The concept of “greenhouse effect” is well known to all gardeners and gardeners. Inside the greenhouse, the air temperature is higher than outside, which makes it possible to grow vegetables and fruits even in the cold season.

Similar phenomena occur in the atmosphere of our planet, but have a more global scale. What is the greenhouse effect on Earth and what consequences might its intensification have?

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is an increase in the average annual air temperature on the planet, which occurs due to a change in the optical properties of the atmosphere. It is easier to understand the essence of this phenomenon using the example of an ordinary greenhouse, which is available on any personal plot.

Imagine the atmosphere as the glass walls and roof of a greenhouse. Like glass, it easily transmits the sun's rays through it and delays heat radiation from the earth, preventing it from escaping into space. As a result, heat remains above the surface and heats the surface layers of the atmosphere.

Why does the greenhouse effect occur?

The reason for the greenhouse effect is the difference between radiation and earth's surface. The sun, with its temperature of 5778 °C, produces predominantly visible light, which is very sensitive to our eyes. Since the air is capable of transmitting this light, the sun's rays easily pass through it and heat the earth's shell. Objects and objects near the surface have an average temperature of about +14...+15 ° C, therefore they emit energy in the infrared range, which is not able to pass through the atmosphere in full.

For the first time, such an effect was simulated by physicist Philippe de Saussure, who exposed a vessel covered with a glass lid to the sun, and then measured the temperature difference between inside and outside it. The air inside was warmer, as if the vessel had received solar energy from outside. In 1827, physicist Joseph Fourier suggested that such an effect could also occur in the Earth's atmosphere, influencing the climate.

It was he who concluded that the temperature in the “greenhouse” increases due to the different transparency of the glass in the infrared and visible range, as well as due to the glass preventing the outflow of warm air.

How does the greenhouse effect affect the planet's climate?

With constant fluxes of solar radiation, climatic conditions and average annual temperature on our planet depend on its heat balance, as well as from chemical composition and air temperature. The higher the level of greenhouse gases at the surface (ozone, methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor), the higher the likelihood of an increase in the greenhouse effect and, accordingly, global warming. In turn, a decrease in gas concentrations leads to a decrease in temperature and the appearance of ice cover in the polar regions.

Due to the reflectivity of the earth's surface (albedo), the climate on our planet has more than once passed from a warming stage to a cooling stage, so the greenhouse effect itself does not pose a particular problem. However, in last years As a result of atmospheric pollution by exhaust gases, emissions from thermal power plants and various factories on Earth, an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide is observed, which can lead to global warming and negative consequences for all humanity.

What are the consequences of the greenhouse effect?

If over the past 500 thousand years the concentration of carbon dioxide on the planet has never exceeded 300 ppm, then in 2004 this figure was 379 ppm. What threat does this pose to our Earth? First of all, by rising ambient temperatures and cataclysms on a global scale.

Melting glaciers can significantly increase the level of the world's seas and thereby cause flooding of coastal areas. It is believed that 50 years after the greenhouse effect increases geographical map Most of the islands may not remain; all seaside resorts on the continents will disappear under the thickness of the ocean water.

Warming at the poles can change the distribution of precipitation throughout the earth: in some areas the amount will increase, in others it will decrease and lead to drought and desertification. A negative consequence of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases is also their destruction of the ozone layer, which will reduce the protection of the planet's surface from ultraviolet rays and lead to the destruction of DNA and molecules in the human body.

Extension ozone holes moreover, it is fraught with the loss of many microorganisms, in particular, marine phytoplankton, which can have an impact significant influence on the animals that feed on it.

In the atmospheric layers of our planet there are many phenomena that directly affect the climatic conditions of the Earth. This phenomenon is considered to be the greenhouse effect, characterized by an increase in the temperature of the lower atmospheric layers the globe in comparison with the temperature of the thermal radiation of our planet, which can be observed from space.

This process is considered one of the global environmental problems of our time, since thanks to it, solar heat is retained in the form of greenhouse gases at the surface of the Earth and creates the preconditions for global warming.

