If your main desire is “I want to get married” or you are interested in questions, when will I get married? when will I get married? how and where to meet your love? At what age will I get married? Age at marriage and year of marriage. Will I be happy in marriage, what kind of husband will I have, what kind of wife will I have, where and how will I meet my future husband (wife)? When a first marriage is likely, will there be a second marriage? How to get married - how to behave to get married? Then this free astrological online service by date and time of birth for you. He will answer these questions for you. Also, the online service will tell you what is stopping you from getting married, what kind of marriage it will be, whether you will have an ideal happy marriage– marriage for love or without love, what life will be like in marriage and whether you should get married at all. You will also find out where you can meet a partner, under what circumstances you will meet your love, and where you will meet your future husband (wife).

In this astrological online service “When I get married, how to meet my love, what my partner will be like and what marriage will be like.” The exact time of birth is very important, because Astrological houses are programmed here. And the cusp (beginning of the house) is very sensitive to time - even by changing the time of birth by a few minutes, the cusp of the house may already change sign and the description will also change accordingly. If you do not know your time of birth at all, then using this service is pointless for you. If you know your birth time within about 20 minutes, you can enter the time at the beginning, middle and end of this time interval, and see how the description and calculation changes.

In astrological online service "When I get married?" The 7th house (house of marriage) of the natal chart is calculated - the ruler of the 7th house, planets in the 7th house, aspects of the ruler of the 7th house of marriage, and Venus in the sign and in the astrological house is also calculated. Age of marriage and probable number of marriages by natal chart in this astrological online service it is calculated using the movement of the cusp of the 7th house relative to the ruler of the 7th house and the significatory planets of marriage. For women and men, the age of marriage is calculated separately. The program calculates the age of marriage and lists the most likely time of marriage inconsistently (ignore this). If the program did not display the age of marriage, then there is a low probability of marriage for you.

This astrological service is programmed “Defect counter” - the probability of defects in points. The marriage counter counts all the pros and cons of your natal chart regarding the topic of marriage, i.e. How likely is your marriage? If the counter value is negative, it means that marriage is least likely, and the higher the positive value, the more likely marriage is for you.

For cities that are located near the Arctic Circle (with a latitude of about 64 degrees), I do not have the opportunity to calculate astrological houses using the Koch system, because houses either cannot be built at all, or they vary greatly in size and the astrological interpretation of planets in houses does not make sense here. Also, the following countries have not yet been programmed into the service: Estonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine - this is due to the time change after the collapse of the USSR, perhaps in the future I will add these countries to the service.

This astrological online service test by date and time of birth “When will I get married and what will marriage be like” for free, without SMS and without registration. Advice for everyone - a successful marriage depends on your self-confidence, on your attitude towards life and towards people. To marry for love, you need to love yourself.

Date of birth:
- Birth number
- Month of birth
- Year of birth

- Time of birth– enter the local time of birth of the city where you were born. The exact time of birth is very important! Time is entered in the format from 00 to 23.

Place of Birth:

If your locality is not on the list, then select the closest one Big city to your locality.

How to determine circumstances related to marriage using a horoscope.
We must emphasize this fact. The first marriage for men is indicated by the Moon, for those born at night, and Venus, for those born during the day; For women, the first marriage and the circumstances associated with it are shown by the Sun, for those born during the day, and Mars, for those born at night.
These are planets responsible only for the first marriage; they have nothing to do with the 2nd and 3rd marriages.
Elements of the 7th house, the lord of the 7th house, planets located in the 7th house are responsible for all marriages: the 1st, the 2nd, and so on.

Therefore, sexual planets and elements of the 7th house are significators of marriage.
We are always faced with a question. Will there be a marriage or not? - the first question we must answer.

To do this, we first analyze the indicator of first marriage. How well is it located, is it damaged or not? Does it have harmonious aspects? And secondly, we analyze the elements of the 7th house, which are responsible for all marriages, including the first.

The situation will be hopeless if the indicator of the first marriage has no good aspects, is badly damaged and, in particular, if it is damaged by Saturn. Saturn creates very big obstacles to marriage, Saturn creates obstacles, and in this case, to marriage. Source website
And generally speaking, if the significators of marriage are damaged by Saturn, all at once, then this means that there will either be a very long delay with marriage, or it may not happen at all.
In the same way, significators who are severely damaged, especially by conflicting planets, not necessarily Saturn, and who do not have good aspects, also prevent marriage. All this will hinder marriage.

