We welcome you, dear readers, to the pages of our website. Today we will again continue our journey through the most amazing places on our planet: you will see the largest swamp in Russia and the world - Vasyugan. Find out how long ago it was formed, what its significance is for the region, interesting historical facts.

Swamp - most likely, this one word will cause unpleasant associations for many. But don't be so quick to be disappointed. You just haven't seen these amazing places. Naturally, no one lives on the swamps themselves, so few people know how beautiful this area is in the summer.

The appearance of swamps

This is an amazing place and it appeared about 10,000 years ago between the Ob and Irtysh rivers. At first there were several small lakes, but gradually they turned into one large reservoir with small swamps nearby. Look at the photo (picture) how huge the territory is and it stretches to the very horizon.

In area, these swamps cover three regions and extend over 53,000 km. (this is the size of one medium European country). But swamping of the area does not stop, and over the past 500 years the swamps have expanded almost 4 times. On a map with an exact indication of the boundaries of the entire territory of the Vasyugan swamp, you will see where these amazing places are located.

Local residents tell a legend about the Vasyugan Sea-Lake, which one day overflowed and turned into shallow swamps, where people are not allowed to appear. But scientists, of course, have their own opinion: it is believed that the main lake overflowed and began to advance on land under the influence of humid climate and convenient geographical location.

Flora and fauna

The largest swampy place not only in Russia, but also in the world is a home for birds, animals, fish and insects. Many rare species found our corner here. It was here that the slender-billed curlew settled, a bird that is practically disappearing.

Where the swamps border with forests, moose, minks, sables, otters live, hazel grouse and wood grouse live. More than 20 species of fish swim in numerous reservoirs. In autumn, the green plant carpet is replete with different colors of berries - cloudberries, cranberries, blueberries.

Important for the region and the whole country

This wetland appears to be uninhabitable, but has enormous positive value for the climate, nature and economy of the entire country. Today, when there is less fresh water, this area is its main source (400 cubic km). Huge reserves of gas, peat, oil and iron ore. There are billions of tons of peat alone. And it is he who cleanses the atmosphere of toxic pollutants, being a natural filter of the earth.

Ecological violation

But the extraction of these natural resources disrupts the natural balance in nature. Deforestation, poaching, wastewater from industrial enterprises cause ecological problems in the region. Tourists who come leave behind mountains of garbage. And frequent in Lately fires destroy everything around. A big problem is caused by falling parts of rockets taking off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. They litter and pollute swamps with toxic emissions.

"Vasyugansky" reserve

There are also good news to save the region. Most recently, the Vasyugansky nature reserve was created here, where part of the territory will be considered a nature reserve and any human activity will be practically excluded. Now this region is included in and is under protection.

This is what a unique and beautiful place in the world is located on the territory of great country- Russia.

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How many scary stories comes to mind when we're talking about about the swamps! However, wetlands, which are abundant on different continents of our planet, can represent not only creepy places, but also the most beautiful protected areas, replete with a variety of flora and fauna. And if this is also the largest swamp in the world, then you definitely need to take a look at it, or at least find out what is so interesting there that attracts tourists and researchers.


This Brazilian tectonic basin, which unites the deltas of Cuiaba and Paraguay, is the largest swamp in the world. This wetland is located in the southwestern part of Brazil (in the south of the state of Mato Grosso). The area of ​​this marshy area is about 230,000 km2 - the entire area is the epitome of pristine and natural. Thus, the Pantanal attracts here with its prevailing wildlife, which can well be called the main attraction of this place.

That is why this place is called the “reservoir” of the Brazilian wildlife. Here you can meet big number mammals, birds, fish, reptiles. It is very easy to see all representatives of the animal world here, since they are all visible. The Pantanal is also considered an ecological paradise, which is fragrant with beautiful flowers, filled with the singing of birds and the roar of predators.

Natural conditions These places are quite contrasting. During summer rains, the water level rises and the marshy area becomes a swamp lake. From April to November, many animals and birds live here, creating their homes in this territory. After the water level drops, they feed on fish floating on the surface of many bodies of water. IN winter time There are severe droughts here.

