22 years have already passed since the day when, after a serious and incurable illness, one of the most beautiful and iconic actresses of world cinema, Audrey Hepburn, left this world.

But besides his professional merits, the star of “Roman Holiday,” “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “My Fair Lady” is most often mentioned as a style icon and fashion trendsetter. Meanwhile, few people know about the actress’s selfless and devoted service to UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. It was on incredibly difficult and dangerous trips to visit children in the poorest countries in the world that Audrey did not notice how she wasted vitality, and she was overcome by a fatal illness.

However, the actress also doted on her two sons, Sean and Luke, and an ordinary family dinner was more important to her than any social event or ceremony.

By the way, Audrey Hepburn was married twice, and she gave birth to her eldest son, Sean Hepburn Ferrer, in marriage with her partner in the film “Ondine”, Mel Ferrer, and the actress’s youngest son, Luc Dotti, was born after Audrey’s marriage to Italian psychiatrist Andrea Dotti.

Both of Audrey's sons idolized their mother, subtly sensed her mood and knew about every emotional experience. Even during the life of the actress, Luca often said in interviews that Audrey Hepburn, even with all her awards and merits, was unsure of herself, doubted her professional abilities and considered her appearance unattractive. Younger son claimed that my mother was extremely surprised that people were so passionate about her and even called her the “ideal of beauty.”

Well, the actress’s eldest son Sean wrote a touching biographical novel “Last Christmas with Mom...”, in which he talked about the last days of his life great actress.

And unfortunately, what united Audrey Hepburn's family so much destroyed it. It was “motherly love” that 54-year-old Sean and 44-year-old Luke could not share.

Yesterday it became known that the actress’s eldest son filed a lawsuit against the younger one in order to legally distribute all the valuable memories of his mother. And although Audrey bequeathed equal shares of the inheritance to her sons, collections of suits, hats, scarves, jewelry, photographs, posters and even scripts became more important to Hepburn’s heirs than money and real estate.

On this moment all precious artifacts, like cultural values, are stored in the Los Angeles company Fine Arts & Wine Storage, and even after the judicial division will go to their owners only in absentia.

(pictured: Audrey Hepburn's sons - Sean Hepburn Ferrer and Luca Dotty)

Audrey Hepburn was not only a unique actress, whose work went beyond specific roles and remained in the classics of cinema. But in life too, she was ahead of her time. She had an innate tendency towards well-being, that is, towards healthy, the right image life. Moreover, she was not a fan of fitness or diets; for her, the formula “a healthy mind in a healthy body” had practical meaning. Her wellness philosophy was first discussed by her son Luca Dotti when he presented his book Audrey at Home (2015) at Yahoo Health.

Natural balance

According to Luke, Audrey drank a lot of water and preferred vegetables and fruits. They made up 80% of her daily diet. Her nutrition system seems to be copied from the recommendations of modern nutritionists. And she even tried to buy seasonal vegetables - at farmers' markets. Culinary brands did not matter to her; she even avoided “branded” products. How I tried to avoid meat. Although she was not what you would call a vegetarian, she had a flexible approach to her food choices.

Luka claims that although my mother ate meat, it was in tiny doses. “One day I decided to raise chickens and rabbits on our farm. Mom didn’t object, but asked who would slaughter them. And we started planting potatoes.” It was potatoes that were her main product (Dutch roots on her mother, Irish on her father).

Her favorite dish was pasta with tomato sauce. She could add carrots or the same potatoes to the sauce. And each sauce was different from the previous one - she loved to experiment, relying on her natural flair. Once a month, Audrey had a fasting day: she ate only fruits, vegetables, yogurt and drank water. The detox especially helped restore biorhythms after long flights (for example, when she returned from Africa). And over the years, she completely got rid of dishes with complex recipes.

Her years are wealth

Audrey wasn't afraid of getting old. Of course, she was sorry that wrinkles appeared and her hair turned gray, but she enjoyed maturity. “She often said that in her youth, for example, she tied her hair at the back of her head, because she thought that was appropriate for her age,” shares Luka. “But she told me that she liked her hair down.” Over the years, Audrey felt more free.

