Over 1 thousand species of spiders live in Russia. Some are quite often found in residential areas and their proximity does not pose a threat, others can be seen exclusively in the wild, but it is advisable to avoid contact with them. The full list of them is quite large and therefore today we will focus only on a few - we will talk about those who really deserve attention. What are the most famous and dangerous spiders in Russia?

Safe types

It should be noted right away that absolutely all spiders are poisonous, but only a few will be dangerous to human health - arthropods with highly toxic poison. In this chapter we will look at those whose venom is lethal exclusively to insects.

House spiders

These are perhaps the most famous and most common spiders living in Russia. They got their name because they love to be neighbors with people - they can be found in a private house, in a city apartment, and in outbuildings. This spider usually weaves a funnel-shaped web in dark corners under the ceiling or in more secluded places, for example, somewhere behind a closet. The owner himself usually sits in the center of the fishing net and patiently waits for the prey to fall into it. And as soon as the victim is in the web, the spider runs up to her with lightning speed and immediately straightens out.

You can recognize a house spider by the following signs:

  • the integument is yellowish-gray or brownish-gray;
  • on the back there are usually brown spots arranged in a pattern;
  • the legs are dark brown, their length is approximately twice as long as the body;
  • The size of females is about 12 mm, the male is no more than 10 mm.

Knitting spiders

There are quite a few species of crocheters, and these spiders are found in Russia more often than others. They are distributed throughout the country and live exclusively in natural conditions. Their trapping nets are circular in shape and have very large meshes. Because of them, at first glance, it may seem that such a web is not suitable for hunting. However, it is not. The net is designed for a specific victim, namely long-legged mosquitoes, which are a favorite delicacy for knitters.

The knitting spider has the following description:

  • elongated body;
  • legs are long;
  • chelicerae are covered with numerous projections;
  • Females are usually about 10 mm in size, males are somewhat smaller.

This is interesting! When in danger, the knitting spider extends its legs along its body and becomes like a tiny straw. If you disturb him, he will immediately throw himself down like a stone and try to hide!

Who should you be wary of?

Other arachnids also live on the territory of Russia - their venom is very toxic and delay after a bite is fraught with serious health consequences. And in order to protect yourself and know in which cases you should immediately seek medical help, it is advisable to know such representatives of the spider kingdom “by sight.”

Cross spiders

The diet of spiders of this species includes mainly flying insects: hornets, flies, butterflies, mosquitoes, bumblebees and bees. Hunting occurs with the help of a web. The crossfish immobilizes caught prey with poison, entangles it in a web and injects digestive juices into the wound. After some time, it eats the partially digested contents of its victim. If the spider is this moment not hungry, he hangs the prey on the edge of the fishing net in reserve.

These spiders are distributed throughout central Russia. They are often found in spruce, beech and pine forests, as well as in raised bogs, less often in gardens, arable lands and meadows.

  • females are approximately twice as large as males with body sizes of about 20-25 mm;
  • the main color depends on the ambient lighting;
  • the body is covered with a layer of waxy substance necessary to prevent moisture evaporation;
  • The cephalothorax is covered with a dense “shield”, on the front of which there are 4 pairs of eyes.

As a result of a bite from a cross, an infection may occur in the wound, so you should seek medical help in mandatory and as soon as possible.


Chiracantids belonging to the species Cheiracanthium punctorium are dangerous for humans. They can be found in grass and bushes. These creatures have won the title of the most poisonous spiders central Russia.

This is interesting! Some species of chiracandids are characterized by matrifagy - hatched spiderlings eat the female who protects them!

Chiracantids do not weave trapping nets, as they are wandering hunters. They are active exclusively at night. They react to the prey tactilely - when the insect touches the spider’s legs, it attacks it with one sharp jump. The diet usually includes leafhoppers, caterpillars, moths, aphids, grasshoppers and some types of mites.


  • the covers are colored yellow, light brown, sometimes greenish;
  • body size ranges from 5 to 15 mm;
  • abdomen oval, slightly pointed at the end;
  • the front pair of legs are approximately twice as long as the body.

After a bite from a Hyracantida spider, intense burning pain occurs in the affected area, which soon spreads over almost the entire corresponding segment of the limb. In this case, there is no itching or “locking” of the muscles. After a few minutes, the lymph nodes located on the way from the bite site begin to “ache” and swell. A little later, swelling develops in the affected area and mobility is impaired. Sometimes there is difficulty breathing. The pain goes away after about 10-20 hours, local symptoms - after 1-2 days.


This is the most poisonous spider living in Russia. Belongs to the genus. Its body is painted black and has 13 red spots with a white border. Adult individuals no longer have spots - their body is usually painted uniformly in a glossy black color. The body size of a female can be from 10 to 20 mm, males are much smaller - their size usually does not exceed 7 mm.

Poisonous spiders such as karakurts are found in the following regions of Russia:

  • Saratovskaya;
  • Kurganskaya;
  • Orenburgskaya;
  • Rostovskaya;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Volgogradskaya.

Despite the fact that karakurts are considered the most dangerous spiders in Russia, they do not attack people without reason, but bite solely for the purpose of self-defense. After a bite, the poison acts immediately and within a quarter of an hour the pain spreads throughout the body. Particularly severe pain occurs in the abdomen, chest and lower back. At the same time, strong muscle tension is felt abdominals. The victim may experience shortness of breath, tremors, increased heart rate, increased heart rate, headache, nausea, dizziness, pallor or hyperemia of the skin.