The vegetation of the Pantanal is very diverse - in this largest swamp in the world, shrubs, subshrubs, perennial herbs, cereal plants, and trees are found. During the wet summer, the vegetation is green in color, and when drought sets in, it is dominated by yellow colors. The Pantanal is mostly covered with water, among which you can find green “islands” where cattle farms are located. From March to October, fishing is allowed in some places here, since during this period there is simply an abundance of it.

In 1993, the Pantanal Park was officially declared protected place, where everything is under reliable human protection. Public visits are prohibited here, but many people are interested in this marshy area and try to visit it themselves. However, in the event of an accident, the administration national park-reserve does not bear any responsibility.


Another largest swamp in the world is considered to be the Sudd. This swamp is located in eastern Africa. Sudd is considered a land of swamps with incredibly clean air. And in the midst of these impassable places there are even people living, moving in their boats through the swamp mud. This huge swamp extends along the White Nile River.

In addition to the fact that Sudd is one of the largest swamps on our planet, it also represents large sizes freshwater swamp. An aquifer was discovered at a depth of thirty meters, but the swamp is filled only exclusively with the waters of the White Nile River. The size of the swamp can be different area– it depends on seasonality. Usually its area is 57,000 km2, but during the summer rainy season it increases to 130,000 km2. Also, during rainstorms, the level of swamp water rises by 1.5 meters.

These places are very rich in fauna diversity. Many species of birds and mammals live here. Rare species of animals, such as the white-eared goat, Sudanese goat, and redneck, also find their home here. The shallow waters of the Sudd are home to crocodiles and hippopotamuses, while inland areas you can find African elephants or wild dogs. The vegetation here is represented by papyrus, hippo grass, reeds, wild rice, and cattails.

This swampy area is home to Nilotic peoples who built their villages here. The houses, numbering 20-30, are made in the form of round huts. Their walls are made of branches, which are treated with a mixture of straw, clay and manure, and the roofs are made in the form of cones. Due to high humidity, such houses need to be rebuilt after 5 years.

Among the largest swamps in the world, this Russian swamp, located in the central part of Siberia (in the Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions), has distinguished itself. The swamp's area is 53,000 km2, which is, for example, twenty percent more than the territory occupied by Switzerland.

Scientists believe that this is a fairly old swamp, as it appeared about 10,000 years ago. Since then, the swampy area has been constantly growing, taking over more and more of the surrounding lands. From the very beginning of the formation of this swamp, there were 19 separate swamps, which later merged into a single swamp space. For this region, the significance of this swamp is enormous - it is an island of untouched nature, a source of fresh water and a place for storing minerals. On the territory of the Vasyugan swamp there are over 800 lakes, from which local rivers and streams begin.

In these places, where no human has set foot, there is a unique fauna and flora - some endangered species of plants and animals are found here. It is worth noting that this largest swamp in the world helps cleanse the atmosphere of our planet, since with the help of swamp peat toxic substances are absorbed, carbon is fixed, and the air is saturated with oxygen. This marshy area is also interesting from an economic point of view, because the reserves of peat here are simply enormous. And today it is planned that this swamp will be given the status of a world-class natural heritage.

Swamps are unusual landscape areas of varying sizes. Sometimes overly wet areas of the earth look ominous and frightening, but sometimes it is simply impossible to take your eyes off them. In addition, in the swamps you can find rare birds and animals that amaze with their grace, skill in camouflage and extraordinary appearance. Nowadays, every tourist can book a tour of the most interesting swamps peace.

Pantanal Swamp

The area of ​​the Pantanal is about 200 thousand km². Many countries in the world cannot match the scale of wetlands. The swamps are located in Brazil (Paraguay River basin). It has been established that the Pantanal was formed due to a tectonic depression into which water entered. In this regard, the sides of the swamp are limited by cliffs.

