Ceiling- shows the limitation of goals (“reach the ceiling”).

See the high ceiling- have great opportunities in life.

Low ceiling- lack of knowledge, inflated ambitions.

Vanga's Dream Book

- a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and serene times.

Such a dream promises repentance and regret about the action committed the day before, but it is too late to correct what was done.

This means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters.

Modern combined dream book

Dreaming of a room with a white and clean ceiling- means that because of your hobby you will jeopardize your career and your honor. Don't try to indulge your weaknesses.

A dream in which you see plaster falling from the ceiling- means strengthening family relations and the financial support that your family will provide you.

If in a dream you wallpaper your ceiling- this dream says that you have a chance to achieve your cherished goal. Try not to miss it.

Whitewash the ceiling in a dream- means spending a lot of money on dubious pleasures, which can cause a quarrel with your loved ones.

Children's dream book

Ceiling- denotes the feeling that your soul experiences.

If the ceiling is low, dark, and the lighting in the room is insufficient- this means that you are in a state of depression and lack of confidence in yourself and your strengths.

If the ceiling is high and light, especially if it is stucco, and there is a lot of light and air in the room- this means that you are in the most rosy mood and hope only for the best.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Ceiling- reflection of any limit.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

cracked ceiling- you will quarrel for a long time with your spouse’s relatives.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

cracked ceiling- moving to a new place of residence is possible.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Cracked ceiling- to death,

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which your attention was drawn to the ceiling for some reason- is a warning about threatening real life danger. Decorated with rich stucco or mosaic and gilded ceiling- suggests that you will soon have many envious people. The ceiling falling on you- foretells that in reality worries and troubles will fall on your head, from which you cannot escape.

Plaster, whitewash or paint the ceiling- means that friends will come to your aid in difficult times.

Wallpaper the ceiling- your savings will depreciate.

Women's dream book

Smooth, white and high ceiling- a sign of prosperity and prosperity, a serene and calm period.

If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you- this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters.

Examine a crack in the ceiling- portends repentance and regret about the action committed the day before.

Dream book of the 21st century

Ceiling- symbolizes a warning, a warning.

A ceiling collapsing on you in a dream- a sign that you risk falling out of favor with your superiors and being reprimanded.

Make a new ceiling- means to gain the favor of an important person.

Islamic dream book

Ceiling- there is a person high rank.

If someone sees that the ceiling has fallen on him- he gets into some kind of trouble from a person of great rank, or someone from an important house returns from a trip.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

The ceiling has collapsed on itself, see- means to fall under the disfavor of your superiors and be reprimanded for something; make a new ceiling- means to gain the favor of an important nobleman.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Ceiling- protection and limitation, a certain limit of possibilities (high or low), limitation of activity, free creative space.

Overhangs, collapses- danger; trouble.

Break through or fail yourself so that you can see clear sky - victory, unique opportunities and prospects.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

The ceiling is collapsing- imminent danger. When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

Ceiling – The limit of possibilities.

The meaning of sleep according to the Children's Dream Book

Ceiling – I dreamed about the ceiling - this means the feeling that your soul experiences. If the ceiling is low, dark, the lighting in the room is insufficient, this means that you are in a state of depression and lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. If the ceiling is high and light, especially if it is stucco, and there is a lot of light and air in the room, it means that you are in the most rosy mood and hope only for the best - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Why does a woman dream about the Ceiling (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

Ceiling - A flat, white and high ceiling is a sign of prosperity and prosperity, a serene and calm period. If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters. Looking at a crack in the ceiling foreshadows repentance and regret about the action committed the day before.

Ceiling according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Ceiling - Warning; falls on you - disfavor; the ceiling fell out - death.

The meaning of the dream about Awnings (Gypsy dream book)

Ceiling - Having collapsed on oneself, to see means to fall under the disfavor of your superiors and be reprimanded for something; Making a new ceiling means gaining the favor of an important nobleman.

To dream about the Ceiling, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Ceiling – The ceiling shows the limitation of goals (“reach the ceiling”). Seeing a high ceiling means having great opportunities in life. Low ceiling – lack of knowledge, inflated ambitions.

Ceiling according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Ceiling - Warning.

If you dream about Ceilings (by Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

Ceiling – Ceiling – warning; falling ceiling means death.

Ceiling - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Ceiling – The ceiling symbolizes a warning, a warning. A ceiling collapsing on you in a dream means you risk falling out of favor with your superiors and being reprimanded. Making a new ceiling means gaining the favor of an important person.

Interpretation of Ceilings from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

Ceiling – Protection and limitation, a certain limit of possibilities (high or low), limitation of activity, free creative space. Hanging, collapsing - danger; trouble. To break through or fail yourself so that you can see the clear sky - victory, unique opportunities and prospects.