In Russia, antikarakurt serum is used to treat the consequences of the bite of these poisonous spiders.

In hot years, karakurts are also found in the northern regions, for example, in the Moscow region; sometimes they rise to much more high latitudes where they can live until winter

South Russian tarantula

Another quite famous and at the same time the most big spider in Russia is . The size of females reaches 3 cm, males - 2.5 cm. Their integument is gray, brown, brown or red, usually with a pattern on the upper side of the abdomen. The body is densely covered with short hairs.

These spiders prefer a dry climate and live mainly in forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert zones. The South Russian tarantula digs a vertical hole for itself, about 40 cm deep, and lines its inner walls with a layer of its own web. Hunts from a hole, focusing on the shadow of an insect passing by. When prey is nearby, it jumps out from its hiding place and immediately bites the victim.

Besides southern regions were seen in large quantities in such regions of Russia as:

  • Saratovskaya;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Kursk;
  • Belgorodskaya;
  • Lipetskaya;
  • Orlovskaya;
  • Tambovskaya.

As for their toxicity, South Russian tarantulas are not particularly dangerous. After a bite, there is usually a slight swelling in the affected area. Sometimes the skin in this area becomes yellow and remains this color for two months. The venom of these spiders does not cause death in humans, but certain health problems can still be observed.

Like the karakurt, the South Russian tarantula does not attack itself, but attacks only when a threat arises. However, in any case, it is extremely undesirable to provoke it - being in an aggressive state, this spider is able to jump about 15 cm in height and plunge its chelicerae into the enemy’s body with lightning speed.

It is the South Russian tarantula that many exotic fans choose. These spiders from the south of Russia are quite unpretentious in keeping, and all that is required is a vertical terrarium, high bedding, food and pure water. But be careful with it and do not provoke it into aggression; remember that the tarantula will definitely defend itself and its home.

Spiders are a rare exception in nature, when an entire order of animals are obligate predators. All types of spiders, except one, feed only on living organisms, which they themselves catch. Arthropods are not interested in dead insects and small animals.

On a note!

Scientists believe that there are 42 thousand species of spiders currently living on the planet. But no one can actually say with certainty how many spiders there are in the world. Small species of animals are still discovered almost every year, and there are still enough forests and jungles on the planet that have not been fully explored. Spiders are masters of camouflage.

Varieties of spiders differ from each other in size, length of legs, shape and size of chelicerae, and toxicity. The spider may be covered with bristles or smooth. It can weave a hunting web or dig minks. But all types of spiders have general signs, allowing them to be classified as arachnids.

General morphology


Real spiders are always equipped with spinning glands.

On the head section there are:

  • the first pair of limbs transformed into chelicerae;
  • the second pair of limbs are pedipalps, which perform the functions of touch and help the spider catch and hold prey;
  • eyes;
  • mouth opening.
  • black widows, including karakurt;
  • Brazilian spiders;
  • brown recluse spider.

Black widows are so named because the female eats the male after mating. Spiders of this genus are common on all continents. Prey is caught using the web as a lasso. Not all species of this genus are dangerous to humans. The American black widow has received the greatest celebrity.

There are 5 species of black widows living on the northern continent. The main color of these spiders is black with red spots on the abdomen.

This genus of spiders can be distinguished by characteristic feature: long paws, which are clearly visible in the photograph.

The name of the spider is of Turkic origin and means “black worm” in Russian. The “classic” black karakurt Latrodectus tredecimguttatus lives in the southern regions of the continent, including the Mediterranean and Crimea. Due to global warming began to be found in Azerbaijan, Altai and the Novosibirsk region. The ideal habitat for this karakurt spider is warm autumn and hot summer.

The name and photo of the spiders are somewhat inconsistent with each other: this type of karakurt has large red spots on the dorsal side of the abdomen. Coloration can vary greatly: Eurasian species interbreed and the spider can be pure black.

On a note!

There is a white karakurt (Latrodectus pallidus). Since white karakurts look uncharacteristic for these types of arthropods, you can ignore them. White karakurts are less poisonous than black ones, but their bite can cause trouble for children or people suffering from allergies. The habitat is combined with the territory where the black karakurt lives.

Oceania and Australia

Three species, one of which was introduced to Southeast Asia. The Australian black widow is also considered one of the most dangerous species.

Latrodectus geometricus

A species of black widow distributed on all continents. The color on the dorsal side is brown. There is a red spot on the underside of the abdomen. The paws are yellow-brown with black stripes on the folds. Of all the black widows, they are the least poisonous and dangerous only to children and the elderly.

Until 2010, the black widow was considered the most poisonous spider, but the prize cup was taken away from it. The genus of Brazilian wandering spiders has 8 species. The distribution area is very limited: the tropics of South and Central America. The hunting method is active. They don't weave a web.


The last species was discovered only in 2001.

The final stage of soldier spider venom causes muscle paralysis and suffocation. When poison enters the bloodstream, cardiac arrest occurs in 85% of cases after a bite.

Lives on the North American continent. The leg span can be 6-20 mm. Color brown, dark yellow, gray. One of the species that has fewer than 8 eyes. Only 3 pairs, which can be seen in the close-up photo of the cephalothorax.

