Absalyamova Rodalina
Lesson notes on FEMP for children senior group under the Development program

Lesson summary on FEMP for older children

By program« Development»

Subject: "Acquaintance children with more signs, less, equality."

Program content:

Introduce children with more signs, less, equal, mastering the sign-digital system of relationships between numbers.

Consolidating the order of numbers in a number series, the ability to name a number one less or more.

Cultivating endurance development of attention.


demonstration: two groups circles of 4 and 5 different color, numbers from 0 to 10, numbers 5 two pieces, numbers 4 four pieces, signs "more, less, equal", typesetting cloth, ball, pointer, letter with task.

Handouts: numbers from 0 to 10, signs "more, less, equal", a simple pencil.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look at your prepared material and tell me what it will be class?


Q. Why do people need to know and learn mathematics? (answers children) That's right guys, mathematics is a very important and necessary science. You and I have already learned to count to 10 and know the numbers. (the teacher shows signs "more and less"). Do you know what these signs are? Have you seen them anywhere before? What do they look like? (answers children) . Guys, these are the signs that students use at school, your moms and dads know what they mean. And today we will get to know them the same way.

Look at the board, there are mugs laid out here. Count how many circles are in the top row, and show the number that represents this number. Now count how many circles are in the bottom row and show the desired number. We learned that there are 4 circles in the top row and 5 in the bottom row. Which number is less than 4 or 5.

B. In order to write down that the number 4 is less than 5, we take this sign "less". He is friends with numbers and stands between them. But this is not a simple sign - it is magical, because its sharp corner always points to a smaller number.

Place the desired sign between your numbers. Let's repeat (the teacher follows with a pointer on the board): number 4 less number 5.

Guys, which number is greater than 5 or 4? Let's swap the numbers 5 4 and put a sign between it "less". Did I do the right thing? And why? What sign should I put up? You need to place the sign correctly so that its sharp corner points to the smaller number. Place the desired sign between your numbers.

The teacher compares the number of circles in two rows and asks the children to count how many are in the top and how many are in the bottom row. Lays out the required numbers 4 and 4 on the board, and the children on the tables.

B. Guys, think about whether these signs are suitable for the numbers 4 and 4. The teacher substitutes the signs "more less", and children answer correctly or incorrectly. Guys, it turns out there is another sign (shows the sign "equality") it does not have a corner and it means that the numbers on one side and the other are equal. Let's put it between our numbers, now correctly the number 4 is equal to the number 4.

Game “Name One Less” (more)»

Children stand in a circle, and the teacher says the task “call numbers one more (less)» throws the ball to the children one by one.

After the game, the children sit at the tables.

Q. Guys, this morning I received a letter from a teacher from school, she sent you an assignment to check how attentive you were on class. (hands out pieces of paper). Look at them, there are numbers written, and in the middle there is a window, you need to determine which number is less or greater and put the required sign. Remember what number the sharp corner points to. (to less)

A game "What changed?"

Numbers are lined up on the board. Children close their eyes, and the teacher changes their places or removes 1-2 numbers. Children find a mistake, 1 child comes to the board and corrects it.

After the game, the teacher invites children to himself and asks questions: Did we enjoy doing math? What did you like most about class? What signs did we meet today?

At the end classes children are asked to clean up their workspaces.

Preschool educational institution

combined type

nursery school kindergarten №83 “Winnie the Pooh”


Math lesson

with older children

TOPIC: Journey to a mathematical land.


Senior group No. 6

Trescheva Tatyana Valerievna



1. To consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes: the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, the ability to compare them by properties (color, shape and size).

2.Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week and seasons.

3. Strengthen the ability to compare 2 adjacent numbers using the greater than, less than, and equal signs.

4. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between the concepts long and short.

5. Development of fine motor skills and hand coordination.

6.Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.

7.Promote the formation mental operations, speech development, the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

8. To develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out independently.

Equipment and material: magnetic board; a letter decorated with numbers and geometric shapes; cards with tasks from the letter; geometric shapes of different colors and sizes; ball; picture “The numbers are hidden!”; number cards from 1 to 10 (2 sets); signs MORE, LESS, EQUAL; puzzles (7ya, 100g, 100lb, 2l, 100yu); pictures with tasks, two ribbons of different colors, 2 and 4 meters long; counting sticks for each child; medals.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you. Let's greet each other with a smile.

Guys, look and tell me what I have in my hands? (Letter)

Yes, right.