The meaning of a dream about Armstrong (Muslim dream book)

Ceiling - Ceiling is a person of high rank. If someone sees that the ceiling has fallen on him, then he will experience some kind of trouble from a person of great rank, or someone from an important house will return from a trip.

The meaning of the dream about the Upper Limit (Vangi's Dream Book)

Why do you dream of a Ceiling? – If you dreamed of a flat, white and high ceiling, it is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time. Looking at a crack in the ceiling - a dream predicts repentance and regret about an act committed the night before, but it is too late to correct what was done.

The meaning of the dream image (according to Artemidorus of Daldian)

I dreamed about the Ceiling - Stains and cracks on the ceiling are a warning about the great danger that threatens you.

Interpretation according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

Ceiling – Smooth, white and high – a sign of prosperity and prosperity. Imagine that all the ceilings in your house are high, smooth and perfectly whitened.

Why do you dream about the Ceiling (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Ceiling - You saw a ceiling in a dream - this dream warns of danger looming over you.

What does it mean if you dreamed about the Ceiling ( Big dream book Phoebe)

The ceiling is for prosperity, an increase in material well-being. Imagine a room that has recently been renovated. Now she's beautiful white ceiling. You enter the room and admire the ceiling. The room is spacious and the ceiling is high. You like it here. You will live here. If you want wealth and luxury, imagine that this is a luxurious ceiling, decorated with stucco or painting.

What does it mean to dream with a Ceiling (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream of a cracked ceiling - to death,

In the summer, why did you dream of a cracked ceiling - a move to a new place of residence is possible.

In the fall, why did you dream of a cracked ceiling - you will quarrel over long time with your spouse's relatives.

In winter, why dream that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Ceiling in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about a ceiling in a dream?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do women dream about the Ceiling:

Limiting goals. High ceiling - to have great opportunities in life. Low ceiling - lack of knowledge and ambition. A ceiling with rich stucco molding - soon you will have envious people. A ceiling falling on you foretells that worries will fall on your head. Plaster, whitewash or paint the ceiling - friends will come to your aid in difficult times

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about the Ceiling according to the dream book?

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the ceiling as follows: A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time. If you looked at a crack in the ceiling, you will regret what you did the night before, but you won’t be able to fix anything. If you dreamed that it seemed to you that the ceiling was falling on you and was about to crush you, this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you. Better wait with important matters - luck is not on your side now.

Spring Dream Interpreter

A hole in the ceiling - committing a sin, losing faith.

A cracked ceiling means death

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Cracked ceiling - Possible move to a new place of residence.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Cracked ceiling - You will quarrel for a long time with your spouse’s relatives.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about the Ceiling, interpretation:

What does it mean to see a Ceiling in a dream? Ceiling - Seeing the ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity. If you dreamed of a ceiling on which in a dream you are trying to discern some defects, then in real life you will meet a person who will become your benefactor, and this meeting will be very unexpected.

Angelic dream book

Why do you dream of a Ceiling according to the dream book:

Ceiling - Seeing the ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity. If you dreamed of a ceiling on which in a dream you are trying to discern some defects, then in real life you will meet a person who will become your benefactor, and this meeting will be very unexpected.

This dream can also be interpreted as the possibility of receiving an inheritance. Seeing a dream in which you are painting or whitewashing a ceiling means that in reality you may be drawn into some kind of risky adventure - try to avoid risky things, otherwise the consequences will be very dire.

If you dreamed that the ceiling in a dream was perfectly smooth and white, then something is coming in your life. white stripe- try to be as active as possible during this period - good luck awaits you in absolutely all your endeavors.

If you had a dream in which everything was upside down, and in the literal sense of this expression, and you dreamed that you were standing on the ceiling, then in reality you will face situations that can confuse you.

Try not to lose your bearings, because this is the only thing that can help you get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses.

Dark and scary dreams, are often remembered better than good dreams. A dream about ceilings often takes on negative colors in our minds. For example, a dark ceiling hanging over the dreamer - the meaning of a dream with such content may warn you. Or why do you dream of a ceiling collapsing - a dream that will definitely be remembered? The ceiling seems like a rather negative symbol, but is it so? It’s better to look in your dream book to see why you dream about the ceiling.
Vanga's Dream Book