It is nocturnal and hides under roots and stones during the day. The hunting method is active, but it weaves nets that it uses as shelter. Likes to settle into human housing. At night he may accidentally climb into bed. If you press him down, he will bite.

The consequence of bites is the development of necrotic ulcers. The affected area heals for 3 years. A bite can be fatal if the victim is a child or a person with a weakened immune system.

Medium poisonous spiders

The bite of such arthropods is not fatal, but can cause trouble in the form of swelling of the limbs and sore spot bite. These types include:

  • banana;
  • tarantulas;
  • spider sak;
  • wasp spider

The bites of these animals cause local irritation. With a very large dose of poison, swelling of the limb is possible.


Large arboreal ones that spin the largest webs. They have several names:

  • giant tree spider;
  • golden weaver.

Body length 1-4 cm. Paw span 12 cm. Poison is not fatal to humans. A spider bite causes a local allergic reaction: burning, blistering, redness of the bite site. Symptoms disappear within 24 hours.

Belong to the family. The most famous are two species: the South Russian and Apulian tarantula. The common name of the South Russian tarantula is. Large arthropods that do not weave trapping nets. They are nocturnal, attacking small invertebrates and other spiders. During the day they hide in vertical holes with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm and a depth of up to 0.6 m. The animals have a gray protective color. The abdomen is covered with bristles. Paws of medium length.

Distributed in the southern dry steppes of the Eurasian continent. Tarantulas are especially poisonous in the spring after hibernation, before they have had time to waste the poison. But you have to try hard to get a bite from this arthropod: first remove it from the hole, and then grab it bare hand. In defense, he is capable of a vertical jump, but at the first opportunity he will try to hide.


In English-speaking countries, large tarantula spiders are called tarantulas.

The second name is . Originally an inhabitant of the southern regions. But the abnormal heat led to the fact that the arthropod began to be found in Middle lane Russia. The spread is facilitated by the sak's unhealthy addiction to the smell of oil. It often gets between the pipes of the car's propulsion system. The ventilation holes are clogged with their cobwebs.

The animal is not large: 0.7-1.5 cm. The paw span reaches 2.5 cm. The color is yellow-brown. It has impressive chelicerae with very long spines. This is a device for active night hunting. You can see what the sak looks like in the photo of the spider below.

Saka venom causes soft tissue necrosis. Other signs of poisoning may include nausea, headache, heat. The bite site becomes inflamed.

She's a wasp spider. Belongs to the family of orb-weaving spiders. The wasp got its name from the characteristic coloring of its abdomen. In terms of the number of species, it is second only to jumping spiders and linifids. The range of Argiope is limited to 52°N.

On a note!

- one of the species that have mastered flight on a spider's web.

Hunting is passive. At dusk weaves trapping nets round shape. Feeds on flying insects. The bite is painful. May cause local irritation.

Safe spiders

Representatives of this group either cannot bite through human skin, or their venom is too weak to cause harm. These spiders include:

  • crosses;
  • haymaker;
  • brownie;
  • horses.

Most spiders are not interested in humans. They live in nature and want only one thing: that no one touch them.


The largest spiders. The champion is the goliath spider: a tarantula whose body length reaches 10 cm. The paw span is 28 cm. The body is covered with red-brown thick bristles. The tarantula is not dangerous to humans, but falling bristles can cause an allergic reaction.


- large spiders with a very large triangular abdomen. On the back there is a characteristic pattern in the form of a cross, which gave the name to the entire genus of cross spiders. Inhabitant of gardens, forests, parks and other green spaces. It hunts insects passively, weaving circular nets. The cross itself makes a shelter for itself out of rolled up leaves.

The bites are not dangerous. Even as a child it feels like a slight pinch. But a cross is able to discourage a child from grabbing a spider with his hands.


Haymakers have already become not only “domesticated” and do not want to leave human housing at all. They are completely safe for people and cannot even be pinched. Externally, harvest bugs are similar to the corn bug, but have an elongated body, divided into two parts. The bug has a round body.

On a note!

Weaves a chaotic web in all corners with murderous diligence and annoys people not with bites, but with the need to constantly remove the fruits of his labors.


Belongs to the family. Distributed everywhere. Often settles in human dwellings. The female is 7-12 mm in size, the male is 6-9 mm. Color brown. Weaves funnel-shaped nets. It is not aggressive towards people, but if you stick your finger into its hiding place, it can bite. There will be no consequences from the bite.


- one of the largest families. Distributed everywhere except Greenland. Spiders of this family are capable of jumping and actively hunt in daytime. Horses have a well-developed hydraulic system, which allows them to change blood pressure and expand their limbs. Thanks to this device, they can make jumps many times greater than their own size.


The racehorse family is notable for the fact that it contains the only species of spider – a vegetarian. Kipling's bagheera lives in Central America and feeds on acacia trees of the genus Vachellia. But this spider is not a pure vegetarian either. During periods of drought, they can switch to feeding on individuals of their own species.

Peacock spider

The original endemic of Australia from the racehorse family. A small spider with very bright colors. It received its name for its complete copying of this bird: a bright male and a modest female. When courting a female, the spider “spreads its tail.” He straightens the side scutes of his abdomen and raises his hind legs with his abdomen up. In the absence of a female, spiders wrap scutes around their abdomen.