The area of ​​wetlands is influenced by the region's climate. In rainy weather, the swamp “grows” before our eyes. Tourists get the impression that they are admiring a huge lake, which is overgrown with vegetation. In winter, the swamp consists of mud mixed with plants, which looks unaesthetic.

A variety of grasses, shrubs and trees grow in this region. A feature of the swamps are water lilies gigantic size. They are so big that they can support an adult. Among the common animals, it is worth highlighting crocodiles. There are about 20 million of them in this area. In addition, the Pantanal is home to 650 species of birds, 230 species of fish and 80 species of mammals.

Swamp Sudd - a miracle of our planet

Sudd occupies a leading position in the ranking of the largest swamps in the world. Its area is 57 thousand km². The location of the swamp is South Sudan, the White Nile Valley. The majestic swamp is constantly changing. For example, during times of severe drought, its area can decrease several times, and during rainy weather it can triple.

Vegetable and animal world this area is amazing. About 100 species of mammals and 400 species of birds have found their home here. In addition, various cultivated plants. Among the animals you can find antelope, Sudanese goat, white-eared goat and other species. The vegetation is represented by hyacinths, papyrus, common reed and wild rice. Sudd is popularly called the “water eater.”

Huge swamps of the world

The Vasyugan swamps are not inferior in size to the previous examples. This is a wetland area with an area of ​​53 thousand km², which is located in Russia. A feature of these areas is their slow but gradual increase. It was revealed that 500 years ago the swamps were 4 times smaller than in our time. The Vasyugan swamps consist of 800 thousand small lakes.

The Manchac Swamp is considered a gloomy and mysterious place. Some call it the ghost bolt. The wetland is located in the United States (Louisiana). There are frightening rumors and dark legends about this place. Almost the entire area is flooded with water, there is little vegetation around and everything has depressing black, blue and gray colors.

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The Pantanal is a kind of “reservoir” of Brazil’s fauna. This area, located in the southwest of the country, is one of the largest wetlands on Earth. Its area is about 195 thousand km². The Pantanal is home to 670 species of birds, 242 species of fish, 110 species of mammals, including jaguars and swamp deer, as well as about 50 species of reptiles. Since 2000, the Pantanal protected area has been protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

The Pantanal itself is a tectonic basin that unites the deltas of Paraguay and Cuiaba. The main attraction is the wild nature that reigns here.

Let's take a closer look at this place:

The main city of the Pantanal is Corumba, and it is from here that a significant part of the trips around the Pantanal are organized.

The Pantanal is divided into two parts: Northern(tourist infrastructure is more developed) and Southern(the infrastructure is less developed, but the nature is much more interesting and diverse).

The most visited is the Northern Pantanal, as it has a shorter rainy season.

Accommodation for tourists in the Pantanal is carried out in lodges (hotels equipped in the wild), which allows you to get to know the nature of the region as closely as possible.

Programs for tourists are designed for a period from two days to a week. The ideal length of stay in the Pantanal is 4-5 days. The programs usually already include meals, accommodation and various excursions.

The rainy season is from November to early April. At this time, many areas are flooded, including the roads that can be used to get here during the dry season. The main transport at this time is boats.

From May to October, the water level gradually decreases, and by October, many lakes become like puddles. Exactly this better time for those who come specifically for bird watching, as fish are trapped in these small bodies of water, which attracts many birds. The main transport at this time is jeeps and horses.

The Pantanal is the largest wetland in the world. Is a primary wildlife sanctuary South America, with an area of ​​approximately 230 thousand square meters. km of untouched wild and natural life. The predominant heights are 50-70 m above sea level. From the north, east and southeast, the territory of the Pantanal is sharply limited by the cliffs of the Brazilian Plateau. The natural conditions of this area are very contrasting. Floods in the wet summer season(when the Pantanal turns into a huge lake-swamp) alternate with winter droughts. The biogeography of the Pantanal contains elements of the Amazon Forest, Brazilian Savannah and Atlantic Rainforest.