Are you wondering who this letter is from?


Now I will open it and read it.

“Hello friends, there has been some confusion in our mathematical kingdom. All the numbers got mixed up in the number series, the geometric figures forgot their names, and the days of the week forgot what order they should be in. I watched you for a long time as you played interestingly in math classes and I want to ask you to help me. Queen of Math Country."

Guys, why do you agree to help the Queen of Mathematical Country?


Then we go on a journey to a mathematical land.

Guys, I have 9 envelopes and each of them contains a task.

So, task 1:

Game task with counting sticks.

Materials: counting sticks.

Progress: the teacher gives the children the task:

1. Construct a figure that has 3 angles and 3 sides (triangle).

2. Construct a figure with all sides equal (square).

3. Construct a figure with 2 long sides and 2 short sides (rectangle).

4. Construct a figure that has 5 corners and 5 sides (pentagon).

5. Build a figure from three sticks. What happened? (triangle).

6. Place 2 sticks on it to make 2 triangles. What kind of figure did you get? (rhombus).

2nd task:

Guys, look at the board, all the numbers in the number line are mixed up. Let's put them in order.

Great, now name the neighbors of the numbers 5, 7, 8,9.

3rd task:

Mathematical signs ask for help. Have they forgotten why they are needed? Tell me what these signs show? What are their names? (needed to compare numbers, and the signs are called greater than, less than, equal to). Excellent! Mathematical signs remembered their purpose - compare and show which number is greater, which is less and report equality.


We go, we go, we never get tired!

We can easily overcome all the obstacles on the way! (repeat 4 times)

4th task:

Puzzles from the Queen of Mathematics. 7th, 100lb, 100g, 2l.

5th task

Say the opposite. Ball game. Day Night.



A lot of-…





6th task:

Guys, let's play. This is a true-false game.

If you hear something that you think is correct, clap your hands; if you hear something that is not correct, shake your head

In the morning the sun rises;

You need to do exercises in the morning

- you can’t wash your face in the morning

- the moon shines brightly during the day


- people have dinner at night


There are 7 days in a week

- Monday is followed by Wednesday

After Saturday comes Sunday

Thursday is before Friday

- only 5 seasons

Spring comes after summer.

Physical exercise: Whichever number I show, so many times the task and do it: 5 steps to the left

3 jumps back

Clap 4 times

Stomp 7 times.

7th task:

Now let’s solve some fun puzzles, are you ready? (children's answers)

1.How many ears do three mice have?

2. How many paws do two bear cubs have?

3. The hedgehog put 3 yellow leaves and 2 red ones in a vase. How many leaves are in the vase?

4. The bunny had 6 carrots, he gave 1 carrot to the bear. How many carrots are left?

5. Near the bridge there are 5 birch trees and 2 linden trees. How many trees are there near the bridge?

6. Three mice sat in a row,

2 are still sitting nearby.

How many mice will we ask?

Of course, there are more of them…… (5).

8th task:

There are geometric shapes on the board (circle, oval, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid.) Guys, what are these shapes called? Well done!

9th task:

“The numbers are hidden!” Guys, in the land of mathematics, all the numbers are hidden somewhere. Let's help find them! (children come out one by one and show the number they found.) Well done!

So our lesson and journey through the mathematical country has come to an end. My friends, did you like it? (children's answers). Well, now let's return to our kindergarten. Guys, we have two ways back - a straight path and a wavy one. Which path will we take to get home faster? Which way is shorter?

And in gratitude from the Queen of Mathematics, I want to present you with medals (the most active, the most attentive, the most inquisitive, the fastest, the most courageous, etc.)

Subject: Greater-than, less-than signs

Goals: introduce the signs “more than” and “less than”; learn to write equality and inequality using numbers and signs “=”, “>”, “<»; закрепить умение сравнивать количество предметов.

Material: cards with signs “>”, “<»; круги.

Progress of the lesson

1. Acquaintance with the signs “greater than” and “less than”

After the Mouse became acquainted with the signs “equal” and “not equal”, he decided to find new friends among the signs. The Mouse met the Little Squirrel and the Little Hare. “I found so many berries,” says the Little Hare. How many berries did he find? (Two.) “And that’s how much I have,” says Belchonok. How many berries does he have? (Three.) What can you say about the number of berries? Who picked the most berries? (The little squirrel collected more.) Why do you think so? (Because three is more than two; 3 is 2 and 1 more.) And the Little Hare? (The little hare collected less.)