“Star sickness” was alien to her. Luca said: “When my mother moved to live in Switzerland, we had to live in a small village house. For the villagers it was an Event. They expected her to arrive in some kind of Rolls-Royce or Mercedes. But she arrived in a van with things, and sat next to the driver... My mother lived for the sake of life, and not for the sake of history, although the public expected “historical” gestures and actions from her.”

Soul of a child

She was the source of what the French call joie de vivre, “joy of life.” Even when going to the market for groceries, she loved to try new things and create new recipes. The feeling of satiety was alien to her. Audrey enjoyed every new day like a little girl.

Her own ailments or illnesses did not frighten her. She was much more concerned about the health of her loved ones.

Over the years, her sense of childish naivety, the ability to be surprised, and the thirst for discovery did not dry up. Even while dying, she made plans: “I will get up and we will go to Australia. It’s wonderful there.”

No matter where she was, Audrey was always just Audrey. Children, family, friends, caring for people, her work at UNICEF - all this was more important to her than fame. When Luca told Hubert Givenchy (he was her close friend and she had been dressing for his special occasions for many years), Givenchy asked Luca to include recipes in the book. After all, meals with her were a true pleasure, as Hubert admitted.

The person who gives

By nature, Audrey was a giving person. “Mom didn’t consider herself special or noble,” says Luka. “She thought like this: “I can do it, so I have to do it.” She realized how famous she was and believed that it could be used for good. And she always said that, like everyone else, she likes to be lazy sometimes. Because we are all, first and foremost, living people. But if you set yourself important task, then that changes everything.”

As a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, she has traveled extensively around the world in recent years. And this mission was not easy for her. “Every time she returned from a trip,” says Luka, “she jumped for joy, like a girl, from the joy of new discoveries, but these trips also affected her health. It is unlikely that she would have been able to work for UNICEF if not for her great sense of empathy and compassion. But she lived life to the fullest, and I never saw regret in her eyes."

Touches to the portrait of Audrey Hepburn

* Audrey Hepburn's parents: father is an Anglo-Austrian aristocrat, mother is a Dutch baroness.

* During World War II, Audrey had to endure hunger, she developed anemia, edema and other diseases. Growing fruits and vegetables gave her, according to Luke, a sense of security after the hungry war years.

* After the war, she studied ballet in London and trained to become a professional ballerina. But her teacher, although she recognized the student as very talented, believed that due to her health being undermined during the war, Audrey would never be a prima singer (stress!). And Audrey left ballet for the acting profession.

* On July 17, 1960, Audrey gave birth to a son, Sean, with her adoring husband, Mel Ferer. Their marriage lasted from 1954–1968, but ended difficult divorce because of Mel's infidelities.

* Audrey considered her role in the film Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) one of the most difficult: she, an introvert, had to play an extrovert.

* For her role as Anna in Roman Holiday, 1953, Hepburn received an Oscar.

* The subtitle of Audrey at Home is “Memories of My Mother's Kitchen.” The book includes 50 of her favorites culinary recipes, letters, 250 previously unpublished family photos, her drawings, diary notes. And some recipes are written by her hand.

* After two broken marriages, Audrey did not marry, but from 1980 until the end of her days she dated actor Robert Walders and was completely happy with him.

Audrey Kathleen Ruston, Audrey Hepburn's real name is famous fashion model, a consummate actress as well as a humanitarian. This is a truly wonderful woman, a style icon and a role model for the whole world.

Audrey is one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood, whose fame remained high even after the actress passed away. She won two Oscars, and was also a winner of a Golden Globe and many other famous awards.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn is a world-class star, and of course, fans and admirers have always closely watched her life and work. Those in love with this woman, actress, model and dancer were interested in everything - her personal life, wardrobe, her tastes, height, weight, age. The years of Audrey Hepburn's life passed in world fame and fame. Millions admired her, imitated her, envied her and rejoiced at her success. Many were interested in the personal life of Audrey Hepburn, her figure measurements, height, weight, as well as the secrets of her eternal youth.