  • For example, a similar dream: the ceiling is falling. According to the dream book, such a dream tells that you should postpone some important planned matters. Circumstances will not be favorable to your ideas - this is what dreams of a falling ceiling mean according to this dream book.
  • Why do you dream of a white ceiling? If you remember a high white ceiling in a dream, it means a period of calm and serenity will come in your life. And to see a freshly whitewashed ceiling in a dream means prosperity, as well as well-being in life, in which your life will pass. This is what you dream of about a room with high ceilings in white.
  • If you had another dream - the ceiling was cracked, and you were looking at the crack, then get ready: most likely you will regret what you did recently, you will repent, but you will not have time to correct this mistake.
  • Here's what else you might have seen in your dream: the ceiling is leaking. If you have observed a similar dream - water is dripping from the ceiling, pouring from above - then Vanga predicts waves of cosmic influence that are unnecessary to resist, because if you manage to establish harmony in your relationship with the cosmos, then you will become an outstanding person and gain worldwide fame. If the ceiling drips so much in a dream that your house is flooded, then this means that in reality a huge amount of news awaits you. One of these news will radically affect your relationships with others and even your sense of self - this is what the current ceiling means in dreams.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • This is what this dream book says: the ceiling is a warning sign. There is probably some danger awaiting you.
  • If you remember how the ceiling leaked in your dream, then this may indicate this dream: the ceiling is flowing, and you are immersed in this water, which means that in the future you will find yourself in a difficult personal situation. If in a dream your head is wet because the ceiling has flooded: a dream of similar content, in which water splashed on your head, foreshadows an unexpected passion in your life.
  • If you remember that there were a lot of flies on the ceiling, then this is what it says about it this dream book: flies on the ceiling, walls or anywhere else portend you a large number of friends, but only one fly will signify sadness and sadness. This is what is on the ceiling, according to this dream book.
  • If it is not a fly, but a mosquito, then here is the interpretation that the dream book gives for this dream: mosquitoes on the ceiling are good luck. If you kill a mosquito in your dream, then this is a sign that you will be able to overcome all obstacles and problems in order to find happiness in the end.

Freud's Dream Book
But this is what it means if you had to see dripping water in a dream: water dripping from the ceiling in a dream is a hint that you are wasting a lot of energy, because what you are doing does not require such a lot of effort. Here's what the dream book also says: water is dripping from the ceiling as a sign that perhaps too much time is devoted to your career or family. You should think about married life - here your enthusiasm is also no less significant. This is what dreams of a wet ceiling mean. The dream takes place in an apartment or in a private house - it is not important for its interpretation.
Why do you dream about cobwebs on the ceiling? To see a cobweb on the ceiling in a dream, just somewhere in a corner, according to this book, means that your relationship has exhausted itself, which, most likely, is manifested in one way or another (or has already manifested itself) in your lovemaking. Perhaps you already feel as if you are doing this under duress, through yourself. (cm. )
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
But this is what this dream book says: a cobweb on the ceiling is a sign of a disease, the expression of which, as one of the symptoms, is a severe migraine. However, doctors will not be able to determine the cause of the headache, and therefore it will be difficult to diagnose and find a cure.
Here is another interpretation: why do you dream of flying under the ceiling, according to this dream book: in the future you will try to change your life for the better, you will want to make it more eventful, and if you manage to change your ideas about it, then you will be supported in this matter luck.
Children's dream book

  • This is how this dream book explains the vision of a ceiling: the dream book characterizes a high ceiling and a house with high ceilings as an image of your soul. These symbols mean that you are in a great mood - this is what you dream of about a house with high ceilings. You are full of bright hopes for the future, the dream book explains. The ceiling is beautiful, stucco, light - it means your mood is high, and vice versa. A low ceiling in a dream means that you are depressed, as the dream book says. A black ceiling, along with a low ceiling, insufficient air in the dreamed room and a small amount of light, indicates that you are not confident in your abilities and yourself - this is what a black ceiling means in a dream.
  • What if it's a mirror ceiling? Seeing a mirror in a dream means looking deep into yourself. If you see in the reflection what you like, then you have no internal conflict, but if you are afraid of your appearance in the mirror, then most likely you are filled bad thoughts and intentions. (cm. )
  • This dream book also says this: water from the ceiling means illness and trouble, big failures, if the flowing water is cloudy and dirty. But there is another meaning that the dream book gives: clean and transparent water pours from the ceiling - this is a sign of the purity of your soul, a symbol of health, well-being and success.