They got their name because they do not weave nets and hunt by ambushing their prey. The eye structure and hunting methods are similar to wolf spiders. The female uses the web to weave a cocoon in which she seals her eggs. The female carries the cocoon with her on her back.

Hunter bordered

Belongs to the family of sparassids - hunting spiders. The body can reach a length of 2 cm. Color variations range from yellow-brown to dark brown. On the sides of the body white stripe. Distributed in temperate climate on the territory of Eurasia. Lives on the banks of water bodies. Distinctive feature– the ability to move through water and even dive if necessary. The second name for the hunter is fisherman, since the spider can catch and kill small fish. He doesn't care about people.

Green spider

It is impossible to determine the poisonousness of this arthropod, since the “green spider” species does not exist in nature. Different animals from different genera have this coloration:

  • jumping spiders;
  • hunting spiders;
  • Lynx spiders.

All these are available in Russia. To decide how dangerous a green spider bite is, you will first have to find out which family it belongs to.

Crab spider

It is also difficult to determine which one we are talking about. Arthropods from three families have the ability to move sideways:

  • Neocribellatae;
  • Thomisidae();
  • Philodromidae (isopods).

On a note!

There is no separate species of “crab spider,” but all spiders from these three families do not pose a danger to humans.


The arid regions of Central Asia and Africa are home to large arthropods that are often mistaken for spiders. These are salpugs. According to the tracing paper from English, they are also called. But unlike spiders, salpugs have teeth, they do not have arachnoid glands and are not poisonous.

Salpuga is a large animal capable of catching up and killing not only invertebrates, but also small lizards. The chelicerae of large salpugs are so powerful that they can bite through a human fingernail. No real spider is capable of this. Although salpugs do not have poison, their bite can be very dangerous. Particles of decaying flesh remain on the chelicerae of these arthropods. After a bite you can get blood poisoning.

Spiders cause many problems, although they are one of the most harmless and useful inhabitants of the planet. Spider lovers consider them “kittens.”

Spiders belong to the order Arachnida, class Arachnida, and phylum Arthropod. Their first representatives appeared on earth approximately 400 million years ago. There are many varieties of these arthropods on earth. They all have different characteristics and colors, behavior and lifestyle.

Characteristics and description of spiders

Spider body consists of only two parts:

  1. Abdomen. It contains breathing holes and fur (arachnoid warts for weaving webs).
  2. Cephalothorax. It is covered with a shell of chitin. There are eight jointed long legs on it. In addition to the legs, there are two tentacles (pedipalps). They are used for mating by mature individuals. There are also two short limbs with chelicerae - poisonous hooks. These chelicerae are part of the oral apparatus. The number of eyes in these arthropods can be from 2 to 8, depending on the breed.

The sizes of spiders vary: from 0.4 millimeters to 10 centimeters. The span of their limbs can be more than 25 centimeters.

The pattern and color on different individuals depends on the structure of the structural integument of hairs and scales, as well as the location and presence of various pigments. It is for this reason that spiders can be dull in one color or bright in various shades.

Names of spider species

Scientists have identified and described more than 42 thousand species of arachnids. Approximately 2900 species of these arthropods are known in the CIS countries. This article will talk about several varieties.

This type of spider is the most beautiful and spectacular in color. These arthropods have the following characteristics:

This species is native to Venezuela, but they can be found on the African continent and in Asian countries. This type of arachnid does not bite, but only in case of danger throws out special hairs that are located on the abdomen.

These hairs do not pose a danger to human life, but burns from them still remain. By appearance the burn from a tarantula bite resembles a nettle sting. Males of this breed live only 2–3 years, but females live 10–12.

Spider flower

This species belongs to the side-walking spiders. Their color can vary from pure white to greenish, pink or bright green. The body length of males reaches 5 millimeters, and females - up to 12 millimeters. This variety is widespread throughout European countries. They are also found in Alaska, Japan and the USA. This arthropod lives in open areas, where there is a wide variety of flowering herbs. And all because the flower spider feeds on the juices of captured bees and butterflies.

Refers to tarantula spiders, which in their natural environment live only in the southern regions of Brazil and Uruguay. This spider is quite massive and can reach 11 centimeters in length. It has a characteristic metallic shine of hairs and a dark color. Prefers to live only among plant roots. What’s most interesting is that it practically doesn’t pull out its burrows. For connoisseurs of exotic pets, puffer often becomes a pet.

Spider wasp (Argiope brunnich)

This species of arachnid has a very interesting color of its limbs and body - white, black and yellow stripes. It is for this reason that he bears such a name. Male wasp spiders are dimmer than females. The body size of males reaches approximately 7 millimeters in length, but females (including paws) reach 4 centimeters. These arthropods are widespread in North Africa, the Volga region, southern Russia, Asia and Europe. The argiope spider lives on forest edges, as well as in meadows with an abundance of grass. Its web is very strong and it is almost impossible to break it. It can only stretch under pressure.

These arachnids are widespread on the Eurasian continent. They are found along the banks of reservoirs with slowly flowing or standing water. They often settle in gardens with high level humidity, in shady forests or marshy meadows. The body length of females can vary from 14 to 22 millimeters, but the male almost never grows to more than 13 millimeters. The color is almost black or yellowish-brown. There are white or light yellow stripes on the sides of the abdomen.