Friends ate those berries. And then the Little Hare found two more berries. Place two circles on the table. And Belchonok found one. Who collected more this time? Who is smaller? (Children's answers.) This means that 2 is more than 1, and 1 is less than 2.

The search for berries continued. Here the Little Bunny found three berries. Place three circles. And Belchonok - one berry. How many circles should be placed on the table? Put it down. Who collected more? Why? (Hare. Because 3 is 1 and 2 more.) Who is smaller? (Little squirrel.) So, 3 is more than 1, and 1 is less than 3.

How to write this down? The mouse learned that there are not only equal and not equal signs, but also greater than and less than signs. (Show cards with signs.) Look at their noses. They always look at the smaller number. Let's read: 1< 2, 2 < 3,3 > 1.

Come up with other inequalities with these signs.

2. Work in a notebook

Now practice writing these signs - first in the air, and then in your notebook. The most best signs underline. (Children complete task 5.)

Task 1. Determine where more mushrooms. Place a “more” sign between the baskets.

Task 2. Determine where fewer apples. Place a less than sign between the plates.

3. Physical education minute

We bent down once.

We can do more, more, more!

We are shaking our hands now.

We can go longer, longer, longer!

We will clap our hands once.

We can do more, more, more!

We'll stomp our feet.

We can go longer, longer, longer!

4. Work in a notebook

Task 3. Count the peas. Are the numbers written correctly? Place a greater than or less than sign between the numbers.

Task 4. Count the candies. Are the signs placed correctly? Enter the required numbers in the boxes.

5. Game “One More”

The teacher demonstrates different exercises (movements) a certain number of times. Children must repeat one more time (the same amount, and one more time).


Educational objectives:

Fix ordinal and quantitative counting within 7.

Strengthen children's knowledge of previous and subsequent numbers.

Improve knowledge of geometric shapes, shapes, colors and sizes.

Strengthen the ability to determine the size of objects by length, width, height.

Use cardinal and ordinal numbers correctly and answer the following questions: "How many", "which", "what count".

Improve your ability to solve problems and come up with solutions.

Strengthen the ability to compare numbers using greater than, less than, and equal signs.

Strengthen the ability to divide an object into four parts.

Secure the orientation on a piece of paper.

Reinforce knowledge of days of the week, seasons, parts of the day.

Developmental tasks:

Develop attention logical thinking, intelligence,

fine motor skills, visual perception and memory.

Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Foster independence and the ability to understand a learning task

and carry it out independently, the ability to act together, bring

a job started to completion.

Foster friendly relationships between children.

Demo material: letter decorated with numbers and geometric shapes. Steam locomotive, carriages with numbers. A set of nesting dolls of different heights, fairy tale toys, ribbons of different widths and lengths. Hoops, Dienesh blocks. Subject pictures, ball, numbers, signs: greater than, less than, equal to. Ribbons of different widths and lengths.

Handout: For each child: counting sticks, geometric shapes, sheets of paper, scissors, paper circles, marker, medals.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello. Let's greet each other with a smile. Guys, look, we have received a letter. I wonder who this letter is from?

Now I will open it and read it.

“Hello friends, in my country, in a math store, there was confusion in all departments. All the numbers are mixed up in the number series. Mathematical signs have forgotten why they are needed. Geometric shapes don't remember their names. The days of the week do not know their names. But mathematics is an exact science, and I don’t know what to do now? Queen of Mathematical Country."

Educator: Guys, what should we do?

Children: We need to help the Queen of the Mathematical Country.

Educator: Are you ready to help Queen Mathematics? To help, you need to complete difficult tasks, can you handle it? (Yes)

Educator: How do we get to the Mathematical Store?

(Children offer their options).

Educator: I propose to travel to a mathematical country by train.

Didactic game"Train".

Educator: Guys, look, here’s the problem, all the cars and the numbers in the number series are mixed up. And the train will start moving only when you complete the number series correctly. You will be a locomotive, and you will be a carriage. Stand in order - the numbering of carriages begins with the train.

(The teacher hands out trailers with numbers to the children, the children stand one after another in order).

Educator: Great, now to start the locomotive, you need to name the numbers of neighboring cars.

Game "Name the neighbors of the number."

Educator: Now the train has started. (Children imitate a train ride).

Educator: So, we arrived in the Mathematical Country and ended up in a math store.