Maly Velesov dream book

Gypsy dream book
Another confirmation of this interpretation of a falling ceiling can be found if you look at the gypsy dream book: the ceiling has fallen - you will receive a reprimand and fall out of favor with your superiors,
A similar dream: water flowing from the ceiling in an apartment means different things: clean and cold water is a symbol of excellent health, while warm (as well as dirty) means illness.
Dream book of the 21st century
The dream book is completely in agreement with the previous ones: the ceiling collapsed - you will fall out of favor with your superiors, you may get a reprimand for something. However, what if you had a slightly different dream? New ceiling, the way you do it. According to the dream book, such a dream signifies the exact opposite: perhaps you will soon find favor important person. But if you simply dreamed of a ceiling in a dream, then this is a warning dream and you better be more careful.
If in a dream everything around is covered with mold: the ceiling, walls, floor, furniture, then in reality you will hear information that will give you the wrong idea about something. A warning about your lover’s insincerity – this is what you dream of about mold on the ceiling if you are a young girl. (cm. )
Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of high ceilings? This collection of interpretations characterizes the ceiling as a symbol of the border, the infinity of your possibilities. High ceilings in a dream indicate a high limit for you, and vice versa, if you dream of low ceilings, then this is a sign that your capabilities are limited.
  • Here's what else this dream book can say: a spider on the ceiling or anywhere else in the house marks a good event. If the spider is black and unpleasant, then this indicates that a dangerous person will look after you.
  • If you had a similar dream: a hole in the ceiling that attracted your attention so much that you remembered it, this means a trap prepared for you, some kind of danger. The hole itself marks a connection with the “lower” other world.

Muslim dream book
This is what this dream book says: the ceiling falls in a dream when some kind of trouble awaits you from a person standing higher up. social status, or the return from travel of someone belonging to a famous or important family.
The same dream book, interpretation: the ceiling itself is a symbol of a person of high rank.
Islamic dream book
But here’s what you can read by looking at this dream book: the ceiling in an apartment or any other room promises a meeting with an influential and pleasant person, but if the ceiling is made of wood, then you should be careful about this person. He may simply look like a worthy person, but not really be such a person - that’s why you dream about a wooden ceiling.
Spring dream book
And this is what it predicts spring dream book: the ceiling, a crack in it, is a warning of death.
If you remember a hole in the ceiling from your dream, then such a dream is not good. Committing a sin, losing faith - this is what dreams of a hole in the ceiling of an apartment mean, according to this dream book.
Ukrainian dream book
Why do you dream about the ceiling? This is a warning to you.
Why do you dream about a falling ceiling in a house? As this dream book also reports, the ceiling collapses in a dream as a sign of death. (cm. )
French dream book
Why dream of removing cobwebs from the ceiling? If in a dream you had to remove cobwebs from the ceiling, the dream book warns of a possible lawsuit that may likely occur in the future.
Here is another interpretation given by the dream book: seeing clothes hanging from the ceiling in a dream is a sign of joy. If this clothing is rich, embroidered with embroidery and jewelry, then this will mark respect for your person, and also predicts happy events in your life. But if the clothes are dirty, in rags, then this means trouble.
Autumn dream book
The autumn dream book talks about why you dream of a ceiling with cracks: this is a possible change of place of residence and moving.
Summer dream book
Here's how summer dream book interprets a similar dream: a crack in the ceiling means a long quarrel with your spouse’s relatives.
Miller's Dream Book