Greenhouse gases affecting the planet's climate

The principles of the greenhouse effect were first illuminated by Joseph Fourier, considering different types mechanisms in the formation of the Earth's climate. At the same time, factors influencing temperature conditions were also considered. climatic zones and qualitative heat transfer, and factors that influence state of overall heat balance of our planet. The greenhouse effect is provided by the difference in the transparency of atmospheres in the far and visible infrared ranges. The heat balance of the globe determines climate and average annual surface temperatures.

The so-called greenhouse gases, which block infrared rays that heat the Earth’s atmosphere and its surface, take an active part in this process. In terms of the degree of influence and impact on the thermal balance of our planet, the main ones are considered to be the following types greenhouse gases:

  • water vapor
  • Methane

The main one on this list is water vapor (air humidity in the troposphere), which makes the main contribution to the greenhouse effect of the earth's atmosphere. Freons and nitrogen oxide also participate in the action, but low concentrations of other gases do not have such a significant effect.

The principle of action and causes of the greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect, as the greenhouse effect is also called, consists in the penetration of short-wave radiation from the Sun to the surface of the Earth, which is facilitated by carbon dioxide. In this case, the Earth's thermal radiation (long-wave) is delayed. As a result of these ordered actions, our atmosphere is heated for a long time.

Also, the essence of the greenhouse effect can be considered as the possibility of an increase in the global temperature of the Earth, which can occur as a result of significant changes in the heat balance. Such a process can lead to the gradual accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of our planet.

The most obvious cause of the greenhouse effect called a hit industrial gases in atmosphere. It turns out that the negative results of human activity (forest fires, automobile emissions, the work of various industrial enterprises and the burning of fuel residues) become direct causes of climate warming. Deforestation is also one of these reasons, since forests are the most active absorbers of carbon dioxide.

If normalized for living organisms, then Earth's ecosystems and people will need to try to adapt to changed climate regimes. However, the most reasonable solution would still be to reduce and then regulate emissions.

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And global warming are related concepts familiar to every person today. Let's consider what the greenhouse effect is, the causes and consequences of this phenomenon.

This global problem humanity, the consequences of which should be reduced by every person. The phenomenon refers to an increase in temperature observed in the lower layers of the atmosphere. The consequences are quite impressive, but the main thing is the appearance of greenhouse gases in excess volumes in the atmosphere. All this led to the emergence of real preconditions for the emergence of global warming.

Greenhouse gases: how they work

It is not always clear why the greenhouse effect is dangerous. The first person to highlight the principles of this phenomenon and explain them was Joseph Fourier, who tried to understand the peculiarities of climate formation. The scientist also examined factors that could change the world’s climate and even the heat balance in general. Joseph established that active participants in the process are, preventing the passage of infrared rays. Based on the degree of exposure, the following types of gases can be distinguished:

  • methane
  • carbon dioxide
  • water vapor

Water vapor is responsible for increasing moisture in the toposphere, so it is considered the main gas among gases, providing the maximum contribution to temperature growth. The strengthening of the greenhouse effect is explained by nitrogen oxide and freons. The remaining gases are present in the atmosphere in low concentrations, due to which their influence is insignificant.

Clear causes of global warming

Global warming and the greenhouse effect are interrelated concepts. The greenhouse or greenhouse effect and its impact are represented by short-wave radiation from the Sun penetrating into the Earth's atmosphere due to the fact that it contains carbon dioxide. As a result, the Earth's thermal radiation, called long-wave radiation, is delayed. Orderly actions will cause prolonged heating of the atmosphere.

The phenomenon is based on an increase in the Earth's global temperature, contributing to a change in the heat balance. This process results from the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which cause the consequences of the greenhouse effect.

The causes of the greenhouse effect are quite diverse. What is the main one? These are industrial gases. In other words, human activities have negative results, leading to climate change. Such activities are:

  • use of remaining fuel
  • transport emissions
  • Forest fires
  • functioning of all kinds of enterprises

The greenhouse effect arises largely due to the fact that humans are destroying forests, and the forest is the main sink of carbon dioxide.