The first department we will visit is Department "Toys".

(There are nesting dolls on the table.)

Educator: Which nesting doll is the tallest? Which is the lowest? How many toys - nesting dolls - are there in total? (Children answer).

Educator: Guys, look at some more toys, from what fairy tale? (Kolobok)

Educator: How many fairy tale heroes are there?

Educator: Guys, what toy is to the right of the kolobok? To the left of the kolobok? Who stands between the hare and the wolf? In front of the kolobok? Who is standing behind the kolobok?

(Children answer)

Now guess the riddles - puzzles from toys.


1. On the way to the clearing

The bunny ate four carrots

Then he sat down on a tree stump

And I also ate carrots

Well, quickly count,

How many carrots did the bunny eat? (Five carrots)

Write a solution to this problem (4+1=5)

2.Six fluffy cats. They lay down in the basket.
Then one came running to them.
How many cats are there together? (seven cats)

Write a solution to the problem and read it. (6+1=7)

3.Four puppies were playing football

One was called home

He looks out the window, thinks,

How many of them are playing now? (three puppies)

Write a solution to the problem and read it. (4-1=3)

Logic problems:

How many ears do three mice have?(6)

Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluffy and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (one, granddaughter Masha)

There are three thick branches on the birch tree, and on each thick branch there are three thin branches. There is one apple on each thin branch. How many apples are there in total?

(Not at all - apples don’t grow on birch trees.)

Educator: Now let's rest.

Physical education minute.

All my friends stood up.

I see a wide circle

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Let's clap, jump, wink,

Let's all smile at each other,

And let's start playing again.

(children, together with the teacher, repeat words and perform movements)

Guys, look at these candies. What are the candies like?

Children: On geometric shapes. Which? (Children list the figures).

Educator: How many geometric shapes are there in total? (5)

Educator: We need to put the candies in a box, take a piece of paper and listen carefully to the task.

Place a square in the upper left corner;
In the upper right corner there is a rectangle.
In the lower left corner there is a circle;
In the lower right corner - a triangle;
In the middle is an oval.

Well done, everyone completed the task correctly.

Now let's deal with the cookies.

Game with Dienesh blocks.

Educator: We have cookies of different shapes and colors.

And two circles, red and green.

Place red cookies in the red circle.

And put only round cookies in the green circle.

(Children lay out cookies)

Educator: What did you put in the red circle?

Children: Red cookies.

Educator: And in the green circle?

Children: Round cookies.

Educator: Why did you put these cookies in the middle of the circles?

Children: Because they are red and round in shape.

Educator: Well done! Now we go up to the second floor - raise our knees high. (Children imitate getting up).

This department "Tapes - fabrics".

Ribbons of different widths and lengths are laid out on the table.

Educator: Guys, show me the widest ribbon. The narrowest one. The longest one. The shortest one. (Children show).

Educator: We need to lay out the ribbons from shortest to longest in this order.

Let's go to "Dairy Products Department"

(children have four mice and cheese on the stripes)

Educator: Let's sit down on the chairs. Look guys, how sad the little mice are. Why do you think the little mice are sad?

Children: They can’t share the cheese.

Educator: Let's help the mice separate the cheese. On what geometric figure does it look like cheese?

Children: In a circle.

Educator: You have a circle of cheese, you need to divide it so that each mouse gets an equal piece of cheese.

How many parts should the cheese be divided into?

Children: In four parts.

Educator: So each mouse gets what?

Children: Quarter of cheese.

Educator: Tell me how you will divide the cheese?

Children: You need to fold the circle in half, then fold half of the circle in half again and cut it into four parts along the fold lines.

(Children divide the cheese and give it to the mice).

Educator: Well done, now let's play with the ball .

Game: “Catch the ball as quickly as possible - name the answer faster.”

Have you listed all the winter months?

There are only 5 seasons, right?

Is it morning or evening?

Monday comes after Wednesday, right?

Today is Thursday, and tomorrow?

The moon shines brightly during the day, right?

People have dinner at night, right?

Spring comes after summer, right?

Educator: Well done! Next department "Vegetables and fruits".

(On two shelves there are pictures of vegetables and fruits).

Educator: What do you see on the shelves?

Educator: How many items are on the top shelf?

Educator: How many items are on the bottom shelf?

Mathematical signs ask for help.

Tell me, what are they called? What are they needed for?

Children: These are signs - more, less, equal. Needed to compare numbers.