  • “Ceiling” - Miller’s dream book does not give separate interpretation this symbol, but if your dream included other images, then this is how you can interpret, for example, such a dream: clean water is dripping from the ceiling. The dream book says that your prospects are favorable, prosperity awaits you in the future. Here’s another reason for dreaming of a ceiling leak: if water from the ceiling floods your house in a dream, then in the future you will resist some kind of evil, but if the water does not rise, but on the contrary, then for some reason you will be subject to influence on yourself from the outside another person, and this influence will be quite dangerous for you. And such a dream: water is pouring from the ceiling and you feel splashes on your head, then this signifies happy love, full of passion. If you had a dream like this: the ceiling is leaking and it’s pouring muddy water, and you fell into it - you will make bitter mistakes, and strong grief about this will not bypass you.
  • If you remember a burning ceiling from your dream, then this is a favorable symbol, despite the fact that a dream of similar content could be a nightmare, says the dream book. The ceiling burns out and does not touch you - this is for the better. For sailors, travelers, as well as those who work on land, this dream promises long-term prosperity. If the house burned down in a dream, then you will have wonderful friends and good children. If you own a store and you dream about it being on fire, then this is a sign of profitable projects. This is what dreams of a burning ceiling mean, according to this dream book. (cm. )
  • Here's what else you can find by looking in this dream book: drops of water from the ceiling falling on you mean that you will have a fever if you feel these drops on your skin.
  • If in a dream you are surrounded by a huge number of spiders hanging from the ceiling on their webs, then this is very good sign for a favorable combination of circumstances. Good luck, excellent health and the support of friends - this is what dreams of spiders on the ceiling mean, according to Miller.
  • This is a very specific dream book. Painting the ceiling, according to him, promises you to meet your true love very soon. However, if you do not want your feeling to remain unanswered, you should kiss all the joints in your house every time before leaving it.
  • And if you had to walk on the ceiling in a dream, then this means that everything in your life will turn upside down, and in order for such changes to be only positive, you should put one shoe in the corner of each room in the house.
  • This dream book will also tell you why you dream of blood on the ceiling. If you dreamed of bloody drops falling from the ceiling, then here is what this dream book says about this: blood is dripping from the ceiling as a sign that someone will love you very much very soon, and for this to happen for sure, you you need to cut out a paper heart and give it to the first person you meet.
  • If it is water dripping through the ceiling, the dream book interprets this as an omen of big tears - you will cry a lot. And to try to avoid these tears, you need to eat three dry tea leaves all week before going to bed.
  • If there is a flood in the apartment, then there are two different meanings: a new addition to your family in the foreseeable future is what dreams of a flood from the ceiling mean if a woman had a dream. And in order for this to be desired and not rejected by anyone, glass doors, shelves, and mirrors must be wiped with salt water. If the dreamer was a man, then in the near future he may be fired, and to avoid this, he needs to drink a glass of salt water every time he goes to work for a week, and also always have a crystal of salt in his pocket.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • This is what this dream book says: the ceiling has collapsed - it means you have envious people. If you see the ceiling falling, then be careful: a serious threat looms over you.
  • If you dream about the walls and ceilings of your grandfather’s house, then such a dream predicts the death of one of your loved ones, a family member. If the house was engulfed in flames, then no harm will happen and, on the contrary, you will receive some profit.
  • Why do you dream of a bullet-ridden ceiling in a house? If you fired a pistol at the ceiling, then this means noise and argument. If you heard a shot fired by someone else, then this is a sign that you will fall in love. If the shot hits the bull's eye, then your feeling will be mutual
  • If in a dream - as the dream book explains - the chandelier on the ceiling is beautiful and large, then this is a symbol that you will be a participant in some kind of celebration. If the chandelier was lit, then you will receive an invitation very soon - this is why you dream of a chandelier on the ceiling, as this dream book says.
  • The ceiling in the apartment is leaking: if the ceiling is leaking in a dream, and you hear the sound of water, then such a dream probably warns you that others will begin to harshly judge you. Here's what else the dream book says: a flood in an apartment from the ceiling is a sign of a threat to your property. Also, if you had to see in a dream: ice-cold water flowing from the ceiling, this is fortunate, but if you are drowning in it, then this means obstacles. If you see a leaking ceiling of a house under construction in a dream, then this is not good. If you are building a house, then long troubles and exhausting work await you, and if you are sick, then such an image is a harbinger of death.
  • Why do you dream of whitewashing the ceiling? If you had to whitewash the walls and ceiling in a dream, then this, again, means your participation in the celebration. This may also mean that you will make peace with friends and colleagues, taking the first step and getting rid of your bad and even obscene habits. But such a dream can also have a negative meaning. You may soon lose something expensive or move. Death is also what you dream of whitewashing the ceiling in a house according to this dream book, but not always and only if you are seriously ill.

Modern dream book

  • Seeing a ceiling in a dream means that your hobby may threaten not only your career. But also to your honor, says the dream book. The ceiling is white and high - especially pay attention to this interpretation, and also if you had to see high ceilings in a dream. You should not indulge your weaknesses - this is what you dream about the ceiling in a dream, according to this collection of dream interpretations.
  • What else does this dream book say about why the ceiling is dreamed of? Collapsed - this means the destruction of your hopes. You may soon lose your position in society, which your enemies will greatly contribute to.
  • If you dreamed of a ceiling with mold, then this good dream. Mold on the ceiling only means that you are doing absolutely right and minor obstacles are not worth your attention.
  • Here’s another reason for dreaming about a ceiling, according to this dream book, if the idea of ​​renovating your house came into your dream: renovating a ceiling means positive changes that will happen in your future and will positively affect your life.
  • If you saw the ceiling being whitewashed in your dream, then this is what this dream book says about this: whitewashing the ceiling means that you will spend a lot of money on pleasures, which can start a quarrel with your family and friends.
  • The dream book also explains why you dream of water dripping from the ceiling. In a dream, water is flowing from the ceiling as a sign that you should be careful, if you feel drops of water falling on you, this is a sign that you may catch some kind of infection, so it is better for you to take measures against viruses.
  • Another interpretation given by this dream book: the ceiling is leaking and water fills your house - this means your fight against evil. And as long as the water remains, you will be in danger. Seeing water flowing from the ceiling in a dream and stepping into this water means that in reality you will enter into a new intimate relationship.
  • If you dreamed of a night light, then here is what the dream book says about this: lamps on the ceiling mean that sleepless nights await you. If in a dream they were on at night or in the evening, then this foreshadows anxious thoughts and worries for some time, and if they were not turned on, it means you will not be able to retire in real life in order to think through how to get out of a difficult situation.