Other causes of problems in the atmosphere include the following:

  1. The use in industry of a variety of combustible minerals that are burned, releasing a large number of harmful compounds.
  2. Active use of transport increases the emission of exhaust gases. They not only pollute the air, but also intensify the effect of the phenomenon.
  3. Forest fires. This problem is important because Lately it leads to serious destruction of forests.
  4. Population growth. This increases the demand for clothing, food, houses, contributing to an increase in enterprises and, as a result, more intense pollution of the planet.
  5. The use of fertilizers and agrochemicals that contain harmful substances and also release nitrogen.
  6. Burning or decomposing waste. As a result, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases.

The greenhouse effect and various climate changes are inextricably linked related concepts. Changes in the climatic conditions of our planet are becoming the main consequences. Experts note that air temperatures are increasing every year, and not only in greenhouses. Water sources evaporate faster, reducing the planet's water supply. Scientists are confident that just two centuries later a real danger will appear - the water level will drop and the “drying out” of water resources may actually occur.

In fact, the problems of the biosphere, in particular, the decrease in the number of bodies of water on our planet, is only one side of the problem. Second, glaciers begin to melt. This, in turn, will, on the contrary, lead to rising sea levels. As a result, the shores of islands and continents may be flooded. Already today, we can note a greater number of coastal floods and floods, which are increasing every year, negatively affecting the environment.

An increase in temperature on our planet will affect all territories, negatively affecting not only the biosphere. For arid areas, the problem will be most obvious, since today, with low rainfall, they are not entirely suitable for life. Rising temperatures will make it impossible for people to live on them at all. The problem will also be the loss of crops due to climatic conditions, which will lead to food shortages and extinction of living organisms.

Implications for human health

Some people mistakenly believe that global warming has no effect on their health. In fact, the harm is quite impressive, it resembles a “time bomb”. Scientists believe that the main effects on human health will be seen decades later. The danger is that it will no longer be possible to change anything.

Such diseases tend to spread rapidly geographically. That is why people all over the world will be exposed to them. Various insects and animals can become carriers of infections, moving north due to rising air temperatures in their usual habitat, as well as due to increased greenhouse gases.

What to do in case of abnormal heat

Currently, global warming, which causes the greenhouse effect, has already affected the lives of people in certain areas. As a result, people must change their usual lifestyle, and also take into account a number of tips from experts in order to maintain their own health.

It can be noted that several decades ago the average summer temperature was in the range from +22 to +27°C. Now it reaches the range from +35 to +38°C. This causes constant headaches, heat and sunstroke, as well as some other problems - dehydration, problems with the heart and blood vessels. The risk of stroke is also caused by climate changes.

  1. If possible, it is necessary to reduce physical exercise, as they dehydrate the body.
  2. Movement on the street must be reduced to a minimum to prevent sun and heat stroke.
  3. It is important to increase the amount you consume drinking water. The norm for a person per day is 2-3 liters.
  4. When outdoors sun rays best avoided.
  5. If there is no chance to hide from the sun, you should wear hats or caps.
  6. IN summer time You should stay indoors at a cool temperature most of the day.

Ways to minimize the greenhouse effect

It is important for humanity that global warming and the greenhouse effect do not harm. To do this, we need to get rid of the sources of greenhouse gases. This will somewhat minimize Negative influence greenhouse effect on the biosphere and the planet as a whole. It should be understood that to begin to change the life of the planet in better side maybe just one person, so you shouldn’t shift responsibility to other people.

  1. The first thing to do is to stop deforestation.
  2. You should also plant new shrubs and trees that absorb harmful carbon dioxide.
  3. Transport is an integral part of life modern man, but if you switch to electric vehicles, you can reduce the amount of exhaust gases. You can also use alternative modes of transport, for example, bicycles, which are safe for the atmosphere and biosphere, and for the ecology of the planet as a whole.

It is necessary to attract public attention to this problem. Every person should try to do what they can to reduce the accumulation of greenhouse gases, and, as a result, take care of the favorable climate of our planet.

The strengthening of the greenhouse effect will lead to the need for ecosystems, people and living organisms in general to adapt to climate change. Of course, the easiest way is to try to prevent the catastrophe of global warming, for example, to reduce and regulate emissions on earth.

For the further development of mankind and the preservation of the biosphere, it is important to develop methods that will reduce the negative impact on the atmosphere. To do this, today experts are studying the greenhouse effect and climate change, its various causes and consequences, developing an action plan for the world's population.