If the significator of marriage has no aspects at all, then it depends on its position, if it is located in the 7th house, then marriage is possible, if it is located in the 11th house, it creates a formula for divorce, if in the 12th - an unhappy marriage, in principle it does not interfere marriage, everything depends on its position, where it is, how it is located, what houses it connects.

If one of the significators of marriage has harmonious aspects, then we cannot say that marriage is impossible, although, on the other hand, with very strong damage to the significators of marriage, when there are a lot of tense aspects from evil planets, from conflicting planets of one harmonious aspect to conclude an alliance it may not be enough.
We are talking about the fact that there should be three indications in the horoscope.

Generally speaking, there should be no special instructions in the horoscope for marriage; almost everyone gets married.
That's why a person didn't get married? - There must be special instructions, and if everything is fine, the marriage is concluded. So, when we consider whether there will be a marriage or not?, we consider the position of the significators, how damaged they are, and whether they are damaged by Saturn?
Is Saturn an indicator of marriage?
For example, Capricorn in the 7th house, Cancer ascendant, Cancer ascendants have problems with marriage or at least there are delays, if Saturn is well aspected, then there may be either a delay in marriage or with a person older in age.
In short, either the significators of marriage are damaged by Saturn or a damaged Saturn is the significator of marriage, this is a serious obstacle to concluding a union.

The presence of harmonious aspects, at least 3, indicates that the marriage will still happen; if there are 3 harmonious aspects, everything is fine, even if there is serious damage.
Now if we have established that there will be a marriage.
The second question arises. How many? No! Actually, the question arises: early or late marriage?
Again, fire signs.
The position of marriage significators in fire signs indicates early marriages, Saturn and Capricorn indicate late marriages. True, Saturn in Aries in a fire sign can give rise to early marriage, but with a person older in age or with Saturnian characteristics.
This means that fire signs give early marriages, and Saturn and Capricorn - late ones.

The second or third question arises. How many of these marriages will there be?
Damage to the significators of marriage by Uranus or elements of the XI field indicates the possibility of divorce, and, consequently, the possibility of a new marriage.
In order for there to be a second marriage, the first one must break up, so they make a mistake.

Representatives of other schools sometimes come to us to take exams: Moscow or Globovskaya, and begin to analyze: “The marriage indicator has five aspects; there may be five marriages.”
Wow conclusion! Where are the instructions for divorce? And if there is no indication of divorce, how can there be five marriages?
Where will they come from? What if the person is not divorced? And if he is not a Muslim?
Therefore, in order for there to be several marriages, there must be a divorce. Source website
By the way, for a divorce, unfortunately, one instruction is enough. Here we are talking! Three instructions are needed, but for a divorce one is enough.

Uranus damages the Sun in a woman born during the day; her Sun is an indicator of her first marriage. The marriage may end in divorce - a very high probability.

As for the number of marriages, if there are divorces, if there is an indication of marriage, then there will be several of them. And in this case, the more good aspects the significators of marriage have, the more natural the opportunities for concluding a union.

“Based on the number of indications for divorce, can we talk about the number of divorces?” Three aspects - three divorces?
No. Not everything is so straightforward here. Three aspects mean that all marriages end in divorce, at least ten. Three aspects are a firm guarantee that no matter how many marriages there are, they will all end in divorce.
Therefore, the number of aspects does not indicate the number of events, it simply says whether there are many or few.

What makes a marriage last?

Harmonious aspects of Saturn to the marriage indicator give long-lasting, strong unions.
If the indicator of the first marriage has a harmonious aspect with Saturn, this indicates that the first marriage will be long and lasting.
Now imagine the situation.
The marriage indicator has a harmonious aspect with Saturn and a tense aspect with Uranus, but what in this case?
The union will be long, but not durable.
You can wait twenty years, but no more, but still, in the end, 22 is the critical age for marriage. Please note.
Those who have stepped beyond the silver wedding can no longer worry about everything, but those who have not yet reached the silver wedding are in danger.

Tense aspects to the significator of marriage.
Generally speaking, if to the indicator of the first marriage, then this applies to the first marriage, and if to the significator of marriage, then this applies to all marriages, but does not always apply to the first marriage.
Imagine a woman born during the day, the indicator of the 1st marriage is the Sun, damaged by Uranus, this indicates that the first marriage will end in divorce, and the owner of the 7th house has a good aspect with Saturn - this indicates the possibility of long-term strong unions, but the first marriage is still will end in divorce, and if the Sun does not have good aspects with Saturn, then most likely the first marriage will be short-lived, and the aspect with Saturn is related to other marriages.
When we talk about the first marriage, we should always look specifically at the indicators of the first marriage.