The Pantanal is an ecological paradise. This is one of the most beautiful places on the ground with a rainbow of colors, birds singing and a jaguar roaring. It is easier to see animals here than in the Amazon - they are in plain sight. During the flood period, the water rises here by more than three meters. From April to November, the Pantanal becomes home to many animals and birds. They feed on fish that remain on the surface of numerous rivers and reservoirs after the river level has dropped.

The landscape contains the largest concentration of neotropical fauna, including several endangered species of mammals, reptiles and fish, and is home to a wide variety of birds.

The park's vegetation is very diverse; the area is covered with grasses, other perennial herbs, subshrubs, shrubs and trees. The main characteristic of the Pantanal's vegetation is the collision of phytoecological regions such as savanna and seasonal forests. Brazilian savanas (“campos cerrados”) represent light, sparse forests where you can walk and drive freely in any direction; the soil in such forests is covered with herbaceous (and semi-shrub) plant cover 0.5 and even 1 meter high. During the wet period, the park territory turns green and turns yellow during the dry season. In the least flooded areas, large groups of Buritis can be found, in addition to the typical Cambo, Paus-d'alho, Aroeirinhas and Louros.

All the different vegetation, soils and topography, alternating water cycles, climate and sunlight provide favorable conditions for the creation of diverse food chains from microorganisms to predators.

The Pantanal is home to a huge diversity of species, with 230 species of fish, 80 mammals and 50 species of reptiles existing harmoniously across its vast territory.

The diversity of aquatic birds is considered one of the most amazing in the world in terms of beauty and diversification of species: more than 650 of them have already been cataloged, but not all of them. The highest branches of the trees are inhabited by Jaburus, Cabecas-secas and Maguari, while the lower branches are usually inhabited by species such as Garca (heron) and Colhereiro (shovel-duck). Among the large birds, there are blue macaws and a number of raptors.

Among reptiles, Jacare-do-pantanal stands out, which helps maintain balance by controlling the number of piranhas. In the most flooded areas you can find Cervos-do-pantanal (swamp deer), Capivara, Lontra (a type of water rat) and Ariranha. Fish such as Pintado, Dourado and Pacu hide in the river waters. On land, Tamandua-bandeira (anteater), Lobo-guara (native wolf species) and Onca-pintada (jaguar) can be seen. The non-venomous species of anaconda is largest representative snake.

Illegal hunting of jacare (a local species of crocodiles), capivara and oncas-pintadas (jaguar) is one of the main factors that threaten wildlife in the region. Fire is also a major problem in the area, as it is used for cultivation and pasture exploitation, and can cause imbalance and damage the integrity of the ecosystem.

The park is not open to the public due to the lack of infrastructure (from a Brazilian point of view, this does not mean that you cannot go there - just if something happens to you, the park administration is not responsible for it).

One of the main attractions of this area is the abundance of wild animals such as araras, jacare, garca, capivara, tuiuiu and piranha. Perfect timing The best time to visit is during the dry season, during which it is easier to see wild animals.

Photographic safaris and bird watching - ecotourism - are highly developed in the region, providing a strong incentive for sustainable development by creating jobs and improving the local economy.

The climate is tropical, with a distinct dry season from May to September and a rainy season from October to April. average temperature ranges from 23° to 25°C. The average annual precipitation is 1000 mm.

Most of the Pantanal is covered in water, but within the vast green areas you will find several "islands" containing isolated Farms where people raise cattle, some of these farms are Pousadas (small hotels).

Pantanal is one of best places in Brazil, to observe flora and fauna and to catch fish is only allowed from March to October due to its abundance. Each "Pantanal" - North and South - has its own natural characteristics, activities and ideal period to visit.

The Pantanal has been declared by UNESCO " biosphere reserve" and "the natural heritage of humanity." In this region there is National Park Pantanal of the state of Mato Grosso, created on September 24, 1981, but only in 1993 it became a reserve. The Pantanal is located in the municipality of Pocone, in the state of Mato Grosso, at the confluence of the Paraguay and Cuiaba rivers.