Tarantula Apulian

These spiders belong to the wolf spider family. They are common in southern Europe: very often they can be found in Spain and Italy; in Portugal they dig holes 0.5 meters deep.

The length of its entire body is 7 centimeters. Usually individuals are colored red, less often - brown tones. Their body has one longitudinal stripe and several transverse stripes of a light color.

They are common in the subtropics and tropics, in Australia, and the Philippines. in central America and the southern United States. The body size of females can reach 10–13 millimeters in width and 5–9 in length. The length of the entire body of males is only 3 millimeters. Their legs are short, and there are 6 spines along their edges. These spiders have very bright colors: black, red, yellow, white. On their abdomen there is a pattern of black dots.

Peacock spider

In the color of this variety you can find almost all the colors of the rainbow: yellow, green, blue, indigo, red. Females have paler colors. Full Body Size adult is 5 millimeters. It is with their color that males attract females. They live in Australia - in New South Wales and Queensland.

In other words, it is also called the spider with a happy face. It is absolutely harmless to humans. It is common in the Hawaiian Islands. The entire length of his body is 5 millimeters. Various colors - blue, orange, yellow, pale. This species feeds on small midges, and their bright colors help confuse enemies (particularly birds).

Black Widow

These arthropods are very poisonous and dangerous to human life. Habitat - North America, Australia, less often - the Russian Federation. The entire body length of females is approximately 1 centimeter, but males are much smaller. The body is black, and on the abdomen there is a red hourglass-shaped spot. Males have a slightly different color: brown with white stripes. The bite of this arthropod is dangerous and can be fatal.


These arachnids are deadly and belong to the genus black widow. The entire body of the female can reach sizes from 1 to 2 centimeters, but the male reaches only 7 millimeters in length. This spider has 13 red spots on its belly. In some varieties these spots have borders. But some mature individuals have no spots at all, which is why their body is completely shiny black. These spiders can live in northern Africa, southern Europe, the Azov and Black Sea regions, southern Ukraine and the Russian Federation, in the countries Central Asia, in the Astrakhan region, in Kyrgyzstan. It was also noticed in the south of the Urals, in the Kurgan, Orenburg, Volgograd and Saratov regions.

Where do spiders live?

Spiders live everywhere and are distributed in all corners of the earth. They cannot be found only in those areas that are under a shell of ice all year round. The number of subspecies in countries with hot and humid climate much more than in cold or temperate. These arthropods are terrestrial inhabitants (with the exception of only a few subspecies). They live in built burrows or nests, being active only at night.

Tarantula spiders and other mygalomorph species live in the crowns of equatorial shrubs and trees. “Drought-tolerant” species prefer ground crevices, burrows and other shelters at ground level. Digger spiders live in colonies, settling in individual burrows 0.5 meters deep. Some species of migalomorphs close their settlements with special screens, which are made of silk, vegetation or soil.

Haymaking spiders love to settle in dark and damp caves, in abandoned old barns and cellars, in dens abandoned by animals. Centipedes can be found in residential buildings on warm southern windows, hanging upside down.

And here is the jumping spider can be found anywhere:

  1. In mountainous areas.
  2. In a desert.
  3. In the forest.
  4. On brick and stone walls of houses.

Karakurt can be found in wormwood wastelands and fields, where flocks of pigs and sheep are often trampled, on rocky slopes of ravines, and on the banks of artificial irrigation canals.

Sidewalk spiders spend most of their lives waiting for prey, sitting on flowers. But some representatives of this family can be found on the forest floor or tree bark.

The funnel family places its web on the branches of bushes or tall grass.

But wolf spiders prefer grassy, ​​damp meadows and wooded wetlands. There they can be found in large numbers in fallen leaves.

The water spider builds its nests under water, attaching it to the bottom with the help of a web. various subjects. He fills his entire nest with oxygen and uses it as a diving bell.

What do spiders eat?

These creatures are very original. They eat very in an interesting way. For a long period, some species of these arthropods may not eat. This period can take from 7 days to 1 month, in some cases - up to 1 year. But if the spider does start eating, then there will be practically nothing left of its food. A very interesting fact is that the mass of food that all spiders eat in 12 months can be several times greater than the mass of the entire population on our planet.

Spiders feed on a variety of foods. It all depends on the variety and size. Some can build a trap using a woven web. This trap is very difficult for insects to see. Digestive juice is injected into the caught prey, which corrodes it from the inside. After a certain period of time, the hunter draws the resulting cocktail into his stomach. And some species simply spit sticky saliva during hunting, which then attracts the prey to the hunter.

The main delicacy of these arthropods are insects. The small types feed on grasshoppers, cockroaches, mealworms, butterflies, crickets, flies and mosquitoes. Spiders living in burrows and on the surface of the soil take orthoptera and beetles as food, and some species are capable of dragging them into their homes. earthworm or a snail, and then calmly start your meal.

Types of web

There are several types of different webs in the world. They are:

  1. Round. The most common. It has a minimum number of threads. Because of this weaving, it is hardly noticeable, but it is not perfectly elastic every time. Radical cobweb threads emanate from its center, which are connected by spirals to a sticky base.
  2. Cone-shaped. It is mainly woven by the funnel-web spider. tall grass, and he himself, waiting for prey, hides in its narrow base.
  3. Zigzag.
  4. Gigantic. Its dimensions vary from 900 to 28 thousand square centimeters.