What else strengthens relationships?
The position of marriage significators in fixed signs creates problems during divorce and the destruction of relationships. Fixed signs stabilize the situation and therefore the destruction of the union here is difficult or painful.
The divorce process can be painful.
So a position in a fixed sign makes the union stronger.

This is what marriage itself is all about.
The seventh house is marriage and relationships are the fifth house. These are different houses. There are a lot of stories on this topic.
I remember that there was just such a horoscope, there were many indications of widowhood, and her two husbands died, and for the third time she decided not to marry. They were in a relationship, she didn’t want to get married, but her husband needed to go abroad, and in those days unmarried people were not allowed in. He persuaded her, persuaded her, they got married and he died the next year.

You see, there are no indications of death in the 5th house, but there are in the 7th house. So there's a big difference here.
If there is widowhood in the 7th house, then let it be V. Better let it be V. Relationships are not marriage.
Marriage is registration, it is the conclusion of a union, registration of marriage, documents, in addition, marriage is not only for love, it happens without a relationship - a fictitious marriage.

Marriage of convenience can be created by aspects of Saturn.
Tense aspects of Saturn, an indicator of marriage, can create a marriage of convenience.
Fictitious marriage: connection of the 7th house with the 12th house, or aspects of Neptune to the (indicator of) the segnificator of marriage.

I remember one horoscope. There was nothing there in the 7th house, a fictitious marriage was concluded for the sake of registration, then it became effective, then they got married in a church, and then they also divorced.

In general, there is a tendency towards sectarianism among people who have the Sun in a tense aspect with Saturn, I am not saying that everyone, but some have such a tendency towards sectarianism. Source website
A fictitious marriage is associated with Neptune, either aspects of Neptune, or Nerthune is the significator of marriage.

What else is determined by the marriage segnifier?
- What will your marriage partner be like?
- Aspects of the segnificator of marriage give the character of the marriage partner. For the first marriage, it is enough to take the indicator of the first marriage and look at its aspects. A good aspect from the Sun is warm-hearted, sincere, a bad aspect is proud. Good aspects from the Moon are caring, bad aspects are capricious. Good aspects from Mercury are smart, bad aspects are cunning, and so on.
We can talk in more detail next time about what kind of marriage partner will be.

Numerology is a science that tells you about the influence of numbers on your life. Their mystical influence on human destiny was talked about in ancient times. Our ancestors established that numbers accompany us throughout our lives and are contained in everything that surrounds us. Over its centuries-old history, numerology has collected a huge amount of information about the connection between numbers and human destiny.

So, using figures and numbers, you can calculate the date of marriage based on your date of birth. This became possible thanks to the scientist M.Kathakkara. He developed a simple technique that with a high degree of probability allows you to find out when you will get married.

Correct calculation is a guarantee of results

Most girls wonder with great anxiety: “When will I get married?” Numerology will answer this question! To do this, you need to use simple step-by-step instructions:

1. You need to add up the numbers of your birthday. For example, if you were born on November 28, then 2+8=10=1+0=1. If the birthday is unambiguous, then no additional operations are required.

2. Then, you need to correlate the obtained data with the table:

3. Now let’s compare the numbers from the second column with real years:

  • 2015 = 2+0+1+5 = 8
  • 2016 = 2+0+1+6 = 9
  • 2017 = 2+0+1+7 = 1
  • 2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 2
  • 2019= 2+0+1+ 9 = 3
  • 2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4
  • 2021 = 2+0+2+1 = 5
  • 2022 = 2+0+2+2 = 6
  • 2023 = 2+0+2+3 = 7

That is, if your number is 1, the probable year of marriage is 1,4,5,7, based on this it turns out that you can get married in 2017, 2020 or 2021 and so on.

Please note that wedding day numerology does not provide a 100% guarantee, but only indicates its likelihood under a certain set of circumstances.

Not everything is so smooth, or possible obstacles

The numerology of the wedding number speaks not only about the possible time span of the marriage, but also about the likely difficulties that may arise.

So, if your birthday contains numbers such as 3, 6, 8 and 9, the wedding may long time be postponed or not take place at all. This is due to the fact that, according to the magic of numbers, people who have such a birth date are strong, self-sufficient and independent individuals. They are afraid of losing personal freedom and taking on such great responsibility as marriage.

Question about successful marriage is one of the most common in astrological practice.Marriage situationis described by three components:

  • Who is right for me?
  • Where can I find it?
  • When is dating or marriage likely?

By analogy with the famous TV show, we have the triptych “Who? Where? When?"