Biography of Audrey Hepburn

The famous actress was born in the small village of Ixelles, near Brussels, in 1929. Audrey was brought up in a very aristocratic family and went to prestigious private schools in the Netherlands and England; in addition to her studies, she loved to draw and dance. Her school years fell during the period of hostilities, so the girl had to temporarily take a different name, since the English one was dangerous. Audrey Hepburn temporarily becomes Edda van Heemstra.

Even though the family was not poor during the war, the girl had to starve, like many others. That is why Audrey, from childhood, developed a number of diseases that she suffered all her life, metabolic disorders, anemia, a tendency to depression, as well as problems of the upper respiratory tract. Even at school, the girl was very interested in art, she studied at the Arnhem Conservatory and went with her mother to live in Amsterdam. There, he and his mother got jobs as nurses in a hospital to help war veterans. Later, Audrey began studying ballet and dancing with very famous and talented teachers. She worked hard at ballet for hours, but her chronic illnesses, as well as her height for ballet, did not allow her to become a prima dancer.

The post-war years were very difficult for everyone, people had to work at any job to somehow make ends meet. The same situation happened to Audrey’s family. To feed the family, the mother worked around the clock and took on any job, and Audrey helped her in everything. Therefore, the idea of ​​becoming an actress and saving the family’s situation was very good.

Filmography: films starring Daniil Strakhov

In 1948, Audrey Hepburn appeared on screens for the first time, in the educational film “Dutch in 7 Lessons.” It was followed by the first feature film, “A Grain of Wild Oats,” which was released three years later. World fame, the success and popularity of Audrey Hepburn was brought by the film “Roman Holiday” (1953); it was for the role that the actress received an Oscar and a Golden Globe. Director W. Wyler, after stunning success, offered Audrey new roles in his next films: “Sabrina” (1954), “The Children’s Hour”, the comedy “How to Steal a Million”, which came out in 1966. Audrey also worked well with other directors. They excellently played Natasha Rostova in the film “War and Peace” (1956, directed by K. Vidor).

The biography of Audrey Hepburn has facts that another wave of popularity hit Audrey Hepburn after filming the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” which was released in 1961. And "small black dress"from the picture has become a global fashion trend. Audrey also played well in musicals. In Funny Face, she had the honor of starring opposite Fred Astaire himself, the star of this genre, and it is worth noting that Hepburn played on a level.

In total, the actress’s filmography includes about thirty films, which are classics of world cinema and maintain their popularity despite their age. She was remembered by many viewers for her unforgettable role in the Broadway musical My Fair Lady (1964). There was a short pause in her film career from 1967 until the film “Robin and Marian” (1976), but the final film of her career was “Always,” which was directed by the famous S. Spielberg in 1989.

Personal life of Audrey Hepburn

On the set of the film Sabrina, Audrey Hepburn met W. Holden, a famous and handsome artist. He was married to actress Brandy Marshall, but the couple had a fairly open relationship in the family, and no one paid attention to the intrigues on the side. In order to avoid having children out of wedlock, the actor had a vasectomy. Audrey was then delirious about her family and children; when she learned that her chosen one would not be able to give her a child, she immediately broke off all relations with him.

Audrey Hepburn's personal life consists of two marriages and a common-law husband with whom she lived until her death. Audrey tied the knot twice, and fell in love for the third time at the age of fifty. She was a gorgeous woman, a unique actress, model and dancer, despite Audrey Hepburn’s age. In her old age, the photos of this woman are amazing. She remained an ideal and style icon until her last day.

Audrey Hepburn family

Audrey Hepburn's family was truly aristocratic and intelligent. Her mother, Ella Van Heemstra, was a Dutch baroness, and her father was an English banker. Audrey was the couple's only child together. But she had two twins from her mother’s first marriage. The father, John Victor Ruston Hepburn, left the family when his daughter was six years old. The girl had a very difficult time with the divorce, and later admits that it was a severe psychological and moral trauma for her entire life. After his parents' divorce, Audrey and his mother moved to live in the Netherlands, where she studied, lived and worked.