You can get to the Pantanal by taking the Mato Grosso state highway MT-060, to Pocone Cuiaba. It is 100 km of paved road, after another 147 kilometers of the Transpantaneira motorway (not paved) to the port of Jofre on the banks of the Cuiabá River. From the port of Jofre, the park can only be reached by river; the journey takes about 4 hours.

Sudd is a country of swamps in eastern Africa, where the air is unusually clean. Instead of paths, narrow boats make small passages for themselves, diverging into stripes of water in the mud. But the most amazing thing is that in this gloomy swamp there are people who have enough to live on even tiny pieces of land in the middle of an impenetrable swamp.


For a long time, the Sudd, one of the largest swamps in the world, was the main obstacle on the way of explorers to the sources of the Nile.

Sudd - endless swamps in the South - stretch along the bed of the White Nile, in an area called Bar El-Jabal. In fact, the river valley in this place is designated very conditionally, since it simply does not have banks as such here. Instead, there is a vast swamp under a green blanket of swamp vegetation. If you leave open water rivers and delve into the labyrinth of swamps for hundreds of kilometers, you can easily get lost among the monotonous landscape, focusing only on the strip of water behind the stern, which is quickly covered with duckweed.

The Sudd is one of the largest swamps in the world, and it is also the largest freshwater swamp in the Nile basin, where there are many swampy places even without it.

The size of this gigantic swamp varies depending on the season: when it rains, the area of ​​the Sudd can increase to 130 thousand km 2, and the water level in the swamp can rise by one and a half meters.

In Sudan, the Sudd swamp has gained the reputation of a “water devourer”. Since the slope of the White Nile in this place is completely imperceptible, the flow is very slow. Water flows freely through a labyrinth of canals, lagoons, reed pools and papyrus fields, and during this time half the volume of the entire water mass evaporates from a flat surface under the scorching sun.

Under the water there is a half-meter layer of dense clay soil that inhibits seepage. The aquifer was discovered at a depth of 30 m, which proved that the Sudd swamps do not depend in any way on the mass of groundwater, it is filled exclusively with the waters of the White Nile.

Sudd territory is the most fertile area South Sudan, if not all of East Africa: swamps contain a large number of sludge rich in organic matter.

The fauna in these parts is extremely rich; there are more than 400 species of birds alone, including the shoebill, or royal heron, pink pelican and crowned crane. More than a hundred species live here large mammals, mainly antelopes that escape the Saharan heat in the swamp and feed on wild rice. Such vulnerable species as the Sudanese goat, or Nile lychee, tiang, redunka, and white-eared kob also find refuge here. The shallow waters of the Sudd are home to crocodiles and hippopotamuses, and the inland areas are home to the rare wild dog and African elephant.

The most typical types of vegetation for fertile swamp areas are papyrus, common reed, hyacinth, pyramidal barnacle, wild rice, hippo grass and cattail.

During floods, many plants are torn off and form floating islands, whose length sometimes reaches 30 km. True, these islands are crumbling quite quickly.

Since ancient times, residents of the banks of the Nile have tried to reach its sources, hoping to reach the habitat of the gods who control this mass of water. In those days, this was vitally important, because the harvest, and therefore the fate of people, depended on the Nile. But, having risen to the Sudd swamps, the travelers retreated, unable to break through the swamp vegetation.

European travelers took into account the experience of the ancient Egyptians and looked for the sources of the Nile not from the north, but from the coast of Equatorial Africa.


If the Jungali Canal, designed to reduce water evaporation, is completed, the swamps will disappear, and this is what the local residents - great patriots of their swampy homeland - fear most of all.

The Ramsar Convention, the first global international treaty dedicated entirely to wetlands as a specific type of ecosystem, listed the Sudd as a wetland of international importance.

Nilotic peoples live in the swamps; there are no cities here, but there are separate villages of a clan or tribe, usually consisting of two to three dozen houses.

The dwelling of the Nilotes is called “tukul”: it is a round hut with a conical roof and walls made of branches coated with a mixture of clay, dung and straw. Due to dampness, these houses have to be rebuilt every 5-6 years on average.