The image of a man that attracts us is described by the Sun and Mars in a woman’s natal chart. For example, if these planets are water, then we look for emotionality, tenderness, the ability to adapt and empathize in a man. Fire planets will describe the image of a passionate, temperamental partner with strong leadership qualities.

Male planets in Air will give a light, agile, independent type. The Earth's Sun and Mars speak of a demand for a rational, practical, purposeful man.

The listed characteristics give only general ideas about our needs. Moreover, Mars and the Sun can stand in different signs, and even conflict with each other. For example, a square aspect between the Sun and Mars in a woman's chart will indicate a very contradictory masculine ideal.

Thus, answers the question of what we want our chosen one to be like.

By analogy, a woman is described by the Moon and . If at the stage of analyzing compatibility and mutual ideas about an ideal life partner, some correspondences have already emerged, then we can talk about the presence of potentialmarital situation. Predictive reversals will show exactly when it will be realized.


The natal chart can also give a hint regarding the place of possible acquaintance. We will be interested in the situation in the houses:

  • Venus;
  • Ruler of the 5th house;
  • Ruler of the 7th house.

The most universal significator is Venus. The position of Venus in the house will indicate the place of possible acquaintance. For example, Venus in the third house speaks of a possible meeting in transport, at the place of study, by correspondence, in the library, and so on. Venus in the tenth house means meeting people at work, among colleagues.

Responsible for falling in love, love, romantic interests. The position of the ruler of this house must also be taken into account. The 7th house and its lord describe the partner, including the husband. Accordingly, the elements of the specified field are also important.

A competent astrologer must be able to synthesize all these indicators and derive a common denominator, proposing a specific set of places and circumstances under which a meeting with a future husband is possible.


  • symbolic directorates;
  • secondary progressions;
  • transits;
  • eclipses.

It is worth studying the natal chart for the marital situation in this sequence.

Symbolic directions show the most fundamental events of life. However, their disadvantage is that they allocate a fairly long period that is promising for marriage.

Similar remarks also apply to secondary progression. The only thing is that the progressive Moon allows you to make forecasts with an accuracy of up to a month. However, this indication alone is not enough.

Specify the period in whichmarital situationI'm most likely using other techniques to help. First of all, these are transits and eclipses. Eclipses always carry a connotation of fatality. Such a significant event as marriage is always reflected in the drawing of the nearest Solar and Lunar eclipse.

What are the next steps?

Finding out the time of your future marriage is, of course, a very important step in predicting the future. But it is equally important to find out what awaits you on the other side of marriage:

  • Will your marriage be long or short?
  • Will he bring you many children?
  • Will yours future husband prone to cheating and how to avoid it?
  • What scenario will your future relationship develop in?

4.5 /5 (18 )

Happiness for a true woman is home and family ties. Lack of personal life often causes prolonged depression and other negative consequences. The question of how to find out when you're getting married, millions of women ask. Some go to professionals for answers, but if you wish, you can perform special rituals at home.

How to find out when I'm getting married

A woman’s desire to get married depends on the degree of her maturation at the psychological level.

Psychologists are confident that based on an analysis of a specific person and her relationships with men, one can find out the date of marriage.

But decide this question Not only psychological methods help, but also the most ancient methods of prediction that have survived to the present day.

Some believe that for more accurate analysis it is possible to compare the facts obtained as a result of fortune telling and psychological research. Indeed, these sectors can complement each other in many ways, helping to more accurately determine the date of a woman’s marriage.

By date of birth

Most in a simple way Calculating the date of marriage is considered an independent calculation.

85% of predictions come true

The date of birth, according to numerologists, stores all information about a person.

It can be decrypted using simple operations. You need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Then bring the resulting number to a single digit by addition.

Let's consider the calculation procedure for specific example. Let's say a woman was born on November 14, 1992 = 1+4+1+1+1+9+9+2 = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. The result is the number one.

How can we determine which year this figure corresponds to? Same in a simple way addition. The sum of the numbers of the year is also equal to prime number. For example, 2+2+2+0=6.

Based on the presented calculation, the value of the coming years will look like this:

  • 2018 – 2;
  • 2019 – 3;
  • 2020 – 4;
  • 2021 – 5;
  • 2022 – 6;
  • 2023 – 7;
  • 2024 – 8;
  • 2025 – 9;
  • 2026 – 1.

The wedding month is calculated in a similar manner. It is believed that he will be the ninth after the woman's birth month. For example, if she was born in May, she will get married in February of the year following the fortune telling.