Grandchildren and Children of Audrey Hepburn

The famous actress, model and dancer has two children from each marriage. They are successful, but not public figures. Despite her worldwide popularity, Audrey Hepburn's grandchildren and children grew up far from Hollywood film sets. Audrey Hepburn tried to preserve at least a piece of her own space and protect her children and grandchildren from the sights of annoying paparazzi. For an internationally recognized actress, family always came first, despite her enormous busyness, she devoted every free minute to her sons.

Audrey Hepburn's son - Sean Hepburn Ferrer

In Audrey Hepburn's first marriage to Mel Ferrer, the couple had a child shortly after the wedding. Audrey Hepburn's son, Sean Hepburn Ferrer, was born in 1960. Some were crazy with happiness, because she was waiting for the moment when she would have a full-fledged family and a child. Today, Sean is a sought-after screenwriter and writer. He was close to Audrey and wrote many books about her. Sean took her death very hard and painfully. In his interviews about his star mother, Sean Ferrer always speaks with warmth and love.

Audrey Hepburn's son - Luca Dotti

In the actress’s second marriage, her second child is born. Audrey Hepburn's son, Luca Dotti, was born in 1970. On that moment famous actress I was already over forty. Luca is a famous and successful designer; he, like his older brother, wrote several books dedicated to his star mother Audrey Hepburn. One of his most famous works is the photo book “Audrey in Rome”.

Audrey Hepburn doted on children and put all her soul and knowledge into them. It was she who instilled in her sons a love of beauty, creativity and shaped their life views.

Audrey Hepburn's ex-husband - Mel Ferrer

The first husband of the world actress was a director. Their acquaintance occurred during the filming of the series “Ondine”. Ex-husband Audrey Hepburn - Mel Ferrer was married for the third time at the time they met, and had a total of five children. But this did not stop Audrey, she was madly in love with him. Their wedding took place in 1954, and their first child appeared six years later. At first glance, it was an ideal and strong union, but as it turned out later, not everything was so smooth. The couple divorced after fourteen years of marriage. They did not tell anyone the reason for their breakup.

Audrey Hepburn's ex-husband - Andrea Dotti

Audrey took her first divorce very hard. She could not cope with her condition and had to seek help from a specialist. So she got a session with a famous psychiatrist. It is he who will later become her second husband.

Audrey Hepburn's ex-husband Andrea Dotti was her doctor and helped her cope with the depression that came after the divorce. The couple got married and soon had a child. Despite the fact that the husband was almost ten years younger, the couple got along well, but lived together for only ten years. Andre began to cheat on Audrey, and she could not stand it and filed for divorce.

Audrey Hepburn cause of death and funeral

Her work in charitable organizations pulled out the last of Audrey's strength. She often traveled on missions around the world with UNICEF. All these stresses were not in vain. Her health began to deteriorate sharply. Her last trip was in 1992 to Somalia and Kenya, where she felt terrible pain in her stomach, but refused to interrupt the mission. Upon returning home, doctors made a terrible diagnosis of Audrey Hepburn. Cause of death – tumor in small intestine which gave metastases. The doctors did everything possible, and even performed a successful operation to remove the tumor, but after 20 days the actress died. Their last days Audrey Hepburn spent time with her family at home in Switzerland. The world style icon died at the age of 63, on January 20, 1993.

Wikipedia Audrey Hepburn

The actress who conquered millions of viewers' hearts. This is the standard of femininity, fashion and style. Of course, such a person cannot remain without the attention of the public. She is loved, appreciated, interested in her even after her death. Wikipedia Audrey Hepburn contains all the basic facts of her life and career, her successes and awards, as well as her life's hobbies and all the roles she played. She is a world personality, a legend of an entire era, a humanitarian and a wonderful mother. Films with her participation are of great value in world cinema to this day, and are also appreciated by viewers and film critics.