Esoteric dream book

Azar's Dream Book
But here’s what, according to this dream book, such a dream means: a hole in the ceiling and roof is a symbol of a possible move in the future.
If you see such a dream: the ceiling in the house is leaking, flooding your home, then this is a symbol of constant desires that weigh heavily on your soul. Also, lack of freedom, some kind of restriction, illness - this is why you dream that the ceiling leaked and flooded your house.
Dream Interpretation of Felomena

  • According to this dream book, the ceiling symbolizes the limit of possibilities. The pressure of a load of problems is what dreams of a dirty ceiling mean. But here is the interpretation, if it was a diametrically opposite dream: a beautiful ceiling, high and light, symbolizes new opportunities and new desires.
  • Why do you dream about a hole in the ceiling? If you dreamed of a hole in the ceiling, the dream book interprets this as a sign of your repentance for actions that happened a long time ago. Here's what the dream book says about this: a hole in the ceiling also indicates your regret in the recent past due to inaction and missed opportunities because of this.
  • If in a dream you whitewashed the ceiling with your own hands, then this is what such a dream means: painting the ceiling in White color portends the appearance of paperwork in your life, which you cannot influence in any way. Let things take their course, and they will still end successfully - that’s why you dream of whitewashing the ceiling.
  • Have you remembered that in your dream, water is pouring from the ceiling, and you want to know why? Dreaming: the ceiling is leaking: a wet ceiling in a dream means that someone really wants to ruin your reputation through false rumors and gossip - this is what you dream of water from the ceiling. Is it pouring continuously, or has it just wet the ceiling a little? Here is what the dream book says in the second case: a wet ceiling is a sign that your envious people will wait for a favorable combination of circumstances for them. They want to harm you, says the dream book. The ceiling in the house is leaking as a warning that you should not give them a reason to humiliate you. So, as this dream book interprets, water from the ceiling in an apartment in your dream is not the most favorable sign.

Dream Interpretation 2012
This is what this dream book says about why you dream of a ceiling in a dream: according to this dream book, the ceiling symbolizes any limit.
Family dream book
But this is what the ceiling of a house means in dreams, according to this dream book: your health and even your life are in danger. Your dreams go too far, and your fantasies are too ambitious, says the dream book. The ceiling in the apartment fell - the owner of the house is close to death. The ceiling has collapsed and the floors between the floors have collapsed, then look how far down the debris will fly - the number of floors that they will overcome is equal to the number of years that the owner of the house has left to live, as this dream book interprets. The ceiling in the apartment collapsed, but you managed to hide in safe place, which means you can protect yourself from danger. These are all interpretations of what a fallen ceiling means in dreams according to the family dream book.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina
If you had a similar dream: the ceiling collapsed, then what is this dream for? The ceiling collapsed, most likely as a symbol of the imminent threat hanging over you.
Why do you dream of a leaking ceiling? In an apartment, if you had to see water from the ceiling in a dream, then remember what it was like. Pure water is a symbol of something good, bright and joyful; dirty - first of all sadness, as well as everything negative and negative.
General dream book

  • In a dream, seeing the ceiling of a house means that some kind of threat is hanging over you, according to this dream book. Here’s another reason for dreaming about the ceiling: did the neighbors flood from above in your dream? If you dream of water from the ceiling flowing and flooding you because of some mistake of the neighbors living above you, then here is the interpretation of why you dream of water flowing from the ceiling, which is given in this dream book: this is a symbol of the fact that you ready to fight to the last against unfortunate circumstances, as this dream book interprets. The ceiling flooded, but you managed to cope with the flood, then this means that you may fall under a bad influence, which will probably turn out to be something dangerous for you. These interpretations are given by this dream book about why you dream of a flooded ceiling, as well as the consequences of such a flood.
  • If the ceiling collapses in a dream, then this is not a very good omen: you will be burdened with troubles that you cannot avoid.
  • Why dream of painting the ceiling? As this dream book says, such a dream - painting the ceiling - means that your friends will not leave you in a difficult time for you. You can count on them to come to your aid - that’s what you dream of about a whitewashed ceiling. The same dream means: whitewashing the ceiling manually or using certain devices.
  • Here is the following interpretation for such a dream: water flows from the ceiling or from somewhere above as a sign of a successful trade deal. This is what the dream book says: the ceiling is leaking for material gain.
  • There is also another meaning that the dream book talks about: seeing a new ceiling in a dream is a positive sign. If in your dream you make a new ceiling, then you will gain the favor of an important or famous person.
  • Why do you dream about the ceiling collapsing? If you have such a dream: the ceiling fell, and in the dream the ceiling collapsed on your head, then this is a sign that your superiors for some reason will not like you and you will most likely receive a reprimand.