Educator: Great! Mathematical signs have remembered their purpose.

Let's help with mathematical signs and numbers to get it right.

(Children arrange numbers and signs).

Educator: Well done, now we’re back on the road . Let's go to the next department.

This "Department of Construction Materials". "Game with Counting Sticks."

1. Construct a figure that has 3 angles and 3 sides (triangle).

2. Place 2 sticks on it to make 2 triangles. What kind of figure did you get? (rhombus).

3. Construct a figure with all sides equal (square).

4. Construct a figure with 2 long sides and 2 short sides (rectangle).

5. Construct a figure that has 5 corners and 5 sides (pentagon).

Educator: Well done. Now build a house using counting sticks.

Educator: Move one stick so that the house faces the other way.

Lesson summary:

Educator: Our journey through the Mathematical Store has ended. Do you think we helped Queen Mathematics, unraveled everything, completed all the tasks?

Educator: Tell us how we helped the queen? What tasks did we complete? What did you like most?


The Queen of Mathematics tells you thanks a lot! And in gratitude from her, I want to give you stars. (Active, attentive, inquisitive)

Well, now let's go back to our kindergarten. Guys, we have two ways back - a straight path and a wavy one. Which path will we take to get home faster?

Children: In a straight line.

Educator: Here we go, thank you all very much.

Kolobova N.A
GBOU school 1363
Moscow 2015 GCD for FEMP
Topic: “Signs > (more),< (меньше), = (равно)»
Purpose: During practical work and observations get to know the signs >,<, =; Упражнять в «чтении» записей количественных отношений между числами в пределах 10 при помощи знаков: «<», «>».
Strengthen the ability to correlate numbers with the number of objects;
Strengthen the skills of direct and ordinal counting (within 10), the concept of the ordinal value of a number and ordinal relationships; clarify knowledge of the questions: “How much? ", "Which? ", "Which? ";
Develop logical thinking;
To cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, ingenuity, curiosity, and the ability to work in a team;
Create a good mood, a desire to study, learn something new and interesting.
1. Org. moment
Children on the carpet.
- Guys, think about what activity you will have now?
- Why?
- Now let's see how attentive you are
1. How many noses do three cats have?
2. How many ears do two mice have?
3. How many fingers are there on one hand?
4. What day of the week is it today?
5. What time of year is it now?
6. A puppy is sitting on the porch, warming his fluffy side, another one came running and sat down next to him. How many puppies are there?
7. How many angles are there in a triangle?
The children sit down.
2. Basic Part.
Let's imagine that you and I are going on a trip.
And we find ourselves in a forest clearing. What do you see in the picture. (flowers, bees).
-How many flowers? (6)
- How many bees? (6)
-What can you say about bees and flowers (there are equal numbers of them).
-What sign should we put between the numbers (=)
-Let's read the entry.
- And here we met other bees. How many bees are there in this picture? (7). And how many berries are in the jar (3).
-What can we now say about bees and berries (there are fewer berries than bees)
-How do we write down the comparison now? We can't use the = sign. (Children's answers)
-We need a new sign. In mathematics this sign is called greater than >.
- What does this sign look like (Answers)
- The sharp end of the icon always points to a smaller number.
We put up a sign and read the inscription.
- Now let's compare these numbers. (2…3, 4…6)
Frontal work on the board with discussion.
- Look how to spell the sign correctly
- We start from the upper left corner, draw a line to the middle of the opposite side and then draw a line to the lower left corner.
Showing at the same time as explaining.
Likewise in the other direction
3. Work on sheets
-What do you think needs to be done in the first task? (compare numbers)
- Put the necessary signs in the squares.
4. Checking the completed task.
- Raise your hand if you haven't made a single mistake. Well done
4. Physical exercise
We believed, we believed
And now they stood up quietly.
Once - sat down, twice - bent over,
They stretched on their toes.
We put our hands on the side:
On your toes, hop, hop, hop.
And now everyone sat down quietly,
Let's continue our lesson.
There is an animal hidden on your leaf that we can meet in the forest. But what you will find out by connecting the dots with the numbers in order. (bunny)
-The bunny has a lot of friends in the forest.
Let's count how many there are in total (6 in total)
- who is in 3rd place, who is in 6th, etc.
7. Summary
- What sign did we meet today?
-What is this sign for? (to compare numbers)
- What number does it point to with its sharp end? (to less)
-This concludes our lesson.