Audrey Hepburn is often called the most beautiful woman of the twentieth century and a style icon. Aristocratic appearance and elegance, along with charm and acting skills, provided Audrey with a dizzying career. Audrey Hepburn was the dream of millions of men, but this beauty’s personal life was anything but fabulous.

Audrey was awarded her first Oscar for her role as Princess Anne in the film Roman Holiday, and she was admired by the whole world when she finally fell in love herself. He was an actor, an alcoholic and had a reputation as a notorious philanderer. Besides, he was married...

Audrey's first love

Audrey met her first love on the set of the film Sabrina. Her co-stars in the film were famous actors Humphrey Bogart and William Holden. Audrey simply did not notice the first, a well-known lover of young actresses throughout Hollywood, because at first sight she fell in love with the second. Audrey Hepburn and Bill Holden were so drawn to each other that they did not notice anything around them. Audrey had to come to terms with the fact that her chosen one was constantly depressed, making scandals and drinking liters of whiskey. She came to terms with the fact that he has a wife and two children, and that she has to spend weekends alone, since her beloved is with his family. The only thing Audrey could not accept was that due to the surgery, William Holden could no longer have children.

On the night of this confession, Audrey cried as she had never cried in her life. And in the morning she left William, saying that it was all over. A year later, Audrey Hepburn married her filming partner, Mel Ferrer, but continued to love Bill. Mel had a lot of advantages, but the main thing was that he wanted and could have children. The couple rehearsed the play “Ondine” together, and after a successful premiere they quietly and modestly married.

First pregnancy

Audrey's first long-awaited pregnancy ended tragically - the child was stillborn. The first collaboration with her husband in the film “War and Peace” ended in complete failure. And the first year of marriage brought complete disappointments, and the subsequent years of marriage were also far from perfect. Audrey was worried about not having children, and Mel was only interested in his own career, which was not working out. The actress tried in every possible way to help her husband and agreed to roles only if Mel was also cast. The films increasingly turned out to be failures, and Mel became more and more tyrannical and angrier. He tried to control and lead Audrey, it got to the point that he started writing interviews for her. In other people's words, Audrey seemed stupid, unnatural and arrogant to reporters. “Well, so be it,” she thought, “but he will be with me, and I will give birth to a child from him.”

Audrey Hepburn with son Sean

Good try

A few years later, Audrey finally managed to get pregnant again, but due to an accident, it was again impossible to keep the child. While filming Unforgiven, Audrey fell from her horse and lay motionless in bed for almost a month. But determination and desire to work helped the actress return to work, albeit in an orthopedic corset, and Audrey got back on the horse again... Audrey tried to escape from depression in Switzerland, she could not bring herself to eat and smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. She refused the role of Cleopatra (this role was played by Elizabeth Taylor for a fee of a million dollars), the role of Maria in “West Side Story” (Natalie Wood became Maria) ... But the movie was not important, Audrey asked God: “I will be an obedient girl, I will be good behave and I won’t act in films, just make sure we have a child.” A miracle happened: in 1960, Audrey, who was already thirty years old, gave birth to a son, calling him Sean (which means “gift of God”). “I have always dreamed of only one thing - to have my own children. It always comes down to the fact that we don't just need love. We need to give love to others,” Audrey said. The suffering child weighed more than four and a half kilograms, while Audrey herself weighed less than fifty, but she assured everyone that it “didn’t hurt at all.”

However, problems with the birth of a baby have not gone away. Now Audrey Hepburn had a son, but there was no love left in the marriage. Audrey did break her promises to God, brilliantly playing in Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady and How to Steal a Million. But Mel could not come to terms with his wife’s success.

“My childhood ended the day my father left home,” she would write many years later, “my mother did not allow me to cry and miss him. And I was so afraid for Sean that I vowed not to break up with Mel.” After five years of an exhausting marriage and three miscarriages, Audrey realized that there was essentially nothing left to save.