If its growth is not stopped, the balance on Earth may be disrupted. The climate will change, hunger and disease will come. Scientists are developing various measures to combat a problem that should become global.

The essence

What is the greenhouse effect? This is the name for an increase in the temperature of the planet’s surface due to the fact that gases in the atmosphere tend to retain heat. The Earth is heated by radiation from the Sun. Visible short waves from a light source penetrate unhindered to the surface of our planet. As the Earth heats up, it begins to emit long heat waves. They partially penetrate through the layers of the atmosphere and “go” into space. reduce throughput, reflect long waves. The heat remains at the surface of the Earth. The higher the concentration of gases, the higher the greenhouse effect.

The phenomenon was first described by Joseph Fourier at the beginning of the 19th century. He suggested that the processes occurring in the earth's atmosphere are similar to what exists under glass.

Greenhouse gases are steam (from water), carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), methane, ozone. The former takes the main part in the formation of the greenhouse effect (up to 72%). The next most important is carbon dioxide (9-26%), the share of methane and ozone is 4-9 and 3-7%, respectively.

Recently, you can often hear about the greenhouse effect as a serious environmental problem. But this phenomenon also has positive side. Due to the existence of the greenhouse effect, the average temperature of our planet is approximately 15 degrees above zero. Without it, life on Earth would be impossible. The temperature could only be minus 18.

The reason for the effect is the active activity of many volcanoes on the planet millions of years ago. At the same time, the content of water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased significantly. The concentration of the latter reached such a value that a super-strong greenhouse effect arose. As a result, the water of the World Ocean practically boiled, its temperature became so high.

The appearance of vegetation everywhere on the Earth's surface caused a fairly rapid absorption of carbon dioxide. Heat accumulation has decreased. Balance has been established. The average annual temperature on the surface of the planet turned out to be at a level close to the present.


The phenomenon is enhanced by:

  • Industrial development – main reason the fact that carbon dioxide and other gases that enhance the greenhouse effect are actively emitted and accumulate in the atmosphere. The result of human activity on Earth is an increase in average annual temperature. Over the century it has risen by 0.74 degrees. Scientists predict that in the future this increase could be 0.2 degrees every 10 years. That is, the intensity of warming is increasing.
  • – the reason for the increase in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. This gas is absorbed by vegetation. Massive development of new lands, coupled with deforestation, accelerates the rate of accumulation of carbon dioxide, and at the same time changes the living conditions of animals and plants, leading to the extinction of their species.
  • The combustion of fuel (solid and oil) and waste leads to the release of carbon dioxide. Heating, electricity production, and transport are the main sources of this gas.
  • Increased energy consumption is a sign and condition of technical progress. The world's population is increasing by about 2% per year. Energy consumption growth – 5%. The intensity increases every year, humanity needs more and more energy.
  • An increase in the number of landfills leads to an increase in methane concentrations. Another source of gas is the activity of livestock farms.


The consequences of the greenhouse effect can be detrimental to humans:

  • Melting polar ice, and this is the cause of sea level rise. As a result, coastal fertile lands are under water. If flooding occurs at a high rate, there will be a serious threat agriculture. Crops are dying, the area of ​​pastures is shrinking, and sources of fresh water are disappearing. First of all, the poorest segments of the population, whose lives depend on crops and the growth of domestic animals, will suffer.
  • Many coastal cities, including highly developed ones, may be under water in the future. For example, New York, St. Petersburg. Or entire countries. For example, Holland. Such phenomena will necessitate massive displacement of human settlements. Scientists suggest that in 15 years the sea level may rise by 0.1-0.3 meters, and by the end of the 21st century - by 0.3-1 meter. For the above-mentioned cities to be under water, the level must rise by about 5 meters.
  • An increase in air temperature leads to a reduction in the period of snow within the continents. It begins to melt earlier, just as the rainy season ends sooner. As a result, the soils become overdried and unsuitable for growing crops. Lack of moisture is the cause of land desertification. Experts say that growth average temperature by 1 degree in 10 years will lead to a reduction in forest areas by 100-200 million hectares. These lands will become steppes.
  • The ocean covers 71% of the surface area of ​​our planet. As the air temperature rises, the water also heats up. Evaporation increases significantly. And this is one of the main reasons for the strengthening of the greenhouse effect.
  • As water levels in the world's oceans and temperatures rise, biodiversity is threatened and many species of wildlife may disappear. The reason is changes in their habitat. Not every species can successfully adapt to new conditions. The consequence of the disappearance of some plants, animals, birds, and other living beings is a disruption of food chains and the balance of ecosystems.
  • Rising water levels cause climate change. The boundaries of the seasons are shifting, the number and intensity of storms, hurricanes, and precipitation are increasing. Climate stability is the main condition for the existence of life on Earth. Stopping the greenhouse effect means preserving human civilization on the planet.
  • High air temperatures can negatively affect people's health. Under such conditions, the cardiovascular diseases, respiratory organs suffer. Thermal anomalies lead to an increase in the number of injuries and some psychological disorders. An increase in temperature entails a faster spread of many dangerous diseases, for example, malaria, encephalitis.

