1. Project concept.

Our cities are populated by a huge number of people. Every day, garbage is thrown out of every apartment. Garbage – garbage layout – trash container- The car takes the garbage to the landfill. It should be! But this doesn't always happen.

One day we were walking around our site and found garbage among the bushes (packages of chips, crackers, dirty pieces of paper). The children began to ask questions: “How did the garbage get to our site? Who left it here? Why do people throw garbage on the ground? Why is there so much garbage around? What needs to be done to reduce it? Is it possible to give garbage a “second life”?” This is how we came up with the idea of ​​creating our study “The Waste Problem”.

2. How we looked for answers to emerging questions:

  1. We conducted a targeted walk and noted that our yards and the adjacent territory to the kindergarten were heavily littered (there were cans, plastic bags and paper).
  2. With the help of slides prepared by teachers, we became acquainted with the types of household waste.
  3. In practice, we tracked what kind of garbage accumulates most at home in children and in kindergarten.
  4. We learned about methods of waste disposal and the concept of “garbage sorting.”
  5. Garbage can also have a “second life”.

Research methods:

  1. Studying literature on the topic of the project (“Encyclopedia Pochemuchki”, “Garbage Fantasy” by V. A. Usachev).
  2. Visual research method.
  3. Filling out the table “Garbage accumulation at home/in a group during the week.”

Start of research:

After the children found garbage on their playground, they suggested that teenagers had scattered the garbage. To the question: “Why?” the answer was given: "They are uncultured and too lazy to clean up after themselves." The next morning we went outside the kindergarten and saw a large number of garbage around ( plastic bags, tin cans, glass and plastic bottles, a lot of paper). What can we do to reduce litter on playgrounds? You need to collect the garbage and throw it in the trash container!

It turned out that the problem of garbage is very important for our city! We decided to study it. The teachers prepared slides so that children could understand what kind of garbage there is and how long it can lie in the ground before it completely decomposes: a plastic bottle is more than 100 years old, a tin and tin can is more than 10 years old, Glass bottle- more than 1000 years, paper - 1 year, food waste- 1 month.

During the week, we made sure that the garbage needed to be sorted (in order to be easier to recycle). We drew conclusions: paper, plastic and food waste accumulate the most.

Yulia Sh.’s family is also involved separate collection garbage.

We decided to playfully try to sort the garbage (glass, plastic, paper) correctly. We made it!

After the garbage is sorted, it is sent for recycling and it turns out that you can give old things a “new life”!

New albums and notebooks are made from old paper and newspapers at the factory.

Plastic bottles are used to decorate children's playgrounds and make beautiful souvenirs.

From iron cans - airplane parts and new kitchen utensils.

Practical part:

Over time, some things become unnecessary, the only way get rid of them - throw them away. But we learn that we can give a “second life”: make gifts, toys, home decoration.

A creative workshop has opened in our group - “The Miraculous Transformation of Garbage.” Our crafts:

  1. Beautiful asters made of wire and plastic cups.

  1. From plastic egg packaging: funny caterpillars and a spring bouquet.

  1. Using plasticine, we made an entire barnyard out of Kinder egg packaging.
  2. Plastic spoons + plasticine and gouache = wonderful ladybugs.

Conclusion. If we want to live in a clean city, we must not litter! Pick up trash after yourself! And we have the power to give things a “second life”!

Hypothesis: to prove that household waste can be given a “second life”, or at least extend the life of plastic bottles, cans and other packaging material by making crafts with your own hands that will become a real work of art.

Garbage problem  in last years among others environmental problems The problem of garbage has come to the fore. According to experts, currently every inhabitant of the planet produces on average about one ton of garbage per year. IN Russian Federation Over 140 million cubic meters are generated annually. m of such waste and only 5% is processed, and the rest is transported to landfills for storage. Increase in quantity household waste due to the following reasons:  growth in the production of disposable consumer goods;  increasing the amount of packaging;  - increasing the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced

Types of household waste:  - Food scraps  - Paper (newspapers, magazines, packaging materials)  - Glass (bottles, broken cans)  - Textiles (old clothes, bed linen)  - Rubber ( car tires)  - Polymers (disposable tableware, plastic bags, plastic bottles)  - Ferrous and non-ferrous metals (tin cans).