In search of happiness

Audrey's second husband, compared to her previous chosen ones, was like a hero from a modern novel. Andrea Dotti was handsome, ten years younger than Audrey, and had a reputation as a good psychoanalyst, an expert on female neuroses. He was an Italian, a psychiatrist, an aristocrat and a merry fellow. And most importantly, he has been a fan of Audrey since the days of “Roman Holiday.” When this film was being filmed in Rome, Andrea happened to be in a crowd of onlookers, and Audrey seemed perfect to him.

Audrey Hepburn with her son Luca

At the time of their second marriage, Audrey was 39, Andrea was 30. This marriage had every chance of being successful. The young family constantly spent time together; son Sean fell in love with Andrea. It turned out that family life may be interesting and exciting, Audrey again decides to give up cinema, completely switching to her husband and son. Audrey was incredibly happy when her second son was born on February 8, 1970. - Luke. The boy was named Luka. But Audrey’s fate again seemed to laugh at her; with the advent of the child, Andrea ceased to be interested in his wife. Journalists continually published gossip about what they saw young husband in the company of other ladies. Audrey for a long time turned a blind eye to her husband’s adventures. But after candid photographs appeared in the press, where it was clearly visible that Andrea was cheating, Audrey realized that saving such a marriage no longer made sense.

The actress continued to act in films and got married for the third time at the age of 50! Robert Walders was also an actor, but he turned out to be the only and reliable man. Audrey continued to act and lead a social life, shining at receptions in outfits from her favorite designer Givenchy. Audrey began to engage in charitable activities.

With sons Sean and Luca

Audrey's last major film role was the role of an angel in Steven Spielberg's film Always, which was very symbolic for the actress. After this film, the actress was appointed UNICEF Ambassador. Being able to speak French, English, Spanish, Italian and Dutch made her job much easier. In 1992, when Hepburn returned from Somalia, doctors diagnosed her with bowel cancer. Audrey Hepburn died at the age of 64, on January 20, 1993, in a small Swiss town near Lausanne.

When Audrey Hepburn died, all the men who loved her were with her - both sons, Robbie Walders, Mel Ferrera, Andrea Dotti and Hubert de Givenchy.

Beauty secrets of Audrey Hepburn:

1. To make your lips seductive, speak kind words.

2. To make your eyes beautiful, radiate goodness.

3. To keep your figure slim, share food with the hungry.

4. To keep your hair beautiful, let your child run his fingers through it once a day.

5. For confidence, walk with the knowledge that you are not alone.

6. People need restoration, encouragement, forgiveness, etc. more than things. Never throw anyone away.

7. If you need a helping hand, it is always with you - your own.

8. The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, figure or hairstyle. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives.

9. A woman’s beauty is not in her appearance, true beauty is reflected in her soul. This is care that she gives with love; the passion she shows.

10. A woman’s beauty increases with her years!

Prepared by: Madame Red

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Star children, sisters and other relatives are increasingly becoming the main characters of fashion news. But it’s one thing to be a relative of an action star or a well-known British model in narrow circles, and quite another to be the heiress of Audrey Hepburn. The fashion world has high hopes for her granddaughter Emma Ferrer

The daughters of TV stars take over the catwalks and become the faces of Tom Ford and Estée Lauder, the sons of Pierce Brosnan and Arnold Schwarzenegger take their first steps in cinema and modeling business, younger sisters British models follow the example of their older sisters - in Lately Relatives of celebrities of various sizes are increasingly becoming major newsmakers. Over the past week alone, we wrote about five “new names”: Immy Waterhouse, Kaia Gerber (daughter of Cindy Crawford), Dylan Brosnan, Jack Kilmer and, of course, our today's heroine - 20-year-old Emma Ferrer. And it’s much more difficult for her than for others. Although it won’t be long before they hit the headlines proper names all of them, and not the names of the parents with the explanations “daughter/son/sister/seventh water on the jelly of such and such”, the pressure on behalf of Audrey Hepburn is, perhaps, a little more than from Suki Waterhouse, known to a relatively narrow circle. Even being a relative of ex-James Bond or ex-Batman is not such a test as being the granddaughter of the famous Audrey.