Almost all the inhabitants of the swamps have preserved ancient traditional beliefs, support the cult of ancestors and the forces of nature, and keep wooden idols in their houses.

The idols represent the most important gods, the main one being Dengdita, or the god of the Great Rain, who is considered the creator of the swamps and the people living on them. The custom of sacrificing domestic animals to the gods, which are slaughtered by the best harpooner in the area, has been preserved (the inhabitants of Sudce still catch fish with this ancient tool).

Despite the fertility of the Sudd region and the inexhaustible reserves of silt, activities here agriculture on a large scale is impossible: swamps suck in any agricultural equipment. In some dry areas, millet, maize and beans are grown. But basically, crop farming here is represented by tiny vegetable gardens on hummock islands, livestock farming is reduced to keeping a couple of goats per family (the cattle are fed barnyard grass, which is collected from a boat right in the swamp), and the main source of food is the White Nile, where the “swamp people” fish .

Great damage was caused to the nature of the swamps by the incessant Civil War in Sudan, where, with the help of modern automatic weapons Rare animals are being exterminated, especially elephants. To protect the fauna of the Sudd Swamp, three reserves have been created: Zeraph Island, Shambe and Mongalla.

A much greater danger to the Sud-da swamps is posed by the completely peaceful project of building the Jungali Canal by joint efforts of Egypt and Sudan. Based on the fact that half of the water from the southwestern tributaries of the Nile does not reach the lower reaches of the river due to the Sudd swamp, where it evaporates, the authorities of the two countries decided to provide the population of the lower Nile with water by building the Jungali bypass canal south of Sudets. The first canal project appeared back in 1907, in the 1950s. it was decided to build a canal, and construction itself began in 1978. By 1984, when Sudanese rebels forced the authorities to stop work, 240 of the 360 ​​km had been completed. By 2008, with relative peace established, Sudan and Egypt decided to complete the work within 24 years. The canal will give Egypt another 5-7% of the water currently consumed, but will completely destroy the Sudd swamps, which will dry out and turn into a scorched desert.


■ Natural: swamps, channels, canals, nature reserves of the islands of Zeraff, Shambe and Mongalla.

■ Other: island villages of the Nilotic peoples.


■ The Arabic word “sudd” literally means “barrier”, “obstacle”. In relation to the White Nile region, the meaning of the word has narrowed, and now this is the name for any floating accumulation of vegetation that interferes with the movement of a boat on the water.
■ The shoebill, or royal heron, that lives in the swamps, is a very tall and large bird: its height reaches 1.2 m, and its wingspan is 2.3 m. Its nest, made of reeds, is also striking in size: the base reaches a diameter of 2. 5 m. The German name of the bird - “Schuchschnabel” - is translated as “boot beak”, which very accurately conveys the shape of the bird’s heavy beak.
■ Sudd swamps are home to papyrus, which requires special care and is unable to tolerate rising water levels above one and a half meters. There are periods in the swamps when, as a result of catastrophic floods, the papyrus is torn off and everywhere clogs all the channels, clogging the swamps from the White Nile.
■ There is a lot of wild rice growing in the Sudd swamps. Here for him ideal conditions, as this plant prefers to grow
in deep standing water, in periodically flooded areas, in clay soil. Wild rice of the Sudd region is a distant ancestor of the widely cultivated African naked rice.
■ The swamps are home to the world's largest population of white-eared kob antelope, reaching a population of 1.2 million individuals, which is more than in Tanzania national park Serengeti.
■ Contrary to popular belief, the wild dog does not eat carrion
and unlike its domesticated counterparts, it finds prey using sight, not smell.


Location: East Africa.
Administrative affiliation: Jungali State, South Sudan.
The nearest large settlement: the city of Bor - 21,351 people. (2010).
Languages: Dinka, Nuer, Atyuot, Shilluk.
Ethnic composition: Nilotic peoples (Dinka, Nuer, Shilluk).
Religions: traditional beliefs, Islam (Sunnism), Christianity (Catholicism). Currency: South Sudanese pound.
Large rivers: White Nile, Sobat.