Watch the video. When I get married? Divination.

By name

First and last name are also stored a large number of information about a person. With their help you can even calculate the wedding date.

For example, the girl’s name is Makushkina Daria. The number of letters in the first and last name is counted, the result is 14. Then the number is reduced to an unambiguous result: 1+4=5.

Then the numbers of the day, month and year when the fortune telling was performed are added up. For example, 06/13/2018=1+3+0+6+2+0+1+8=21. The value is also reduced to one number. 2+1=3.

Then the number of the name and date of fortune telling are added: 5+3=8. Thus, 8 – perfect month for marriage of a woman with such a combination of first and last names.

It is better to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year

According to the natal chart

A science such as astrology can also help find out the date of marriage.

With the correct calculation of the natal chart, you can find out not only the date of marriage, but also the beginning of the relationship with your future spouse.

If you have no experience, it is better to turn to a professional or use modern online methods.

When making calculations of this kind, a large number of nuances are taken into account. Special attention given to the significator of marriage.

For example, for women born during the day or in the morning, this is the Sun; evening people are under the protection of Mars. For men born during the day - Venus, for those born at night - the Moon.

The age of marriage is calculated depending on the degree in which the significator was located from a particular house.

By hand

The marriage line can be found between the heart line and the base of the little finger. It is always located in the horizontal direction.

According to palmists, the wedding date can be calculated using this line.

Calculating the age of marriage is quite simple. First you need to measure the distance between the bottom mark of the heart line and the top mark at the base of the little finger. This period is equal to 75 years of life of the average person.

Then this section is divided into three equal segments by year: 0-25 years, 25-50 years, 50-75 years.

The symbols located in the first gap indicate unconscious love, the passion of youth.

The second interval shows a serious relationship with the possibility of continuation.

The third gap speaks about the arrangement of personal life in adulthood or even old age.

When calculating, it is important to consider that the total distance is about two centimeters. In this way we can calculate that three years of life are equal to one millimeter. The data is corrected based on the structural features of the palm. Professionals also take into account psychological age person.

Watch the video. Fortune telling about marriage using a gold ring.

Fortune telling

Every girl wants to know when she is destined to find her betrothed and get married.

Thanks to various fortune telling, you can find out the future of the relationship, as well as the approximate wedding date.

On the maps

First you need to thoroughly shuffle the deck of 36 cards, then carefully remove the top with your right little finger and place it under the bottom of the deck.

Then the number of cards between the hidden queen and the king of the same suit is counted. This number will become the main indicator of the date of marriage. It could be a year or a month.

With ring

Grandmothers guessed the most different ways. The method associated with the ring has reached modern times.

For fortune telling you will need your long hair and a wedding ring.

This method is simple, but proven over the years.

The hair must be threaded through the ring. Then the ring is lowered into a glass of water.

If the ring sways after contact with the liquid, the wedding will happen soon. Remains motionless - it means that the wait is in vain.

By candlelight

Another way to find out your future is fortune telling by candles.

For fortune telling you will need two small church candles and a mirror. The mirror is placed on the table, and candles are placed next to it.

Then you need to make a wish which of the candles represents a woman and which represents a man. After this, you need to light them and watch the flame.

An evenly burning flame on both candles means an imminent wedding.

If only a woman’s candle melts, it means that only she dreams of marriage. If the candle is a man, he will propose soon.

By the mirror

For fortune telling for marriage, you need to prepare the largest mirror available in the house. It is necessary to wipe it well from dust.

You will also need a red rag, which will then need to be used to cover the mirror.

To perform the ritual, turn off the lights and close the doors. Make sure that no light enters the room.

Without disturbing the darkness, write down your date of birth on a piece of paper. Place the piece of paper in front of the mirror.

Close your eyes and remove the material from the mirror. Then ask: “Tell me, reflection, when will I get married?”

After this, you need to turn away for five seconds. If you look closely in the mirror, you can see barely visible numbers, which will be the wedding date.

Based on the book

For this ritual you will need your favorite book. If you don’t have it, you can buy it or borrow it.

You should leaf through the book until you realize it’s time to stop.

Then you need to close your eyes and move your finger across the page until the thought also comes that you need to finish the process.

On the line where the finger stopped, there will be an answer to the question posed. All that remains is to decipher it.

By cherry

For fortune telling you need to buy cherries. The ripeness of the cherries is not important. Then you should eat them and put the bones aside.

Count the number of remaining seeds. When counting, you need to say the following words: “Soon, next month, this year, in a year, in two, never.”

The last bone will answer the question about the date of marriage.