The web is also divided according to the type and principle of its adhesion:

  1. Sticky. It is used only for preparing jumpers in trapping nets. It is very difficult to get away from her.
  2. Strong. Used for weaving nets that will be used for hunting.
  3. Household. These arthropods use it to make doors for their homes and cocoons.

Spiders are all around us. Therefore, it is important to know which spiders are safe and which ones you need to avoid.

Spiders are one of the oldest inhabitants of the planet, known from the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. It is believed that they appeared approximately 400 million years ago. Creatures Paleozoic era had a characteristic arachnoid apparatus, but were more primitive. Their habitat is the widest - the entire planet, not counting Antarctica.

Spider Science: What is it called?

Araneology is the science of spiders, which is part of the branch of zoology - arachnology. Arachnology studies arthropod invertebrate arachnids. The origin of the name is ancient Greek.

Also, arachnology is the art of weather prediction based on observing the actions of spiders.

Spiders - what are they: types

Researchers know about 42 thousand species of spiders. Spiders can be divided into three large suborders, which differ mainly in the structure of the jaws, or more precisely, in the position of the chelicerae relative to the longitudinal axis of the body.

Suborder Orthognatha

More often, representatives of this suborder are called migalomorphs. Characterized by the presence of dense hairs, large sizes and the primitive structure of the jaws - the claw is directed downwards and grows only on the upper jaw. The respiratory system is represented by pulmonary sacs.

The majority of mygalomorphs live in warm climates. They make burrows underground.

Orthognatha includes:

  • tarantula spiders
  • funnel spiders
  • ctenizidae
  • digger spiders

Suborder Araneomorpha

Almost all other species of spiders known to naturalists belong to large group Labidognatha or Araneomorpha. They differ in that both jaws are equipped with claws. The respiratory system is represented by the trachea.

Types of spiders that catch prey without a net:

  • crab spiders
  • jumping spiders
  • wolf spiders

Types of spiders using a trapping net:

  • linifid spiders
  • web spiders
  • funnel spiders, or house spiders
  • long-legged spiders
  • orb weaving spiders

Among araneomorphic spiders, there are also those that are not capable of producing cribellum - a substance from which spiders produce durable spider silk, and those who produce it.

Suborder Mesothelae

Lyphistiomorphic spiders are distinguished by the fact that the chelicerae are spread out to the side rather than pointing downwards. This position is considered more evolutionarily advanced. But this suborder is considered the most primitive; traces of it were found in Carboniferous deposits. Spiders have archaic pulmonary sacs and four pairs of arachnoid warts, which have not yet been moved to the end of the abdomen. They live in earthen burrows that are closed with a lid. Signal threads radiate from the minks. Although one species prefers caves, where it makes web tubes on the walls.

These include:

  • arthropod spiders
  • primitive arthrolycosid spiders
  • primitive arthromigalid spiders

Spider: insect, animal or not?

Spiders belong to a type of animal - the order arthropods in the class arachnids. Therefore, spiders are animals, not insects.

Differences between a spider and an insect:

  • a spider has four pairs of legs, and insects have three pairs
  • Spiders do not have antennae characteristic of insects.
  • many eyes, up to twelve pairs
  • the body of a spider always consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen
  • Some types of spiders have intelligence: they distinguish strangers from their own, can protect the owner, sense the owner’s mood, and even dance to music. No insect can do this, unlike an animal.

Spider body structure

The body of spiders, covered with chitin as an exoskeleton, consists of two sections that are connected by a small tube:

  • The cephalothorax is formed by the head fused with the chest
  • abdomen


  • The cephalothorax is divided by a groove into two sections: the cephalic and thoracic. In the anterior head section there are eyes and jaws - chelicerae. In most spiders, the chelicerae are directed downwards and end in a claw. The claws contain poisonous glands.
  • The lower part of the jaws - pedipalps, are used as palps and grasping elements. Between the pedipalps there is a mouth used for sucking. In some mature males, the pedipalps are also the cymbium - the copulatory apparatus.
  • Simple eyes are also located in the anterior cephalic region.
  • Four pairs of jointed legs are also found on the cephalothorax in the thoracic region. Each spider leg consists of 7 segments. The last segment of each leg has two or more smooth or serrated claws.


  • The abdomen can have the following shape: round, oval with processes, angular, elongated worm-shaped. On the abdomen there are stigmata - respiratory openings.
  • On the underside of the abdomen there are arachnoid warts containing arachnoid glands. The genital opening is located near the base of the abdomen. In females it is surrounded by a thickened chitinous plate, and in males the genital opening looks like a simple slit.

Spiders can grow up to 10 cm in size, and the span of their limbs can exceed 25 cm, it all depends on the species. The smallest representatives are only 0.4 mm in size.

The color and pattern depend on the structure of the scales and hairs covering the body, the presence of pigment and the type of spider.

How many legs and limbs does a spider have?

  • All spiders have four pairs of legs, which are located on the cephalothorax and are usually covered with hairs.
  • Each foot has crescent-shaped, comb-like claws. Between the claws, most often, there is a sticky pad - a claw-like appendage.
  • Spiders that weave webs have auxiliary serrated claws that allow the spider to move freely along the web.

How many eyes does a spider have?