What to do?

Today, the problem of the greenhouse effect is a global environmental issue. Experts believe that the widespread adoption of the following measures will help solve the problem:

  • Changes in the use of energy sources. Reducing the share and quantity of fossils (carbon-containing peat, coal), oil. Switching to natural gas will significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Increasing the share of alternative sources (sun, wind, water) will reduce emissions, because these methods allow you to obtain energy without harming the environment. When using them, gases are not released.
  • Changes in energy policy. Increase in coefficient useful action at power plants. Reducing the energy intensity of manufactured products at enterprises.
  • Introduction of energy saving technologies. Even the usual insulation of house facades, window openings, heating plants gives a significant result - fuel savings, and, therefore, less emissions. Resolving the issue at the level of enterprises, industries, and states entails a global improvement in the situation. Each person can contribute to solving the problem: saving energy, proper waste disposal, insulating their own home.
  • Development of technologies aimed at obtaining products in new, environmentally friendly ways.
  • The use of secondary resources is one of the measures to reduce waste, the number and volume of landfills.
  • Restoring forests, fighting fires in them, increasing their area as a way to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The fight against greenhouse gas emissions today is carried out at the international level. World summits are being held dedicated to this problem, documents are being created aimed at organizing a global solution to the issue. Many scientists around the world are searching for ways to reduce the greenhouse effect, maintain balance and life on Earth.

Earth as a result of impact economic activity person. Of particular concern is the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in , which leads to warming of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere and may be one of the main reasons for the observed last decades climate warming.

The most significant natural greenhouse gas is water vapor H20. It absorbs and emits long-wave infrared radiation in the wavelength range 4.5 - 80 microns. The influence of water vapor on the greenhouse effect is decisive and is created mainly by the absorption band of 5 - 7.5 microns. However, part of the Earth's surface radiation in the spectral regions of 3 - 5 microns and 8 - 12 microns, called transparency windows, goes through the atmosphere into outer space. The greenhouse effect of water vapor is enhanced by the absorption bands of carbon dioxide, which enters the atmosphere as a result of volcanic activity, the natural carbon cycle in nature, the decay of organic matter in the soil when heated, as well as human activity, mainly due to the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas ) and destruction of forests.

In addition to carbon dioxide, the content of greenhouse gases such as methane, nitrous oxide and tropospheric ozone is increasing in the atmosphere. Methane enters the atmosphere from swamps and deep cracks in the earth's crust. An increase in its concentration is facilitated by the development of agricultural production (especially the expansion of abundantly irrigated rice fields), an increase in livestock numbers, biomass burning and mining natural gas. Nitrous oxide concentrations are increased by the use of nitrogen fertilizers, aircraft emissions, and oxidation processes. Ozone in the troposphere increases as a result of chemical reactions caused by sunlight between hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides produced by the combustion of fossil fuels. The concentration of these gases is increasing faster than the concentration of carbon dioxide, and their relative contribution to the atmospheric greenhouse effect may increase in the future. The growth of the atmosphere is also facilitated by an increase in the concentration of a highly absorbing aerosol of industrial origin (soot) with a particle radius of 0.001 - 0.05 microns. Increases in greenhouse gases and aerosols could significantly increase global temperatures and cause other climate change, the environmental and social consequences of which are still difficult to predict.