need.

11. Find a way to get out of the well.
Once you get ashore, a cutscene will begin in which Sianna will wear a hat outfit.

12. Defeat the Bad Wolf.
Now all that remains is to kill the wolf and take the red bean from his ripped open belly.

13. Go to the Three Little Pigs.
Approach the house and destroy it with the Aard sign.

14. Defeat the three little pigs.
Kill three level 47 pigs.

15. Search for the magic bean in the stone house.
The blue bean will be in a saucer on the table in the house.

16. Talk to Rapunzel.
Now you need to go up into the building, which is visible from almost anywhere in this illusion.

17. Defeat Rapunzel's ghost.
Upon entering the room where Rapunzel should be, you will see that she did not wait for the prince and hanged herself. Now Geralt will have to kill her spirit.

18. Search the tower.
You will find the last bean on the bed in Rapunzel's room. Now you can go down. Once you go down, you will again have the opportunity to ask about Sianna’s motives. Do this to get the good ending.

19. Plant magic beans.
The place where you need to plant the beans will be guarded by about 20 gnomes. Kill them and plant beans.

20. Defeat the giant.
There is one last test left before leaving the illusion. You must kill the giant.

21. Follow Syanna.
They fought the wolf, killed the witch, saved the goose from robbers, let the piglets eat meat, defeated the spirit of Rapunzel - now you can rest. Here you will have the opportunity to sleep with Sianna. I took advantage of this opportunity.

22. Jump into the well.
Jumping into the well you will be teleported back to Beauclair, where Regis will be waiting for you. After a short cutscene, the next task will begin.