Style icon, the most beautiful woman in the world, a fragile girl with doe eyes - whatever they called the graceful, sophisticated Audrey Hepburn. There is hardly a person over 15 years old who has not watched a single film with her participation. Maybe not “Sabrina” or “Funny Face,” but certainly “Roman Holiday” or “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” which was completely scattered not only into quotes, but also into pictures for Tumblr and avatars for forums. And comparisons between Emma, ​​Audrey Hepburn's eldest granddaughter, and her famous grandmother will always be unfavorable to Ferrer. She is not so graceful, she does not have that timid fragility characteristic of Audrey, and she does not look at all like a sophisticated big-eyed nymph - rather like a full-blooded, strong girl of 20 years old, in whom it is not so easy to discern her ballet past.

Everyone started talking about Emma in September, when the girl appeared on the cover of the main issue of Harper's Bazaar of the year. The granddaughter of Audrey Hepburn was photographed by the grandson of Richard Avedon, a legend in the world of photography, Michael Avedon, a 23-year-old promising photographer. His grandfather also worked with Audrey at the dawn of her career. The legendary actress, when "Roman Holiday" was released, the film that became a real breakthrough in her career, was four years older than Emma. But her granddaughter and her famous grandmother never saw each other - Audrey died shortly before the girl was born, in 1993.

What did we learn about Emma after the release of the September issue of Harper's? She is 20, she has been studying at the Academy of Arts in Florence for the third year. She has been drawing since childhood, admires Rembrandt, Titian and Velazquez and has never thought about an acting career - but like her grandmother , used to do ballet. Her parents divorced, and now she spends more time with her father - Audrey's son named Sean. Emma's favorite film with the participation of her famous grandmother is “Funny Face,” but she has not watched all of her films: also “My Fair Lady", "Roman Holiday", "Sabrina" and, of course, "Breakfast at Tiffany's". She liked the latter, according to her, "as much as any girl in the whole world". And of Audrey's things that remained on Emma remembers her with cashmere turtlenecks, “which I adore and wear all winter,” and a white teddy bear.

After the first photo shoot, Alber Elbaz noticed the girl and immediately invited her to appear as a model at the Lanvin show. She first agreed, and then at the last moment refused, preferring to calmly take a seat in the front row. Emma then explained her decision by her reluctance to start a modeling career - she saw herself only as an artist and did not want to be distracted from her studies in Florence. But fashion week seemed to change her plans, and, having attended the Lanvin shows, Alexander Wang, Ralph Lauren and more, the girl decided to think about a career in fashion. And this week, several months later, she unexpectedly signed her first modeling contract with the Storm Model Management agency, which introduced Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne to the world. In January, Emma will have her first castings - and she still leaves Florence for New York.

Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner, interesting in the first place, let’s not pretend, not with their model data, but with their origins, have already proven that the “right” family is the key to success in any business. Especially now, when pop culture is gradually merging with high fashion. Audrey Hepburn is a star on a completely different scale than the Kardashian family, so it is difficult to predict what will happen with her granddaughter's modeling career. We won’t guess: time will put everything in its place.

But we are very glad that Emma is following in the footsteps of the famous grandmother, collaborating with UNICEF. Audrey started working with the organization back in 1954, participating in her radio broadcasts, and in In 1988 she became an international Goodwill Ambassador. Her last trip was to Somalia and Kenya - there she first felt sharp pains in the abdomen, which, upon return, turned out to be signals of a tumor. Local doctors were unable to make an accurate diagnosis, but Hepburn, despite everything, completed the trip. She died of cancer in January 1993, a year before Emma was born. Her granddaughter continues the family business with dignity: while she does not go on charitable missions to other countries, she is already helping UNICEF in New York. She recently joined the organization in New Jersey, helping collect supplies for children in Sudan and northern Iraq. Grandmother would be proud of her granddaughter.