Decomposition times for household waste. I have found that household waste takes a very long time to decompose. Glass bottles are 1000 years old; Plastic products 100 years; Tin cans - 50 to 80 years Rubber soles of shoes - 4050 years; Leather goods 50 years; Nylon products – 30-40 years; Plastic bag – 10 20 years; Batteries 10 years; Cigarette butts 1 – 5 years; Wool sock 1 – 5 years; Paper 2 years; Orange or banana peel2 5 weeks.

Methods for recycling household waste. Today, there are the following methods that make it possible to get rid of household waste: The landfill method is the cheapest way to get rid of waste. In this case, the garbage is simply buried in the ground or dumped on it and covered with earth. Incineration method – when household waste burns, many toxic substances are released into the air. The first two methods are not harmless to our environment. They pose a serious environmental hazard. Recycling is the most effective way to solve the problem of getting rid of garbage, but FOR THIS it is necessary to build recycling plants and change the usual behavior of people, everyone should learn to sort household waste, as is done, for example, in Germany. There, the batteries of garbage barrels near houses are painted in 3 colors: gray, yellow, green. Recycling. I will tell you more about the recycling method.

Carton boxes. After moving or purchasing household appliances There are often a lot of cardboard boxes left over. Crafts made from waste cardboard can be of completely different sizes and purposes. You can make a small toy house and decorate it with colored pencils. A few boxes, a roll of adhesive tape and imagination are the necessary things to build a full-fledged playroom.

Disposable tableware is an excellent material for creating wonderful children's crafts. Using spoons, forks and plates you can make many different crafts. Plasticine and colored paper will help you decorate a plate and turn it into a wall panel. And pieces of fabric will turn plastic forks into beautiful fans. Spoons can be used to create interesting flowers for bouquets or paintings.

Burnt-out old light bulbs are often used to create children's New Year's crafts, namely for making Christmas tree decorations. Beading and painting are used to transform light bulbs. You can paint a light bulb and make it into a beautiful Christmas tree decoration in the shape of a penguin or snowman. You can also make a bell from a yogurt cup, decorating it with glitter, colored paper, beads and satin bows.

CONCLUSION: I proved that household waste has a second life. This does not require any resources, you only need an idea, imagination, patience and hands that will bring everything to life. Unusual compositions from old things make city streets more beautiful, making passers-by surprised, causing a smile, and sometimes just delight. how big a problem is the “invasion” of garbage on our planet. If you throw out less garbage, it means the environment will be healthier. research work It became clear to me that it was environmentally friendly. More than half of the waste can be recycled and used again. And not one person should stand aside! Everyone can do their bit and help nature in recycling waste. There is no need to wait for scientists to come up with microelements that can speed up the decomposition process of things like glass, tires, and plastic bottles.

Miroshnichenko Victoria Viktorovna

Levkina Natalya Nikolaevna

Teachers school 1538




“The second life of garbage: making crafts from waste material»

Project participants: children middle group No. 2, parents, educators

Project type: cognitive-ecological

Implementation period: long term

Teachers: Miroshnichenko V.V.

Levkina N.N.


Every day people throw away a lot of garbage: plastic bottles, various packaging, Kinder Surprise capsules, polystyrene foam, plastic lids, candy wrappers, etc. Much of this garbage can get a second life by becoming one original crafts. And if you throw out less garbage, then the environment will be more environmentally friendly.

The guys and I were very interested in this issue, and we became interested in designing from waste material. We had a lot of fun making crafts. But we were even more happy when we saw that our crafts were being used in educational activities and in the lives of children in kindergarten. Children will learn how to create something new and interesting from already used things. And they even try to do something with their own hands.


Fostering a creative attitude to work (the ability to see beauty in everyday things, experience a sense of joy from the work process, the desire to learn the secrets and laws of the universe, the ability to find a way out of complex life situations) - one of the most complex and interesting tasks modern pedagogy. And although people say: “Live forever, learn forever,” it is important not to miss that period in a child’s life when basic skills and abilities are formed, among which the central place is given to imagination, fantasy, and interest in new things. If these qualities are not developed in the preschool period, then subsequently rapid decline activity of this function, which means that the personality is impoverished, the possibilities of creative thinking are reduced, and interest in art and creative activity fades.

Making crafts from waste materials contributes to the development creativity in preschoolers.

During such creative activity, the child creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate everyday life (games, work, gifts for loved ones, recreation). In the process of making crafts from waste material, preschoolers, along with technical skills, develop the ability to analyze objects of the surrounding reality, form generalized ideas about the objects being created, develop independent thinking, creativity, artistic taste, and develop valuable qualities personality (accuracy, determination, persistence in achieving goals, etc.).