  • Depends on the species. Some species have only two eyes, and some have up to twelve. Most species have 8 eyes, which are arranged in two rows.
  • In any case, the two front eyes are the main ones. They differ in structure from other lateral eyes: they have muscles to move the retina and do not have a reflective shell. The auxiliary eyes are also distinguished by the presence of light-sensitive retinal cells. The more of them, the sharper the spider’s vision.
  • Some spiders can see as well as humans and distinguish colors. For example, jumping spiders. Night hunters, for example, side-walking spiders, see perfectly not only at night, but also during the day. But wandering spiders see best.

How does a spider weave a web?

The thread of the web consists of many thin threads, which the spider glues together with a special liquid that quickly hardens in air. Thanks to this, the strength of the web is achieved so high that spiders even travel with its help, covering kilometers of distance.

The web can be dry, sticky, elastic - it all depends on the purpose of the thread.

Types of threads for webs:

  • for cocoon
  • catching sticky thread
  • for moving
  • to entangle prey
  • thread for fastening

The design of the web depends on the hunting method. When weaving, spiders use a thread that reflects ultraviolet rays, which most insects see. Moreover, the spider weaves ultraviolet-reflecting threads in such a way that they look like flowers, which also reflect ultraviolet. Therefore, insects fly to an alluring and sweet flower and end up in a web.

Stages of weaving a web:

  1. The spider releases a long thread first. Such a thread is picked up by the air flow, rushes to the nearest branch and clings to it (Fig. 1, 2).
  2. Then another free-hanging thread parallel to the previous one is woven. The spider moves to the middle of this thread, which is stretched under its weight, and weaves another thread in a downward direction until it finds a third support (Fig. 3).
  3. The spider attaches a thread to the support and forms a Y-shaped frame.
  4. Next comes the general contour and several more radii (Fig. 4).
  5. An auxiliary spiral is woven at these radii (Fig. 5). This entire frame is woven from non-sticky thread.
  6. Next, the spider weaves a second spiral with a sticky thread, towards the middle of the web from its edge.

Construction may take 1-2 hours.

How do spiders reproduce?

  • Males usually differ from females in size (the male is smaller), long legs, brighter coloring, the presence of pedipalps, which appear in males only during the last molt.
  • First, males weave a special sperm web. Although some types are limited to a few stretched threads. Then the spider applies a drop of sperm to the web and fills the pedipalps with sperm, with the help of which it introduces sperm into the female’s seminal receptacle. And he goes in search of the female.
  • The spider finds the female by smell. Having found a suitable female, the male begins to cautiously approach. If the female is not in the mood for courtship, she will attack the spider and may even eat it.
  • If the female looks favorably at the male, then the male begins to lure the female: he performs “wedding dances,” “clangs” his legs, and brings prey. Having appeased the female, the spider carefully approaches her, touches her with the tips of her legs, then touches her with her pedipalps and retreats. The male also “drums” on the substrate.
  • If the female does not show aggression and “drums” herself, then the male carefully approaches and brings his pedipalps to the female’s genital opening. The act lasts for several seconds.
  • Then the male runs away so that the female does not eat him. Although this happens quite rarely. In one season, a female can have several males.
  • After 6-10 weeks, the female weaves a cocoon into which she lays up to 500 eggs. The female carefully guards the cocoon, holding it between the chelicerae. After another 5 weeks, the spiderlings appear.

How long do regular spiders live?

Most spiders live for a year. But some species, such as Grammostola pulchra from tarantula spiders, can live 35 years. Moreover, this applies only to females; even male tarantulas live for 2-3 years.

Non-venomous spiders: list with names

There are no spiders that are not poisonous at all. Poison is necessary in order to paralyze the victim, for protection.

But the venom of most spiders found is not dangerous. In some cases, there is so little that no one will notice, or there will be redness and swelling. Although in isolated cases an allergy to spider venom is possible.

Safe for humansfrequently encounteredspiders:

Common harvest spider. The size of the male is up to 7 mm, the female is up to 9 mm. Long-legged. Hunt in dark time days. They like to gather in a group so that they look like a clump of fur. Weaves a non-sticky web. They scare off enemies by releasing an unpleasant odor.

More than 5 thousand species. This small in size A 5-6 mm spider that loves to bask in the sun and is excellent at climbing glass. They are good jumpers, can jump up to 20 cm. They do not weave webs, they attack with a jump, and they have excellent eyesight.

More than 1 thousand species. Size up to 25 mm - females, up to 10 mm - males. On its abdomen there are several white spots forming a cross. They hunt using a round trapping net, which can reach 1.5 m in diameter.

Size up to 10 mm. It hunts from ambush, instantly grabs its prey and paralyzes it with poison. Doesn't weave networks. It has camouflage - if necessary, it changes color from rich yellow to white. Those that hunt on the bark of trees are brown in color, and those in the leaves are variegated.

House spider or funnel web spider, the most famous and widespread. The web weaves in a secluded place: on the ceiling, in the corner, behind the closet. The male is up to 10 mm in size, the female is slightly larger - up to 12 mm. The color is yellow-gray with brown spots.

The size of the female is up to 10 mm, the male is slightly smaller. The color is light yellow, sometimes greenish. On the underside of the elongated seed-shaped abdomen there are two light stripes. They build circular nets with large “holes” designed for long-legged mosquitoes. They build webs near water and are able to run on water.