Russian folk dream book
Rain from the ceiling: if you had such a dream - it is raining from the ceiling, and you are standing under it - then this lucky sign, predicting success for you. A dream in which the ceiling gets wet from rain is also a sign of success. (cm. )
As almost every dream book says, seeing a ceiling in a dream means a certain limit to the dreamer’s capabilities. A falling ceiling indicates that you may not be in favor with your superiors, but in general, such a dream plot as a ceiling tells you what in your behavior you should be more attentive to and what you should expect from the people around you and from the universe in in general.

Dreams always have their own interpretations. To understand them correctly, it is necessary to remember all the details, even the most seemingly insignificant ones. Namely, they can play an important role in interpretation. In this article we will talk about the ceiling. The dream book has how general meaning, and various variations.

The usual meaning of a ceiling in a dream

A dreamed ceiling is most often interpreted as a limit human capabilities. It is likely that something has reached its peak. For more detailed transcript Many factors are taken into account. For example, what color and quality of the ceiling. The dream book also interprets situations with a flood, repairs, etc.

Ceiling location

The appearance of the ceiling can say a lot. For example, if the arch hangs very low and creates a feeling of heaviness, it means that in real life there are still unresolved problems.

They put pressure on a person, creating a certain psychological burden. It will have a completely different meaning if you dream of a beautiful and high ceiling. The dream book interprets such a vision as a good omen, an emotional uplift.

Ceiling appearance

If the surface of the ceiling is smooth and even, this means peace and tranquility reigning in the soul. Cracks and mechanical damage indicate the sleeper’s repentance for his misdeeds or mistakes. Moreover, the emergency condition can be interpreted in several ways.

This may be a warning about some impending catastrophe, minor troubles, or the collapse of restrictions that interfere with a quiet life. The plot of the dream may contain additional hints on what to do in this case. It may be necessary to urgently take some action or, conversely, to postpone it.

The presence of traces of fresh repairs on the ceiling, a smooth and beautiful surface in any case serve as a good sign. In some dream books, the interpretation means reliable protection or the acquisition of influential patronage. Seeing a white ceiling in a dream means that soon someone will bring bad news. But the sleeper can fix everything.

Ceiling leak

To interpret visions, people are told the meaning by a dream book. The ceiling may be leaking. If you dreamed of such a situation, and the sleeper complains to someone about it, this is a warning about some quarrels with this particular person or the authority he represents. For example, it could be a utility service, etc.

As the dream book predicts, water dripping from the ceiling on a person means that he will soon have the opportunity to arrange his personal life and, perhaps, even start a family. If the sleeper is already in a relationship with someone, it means that changes for the better await him.

A dream book helps in interpreting night dreams. The ceiling leaked - this may mean that the sleeper needs to give vent to his emotions. Psychological release is required. When you dreamed of just a wet ceiling, it indicates a lot of envious people in real life. They are waiting for the right moment to commit small dirty tricks or they will spread bad rumors. In any case, the dream indicates that the sleeper’s reputation will soon be greatly “tarnished.”

The vision of a flooded ceiling in a modern interpretation can be associated with money. You should be more careful with them. There is a high probability of acquiring unnecessary and very expensive purchases, which you can completely do without at the moment.

When you dream of a ceiling, you need to try to remember even small nuances. What does the dream book interpret? Water dripping from the ceiling - this portends disappointment. Perhaps some thoughtless statement from a friend will cause great grief. But it is possible that the sleeper, on the contrary, will disappoint the person who cares about him.

The dream book provides a lot of interpretations. Water dripping from the ceiling - most often this portends trouble. But the interpretation of the dream may be completely different. When interpreting, any nuances must be taken into account, then troubles can be avoided.

Water color

To interpret visions, you need to look into the dream book. Leaking ceiling and dripping water? You need to pay attention to its transparency. If the water was cloudy, rusty or dirty, then the sleeper is in danger of trouble. Perhaps the plot of the dream suggested how they could be avoided.

Although, if you look at another dream book, water from the ceiling can also be quite positive. The vision acquires good value if the liquid pouring out was clean.

See who flooded

When you dream of a leaking ceiling and you know exactly who is to blame, this is a warning about a serious conversation that will happen with this person. Negotiations with him will go brilliantly in favor of the party injured in the dream.

Dancing under a leak from the ceiling

Let's study the dream book further. The ceiling in the apartment is leaking heavily, and entire puddles have formed on the floor. If the sleeper rejoices at this and in his vision dances under the leak barefoot, exposing his face and hands to the flow of liquid, it means that the time has come for active action. This is the best period for planned endeavors.

Seeing the already collapsed ceiling

A dream book is required to interpret dreams. The ceiling in the house can even be in disrepair. When in a dream part of the vault collapsed, and as a result the exit or passage to another room was blocked, it warns of unforeseen situations.