Objective of the project::

Form an emotional positive attitude towards the surrounding world and nature.

Bringing children to understand that waste material (garbage) can be used to create crafts, things (objects), useful to people; promoting and strengthening the connection between preschool educational institutions and families.


To promote knowledge of the properties of the material, the desire to experiment with them;

Develop the ability to create artistic images;

Develop eye, dexterity of hand and finger movements, ability to use tools and materials.

"Cognitive Development"

Let children understand that nature is ours common Home, expand knowledge

children about nature, continue to form an idea of ​​the role of nature in human life.

Develop mental processes: visual and auditory perception, memory, attention.

"Social and communicative development"

Coordinate your actions with the actions of your peers.

Teach children to listen carefully to the task and carry it out diligently.

Bring joy to children and arouse interest.

"Speech development"

Enrich and activate vocabulary on the topic.

Practice your ability to give answers.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Development of perception of works of art (musical)

"Physical development"

Develop coordination of movements.

Integration of types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive,

motor, musical and artistic activities.

Form of activity: joint activities of adults and children.

Expected result for children:

children will have a desire to experiment with waste materials;

the ability to use tools and materials will develop;

organization of creative exhibitions.

Expected result for parents:

increasing the interest of parents in making crafts (objects) from waste material on the theme “Don’t throw it away - it will come in handy!”

Preliminary stage of project implementation:

, "Morning circle of friends."

Target: the children's mood to participate in the project

Project development and implementation plan

Selection of methodological and artistic-ecological children's literature, illustrations, and didactic games.

Creating conditions for project implementation

Preparation of consultations “Raising older children preschool age positive attitude towards work"

Interaction with children

Cognitive development

Conversation: “A conversation about litter and what can be done to reduce litter.” Target: Give children an idea of ​​the problem of garbage in cities. Talk about the dangers of landfills for nature and people. Teach children to have a responsible attitude towards nature. Convey to the children the importance of this problem and show some ways out of this situation. Suggest thinking about solving the garbage problem with the help of the children in the village. and at home.

Conversation: " The earth is our common home and we will save it." Target : Fostering in children a humane attitude towards nature, a desire to preserve and preserve the beauty of nature.
Tasks :Continuing the formation of skills for a culture of behavior in nature; Expanding the idea that everything in nature is interconnected; material resources (waste paper).
Didactic games:“Collect your trash correctly.” "Sorting the garbage"

Looking at illustrations on the topic: “Garbage is all around us"

GCD on ecology on the topic: "Let's take a smart look at the garbage"

Target: Expanding children's understanding of recycling household waste.

Tasks: To cultivate love, respect and care for the nature around us; desire to take good care of her. Familiarizing children with the problems of environmental pollution; with the possibility of recycling waste material. Development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of learning about the problems of the city; ability to observe and draw conclusions.Strengthen the ability to wisely use various materials. Activate vocabulary (sort, waste material, household waste).

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading environmental stories and fairy tales.

Looking at illustrations on the topic:"Save the planet from trash"

GCD for manual labor (collective)“Vase with daisies made from waste material.”

Tasks: Education careful attitude to the surrounding world. Developing the ability to work in a team and together. Consolidating the ability to work with waste material and use it for the right purposes. Consolidating the ability to create a composition from a vase and flowers.

Social and communicative development

Assist the teacher in cleaning the group room of trash.

Work assignments:“Helping the kids clear the area of ​​trash.” “Cleaning a group site from garbage”

Target: Fostering hard work, accuracy, and respect for the environment.

Didactic games: "Collect your trash correctly." "Sorting the garbage"

Speech development

Reading environmental stories and fairy tales

Looking at the illustrations “Garbage around us”,

Guessing riddles.

Interaction with parents:

Consultation for parents « Raising a positive attitude towards work in children of senior preschool age.”

Organizing a competition for crafts made from waste materials"The second life of garbage"

Setting up an exhibition of crafts made from waste material“A House for a Birdie”, “Our Birds”.

KVN on cognitive development on the topic of: "The second life of garbage."

Target: Systematize and consolidate children's knowledge about the problem of environmental pollution. Tasks: Formation of children's knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in the world around them.Development of basic thought processes, when performing tasks assigned to children.Develop creative imagination and imagination when using waste materialDevelop a sense of responsibility for your behavior in the world around you.Form communicativeskills during joint activities.