The size of the male is up to 16 mm, the female is up to 12 mm. A rare spider, adapted to live in sluggish freshwater. Can swim. The abdomen is covered with hairs to retain air, so the spider appears “silver” under water. A “bell” filled with air weaves in the water, where it lives: rests, leaves reserves, eats caught prey.

Tarantula spider (tarantula). Large, up to 20 cm with a leg span. They have a beautiful variety of colors. Weaving a web. Some species are completely harmless to humans; the bite of others may cause swelling, redness, itching, heat, and muscle cramps. Deaths not described. They are the ones most often kept in houses; females of some species live up to 35 years. Very easy to care for. Birdeaters can even be trained.

Top 10 most dangerous, poisonous, deadly spiders in the world, on the planet: list with names

A resident of the tropics and subtropics of South America is the most dangerous spider according to the Guinness Book. The size of the spider is 10-12.5 cm. It is fast, active, does not weave webs, and constantly moves in search of prey. Loves bananas. It feeds on other spiders, insects, lizards, and birds.

When in danger, it rears up and shows its fangs. The poison is deadly for weakened people and children. Without assistance, death from the bite of some individuals can occur in 20-30 minutes. A healthy adult usually experiences a severe allergic reaction.

The habitat is the deserts of South America and Africa. They can go without water and food for a long time - up to a year. Size taking into account paw span up to 5cm.

When hunting, it buries itself in the sand, lets it get closer and attacks from cover. The poison is a hemolytic necrotic toxin that thins the blood and causes tissue decomposition. The victim dies from internal bleeding. No antidote has been created, but people die extremely rarely.

Habitat - Australia, within a radius of 100 km from Sydney. Size - up to 5 cm. Lives and hunts in stumps, under stones, in trees or open areas. The poison is not dangerous to most mammals, but is fatal to humans and primates.

When in danger, a spider rears up and shows its fangs. When biting, it digs into the victim's body and bites many times in a row. At the same time, it is difficult to tear it off. The poison is dangerous due to large doses. First, your health worsens: nausea, vomiting, sweating. Then it decreases arterial pressure and blood circulation is disrupted, and in the end the respiratory organs fail.

One of the most known species. Habitat - Mexico, USA, southern Canada, New Zealand. They prefer to live in the desert and prairies. The size of the female is up to 1 cm. Females are more dangerous than males. If bitten by a female, the antidote must be administered within 30 seconds.

Spider venom is 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom. The bite site takes up to 3 months to heal. The bite is characterized by acute pain, which after 1 hour spreads throughout the body, causing convulsions. Difficulty breathing, vomiting, sweating, headache, paresthesia of the limbs, fever.

Outwardly similar to a black widow. Originally lived in Australia, it has now spread throughout the world, with the exception of the poles. Up to 1 cm in size. It feeds on insects, flies, cockroaches, even lizards.

The poison is not capable of killing a person, but after a bite one feels pain, cramps, nausea, increased sweating, and general weakness.

6. Karakurt - “black worm”

From the family of black widows, it lives in the steppe and desert zones of Russia. The size of a male is up to 0.7 cm, a female is up to 2 cm. The most dangerous poison is in females that have red dots on their abdomen.

The spider bite itself is practically not noticeable, but after a few minutes you can feel it sharp pain, gradually spreading throughout the body. Convulsions begin, a red rash appears, the victim may feel causeless fear and depression. Without assistance, the bite can become fatal within 5 days.

The second name is violin spider. Habitat: northern Mexico, southern USA, California. The size of males is 0.6 cm, females are up to 20 cm. Not aggressive. Lives in dark, dry places: attics, sheds, closets.

The bite is practically insensitive. After a bite, the effect of the poison begins to be felt after it spreads throughout the body, within a day. The temperature rises, nausea, rash, pain throughout the body, and tissue swelling appear. In 30%, tissue necrosis begins, sometimes organs fail, and only a few deaths have been reported.

Initially inhabited only South America(Chile), now lives also in North America, found in Europe and Australia. Lives in abandoned places: barns, woodpiles, attics. It feeds on insects and other spiders. Size including paws - up to 4 cm.

The bite is painful, similar in strength to a cigarette burn. The poison has a necrotic effect. The victim feels severe pain. Kidney failure may develop. Treatment lasts many months, and 1 in 10 people die.

9. Wolf spiders

Habitat - the whole world, except Antarctica, but they prefer warm countries. They live in bushes, on grassy meadows, in forests near water sources, in fallen leaves, under stones. Dimensions - up to 30 mm. They feed on cicadas and bugs.

Bite tropical species can cause prolonged pain, dizziness, swelling, severe itching, nausea, and rapid pulse. Their poison is not lethal.

Theraphose Blond

10. Theraphose Blonde

One of largest spiders, the second name is the goliath tarantula. Body size is up to 9 cm, leg span is up to 25 cm. It feeds on toads, mice, small birds and snakes. Bites only in cases of danger.

The poison has a paralytic effect. But for humans it is only fraught with swelling and itching. When biting large animals or humans, poison is usually not injected. When in danger, the tarantula shakes off sharp hairs from its back, which cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

Although dangerous spiders a lot, they rarely attack. An attack, as a rule, is associated with defense, and in ordinary life, spiders stay away, preferring secluded places to live. There are few fatalities, but caution is always necessary when handling these animals.

Video. The strangest spiders and unusual spiders in the world