If they happen, then the precarious position of the sleeper, in which he actually finds himself, will worsen even more. In such a dream, you need to carefully examine all the little things, compare all the interpretations and “draw” the overall picture. If the sleeper manages to find out about troubles in advance, he can prepare for them.

A collapsed ceiling means not the best period for fulfilling your plans. It is necessary to wait for some time without active actions. A combination of circumstances will not allow the plan to be realized.

But there are also positive meanings provided by a ceiling that has already collapsed? If there really is no trouble on the horizon, then such a vision indicates the possibility of returning home a person who was considered missing. Or an equally impressive event will occur that seems incredible. In this case, it will change your life for the better.

Seeing the ceiling fall on the sleeping person

When you dream of a ceiling falling on the dreamer, it means that something will greatly interfere with your plans and make it difficult to implement them. Obstacles may be the actions of ill-wishers or negative circumstances.

This dream is a warning that enemies have been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time. Such a dream may signal other dangers lurking. This means that in the near future a person should not take risks and it is better to try to avoid dangerous situations.

Hole in the ceiling

Why do you dream about a leaky ceiling? The dream book interprets this vision as the sleeper’s regret about some of his past actions, repentance for inaction, due to which profits or good opportunities were missed. Holes in the ceiling indicate secret fears that a person is afraid to face in reality. Such a dream may indicate an important matter that has been postponed for a long time. But soon it will have to be addressed.

If the hole in the ceiling you dreamed of was very large, you need to let go of the past and quickly heal mental wounds. It is important to shift your attention to reality, self-development.

Examine the ceiling

If a person in a dream carefully examines the ceiling, finds defects, cracks, etc. on it, this indicates the imminent commission of an act that the sleeper will greatly regret later. Perhaps this is already a done deal, and the dream suggests that right now everything can be corrected.

Ceiling repair

If in a dream a person is repairing a ceiling, it means that the time has come to take revenge and regain previously lost positions. When the arch is painted by someone else’s hands, this means that the sleeper will shift his problems to other people.

If the ceiling was whitewashed in a dream, this is a warning about imminent paperwork. Moreover, the sleeper will not be able to influence it, or it will be a minor intervention. But such a dream promises troubles with papers in any case. They will be resolved in favor of the sleeping person.

If you interpret such a dream according to the interpretations of the Mayan Indians, then it is expected new love. In order for this to come true, they advised touching the wooden jambs with your lips every time a person passes by them.

If a person dreams that before repairs he carefully washes off the whitewash from the ceiling, then someone in his environment is in trouble. And these troubles can directly affect him.

High ceilings

According to the dream book, high ceilings indicate self-esteem and position in society. Or the person himself is sure that he has a certain status and rank. A house with high ceilings warns that the sleeper is clearly underestimating his abilities.

Low ceilings

When low ceilings were present in the vision, this means preoccupation with many problems that are pressing with their unresolved nature. But this is also a warning dream that you should not try to resolve issues now. The time has not yet come for this. We must wait for more favorable times.

Other meanings

If you dream that the ceiling fell on people, then everyone who was hit by it will probably die soon. As the dream book interprets, the ceiling is leaking and a person decides to make repairs - this indicates an expansion of opportunities and influence on different areas life. Soon you will be able to reap the fruits of your deeds.

The cobwebs on the ceiling warn that in reality not everything is as good as it seems. Moreover, if you also dreamed of a spider, but the sleeping person was not at all afraid of it, it means that higher powers are on his side. In this case, a favorable period will begin soon.

Why fill the ceiling? The dream book encourages a person to carefully evaluate his own abilities. Perhaps the sleeper clearly overestimates his strength and risks getting into a bad story or stupid situation.

If you dream that blood is dripping from the ceiling, then there are several interpretations. Perhaps the person who was listed as missing will soon return home. Or this dream may be a harbinger of a new passion. It will come suddenly and be uncontrollable. If such a dream is dreamed by a married person, it foretells troubles in the family.

Sleepers sometimes walk on the ceiling. In the Mayan dream book, this serves as a warning that in reality, complete chaos will soon begin, everything will turn upside down. To neutralize the consequences of such a vision, in reality you need to place shoes in the corners of the room. Then there is a chance that chaos will not burst into life.

If a person was flying under the ceiling in a dream, then this indicates the awakening of spiritual strength, the strengthening of an existing one. This will open up new opportunities for the sleeper and greatly expand his horizons.

If you dream of a gilded ceiling or richly decorated with stucco, then this vision indicates a lot of envious people. When not drops, but entire streams and streams of water fall from the ceiling, the vision warns that many minor troubles and dirty tricks from ill-wishers are already on the way.